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The Ketzin pilot site, led by the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, is Europe??s longest-operating on-shore CO2 storage site with the aim of increasing the understanding of geological storage of CO2 in saline aquifers. Located near Berlin, the Ketzin pilot site is an in situ laboratory for CO2 storage in an anticlinal structure in the Northeast German Basin. Starting research within the framework of the EU project CO2SINK in 2004, Ketzin is Germany??s first CO2 storage site and fully in use since the injection began in June 2008. After 39?months of operation, about 53,000 tonnes of CO2 have been stored in 630?C650?m deep sandstone units of the Upper Triassic Stuttgart Formation. An extensive monitoring program integrates geological, geophysical and geochemical investigations at Ketzin for a comprehensive characterization of the reservoir and the CO2 migration at various scales. Integrating a unique field and laboratory data set, both static geological modeling and dynamic simulations are regularly updated. The Ketzin project successfully demonstrates CO2 storage in a saline aquifer on a research scale. The results of monitoring and modeling can be summarized as follows: (1) Since the start of the CO2 injection in June 2008, the operation has been running reliably and safely. (2) Downhole pressure data prove correlation between the injection rate and the reservoir pressure and indicates the presence of an overall dynamic equilibrium within the reservoir. (3) The extensive geochemical and geophysical monitoring program is capable of detecting CO2 on different scales and gives no indication for any leakage. (4) Numerical simulations (history matching) are in good agreement with the monitoring results.  相似文献   

Geochemical detection of carbon dioxide in dilute aquifers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Carbon storage in deep saline reservoirs has the potential to lower the amount of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere and to mitigate global warming. Leakage back to the atmosphere through abandoned wells and along faults would reduce the efficiency of carbon storage, possibly leading to health and ecological hazards at the ground surface, and possibly impacting water quality of near-surface dilute aquifers. We use static equilibrium and reactive transport simulations to test the hypothesis that perturbations in water chemistry associated with a CO2 gas leak into dilute groundwater are important measures for the potential release of CO2 to the atmosphere. Simulation parameters are constrained by groundwater chemistry, flow, and lithology from the High Plains aquifer. The High Plains aquifer is used to represent a typical sedimentary aquifer overlying a deep CO2 storage reservoir. Specifically, we address the relationships between CO2 flux, groundwater flow, detection time and distance. The CO2 flux ranges from 103 to 2 × 106 t/yr (0.63 to 1250 t/m2/yr) to assess chemical perturbations resulting from relatively small leaks that may compromise long-term storage, water quality, and surface ecology, and larger leaks characteristic of short-term well failure.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the regional screening, selection and geological characterisation of a potential on-shore CO2 storage site (saline aquifer) in north-eastern Germany. The main objective of this study was to identify and investigate a candidate storage site, capable to accommodate the total amount of approximately 400 million tons of CO2. Such a volume is produced by a modern, lignite-fired power plant within its operation lifetime of approximately 40 years. Within north-eastern Germany, several saline aquifers of Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous age have been evaluated with respect to their regional occurrence, storage potential and basic reservoir properties. Subsequent to a ranking, considering different criteria, the anticlinal structure Schweinrich holding suitable saline aquifers of the uppermost Triassic and lowest Jurassic has been selected from a number of identified candidate sites. According to results of the geological site characterisation, including structural geological investigations and 3D reservoir modelling, the structure Schweinrich seems to be a suitable site for industrial large scale CO2 storage. Further data acquisition (new wells and 3D seismics) and research (more detailed and comprehensive modelling) is needed in order to prove the structural integrity of the storage site and assure long-term safety.  相似文献   

