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The recording of glacier icequakes has been carried out on the Hans glacier, Spitsbergen. The icequakes have been connected with the formation of open cracks. The energy of the main group of icequakes has ranged from 0.01 J to 6 J, their seismic moment being from 0.5 · 1014 dyne · cm to 26 · 1014 dyne · cm. The nonelastic volume increase corresponding to each crack has ranged from 0.2 · 10−2 m3 to 8.8 · 10−2 m3. The stresses released due to extensional faulting ranged from 25N/m2 to 500 N/m2; these values are so small that they suggest an incomplete release of the medium. The contribution into the glacier flow rate of the deformation in the surface glacier layer due to extensional faulting is lower by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude than the total plastic deformation associated with the ice creeping.  相似文献   

The estuary of the Danshuei River, a hypoxic subtropical estuary, receives a high rate of untreated sewage effluent. The Ecopath with Ecosim software system was used to construct a mass-balanced trophic model for the estuary, and network analysis was used to characterize the structure and matter flow in the food web. The estuary model was comprised of 16 compartments, and the trophic levels varied from 1.0 for primary producers and detritus to 3.0 for carnivorous and piscivorous fishes. The large organic nutrient loading from the upper reaches has resulted in detritivory being more important than herbivory in the food web. The food-chain length of the estuary was relatively short when compared with other tropical/subtropical coastal systems. The shortness of food-chain length in the estuary could be attributed to the low biomass of the top predators. Consequently, the trophic efficiencies declined sharply for higher trophic levels due to low fractions of flows to the top predators and then high fractions to detritus. The low biomass of the top predators in the estuary was likely subject to over-exploitation and/or hypoxic water. Summation of individual rate measurements for primary production and respiration yielded an estimate of −1791 g WW m−2 year−1, or −95 g C m−2 year−1, suggesting a heterotrophic ecosystem, which implies that more organic matter was consumed than was produced in the estuary.  相似文献   

—A large number of geophysical applications need long-term telluric recordings. In order to realise it correctly, the use of very stable electrodes is necessary. The study of the potential variations of Pb-PbCl2 electrodes as a function of both the ionic composition and the pH of its electrolyte allows one to chose the optimal working criteria. The best stability and the minimum noise for the potential are obtained for a solution saturated in both salts PbCl2 and KCl, or PbCl2 and NaCl, in the presence of additional non-dissolved salts, with a pH from 4 to 5. The study of the salts diffusion between the inside of the electrode and the outside medium allows one to compute the time span over which the potential remains stable (tD time of dissaturation), and to know how to increase it. Two solutions are possible. The first one is to increase the electrode length, because tD is proportional to the length squared. The second one is to reduce the exchanges of salts with the external medium, by using an electrode with a narrow channel. In this case, tD is proportional to the quantity of non-dissolved salt in the electrode and to the internal electrical resistance of the electrode. The fabrication of this new electrodes design with a channel is described.  相似文献   

—The aeromagnetic data of the island of Crete were inverted to produce Curie point estimates. The data were high-pass filtered to remove components arising from topography and magnetic core fields which were not adequately modeled by IGRF. The depth to the centroid, z 0?, of the deepest distribution of the magnetic dipoles, was obtained by computing a least-squares fit to the lowest-fre quency segment of the azimuthally averaged log power spectrum. The depth to the top of the deepest crustal block was computed as the depth, z t ?, to the centroid of the second deepest distribution, using the second lowest-frequency segment of the spectrum. The depth to the bottom of the deepest dipoles, the inferred Curie point depth, is then z b = 2z 0?z t ?. The Curie depth estimates range between 24 and 28 km. This is in accordance with the depths inferred by extrapolating heat-flow values measured in boreholes.  相似文献   

