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The crystallographic preferred orientations of a series of experimentally deformed fine-grained albite aggregates were measured by synchrotron source X-ray diffraction. Most samples were deformed and extensively recrystallized by low-temperature recrystallization-accommodated dislocation creep. In axial compression as well as simple shear these samples developed weak but distinct crystallographic preferred orientations consistent with intracrystalline slip on {001}<100>; the sheared samples have a marked asymmetry of the <100> maxima with respect to the shear zone boundaries. One sample was axially compressed by solution precipitation creep; it developed a somewhat different but equally strong preferred orientation, perhaps reflecting crystallographic anisotropy in rates of dissolution and growth.  相似文献   

Greisenization of a muscovite-biotite albite granite of Alijó-Sanfins, northern Portugal, is studied for both major and trace elements. The principal tin-tungsten mineralization of the region is connected with this granite and the greisenization is accompanied by an increase in Cl, F, W, Nb, Sn, Pb and Rb. Cassiterite is the main carrier of Sn. Muscovite is the concentrator of Cl and F. The muscovite of the greisenized granite contains more Cl, F, W and Nb than the muscovite of the parental granite, but the former contains less Sn. Sn content of the muscovite of the greisenized granite is higher than that of the biotite of the parental granite; W content is similar or higher.When the greisenization is accompanied by albitization, the oxides and trace elements behave in a similar way to that found only with greisenization, except that there is a decrease of Ni and Rb. Li, Zr, Sr, Ba and Rb decrease as albitization increases.  相似文献   

Dunite, experimentally deformed at 800° C, exhibits predominantly pure screw dislocations parallel to [001] and dense, tangled zones of dislocations subparallel to the plane (001). Olivine single crystals experimentally deformed at 900° C, are characterized by pure screw dislocations parallel to [001] and [100], and dislocations of undetermined character with Burgers vectors [001]. All observations are consistent with deformation mechanisms deduced from optically visible features.  相似文献   

Five specimens deformed at differential stresses between 220 and 980 bar were selected for a transmission electron microscopy study from the suite of Yule Marble specimens of Heard and Raleigh (1972). The electron micrographs show twinning, curved free dislocations, sessile dislocation loops, and small angle boundaries. Both free dislocations and dislocation boundaries contain dislocation reactions which most likely involve the Burgers vectors 1/61¯102 and 1/121¯210 reacting to form 1/1210¯14. The dislocation densities of specimens deformed at the higher stresses were greater than the starting density and fit the relation . However, the dislocation densities of specimens deformed at the lower stresses decreased only partially with respect to the starting density during the deformation experiments and thus are larger than predicted by this relation.  相似文献   

Mechanical albite and pericline twins were induced in seven feldspars, (Na, Ca) (Al, Si)4O8, in triaxial compression tests at 800° C, 8 to 10 kb confining pressure. Two were initially in a high temperature structural state (disordered) (An1, An59). Three (An32, An39, and An53) were slightly disordered, and two (An76 and An95) had the transitional and primitive anorthite structure, respectively. No microscopic twinning was detected in comparable tests on ordered albite and oligoclase (An1, An20), feldspars in the peristerite range (An11 An14) or in a low structural state labradorite (An51). Other deformational features include lamellae 60 to 80° from the c axis and (010) slip in the opposite sense for (010) twinning.Work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission.  相似文献   

During deformation experiments at high pressures (10 kb) and medium temperatures (500–650°) diopside became twinned on {100} in small optically invisible domains. If host and twin occur with equal frequency, the X-ray single-crystal photograph would show orthorhombic symmetry due to the special geometry of the diopside lattice. A crystal of pyroxene from Mare Tranquillitatis has been found to give just such an X-ray photograph with orthorhombic symmetry; this is explained as a possible deformation product.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical study of thermal shock weakening of granite rock under dynamic loading. A fully 3D numerical scheme based on a combined continuum viscodamage-embedded discontinuity model and an explicit scheme to solve the underlying thermomechanical problem was developed and validated through numerical examples. First, the dynamic Brazilian disc test is simulated on intact numerical rock. Then, thermal shock-induced cracking due to a moving external heat flux boundary condition, mimicking experiments based on plasma jet treatment, is numerically predicted. Finally, numerical Brazilian disc test is conducted on the thermal shocked numerical samples. The predicted and experimental weakening effects are in good agreement demonstrating that the present modeling approach has good predictive capabilities. The practical significance of the results is that heat shock pretreatment can substantially enhance rock gravel and rubble crushing.  相似文献   

