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Five movement-phases during the Variscan tectogenesis shaped the structural cast of the Devonian rocks in South Devon. The first movement-phase, i. e. the main tectonic phase, resulted in the mappable fold system trending E-W or ENE-WSW in the west accompanied by related minor folds, and the first cleavage (s 1) parallel to the axial planes. The cleavage planes dip to the south as far as the line Slapton-Bigbury, while farther to the south they dip to the north and finally to the south again, thus forming a huge fanning. In the second movement-phase a second cleavage (s 2) with E-W strike associated with minor folds, was superimposed on the older structures south of the line Berry Head-Cornworthy. The trend of these folds is, more or less E-W. Furthermore the second cleavage shows a fanning which does not coincide with that of the first cleavage. South-vergent minor folds of bedding and cleavage planes, associated with small-scale southward thrusts represent structures of a third movement-phase. The fourth movement-phase was the kinking of mainly the first cleavage in the southern part of South Devon. There are two groups: one shows flat-lying kink-bands affecting mainlys 1; seldoms 2, and having a southward thrusting sense of movement while the other consists of nearly vertical kink-bands trending N-S which displace to the south on their eastern sides. Subsequently with the commencement of the New Red deposition, repeated tectonic stretching took place, resulting in N-S and WSW--ENE trending faults. The succession of the different tectonic events led to occasionally very complicated superimpositions. The rocks in the middle and southern part of South Devon suffered a regional metamorphosis that increases slowly towards the south. Finally, the tectonic structures of South Devon are compared with those in South Cornwall where the same movements-phases caused a completely different structural style.  相似文献   

A belt of Jurassic to Cretaceous ophiolitic rocks borders the western margin of the U.S. Cordillera and stretches from central California to northwestern Washington State. The northern end of this belt lies between the San Juan Islands and the Northwest Cascades. Within this region, ophiolitic rocks consist of a succession of oceanic and arc-affinity igneous and sedimentary rocks which form a sedimentary mélange and sedimentary overlap sequence which is imbricated during the mid-Cretaceous. The mélange contains blocks and olistoliths of peridotite, plagiogranite, chert, basalt, and volcanoclastic conglomerate which range in size from a meter to over 1 km and are contained within a matrix of argillite and volcanoclastic breccia and conglomerate. Peridotites were exposed to the sub-aqueous surface along serpentinized shear zones prior to their incorporation into the mélange, and the sedimentary matrix of the mélange underwent brittle deformation during the earliest stages of its structural history. Mélange rocks are overlain in angular unconformity by a Jura-Cretaceous arc-sourced sedimentary succession which is at least 500 meters thick and passes upward from a basal breccia containing clasts of plagiogranite, gabbro, tonalite, chert, and basalt into argillite containing Late Jurassic radiolarians. The argillite is overlain by poorly-sorted greywacke and conglomerate with clast populations similar to those of the basal breccia. The conglomerate fines upward into a massive to bedded, feldspathic-lithic arenite and greywacke that yields mid-Cretaceous detrital zircons. The overlap succession and the mélange are deformed by two generations of highly-penetrative structures (D1a and D1b) which produced north-to-east vergent tight-to-isoclinal folds and axial-planar pressure-solution cleavages. All units are further deformed by three generations of penetrative structures. The successively younger NNE to NW, NE, and E-W to WNW trending folds have foliations that cross-cut the earlier structural fabrics and faults. Formation of the mélange required differential elevations during the time of deposition and the presence of rocks which are sourced from both arc and oceanic crust. Extension within the forearc provides a mechanism to exhume peridotites and generate differential topography for arc and oceanic affinity rocks to erode and be incorporated into the mélange as part of olistostromal deposits.  相似文献   

