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The diatom record of V95-2P, a 7.6 m long sediment core collected from 67 m depth, is the first from the east central portion of Lake Victoria. A soil horizon developed at the coring site shortly before 12,400 14C yr BP due to a lakewide desiccation event. The radiocarbon chronology of the older half of this core is problematic, but if our estimated chronology is correct, then aridity and evaporative concentration of the lake are indicated by the presence of Thalassiosira rudolfi from > 12,400 BP to about 10,000 BP. Abundant Aulacoseira and generally rising biogenic silica concentrations may reflect enhanced water column mixing and rising precipitation:evaporation ratios ca. 10,000-8400 BP. A lakewide reorganization of diatom assemblages occurred around 7200 BP, when Aulacoseira nyassensis largely replaced A. granulata and after which rainfall and wind-driven mixing became more seasonally restricted. Pronounced reductions in offshore diatom deposition, from about 8300-5800 BP and after 3500 BP, may have been related to declines in the duration and/or intensity of wind-driven mixing. Increased aridity, and possibly deforestation in the lake basin, is indicated after 1400 BP.  相似文献   

The ostracod record from Kajemarum Oasis in the Sahel zone of Northeastern Nigeria covers the last c. 4000 cal. years of a 5500 cal. year lake-sediment sequence. The first appearance of ostracods, around 4000 cal. yr BP, reflects the switch from a very dilute lake during the mid-Holocene, to slightly oligosaline conditions that favoured the occurrence and preservation of ostracods. Between 3800 and 3100 cal. yr BP, the lake remained permanent and fresh or slightly oligosaline, with a Ca-Mg-HCO3 composition. A rise in salinity c. 3100 cal. yr BP, accompanied by a change to more variable conditions on a seasonal to interannual timescale, led to the influx of more-euryhaline taxa. Oligosaline conditions continued between 3100 and 1500 cal. yr BP. Around 1500 cal. yr BP, there was a sharp rise in salinity, probably accompanied by a shift to Na-CO3-type water, with marked seasonal and interannual variability. Salinity decreased after 900 cal. yr BP, although short-term variations were marked between 900 cal. yr BP and the top of the sequence, 95 cal. yr BP. Changes in the species assemblages and ostracod abundance were a response to climate-driven variations in the seasonal and interannual stability of the lake, together with changes in its salinity and solute composition, but there is no simple relationship between ostracod faunas and salinity. Within Kajemarum, there is no evidence of ostracod assemblages typical of deep, fresh water, nor of hypersaline Na-Cl waters. The sediments associated with the freshest waters at Kajemarum did not favour ostracod preservation, and the driest climatic conditions were associated with oligosaline to mesosaline water of Na-CO3-type. The species-poor assemblages reflect the short-term instability of the lake, coupled with the limited opportunities for the colonisation of this isolated basin.  相似文献   

We report δ18O and δ13C values of 21 fossil shells from the aquatic gastropod Radix from a sediment core taken in the eastern basin of Lake Karakul, Tajikistan (38.86–39.16°N, 73.26–73.56°E, 3,928 m above sea level) and covering the last 4,200 cal yr BP. The lake is surrounded by many palaeoshorelines evidencing former lake-level changes, most likely triggered by changes in meltwater flux. This hypothesis was tested by interpreting the isotope ratios of Radix shells together with δ18O values of Ostracoda and of authigenic aragonite. The mean δ18O values of Radix and Ostracoda fall along the same long-term trend indicating a change in the isotopic composition of precipitation, which contributed to the glaciers in the catchment as snow and finally as melt water to the lake. The sclerochronological δ18O and δ13C patterns in Radix shells provide seasonal weather information, which is discussed in context with previously proposed climatic changes during the last 4,200 cal yr BP. The period between ~4,200 and 3,000 cal yr BP was characterized by stepwise glacier advance in the catchment most likely due to a precipitation surplus. Subsequently the climate remained relatively cold but the lake level fluctuated, as indicated by ostracod shell isotope data. From ~1,800 cal yr BP the sclerochronological patterns provide evidence for increasing melt water flux and transport of allochthonous carbon into the lake, most likely due to an accelerated glacier retreat. The period around 1,500 cal yr BP was characterized by strong warming, increasing meltwater flux, glacier retreat and an increasing lake level. Warm conditions continued until ~500 cal yr ΒP probably representing the end of the Medieval Warm Period. A short relatively cold (dry?) period and a lower lake level are assumed for ~350 cal yr BP, possibly an analogue to the Maunder Minimum cooling in the North Atlantic region. Our results show that the lake system is complex, and that changes were triggered by external forcing and feedbacks. The similarity of δ18O values in Radix and ostracod shells demonstrates that both archives provide complementary information.  相似文献   

