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The Indosinian granites in the South China Block (SCB) have important tectonic significance for the evolution of East Asia. Samples collected from Hunan Province can be geochemically classified into two groups. Group 1 is strongly peraluminous (A/CNK > 1.1), similar to S-type granites, and Group 2 has A/CNK = 1.0–1.1, with an affinity to I-type granites. Group 1 has lower FeOt, Al2O3, MgO, CaO, TiO2 and εNd(t) values but higher K2O + Na2O, Rb/Sr, Rb/Ba and 87Sr/86Sr(t) than those of Group 2. Samples of both groups have similar LREE enriched pattern, with (Eu/Eu) = 0.19–0.69, and strongly negative Ba, Sr, Nb, P and Ti anomalies. Geothermobarometry study indicates that the precursor magmas were emplaced at high-level depth with relatively low temperature (734–827 °C). Geochemical data suggest that Group 1 was originated from a source dominated by pelitic composition and Group 2 was from a mixing source of pelitic and basaltic rocks with insignificant addition of newly mantle-derived magma. Eight granitic samples in Hunan Province are dated at the cluster of 243–235 and 218–210 Ma by zircon U–Pb geochronology. Together with recent zircon U–Pb ages for other areas in the SCB, two age-clusters, including 243–228 Ma just after peak-metamorphism ( 246–252 Ma) and 220–206 Ma shortly after magma underplating event (224 Ma), are observed. It is proposed that in-situ radiogenic heating from the over-thickened crust induced dehydrated reaction of muscovite and epidote/zoisite to form the early Indosinian granites in response to the isostatic readjustments of tectonically thickened crust. Conductive heating from the underplating magma in the postcollisional setting triggered the formation of late Indosinian granites. Such a consideration is supported by the results from FLAC numerical simulation.  相似文献   

何苗  刘庆  孙金凤  牛睿 《岩石学报》2018,34(7):2065-2086
华南印支期花岗岩分布较为分散,其构造背景长期存在争议。湘东地区的锡田印支期花岗岩位于扬子板块和华夏板块的结合带中部,主要由黑云母花岗岩和黑云母二长花岗岩组成,二者均含有较高的SiO_2(67.6%~76.8%)和全碱含量(ALK=K_2O+Na_2O,6.8%~10.7%),呈过铝质的特征(A/CNK值范围为1.0~1.2),分异指数D.I值为84~93;微量元素显示出Rb、Th、U富集和Ba、Nb、Sr、P、Ti亏损的特征,稀土元素配分图呈右倾海鸥状,轻重稀土分馏明显,指示岩体经历了高度的分异演化;P_2O_5和微量元素比值随着分异程度变化的特征,表明岩石过铝质的特征是由高度的分离结晶作用造成。锡田印支期花岗岩的ε_(Hf)(t)值为-11.3~-4.34,δ~(18)O值分布范围为6.9‰~10.8‰,O同位素分布较为分散,主要是记录了源岩与流体的不同特征。Hf同位素的二阶段模式年龄为1.6~2.2Ga,反映其源区主要为中元古-古元古代的华夏基底;Hf-O同位素呈现出良好的线性关系,同时未蚀变的花岗岩明显偏离源岩为沉积岩的大容山花岗岩,表明锡田花岗岩的形成受到了幔源岩浆的底侵作用。结合邻区邓阜仙岩体和王仙岭岩体的研究成果,显示研究区在印支期就处于伸展的构造背景,可能与古太平洋板块的俯冲作用有关。  相似文献   


