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Subsurface bacteria also occur in hydrothermal sediments with large temperature gradients (up to 12 °C/m) and with population numbers similar to non-hydrothermal sites at temperatures from psychrophilic to mesophilic. At greater depths and temperatures, populations decline rapidly, but they are still significant up to hyperthermophilic temperatures and are even stimulated by subsurface seawater flow. These results suggest that temperature alone does not limit bacteria in non-hydrothermal sediments until about 4 km, and evidence exists that bacterial processes may even be sustained by interaction with thermogenic processes as temperatures increase during deep burial. Experiments demonstrate that in the presence of readily degradable organic substrates, actively growing bacteria can move faster than sediment deposition; hence, these bacteria are not necessarily trapped and buried. However, bacterial growth decreases with depth to such an extent that subsurface bacteria would not be able to keep up with sedimentation rate and hence would be buried. In some circumstances, such as in sapropel layers with high organic matter in the Mediterranean, bacteria may be buried within a specific deposition horizon. Subsurface bacteria can utilize old and recalcitrant organic matter, but only very slowly, and they seem to have a strategy of high biomass and low growth rate, commensurate with their geological habitat of generally low energy flux. Received, March 1999/Revised, August 1999/Accepted, November 1999  相似文献   

Net rates of biogeochemical reactions in subseafloor sediments can be quantified from concentration profiles of dissolved reactants or products and physical properties of the sediment. To study net rates of microbial activities in deep sediments, we developed a robust approach that is well suited to use over a broad range of sediment depths. Our approach is based on a finite-difference solution to a continuity equation that considers molecular diffusion, sediment burial, fluid advection, and reaction under the assumption of steady state. Numerical procedures are adopted to identify the maximum number of depth intervals with statistically different reaction rates. The approach explicitly considers downcore variation in physical properties and sample spacing. Uncertainties in the rate estimates are quantified using a Monte Carlo technique. We tested our approach using synthetic concentration profiles generated from analytical solutions to the continuity equation. We then applied the approach to concentration profiles of dissolved sulfate, sulfide, methane, and manganese in the 420-m thick sediment column of eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean Drilling Program Site 1226. Our results indicate that (i) sulfate reduction and iron reduction occur at most sediment depths, (ii) net methane production occurs in discrete depth intervals and (iii) manganese reduction occurs near the seafloor and deep in the sediments. These results provide quantitative evidence that multiple respiration pathways co-exist in the same depth intervals of these deep subseafloor sediments.  相似文献   

中国冰冻圈水文过程变化研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
冰冻圈显著的变化已经对冰冻圈水文过程产生了一系列影响。本文重点梳理和分析了近20年,尤其是近10年以冰川融水、融雪径流、冻土水文等为主体的中国冰冻圈水文过程变化研究方面取得的新进展:①在冰川融水变化研究方面,对不同尺度的冰川融水开展了全面研究,发现冰川融水呈现全面增加之势;对冰川融水"拐点"是否出现进行了科学辨识,有了基本认识;对冰川融水过程进行了模型模拟,取得显著进展。②在融雪径流变化研究方面,通过对不同流域融雪径流估算,可基本掌握各河流的融雪贡献率;中国融雪径流变化差异较大,增减不一;融雪期变化具有普遍性,突出特点是峰值提前。③在冻土水文研究方面,通过对地表水-活动层壤中流-多年冻土层上水之间关系的研究,揭示了冻土区径流形成的重力和热力耦合机制;多年冻土变化对地表径流的影响已经显现,主要表现在冬季(枯水季)径流增加;已经发现多年冻土退化对径流有直接补给作用,在一些流域补给量可能达到一定量级。  相似文献   

中国冰冻圈水文过程变化研究新进展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
冰冻圈显著的变化已经对冰冻圈水文过程产生了一系列影响。本文重点梳理和分析了近20年,尤其是近10年以冰川融水、融雪径流、冻土水文等为主体的中国冰冻圈水文过程变化研究方面取得的新进展:①在冰川融水变化研究方面,对不同尺度的冰川融水开展了全面研究,发现冰川融水呈现全面增加之势;对冰川融水"拐点"是否出现进行了科学辨识,有了基本认识;对冰川融水过程进行了模型模拟,取得显著进展。②在融雪径流变化研究方面,通过对不同流域融雪径流估算,可基本掌握各河流的融雪贡献率;中国融雪径流变化差异较大,增减不一;融雪期变化具有普遍性,突出特点是峰值提前。③在冻土水文研究方面,通过对地表水-活动层壤中流-多年冻土层上水之间关系的研究,揭示了冻土区径流形成的重力和热力耦合机制;多年冻土变化对地表径流的影响已经显现,主要表现在冬季(枯水季)径流增加;已经发现多年冻土退化对径流有直接补给作用,在一些流域补给量可能达到一定量级。  相似文献   