Naturally deformed feldspars from foliated granites in a shear zone in Newfoundland exhibit transitional brittle-ductile behaviour. Brittle failure is subordinate to dynamic recrystallization, microcracking, strain enhanced diffusion and reaction enhanced ductility during the deformation. Both plagioclase (An28) and K-feldspar are transformed to albite with increasing strain. Interaction of metamorphic and structural processes at the grain scale is emphasised. This is illustrated with examples of quartz-filled veins (segregation bands) in plagioclase and recrystallized polycrystalline aggregates in plagioclase and K-feldspar. The role of microcracking in plagioclase and of pre-existing internal growth structures in the formation of initially coarse grained recrystallized aggregates from large single crystals is suggested.  相似文献   

The fluid/melt partitioning experiments on fluorine were carried out in the system albite-H2O-HF atP = 100 MPa, 770°C ≤T≤800°C: and wt = 2% −6% conditions. The concentrations of fluorine in quenched glasses (melt) were determined by electron microprobe and those of fluorine in the coexisting aqueous fluid were calculated by the method of mass balance. The result shows that the fluorine was concentrated in granitic melt relative to the coexisting fluid. The partition coefficient DF(wt F F1 /wt F Mt ) ranges from 0.35 to 0.89. It increases with increasing fluorine content in the system. This means that there is not just one single value of partition coefficient for fluorine in the granitic melt-fluid system. The partitioning behavior of fluorine in this system depends critically on fluorine and proton (H+) concentrations. Our data suggest that F-rich granitic melts exist in nature and that fluorine may not be an important complexing agent of metal elements in F-bearing fluids. The project was financially supported by both the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49603048) and the State Key Laboratory of Mineral Deposit Research, Nanjing University.  相似文献   

A polycrystalline aggregate of anhydrite was deformed in torsion to a maximum shear strain of 8.1 at 700°C and a maximum shear strain rate of 5᎒-3 s-1. The crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO or texture) was investigated as a function of shear strain/shear strain rate in a radial profile from the centre to the edge of the sample. A deformation texture developed at shear strains of 1.5-2 (corresponding to shear strain rates of 1 to 1.3᎒-3 s-1) and reached a stable position relative to the kinematic frame at a shear strain of 3.7 (2.3᎒-3 s-1). Further shear strain only led to a small increase in texture strength but no change in the orientation relative to the kinematic frame. The CPO is very similar to naturally observed textures and can be explained by the activity of the {001}<010> and {012}<121> slip systems. Although independent mechanical data indicate that a change of mechanism from dislocation- to diffusion-controlled creep occurred at a shear strain of approximately 1.5, the texture does not weaken, but rather increases, in strength with higher shear strains.  相似文献   

Two crystals of natural chalcopyrite, CuFeS2, experimentally deformed at 200° C have been studied by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The activated glide planes are (001) and {112}. The dislocations in (001) have the Burgers vector [110] and a predominating edge character. They are split into two colinear partials b=1/2[110] and can cross split into {112}. The dislocations in {112} consist of straight segments along low index lattice lines. They are often arranged in dipoles generating trails of loops. Few dislocations with b=1/2[ \(\overline {11} \) 1] and [1 \(\bar 1\) 0] are present and dislocations with b=[0 \(\bar 2\) 1] occur in low angle subgrain boundaries. From weak beam contrasts it is presumed that most of the dislocations gliding in {112} have b=1/2〈3 \(\overline {11} \) 〉. They are dissociated into up to four partials. Microtwins and different types of stacking faults in {112} also occur. Models of the dissociation of dislocations are discussed.  相似文献   

