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以1972、1989、1996、2006、2017年5个不同时段的Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+/OLI遥感影像数据、数字高程模型(DEM)数据和气象数据为数据源,通过计算机自动提取与人工目视解译相结合的方法获取南阿尔泰山中部地区各时段的冰湖信息,利用GIS空间分析方法对该地区的冰湖面积进行统计,并分析研究区冰湖在不同规模、不同坡度、不同海拔状态下的时空变化特征。结果表明:①近45年来南阿尔泰山中部地区的冰湖面积呈"先减后增"趋势。1972-1996年研究区的冰湖面积从411.14 km2减少至400.83 km2,共减少了10.31 km2,减少速率为0.43 km2/a。从1996-2017年冰湖面积增加了15.42 km2;增长率为0.514 km2/a。②研究区冰湖分布主要集中在海拔低于2 200 m、坡度小于25°的区域,不同海拔区间和不同坡度区间的冰湖面积均呈"先减后增"趋势。③结合气温、降水、冰川面积以及冰储量变化数据分析发现,南阿尔泰山中部地区冰湖对气候变化具有明显的响应。温度、降水量及冰川融水是影响冰湖面积变化的主要因素;且这三者之间存在一种平衡关系,即温度升高冰川消融速度加快,从而对冰湖的收支平衡产生直接影响。当冰湖的补给量(即冰川融水和降水量之和)大于由温度升高引起的蒸发量时,冰湖面积会呈增长趋势;反之亦然。1970-1980年整个阿勒泰地区年代际降水量减少了19.28 mm,温度上升了0.25℃,因此1972-1989年研究区冰湖的蒸发水量大于补给水量,导致该时段冰湖面积呈退缩态势。1989-1996年该区降水量增加了19.67%,温度升高了0.62℃,但是增加的降水量却无法弥补由温度升高引起的冰湖蒸发量,因此1989-1996年研究区冰湖面积仍处于退缩状态。1996-2017年由于温度和降水量大幅增加导致冰湖面积呈不断增长趋势。   相似文献   

由于当前缺乏有效的能源开采和加工场地精细化遥感探测方法和高精度的数据产品,全国尺度的能源开采和加工场地时空分布规律的认识仍显不足。本研究基于高分辨率遥感影像、土地利用/覆盖数据、网络爬虫数据、OSM地图数据和环境专题数据等信息,发展了基于多源数据融合和专家知识参与获取的能源开采和加工场地遥感识别和精细化制图的技术方法,研发了1990、2000、2010和2020年共4期的中国能源开采和加工场地分布数据产品及2010—2020年场地植被恢复信息数据产品,作为中国土地利用/覆盖变化数据的组成部分(CLUD-Mining)。CLUD-Mining具有较高的质量和可靠性,数据产品平均精度为91.75%;中国能源开采和加工场地开发建设的面积呈现先增长后减少的发展趋势,1990—2010年,面积增长速度从55.22 km2/a上升到95.51 km2/a,而2010—2020年呈现负增长,平均每年减少27.28 km2;此外,2010—2020年场地植被恢复面积达746.76 km2,主要集中在华北区和西南区;中国能源开采和加工场地分布格局逐渐由东部地区向西部地区转移。本研究对提升中国能源开采和加工场地时空分布特征的认识具有重要意义,可为场地污染治理和生态修复提供重要的数据基础。  相似文献   

浅层地温能作为绿色可再生能源,若能得到广泛应用可大大降低城市建筑能耗、缓解环保压力。本文通过现场热响应试验、水文地质钻探与调查研究,查明了龙口市研究区范围内地层的热物性参数、水文地质条件、地温场特征及浅层地热赋存条件,结合层次分析法与指标法展开适宜性分区,并得到以下研究成果:研究区浅层地温能主要分布于深层黏土、砂层及基岩中;钻孔平均导热系数为2.11W/m·K,平均换热量为42.53W/m;研究区地下水型换热系统适宜区面积为0.995km2,适宜性中等区面积为29.21km2,适宜性差区面积为34.795km2;地埋管型换热系统适宜性中等区面积为59.886km2,适宜性差区面积为4.94km2。  相似文献   

