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Based on K-Ar isotope analyses, Mesozoic mafic (and alkali ultramafic) dikes from western and eastern Shandong Province, China, are dated at 88.2±1.70 Ma to 169.5±3.7 Ma with the majority of ages ranging from 90 Ma to 140 Ma. The emplacement of the dikes suggests a major Yanshanian (Cretaceous) crustal extension in Shandong province. Together with other available age data, this study suggests four periods of crustal extension at about 80 Ma, 100 Ma, 120 Ma and 140 Ma, respectively. Besides the effect of collapse of the Yanshanian orogenic belt on the emplacement of the mafic dikes in Shandong in the Cretaceous, the mantle plume and the extensive left-lateral advection and extension of the Tanlu fault also have controlled the crustal extension and the emplacement of the mafic dikes in eastern Shandong and western Shandong, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract: In the present study, the major and trace element compositions, as well as Sr, Nd isotopic compositions and K-Ar age data in mafic dikes from Hainan Island, China, have been analyzed. Whole-rock K-Ar dating yielded a magmatic duration of 61–98 Ma for mafic dikes. Mafic dikes have a very high concentration of incompatible elements, for example, Ba, Rb, Sr, K, rare earth elements, and especially light rare earth elements (LREE), and negative anomalies of Nb, Ta, and Ti in the normalized trace element patterns. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and εSr(t) of the mafic dikes are 0.70634–0.71193 and +27.7 to +112.2, respectively. In the 87Sr/86Sr versus εNd(t) diagram, the Hainan Island mafic dikes plot between fields for depleted mantle and enriched mantle type 2. All these characteristics show that the mantle (source region) of mafic dikes in this area experienced metasomatism by fluids relatively enriched in LREE and large ion lithophile elements. The genesis of Hainan Island mafic dikes is explained as a result of the mixing of asthenospheric mantle with lithospheric mantle that experienced metasomatism by the subduction of the Pacific Plate. This is different from the Hainan Island Cenozoic basalts mainly derived from depleted asthenospheric mantle, and possibly, minor metasomatised lithospheric mantle. This study suggests that the Mesozoic and Cenozoic lithospheric revolutions in Hainan Island can be divided into three stages: (1) the compression orogenesis stage before 98 Ma. The dominant factor during this stage is the subduction of the ancient Pacific Plate beneath this area. The lithospheric mantle changed into enriched mantle type 2 by metasomatism; (2) the thinning and extension stage during 61–98 Ma. The dominant factor during this stage is that the asthenospheric mantle invaded and corroded the lithospheric mantle; and (3) the large-scale thinning and extension stage after 61 Ma. The large-scale asthenospheric upwelling results in the strong erupting of Cenozoic basalts, large-scale thinning of the lithosphere, the southward translating and counterclockwise rotating of Hainan Island, and the opening of the South China Sea.  相似文献   

正A precise U-Pb baddeleyite age of 1999±2 Ma has been obtained for the NNW trending Lac Shpogan dyke swarm of the James Bay area of the eastern Superior craton.Previously the age of the swarm was only  相似文献   

We present a new, reliably dated Mesoproterozoic paleopole for Siberia, based on a combined geochronological and paleomagnetic study of mafic rocks within the Mesoproterozoic Sololi Group of the Olenek Uplift in northern Siberia. Ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U–Pb analysis yields crystallisation ages of 2036 ± 11 Ma for zircon from a basement granite and 1473 ± 24 Ma for baddeleyite from a large dolerite sill within the Kyutingde Formation. The baddeleyite result indicates that the lower Sololi Group is significantly older than was suggested by previous K–Ar results. Paleomagnetic analysis of the dolerite sill and related mafic intrusive rocks yields a paleopole at 33.6°N, 253.1°E, A95 = 10.4°. A positive baked-contact test between the Kyutingde sill and sedimentary country rocks shows that the magnetisation is primary. Comparison of this paleopole with coeval results for Laurentia provides a revised reconstruction between Siberia and Laurentia, and implies that these two continents were parts of a single Mesoproterozoic supercontinent since at least 1473 Ma. We argue that Siberia, Laurentia, and Baltica belonged to the same supercontinent between 1473 Ma and mid-Neoproterozoic time.  相似文献   

