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Mobility and spatial interaction data have become increasingly available due to the wide adoption of location‐aware technologies. Examples of mobility data include human daily activities, vehicle trajectories, and animal movements, among others. In this article we focus on a special type of mobility data, i.e. origin‐destination pairs, and present a new approach to the discovery and understanding of spatio‐temporal patterns in the movements. Specifically, to extract information from complex connections among a large number of point locations, the approach involves two steps: (1) spatial clustering of massive GPS points to recognize potentially meaningful places; and (2) extraction and mapping of the flow measures of clusters to understand the spatial distribution and temporal trends of movements. We present a case study with a large dataset of taxi trajectories in Shenzhen, China to demonstrate and evaluate the methodology. The contribution of the research is two‐fold. First, it presents a new methodology for detecting location patterns and spatial structures embedded in origin‐destination movements. Second, the approach is scalable to large data sets and can summarize massive data to facilitate pattern extraction and understanding.  相似文献   

空间同位模式挖掘旨在发现空间数据库中频繁发生在邻近位置的地理事件。由于空间异质性,地理事件在不同区域邻近出现的频繁程度亦存在差异,进而形成局部同位模式。现有局部同位模式挖掘方法多基于欧氏空间的平面假设,难以客观揭示网络空间(如城市道路)内地理事件间的局部同位规律,因此基于空间扫描统计思想,提出了一种网络约束下的局部同位模式挖掘方法。首先,发展了网络约束下的路径扩展方法,识别可能存在局部网络空间同位模式的候选路径;其次,基于网络约束下的二元泊松分布构建显著性检验的零模型,判别候选路径中局部网络空间同位模式的有效性。通过模拟实验与北京市出租车供需模式分析,发现该方法比现有方法得到的结果更精细、更客观,能够有效地挖掘网络约束下的局部同位模式。  相似文献   

局部空间同位模式挖掘旨在揭示多类地理事件在异质环境下的共生共存规律。已有的方法一方面需要模式筛选的频繁度阈值参数,另一方面需要区域探测的划分参数或聚类参数,参数的不合理设置会导致挖掘结果不可靠甚至出现错误。因此,提出了一种显著局部空间同位模式自动探测方法。首先,基于空间统计思想,采用非参数模式重建方法对空间同位模式进行显著性判别,将全局非显著空间同位模式作为进一步局部探测的候选模式;然后,借助自适应空间聚类方法提取每个候选模式的热点区域;最后,通过不断生长并测试每个热点区域,界定显著局部空间同位模式的有效边界,即空间影响域。通过实验与比较发现,该方法能够客观且有效判别空间同位模式的显著性,并且自适应地提取局部同位模式的空间分布结构,降低了现有方法参数设置的主观性。  相似文献   

Mapillary is a Web 2.0 application which allows users to contribute crowdsourced street level photographs from all over the world. In the first part of the analysis this article reviews Mapillary data growth for continents and countries as well as the contribution behavior of individual mappers, such as the number of days of active mapping. In the second part of the analysis the study assesses Mapillary data completeness relative to a reference road network dataset at the country level. In addition, a more detailed completeness analysis is conducted for selected urban and rural areas in the US and part of northern Europe for which the completeness of Mapillary data will also be compared with that of Google Street View. Results show that Street View provides generally a better coverage on almost all road categories with some exceptions for pedestrian and cycle paths in selected cities. However, Mapillary data can be conveniently collected from any mobile device that is equipped with a photo camera. This gives Mapillary the potential to reach better coverage along off‐road segments than Google Street View.  相似文献   

Discovering Spatial Interaction Communities from Mobile Phone Data   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In the age of Big Data, the widespread use of location‐awareness technologies has made it possible to collect spatio‐temporal interaction data for analyzing flow patterns in both physical space and cyberspace. This research attempts to explore and interpret patterns embedded in the network of phone‐call interaction and the network of phone‐users’ movements, by considering the geographical context of mobile phone cells. We adopt an agglomerative clustering algorithm based on a Newman‐Girvan modularity metric and propose an alternative modularity function incorporating a gravity model to discover the clustering structures of spatial‐interaction communities using a mobile phone dataset from one week in a city in China. The results verify the distance decay effect and spatial continuity that control the process of partitioning phone‐call interaction, which indicates that people tend to communicate within a spatial‐proximity community. Furthermore, we discover that a high correlation exists between phone‐users’ movements in physical space and phone‐call interaction in cyberspace. Our approach presents a combined qualitative‐quantitative framework to identify clusters and interaction patterns, and explains how geographical context influences communities of callers and receivers. The findings of this empirical study are valuable for urban structure studies as well as for the detection of communities in spatial networks.  相似文献   