The present paper provides a case study of the assessment of the potential for CO2 storage in the deep saline aquifers of the Bécancour region in southern Québec. This assessment was based on a hydrogeological and petrophysical characterization using existing and newly acquired core and well log data from hydrocarbon exploration wells. Analyses of data obtained from different sources provide a good understanding of the reservoir hydrogeology and petrophysics. Profiles of formation pressure, temperature, density, viscosity, porosity, permeability, and net pay were established for Lower Paleozoic sedimentary aquifers. Lateral hydraulic continuity is dominant at the regional scale, whereas vertical discontinuities are apparent for most physical and chemical properties. The Covey Hill sandstone appears as the most suitable saline aquifer for CO2 injection/storage. This unit is found at a depth of more than 1 km and has the following properties: fluid pressures exceed 14 MPa, temperature is above 35 °C, salinity is about 108,500 mg/l, matrix permeability is in the order of 3 × 10?16 m2 (0.3 mDarcy) with expected higher values of formation-scale permeability due to the presence of natural fractures, mean porosity is 6 %, net pay reaches 282 m, available pore volume per surface area is 17 m3/m2, rock compressibility is 2 × 10?9 Pa?1 and capillary displacement pressure of brine by CO2 is about 0.4 MPa. While the containment for CO2 storage in the Bécancour saline aquifers can be ensured by appropriate reservoir characteristics, the injectivity of CO2 and the storage capacity could be limiting factors due to the overall low permeability of aquifers. This characterization offers a solid basis for the subsequent development of a numerical hydrogeological model, which will be used for CO2 injection capacity estimation, CO2 injection scenarios and risk assessment.  相似文献   

This work studied the effect of completion techniques and reservoir heterogeneity on CO2 storage and injectivity in saline aquifers using a compositional reservoir simulator, CMG-GEM. Two reservoir models were built based on the published data to represent a deep saline aquifer and a shallow aquifer. The effect of various completion conditions on CO2 storage was then discussed, including partial perforation of the reservoir net pay (partial completion), well geometry, orientation, location, and length. The heterogeneity effect was addressed by considering three parameters: mean permeability, the vertical to horizontal permeability ratio, and permeability variation. Sensitivity analysis was carried out using iSIGHT software (design of experiments) to determine the dominant factors affecting CO2 storage capacity and injectivity. Simulation results show that the most favorable option is the perforation of all layers with horizontal wells 250–300 m long set in the upper layers. Mean permeability has the most effect on CO2 storage capacity and injectivity; k v/k h affects CO2 injectivity storage capacity more than permeability variation, V k. More CO2 can be stored in the heterogeneous reservoirs with low mean permeability; however, high injectivity can be achieved in the uniform reservoirs with high mean permeability.  相似文献   

Deep saline aquifers in sedimentary basins are considered to have the greatest potential for CO2 geological storage in order to reduce carbon emissions. CO2 injected into a saline sandstone aquifer tends to migrate upwards toward the caprock because the density of the supercritical CO2 phase is lower than that of formation water. The accumulated CO2 in the upper portions of the reservoir gradually dissolves into brine, lowers pH and changes the aqueous complexation, whereby induces mineral alteration. In turn, the mineralogical composition could impose significant effects on the evolution of solution, further on the mineralized CO2. The high density of aqueous phase will then move downward due to gravity, give rise to “convective mixing,” which facilitate the transformation of CO2 from the supercritical phase to the aqueous phase and then to the solid phase. In order to determine the impacts of mineralogical compositions on trapping amounts in different mechanisms for CO2 geological storage, a 2D radial model was developed. The mineralogical composition for the base case was taken from a deep saline formation of the Ordos Basin, China. Three additional models with varying mineralogical compositions were carried out. Results indicate that the mineralogical composition had very obvious effects on different CO2 trapping mechanisms. Specific to our cases, the dissolution of chlorite provided Mg2+ and Fe2+ for the formation of secondary carbonate minerals (ankerite, siderite and magnesite). When chlorite was absent in the saline aquifer, the dominant secondary carbon sequestration mineral was dawsonite, and the amount of CO2 mineral trapping increased with an increase in the concentration of chlorite. After 3000 years, 69.08, 76.93, 83.52 and 87.24 % of the injected CO2 can be trapped in the solid (mineral) phase, 16.05, 11.86, 8.82 and 6.99 % in the aqueous phase, and 14.87, 11.21, 7.66 and 5.77 % in the gas phase for Case 1 through 4, respectively.  相似文献   