In the western part of the North Singhbhum fold belt near Lotapahar and Sonua the remobilized basement block of Chakradharpur Gneiss is overlain by a metasedimentary assemblage consisting of quartz arenite, conglomerate, slate-phyllite, greywacke with volcanogenic material, volcaniclastic rocks and chert. The rock assemblage suggests an association of volcanism, turbidite deposition and debris flow in the basin. The grade of metamorphism is very low, the common metamorphic minerals being muscovite, chlorite, biotite and stilpnomelane. Three phases of deformation have affected the rocks. The principal D1 structure is a penetrative planar fabric, parallel to or at low angle to bedding. No D1 major fold is observed and the regional importance of this deformation is uncertain. The D2 deformation has given rise to a number of northerly plunging major folds on E-W axial planes. These have nearly reclined geometry and theL 2lineation is mostly downdip on theS 2surface, though some variation in pitch is observed. The morphology of D2 planar fabric varies from slaty cleavage/schistosity to crenulation cleavage and solution cleavage. D3 deformation is weak and has given rise to puckers and broad warps on schistosity and bedding. The D2 major folds south of Lotapahar are second order folds in the core of the Ongarbira syncline whose easterly closure is exposed east of the mapped area. Photogeological study suggests that the easterly and westerly closing folds together form a large synclinal sheath fold. There is a continuity of structures from north to south and no mylonite belt is present, though there is attenuation and disruption along the fold limbs. Therefore, the Singhbhum shear zone cannot be extended westwards in the present area. There is no evidence that in this area a discontinuity surface separates two orogenic belts of Archaean and Proterozoic age.  相似文献   

Four phases of deformation are recorded by minor structures in the New Harbour Group (NHG) of southern Holy Island. The regional schistosity in these rocks is a differentiated crenulation cleavage of D2 age. An earlier preferred orientation (S1) is commonly preserved as crenulations within the Q-domain microlithons of the S2 schistosity and is demonstrably non-parallel to bedding. F3 folds are widely developed in S2 and, to a lesser extent, in bedding. S3 crenulation cleavage is sporadically developed but can be intense locally. A major antiformal fold exists in the NHG near Rhoscolyn. This fold is of D3 age since it clearly deforms S2 schistosity and is consistent with the vergence of F3 minor structures. All planar structures are deformed by folds of D4 age. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The lead-zinc bearing Proterozoic rocks of Zawar, Rajasthan, show classic development of small-scale structures resulting from superposed folding and ductile shearing. The most penetrative deformation structure noted in the rocks is a schistosity (S 1) axial planar to a phase of isoclinal folding (F 1). The lineations which parallel the hinges ofF 1 folds are deformed by a set of folds (F 2) having vertical or very steep axial planes. At many places a crenulation cleavage (S 2) has developed subparallel to the axial planes ofF 2 folds, particularly in the psammopelitic rocks. The plunge and trend ofF 2 folds vary widely over the area. Deformation ofF 2 folds into hook-shaped geometry and development of another set of axial planar crenulation cleavage are the main imprints of the third generation folds (F 3) in the region. In addition to these, there are at least two other sets of cleavage planes with corresponding folds in small scales. More common among these is a set of recumbent and reclined folds (F 4), developed on steeply dipping early-formed planes. Kink bands and associated sharp-hinged folds represent the other set (F 5). Two major refolded folds are recognizable in the map pattern of the Zawar mineralised belt. The larger of the two, the Main Zawar Fold (MZF), shows a broad hook-shaped geometry. The other large-scale structure is the Zawarmala fold, lying south-west of the MZF. Both the major structures show truncation of lithological units along their respective east ‘limbs’, and extreme variation in the width of formations. The MZF is primarily the result of superimposition ofF 3 onF 2.F 1 folds are relatively smaller in scale and are recognizable in the quartzite unit which responded to deformation mainly by buckle shortening. Large-scale pinching-and-swelling that appears in the outcrop pattern seems to be a pre-F2 feature. The structural evolutionary model worked out to explain the chronology of the deformational features and the large-scale out-crop pattern envisages extreme east-west shortening following formation ofF 1 structures, resulting in the formation of tight and isoclinal antiforms (F 2) with pinched-in synforms in between. These latter zones evolved into a number of ductile shear zones (DSZs). The east-west refolding of the large-scaleF 2 isoclinal antiforms seems to be the consequence of a continuous deformation and resultant migration of folds along the DSZs. The main shear zone which wraps the Zawar folds followed a curved path. Because of the penetrative nature of theF 2 movement, the early lineations which were at high angles to the later ones (as is evident in the west of Zawarmala), became subparallel to the trend ofF 2 folding over a large part of the area. Further, the virtually coaxial nature ofF 2 andF 3 folds and the refolding ofF 3 folds by a new set of N-S folds is an indication of continuous progressive deformation.  相似文献   