Reading the old textbooks of more than twenty-five years ago reveals the enormous progress made in our understanding since those days. Advances have been made along several related paths, particularly through the study of texture and structure with the microscope, the examination of Recent marine sediments and the application of the principles of solution chemistry. As a result we can now relate many diagenetic products with distinctive textures or structures to one of, say, four main types of aqueous solution. Sea water yields characteristic growths of aragonite and Mg-calcite whose fossilized calcitic remains we can yet recognise in the ancient. Fresh water gives rise to other individual calcite textures whose imprint also we can distinguish in the old rocks. Solution extruded at depth from compacting clays produce even other calcite textures which we are now beginning to understand. Certain mixtures of sea water with fresh water provide not only beach rocks with aragonite and Mg-calcite cements but dolomites through the Dorag process. Clearly influential in the control of marine precipitation we find organic compounds such as the humic acids.Superimposed on these products are the results of pressure solution. Clues to the action of processes in the distant past remain in the form of traces of magnesium, strontium or uranium and of relic isotopic ratios of oxygen and carbon, indicators of the composition of long vanished solutions. We think more clearly that before about rates of processes, duration of exposure to diagenetic environments, the balance between relatively closed and open chemical systems, the movements and mixing of ground waters and their chemical changes. In these and other ways carbonate diagenesis has come of age.
Zusammenfassung Liest man alte Lehrbücher, die vor mehr als 25 Jahren erschienen sind, so erkennt man, welcher Fortschritt auf dem Gebiet der Karbonatdiagenese seither zu verzeichnen ist. Diese Fortschritte sind auf verschiedenen benachbarten Wegen erreicht worden, speziell durch Gefügeuntersuchungen mit dem Mikroskop, durch das Studium rezenter mariner Sedimente und durch die Anwendung der Prinzipien der Elementreaktionen in Lösungen. Als Ergebnis können wir heute viele diagenetische Stadien mit bestimmten Gefügemerkmalen und in erster Annäherung mit 4 Lösungsmilieus in Verbindung bringen. Meereswasser bewirkt typisches Wachstum von Aragonit und Hoch-Mg-Calcit, die wir in den fossilen calcitischen Gefügen wiedererkennen können. Süßwasser bewirkt auf der anderen Seite ein typisches Calcitwachstum, das wir ebenfalls in alten Gesteinen wiederfinden können. Lösungen, die aus kompaktierenden tonhaltigen Sedimenten aufsteigen, erzeugen calcitische Zementationsgefüge, die wir heute zu verstehen gelernt haben. Eine Mischung von Meereswasser und Süßwasser ist nicht nur für die beach-rock Zementation mit Aragonit und Hoch-Mg-Calcit verantwortlich, sie bewirkt auch Dolomitisierung nach dem Dorag-Modell.Organische Komponenten wie etwa Huminsäuren haben einen deutlichen Einfluß auf die Diageneseprozesse unter marinen Bedingungen. Den Diageneseprodukten werden schließlich die Einwirkungen der Drucklösung überlagert. Als Schlüssel zum Ablauf der Diagenese vergangener Zeiten verbleiben Spurenelemente wie Magnesium, Strontium und Uran sowie das reliktische Isotopenverhältnis von Sauerstoff und Kohlenstoff erhalten; sie markieren die Zusammensetzung längst vergangener Lösungen. Wir können heute besser die Anteile verschiedener Diageneseprozesse, die Dauer der Wirkung bestimmter Prozesse, den Ausgleich zwischen geschlossenen und offenen chemischen Systemen, die Bewegungen und Mischungen sowie chemischen Veränderungen des Grundwassers abschätzen.