结合CO_2地质利用与封存技术机理,在国际权威潜力评估公式的基础上,系统地提出了适合中国地质背景的次盆地尺度CO_2封存潜力评估方法及关键参数取值。同时,以四川盆地为例,依次开展了枯竭油田地质封存与CO_2强化石油开采、枯竭气田与CO_2强化采气、不可采煤层地质封存与CO_2驱替煤层气,以及咸水层地质封存技术的CO_2地质封存潜力。结果表明,四川盆地利用深部咸水层与枯竭天然气田CO_2地质封存潜力最大,期望值分别达154.20×10~8t和53.73×10~8t。其中,枯竭天然气田因成藏条件好、勘探程度高、基础建设完善,为四川盆地及其周边利用枯竭气田CO_2地质封存技术实现低碳减排提供了早期示范机会。CO_2地质利用与封存潜力评估方法,对进一步开展全国次盆地尺度理论封存潜力评估与工程规划具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A geochemical survey, in shallow aquifers and soils, has been carried out to evaluate the feasibility of natural gas (CH4) storage in a deep saline aquifer at Rivara (MO), Northern Italy. This paper discusses the areal distribution of CO2 and CH4 fluxes and CO2, CH4, Rn, He, H2 concentrations both in soils and shallow aquifers above the proposed storage reservoir. The distribution of pathfinder elements such as 222Rn, He and H2 has been studied in order to identify potential faults and/or fractures related to preferential migration pathways and the possible interactions between the reservoir and surface. A geochemical and isotopic characterization of the ground waters circulating in the first 200 m has allowed to investigation of (i) the origin of the circulating fluids, (ii) the gas–water–rock interaction processes, (iii) the amount of dissolved gases and/or their saturation status. In the first 200 m, the presence of CH4-rich reducing waters are probably related to organic matter (peat) bearing strata which generate shallow-derived CH4, as elsewhere in the Po Plain. On the basis of isotopic analysis, no hints of thermogenic CH4 gas leakage from a deeper reservoir have been shown. The δ13C(CO2) both in ground waters and free gases suggests a prevalent shallow origin of CO2 (i.e. organic and/or soil-derived). The acquisition of pre-injection data is strategic for the natural gas storage development project and as a baseline for future monitoring during the gas injection/withdrawing period. Such a geochemical approach is considered as a methodological reference model for future CO2/CH4 storage projects.  相似文献   

In order to detect hydraulic and geochemical impact on the groundwater directly above the CO2 storage reservoir at the Ketzin pilot site continuous monitoring using an observation well is carried out. The target depth (446 m below ground level, bgl.) of the well is the Exter formation (Upper Triassic, Rhaetian) which is the closest permeable stratigraphic overlying formation to the CO2 storage reservoir (630–636 m bgl. at well location). The monitoring concept comprises evaluation of hydraulic conditions, temperature, water chemistry, gas geochemistry and δ13C values. This is achieved by a tubing inserted inside the well with installed pressure sensors and a U-tube sampling system so that pumping tests or additional wireline logging can be carried out simultaneously with monitoring. The aquifer was examined using a pump test. The observation well is hydraulically connected to the regional aquifer system and the permeability of about 1.8 D is comparatively high. Between Sept. 2011 and Oct. 2012, a pressure increase of 7.4 kPa is observed during monitoring under environmental conditions. Drilling was carried out with drilling mud on carbonate basis. The concentration of residual drilling mud decreases during the pump test, but all samples show a residual concentration of drilling mud. The formation fluid composition is recalculated with PHREEQC and is comparable to the literature values for the Exter formation. The gas partial pressure is below saturation at standard conditions and the composition is dominated by N2 similar to the underlying storage reservoir prior to CO2 injection. The impact of residual drilling mud on dissolved inorganic carbon and the respective δ13C values decreases during the monitoring period. The pristine isotopic composition cannot be determined due to calcite precipitation. No conclusive results indicate a leakage from the underlying CO2 storage reservoir.  相似文献   