The supracrustal enclave within the Peninsular Gneiss in the Honakere arm of the Chitradurga-Karighatta belt comprises tremolite-chlorite schists within which occur two bands of quartzite coalescing east of Jakkanahalli(12°39′N; 76°41′E), with an amphibolite band in the core. Very tight to isoclinal mesoscopic folds on compositional bands cut across in the hinge zones by an axial planar schistosity, and the nearly orthogonal relation between compositional bands and this schistosity at the termination of the tremolite-chlorite schist band near Javanahalli, points to the presence of a hinge of a large-scale, isoclinal early fold (F1). That the map pattern, with an NNE-plunging upright antiform and a complementary synform of macroscopic scale, traces folds 'er generation (F 2),is proved by the varying attitude of both compositional bands (S0) and axial pranar schistosity (S 1), which are effectively parallel in a major part of the area. A crenulation cleavage (S 2) has developed parallel to the axial planes of theF 2 folds at places. TheF 2 folds range usually from open to rarely isoclinal style, with theF 1 andF 2 axes nearly parallel. Evidence of type 3 fold interference is also provided by the map pattern of a quartzite band in the Borikoppalu area to the north, coupled with younging directions from current bedding andS 0 -S 1 inter-relation. Although statistically theF 1 andF 2 linear structures have the same orientation, detailed studies of outcrops and hand specimens indicate that the two may make as high an angle as 90°. Usually, in these instances, theF 1 lineations are unreliable around theF 2 axes, implying that theF 2 folding was by flexural slip. In zones with very tight to almost isoclinalF 2 folding, however, buckling attendant with flattening has caused a spread of theF 1 lineations almost in a plane. Initial divergence in orientation of theF 1 lineations due to extreme flattening duringF 1 folding has also resulted in a variation in the angle between theF 1 andF 2lineations in some instances. Upright later folding (F3) with nearly E-W strike of axial planes has led to warps on schistosity, plunge reversals of theF 1 andF 2 axes, and increase in the angle between theF 1 andF 2 lineations at some places. Large-scale mapping in the Borikoppalu sector, where the supposed Sargur rocks with ENE ‘trend’ abut against the N-‘trending’ rocks of the Dharwar Supergroup, shows a continuity of rock formations and structures across the hinge of a large-scaleF 2 fold. This observation renders the notion, that there is an angular unconformity here between the rocks of the Sargur Group and the Dharwar Supergroup, untenable.  相似文献   

In the Singhbhum Shear Zone of eastern India successive generations of folds grew in response to a progressive ductile shearing. During this deformation a mylonitic foliation was initiated and was repeatedly transposed. The majority of fold hinges were formed in an arcuate manner at low angles to the Y-axis in an E-W trending subhorizontal position and major segments of the fold hinges were then rotated towards the down-dip northerly plunging X-axis. The striping and intersection lineations were rotated in the same manner. The down-dip mylonitic lineation is a composite structure represented by rotated early lineations and newly superimposed stretching lineations. The consistent asymmetry of the folds, the angular relations between C and S surfaces and the evidence of two-dimensional boudinage indicate that the deformation was non-coaxial, but with a flattening type of strain with λ1λ2. The degree of non-coaxiality varied both in space and time. From the progressive development of mesoscopic structures it is concluded that the 2–3 km wide belt of ductile shear gave rise to successive anastomosing shear zones of mesoscopic scale. When a new set of shear lenses was superimposed on already sheared rocks, the preexisting foliation generally lay at a low angle to the lenses. No new folds developed where the acute angle was sympathetic to the sense of shear displacements. Where the acute angle was counter to the sense of shear, the pre-existing foliation, lying in the instantaneous shortening field, was deformed into a set of asymmetric folds.  相似文献   