Résumé Parmi les vieux manuels agés de vingt-cinq ans ou davantage, on est frappé d'un coup d'il du progrès réalisé, surtout par l'étude des textures et des structures au microscope, par l'examen des sédiments marins actuels et par l'application de la chimie aqeuse. Conséquement on peut aujourd'hui lier les produits diagénétiques avec quatre solutions principaux. L'eau de mer donne les accroissements typiques en aragonite et en calcite-hautement magnésienne, reconnaisables aux calcaires anciens. L'eau douce fait surgir des textures individuelles en calcite. Aux profondeurs plus grands, les solutions exprimées des argiles y peuvent encore provoquer d'autres textures en calcite. L'eau de mer et l'eau douce, melées ensembles, y donnent naissance aux beach-rocks et aux dolomies. Franchement influents, aux précipitations marines, sont les composés organiques. Tout peut Être subi de la pression-solution. Données de la diagenèse ancienne restent telles que les traces du magnésium, du strontium et de l'uranium et des niveaux en 18O et 13C, témoins des compositions des solutions depuis longtemps disparues. On pense plus clairement qu'autrefois des taux des processus, des durées d'exposition aux milieux diagénétiques, du bilan entre les systèmes relativement fermés ou ouverts, des mouvements et des mélanges des eaux sousterraines et de leures changements chimiques. Dans telles mesures, l'étude de la diagenèse carbonatée a atteint sa majorité.

. , . , , , . . — — , , . ; SO2, . .

In situ Gibbs energies of reaction (ΔG) for acetate-oxidizing sulfate reduction, acetate-oxidizing iron reduction, and acetoclastic methanogenesis, and sulfate-reducing methanotrophy are consistently negative and relatively constant throughout most of the sediment column at the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1226. The energy yields (−ΔG) closely match the values (for acetate-oxidizing sulfate reduction and acetoclastic methanogenesis) in published culturing experiments with actively growing cells and, for sulfate-reducing methanotrophy, in other environments.Although microbes mediating these reactions compete for substrates, mutualistic interactions between them appear to sustain their co-existence in deep subseafloor sediments for millions of years (the interval over which the sediments have been deposited). These competing and mutualistic interactions collectively constitute a highly coupled reaction network where relative rates of reaction are regulated by the in situ Gibbs energies of reaction.  相似文献   

鲕粒岩在古气候、古环境,以及古海洋领域有着独特的研究价值,然而学术界对于鲕粒成因目前仍没有统一认识.近年来,随着鲕粒形成过程中微生物诱导矿化证据的不断丰富,广为接受的"无机成因"观点正不断受到挑战.本论文从历史和当前视角,回顾了从"藻类参与"到"细菌参与",以及现在"有机矿化过程"在微生物成因鲕粒研究方面的历程,对鲕粒...  相似文献   

Early diagenesis of organic matter in sediments from two sites in the Peruvian Upwelling Zone (12°05′S, 77°39′W; 15°17′S, 75°24′W) has been studied by observing changes in the total organic carbon and lipid and humin fractions with depth. Transformations of the total carbon and humin fraction have been characterized by conventional and time-dependent solid state NMR techniques, while lipid diagenesis was monitored by measuring the concentration of sterols in the same sedimentary horizons. Both the quantity of total sterols and the relative abundances of individual sterols vary with sampling location, suggesting a difference in the input of biomass to the sediments at the two sites. Total sterol concentrations decrease with depth at both sites, but the loss of sterols occurs much more slowly at the more anoxic northern site, where sedimentation rates and organic carbon contents are approximately twice those at the southern site. 13C-NMR spectra of the total organic carbon and the humin fraction suggest that humin-like compounds are an original component of the sedimentary biomass, and dipolar-dephased spectra of the humin residue indicate that diagenetic alterations of the humin fraction are occurring even in these very young sediments. Conventional and time-dependent spectroscopic data support the hypothesis that humin formation results from selective preservation of microbially-resistant biopolymers which are an original component of the sedimentary biomass combined with loss of certain labile compounds.  相似文献   

铬(Cr)属于氧化还原敏感元素,在岩浆过程中是一种中度相容和轻度亲铁元素。Cr在硅酸盐地球中主要有三种价态:Cr2+、Cr3+和Cr6+。Cr存在于不同来源的矿物和岩石中,其氧化还原状态和同位素组成可以为其成因、氧化还原条件和相关成矿历史提供有价值的信息。近年来,铬同位素越来越多地应用到现代环境、古环境、行星的演化以及高温地质过程等领域中,而高温地质过程中储库的铬同位素及其分馏机理研究是其他工作的基础。尤其是随着质谱技术的发展,Cr同位素在高温环境中的分馏机制及行为也引起了更多的关注。本文主要介绍不同储库的Cr同位素组成及高温岩浆过程中Cr同位素研究的最新进展。  相似文献   