The Mesozoic tectonic transition from the Palaeo-Tethys tectonic regime to the Palaeo-Pacific tectonic regime in the eastern South China Block has long been debated. Geochemical and zircon U–Pb–Hf isotopic studies were conducted on the Dashuang complex in the eastern Zhejiang Province. The Dashuang complex consists mainly of quartz syenite in the northwestern part and quartz monzonite in the southeastern part. New laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry zircon U–Pb data show that the quartz syenite, the quartz monzonite, and its chilled margin (fine-grained granite) crystallized at 235 ± 4 Ma, 232 ± 3 Ma, and 230 ± 1 Ma, respectively. The Dashuang complex intrudes into the Chencai Group gneiss that postdated ~646 Ma and underwent anatexis at 443 ± 14 Ma. The quartz monzonite shows A-type granite affinity, characterized by high K2O + Na2O and Zr + Nb + Ce + Y, high FeOT/(MgO + FeOT) and Ga/Al ratios, an enrichment in light rare earth elements, and depletions in Ba, Sr, and Eu. The quartz monzonite has zircon εHf(t) values of ?14.2 to –11.9 and two-stage model ages of 1788–1922 Ma. Zircon εHf(t) values of the chilled margin (fine-grained granite) and wall rock (gneiss) are scattered (?18.2 to –6.3 and ?19.5 to 10.2). The corresponding two-stage model ages are 1482–2133 Ma and 1184–2471 Ma, respectively. The Dashuang complex was derived mainly from partial melting of Neoproterozoic clastic rocks in the Cathaysia Block. Geochemical data indicate that the quartz monzonite formed in a post-collision extensional environment. These results, considered with previous data, indicate that the transition from the Palaeo-Tethys to the Palaeo-Pacific tectonic regimes of the eastern South China Block occurred during the Late Triassic (225–215 Ma).  相似文献   

赵延娜  段永红  周铭  魏运浩 《地质论评》2019,65(Z1):283-284
正华南大陆东部地区地处欧亚板块和太平洋板块的交汇区域,长期受到印度洋板块、太平洋板块和菲律宾海板块的俯冲影响,是欧亚大陆东部边缘构造框架极其重要的一部分,也是研究板块相互作用的天然实验室。已有的大尺度全国地震体波和面波成像结果可以很好的分辨出主要的盆地和块体分布,但体波成像的射线在地壳和上地幔顶部覆盖  相似文献   

The Triassic (Indosinian) granites in the South China Block (SCB) have important tectonic significance for understanding the evolution of Eastern Asia. The Dengfuxian biotite granite in eastern Hunan Province, China, reported in this article, was recognized as Late Triassic (late Indosinian) weakly peraluminous A-type granite with a zircon laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry U–Pb age of 225.7 ± 1.6 Ma. It is enriched in F, Cs, Rb, Th, high field strength elements, and rare earth elements (REEs) and depleted in Ba, Sr, P, Ti, Nb, and Ta, with high Ga/Al ratios and zircon saturation temperatures. The Dengfuxian biotite granite shows high initial Sr isotope values (0.715932 to 0.716499) and negative ?Nd(t) (?10.46 to ?9.67) and ?Hf(t) (?9.92 to ?6.29) values, corresponding to the Nd model ages of 1.79 to 1.85 Ga and the Hf model ages of 1.65 to 1.88 Ga. It is proposed that the Dengfuxian biotite granite was derived from high-temperature partial melting of the Palaeoproterozoic lower crust undergoing granulitization. Some Late Triassic A-type granites were recently identified in the SCB with the ages between 202 and 232 Ma. These A-type granites have the same geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis as Dengfuxian A-type granite, and show A2-subtype granite affinity. The Late Triassic A-type granite formed a NE-trending granite belt, which is consistent with the main NE-trending faults in the SCB. The formation of these A-type granites was in response to the subduction of the palaeo-Pacific plate underneath the SCB, and indicates an extensional tectonic environment in the SCB. Combined with previous studies on tectonic evolution, we suggest that there may be a tectonic transition inside the SCB from compression to extension at least from 225 to 230 Ma.  相似文献   