A single scattering model was used to analyse the temporary changes in the mean density of scattered waves in a discrete random medium. The model of the mean energy density, originally proposed bySato (1977) for spherical radiation and isotropic scattering, has been modified and applied to a medium in which the scatterers are confined to a specified volume. The time variation of the early part of the mean energy density function for the different source durations was investigated. The dominant effect on the theoretical mean energy density is caused by the specified volume containing scatterers. The duration of the source pulse influences the early part of the coda fort/t 0<1.2, wheret is the lapse time measured from the source origin time, andt 0is arrival time of the body wave.The analysis of the coda signal of micro-events occurring immediately in front of the face enables us to estimate the size of the fracture zone induced by the stope. The model of the mean energy density of coda for a medium containing scatterers close to the seismic source was used to analyse a large number of events recorded close to an advancing mine face in a deep level gold mine in South Africa. The coda decay rate has two trends: the first, with a steep decay of coda, is produced by a larger deviation of rock parameters and/or larger size of the scatterers; the second trend, which decays more slowly, has the corresponding mean-free path ranging from 20 m to 200 m. The analysis indicates that the rock mass about 15–20 m from the stope contains a large proportion of fractured and blocked rock, which is the source of scattering. The scattering of theS-wave was much stronger and more stable, with the mean-free path varying from 11 m to 45 m. This is due to the shorter wavelength of theS wave in comparison with theP wave. The quality factor for theP coda wave varies from 30 to 100 in the fracture zone of stope and outside this zone it has a value of 300. The quality factor of theS wave varies from 20 to 78 in the equivalent volume. For rock surrounding the stope the ratioQ sp –1 /Q ss –1 varied from 0.31 to 0.69. This suggests that the radii of scatterers are smaller than 3.5 m.  相似文献   

The Hikurangi Margin is a region of oblique subduction with northwest-dipping intermediate depth seismicity extending southwest from the Kermadec system to about 42°S. The current episode of subduction is at least 16–20 Ma old. The plate convergence rate varies along the margin from about 60 mm/a at the south end of the Kermadec Trench to about 45 mm/a at 42°S. The age of the Pacific lithosphere adjacent to the Hikurangi Trench is not known.The margin divides at about latitude 39°S into two quite dissimilar parts. The northern part has experienced andesitic volcanism for about 18 Ma, and back-arc extension in the last 4 Ma that has produced a back-arc basin onshore with high heaflow, thin crust and low upper-mantle seismic velocities. The extension appears to have arisen from a seawards migration of the Hikurangi Trench north of 39°S. Here the plate interface is thought to be currently uncoupled, as geodetic data indicate extension of the fore-arc basin, and historic earthquakes have not exceededM s=7.South of 39°S there is no volcanism and a back-arc basin has been produced by downward flexure of the lithosphere due to strong coupling with the subducting plate. Heatflow in the basin is normal. Evidence for strong coupling comes from historic earthquakes of up to aboutM s=8 and high rates of uplift on the southeast coast of the North Island.The reason for this division of the margin is not known but may be related to an inferred increase, from northeast to southwest, in the buoyancy of the Pacific lithosphere.  相似文献   

The hydraulic properties of aquitards are not easily obtained because monitoring wells are usually installed in aquifers for groundwater resources management. Earthquake‐induced crust stress (strain) triggers groundwater level variations over a short period of time in a large area. These groundwater anomalies can be used to investigate aquifer systems. This study uses a poroelastic model to fit the postseismic variations of groundwater level triggered by the Chi‐Chi earthquake to evaluate the hydraulic properties of aquitards in the Jhoushuei River alluvial fan (JRAF), Taiwan. Six of the adopted eight wells with depths of 70 to 130 m showed good agreement with the recovery theory. The mean hydraulic conductivities (K) of the aquifers for the eight wells are 1.62 × 10?4 to 9.06 × 10?4 m/s, and the thicknesses are 18.8 to 46.1 m. The thicknesses of the aquitards are 11.3 to 42.0 m. Under the isotropic assumption for K, the estimated values of K for the aquitards are 3.0 × 10?8 to 2.1 × 10?6 m/s, corresponding to a silty medium. The results match the values obtained for the geological material of the drilling core and those reported in previous studies. The estimated values were combined with those given in previous studies to determine the distribution of K in the first two aquitards in the JRAF. The distribution patterns of the aquitards reflect the sedimentary environments and fit the geological material. The proposed technique can be used to evaluate the K value of aquitards using inverse methods. The inversion results can be used in hydrogeological analyses, contaminant modeling, and subsidence evaluation.  相似文献   

The diurnal variations in the amplitude and parameters of polarization ellipses of the first Schumann resonance according to three magnetic field components, observed on December 1–10, 2007, at the Barentsburg and Lovozero observatories, have been studied. Ellipses have been constructed in the (H, D) and (H, Z) planes. The value of the minor axis, inclination of the major axis, ellipticity, and the rotation direction have been estimated. The vertical magnetic component of the Schumann resonance is three to four times as small as the horizontal component. The difference in the diurnal variations in the ellipse parameters between both observatories has been found. The effect can be caused by a difference in the Earth’s conductivity in the vicinity of the observatories and by conductivity anisotropy. The major axis inclination and ellipticity have semidiurnal components. The polarization vector mostly rotates from D to H in the horizontal plane and from Z to H in the vertical plane at both stations.  相似文献   