The sedimentology, mineralogy and pore fluid chemistry of seven cores from the Holocene sediments of Florida Bay were studied to determine the physical processes and diagenetic reactions affecting the sediments. The cores were taken in a transect from a shallow mudbank onto a small adjacent island, Jimmy Key. Steady state models of pore fluid chemistry are used to estimate the rates of various reactions. In the mudbank sediments, little carbonate mineral diagenesis is taking place. No change in sediment mineralogy is detectable and pore water profiles of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Sr2+ show only minor variation. Chloride concentrations indicate substantial biological mixing of seawater from the bay into the sediments in one of the cores. Pore water analyses of sulphate and alkalinity show only a low degree of sulphate depletion and a decreasing extent of sulphate reduction downcore. Models of sulphate reduction in the mudbank show that there is substantial chemical exchange between the sediment pore fluids and water from the bay probably as a result of bio-irrigation. The sulphate and alkalinity data also suggest that the underlying Pleistocene rocks contain water of near normal seawater composition. Stratigraphic analysis and δ13C analyses of the organic carbon in the sediments of the island cores show that the sediments were primarily deposited in a subtidal mudbank setting; only the upper 20–30 cm is supratidal in origin. Nevertheless, island formation had a significant effect on pore fluid chemistry and the types of diagenetic reactions throughout the sediment column. Chloride in the sediment pore fluids is more than twice the normal seawater concentrations over most of the depth of the cores. The constant, elevated chloride concentrations indicate that hypersaline fluids which formed in ponds on the island are advected downward through the sediments. Models of the chloride profiles yield an estimate of 2·5 cm yr?1 as a minimum advective velocity. Changes in pore water chemistry with depth are interpreted as indicating the following sequence of reactions: (1) minor high-Mg calcite dissolution and low-Mg calcite precipitation, from 0 to 35 cm; (2) Ca- or Mg-sulphate dissolution and low-Mg calcite precipitation, from 5 to 35 cm; (3) dolomite or magnesite precipitation together with sulphate reduction, from 35 to 55 cm; and (4) little reaction below 55 cm. In addition, one or more as yet unidentified reactions must be taking place from 5 to 55 cm depth as an imbalance in possible sources and sinks of alkalinity is observed. The imbalance could be explained if chloride is not completely conservative. Despite the pore fluid chemical evidence for diagenetic reactions involving carbonate minerals, no changes in sediment mineralogy were detected in X-ray diffraction analyses, probably because of the comparatively young age of the island.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that reducing conditions exist in localized zones of high organic matter, termed microniches, was first suggested over a century ago, but only relatively recently have high-resolution techniques been available to investigate them. In any sediment containing benthic fauna, bioturbation affects the distribution of a number of redox-sensitive components. Direct faecal deposition and the death of fauna may be expected to cause particles of labile organic matter (microniches) to be distributed heterogeneously within the sediment. This review discusses the significance and future direction of microniche studies by considering, exclusively, data obtained on a sub-mm scale that provide significant evidence for the existence and properties of microniches. Microelectrodes and planar optodes have shown the significant effect of burrowing organisms on localized O2 distributions and revealed distinct depletions in O2 due to microniches. Localized increases in pCO2 and decreases in pH measured by optodes were attributed to elevated activity at microniches. Diffusive gradients in thin-films have shown isolated supersaturation of metals and sulphide, providing evidence for possible simultaneous oxidation of organic matter by sulphate and iron oxides. The stochastic nature of these data and the lack of information for the same precise location hinders interpretation in terms of sediment diagenesis. If microniches are known to account for a significant proportion of organic matter degradation, re-examination of the current understanding of sedimentary diagenesis may be needed. Further investigation on the distribution and frequency of microniches is required, including a wider range of analytes, in order to estimate their cumulative effect on element diagenesis, immobilisation/remobilisation processes and ultimately pollutant fate.  相似文献   

山地灾害事件发生的年代是理解其发育机制并作出预测的基础.在长时间尺度上,常用的测牟方法有光释光、14C、宇宙成因核素和火山灰测年等,其中的关键是能否在剖面中寻找到合适的测年物质.短时间尺度的测年方法以树轮为主,辅以地衣测年.在山地灾害中,不仅灾害沉积本身,其相关沉积物对事件年代也具有指示意义.在实际应用中,根据测年材料...  相似文献   