The moderately metamorphosed and deformed rocks exposed in the Hampden Synform, Eastern Fold Belt, in the Mt Isa terrane, underwent complex multiple deformations during the early Mesoproterozoic Isan Orogeny (ca 1590–1500 Ma). The earliest deformation elements preserved in the Hampden Synform are first‐generation tight to isoclinal folds and an associated axial‐planar slaty cleavage. Preservation of recumbent first‐generation folds in the hinge zones of second‐generation folds, and the approximately northeast‐southwest orientation of restored L1 0 intersection lineation suggest recumbent folding occurred during east‐west to northwest‐southeast shortening. First‐generation folds are refolded by north‐south‐oriented upright non‐cylindrical tight to isoclinal second‐generation folds. A differentiated axial‐planar cleavage to the second‐generation fold is the dominant fabric in the study area. This fabric crenulates an earlier fabric in the hinge zones of second‐generation folds, but forms a composite cleavage on the fold limbs. Two weakly developed steeply dipping crenulation cleavages overprint the dominant composite cleavage at a relatively high angle (>45°). These deformations appear to have had little regional effect. The composite cleavage is also overprinted by a subhorizontal crenulation cleavage inferred to have developed during vertical shortening associated with late‐orogenic pluton emplacement. We interpret the sequence of deformation events in the Hampden Synform to reflect the progression from thin‐skinned crustal shortening during the development of first‐generation structures to thick‐skinned crustal shortening during subsequent events. The Hampden Synform is interpreted to occur within a progressively deformed thrust slice located in the hangingwall of the Overhang Shear.  相似文献   

The calcite-quartz bodies which occur in the Upper Wenlock slaty succession of Llangollen have a distinctive fabric of platy calcite crystals and coarse, sometimes euhedral, quartz. The calcite internal deformation lamellae and folds and boudins formed in the bodies during the production of the folds and cleavage of the country rock are described together with the recrystallization fabrics of some of the calcite. Note is made of similar rocks from Ribblesdale and Coniston and their origin discussed.  相似文献   

Detailed structural investigations were carried out in the Pevek area in order to verify the tectonic evolution of the Mesozoic thrust and fold belt in Chukotka. South-vergent F1 folds in Triassic rocks were proved to be the earliest structures formed during the first deformation stage DI. These structures were deformed by north-vergent folds F2 that were formed during the second deformation stage DII. North-vergent folds are the main structures of the Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous complex. The fold structures of the first two stages are deformed by shear folds F3 finishing the stage DII. All these structures are deformed by submeridionally trending normal faults referred to the deformation stage DIII.  相似文献   

The Late Ordovician Abercrombie Beds, south of Reids Flat, New South Wales, and adjacent to the Wyangala Batholith, show evidence of three successive fold episodes. First generation folds are tight to isoclinal, with fold axes ranging from vertical to horizontal and north‐trending, and steep axial‐plane slaty cleavage. Second generation folds are steeply plunging, tight to open with north‐striking axial planes. In pelitic rocks the axial plane structure is a crenulation cleavage which overprints the slaty cleavage. The first two fold episodes were accompanied by greenschist‐facies metamorphism. Granite emplacement occurred prior to the second fold episode. A third deformation was of relatively mild intensity and produced open, north‐trending folds with axial planes dipping moderately to the east, and crenulation cleavage as the axial plane structure in pelitic rocks. These latest folds are correlated with the latest folds in the Abercrombie Beds north of the Abercrombie River. The mapped area has no apparent macroscopic structure and may be considered as a single domain.  相似文献   

