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海底输液管道内流、轴向力和压强对允许悬空长度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以海底悬跨段输液管道为研究对象,考虑管内流体流动及管道轴向力和压强的作用,对其进行受力分析,导出管道振动微分方程。由于内流流速项的影响,使得导出的管道振动微分方程不能用振型分解法直接求解,故本文将解表示为具有正弦和余弦的对称和反对称的各个空间振型的总和,从而求出悬跨段管道固有频率。为防止管道发生横向涡激振动,用约化速度作为控制条件,求解出管道允许悬空长度。结果表明,管道允许悬空长度随着内流流速、轴向压力和管内压强的增加而减小,随着轴向拉力的加大而增大。  相似文献   

- With the rapid development of the offshore oil industries, submarine oil / gas pipelines have been widely used. Under the complicated submarine environmental conditions, the dynamic characteristics of pipelines show some new features due to the existence of both internal and external flows. The paper is intended to investigate the vortex-induced vibration of the suspended pipeline span exposed to submarine steady flow. Especially, the effects of the flow inside the pipeline are taken into account. Its influences on the amplitude of pipeline response, and then on the fatigue life, are given in terms of the velocity of the internal flow.  相似文献   

Free spanning pipelines are suspended between two points on an uneven seaffoor. The variations of structural conditions, such as the changes in soil property, flow velocity, axial force and span length etc., directly affect working performance of the whole submarine pipeline system. But until now few researches have focused on condition identification for free span (CIFS). A method to identify the operational conditions of free spanning submarine pipelines based on vibration measurements is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the ill-posedness of CIFS is analyzed in detail. Secondly, the framework for CIFS based on the nonlinear kernel discriminant analysis (KDA) is established. Thirdly, the internal structural characteristics of natural frequencies, normalized frequencies and frequency change ratios are studied. And then the condition feature vector for CIFS is extracted by use of the vibration measurements. Finally, the validity of the proposed approach is evaluated by a case study. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach can effectively identify each condition of free span when condition variation occurs even if under measurement noise. It is concluded that the proposed method is a promising tool for CIFS in real applications.  相似文献   

海底管道管跨段在内外流体作用下的竖向动力特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据在复杂的海洋环境条件下,管道的动力特性受到内外流体的综合作用影响,呈现与陆地管道不同的特点。研究了结构受到外界流体所产生的涡激作用,同时考虑管内恒定流的影响,利用有限元方法对海底管道管跨段竖向振动的微分方程进行求解。在此基础上得出了管跨段在不同外流流速情况下,内流流速与结构动力响应幅值的关系及其对管跨段振动频率的影响,并进一步探讨了管跨失稳时的极限管内流速与跨长的关系,这些结论对于海底管道设计具有一定实际指导意义。  相似文献   

A test rig is built to model the dynamic response of submarine pipelines with an underwater shaking table in the State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, China. Model tests are carried out to consider the effects of exciting wave directions and types. Based on the experimental results, two hydrodynamic force models derived from Morison equation and Wake model are presented respectively. By use of hydrodynamic force models suitable for free spanning submarine pipelines under earthquakes, discretized equations of motion are obtained and finite element models are established to analyze dynamic response of free spanning submarine pipeline subjected to multi-support seismic excitations. The comparison of numerical results with experimental results shows that the improved Morison and Wake hydrodynamic force models could satisfactorily predict dynamic response on the free spanning submarine pipelines subjected to earthquakes.  相似文献   

现代黄河三角洲埕岛油田海底管线的调查发现了许多管线悬空现象。分析表明,悬空主要在3种条件下产生,其中平台周围冲刷坑导致的管线悬空是最主要的。经计算可知,所调查管线的最大允许悬空长度为18.6m,其中有3条管线悬空长度已超过此值,应及时进行治理。  相似文献   

Based on Iwan‘s wake oseillator model developed with the classical van der Pol equalion, the differential equation for the response of the vortex-induced vihration (VIV) of the riser considering the effect of the internal flowing fluid and the external marine environmental condition is derived. The effect of the intermal flowing fluid on the response of VIV of the riser is studied by means of the Finite Element Method. The results show that the effect of the internal fluid velocity on the VIV of the riser is strong when the natural frequency of the riser is close to the vortex shedding frequency. In addition, the increase of the top tension can decrease the sensitivity of the riser to the internal fluid velocity.  相似文献   