Floating Car Data (FCD) refers to the trajectories of vehicles equipped with Global Positioning System-enabled devices that automatically record location-related data within a short time interval. As taxies in Chinese cities continually drive along the streets seeking passengers, FCD can easily traverse the entire street network in a city on a daily basis. Taking advantage of this situation, this study extracted passenger pickup and drop-off locations from FCD sourced from 6445 taxis over a 2-week period in Nanjing, China to discover human behavioral patterns and the dynamics behind them. In this study, road nodes are converted to the points, based on which Thiessen polygons are generated to divide the study area into small areas with the goal of exploring the spatial distribution of pickup and drop-off locations. Moran’s I index is used to calculate the spatial autocorrelation of the spatial distribution of pickup and drop-off locations, and hot spot analysis is used to identify statistically significant spatial clusters of hot and cold spots. The spatial and temporal patterns of FCD in the study area are investigated, and the results show that: (1) the temporal patterns show a strong daily rhythm, (2) the spatial patterns show that the number of pickup and drop-off locations gradually diminish from the downtown areas to the outer suburbs, (3) the spatiotemporal patterns exhibit large differences over time, and (4) the driving forces explored by regression models indicate that population density and transportation density are consistent with the population distribution, but per capita disposable income is not consistent with the population distribution.  相似文献   

提出顾及地标与道路分支的行人导航路径选择算法。该算法能够利用地标降低导航路径的复杂程度,帮助视觉正常的行人确认当前位置以及是否偏离了当前路径。实验表明,本算法能够较好地平衡导航路径的三种优化目标:行程距离、路径复杂度以及路径地标数量。与最短路径算法相比,该算法选择的路径具有较低的复杂度与较高的路径地标密度。  相似文献   

中国地壳运动观测网络GPS观测得到的地壳运动结果   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
介绍利用中国地壳运动观测网络GPS观测得到的地壳运动结果,包括区域网GPS观测所获得的中国大陆至今最详细的地壳水平位移结果、基准网GPS连续观测得到的水平位移时间序列及由此得到的8级左右大地震前的异常现象、基准网GPS连续观测得到的垂直位移时间序列及西部基准站垂直位移与地球自转速度变化的相关性,简要介绍基本网GPS观测结果.  相似文献   

以1979,1992,1996年历史航片为例,简单介绍了历史航片扫描及处理的方法,给出实用有效的工作流程,解决了历史航片储存难题,提高了历史影像管理及应用水平。  相似文献   

RTK像片控制测量及其精度检验   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过RTK技术在临淄区1:2000比例尺像片控制测量中的应用,介绍RTK测量的作业组织模式、基准转换参数的求解方法及RTK测量成果的精度检验等情况.其结果表明,RTK测量不仅能够满足1:2000比例尺像片控制测量精度要求,而且可以大幅度提高作业效率,尤其在通视困难地区更具明显优势.  相似文献   

影像地图集作为一种新的地图集形式正在国内悄然兴起,并以其信息量丰富、图面直观、观赏性较强等特点深受社会各界的广泛关注,如何将影像信息与人文信息有机地结合起来,是编图工作者一直探讨和思索的问题。本文欲通过对不同地域、不同时期的几本具有代表性的同类图集的编制及设计特点的比较,从中获得一些值得鉴赏和学习的内容。  相似文献   

訾冬梅 《东北测绘》2007,30(6):167-170
影像地图集作为一种新的地图集形式正在国内悄然兴起,并以其信息量丰富、图面直观、观赏性较强等特点深受社会各界的广泛关注,如何将影像信息与人文信息有机地结合起来,是编图工作者一直探讨和思索的问题。本文欲通过对不同地域、不同时期的几本具有代表性的同类图集的编制及设计特点的比较,从中获得一些值得鉴赏和学习的内容。  相似文献   

地物波谱研究现状及方法的初步探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
地物波谱特性是遥感技术应用的物理基础,是遥感定量分析的基础,地物波谱研究是遥感基础研究的重要内容。文中阐述了几种典型地物的波谱特征,介绍了测量方法及影响因素,并对国内外波谱数据库建设现状作了描述和分析,系统总结了前人研究成果后对地物波谱研究的发展方向提出了构想。  相似文献   