The Taoshan uranium ore district is one of the most important granite-hosted uranium producers in South China. The Taoshan granitic complex can be petrographically classified into several units of Caijiang, Huangpi, Daguzhai, and Luobuli, but the uranium deposits only occur within the Daguzhai granite unit. LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating indicates that both the Daguzhai granite and the Huangpi granite were emplaced at 154 ± 2 Ma. U contents (average 19.5 ppm) of the Daguzhai granite are higher than those of the Huangpi granite (average 7.3 ppm). The Daguzhai granite is composed of medium-grained two-mica granite, and the Huangpi granite is composed of medium- to coarse-grained biotite granite. These two granites show obvious differences in major element, trace element and isotopic geochemical characteristics. Compared to the Huangpi granite, the Daguzhai granite has higher A/CNK ratios, higher P2O5 contents and lower CaO contents, and is more enriched in Rb, Ba, U, and more depleted in Sr, Eu and Ti. The εNd(t) values of the Daguzhai granite vary from − 12.2 to − 11.0 with two-stage model ages of 1.84 to 1.93 Ga. The εNd(t) values of the Huangpi granite are slightly higher (− 9.7 to − 8.6) and the Nd model ages are younger (1.64 to 1.73 Ga). Comparative studies imply that the Daguzhai granite belongs to typical S-type and might be derived from the partial melting of parametamorphic rocks from metamorphic basement of the Zhoutan Group. In contrast, the Huangpi granite belongs to fractioned I-type, which might be derived from the partial melting of a mixture of ortho- and para-metamorphic rocks of the Zhoutan Group. These different magma sources might explain the different U contents of the two granites. In general, the source factor is an important controlling factor for the genesis of U-bearing granites in South China. U-bearing granites in South China show some common mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, which can be used to guide further exploration of granite-hosted U deposits.  相似文献   

华南印支期产铀和非产铀花岗岩黑云母矿物化学成分差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
华南印支期花岗岩与铀成矿关系密切.根据花岗岩赋存铀矿的能力,将华南印支期花岗岩分为产铀花岗岩和非产铀花岗岩.前者以诸广山岩体和大富足岩体为代表,后者以白马山岩体和瓦屋堂岩体为代表.利用黑云母电子探针矿物化学成分来研究产铀与非产铀花岗岩的特征和差异,进一步指导华南印支期花岗岩的铀矿找矿勘探工作.与非产铀花岗岩相比,产铀花...  相似文献   

华南印支期岩浆活动强烈,并形成了大量的花岗质岩石,按矿物组合可将其分为含典型过铝质矿物白云母、电气石、黄玉的强过铝质花岗岩(SPG)和含角闪石、黑云母等镁铁质矿物,而缺乏典型过铝质矿物的弱过铝质花岗岩(WPG)两大类。黑云母是花岗岩类岩石中最常见的镁铁质矿物之一,其成分特征可以有效示踪花岗岩的成岩物理-化学条件和源区性质。以赣南印支期龙源坝岩体和湘中白马山岩体为例,对华南印支期花岗岩中两类过铝质岩石的黑云母矿物化学成分进行研究,结果显示WPG中黑云母富镁、贫铝、贫铁,属镁质黑云母,而SPG中黑云母贫镁、富铝、富铁,属铁质黑云母。黑云母平衡结晶温度和氧逸度估算结果显示,WPG比SPG具有更高的岩浆温度和氧逸度。WPG属于壳幔岩浆混合产物,而SPG则来自于接近纯地壳沉积物质部分熔融产物。花岗岩中黑云母的化学成分可以有效判断源区性质,无法单独判断构造背景。  相似文献   

章健  陈培荣  陈卫锋 《铀矿地质》2014,(3):141-148,154
笔者选取了华南印支期大部分花岗岩体,通过比较不同类型花岗岩的元素地球化学特征来确定产铀花岗岩的指示性特征.对比结果显示,花岗岩的源区和成因类型不同,是导致其产铀能力不同的主要因素.华南印支期产铀花岗岩的主要特征是:成岩年龄为219~250Ma,成岩温度和氧逸度低,属于S型花岗岩,其经历同碰撞的构造背景,主要分布在华夏地块内.产铀花岗岩以二云母花岗岩和黑云母花岗岩为主,蚀变作用强,副矿物组合复杂.花岗岩中结晶分异作用强,SiO2、K2O和P2O5含量高,而Al2O3、TiO2、FeO、MgO和CaO含量低,Th/U值低.这些指示性标志是指导铀矿勘查的重要线索.  相似文献   