Owing to the complex environmental conditions, suspension could induce complicated forces on submarine pipelines and even cause vortex-induced vibration, resulting in fatigue damage of pipelines. Through aiming at the 28-inch submarine pipeline in the East China Sea, the pipeline was segmented according to the similarity, considering the factors of pipe assembly, typhoon, current, wave and seabed topography. The effects of span length on natural frequency in each section of submarine pipeline were analyzed by finite element model. The maximum safe span length allowed by each pipeline section was verified by fatigue cumulative damage theory, and the fatigue life of each pipeline section were predicted. The results showed that each order natural frequency of the pipeline decreased with the increase of span length. The calculated results of empirical formulas were much smaller than those of the FEM analysis. The increase of the gap between the suspended pipeline and the seabed was beneficial to enhance the fatigue life of the suspended pipeline.  相似文献   

Considering the effect of the internal flowing fluid and the external marine environmental condition, the differential equation for the vortex-induced vibration (V1V) of the free spanning pipeline is derived and is discretized by the Hermit interpolation function. The free vibration equation with the damping term is solved by the complex damping method for the natural frequency, and then the effect of fluid damping on the natural frequency of the free spanning pipeline is analyzed.The results show that fluid damping has a significant influence on the damped natural frequency of the free spanning pipeline in the lock-in state, while it has little influence when the pipeline is out of the lock-in state. In the meantime,the change of the free span length has the same effect on the damped natural frequency and the undamped natural frequency.  相似文献   

针对管线绕流剪切层区的水流特征,利用射流分析的类似方法,通过简化控制方程,从理论上探讨了剪切层区的时均速度分布规律。物理试验中采用ADV测速仪对回流区流场进行了测量,对各流区流速和紊动强度变化趋势进行了讨论,并将试验结果与理论推导进行对比,二者基本吻合,为进一步研究海底管线防护措施提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

考虑流固耦合时的海底管道悬跨段非线性动力分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对管道的涡激振动试验,提出了考虑流固耦合的非线性涡激升力表达式,并用该式进行了海底管线悬跨段非线性动力响应时程分析。对考虑流固耦合与未考虑流固耦合情况下得到的管道动力响应时程进行对比,算例表明:当管外流场流速与管道顺流向振动速度值较接近时,不考虑流固耦合时的计算结果明显小于考虑流固耦合时的计算结果。分析认为,在管外流场流速与管道顺流向振动速度值较接近的情况下,管道的涡激振动计算宜采用非线性涡激力模型。  相似文献   

LI  Xin 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(4):537-548
Seismic load has a significant effect on the response of a free spanning submarine pipeline when the pipeline is con-structed in a seismically active region. The model experiment is performed on an underwater shaking tahle to simulate the response of submarine pipelines under dynamic input. In consideration of the effects of the terrestrial and submarine pipeline , water depth, support condition, distance from seabed, empty and full pipeline, and span on dynamic response, 120 groups of experiments are conducted. Affecting factors are analyzed and conclusions are drawn for reference. For the con-trol of dynamic response, the span of a submarine pipeline is by far more important than the other factors. Meanwhile, the rosponse difference between a submarine pipeline under sine excitation and that under random excitation exists in ex-periments.  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionThe submarine pipeline is a commonfacility widely usedfor offshore oil and gastransport . Whena pipeline is installed on a seabed and not buried,unsupportedspans may exist insomelocations ,es-peciallyinthe uneven zones of the seabed.The spa…  相似文献   

In this work, we study the coupled cross-flow and in-line vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of a fixedly mounted flexible pipe, which is free to move in cross-flow ( Y- ) and in-line ( X- ) direction in a fluid flow where the mass and natural frequencies are precisely the same in both X- and Y-direction. The fluid speed varies from low to high with the corresponding vortex shedding frequency varying from below the first natural frequency to above the second natural frequency of the flexible pipe. Particular emphasis was placed on the investigation of the relationship between in-line and cross-flow vibration. The experimental results analyzed by using these measurements exhibits several valuable features.  相似文献   