An improved resonant fluorescence instrument for measuring atomic oxygen concentration was developed to avoid the Doppler effect and the aerodynamic shock effect due to the supersonic motion of a rocket. The shock effect is reduced by adopting a sharp wedge-shaped housing and by scanning of the detector field of view to change the distance between the scattering volume and the surface of the housing. The scanning enables us to determine absolute values of atomic oxygen concentration from relative variation of the scattered light signal due to the self-absorption. The instrument was calibrated in the laboratory, and the numerical simulation reproduced the calibration result. Using the instrument, the altitude profile of atomic oxygen concentration was observed by a rocket experiment at Uchinoura (31°N) on 28 January 1992. The data obtained from the rocket experiment were not perfectly free from the shock effect, but errors due to the effect were reduced by the data analysis procedure. The observed maximum concentration was 3.8× 1011 cm−3 at altitudes around 94 km. The systematic error is estimated to be less than ±0.7×1011 cm−3 and the relative random error is less than±0.07× 1011 cm−3at the same altitudes. The altitude profile of the OI 557.7-nm airglow was also observed in the same rocket experiment. The maximum volume emission rate was found to be 150 photons cm−3 s−1 at 94 km. The observed altitude profiles are compared with the MSIS model and other in situ observations.  相似文献   

The mathematical formulation of an iterative procedure for the numerical implementation of an ionosphere-magnetosphere (IM) anisotropic Ohm’s law boundary condition is presented. The procedure may be used in global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the magnetosphere. The basic form of the boundary condition is well known, but a well-defined, simple, explicit method for implementing it in an MHD code has not been presented previously. The boundary condition relates the ionospheric electric field to the magnetic field-aligned current density driven through the ionosphere by the magnetospheric convection electric field, which is orthogonal to the magnetic field B, and maps down into the ionosphere along equipotential magnetic field lines. The source of this electric field is the flow of the solar wind orthogonal to B. The electric field and current density in the ionosphere are connected through an anisotropic conductivity tensor which involves the Hall, Pedersen, and parallel conductivities. Only the height-integrated Hall and Pedersen conductivities (conductances) appear in the final form of the boundary condition, and are assumed to be known functions of position on the spherical surface R=R1 representing the boundary between the ionosphere and magnetosphere. The implementation presented consists of an iterative mapping of the electrostatic potential , the gradient of which gives the electric field, and the field-aligned current density between the IM boundary at R=R1 and the inner boundary of an MHD code which is taken to be at R2>R1. Given the field-aligned current density on R=R2, as computed by the MHD simulation, it is mapped down to R=R1 where it is used to compute by solving the equation that is the IM Ohm’s law boundary condition. Then is mapped out to R=R2, where it is used to update the electric field and the component of velocity perpendicular to B. The updated electric field and perpendicular velocity serve as new boundary conditions for the MHD simulation which is then used to compute a new field-aligned current density. This process is iterated at each time step. The required Hall and Pedersen conductances may be determined by any method of choice, and may be specified anew at each time step. In this sense the coupling between the ionosphere and magnetosphere may be taken into account in a self-consistent manner.  相似文献   

The diffusion and adsorption of two common volatile organic compounds, i. e., methanol and benzene, in different zeolite pellets were studied experimentally by using the single pellet moment technique. The experiments were conducted in a one‐sided single pellet adsorption cell at different temperatures in the range between 303 and 343 K. The results showed that both volatile organic tracers were adsorbed reversibly onto all zeolite samples. The overall adsorption equilibrium constants of both volatile organic compounds decreased with increasing temperature. The adsorption of the tracers onto the zeolite samples were found to increase in the order of NaY > clinoptilolite > 4A. In the range between 303 and 343 K, the adsorption constants of benzene range from 10.51 to 5.52 for zeolite 4A, from 11.90 to 6.37 for clinoptilolite and from 20.32 to 9.82 for NaY. The adsorption constants of methanol range from 19.05 to 8.26 for zeolite 4A, from 38.40 to 9.12 for clinoptilolite and from 74.21 to 14.70 for NaY at temperatures between 303 and 333 K. The effective diffusivities for benzene varied from 2.20·10–6 to 13.01·10–6 m2/s, whereas for methanol, they varied from 9.80·10–6 to 15.60·10–6 m2/s at the temperatures studied.  相似文献   