The South China Block (SCB) is among the large-scale W-Sn mineralized regions of the globe. The Laojunshan W-Sn-dominant ore area (LOA) in the western part of the SCB preserves the records of the tectonic history of the Tethys realm extending through North Vietnam, and Yangtze to Cathaysia blocks, with coeval formation of giant metallic deposits. The prolonged tectonic activities and their control on the genesis and spatio-temporal distribution of giant metallic deposits in the LOA provide a window for a holistic understanding of the tectono-metallogenesis of the SCB. In this study, we present results from a multi-chronologic study to determine the timing of formation of the cassiterite-wolframite-scheelite mineralization. The results suggest three distinct tectono-metallogenic periods in the LOA during the geodynamic evolution of the surrounding tectonic units. The opening of the Proto-Tethys Ocean between the Yangtze-Indochina blocks and the westward Paleo-Pacific subduction beneath the Cathaysia block (420–380 Ma) jointly contributed to the Silurian to early Devonian intracontinental orogeny in the middle of the SCB that involved top-to-the-north thrusting along NE-striking shear zones. This event generated the Dulong-Song Chay granitoids, together with the formation of Xinzhai Sn deposit related to sheared mylonitic granites (ca. 419 Ma) and pegmatites (ca. 389 Ma), which include the early-stage Sn-sulfide skarn (ca. 418 Ma) and the late-stage Sn-bearing schist (ca. 389 Ma). During the Late Permian to Late Triassic (260–220 Ma), with the closure of the Proto-Tethys oceans in the west and ongoing Paleo-Pacific westward subduction in the east, the SCB and Indochina Block (IB) were amalgamated which also marks the time of formation of the Nanwenhe scheelite skarn deposit. The subducted Paleo-Tethys oceanic crust was likely entrained by the nearby rising Emeishan mantle plume (270–259 Ma), which formed the Maguan diabase (ca. 260 Ma) that shows significantly older Re-Os model age of ca. 268 Ma, suggesting that the Nanwenhe mineralization is potentially derived from ca. 260 Ma source. Furthermore, the intraplate shortening induced thin skinned crustal deformation and low grade metamorphism (ca. 230 Ma), with the main stage of scheelite-Sn-Mo mineralization (229.9, 229.8 and 219 Ma) and contemporary formation of the pegmatite (230.7 Ma). The Late Cretaceous involved two episodes of alternate extension and shortening, driven by the subduction polarity change from northwestward subduction of the Okhotomorsk block to northward subduction of the NeoTethys seafloor. The evolution of the LOA consists of the NW–SE transpression ending ca. 100 Ma, the WNW–ESE extension in the earlier episode lasting from 100 Ma to 86 Ma, the WNW–ESE transpression beginning at ca. 85 Ma and the NS extension in the later episode during the latest Cretaceous, which produced the extension-related three periods of Laojunshan granitic magmatism and coeval Sn-W mineralization, with ages in the range of 90–89 Ma, 87–85 Ma and 83–79 Ma. We also evaluate the implications of magmatic-metamorphic-metallogenic degassing on the regional paleoclimatic history.  相似文献   