Diatoms, pollen, physical and magnetic analyses of the sediments have been used to reconstruct the development over the last 6000 years of Lake Bussjösjön, a small lake in southern Sweden. Stratigraphic variations in a core of more than 15 m reveal changes in diatom assemblages, which correspond closely to changes in pollen, loss-on-ignition, and magnetic measurements that are related to land use and vegetation changes in the catchment. From ca 6000 BP to 2700 BP, a forest surrounded what was then a slightly eutrophic lake. The sudden appearance of Cyclostephanos dubius (Fricke) Round and several epiphytic/epipsammic diatoms at 2700 BP coincides with deforestation of the catchment (2700 BP to 2500 BP). A change in land use from predominantly pasture to arable land from 1300 BP to 1100 BP caused a high level of soil erosion with a decrease of C. dubius and the increase of Stephanodiscus species. An increase of epiphytic/epipsammic species coincides with increased arable farming and the change from a field-rotation to a crop-rotation system, and shows not only an increase in eutrophication but also changes in water depth. The influence of the catchment through time resulted in a smaller, shallower and eutrophic to hypertrophic lake.  相似文献   

罗宇涵  刘毅  孙立广 《极地研究》2012,24(2):159-167
对东南极拉斯曼丘陵莫愁湖ZH沉积柱进行了生态地质学的研究,通过AMS-14C定年构建年龄框架,采用550℃烧失量、粒度和元素地球化学指标等,恢复了中晚全新世该地区较高分辨率的湖泊生物量记录。结果显示,距今6600-6100年、5400-4800年、4650-3750年和3500年-2850年为莫愁湖生物量高值期,气候相对温暖适宜,湖泊生产力旺盛;距今6100-5400年、4800-4650年和3750-3500年为湖泊生物量低值期,气候相对寒冷,湖泊生产力相对较弱。而且在整体较暖的气候环境下,出现了其它无冰区沉积物中鲜有记录的距今4800-4650年、4400年前后和3750-3500年的气候快速变冷事件。根据莫愁湖湖泊生物量恢复的东南极拉斯曼地区高分辨的气候变化特征,与太阳活动强度和东南极大陆冰芯记录相吻合,为东南极中晚全新世多样的气候格局研究提供了新的依据。  相似文献   

Fossil Trichoptera (caddisfly) remains have been identified and quantitatively recorded in the late-glacial and early-Holocene sediments from Kråkenes Lake, western Norway. The sediment sequence was deposited between 12,300 and 8850 14C BP, covering the Allerød, Younger Dryas, and early-Holocene periods. The first Trichoptera were recorded at 12,000 14C BP, and during the Allerod a diverse assemblage of Limnephilidae taxa developed in the lake. By about 11,400 14C BP the relatively thermophilous Polycentropus flavomaculatus and Limnephilus rhombicus were present, suggesting that the summer water temperature was at least 17 °C. This temperature fell by 5-8 °C at the start of the Younger Dryas, and the thermophilous taxa were replaced within 20-40 14C yrs by Apatania spp., including the arctic-alpine A. zonella, suggesting a maximum summer water temperature of 10-12 °C. The Trichoptera assemblage was impoverished in numbers and in diversity over the next 200 yrs as the severe conditions of the Younger Dryas developed. As soon as temperatures rose and glacial meltwater and silt input ended about 700 14C yrs later, the resident Apatania assemblage expanded immediately, within 10 yrs. About 130 yrs later, thermophilous taxa replaced Apatania, and a much more diverse assemblage than in the Allerod occupied the varied habitats made available by the development of the Holocene lake ecosystem. The 130 yr delay may have been caused by a gradual temperature increase crossing a critical threshold, or by the time taken for thermophilous taxa to migrate from their Younger Dryas refugia.  相似文献   