The groundwater interbasin flow, Qy, from the north of Yucca Flat into Yucca Flat simulated using the Death Valley Regional Flow System (DVRFS) model greatly exceeds assessments obtained using other approaches. This study aimed to understand the reasons for the overestimation and to examine whether the Qy estimate can be reduced. The two problems were tackled from the angle of model uncertainty by considering six models revised from the DVRFS model with different recharge components and hydrogeological frameworks. The two problems were also tackled from the angle of parametric uncertainty for each model by first conducting Morris sensitivity analysis to identify important parameters and then conducting Monte Carlo simulations for the important parameters. The uncertainty analysis is general and suitable for tackling similar problems; the Morris sensitivity analysis has been utilized to date in only a limited number of regional groundwater modeling. The simulated Qy values were evaluated by using three kinds of calibration data (i.e., hydraulic head observations, discharge estimates, and constant‐head boundary flow estimates). The evaluation results indicate that, within the current DVRFS modeling framework, the Qy estimate can only be reduced to about half of the original estimate without severely deteriorating the goodness‐of‐fit to the calibration data. The evaluation results also indicate that it is necessary to develop a new hydrogeological framework to produce new flow patterns in the DVRFS model. The issues of hydrogeology and boundary flow are being addressed in a new version of the DVRFS model planned for release by the U.S. Geological Survey.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to interpret the gravity anomalies over an inclined fault with variable density contrast. The decrease of density contrast with depth in sedimentary rocks is approximated by a quadratic function. The anomaly equation of an inclined fault is derived with the quadratic density function. The constantsa 0,a 1 anda 2 of the quadratic density function can be found from the known density-depth values. A synthetic anomaly profile of the fault model is interpreted by the non-linear optimisation technique using the Marquardt algorithm. The distances are measured from an arbitrary reference point and thus the origin of the fault model is also treated as an unknown parameter. For the assumed values of the constantsa 0,a 1 anda 2, the various parameters of the fault model are found by the non-linear optimisation technique. The convergence of the method is shown by plotting the values of the objective function, lamda, and the parameters of the fault model with respect to iteration number. The two parameters inclination and origin are found to be correlated. The same program is used to interpret the gravity anomalies with different density contrasts. Finally, the use of modelling with the quadratic density function is discussed.  相似文献   

A model has been developed to relate the velocities of acoustic waves Vp and Vs in unconsolidated permafrost to the porosity and extent of freezing of the interstitial water. The permafrost is idealized as an assemblage of spherical quartz grains embedded in a matrix composed of spherical inclusions of water in ice. The wave-scattering theory of Kuster and Toksoz is used to determine the effective elastic moduli, and hence the acoustic velocities. The model predicts Vp and Vs to be decreasing functions of both the porosity and the water-to-ice ratio. The theory has been applied to laboratory measurements of Vp and Vs in 31 permafrost samples from the North American Arctic. Although no direct measurements were made of the extent of freezing in these samples, the data are consistent with the predictions of the model. Electrical resistivity measurements on the permafrost samples have demonstrated their essentially resistive behaviour. The ratio of resistivity of permafrost in its frozen state to that in its unfrozen state has been related to the extent of freezing in the samples. Electromagnetic and seismic reflection surveys can be used together in areas of permafrost: firstly an EM survey to determine the extent of freezing and then the acoustic velocity model to predict the velocities in the permafrost. The necessary transit time corrections can thus be made on seismic reflection records to compensate for the presence of permafrost.  相似文献   

In this study, observed seismic attributes from shot gather 11 of the SAREX experiment are used to derive a preliminary velocity and attenuation model for the northern end of the profile in southern Alberta. Shot gather 11 was selected because of its prominent Pn arrivals and good signal to noise ratio. The 2-D Gaussian beam method was used to perform the modeling of the seismic attributes including travel times, peak envelope amplitudes and pulse instantaneous frequencies for selected phases. The preliminary model was obtained from the seismic attributes from shot gather 11 starting from prior tomographic results. The amplitudes and instantaneous frequencies were used to constrain the velocity and attenuation structure, with the amplitudes being more sensitive to the velocity gradients and the instantaneous frequencies more sensitive to the attenuation structure. The resulting velocity model has a velocity discontinuity between the upper and lower crust, and lower velocity gradients in the upper and lower crust compared to earlier studies. The attenuation model has Q p -1 values between 0.011 and 0.004 in the upper crust, 0.0019 in the lower crust and a laterally variable Q p -1 in the upper mantle. The Q p -1 values are similar to those found in Archean terranes from other studies. Although the results from a single gather are non-unique, the initial model derived here provides a self-consistent starting point for a more complete seismic attribute inversion for the velocity and attenuation structure.  相似文献   