拉隆穹隆出露于西藏北喜马拉雅带的东段,位于康马穹隆和错那洞穹隆之间。通过1∶5万矿产地质填图和精细剖面测量,在拉隆穹隆核部和围绕穹隆核部呈环状发育的滑脱系中发现一套含Be、Nb、Ta等稀有金属的钠长石花岗岩。拉隆花岗岩由内向外呈现出规律性的岩性变化,依次为二云母花岗岩、白云母花岗岩、伟晶质花岗岩、钠长石花岗岩、伟晶岩及石英壳,表明其是一套岩浆分异程度极高的花岗岩。岩相学研究显示,拉隆钠长石花岗岩的矿物成分以钠长石、石英、钾长石和白云母为主,含少量石榴石,可见少量绿柱石和铌钽族矿物。岩石化学分析表明,该钠长石花岗岩以富含Be、Nb、Ta、Li、Rb、Cs等稀有金属元素及富含H2O、P、F和B等挥发分为典型特征,其中稀有金属Be、Nb、Ta的含量均已达到工业品位,构成了Be-Nb-Ta稀有金属矿体。本文对拉隆穹隆核部的钠长石花岗岩进行独居石U-Pb测年分析,获得21.3 Ma的独居石结晶年龄,与区域上的淡色花岗岩的侵位年龄基本一致。拉隆含Be-Nb-Ta稀有金属钠长石花岗岩的发现,丰富了北喜马拉雅带稀有金属成矿作用类型,对在北喜马拉雅地区寻找钠长石花岗岩型Be-Nb-Ta稀有金属矿具有重要意义。  相似文献   

变形石墨对构造- 热过程的定量约束及流变弱化意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹淑云  吕美霞 《地质学报》2022,96(10):3573-3588
岩石变形过程的精细厘定是构造地质学研究中的难点和重点。石墨是碳的同素异形体,摩擦实验研究表明,增加少量石墨化碳质物能够显著降低岩石的摩擦系数和力学强度,具有固体润滑剂的流变学意义。本研究针对红河- 哀牢山剪切带新生代变形,开展了详细的野外观测和构造解析,针对不同变形- 变质程度的天然含石墨岩石样品,利用光学显微镜、场发射扫描电子显微镜、电子背散射衍射(EBSD)、拉曼光谱方法,开展了详细的显微及亚显微变质与变形构造、矿物晶格优选定向、石墨拉曼地质温度计应用等深入分析。发现深变质岩中,石墨晶体常常与黑云母共生且定向拉伸或生长,呈现出晶质片状、条带状、膝折等变形构造特征;在强烈塑性变形的岩石中,石墨表现出塑性到超塑性流动构造特征;细粒化石墨富集形成微型滑移带/面,承载流变弱化的“干”润滑作用;在低级变质- 弱变形岩石中,石墨有序度低,呈弥散状分布。EBSD组构显示石墨发育柱面、菱面到低温底面晶格滑移系,对应的石墨拉曼地质温度范围为600~500℃、530~460℃、450~400℃。变形石墨的位错滑移系具有与石英位错滑移系类似的演化特征,具有成为变形温度计的潜力。  相似文献   

Janos L. Urai 《Tectonophysics》1985,120(3-4):285-317
Cylindrical samples of polycrystalline carnallite (KMgCl3, 6H2O) were deformed in a triaxial apparatus at 60°C, at confining pressures between 0.1 and 31 MPa and at strain rates between 10−4 and 10−8 s−1. In a number of cases, small amounts of saturated carnallite brine were added. Samples without added brine deform by intracrystalline slip, mechanical twinning, cracking, and by frictional sliding on crack surfaces. Stress-strain curves of these samples are strongly dependent on confining pressure. Addition of brine has a dramatic effect on both microstructural development and mechanical properties. Grain-boundary migration is strongly enhanced. At lower strain rates, additional intracrystalline effects start to appear, together with the onset of solution transfer. Rapid compaction in samples deformed with added brine causes high fluid pressures to develop. At higher strain rates addition of brine results in a decrease of the flow stress by a factor of two. This weakening will increase even further at strain rates below about 10−9 s−1, when solution transfer becomes rate controlling. It is argued that deformation of carnallite in nature is adequately described by the flow law found for samples deformed with added brine.  相似文献   