广西区域现今地壳运动与应变的GPS监测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用GAMIT/GLOBK软件分析了1998-2010年间多期GPS观测数据,获得了ITRF2005框架下广西区域现今地壳运动三维速度场和应变场参数,并对区域形变场和现今构造运动动力学机制进行了初步讨论。GPS监测结果显示:广西区域现今地壳运动随华南块体作南东东方向的逆时针构造运动,ITRF2005框架下水平方向平均速率为33.49 mm/a,优势方向为N 109.3° E;垂直方向平均速率为+1.30 mm/a,整体趋势是自桂东向桂西方向垂向速率逐步增加。现今应变状态以N 127.3°±4.8° E挤压为主,最大主压应变率-2.7±0.5×10-9/a;兼有N 37.3°±4.8° E方向的拉张作用,最大主张应变率1.8±0.2×10-9/a。本文研究结果为描述广西区域现今地壳运动提供了一个更加精细的三维速度场。  相似文献   

石岩 《测绘学报》2016,45(11):1386-1386
正时空异常模式在时空数据中表现为偏离整体或局部时空分布的时空实体,可能隐含着潜在的重要信息,并代表了特殊的地理现象或地理过程。时空异常模式挖掘已成为时空数据挖掘与知识发现的重要研究内容,并在极端气候事件识别、环境监测、交通拥堵检测、犯罪和流行病爆发热点探测等众多领域得到了广泛应用。随着数据获取能力的提高,时空数据表现出多样、海量、动态、多尺度(或多分辨率)等特性,迫切需要针对不同类型的时空  相似文献   

硐室摄影地质编录原理及其精度   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
阐述了摄影地质编录原理及其系统工作流程,并研究了硐室的摄影地质编录的精度。研究表明,硐室数字影像展示图足以满足作为编录底图的精度要求;摄影测量能够达到测定地质产状要素的精度要求。  相似文献   

青藏高原地壳运动与应变的GPS监测研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球定位系统(GPS)观测可提供高精度、大范围和准实时的地壳运动定量数据,使得在短时间内获取大范围地壳运动速度场成为可能,已广泛地用于监测现今地壳运动.该文利用1993~2002年间5期GPS观测资料采用自洽统一参考框架方法分析研究了青藏高原地区的现今地壳运动,获得了GPS速度场和应变场,结果及其精度较以前有所改善,尤其在垂直速度和喀喇昆仑-嘉黎以南地区应变参数较以前结果有较大不同.通过分析与比较得出:目前喜玛拉雅块体以N37.1±0.7°E的挤压为主,达到了-98.5±4.2×10-9/a,同时兼有的N127.1±0.7°E方向拉张,达到了26.7±2.8×10-9/a,最大剪应变62.6±2.6×10-9/a,面应变-78.1±5.1×10-9/a,这与前期的研究成果有着较大的不同;西藏块体N39.0±2.0°E挤压为主,达到了-20.3±1.2×10-9/a,同时兼有N129.0±2.0°E的拉张,达到了10.8±1.6×10-9/a,最大剪应变15.6±1.0×10-9/a,面应变-9.5±2.2×10-9/a;总体而言,喜马拉雅块体到西藏块体的主压应变率和拉张应变率变小;青藏高原现今东西向拉张主要体现在西藏块体中部;此外,GPS结果显示青藏高原每年以3~5 mm的速率处于隆升中,这一结果与前期GPS成果相差约2~3 mm.  相似文献   

Indoor Routing for Individuals with Special Needs and Preferences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recently much research has been focused on developing techniques and systems for providing routes within buildings. While outdoor routing is based on criteria such as shortest, fastest and least turns, indoor routing is primarily based on accessibility and safety criteria, and while outdoor routing could adversely be impacted by weather and traffic, among other conditions, such conditions do not affect indoor routing. However, developing techniques that meet user's indoor routing preferences, especially those with special needs, is a challenging task. An example is development of a set of techniques that avoids a hallway with a protruding object to allow safe passage by the visually impaired or that avoids stairs for the mobility impaired. In this article, we present and analyze new techniques based on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards that provide routes within buildings and meet user's special needs and preferences.  相似文献   

历史航片元数据录入建库工作就是将航摄像片进行扫描,对像主,占'进行判读,再进行航片元数据录入,对文档资料进行扫描制作.本文对该项目的工艺流程及质量控制进行论述,对实际生产工作具有指导意义.  相似文献   

随着计算机和遥感技术的发展以及在国土资源管理中应用的不断加强,利用卫星像片进行土地动态遥感监测及执法检查已被列入国土资源部针对全国各大中城市每年土地执法检查的一项工作内容,尤其经过近几年的实践,这项技术正日趋成熟,并取得了一系列成绩,本文结合日常工作实践,阐述了卫星像片执法检查的工作方法,与同行共同探讨。  相似文献   

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