The Holocene sedimentary diatom record from Otasan Lake, Alberta, has been analyzed to determine the development of this presently slightly acidic lake. The changes in the lake have been linked to the development of the Sphagnum-dominated catchment. Analysis of the stratigraphic data revealed four distinct zones. The lake record began ca. 8200 yrs BP with a benthic and alkaline diatom assemblage dominated by Ellerbeckia arenaria (Moore) Crawford. At ca. 7300 yrs BP planktonic species began to increase and dominate indicating increased water levels, decreased turbidity, and increased nutrient levels. Throughout the Holocene the peatland in the catchment encroached toward the modern lake margin and by ca. 5000 yrs BP lake acidity had changed sufficiently such that acidic diatom species dominated. Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kütz.v. flocculosa Strain IIIp sensu Koppen dominated the record from ca. 5000 to ca. 3100 yrs BP. The lowest lake water pH was inferred for this zone. From ca. 3100 yrs BP to the present Fragilaria species, primarily F. construens v. venter (Ehr.) Hustedt, dominated the diatom assemblage. Diatom productivity and inferred pH were interpreted as stable. From correspondence analysis of the fossil samples, and from species assemblages, underlying gradients of pH, nutrient level, and water depth were inferred. The change from alkaline to slightly acidic conditions took place between ca. 8200 and ca. 5000 yrs BP. From ca. 3000 yrs BP to the present, lake water pH has remained fairly constant. Nutrient levels and water depth were inferred to have altered together. After ca. 8200 yrs BP, nutrients and water level began to increase until ca. 6000 yrs BP. Then, there was a gradual decline in these variables over the most acidic zone until ca. 3000 yrs BP, after which they, too, have remained fairly constant. Dominant Boreal Upland Vegetation was established by ca. 7200 yrs BP, and it was inferred that dominant climate patterns had been established at that time, but small changes in climate have occurred and the landscape in northeastern Alberta has only been stable for the last 3000 years.  相似文献   

Holocene Lake Evolution in the Elmali Basin,Southwest Turkey   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The spatial coverage of paleoecological research from southwestern Turkey is expanded by reporting on a ca. 12,690 14C yr BP (14,935 cal yr BP) proxy record recovered from the Elmali basin. Four AMS radiocarbon age determinations, the litho-stratigraphic analysis of a lake bed core, and the analysis of subsurface sediment samples from 15 shallow auger holes across the basin document sedimentation patterns during the Holocene. Based on the widespread occurrence of Chara gyrogonite, and several species of ostracoda and gastropoda, the Elmali basin was dominated by lacustrine and palustrine environments but was continually influenced by alluvial fan sedimentation. Contrasting stratigraphy in the Kara Göl and Avlan Gölü sub-basins is a result of basin morphology, and possibly hydrologic control by karst features, and sub-basin isolation due to alluvial fan development. The cyclical deposition of marl/lime mud, gyttja, and peat in the Kara Göl core is indicative of periodic fluctuations in water level across a broad shallow basin, whereas the continuous clay record observed at Avlan Gölü implies deep-water sedimentation within a plugged former karst collapse feature. Calcareous clay deposited between 14,935 and 11,180 cal yr BP signals the growth and expansion of paleo Lake Elmali, which at its peak during the late Pleistocene, may have inundated over half of the of the 180 km2 Elmali basin.  相似文献   