土地覆被变化是影响气候系统的重要因素,在全球气候变化研究中具有重要的研究意义,网格化的历史土地利用数据集广泛应用于各类全球变化模式。本文以民国中期军事地形图为基础数据源,以现代行政区划为底图,重建了该时期湖南洞庭湖地区耕地的空间分布。同时为了与最新的HYDE 3.1数据集进行对比,在此基础上获得空间分辨率为10 km×10 km的耕地数据,结果表明:① 民国中期湖南洞庭湖区总耕地面积约为11 432.01 km 2,占研究区域面积的44%,其中汉寿县、华容县、鼎城区和澧县等地耕地面积分布最多,且以围堤耕地为主。分布相对较少的地区有临澧县、汨罗市、岳阳县,以非围堤耕地为主;② 该时段内洞庭湖区耕地垦殖率较大,最大值超过90%,其中高垦区(垦殖率>40%)范围占研究区面积61%,且主要分布在河湖港汊和冲积平原地貌单元上;中低垦区(<=40%)范围占研究区面积39%,主要分布在环湖丘陵地貌单元上;③ 与HYDE 3.1数据对比发现,单位格网(10 km×10 km)内重建的耕地面积结果误差大于40%的比例为17%,且表现为受河流分布影响为主。湖区相对周围重建结果差异更大,HYDE 3.1数据集重建区域尺度较大,较难考虑到小区域范围的水系分布状况,导致其在湖南洞庭湖区重建精度相对较低。  相似文献   

2021-05~2022-01青海地区陆续发生玛多MS7.4、德令哈MS5.8和门源MS6.9地震。为深入探究上述地震的震磁关系,利用2019~2021年流动地磁场三分量矢量数据,探讨区域基本磁场与岩石圈磁场的时空分布特征及岩石圈磁场各分量年变与该区域中强地震的关系。研究发现,3期区域基本磁场的时空分布相似。震前最近一期岩石圈磁场资料显示,震中位置H矢量幅值弱变、方向偏转;震中位置与D、I、F、Z分量零值线的距离在200 km以内,玛多MS7.4、门源MS6.9地震震中位置与Z分量零值线的距离仅为5 km、20 km。此外,部分岩石圈磁场分量在2次强震前1 a呈现明显异常。  相似文献   

应用20世纪70年代末MSS和90年代末TM卫星数据,综合运用ENⅥ、PHOTOSHOP、MAPGIS、ARC/INFO等遥感图像处理与GIS应用软件,通过石漠化训练样区的选择、监督分类、矢量化和数据转换等步骤,实现了石漠化的自动分类与专题图件制作.将分类石漠化图按2mm×2mm的网格进行网格化,依据石漠化所占网格总面积的比例进行归并、筛选,面积>70%以上的网格单元合并为石漠化区;面积70%~50%的网格单元合并为轻度石漠化区;面积<50%的网格单元合并为非石漠化区.调查表明湘西北地区近20a内,石漠化区总面积增加了约300km2,平均每年增加约15 km2,即所占比例由0.54%增加到约1.60%.  相似文献   

中煤金海洋南洋坡煤业有限公司距山阴县城约35km,始建于1987年。1991年,由马营乡南河村办煤矿改制;2007年12月,归金海洋能源集团控股管理;2009年8月,与中煤集团重组,属于山西省批准的单独保留矿井;2009年9月,资源整合后井田面积增加为3.9942km2,批准矿井生产能力为90万t/a,批准开采3、4、6、9号煤层,保有资源储量为13442.7万吨。  相似文献   

西藏土地荒漠化遥感监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用RS与GIS技术,利用1976年的MSS数据和2000年TM遥感数据,对西藏境内的荒漠化土地现状与动态变化进行监测研究,并对其时空演变特征进行了分析。结果表明,西藏荒漠化土地面积2000年为29.08×104km2,占总面积的24.28%,其中沙质荒漠化土地面积为24.99×104km2,占20.86%。1976年荒漠化总面积为27×104km2。由1976~2000年间,荒漠化土地总面积增加了20 764.67 km2,共增长7.69%,年增长率为0.32%。同时,土地荒漠化程度明显加重,重度沙质荒漠化土地面积增加了315.87%。  相似文献   

本次调查的工作区范围为五常市,地理坐标为东经126°33’~128°14’,北纬44°04’~45°26’,面积7512km^2,北接松嫩平原,距省城哈尔滨115公里;东南靠张广才岭西麓与尚志市相邻,东北部与阿城市相邻,西部、西南部、南部与吉林省的榆树、舒兰、蛟河毗邻。五常市地域呈狭长形,南北纵长180km,东西平均宽度42km,五常市地处张广才岭西麓,西与松辽平原接壤,地形复杂。  相似文献   