In this study in-situ observations of a deforming aggregate of the hexagonal material octachloropropane have been analysed. Calculations of micro-strains and measurement of c-axis orientations have enabled the processes influencing fabric development to be distinguished, and the importance of dynamic recrystallization to be assessed. It was found that, in this material, inter-grain strain contrasts could be large, and the effect of grain boundary migration was to modify the fabric in a measurable way. A simple model for the driving force for grain boundary migration based on dislocation density contrasts, as controlled by intra-grain strains and grain orientations, is proposed and tested, with an 80% success rate for the mobile grain boundaries studied.  相似文献   

Cathodoluminescence (CL) reveals red and blue colors within single, non-turbid albite (Ab98–99) grains from the Georgeville granite, Nova Scotia. A 720 nm X-ray excited optical luminescence (XEOL) peak characterizes red CL regions, while a 280 nm XEOL feature dominates blue CL regions. Synchrotron X-ray fluorescence results indicate that red CL and the 720 nm XEOL peak intensities relate to total Fe concentrations. The relationship between red CL and Fe content is confirmed by electron microprobe (EMPA) and laser ablation-inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The XEOL technique is used to exclude the Fe K-edge as the cause of red CL. X-ray absorption spectroscopy results indicate that Fe in both the red and blue CL regions is Fe3+, and that red CL activation may relate to the Si–Al order of the feldspar and to the distribution of Fe on tetrahedral sites. The CL textures, combined with EMPA and LA-ICPMS analyses, indicate that blue CL albite (Ab98) regions contain higher concentrations of Ca, Ti, Pb and rare earth elements, and were replaced, in part, by a more Fe-rich, trace element depleted albite (Ab99) which displays red CL. Complex diffraction contrasts and amorphous deposits identified in transmission electron microscope images suggest that aqueous fluids have reacted with both red and blue CL regions. Fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures of up to 430 °C provide a lower estimate of the fluid temperature.  相似文献   

A relatively undeformed quartzite sample from the Weverton formation was experimentally deformed in plane strain at a temperature of 700° C, a confining pressure of 15 kb and a constant strain rate of 10−6/sec, in a modified Griggs apparatus. A comparison of the known experimental strain for the sample with that measured from deformed rutile needles within the quartz grains shows fairly close agreement between the two values. This confirms the validity of using the needles as intracrystalline strain markers. A comparison has been made of the microstructures and preferred orientations in the experimentally deformed sample and a naturally deformed sample of the same quartzite which has undergone the same strain. The experimentally deformed sample exhibits more inhomogeneous intragranular deformation and a “double funnel” pattern of c axes, while the naturally deformed sample exhibits more homogeneous intragranular deformation and a broad great circle girdle of c axes normal to the foliation and lineation.  相似文献   

论述了华南陆壳的地层结构、岩性组合及其含铀性,各个构造旋回对铀的活化、迁移和富集作用。指出富铀花岗岩的源岩特征是:具有高硅、富铝、富钾的富铀陆壳。岩石组合主要以陆源泥砂质碎屑岩建造为主,夹中酸性、基性火山碎屑岩建造和碳酸盐岩建造等所组成的岩石。岩石经受了多次构造运动,使其发生不同程度的区域变质作用和混合岩化、花岗岩化,最终形成富铀花岗岩。  相似文献   

Single crystals of sanidine which were experimentally deformed so as to introduce the (010)[100] slip system were examined by transmission electron microscopy (tem). Dislocation glide is mainly manifested in the samples deformed at 700° C, with a strain rate \(\dot \varepsilon = 1 - 2 \times 10^{ - 6} s^{ - 1} \) . In addition to the expected slip system another more important one, (12 \(\bar 1\) )[101], was found. The dislocations lying in (010) present a glissile dissociation. These observations have been discussed in term of the feldspar structure. Models for glissile dissociation in (010) are proposed: [100]=1/2[100]+1/2[100] or 1/2[101]+1/2[10 \(\bar 1\) ] and [101]=1/2[101]+1/2[101].  相似文献   

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