辫状河流属于冲积河流的主要类型,对流水地貌景观、水生栖息地和河流开发与生态保护具有重要科学意义。根据辫状河流演变过程与机理的国内外研究进展,对定义与形态特征进行综合描述,并给出常用的形态表征方法与参数。总结辫状河流的4种野外地形观测方法以及水槽试验和数值模型的应用,比较它们的适合范围;描述辫状河流的不同形态单元的组成,列举沙洲形成、汊道调整与横向迁移、岸滩侵蚀、河漫滩淤积等基本演变规律;对比分析水流功率、床沙粒径、泥沙补给、滨河植被、河谷宽度等影响辫状河流形态动力学过程的主要控制因素;指出青藏高原不同空间尺度辫状河流的形成原因、形态特征和演变规律是河流动力学的重要研究方向。  相似文献   

Although the methane in marine methane hydrates is mainly of microbial origin, information about the distribution of methanogens in subseafloor sediments is limited. To address this issue, we analyzed sediment core samples from two sites in the Nankai Trough, off the Pacific coast of central Japan, including those bearing methane hydrates from depths > 100 m below the seafloor (mbsf), for isopranyl ether-linked polar lipids (i.e. with polar head groups of phosphate, sugar, or both) as biomarkers of archaea, including methanogens. In most samples, including the deepest (381 mbsf), archaeol, and sn-2- and sn-3-hydroxyarchaeols were detected as their hydrolyzed derivatives. Concentrations of these three archaeal lipids correlated strongly with each other, suggesting a common biological source. The δ13C values of phytane derived from the phytanyl groups in the archaeal lipids were distinctly higher than those of methane, indicating that methanogens rather than anaerobic methanotrophic archaea were the major biological source. Depth profiles of polar sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol concentration were consistent with those of the potential methane production activity previously estimated from incubation of core sediments from the same sites. This observation, together with results of previous studies showing the presence of sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol mainly in shallow young sediments, strongly suggests that this polar lipid is a valid biomarker for in situ methanogens in sediments. There was a strong correlation between the concentration of polar sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol and that of total organic carbon, suggesting that bulk organic matter concentration is a primary control on the distribution of methanogens in sediments.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(1):25-36
The controls on the internal neutralization of low productivity, highly acidified waters by sulfide accumulation in sediments are yet poorly understood. It is demonstrated that the neutralization process is constrained by organic matter quality and thermodynamic effects which control the relative rates of SO4 and Fe reduction, and the fate of the reduced Fe and S in the sediments. The investigated sediments were rich in dissolved Fe(II) (0.005–12 mmol l−1) and SO4 (1.3–22 mmol l−1). The pH ranged from 3.0 to 6.8. Contents of reduced inorganic S (0.1–9.5%), molar C/N ratios of the organic matter (12–80) and metabolic turnover rates (1–110 μeq cm−3 a−1) varied strongly. Substantial amounts of Fe sulfides were only found at a simultaneous partial thermodynamic and solubility equilibrium of the involved biogeochemical processes. Sulfide oxidation was apparently inhibited, and SO4 and Fe reduction coexisted. In this type of sediment increases in C availability cause enhanced neutralization rates. In the absence of a partial equilibrium, the sediments were in a sulfide oxidizing and Fe reducing state, and did not accumulate Fe sulfides. The latter type of sediment will increase neutralization rates in response to decreasing deposition of reactive Fe oxides but not necessarily in response to increases in lake productivity by e.g. fertilization measures.  相似文献   

In three excavations in the southern Netherlands and northern Belgium, the Weichselian convolutions in fine sand, silt and clay deposits were investigated, and an attempt was made towards a semi-quantitative approach to some sediment parameters. This, together with a detailed field survey, enabled interpretation of the deformations as forms of periglacial loadcasting. They originated from the time of permafrost degradation when large quantites of water were available. The amplitude of the involutions can be related to the depth of the permafrost table at that time. During the weichselian, two periods occurred in which this involution process could have been active  相似文献   