有着重要意义。运用遥感资料监测念青唐古拉山西段近40a来的冰湖分布及其变化,并结合DEM 研究冰湖垂直分布的变化,探
在高海拔区分布的变化对念青唐古拉山区冰川消融以及气候垂直变化具有一定的指示作用。   相似文献   

银川平原盐渍土时空格局及其与土地利用强度变化关联关系的空间区位特征,可从土地利用强度的角度阐释土壤盐渍化的动因,为盐渍化因地制宜的治理提供参考依据。本文重点研究了盐渍土空间分布定量遥感生成方法,通过土地利用遥感制图、半方差函数的地统计学方法和灰色关联度分析法,对2004-2010 年银川平原的土地利用强度变化、土壤盐渍化程度变化及各类盐渍土与土地利用强度的关联度,进行了空间区位分布特征的可视化表达。研究结果表明:银川平原的发展仍具集聚效应,土地利用强度变化与城镇体系格局、交通干线、沟渠分布、土壤盐分含量密切相关;2004-2010 年间,银川平原土壤盐渍化存在整体减轻、局部加重的空间分布特征,与土地利用强度变化间的响应关系,存在较明显的空间差异;银川平原土壤盐渍化程度变化与土地利用强度变化间的关联度为0.7781,与水体、耕地这2 种土地类型间的关联程度最高。银川平原土壤盐渍化的干扰活动中,水体与耕地类型的利用行为是较重要的影响因子。  相似文献   

Comparative study on rain splash erosion of representative soils in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
As the first event of soil erosion, rain splash erosion supplies materials for subsequent transportation and entrainment. The Loess Plateau, the southern hilly region and the Northeast China are subject to serious soil and water loss; however, the characteristics of rain splash erosion in those regions are still unclear. The objectives of the study are to analyze the characteristics of splash erosion on loess soil, red soil, purple soil and black soil, and to discuss the relationship between splash erosion and soil properties. Soil samples spatially distributed in the abovementioned regions were collected and underwent simulated rainfalls at a high intensity of 1.2mm/min, lasting for 5, 10, 15, and 20min, respectively. Rain splash and soil crust development were analyzed. It shows that black soil sample from Heilongjiang Province corresponds to the minimum splash erosion amount because it has high aggregate content, aggregate stability and organic matter content. Loess soil sample from Inner Mongolia corresponds to the maximum splash erosion amount because it has high content of sand particles. Loess soil sample from Shanxi Province has relatively lower splash erosion amount because it has high silt particle content and low aggregate stability easily to be disrupted under rainfalls with high intensity. Although aggregate contents of red soil and purple soil samples from Hubei and Guangdong provinces are high, the stability is weak and prone to be disrupted, so the splash erosion amount is medium. Splash rate which fluctuates over time is observed because soil crust development follows a cycling processes of formation and disruption. In addition, there are two locations of soil crust development, one appears at the surface, and the other occurs at the subsurface.  相似文献   

Principal Component Analysis(PCA) can simplify the structure of database by replacing multi-dimensional parameters with relatively less comprehensive variables in order to ensure the minimum lost in initial data.In this paper,eighteen black soil samples from different sites were tested and thirteen distinctive indexes were chosen to evaluate the degeneration of black soil.By using principal component analysis,variables of thirteen dimensions can be diminished to six unrelated principal indexes.Analysis shows that the soluble salt content,Fulvic acids(FA) and aggregation degree have a high weighing coefficient,indicating these three indexes are the major parts for the evaluation of black soil degradation.It also provides a new path to the degenerated black soil treatment in Northeast China.  相似文献   

Carbon sequestration occurs when cultivated soils are re-vegetated. In the hilly area of the Loess Plateau, China, black locust(Robinia pseudoacacia) plantation forest and grassland were the two main vegetation types used to mitigate soil and water loss after cultivation abandonment. The purpose of this study was to compare the soil carbon stock and flux of these two types of vegetation which restored for 25 years. The experiment was conducted in Yangjuangou catchment in Yan′an City, Shaanxi Province, China. Two adjacent slopes were chosen for this study. Six sample sites were spaced every 35–45 m from summit to toe slope along the hill slope, and each sample site contained three sampling plots. Soil organic carbon and related physicochemical properties in the surface soil layer(0–10 cm and 10–20 cm) were measured based on soil sampling and laboratory analysis, and the soil carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions and environmental factors were measured in the same sample sites simultaneously. Results indicated that in general, a higher soil carbon stock was found in the black locust plantation forest than that in grassland throughout the hill slope. Meanwhile, significant differences in the soil carbon stock were observed between these two vegetation types in the upper slope at soil depth 0–10 cm and lower slope at soil depth 10–20 cm. The average daily values of the soil CO2 emissions were 1.27 μmol/(m2·s) and 1.39 μmol/(m2·s) for forest and grassland, respectively. The soil carbon flux in forest covered areas was higher in spring and less variation was detected between different seasons, while the highest carbon flux was found in grassland in summer, which was about three times higher than that in autumn and spring. From the carbon sequestration point of view, black locust plantation forest on hill slopes might be better than grassland because of a higher soil carbon stock and lower carbon flux.  相似文献   