Deep saline aquifers still remain a significant option for the disposal of large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere as a means of mitigating global climate change. The small scale Carbon Capture and Sequestration demonstration project in Ordos Basin, China, operated by the Shenhua Group, is the only one of its kind in Asia, to put the multilayer injection technology into practice. This paper aims at studying the influence of temperature, injection rate and horizontal boundary effects on CO2 plume transport in saline formation layers at different depths and thicknesses, focusing on the variations in CO2 gas saturation and mass fraction of dissolved CO2 in the formation of brine in the plume’s radial three-dimensional field around the injection point, and interlayer communication between the aquifer and its confining beds of relatively lower permeability. The study uses the ECO2N module of TOUGH2 to simulate flow and pressure configurations in response to small-scale CO2 injection into multilayer saline aquifers. The modelling domain involves a complex multilayer reservoir–caprock system, comprising of a sequence of sandstone aquifers and sealing units of mudstone and siltstone layers extending from the Permian Shanxi to the Upper Triassic Liujiagou formation systems in the Ordos Basin. Simulation results indicate that CO2 injected for storage into deep saline aquifers cause a significant pressure perturbation in the geological system that may require a long duration in the post-injection period to establish new pressure equilibrium. The multilayer simultaneous injection scheme exhibits mutual interference with the intervening sealing layers, especially when the injection layers are very close to each other and the corresponding sealing layers are thin. The study further reveals that injection rate and temperature are the most significant factors for determining the lateral and vertical extent that the CO2 plume reaches and which phase and amount will exist at a particular time during and after the injection. In general, a large number of factors may influence the CO2–water fluid flow system considering the complexity in the real geologic sequence and structural configurations. Therefore, optimization of a CO2 injection scheme still requires pursuance of further studies.  相似文献   

二氧化碳地质封存联合深部咸水开采技术(CO2-EWR)被认为是有效的碳减排途径之一。在新疆准东地区率先开展CO2-EWR技术,可在实现CO2减排的同时获得咸水,在一定程度上缓解当地的水资源短缺问题,取得环境经济双重效益。以往研究大多以概化模型为主,缺乏工程实践依托,根据准噶尔盆地东部CO2源汇匹配适宜性评价结果,基于我国首个CO2-EWR野外先导性工程试验场地资料,构建拟选CO2-EWR场地西山窑组三维(3D)非均质模型开展了场地尺度CO2-EWR技术潜力研究。研究表明,拟选场地CO2理论封存量为1.72×106(P50)t,动态封存量为2.14×106 t。采用CO2-EWR技术可实现CO2动态封存量11.18×106 t,较单独CO2地质封存提升5.22倍,同时可增采咸水资源10.17×106 t,CO2采水比率为1∶0.91。同时,该技术可有效缓解因CO2大量注入引起的储层压力累积,提高CO2封存效率,增加咸水开采潜力。本研究可为新疆准东地区实施规模化CO2地质封存联合深部咸水开采工程提供理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

In central Italy Mesozoic carbonates represent the principal reservoir of freshwater of the region. The hydrogeological setting is linked to the geological evolution of the Apennine chain and is generally characterised by a lower aquifer and one or more shallower aquifers separated by thin aquicludes. In these systems, groundwater composition is the result of a complex array of regional and local geochemical processes. The main geochemical processes are the dissolution of calcite, the influx of deeply derived CO2 related to a regional process of mantle degassing, dedolomitization and mixing with deep saline fluids. The occurrence of saline fluids, characterised by a Na–Cl(HCO3) composition, is related to the presence of a deep regional aquifer at the base of Mesozoic carbonates. The extremely high pCO2 values computed for the saline waters suggest that the deep aquifer is also a structural trap for the mantle derived CO2 during its ascent towards the surface. In central Italy, geological and geophysical data highlight the presence of two different crustal sectors: the eastern sector, where the geometry of the Apennine thrust belt is still preserved, and the western sector, where the compressive structures are dislocated by important extensional deformations. In the western sector, the normal faults disrupting the compressive structures allow the mixing of the deep Na–Cl(HCO3) fluids with the shallow groundwater causing a salinity increase and the natural deterioration of groundwater quality.  相似文献   