Multiple deformation in all the Precambrian metamorphic-migmatitic rocks has been reported from Rajasthan during the last three decades. But, whereas the Aravalli Group and the Banded Gneissic Complex show similarity in the style and sequence of structures in all their details, the rocks of the Delhi Group trace a partly independent trend. Isoclinal folds of the first generation (AF1) in the rocks of the Aravalli Group had gentle westerly plunge prior to later deformations. These folds show reclined, inclined, and upright attitude as a result of coaxial upright folding (AFla). Superposition of upright folds (AF2) of varying tightness, with axial plane striking N to NNE, has resulted in interference patterns of diverse types in the scale of maps, and deformation of earlier planar and linear structures in the scale of hand specimens. The structures of the third generation (AF3) are either open recumbent folds or reclined conjugate folds with axial planes dipping gently towards NE or SW. Structures of the last phase are upright conjugate folds (AF4) with axial planes striking NNE-SSW and E-W. The Banded Gneissic Complex (BGC) underlies the Aravalli Group with a conglomerate horizon at the contact, especially in southern Rajasthan. But, for a major part of central and southern Rajasthan, migmatites representing BGC show a structural style and sequence identical with those in the Aravalli Group. Migmatization, broadly synkinematic with the AF1 folding, suggests extensive remobilization of the basement. Very rare relict fabric athwart to and overprinted by structures of AF, generation provide tangible evidence for a basement. Although the structures of later phases in the rocks of the Delhi Group (DF3 and DF4) match with the late-phase structures in the Aravalli Group (AF3 and AF4), there is a contrast in the structural history of the early stages in the rocks of the two groups. The folds of the first generation in the Delhi Group (DF1) were recumbent to reclined with gentle plunge towards N to NNE or S to SSW. These were followed by coaxial upright folds of varying tightness (DF2). Absence of westerly trending AF1 folds in the Delhi Group, and extreme variation in plunge of the AF2 folds in contrast with the fairly constant plunge of the DF2 folds, provide evidence for an angular unconformity between the Aravalli and the Delhi Groups. Depending on the importance of flattening attendant with and following buckling during AF2 deformation, the lineations of AF1 generation show different patterns. Where the AF1 lineations are distributed in circular cones around AF2 axes because of flexural-slip folding in layered rocks with high viscosity contrast, loci of early lineations indicate that the initial orientation of the AF1 axes were subhorizontal, trending towards N280°. The orientation of the axial planes of the earlier folds has controlled the development of the later folds. In sectors where the AF, axial planes had N-S strike and gentle dips, or E-W strike with gentle to steep dips, nearly E-W horizontal compression during AF2 deformation resulted in well-developed AF2 folds. By contrast, where the AF, axial planes were striking nearly N-S with steep dips, E-W horizontal compression resulted in tightening (flattening) of the already isoclinal AF1 folds, and probably boudinage structures in some instances, without the development of any AF2 folds. A similar situation obtains when DF4 deformation is superposed on earlier structures. Where the dominant S-planes were subhorizontal, N-S compression during DF4 deformation resulted in either chevron folds with E-W striking axial plane or conjugate folds with axial plane striking NE and NW. In zones with S-planes striking E-W and dipping steeply, the N-S compression resulted in flattening of the earlier folds without development of DF4 folds.  相似文献   

The magnetic fabric in folds was investigated in the easternmost Rheno-Hercynian Zone, the Nízký Jeseník Mts. In their eastern areas, the rocks show signs of only weak achimetamorphism and very gentle ductile deformation; SE vergent buckle folds of long wavelength are developed whose magnetic fabric can be easily unfolded geometrically. In the central areas, spaced cleavage and NW vergent buckle folds can be found; the folds can be unfolded mostly only partially. In the western areas, NW vergent cleavage folds and very well developed slaty cleavage occur. The magnetic fabric in the folds is homogeneous, the folds cannot be unfolded at all. The cleavage is transformed into metamorphic schistosity at the western border of the area.  相似文献   