Principal Component Analysis(PCA) can simplify the structure of database by replacing multi-dimensional parameters with relatively less comprehensive variables in order to ensure the minimum lost in initial data.In this paper,eighteen black soil samples from different sites were tested and thirteen distinctive indexes were chosen to evaluate the degeneration of black soil.By using principal component analysis,variables of thirteen dimensions can be diminished to six unrelated principal indexes.Analysis show...  相似文献   

Gully erosion regionalization of black soil area in northeastern China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Gully erosion is the frequent and main form of soil erosion in the black soil area of the northeastern China, which is one of the most important commodity grain production bases in China. It is encroaching upon the fertile farmland there. Regionalization of gully erosion can reveal the spatial distribution and regularity of the development of gully erosion. Based on the eco-geographical regional background features of the black soil area, this study combined the regionalization with influencing factors of the development of gully erosion. GIS spatial analysis, geostatistical analysis, spatial statistics, reclassification, debris polygon processing and map algebra methods were employed. As a result, the black soil area was divided into 12 subregions. The field survey data on type, length, volume and other characteristics indicators of gully erosion were used to calibrate the results. Then the features of every subregion, such as where the gully erosion is, how serious it is, and why it happens and develops, were expounded. The result is not only an essential prerequisite for gully erosion surveys and monitoring, but also an important basis for gully erosion prevention.  相似文献   

Based on remote sensing technique,using 1990’s Landsat TM data and 2000’s Landsat ETM data,the authors conducts the comparative study of mainstream area of Songhua River by means of human-computer inter-action method.The results show that the area of Songhua River mainstream was 738 102 km 2 in 1990,and was 810.451 km 2 in 2000.From 1990 to 2000,the increased area of river mainstream is up to 72.349 km2 due to soil erosion and water loss.Meanwhile,the dynamic changes of surrounding vegetation cover are also studied.It is estimated that the trend of surrounding soil erosion and water loss of Songhua River mainstream becomes worse in Jilin Province.  相似文献   

1 RESEARCH BACKGROUND According to the modern wetland concept, inland saline alkaline wetland is a component of wetland. In the world, it is mainly distributed in inland plain, plateau and basin of the arid or semi arid areas where there are fragile ecosystems deteriorated environment and poor biological resources which result in backward economy and poverty. Therefore, the study on inland saline alkaline wetland is significant for improving environment and realizing sustainable d…  相似文献   

Peat~hisaprocessofbeinghelpfulfordecreasingtheincrementofopcontentintheair,whichiscausedbycombustionofdineralfuelsandhumanactivitiesinterrestrialecosystem.But,exploitingrnaxsh,eSPeCiallyPeatedtObefuels,impliesthatorgbocsubstanceaccUInulatedfroma~hereduringthepastthousandsofyearsisrapidlyOxidized.aamthemarShplaysanimPOrtantroleinthecycleofbiogaxhdristry.TheSanjiangPlainisalowplainformedbythecommonreactionoftheHeilongRiver,SonghuaherandWUSuliabover.Thetotalareais10.89X104klnZandmarsharea…  相似文献   

本文以3S技术为支撑,在修正水土流失方程(RUSLE)的基础上,针对徐州黄泛平原-丘陵地带的特殊地形地貌、对2000年以来徐州市水土流失时空变化特征进行了分析。结果表明:2000-2014年徐州市土壤侵蚀等级以微度为主,微度侵蚀面积占总侵蚀面积多年平均达到76.34%;中度侵蚀次之,所占比例在10%~17%间;剧烈侵蚀所占比例最少。轻度及以上土壤侵蚀等级主要发生在中部微山湖下游、京杭大运河一带的丘陵岗地地区、主城区与故黄河北岸的黄泛平原地区,以及丰县、新沂、邳州的局部区域;土壤侵蚀存在一定程度年际变化特征,睢宁、丰县、邳州的部分地区侵蚀面积年际变化较为明显,土壤侵蚀总面积整体上呈现下降趋势。  相似文献   

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