Deep saline aquifers are considered as the most promising option for geologic disposal of CO2. One of the main concerns, however, is the integrity of the caprocks between and above the storage formations. Here, a hydrogeochemical and isotopic investigation is presented, using ionic chemistry, stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H and 87Sr/86Sr) and radiocarbon dating, on five saline aquifers on a regional scale, namely: Neogene Minghuazhen, Guantao, Ordivician, Cambrian and Precambrian, all found in the Bohai Bay Basin (BBB) in North China. Groundwater recharge, flow pattern, age and mixing processes in the saline aquifers show that the Neogene Guantao Formation (Ng) in the Jizhong and Huanghua Depressions on both of the west and east sides of the Cangxian Uplift is a prospective reservoir for CO2 sequestration, with a well confined regional seal above, which is the clayey layers in the Neogene Minghuazhen Formation (Nm). However, this is not the case in the Cangxian Uplift, where the Ng is missing where structural high and fault zones are developed, creating strong hydraulic connections and trans-formational flow to the Nm aquifer. Comparing storage capacity and long-term security between the various hydrogeologic units, the depressions are better candidate sites for CO2 sequestration in the BBB.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to investigate the THM-coupled responses of the storage formation and caprock, induced by gas production, CO2-EGR (enhanced gas recovery), and CO2-storage. A generic 3D planer model (20,000?×?3,000?×?100?m, consisting of 1,200?m overburden, 100?m caprock, 200?m gas reservoir, and 1,500?m base rock) is adopted for the simulation process using the integrated code TOUGH2/EOS7C-FLAC3D and the multi-purpose simulator OpenGeoSys. Both simulators agree that the CO2-EGR phase under a balanced injection rate (31,500?tons/year) will cause almost no change in the reservoir pressure. The gas recovery rate increases 1.4?% in the 5-year CO2-EGR phase, and a better EGR effect could be achieved by increasing the distance between injection and production wells (e.g., 5.83?% for 5?km distance, instead of 1.2?km in this study). Under the considered conditions there is no evidence of plastic deformation and both reservoir and caprock behave elastically at all operation stages. The stress path could be predicted analytically and the results show that the isotropic and extensional stress regime will switch to the compressional stress regime, when the pore pressure rises to a specific level. Both simulators agree regarding modification of the reservoir stress state. With further CO2-injection tension failure in reservoir could occur, but shear failure will never happen under these conditions. Using TOUGH-FLAC, a scenario case is also analyzed with the assumption that the reservoir is naturally fractured. The specific analysis shows that the maximal storage pressure is 13.6?MPa which is determined by the penetration criterion of the caprock.  相似文献   

This study presents the Bottom-hole pressure (BHP) behavior with different wettabilities and the optimal design scheme to effectively inject CO2 into the Gorae-V aquifer. As a result, the injection rate and injectivity were increased as the wettability condition became more water-wet. However, the more wettability condition becomes water-wet, the more the ultimate CO2 injection volume decreases. When the injectivity was 346 ton/day/Mpa at the Gorae-V aquifer, the aquifer can sustain CO2 injection at a rate of 2,425 tons per day over this time period. A design for a complete CCS system was developed based on the existing off-shore pipeline in combination with new on-shore CO2 transport infrastructure, and a pressure of 12.8 MPa is required at the CO2 source to maintain this injection rate.  相似文献   

A long-term (up to 10 ka) geochemical change in saline aquifer CO2 storage was studied using the TOUGHREACT simulator, on a 2-dimensional, 2-layered model representing the underground geologic and hydrogeologic conditions of the Tokyo Bay area that is one of the areas of the largest CO2 emissions in the world. In the storage system characterized by low permeability of reservoir and cap rock, the dominant storage mechanism is found to be solubility trapping that includes the dissolution and dissociation of injected CO2 in the aqueous phase followed by geochemical reactions to dissolve minerals in the rocks. The CO2–water–rock interaction in the storage system (mainly in the reservoir) changes the properties of water in a mushroom-like CO2 plume, which eventually leads to convective mixing driven by gravitational instability. The geochemically evolved aqueous phase precipitates carbonates in the plume front due to a local rise in pH with mixing of unaffected reservoir water. The carbonate precipitation occurs extensively within the plume after the end of its enlargement, fixing injected CO2 in a long, geologic period.Dawsonite, a Na–Al carbonate, is initially formed throughout the plume from consumption of plagioclase in the reservoir rock, but is found to be a transient phase finally disappearing from most of the CO2-affected part of the system. The mineral is unstable relative to more common types of carbonates in the geochemical evolution of the CO2 storage system initially having formation water of relatively low salinity. The exception is the reservoir-cap rock boundary where CO2 saturation remains very high throughout the simulation period.  相似文献   