S1 cleavage in the Hawick Rocks of the Galloway area is non-axial planar, cutting obliquely across the F1 folds in a predominantly clockwise sense. Individual S1 cleavage planes within cleavage-fans in F1 folds strike clockwise, locally anti-clockwise, of axial surfaces, and the mean plane to the S1 cleavage-fans dips predominantly more steeply than the axial surface. F1 folds investigated at scattered localities in Silurian and Ordovician rocks north of the Hawick Rocks are also transected by the S1 cleavage, indicating that non-axial planar S1 cleavage is widespread in the Southern Uplands. The S1 cleavage is a composite fabric. Objects deformed within sandstones and tuffs indicate oblate strain. F1 fold plunge varies from NE to SW and fold hinges locally are markedly curvilinear. Steeply plunging and locally downward-facing F1 folds are present along the southeast margin of the Hawick Rocks. The non-axial planar S1 cleavage relationships persist in the steeply plunging F1 folds. Synchronous development of the non-axial planar S1 cleavage and the variably plunging F1 folds is proposed.  相似文献   

The Dating rocks and Darjeeling gneisses, which constitute the Sikkim dome in eastern Himalaya, as well as the Gondwana and Buxa rocks of ‘Rangit Window’, disclose strikingly similar sequences of deformation and metamorphism. The structures in all the rocks belong to two generations. The structures of early generation are long-limbed, tight near-isoclinal folds which are often intrafolial and rootless. These intrafolial folds are associated with co-planar tight folds with variably oriented axes and sheath folds with arcuate hinges. Penetrative axial plane cleavage and mineral lineation are related structures; transposition of bedding is remarkable. This early phase of deformation (D 1) is accompanied by constructive metamorphism. The structures of later generation are open, asymmetrical or polyclinal; a crenulation cleavage or discrete fracture may occur. The structures of early generation are distorted by folds of later generation and recrystallized minerals are cataclastically deformed. Recrystallization is meagre or absent during the later phase of deformation (D 2). The present discussion is on structures of early generation and strain environment during theD 1 phase of deformation. The concentration of intrafolial folds in the vicinity of ductile shear zones and decollement or detachment surface (often described as ‘thrust’) may be considered in this context. The rocks of Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya display minor structures other than intrafolial folds and variably oriented co-planar folds. The state of finite strain in the rocks, as observed from features like flattened grains and pebbles, ptygmatic folds and boudinaged folds indicate combination of flattening and constrictional type strain. The significance of the intrafolial folds in the same rocks is discussed to probe the environment of strain during progressive deformation (D 1).  相似文献   

Two well-developed mesoscopic folds, D_2 and D_3, which postdate the middle amphibolite metamorphism, were recognized in the western hinterland zone of Pakistan. NW–SE trending D_2 folds developed during NE–SW horizontal bulk shortening followed by NE–SW trending D_3 folds, which developed during SE–NW shortening. Micro- to mesoscopically the NW–SE trending S2 crenulation cleavage, boudins and mineral stretching lineations are overprinted by D_3. The newly established NW–SE trending micro- to mesoscopic structures in Munda termed D_2, which postdated F_1/F_2, is synchronously developed with F3 structures in the western hinterland zone of Pakistan. We interpret that D_2 and D_3 folds are counterclockwise rotated in the tectonic event that has evolved the Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis after the main phase Indian plate and Kohistan Island Arc collision. Chlorite replacement by biotite in the main matrix crenulation cleavages indicates prograde metamorphism related with D_2. The inclusion of muscovite and biotite in garnet porphyroblasts and the presence of staurolite in these rocks indicate that the Barrovian metamorphic conditions predate D_2 and D_3. We interpret that garnet, staurolite and calcite porphyroblasts grew before D_2 because the well developed S2 crenulation cleavage wraps around these porphyroblasts.  相似文献   