江小燕  卫巍  李献华 《岩石学报》2024,40(3):741-763

海南岛分布着大面积的印支-燕山期岩浆岩, 是华南岩浆活动的重要组成部分。近年来, 对这些花岗岩已开展了一系列工作, 但其年代学格架仍需完善, 成因类型及源区性质仍需限定, 区域构造机制仍存在争议。本文详细梳理了已发表的海南岛晚古生代-中生代花岗岩地球化学和年代学数据, 结合作者近年来的相关工作, 对海南岛花岗岩的年代学格架和岩石地球化学特征进行总结, 并对源岩、岩浆演化过程和地球动力学背景进行讨论。海南岛印支期(二叠纪-三叠纪)花岗岩(部分具有片麻状构造)整体以NE走向展布, 形成于278~225Ma, 峰期为240Ma。岩相学和地球化学研究表明, 此期岩浆活动形成了具有不同地球化学特征的S型、I型和A型花岗岩。其中, S型花岗岩(278~241Ma)与I型花岗岩(272~233Ma)均为高钾钙碱性花岗岩, 具有较低的全岩锆饱和温度(平均 < 750℃), 低于大规模角闪石分解引起的脱水熔融所需的温度, 可能是由底侵玄武质岩浆释放的水加入到下地壳诱发部分熔融的产物; A型花岗岩(257~225Ma)的全岩锆饱和温度较高(>800℃), 表明源区无流体加入或为已有花岗岩生成的去水源岩在高温条件下脱水熔融形成。此外, 本区还存在少量燕山期花岗岩, 包括燕山早期(侏罗纪)岩浆活动(如本研究识别出的161Ma高钾钙碱性I型花岗岩)以及集中在白垩纪的三期侏罗纪-白垩纪岩浆活动(按年龄可分为: ca.120Ma、ca.110~90Ma和ca.70Ma, 峰期为ca.100Ma)。地球化学数据表明燕山期花岗岩具有高钾钙碱性I型特征, 源区中有幔源年轻组分的加入。据此, 本文作者认为: (1)印支-燕山期大规模的花岗岩浆作用与古太平洋板块向华南大陆俯冲有关; (2)古太平洋板块向华南大陆的俯冲可能起始于早-中二叠世(ca. 280Ma), 结束于晚白垩世末期(ca. 70Ma); (3)自二叠纪起至白垩纪末期安第斯型活动大陆边缘结束, 海南岛保存了古太平洋俯冲相关的岩浆活动记录。


华南地区中生代动力体制经历了从特提斯构造域向滨太平洋构造域的转换,但对这种动力体制转换发生的时间和产生的地质效应则存在不同的认识。通过分析华南印支—早燕山构造层(D—J1-2)广泛发育的褶皱构造,识别了早中生代两个世代褶皱构造的横跨叠加型式,发现早期近东西向褶皱构造具有南北成带、晚期NNE向褶皱构造具有东西分区的区域展布特征。基于地层接触关系和早中生代岩浆岩和火山岩同位素年代学数据统计分析,认为这两组叠加褶皱构造清楚地记录了华南早中生代两期挤压事件,近东西向褶皱是对印支早期华南地块南北边缘碰撞造山事件的远程响应,NNE向褶皱则起源于燕山早期((170±5)Ma)古太平洋板块向华南大陆之下低角度俯冲作用,两者发生转换的时代在中晚侏罗世之交。伴随这两期构造挤压而产生的地壳增厚分别诱发了华夏地块三叠纪和晚侏罗世地壳深熔作用和岩浆侵入活动。华南两组叠加褶皱构造的识别为进一步探讨早中生代从碰撞动力构造体系向俯冲动力构造体系转换提供了关键的构造地质学依据。  相似文献   

华南地区印支期花岗岩按照成因类型可分两类,第一类属强过铝质S型花岗岩,富含过铝质矿物,富SiO2、Al2O3和P2O5,高A/CNK值,微量元素原始地幔标准化分布型式图中富集Rb、U、Ta、Zr、Hf,亏损Ba、Sr、Nb、Ti;稀土元素球粒陨石标准化分布型式图中具显著的负Eu异常,稀土元素总量偏低(ΣREE<80×10-6);第二类属准铝质I型花岗岩,含角闪石等镁铁质矿物,富SiO2、Na2O。总体来说,这两类花岗岩具有高的(87Sr/86Sr)i值(0.710490~0.742118)和低εNd(t)值(-14.42~-4.1),Nd模式年龄(2.09~1.63Ga)指示印支期花岗岩为典型的壳源型花岗岩。CaO/(MgO+FeOT)-Al2O3/(MgO+FeOT)(摩尔比)图解表明这些花岗岩主要来源于变质杂砂岩和变质泥岩的部分熔融,夹杂了少量变质玄武岩和变质英云闪长岩。华南印支期花岗岩形成于挤压加厚的地壳发生局部伸展-减薄时期,推断印支期发生了多期次的岩石圈挤压和拉张,花岗岩侵位于大规模岩石圈挤压后局部减压-伸展的构造环境中。  相似文献   