Dissolution?Cprecipitation phenomena induced by CO2 injection to Altmark Permian sandstone were observed through laboratory experiments carried out under simulated reservoir conditions (125?°C and 50 bars of pressure). The rock sample was collected from the Altmark gas reservoir, which is being considered for enhanced gas recovery. Two sets of experiments were performed with pulverized rock samples in a closed batch reactor with either pure water (run 1) or 3?M aqueous NaCl solution (run 2) and reacted with injected CO2 for 3, 5, and 9?days. The liquid samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy and total reflection X-ray fluorescence, where the latter proved to be a feasible alternative to conventional analytical techniques, especially since only small sample volumes (about 10???l) are needed. Chemical analysis for both fluids (water and NaCl brine) indicated a significant dissolution of calcite and anhydrite in the solution, which might be a crucial process during CO2 injection. The brine solution enhanced the dissolution of calcite and anhydrite compared to pure water at the beginning of the reaction. Moreover, the progressive higher Si4+/Al3+ molar ratios (in average by a factor of 3) in the brine experiments indicated quartz dissolution. Thermodynamic calculations of mineral saturation indices highlighted the dissolution of the Ca-bearing minerals, which was in agreement with experimental results. Modeling enabled an evaluation of the dissolution processes of minerals in a low-salinity region, yet hindrances to model more saline conditions emphasize the need for further laboratory studies in order to parameterize models for deep aquifer conditions.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(7-8):745-758
The physical–chemical characteristics of the groundwater in the Baza–Caniles detrital aquifer system indicate that a wide diversity of hydrochemical conditions exists in this semiarid region, defining geochemical zones with distinct groundwater types. The least mineralized water is found closest to the main recharge zones, and the salinity of the water increases significantly with depth towards the center of the basin. Geochemical reaction models have been constructed using water chemistry data along flow paths that characterize the different sectors of the aquifer system, namely: Quaternary aquifer, unconfined sector and shallow and deep confined sectors of the Mio–Pliocene aquifer. Geochemical mass–balance calculations indicate that the dominant groundwater reaction throughout the detrital system is dedolomitisation (dolomite dissolution and calcite precipitation driven by gypsum dissolution); this process is highly developed in the central part of the basin due to the abundance of evaporites. Apart from this process, there are others which influence the geochemical zoning of the system. In the Quaternary aquifer, which behaves as a system open to gases and which receives inputs of CO2 gas derived from the intensive farming in the area, the interaction of the CO2 with the carbonate matrix of the aquifer produces an increase in the alkalinity of the water. In the shallow confined sector of the Mio–Pliocene aquifer, the process of dedolomitisation evolves in a system closed to CO2 gas. Ca2+/Na+ cation exchange and halite dissolution processes are locally important, which gives rise to a relatively saline water. Finally, in the deep confined sector, a strongly reducing environment exists, in which the presence of H2S and NH+4 in the highly mineralized groundwater can be detected. In this geochemical zone, the groundwater system is considered to be closed to CO2 gas proceeding from external sources, but open to CO2 from oxidation of organic matter. The geochemical modeling indicates that the chemical characteristics of this saline water are mainly due to SO4 dissolution, dedolomitisation and SO4 reduction, coupled with microbial degradation of lignite.  相似文献   