基性岩墙,与层状、环状基性杂岩体和高Ti、低Ti玄武岩共同组成了峨眉山大火成岩省岩石组合.为进一步确定大火成岩省及相关生物灭绝事件的时间联系,及更深化研究大火成岩省的成因,对分布于贵州省南部的基性岩墙进行了主、微量元素、Sr-Nd同位素测定和锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年代学研究.黔南基性岩墙∑REE=135.66×10-6~280.59×10-6,LREE/HREE为6.42~7.54,(La/Yb)N为7.94~9.85,轻重稀土分异明显,δEu为1.0~1.3,具有Ba、Sr、K等LILE富集,Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等HFSE亏损特征,显示与峨眉山高钛玄武岩相似的地球化学特征.Th/Ta(1.80~1.94)、Nb/U(30.8~39.88)、Th/La(0.08~0.10)、Nb/Th(7.89~8.40)比值与原始地幔相似,较低的初始(87Sr/86Sr)i比值(0.705 278~0.706 052)、εNd(t)(-0.5~+1.6)、以及Th/Ta比值(< 2.13)显示岩浆无明显的地壳混染,岩浆可能形成于受地幔柱作用的富集石榴石地幔源区10%~12%的部分熔融.SHRIMP锆石206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为261.2±2.6 Ma,反映峨眉山大火成岩的喷发时间可能集中在260 Ma左右,并可能与瓜德鲁普末期的生物灭绝有关.   相似文献   

The study in this paper determined whole rock major and trace elements, zircon U-Pb age and Hf, O isotopes of 5 mafic dikes in the southwestern Fujian province. The 5 dikes are mainly diabase and the whole rock SiO2 content are between 45%~53%. Most zircons of the mafic dikes display obvious oscillatory zoning and fan-shaped zoning, and have the typical magmatic zircon crystallization characteristics. Zircon U-Pb age is dispersed with 96~2 400 Ma range. In addition to the minimum age (96~142 Ma) which might be the age of the formation of dikes, the remaining are captured zircon. The captured zircon age was mainly distributed in 4 groups: Early Proterozoic (2 467~1 796 Ma); Middle and late Proterozoic (1 343~647 Ma); Silurian to late Triassic Epoch (427~225 Ma); and Late Jurassic (159~140 Ma). Hf-O isotope shows that the early Proterozoic zircon was derived from the mantle of the homogeneous chondrite reservoir, and the others show magmatic mixing characteristics between depleted mantle and crust. Zircon’s εHf(t) and δ18O of the early Late Cretaceous clearly show the mixing trend of depleted mantle and crustal magma. The peak of zircon Hf two-stage depleted mantle model age TDM2 was mainly distributed in the 1.6~1.9 Ga. The Early Proterozoic mafic crust might be the main source for latter granite.  相似文献   

Carbonate-rich sedimentary rocks of the western Anabar region, northern Siberia, preserve an exceptional record of evolutionary and biogeochemical events near the Proterozoic/Cambrian boundary. Sedimentologically, the boundary succession can be divided into three sequences representing successive episodes of late transgressive to early highstand deposition; four parasequences are recognized in the sequence corresponding lithostratigraphically to the Manykal Formation. Small shelly fossils are abundant and include many taxa that also occur in standard sections of southeastern Siberia. Despite this coincidence of faunal elements, biostratigraphic correlations between the two regions have been controversial because numerous species that first appear at or immediately above the basal Tommotian boundary in southeastern sections have first appearances scattered through more than thirty metres of section in the western Anabar. Carbon- and Sr-isotopic data on petrographically and geochemically screened samples collected at one- to two-metre intervals in a section along the Kotuikan River, favour correlation of the Staraya Reckha Formation and most of the overlying Manykai Formation with sub-Tommotian carbonates in southeastern Siberia. In contrast, isotopic data suggest that the uppermost Manykai Formation and the basal 26 m of the unconformably overlying Medvezhya Formation may have no equivalent in the southeast; they appear to provide a sedimentary and palaeontological record of an evolutionarily significant time interval represented in southeastern Siberia only by the sub-Tommotian unconformity. Correlations with radiometrically dated horizons in the Olenek and Kharaulakh regions of northern Siberia suggest that this interval lasted approximately three to six million years, during which essentially all 'basal Tommotian' small shelly fossils evolved.  相似文献   