文中通过对晚石炭世至早三叠世华南和华北地块古地理特征以及地层学证据的分析,认为中国东部的郯庐断裂带自海西期以来经历了两个主要发展阶段:第一阶段是广义的郯庐断裂带发展阶段,在海西期它是扬子地块北东缘呈宽缓弧形展布的边缘裂陷槽(或盆地)的边界;在印支期由于扬子地块与华北地块的碰撞,成为两地块的对接边界,具有逆冲推覆的性质,属广义的特提斯构造域。第二发展阶段从燕山期以来,发展成为一条平移断裂带,属于狭义的环太平洋构造域的平移系统。自晚石炭世至早三叠世的中国南方及华北东南部的岩相古地理资料显示了扬子地块与华北地块的对接始于晚二叠世早期,地块的抬升自南向北、自南东向北西方向呈迁移趋势;印支期的郯庐断裂带是一条北东、北北东展布的缓‘S’形的地块拼贴边界,在现今的郯庐断裂带上表现为残留的由北北西向南南东的斜向逆冲推覆的性质,表现为大别苏鲁造山带的中上部构造层的变形,即张八岭构造带及前陆褶皱冲断带的变形;燕山期以来则为众所周知的狭义的郯庐断裂带即郯庐平移断裂系统的一部分。  相似文献   

Felsic intrusions in the Hannan region at the northwestern margin of the Yangtze Block mainly include the ca. 730 Ma adakitic Erliba and Wudumen plutons and the ca. 760 Ma calcic-alkali Xixiang and Tianpinghe bodies. These four intrusions were considered to have been formed by melting of the newly formed lower mafic crust. However, the two generations of granitoids have different lithologies and mineral compositions. Thermobarometry calculations reveal that the Erliba and Wudumen granitoids formed under approximately similar emplacement pressures (2.96–3.11 kbar) and temperatures (787–789°C). The Xixiang emplaced body was intruded at high pressure (?3.54 kbar) and low temperature (?676°C), whereas the Tianpinghe pluton solidified at low pressure (?2.00 kbar) and high temperature (~747°C). The four intrusions have similar oxygen fugacity ranges near the nickel-nickel oxide buffer, suggesting oxidized parental magmas. The Erliba and Wudumen are estimated to have been generated under pressures higher than 12 kbar, the Xixiang under a pressure of >10 kbar, and the Tianpinghe under a pressure of >6 kbar. Thus, the petrology and geochemical differences among these four felsic intrusions probably mainly resulted from variations of depth and degrees of partial melting. The whole-rock and mineral compositions have arc affinities, suggesting that they were formed in an active continental margin.  相似文献   