The Phyllite-Quartzite (PQ) Nappe constitutes an external, allochthonous complex of the Hellenides on the island of Crete and shows a polyphase structural history. A first phase of deformation (F 1) produced recumbent isoclinal folds, a penetrative schistosity, and boudinage under high-P/low-T metamorphic conditions. Mylonite formation at the top of the PQ Nappe, below the overriding Tripolitza Nappe, further boudinage, and schistosity (S 2) represent a late tectono-metamorphic episode. Post-metamorphic small folds (F 3), lineations, and a crenulation cleavage were formed synchronously with transport of the PQ Nappe. A last phase (F 4) developed small folds, a fracture/crenulation cleavage, and large-scale folds after nappe movement. It is suggested that high-P/low-T metamorphism in the PQ rocks originated during subduction. Nappe transport of the higher, unmetamorphosed units, which were thrust over the PQ Nappe, began under waning metamorphic conditions. Subsequent transport of the PQ Nappe itself also occurred after the completion of metamorphism and after the formation of the mylonite at its top.  相似文献   

Two early phases of deformation preceded the development of the major NE-SW-trending folds, including the Appin Fold. The earliest recognized structures include small folds, lineations and inclusion trails in garnet porphyroblasts. The dominant schistosity and mineral lineation was developed during the second phase of deformation, associated with the formation of similar folds and tectonic banding, under garnet grade conditions over much of the area. The later-formed major folds are associated with low grade retrogressive metamorphism and crenulation and fracture cleavage formation. These folds are concentric folds and have associated tectonic slides producing low grade cataclastic schists. On the basis of fold style and sequence and metamorphic grade there is a great similarity between the structures in the Dalradian rocks of the Ballappel Foundation and those of the Iltay Nappe.  相似文献   

刘如琦 《地质科学》2004,39(3):407-415
以吉林省白山市板石沟铁矿区为典型实例,系统地论述了太古宙岩群中广泛发育的大型和区域性构造置换的几何特征和对BIF矿体的控制规律。本区构造置换主要表现为:在紧闭同斜褶皱发育的持续变形过程中形成S1≈S0,并伴有钩状褶皱、石香肠构造和各类型线理的生成。按照主构造面均匀性法则,划分了构造均匀区段,并对其中8个区段(Ⅰ~Ⅷ)进行了详细的SFLπ组构分析。基于构造置换规律研究,提出本区褶皱轴与包络线双向找矿的理论与方法,经工程验证,取得显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,26(4):1599-1613
The map-view structure of the southern New England Orogen in the eastern Gondwanan margin is characterised by four tight orogenic-scale curvatures: Texas, Coffs-Harbour, Manning and Nambucca oroclines. Here we focus on the geometry of the Manning Orocline and examine whether the inner-arc area of the oroclinal structure is expressed within the accretionary wedge rocks of the Tablelands Complex. Our observations from the Tablelands Complex (Armidale–Walcha area) show that rocks were subjected to penetrative deformation (D1), which resulted in a regional slaty cleavage (S1) and related isoclinal folds. This was followed by subsequent deformation (D2) associated with minor gentle folds. In a larger scale, the steeply dipping S1 structural fabric shows a continuous map-view curvature, thus defining a macroscopic fold structure. We interpret this macroscopic fold as the expression of the Manning Orocline within the accretionary wedge complex. This interpretation is consistent with the contorted spatial distribution of other tectonic elements (serpentinite belt, forearc basin terranes and early Permian granitoids), which independently define the structure of the Manning Orocline. Our new structural data support the existence of the Manning Orocline and the quadruple oroclinal geometry of the whole southern New England Orogen. The origin of these oroclines is attributed to multiple stages of bending, possibly associated with an earlier phase of curvature during slab rollback (in the early Permian), followed by a subsequent (middle-late Permian) episode of contractional deformation that tightened the oroclinal structure.  相似文献   

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