Lake development in geologically active basins is a complex phenomenon as shown by the bed of the Pliocene Tlaxcala paleolake disturbed by volcanic eruptions in central Mexico. A 5-m layered freshwater diatomite outcrop section shows volcanic ashes throughout a bottom Stephanodiscus zone up to a more recent Aulacoseira zone. A 0.5-m transition region begins with an abrupt decrease in volcanic inputs and ends with a shift to Aulacoseira solida (Eulenstein) Krammer. Sediment analysis points to a shallow eutrophic lake in the bottom zone undergoing a transition to higher water volume leading to a threshold depth for the species shift. The lake was apparently deeper and mesotrophic thereafter. A common interpretation is to attribute such a volume change to a moisture increase. However, evidence of geological activity, mainly volcanism and faulting, suggests that it could have also been rooted in geomorphological changes of the lake basin.  相似文献   

Diatoms are usually used for reconstructing variations in past lacustrine depth. In a small endorheic basin located in the southern Bolivian Altiplano, we used a comparative method based on basin morphology, stratigraphy, sediment samples, altitude and diatom ecology to infer depth variations more precisely in both marginal and central parts of the basin. Beforeca. 22,000 yr BP, the general tendency was a progressive increase in water-level from 4,135 to 4,155 m altitude, but Lake Ballivian rose to 4,160 m twice, and dropped below 4,135m twice. After ca. 22,000 yr BP, a long dry period occurred, as indicated by a sedimentation hiatus. Atca. 13,000 yr BP, the water-level slightly increased again but the lake stayed very shallow, at less than 4,125 m altitude. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A02GG003 00005  相似文献   

Lake Malawi lies in a major rift valley in Central Africa that is some 700 m deep and 550 km long. A total of 242 cores and 111 grab samples were recovered between 1984 and 1989 and form the data base for a study of diatom distribution in this lake basin. The sediments consist of homogeneous diatomites, pelagic diatomaceous muds, varved diatomite-mud couplets, turbidites, littoral sand sheets and extensive deposits of ferro-manganous nodules.Fossil diatoms show major temporal and regional contrasts between the southern, central and northern areas of the lake. A wide variety of Aulacoseira species occur in the southern lake sediments. To the north, the Nkhotakota region is generally characterised by Stephanodiscus and Aulacoseira, with occasional diatomite laminae composed of Aulacoseira or Nitzschia. The central parts of the lake show the greatest variation, with Stephanodiscus, Nitzschia and Aulacoseira all being prominent. The northern region is dominated by Aulacoseira nyassensis throughout most core sequences.Variability in these assemblages appears to be controlled by Si:P ratios, Si concentrations, turbulence and light penetration. These factors themselves are influenced by differences in the depth and duration of lake mixing due to variations in wind strength, seiches and bottom topography among different regions of the lake and from lakewide circulation patterns.  相似文献   

Despite their sensitivity to climate variability, few of the abundant sinkhole lakes of Florida have been the subject of paleolimnological studies to discern patterns of change in aquatic communities and link them to climate drivers. However, deep sinkhole lakes can contain highly resolved paleolimnological records that can be used to track long-term climate variability and its interaction with effects of land-use change. In order to understand how limnological changes were regulated by regional climate variability and further modified by local land-use change in south Florida, we explored diatom assemblage variability over centennial and semi-decadal time scales in an ~11,000-yr and a ~150-yr sediment core extracted from a 21-m deep sinkhole lake, Lake Annie, on the protected property of Archbold Biological Station. We linked variance in diatom assemblage structure to changes in water total phosphorus, color, and pH using diatom-based transfer functions. Reconstructions suggest the sinkhole depression contained a small, acidic, oligotrophic pond ~11000–7000 cal yr BP that gradually deepened to form a humic lake by ~4000 cal yr BP, coinciding with the onset of modern precipitation regimes and the stabilization of sea-level indicated by corresponding palynological records. The lake then contained stable, acidophilous planktonic and benthic algal communities for several thousand years. In the early AD 1900s, that community shifted to one diagnostic of an even lower pH (~5.6), likely resulting from acid precipitation. Further transitions over the past 25 yr reflect recovery from acidification and intensified sensitivity to climate variability caused by enhanced watershed runoff from small drainage ditches dug during the mid-twentieth Century on the surrounding property.  相似文献   