A kinematic and geochronological study has been carried out on the Triassic high-strain shear zones in Hainan Island, the southern South China Block. There are WNW- and NE-trending high-strain shear zones with greenschist- to amphibolite-facies metamorphism in this island. Kinematic indicators suggest a dextral top-to-the-NNE thrust shearing for the WNW-trending high-strain shear zones and a sinistral top-to-the-SE thrust shearing for the NE-trending shear zones. The quartz c-axis orientations of mylonitic rocks exhibit the domination of basal slip and some activation of a rhombohedra gliding system. The timing of shearing for these shear zones has been constrained by the 40Ar/39Ar dating analyses of synkinematic minerals. Middle Triassic (242–250 Ma) and late Triassic–early Jurassic (190–230 Ma) have been identified for the WNW- and NE-trending shear zones, respectively. A synthesis of these kinematic and thermogeochronological data points to a two-stage tectonic model for Hainan Island, that is, top-to-the-NNE oblique thrusting at 240–250 Ma followed by top-to-the-SE oblique thrusting at 190–230 Ma. In combination with the available data from the southern South China and Indochina Blocks, it is inferred that South Hainan and North Hainan have affinity to the Indochina and South China Blocks, respectively. The tectonic boundary between South Hainan and North Hainan lies roughly along the WNW-trending Changjiang–Qionghai tectonic zone probably linking to the Song Ma and Ailaoshan zones. The middle Triassic structural pattern of Hainan Island is spatially and temporally compatible with those of the South China and Indochina Blocks, and thus might be a derivation from the amalgamation of the Indochina with South China Blocks in response to the closure of the Paleotethys Ocean and subsequent subduction/collision.  相似文献   

华南东部内陆地区在侏罗纪处于陆内伸展背景已逐渐成为学术界共识,但对于该时期东部陆缘的构造环境仍存在争议。本文以浙东南毛弄组火山岩为对象,开展了岩石学、SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年代学、锆石微量元素、全岩元素地球化学和Sr-Nd同位素等研究,为认识华南东部陆缘构造背景提供制约。浙江侏罗纪火山岩以松阳毛弄剖面较具代表性,总体上是一套以英安质晶屑凝灰岩和流纹质玻屑凝灰岩为主的火山岩组合。本次研究在毛弄组下段获得的流纹质玻屑凝灰岩的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄为153±2Ma。综合前人研究表明,毛弄组火山岩主要形成于180~148Ma。毛弄组火山岩属于镁质钙碱性系列,且表现出明显的轻稀土元素富集特征,其中早侏罗世毛弄英安质凝灰岩Eu负异常不明显,而晚侏罗世毛弄流纹质凝灰岩具有显著的Eu负异常;两组凝灰岩均富集K、Rb和Th等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Zr和Hf等高场强元素。毛弄英安质火山岩的源区残留相组合可能为"斜长石+石榴石+角闪石",而毛弄流纹质凝灰岩则可能为"斜长石+角闪石",这一差异可能代表它们具有不同的源区深度。毛弄组火山岩的Sr-Nd-Hf同位素特征与华夏陆块古元古代基底岩体相似,其可能主要起源于基底地壳物质的部分熔融,并有少量地幔新生物质的加入。结合构造背景分析认为,毛弄组火山岩等陆缘岩浆岩形成环境为相对低温的"安第斯型"俯冲环境。通过不同时代区域岩体锆石氧逸度计算发现,早侏罗世东南海域岩浆岩的氧逸度比大陆陆缘更高,且大陆陆缘岩浆岩的氧逸度从晚三叠世至晚侏罗世不断升高,可能标志着陆缘地区俯冲流体的影响有着从东南海域向大陆陆缘扩散的趋势。综合分析认为,在侏罗纪华南东部陆缘可能发育一个与古太平洋俯冲有关的"安第斯型"陆缘岩浆弧,其时代可能最早可以追溯到早侏罗世早期,并持续扩大到中-晚侏罗世。这一时期浙闽沿海地区总体处于弧后挤压主导的构造环境,与同期内陆地区构造伸展背景形成鲜明对比。  相似文献   