马衔山岩群变质基底岩系中发现大量基性岩墙, 作为中祁连造山带东部一次重要的构造-岩浆事件的标志.根据地质-岩石学特征, 将马衔山岩群中的基性岩墙分为两期.利用LA-ICP-MS(激光剥蚀等离子体质谱)方法, 分别对两期基性岩墙进行单颗粒锆石微区U-Pb同位素测定, 并应用CL图像对所测锆石进行了成因研究.获得早期变辉长岩墙的侵入年龄为(441.1± 1.4)Ma(早志留世早期), 主变质期年龄为(414.3± 1.2)Ma(早泥盆世早期); 晚期辉绿(玢)岩墙群的侵入年龄为(434± 1.0)Ma(早志留世晚期), 并保留有曾遭受马衔山岩群混染的信息(捕获锆石的207Pb/206Pb表面年龄为(2 325± 3)Ma~(2 573± 6)Ma), 以及遭受了加里东晚期构造-热事件的改造的信息(206Pb/238U表面年龄为(400± 2)Ma~ (429± 2)Ma).结合相关研究成果, 认为马衔山岩群中的两期基性岩墙群形成于祁连地区由俯冲造山向碰撞造山的转换时期, 代表了中祁连地块在区域上遭受北东-南西向强烈挤压的过程中派生北西-南东向扩张作用的地质纪录.   相似文献   

A large number of basic dikes, which indicate an important tectonic-magmatic event in the eastern part of the Central Qilian (祁连) orogenic belt, were found from Maxianshan (马衔山) rock group, Yongjing (永靖) county, Gansu (甘肃) Province, China. According to the research on the char- acteristics of geology and petrology, the basic dike swarms, widely intruded in Maxianshan rock group, are divided into two phases by the authors. U-Pb isotope of zircons from the basic dikes above two phases is separately determined by LA-ICP-MS in the Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics of Northwest University, China and the causes of formation of the zircons are studied using CL images. The formation age of the earlier phase of metagabbro dikes is (441.1±1.4) Ma (corresponding to the early stage of Early Silurian), and the age of the main metamorphic period is (414.3±1.2) Ma (corre- sponding to the early stage of Early Devonian). The formation age of the later phase of diabase dike swarms is (434±1.0) Ma (corresponding to the late stage of Early Silurian). The cap- tured-zircons from diabase dike swarms saved some information of material interfusion by Maxianshan rock group(207Pb/206Pb apparent ages are (2 325±3)–(2 573 ±6) Ma), and some zircons from diabase dike swarms also saved impacted information by tec- tonic thermal event during the late period of Caledonian movement (206Pb/238U apparent ages are (400±2)–(429±2) Ma). By combining the results of the related studies, the basic dikeswithin Maxianshan rock group were considered to be formed in the transfer period, from subductional orogeny towards collisional orogeny, which represents geological records of NW-SE extension during regional NE-SW towards intense compression in the Central Qilian block.  相似文献   

The western Kunlun orogen in the northwest Tibet Plateau is related to subduction and collision of Proto-and Paleo-Tethys from early Paleozoic to early Mesozoic. This paper presents new LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopes, whole-rock major and trace elements, and Sr–Nd isotopes of two Ordovician granitoid plutons(466–455 Ma) and their Silurian mafic dikes(~436 Ma) in the western Kunlun orogen. These granitoids show peraluminous high-K calcalkaline characteristics, with(87Sr/86Sr)_i value of 0.7129–0.7224, εNd(t) values of -9.3 to -7.0 and zircon εHf(t) values of -17.3 to -0.2, indicating that they were formed by partial melting of ancient lower-crust(metaigneous rocks mixed with metasedimentary rocks) with some mantle materials in response to subduction of the Proto-Tethyan Ocean and following collision. The Silurian mafic dikes were considered to have been derived from a low degree of partial melting of primary mafic magma. These mafic dikes show initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7101–0.7152 and εNd(t) values of -3.8 to -3.4 and zircon εHf(t) values of -8.8 to -4.9, indicating that they were derived from enriched mantle in response to post-collisional slab break-off. Combined with regional geology, our new data provide valuable insight into late evolution of the Proto-Tethys.  相似文献   