The assessment of the environmental impacts of CO2 geological storage requires the investigation of potential CO2 leakages into fresh groundwater, particularly with respect to protected groundwater resources. The geochemical processes and perturbations associated with a CO2 leak into fresh groundwater could alter groundwater quality: indeed, some of the reacting minerals may contain hazardous constituents, which might be released into groundwater. Since the geochemical reactions may occult direct evidence of intruding CO2, it is necessary to characterize these processes and identify possible indirect indicators for monitoring CO2 intrusion. The present study focuses on open questions: Can changes in water quality provide evidence of CO2 leakage? Which parameters can be used to assess impact on freshwater aquifers? What is the time scale of water chemistry degradation in the presence of CO2? The results of an experimental approach allow selecting pertinent isotope tracers as possible indirect indicators of CO2 presence, opening the way to devise an isotopic tracing tool.The study area is located in the Paris Basin (France), which contains deep saline formations identified as targets by French national programs for CO2 geological storage. The study focuses on the multi-layered Albian fresh water aquifer, confined in the central part of the Paris Basin a major strategic potable groundwater overlying the potential CO2 storage formations. An experimental approach (batch reactors) was carried out in order to better understand the rock–water–CO2 interactions with two main objectives. The first was to assess the evolution of the formation water chemistry and mineralogy of the solid phase over time during the interaction. The second concerned the design of an isotopic monitoring program for freshwater resources potentially affected by CO2 leakage. The main focus was to select suitable environmental isotope tracers to track water rock interaction associated with small quantities of CO2 leaking into freshwater aquifers.In order to improve knowledge on the Albian aquifer, and to provide representative samples for the experiments, solid and fluid sampling campaigns were performed throughout the Paris Basin. Albian groundwater is anoxic with high concentrations of Fe, a pH around 7 and a mineral content of 0.3 g L−1. Macroscopic and microscopic solid analyses showed a quartz-rich sand with the presence of illite/smectite, microcline, apatite and glauconite. A water–mineral–CO2 interaction batch experiment was used to investigate the geochemical evolution of the groundwater and the potential release of hazardous trace elements. It was complemented by a multi-isotope approach including δ13CDIC and 87Sr/86Sr. Here the evolution of the concentrations of major and trace elements and isotopic ratios over batch durations from 1 day to 1 month are discussed. Three types of ion behavior are observed: Type I features Ca, SiO2, HCO3, F, PO4, Na, Al, B, Co, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, Zn which increased after initial CO2 influx. Type II comprises Be and Fe declining at the start of CO2 injection. Then, type III groups element with no variation during the experiments like Cl and SO4. The results of the multi-isotope approach show significant changes in isotopic ratios with time. The contribution of isotope and chemical data helps in understanding geochemical processes involved in the system. The isotopic systems used in this study are potential indirect indicators of CO2–water–rock interaction and could serve as monitoring tools of CO2 leakage into an aquifer overlying deep saline formations used for C sequestration and storage.  相似文献   

Pressure buildup limits CO2 injectivity and storage capacity and pressure loss limits the brine production capacity and security, particularly for closed and semi-closed formations. In this study, we conduct a multiwell model to examine the potential advantages of combined exhaustive brine production and complete CO2 storage in deep saline formations in the Jiangling Depression, Jianghan Basin of China. Simulation results show that the simultaneous brine extraction and CO2 storage in saline formation not only effectively regulate near-wellbore and regional pressure of storage formation, but also can significantly enhance brine production capacity and CO2 injectivity as well as storage capacity, thereby achieving maximum utilization of underground space. In addition, the combination of brine production and CO2 injection can effectively mitigate the leakage risk between the geological units. With regard to the scheme of brine production and CO2 injection, constant pressure injection is much superior to constant rate injection thanks to the mutual enhancement effect. The simultaneous brine production of nine wells and CO2 injection of four wells under the constant pressure injection scheme act best in all respects of pressure regulation, brine production efficiency, CO2 injectivity and storage capacity as well as leakage risk mitigation. Several ways to further optimize the combined strategy are investigated and the results show that increasing the injection pressure and adopting fully penetrating production wells can further significantly enhance the combined efficiency; however, there is no obvious promoting effect by shortening the well spacing and changing the well placement.  相似文献   

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