This study of fossils (pollen, plant macrofossils, stomata and fish) and sediments (lithostratigraphy and geochemistry) from the Wendel site in North Dakota, USA, emphasizes the importance of considering ground-water hydrology when deciphering paleoclimate signals from lakes in postglacial landscapes. The Wendel site was a paleolake from about 11,500 14C yr BP to 11,100 14C yr BP. Afterwards, the lake-level lowered until it became a prairie marsh by 9,300 14C yr BP and finally, at 8,500 14C yr BP, an ephemeral wetland as it is today. Meanwhile, the vegetation changed from a white spruce parkland (11,500 to 10,500 14C yr BP) to deciduous parkland, followed by grassland at 9,300 14C yr BP. The pattern and timing of these aquatic and terrestrial changes are similar to coeval kettle lake records from adjacent uplands, providing a regional aridity signal. However, two local sources of ground water were identified from the fossil and geochemical data, which mediated atmospheric inputs to the Wendel basin. First, the paleolake received water from the melting of stagnant ice buried under local till for about 900 years after glacier recession. Later, Holocene droughts probably caused the lower-elevation Wendel site to capture the ground water of up-gradient lakes.  相似文献   

Three lake sediment sequences (lakes Nero, Chashnitsy, Zaozer’e) from the Rostov-Jaroslavl’ region north of Moscow were studied to provide information on palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental changes during the past 15,000 cal yr. The multi-proxy study (i.e., pollen, macrofossils, mineral magnetic measurements, total carbon, nitrogen and sulphur) is chronologically constrained by AMS 14C measurements. Lake Nero provided the longest sedimentary record back to ca. 15,000 cal yr BP, while sediment accumulation began around ca. 11,000 cal yr BP in the two other lakes, possibly due to melting of permafrost. Limnic plant macrofossil remains suggest increased lake productivity and higher mean summer temperatures after 14,500 cal yr BP. While the late glacial vegetation was dominated by Betula and Salix shrubs and various herbs, it appears that Betula sect. Albae became established as early as 14,000 cal yr BP. Major hydrological changes in the region led to distinctly lower lake levels, starting 13,000 cal yr BP in Lake Nero and ca. 9000 cal yr BP in lakes Chashnitsy and Zaozer’e, which are situated at higher elevations. These changes resulted in sedimentary hiatuses in all three lakes that lasted 3500–4500 cal yr. Mixed broad-leaved – coniferous forests were widespread in the area between 8200 and 6100 cal yr BP and developed into dense, species-rich forests between 6100 and 2500 cal yr BP, during what was likely the warmest interval of the studied sequences. Agricultural activity is documented since 500 cal yr BP, but probably began earlier, since Rostov was a major capital by 862 A.D. This apparent gap may be caused by additional sedimentary hiatuses around 2500 and 500 cal yr BP.  相似文献   

Analysis of midge remains in late-Quaternary sediment, recovered from a lake situated north of treeline in northeast Siberia, indicates the occurrence of notable climatic fluctuations during the last 12 ka. The onset of late-glacial warming was disrupted by a marked cooling event – possibly correlative with the Younger Dryas – that occurred between 11,000 and 10,000 yr BP. Increases in the relative abundance of taxa typically found in tundra lakes, such as Hydrobaenus/Oliveridia and Parakiefferiella nigra, and the concurrent decrease in temperate taxa, such as Microtendipes and Corynocera ambigua, suggest climatic deterioration occurred during this interval. At approximately 10,000 yr BP there was a large increase in temperate taxa such as Microtendipes and C. ambigua, and a decline of essentially all cold-water taxa. This suggests that climate was warmer than present since the modern distribution of both Microtendipes and C. ambigua is limited to forested sites in this region. This warm interval lasted until approximately 6000 yr BP when there was a precipitous decline in temperate chironomid taxa and an increase in cold-water chironomid taxa, such as Paracladius, Hydrobaenus/Oliveridia, Abiskomyia, and Parakiefferiella nigra. This cooling continued through the late-Holocene and the modern tundra chironomid assemblage developed by approximately 1400 yr BP.  相似文献   