The Yamansu belt,an important tectonic component of Eastern Tianshan Mountains,of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt,NW China hosts many Fe-(Cu)deposit.In this study,we present new zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemical data of the volcanic rocks of Shaquanzi Formation and diorite intrusions in the Yamansu belt.The Shaquanzi Formation comprises mainly basalt,andesite/andesitic tuff,rhyolite and sub-volcanic diabase with local diorite intrusions.The volcanic rocks and diorites contain ca.315-305 Ma and ca.298 Ma zircons respectively.These rocks show calc-alkaline affinity with enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements(LILEs),light rare-earth elements(LREEs),and depletion in high field strength elements(HFSEs)in primitive mantle normalized multi-element diagrams,which resemble typical back-arc basin rocks.They show depleted mantle signature with ε_(Nd)(t)ranging from+3.1 to +5.6 for basalt;+2.1 to+4.7 for andesite;-0.2 to+1.5 for rhyolite and the ε_(Hf)(t)ranges from-0.1 to +13.0 for andesites;+5.8 to +10.7 for andesitic tuffs.We suggest that the Shaquanzi Formation basalt might have originated from a depleted,metasomatized lithospheric mantle source mixed with minor(3-5%)subduction-derived materials,whereas the andesite and rhyolite could be fractional crystallization products of the basaltic magma.The Shaquanzi Formation volcanic rocks could have formed in an intracontinental back-arc basin setting,probably via the southward subduction of the Kangguer Ocean beneath the Middle Tianshan Massif.The Yamansu mineralization belt might have undergone a continental arc to back-arc basin transition during the Late Carboniferous and the intra-continental back-arc basin might have closed in the Early Permian,marked by the emplacement of dioritic magma in the Shaquanzi belt.  相似文献   

广东省河台金矿区位于两广交界的云开地区,矿区内印支期花岗岩、混合岩和韧性剪切带并存,是研究花岗岩与混合岩岩石成因关系的良好场所。通过LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年获得矿区内云楼岗花岗闪长岩的年龄为253±16Ma,云开群混合岩年龄为2403±51Ma,在分析误差范围内前者形成时间比后者早了约10Myr。云楼岗花岗闪长岩与云开群混合岩具有某些类似的地球化学特征:过铝质;高的K_2O含量、Fe_2O_3/MgO比值以及Rb、Pb、LREE含量和初始(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)(I_(Sr))比值;εNd(t)为负值;具有低的10000Ga/Al值;亏损Ba、Nb、Sr、P和Ti;SiO_2与TiO_2、Fe_2O_3T、CaO、Nb都具有负相关关系;这些特征表明它们可能都是壳源的。另外,两者中的黑云母都是再平衡的原生黑云母,表明成岩后两种岩石又在近乎相同的温压条件下遭受了改造。然而,云楼岗花岗闪长岩与云开群混合岩、变质沉积岩之间的稀土特征和Sr-Nd同位素又有所差异。前者Nd模式年龄为1821~1692Ma,明显晚于后两者(2264~1783Ma、2170~1910Ma);另外,岩体的Rb/Sr比值为14~16,明显低于混合岩的27~92。所以,云楼岗花岗闪长岩可能来自下地壳深熔作用,并混入有少量年轻地幔成分而形成的混合岩浆,而云开群混合岩只是变质沉积岩的原地熔融产物。因此,云楼岗花岗闪长体与邻近云开群混合岩不是同源的,前者也不是后者的最终产物。云楼岗岩体和云开群混合岩的形成时间可能分别代表了华南板块和印支板块碰撞高峰期和终了期。  相似文献   

通过对北武夷地区资溪-光泽杂岩体LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年分析,获得资溪岩体的年龄为236~238 Ma。结合收集的华南内陆地区已有的印支期岩浆岩的年龄资料,观察其年龄在SE-NW向和SW-NE向的时空变化情况,发现华南内陆印支期岩浆岩年龄分布具有从东南沿海到北西内陆地区呈逐渐年轻的趋势,而在大致沿武夷山走向的南西到北东方向上呈宽阔的近水平的线性分布趋势。印支期沿海岩浆弧在~260 Ma消失20 Ma之后,~240 Ma在距离海沟大约400~500 km的武夷山地区大规模出现,是水平俯冲造成的华南内陆新生岩浆弧形成,类似于新生代北美拉拉米造山和墨西哥中部的水平俯冲情况。由于加厚的中、下地壳温度较高,少量水平俯冲前端脱水形成的地幔岩浆侵入中、下地壳,带来的热很容易造成中、下地壳物质发生部分熔融,形成北武夷地区大量印支期花岗质岩浆岩。  相似文献   

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