The eastern Hexi Corridor Belt (HCB) is located in the transitional belt among the Alxa Block, the Qilian Orogenic Belt and the North China Block. Because of its unique tectonic location, the tectonic setting, provenance, and even the age of the sedimentary strata in the eastern HCB during the Early Paleozoic remain controversial. This study analyzes the provenance of the poorly studied Xiangshan Group, discusses its age of development and tectonic setting in the eastern HCB using a combination of petrological, geochemical and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating methods. Based on the youngest age peaks and the fossil evidence, we suggest that the Xiangshan Group is Middle Cambrian to Late Ordovician in age. The complexity of the geochemical characteristics and associated diagrams suggests that the early stage of the Xiangshan Group developed in a passive continental margin environment, late in the back-arc basin of the eastern HCB. Based on the sandstone detrital composition, whole-rock geochemistry and detrital zircon ages, we conclude that the Xiangshan Group had an early provenance that was mainly from the Qilian Block and a late provenance from the Qilian Block and the western Alxa Block. The eastern HCB and its northern and southern blocks have similar palaeontology, lithology and basement age characteristics to the South China Block. This indicates that the eastern HCB might not have formed in the intra-continental aulacogen of the North China Block during the Early Paleozoic but has a close affinity to eastern Gondwana.  相似文献   

The Xuhe mafic rocks, located in Ziyang county of Shaanxi Province, are dominated by diabase-porphyrite, gabbro–diabase, diabase, and pyroxene diorite. Primitive mantle-normalized multi-element patterns show that, the Xuhe mafic rocks are enriched in large ion lithophile elements(LITE), such as Ba and Pb, depleted in K and Sr for basic rocks, and are depleted in Sr, P and Ti for pyroxene diorite. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns display LREE enrichment(LaN/YbN = 9.34–13.99) and have normalized patterns for trace element and REE similar to that of typical OIB. Detailed SIMS zircon U–Pb dating yields emplacement ages of 438.4 ± 3.1 Ma for Xuhe mafic rocks. The relatively low Mg O(basic rock: 3.11–7.21 wt%; pyroxene diorite: 0.89–1.21 wt%) and Mg#(0.20–0.49) for Xuhe mafic rocks suggest that they were possibly originated from an extremely evolved magma. The rising parental mafic magmas underwent pyroxene and plagioclase fractionation. Crustal contamination of pyroxene diorite before emplacement occurred at a higher crustal level compared to other lithology in Xuhe mafic rocks. The degree of partial melt was low(5%–10%) and in garnetspinel transition facies. Sr-Nd isotope of pyroxene diorite and enrichment mantle characteristics for Xuhe mafic rocks suggest that mafic rocks in the North Daba Mountains were derived from a mixture of HIMU, EMII and small amount of EMI components. Furthermore, this study discusses mantle geodynamic significance of Xuhe mafic rocks in the Silurian, which indicates subduction and uplift of magma caused back-arc extension.  相似文献   

运用阴极发光技术,对湖南东部宏夏桥和板杉铺岩体的锆石进行了内部结构分析,在此基础上利用LA-MC-ICPMS锆石U-Pb定年方法进行了同位素年代学测定。结果显示,宏夏桥2个黑云母花岗闪长岩样品分别给出了(421±2)Ma和(423±2)Ma的主体谐和年龄;板杉铺2个黑云母二长花岗岩样品给出了(422±2)Ma和(421±2)Ma的谐和年龄。这两岩体均为准铝质-过铝质花岗岩,具明显高Sr/Y和La/Yb比值和负εNd(t)值,与埃达克岩类似,推测它们为早古生代华南地壳缩短加厚和部分熔融作用的产物。综合区域岩浆和变形变质年龄,本文认为,华南早古生代陆内挤压造山作用发生于~460~420 Ma,以前泥盆纪地层广泛褶皱和大规模地壳重熔型岩浆活动、混合岩化作用、基底韧性剪切及高级变质作用为主;陆内造山后期的伸展松弛作用发生于~420~385 Ma,主要表现为后造山花岗岩形成、张扭性韧性剪切和退变质作用。  相似文献   