The Arcellacean (Thecamoebian) fauna was assessed in five Holocene sediment cores obtained from James and Granite lakes in the Temagami region of northeastern Ontario. In addition, palynological analysis was carried out on two of these cores, one each from James and Granite lakes. The first indication of postglacial colonization by plants was the appearance of rare Cupressaceae pollen, dated to 10,800 yr BP. Plant diversity began to increase by 10,770 yr BP when Pinus spp. and Larix migrated into the area. The first appearance of arcellaceans occurred after 9650 yr BP in assemblages dominated by Centropyxis constricta and opportunistic Centropyxis aculeata. High abundances of charophytes in the cores until 8800 yr BP indicated that macroalgae were proliferating at this time. This deposition is interpreted to have occurred during the draining of an ice-marginal lake following the retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Based on pollen analysis, warmer conditions associated with the Holocene Hypsithermal prevailed in the area from 6250 to 4115 yr BP. The stable, open Great Lakes – St. Lawrence type forest that developed here at the beginning of the Hypsithermal continues to prevail to the present. The periodic colonization of the lake by beavers (Castor canadensis) acted as a control on water-level and eutrophication through the Holocene. Evidence of eutrophication was indicated in the core samples by the abundance of high levels of the alga Pediastrum and the arcellacean Cucurbitella tricuspis. Eutrophication periodically developed when beavers dammed a site, causing the rate of flow in drainage streams to slow and stagnant conditions occurred. When the site became depleted of the nearby trees, which were preferred by beaver (Betula, Alnus and Populus), the dam would be abandoned, causing the water-level to drop. Stagnant conditions were reduced as flow levels increased, reducing eutrophication and resulting in recovering forest stands. In addition, the lowering water levels would result in encroachment of the forest along the lake shore. This cycle occurred many times in the history of this lake as indicated by fluctuations in the size of arcellacean populations.  相似文献   

Wetlands and lakes in the Tanana Valley, Alaska, have provided important resources for prehistoric humans who inhabited this region. We examine an ~11,200?cal?yr BP record of environmental and paleolimnological changes from Quartz Lake in the middle Tanana Valley. Our data are also presented in the context of recent archaeological findings in the lake??s general vicinity that have 18 associated AMS 14C dates. We analyzed the stable-carbon and nitrogen isotope composition of total organic matter from the core, coupled with oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of Pisidiidae shells (fingernail clams), in addition to chironomid assemblage changes. Lacustrine sediments began to accumulate at ~11,200?cal?yr BP. Initially, autochthonous production was low and allochthonous organic input was negligible between 11,000 and 10,500?cal?yr BP, and were associated with relatively cool conditions at Quartz Lake at ~10,700?cal?yr BP. After 10,500?cal?yr BP, autochthonous production was higher coincident with a shift to chironomid assemblages dominated by taxa associated with warmer summer climates. A decrease in ??13C values of total organic carbon (TOC) and organic content of the sediment between 9,000 and 4,000?cal?yr BP may indicate declining autochthonous primary production. This period ended with an abrupt (~7???) decrease in the ??18O values from Pisidiidae shells at ~3,000?cal?yr BP, which we hypothesize represented an episodic connection (flood) of the lake with flow from the nearby (~6?km) Tanana River. Our findings coincide with evidence for major flooding at other locations connected to the Tanana River and further afield in Alaska. From ~3,000?cal?yr BP Quartz Lake subsequently appeared to become a relatively closed system, as indicated by the ??18OPisidiidae and ??13CPisidiidae data that are positively correlated and generally higher, which also correlates with a shift to moderately higher abundances of littoral chironomids. The cause of the transition to closed-basin conditions may have been geomorphic rather than climatic. This evidence of a progressively stronger evaporative influence on the lake??s closed hydrology after ~3,000?cal?yr BP is consistent with our modern ??18O and ??D water data from Quartz Lake that plot along a regional evaporative line we base on isotopic measurements from other local lakes and rivers.  相似文献   