- Studied in this paper is free vibration of a long span pipeline with nonlinearities taken into account. The pipeline sags under gravity and takes the shape of a plane curve. Vibration in the plane and out of the plane is regarded as small motions about the large static deflection. Manifestations of nonlinearities such as amplitude-dependent frequencies and internal resonance are investigated.  相似文献   

Pipeline spans may occur due to natural seabed irregularities or local scour of bed sediment. The pure in-line (IL) vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) analysis of the free spans is an important subject for design of pipeline in uneven seabed. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of pure IL VIV of a free spanning pipeline under general boundary conditions. An IL wake oscillator model which can describe the coupling of pipeline structure and fluctuating drag is introduced and employed. The coupled partial differential equations of structure and wake are transformed into a set of ordinary differential equations using two-mode Galerkin method. Some case studies are presented and thoroughly discussed in order to investigate the effects of internal fluid, axial force and boundary conditions on the pure IL VIV.  相似文献   

埕岛油田海底管线在位稳定性的计算分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
埕岛油田主要分布粉土和淤泥质软土2类典型的海床.通过建立海床与其上裸置管线相互作用的有限元计算模型,对埕岛油田2类典型海床上裸置管线的在位稳定性进行了数值计算分析,并与现行常用的DNV(挪威船级社)管道设计方法的计算结果进行了对比.分析表明,对于埕岛油田粉土海床上裸置管线的在位稳定性分析,数值计算结果与DNV简化分析方法的结果较为一致;对于埕岛油田淤泥质软土海床上裸置管线的在位稳定性分析,DNV简化分析得到的裸置管线的在位稳定性一般高于相应的数值计算结果.  相似文献   

圆柱涡激振动问题一直以来备受关注,分离盘作为涡激振动抑制装置得到广泛研究。分离盘长度L与圆柱直径D之比L/D是影响抑制效果的主要因素。运用有限体积法结合RANS方程与一定的湍流模式离散和求解流场,通过编写自定义程序,使用动网格模拟结构物的运动带来的流域边界的变化,针对弹性支撑的圆柱及附加长度为0.5 D的分离盘模型,在约化速度Ur为2.5~13的情况下,对涡激振动及其抑制进行研究。结果表明:分离盘可以抑制甚至消除圆柱涡激振动,99%以上的振幅被抑制;锁定区始点被推后,锁定区变窄;附加分离盘的圆柱阻力和升力被抑制;其斯特鲁哈数(St)稍高于单圆柱St但差别不大。  相似文献   

To analyze the stress wave propagation associated with the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of a marine riser, this paper employed a multi-signal complex exponential method. This method is an extension of the classical Prony''s method which decomposes a complicated signal into a number of complex exponential components. Because the proposed method processes multiple signals simultaneously, it can estimate the "global" dominating frequencies (poles) shared by those signals. The complex amplitude (residues) corresponding to the estimated frequencies for those signals is also obtained in the process. As the signals were collected at different locations along the axial direction of a marine riser, the phenomena of the stress wave propagation could be analyzed through the obtained residues of those signals. The Norwegian Deepwater Program (NDP) high mode test data were utilized in the numerical studies, including data sets in both the in-line (IL) and cross-flow (CF) directions. It was found that the most dominant component in the IL direction has its stress wave propagation along the riser being dominated by a standing wave, while that in the CF direction dominated by a traveling wave.  相似文献   

A model based on the data from forced vibration experiments is developed for predicting the vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) of elastically mounted circular cylinders in flow. The assumptions for free and forced vibration tests are explored briefly. Energy equilibrium is taken into account to set up the relationship between the dynamic response of self-excited oscillations and the force coefficients from forced vibration experiments. The gap between these two cases is bridged straightforwardly with careful treatment of key parameters. Given reduced mass m and material damping ratio ζ of an elastically mounted circular cylinder in flow, the response characteristics such as amplitude, frequency, lock-in range, added mass coefficient, cross-flow fluid force and the corresponding phase angle can be predicted all at once. Instances with different combination of reduced mass and material damping ratio are compared to investigate their effects on VIV. The hysteresis phenomenon can be interpreted reasonably. The predictions and the results from recent experiments carried out by Williamson's group are in rather good agreement.  相似文献   

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