A W-Mo mineralized region is located along the northern margin of the South Qinling tectonic belt of China. WMo mineralization occurs mainly in Cambrian–Ordovician clastic and carbonate rocks, and the ore bodies are structurally controlled by NW–SE-and NNE–SSW-striking faults. Evidence for magmatism in the area is widespread and is dominated by intermediate–felsic intrusives or apophyses, such as the Dongjiangkou, Yanzhiba, Lanbandeng, and Sihaiping granitic bodies. Quartz-vein-type mineralization and fault-controlled skarn-type mineralization dominate the ore systems, with additional enrichment in residual deposits. At present, there are few or insufficient studies on(1) the age of mineralization,(2) the relationship between intermediate–felsic granite and W-Mo mineralization,(3) the source of ore-forming materials,and(4) the metallogenic and tectonic setting of the mineralized area. In this paper, we present geochronology results for numerous intrusive granitic bodies in the South Qinling tectonic belt. U-Pb zircon geochronology of the Lanbandeng monzogranite and Wangjiaping biotite monzogranite yields ages of 222.7 ± 2.3 and 201.9 ± 1.8 Ma, respectively. In contrast to the Late Triassic age of the Lanbandeng monzogranite, the age of the newly discovered Wangjiaping biotite monzogranite places it at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary. Re-Os molybdenite geochronology on the Qipangou W-Mo deposit yielded a model age of 199.7 ± 3.9 Ma, indicating the deposit formed in the early Yanshanian period of the Early Jurassic. Granitoid intrusions in the mineralized area are characterized by composite granite bodies that crystallized at ca.240–190 Ma. While there were multiple stages of intrusion, most occurred at 210–220 Ma, with waning magmatic activity at 200–190 Ma. The Re-Os age of molybdenite in the region is ca. 200–190 Ma, which may represent a newly discovered period of W-Mo metallogenesis that occurred during the final stages of magmatism. The heat associated with this magmatism drove ore formation and might have provided additional ore-forming components for metallogenesis(represented by the Wangjiaping biotite monzogranite). Ore materials in the mineralized area were derived from mixed crustal and mantle sources. Enrichment of the region occurred during intracontinental orogenesis in the late Indosinian–Yanshanian, subsequent to the main Indosinian collision. At this time, the tectonic environment was dominated by extension and strike-slip motion.  相似文献   

U-Pb dating of andradite-grossular garnet (grandite) and rutile by LA-ICP-MS can be used to constrain various metamorphic, metasomatic and igneous geological processes. In this study, we examine and compare the impact of different analytical conditions (fluence, pulse width, laser beam size and ablation frequency) on the ablation crater morphology, ablation rates, down-hole fractionation and U-Pb ages of grandite and rutile samples of different compositions. The shapes of grandite ablation craters suggest the mineral ablates by classical evaporation with significant melting that cannot be eliminated even at fluences just above the ablation threshold. Grandite garnets with higher andradite proportions have faster ablation rates. The overall low U contents of grandite require using large laser beam sizes to obtain acceptable precision of U-Pb ages. At such conditions and crater depths < 10 μm, fluences of 2.1 and 3.5 J cm-2, laser pulse width of 5 ns and 20 ns, and ablation frequencies between 3.5 and 6.5 Hz, obtain similar and reproducible ages when the proportion of grossular is < 35%. Rutile ablation crater morphology shows evidence of melt splashing and thermal stress cracking. They have significant crater bottom features, which increase in relief with lower fluences and a higher number of laser shots, indicating the features are probably energy-related and making higher fluences, such as 5 J cm-2, necessary for uniform ablation when using 193 nm excimer lasers. The slow ablation rate at low fluences and then steep increase at around 2.0 J cm-2 suggests a transition in the ablation mechanism from exfoliation to classical vaporisation. Crater bottom features and other ablation behaviour vary between samples, which could be related to their difference in colour. Although the down-hole fractionation patterns of the samples are similar at 5 J cm-2, the U-Pb ages of some samples vary significantly with different analytical conditions and/or measurement sessions, particularly when using laser beam sizes of 30 μm, suggesting differences in mass bias and more variable ablation behaviour. A laser beam size of at least 60 μm is recommended for reproducible U-Pb dating of rutile.  相似文献   

Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) is a microanalytical tool especially suitable for providing fast and precise U-Pb geochronological results on zircon grains. A new 193 nm excimer laser adapted to a micromachining workstation, equipped with a newly designed two-volume ablation cell and coupled with a quadrupole ICP-MS, is presented here. The system was tuned routinely to achieve sensitivities in the range of 3000 cps/μg g−1 for 238U (< 2% RSD), with a 34 μm spot size, at 5 Hz and ∼ 8 J cm−2, while ablating the NIST SRM 612 glass reference material. The system was capable of providing fast (< 1.5 minutes each analysis) and precise (generally < 1.5% 1s errors) 206Pb/238U zircon ages. The ages of widely used reference material zircons (Plesovice, 337 Ma; Temora, 416 Ma; R33, 418 Ma; Sri Lanka, 564 Ma; 91500, 1065 Ma) could be precisely matched, with an accuracy on isotopic ratios that ranged from ∼ 2 to ∼ 6%, depending on the homogeneity of the natural reference materials.  相似文献   

Chinese Altai, a type region of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), is important for understanding the accretionary history of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Mafic intrusions in this orogenic belt are sporadic, intru-ding granitoid plutons or sedimentary strata.  相似文献   

The structure of Riphean deposits developed on the western slope of the Anabar Massif is described with analysis of their depositional environments, distribution of stromatolite assemblages and organic-walled and silicified microfossils through sections, and evolution of views on stratigraphic significance of some of these assemblages. The investigation included complex mineralogical, geochemical, structural, and isotopic?geochronological study of globular phyllosilicates (GPS) of the glauconite?illite series from paleontologically well substantiated Riphean sequences (Ust’-Il’ya and Yusmastakh formations of the Billyakh Group) of the Anabar Massif in the Kotuikan River basin. Isotopic dating of monomineral size and density fractions of GPS from the Billyakh Group was performed in combination with simulation of the distribution of octahedral cations and comparison of the results obtained with Mössbauer spectrometry data. The applied approach is based on an assumption that the formation and transformation of Rb?Sr and K?Ar systems in GPS are synchronous with stages in their structural evolution, which are determined by the geological and geochemical processes during depositional history. Such an approach combined with the mineralogical and structural analysis contributes to correct interpretation of stratigraphic significance of isotopic data. The results obtained provide grounds for the conclusion that isotopic dates of GPS from the Ust’-Il’ya (Rb?Sr, 1485 ± 13 Ma; K?Ar, 1459 ± 20 Ma) and Yusmastakh (Rb?Sr, 1401 ± 10 Ma; K?Ar, 1417 ± 44 Ma) formations mark the stage of early diagenesis of sediments and are suitable for estimating the age of formations in question.  相似文献   

The U-Pb chronology of detritus zircon is an important method to explore sediment provenance, which is widely used in sedimentology, geotectonics, geomorphology and other fields. This paper reviewed the recent progress of the U-Pb chronology of detrital zircon from three aspects: data acquisition, analysis and comparison. In terms of data acquisition, the sample preparation method, isotope age data selection and test quantity were expounded from the basic principle; In terms of data analysis, the data visualization methods of Probability Density Plot (PDP), Kernel Density Estimate (KDE) and Cumulative Age Distribution (CAD) were compared; In terms of data comparison, the basic algorithm and application advantages of quantitative comparison were analyzed with examples, including (dis)similarity measures based on non-parametric hypothesis tests (K-S test), (dis)similarity measures based on age spectrum comparison (Cross-correlation coefficients) and (dis)similarity measures based on Multi-Dimensional Scali (MDS). Finally, three commonly used software tools were introduced. Suggestions were given in terms of data acquisition, analysis and comparison for future research.  相似文献   

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