The origin of palygorskite in sediments is critically reviewed. In sediments, palygorskite may be detrital, diagenetic (formed by the transformation of a precursor mineral) or neoformed (formed by precipitation from solution).The most reliable information on palygorskite has been obtained from hydrothermal alteration products of igneous rocks, where palygorskite forms pseudomorphically, and from soils and paleosols, where palygorskite precipitates from solution. Palygorskite formation is also described from alkaline paleolake sediments. From these occurrences requirements for palygorskite formation could be specified: Alkaline pH, high Si and Mg and low Al activities.A detrital origin for palygorskite in marine sediments is proposed when it is associated with other clay minerals of accepted detrital origin, when a direct relation to continental deposits of the mineral exists and when conditions for its detrital accumulation appear favourable. In the Mediterranean, East Atlantic, North-Western Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden large palygorskite occurrences are detrital. The formation of palygorskite in marine sediments occurred whenever the geochemical requirements were met, in following situations: (a) — near sites of hydrothermal activity; (b) — in peri-marine, shallow water environments, adjacent to landmasses undergoing intensive desilication by weathering: (c) — in response to fluctuations in ocean water temperature that affected solubility levels of limiting chemicals, such as Si. Various considerations of published field and laboratory data appear to favour a formation of palygorskite by neoformation rather than by diagenesis.
Zusammenfassung Palygorskit kann in Sedimenten detritisch, diagenetisch (aus der Umwandlung vorhandener Minerale) oder neoform (aus Lösung gefällt) vorliegen.Die wichtigsten Informationen über Palygorskit stammen aus hydrothermalen Umwandlungsprodukten magmatischer Gesteine, wo Palygorskit Pseudomorphosen bildet. In Böden und Paläoböden wird Palygorskit direkt aus Lösungen gefällt. Er wird auch aus alkalischen See-Sedimenten beschrieben. Hier kann man folgende Bildungsbedingungen bestimmen: alkalisches Milieu, hohe Si und Mg und niedrige Al Aktivitäten.Der detritische Ursprung in marinen Sedimenten liegt nahe, wenn Palygorskit mit anderen detritischen Tonmineralen vergesellschaftet ist, und eine Beziehung zu terrestrischen Ablagerungen besteht sowie die marinen Sedimentationsbedingungen günstig sind. Im Mittelmeer, im Ost-Atlantik, im nordwestlichen Indischen Ozean und Golf von Aden treten große Palygorskite-Vorkommen detritisch auf.Palygorskit kommt in marinen Sedimenten unter bestimmten geochemischen Bedingungen vor: nahe von Hydrothermen; in Landnähe unter Flachwasser, wobei im Hinterland kräftige sialitische Verwitterung vorherrschen muß; als Folge schwankender Temperaturen des Meereswassers, die den Chemismus bestimmter Elemente wie den des Si beeinflussen. Aus allen bisher bekannten Daten läßt sich ableiten, daß die neomorphe Bildung von Palgorskit am häufigsten zu beobachten ist. Diagenetisch gebildete Palygorskite sind dagegen seltener.

Résumé L'origine de la palygorskite dans les sédiments fait l'objet d'une revue critique. Dans les sédiments, la palygorskite peut Être détritique, diagénétique (formée par la transformation d'un minéral précurseur) ou de néoformation (formée par précipitation à partir d'une solution).L'information la plus crédible sur la palygorskite est fournieo par les produits d'altération hydothermale des roches ignées, où la palygorskite se forme par pseudomorphose, et par les sols et paléosols, où la palygorskite est précipitée à partir de solutions. La formation de la palygorskite est également décrite à partir de sédiments alcalins paléolacustres. Sur la base de ces occurrences, les conditions pour la formation de la palygorskite peuvent Être définies: pH alcalin, activité forte en Si et Mg, et basse en Al.Une origine détritique pour la palygorskite dans les sédiments marins peut Être proposée lorsqu' elle est associée avec d'autres minéraux argileux dont l'origine détritique est acceptée, quand une relation directe existe avec des dépÔts continentaux renfermant ce minéral, et quand des conditions pour son accumulation détritique apparaissent favorables. Dans la Méditerranée, dans l'Atlantique oriental, dans le nord-ouest de l'Océan Indien et dans le Golfe d'Aden, les grandes occurrences de palygorskite sont détritiques. La formation de palygorskite dans les sédiments marins se présente chaque fois que les conditions géochimiques sont rencontrées, dans les cadres suivants: a) sites proches d'une activité hydrothermale; b) dans des milieux d'eau peu profonde péri-marins, attenant à des masses continentales subissant une désilicatation intense par voie d'altération athmosphérique; c) en réponse à des fluctuations dans la température de l'eau océanique, affectant les niveaux de solubilité de certains éléments chimiques, comme le Si. Des considérations diverses concernant les données de terrain et de laboratoire semblent favoriser pour la palygorskite une formation par néoformation plutÔt que par diagénèse.

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