The source parameters of the M W = 7.6 Olyutorskii earthquake were estimated using the moments of the slip rate function with degrees 1 and 2. The moments were estimated from broadband P-wave records at 52 stations of the worldwide network. The first step was to find a function S(t) for each station; this function is an apparent source time function, i.e., the P-wave slip as radiated by the source toward a station under consideration. The method of empirical Green’s functions was used to estimate S(t). The next step was to calculate the moments of S(t) of degrees 1 and 2 over time and to set up relevant equations to be solved by least squares for the unknown source moments. The horizontal linear source was used as a nonparametric model for calculating the source moments. Haskell’s parametric model was used for further interpretation of the source moments. The resulting estimates are as follows: the source centroid was 13–25 km southwest of the epicenter, the source was 105–120 km long, the source strike was 222°–228°, the rupture velocity was 2.7–3.0 km/s, and the total radiation duration was 24–27 s. These estimates indicate a bilateral rupture dominated by a southwestward sense of rupture propagation. The source characteristics are consistent with the aftershock area geometry and with the focal mechanism, as well as with surface breakage as observed by geologists in the field.  相似文献   

We studied broadband digital records of the M W = 7.6 Olyutorskii earthquake of April 20, 2006 and its aftershocks at local and regional distances. We have made a detailed analysis of data on peak ground motion velocities and accelerations due to aftershocks based on records of two digital seismic stations, Tilichiki (TLC) and Kamenskoe (KAM). The first step in this analysis was to find the station correction for soil effects at TLC station using coda spectra. The correction was applied to the data to convert them to the reference bedrock beneath the Kamenskoe station. The second step involved multiple linear regression to derive average relationshis of peak amplitude to local magnitude ML and distance R for the Koryak Upland conditions. The data scatter about the average relationshis is comparatively low (0.22–0.25 log units). The acceleration amplitudes for M L = 5, R = 25 km are lower by factors of 2–3 compared with those for eastern Kamchatka, the western US, or Japan. A likely cause of this anomaly could be lower stress drops for the aftershocks.  相似文献   

—?The aeromagnetic data of Macedonia and Thrace were used to produce Curie point estimates. The data were high pass filtered to remove components arising from topography and magnetic core fields which were not adequately modeled by a DGRF. The depth to the centroid, z 0, of the deepest distribution of the magnetic dipoles was obtained by computing a least-squares fit to the lowest-frequency segment of the azimuthally averaged log power spectrum. The average depth to the top of the deepest crustal block was computed as the depth to the top, z t , of the second lowest-frequency segment of the spectrum. The depth to the bottom of the deepest magnetic dipoles, the inferred Curie point depth, was then calculated from z b =2z 0???z t . The Curie depth estimates for Macedonia and Thrace range between 11.2 and 17.3?km. These results are consistent with the depths inferred by extrapolating known geothermal gradient and heat-flow values.  相似文献   


This study aims to differentiate the potential recharge areas and flow mechanisms in the North-eastern Basin, Palestine. The results differentiate the recharge into three main groups. The first is related to springs and some of the deep wells close to the Anabta Anticline, through the Upper Aquifer (Turonian) formation, with depleted δ18O and δ2H. The second is through the Upper Cenomanian formation surrounding the Rujeib Monocline in the southeast, where the lineament of the Faria Fault plays an important role, with relatively enriched δ13CDIC values of about ?4‰ (VPDB). The third is the Jenin Sub-series, which shows higher δ13CDIC values, with enriched δ18O and δ2H and more saline content. The deep wells from the Nablus area in the south of the basin indicate low δ13CDIC values due to their proximity to freshwater infiltrating faults. The deep wells located to the northwest of the basin have δ13CDIC values from ?8 to ?9‰ (VPDB), with enriched δ18O signatures, indicating slow recharge through thick soil.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of quasi-periodic oscillations from 2 to 35 days to the variability of foF2 at middle northern latitudes between 42°N and 60°N are investigated. The foF2 hourly data for the whole solar cycle 21 (1976–1986) for four European ionospheric stations Rome (41.9°N, 12.5°E), Poitiers (46.5°N, 0.3°E), Kaliningrad (54.7°N, 20.6°E) and Uppsala (59.8°N, 17.6°E) are used for analysis. The relative contributions of different periodic bands due to planetary wave activity and solar flux variations are evaluated by integrated percent contributions of spectral energy for these bands. The observations suggest that a clearly expressed seasonal variation of percent contributions exists with maximum at summer solstice and minimum at winter solstice for all periodic bands. The contributions for summer increase when the latitude increases. The contributions are modulated by the solar cycle and simultaneously influenced by the long-term geomagnetic activity variations. The greater percentage of spectral energy between 2 to 35 days is contributed by the periodic bands related to the middle atmosphere planetary wave activity.  相似文献   

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