This study uses the Holocene lake sediment of Lake ?ū?i (Latvia, Vidzeme Heights) for environmental reconstruction with multi-proxy records including lithology, computerised axial tomography scan, grain-size analysis, geochemistry, diatoms and macrofossils, supported by AMS radiocarbon dating. Numerical analyses (PCA; CONISS) reveal three main phases in the development of the lake. Response to the Lateglacial–Holocene transition in Lake ?ū?i took place around 11,300 cal. BP. Organogenic sedimentation started with distinctive 5-cm-thick peat layer and was followed by lacustrine sedimentation of carbonaceous gyttja. Several findings of the peat layer with similar dated age and position at different absolute altitudes indicate that lake basin was formed by glaciokarstic processes. In the Early Holocene (until around 8,500 cal. BP), the lake was shallow and holomictic, surrounded by unstable catchment with erosion and inflow events. Predominance of diatom species of Cyclotella and Tabellaria, large numbers of respiratory horns of phantom midge pupae (Chaoboridae), high Fe/Mn ratio, as well as the presence of laminated sediments indicates the transition to a dimictic and oligo-mesotrophic lake conditions with high water level, anoxia in the near-bottom and stable catchment in the Middle Holocene (8,500–2,000 cal. BP). This contrasts with many hydrologically sensitive lakes in Northern and Eastern Europe in which the water level fell several meters during this period. During the Late Holocene (from 2,000 cal. BP to the present), the lithological and biotic variables reveal major changes, such as the increase in erosion (coarser grain-size fraction) and eutrophication [diatoms Aulacoseira ambigua (Grun.) Sim., Stephanodiscus spp., Cyclostephanos dubius (Fricke) Round]. Characteristics of lake-catchment system during the Late Holocene reflect anthropogenic signal superimposed on the natural forcing factors. To date, the Late Quaternary palaeolimnological reconstructions using lake sediment has been limited in the Baltic region. Therefore, findings from Lake ?ū?i provide important information about environmental and climatic changes that took place in this part of Eastern Europe. This study shows that the relative importance of climate and local factors has varied over the time and it is essential to consider the lake basin topography, catchment size and land cover as potential dominant forcing factors for changes in sedimentary signal.  相似文献   

Changes in the diatom assemblages preserved in a sediment core taken from a small lake located north of arctic treeline on the western Taimyr Peninsula, Russia, were examined in order to investigate late Holocene (i.e., ca 5000 cal yr BP to present) climatic and environmental changes within the region. Early diatom assemblages were dominated by benthic Fragilaria taxa and indicate a transitional phase in the lake history, most likely reflecting lake development and environmental change associated with treeline retreat to the south of the study site. Concurrent with pollen and macrofossil evidence of a vegetation shift to shrub tundra in the catchment basin at ca 4200 cal yr BP, an increase in cold-water taxa, followed by little change in diatom assemblages until ca 2800 cal yr BP, suggests that conditions were relatively cool and stable at this time. The last 2000 years of the Middendorf Lake record have been marked by fluctuating limnological conditions, characterized by striking successional shifts between Fragilaria pinnata and Aulacoseira distans var. humilis. Recent conditions in Middendorf Lake indicate an increase in diatom taxa previously rare in the record, possibly associated with twentieth-century climatic warming. The Middendorf Lake record indicates that significant limnological change may occur in the absence of catchment vegetation shifts, suggesting late-Holocene decoupling of aquatic and terrestrial responses to climatic and hydrological change. Our study results represent one of the few paleoecological records currently available from northern Russia, and highlight the need for further development of calibration data sets from this region.  相似文献   

大同-阳原盆地古泥河湾湖的岸线变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
夏正楷 《地理研究》1992,11(2):52-59
本文通过大同-阳原盆地古湖岸线遗迹的分析,阐述第四纪古泥河湾湖的出现、发展和消亡,指出湖泊变迁是构造运动和气候变化等因素共同作用的结果,构造运动是主要因素。  相似文献   

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