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La Pacana is one of the largest known calderas on Earth, andis the source of at least two major ignimbrite eruptions witha combined volume of some 2700 km3. These ignimbrites have stronglycontrasting compositions, raising the question of whether theyare genetically related. The Toconao ignimbrite is crystal poor,and contains rhyolitic (76–77 wt % SiO2) tube pumices.The overlying Atana ignimbrite is a homogeneous tuff whose pumiceis dacitic (66–70 wt % SiO2), dense (40–60% vesicularity)and crystal rich (30–40 % crystals). Phase equilibriaindicate that the Atana magma equilibrated at temperatures of770–790°C with melt water contents of 3·1–4·4wt %. The pre-eruptive Toconao magma was cooler (730–750°C)and its melt more water rich (6·3–6·8 wt% H2O). A pressure of 200 MPa is inferred from mineral barometryfor the Atana magma chamber. Isotope compositions are variablebut overlapping for both units (87Sr/86Sri 0·7094–0·7131;143Nd/144Nd 0·51222–0·51230) and are consistentwith a dominantly crustal origin. Glass analyses from Atanapumices are similar in composition to those in Toconao tubepumices, demonstrating that the Toconao magma could representa differentiated melt of the Atana magma. Fractional crystallizationmodelling suggests that the Toconao magma can be produced by30% crystallization of the observed Atana mineral phases. Toconaomelt characteristics and intensive parameters are consistentwith a volatile oversaturation-driven eruption. However, thelow H2O content, high viscosity and high crystal content ofthe Atana magma imply an external eruption trigger. KEY WORDS: Central Andes; crystal-rich dacite; eruption trigger; high-silica rhyolite; zoned magma chamber  相似文献   

The 12·7–10·5 Ma Cougar Point Tuff in southernIdaho, USA, consists of 10 large-volume (>102–103 km3each), high-temperature (800–1000°C), rhyolitic ash-flowtuffs erupted from the Bruneau–Jarbidge volcanic centerof the Yellowstone hotspot. These tuffs provide evidence forcompositional and thermal zonation in pre-eruptive rhyolitemagma, and suggest the presence of a long-lived reservoir thatwas tapped by numerous large explosive eruptions. Pyroxene compositionsexhibit discrete compositional modes with respect to Fe andMg that define a linear spectrum punctuated by conspicuous gaps.Airfall glass compositions also cluster into modes, and thepresence of multiple modes indicates tapping of different magmavolumes during early phases of eruption. Equilibrium assemblagesof pigeonite and augite are used to reconstruct compositionaland thermal gradients in the pre-eruptive reservoir. The recurrenceof identical compositional modes and of mineral pairs equilibratedat high temperatures in successive eruptive units is consistentwith the persistence of their respective liquids in the magmareservoir. Recurrence intervals of identical modes range from0·3 to 0·9 Myr and suggest possible magma residencetimes of similar duration. Eruption ages, magma temperatures,Nd isotopes, and pyroxene and glass compositions are consistentwith a long-lived, dynamically evolving magma reservoir thatwas chemically and thermally zoned and composed of multiplediscrete magma volumes. KEY WORDS: ash-flow tuff; Bruneau–Jarbidge; rhyolite; Yellowstone hotspot; residence time  相似文献   

PT conditions and prograde PT paths have beencalculated for amphibolite-grade pelites and amphibolites fromCordillera Darwin, Tierra del Fuego, Chile. Peak PT conditionsare nearly all within the kyanite stability field; temperaturesgenerally show an increase with increasing grade, but pressureshave a less consistent trend, possibly increasing slightly fromgarnet to kyanite grade. PT paths from pelites show heatingby 80–100C during loading of 0•2–3 kbar. Texturalanalysis and previous structural work indicate that this segmentof the path correlates with back-folding deformation. PTpaths from two Mg-rich garnet amphibolites suggest a decreasein pressure of as much as 3 kbar with 25–50C of heatingfrom the kyanite stability field to the sillimanite, and areconsistent with pervasive, minor development of fibrolitic sillimanitealong plagioclase grain boundaries. Together, the PTpath segments from pelites and amphibolites constitute a clockwisePT trajectory. The proposed clockwise PT paths are consistent with theinterpretation that Cordillera Darwin represents an extensionallyexhumed metamorphic core complex, in which loading during garnetgrowth in the pelitic rocks was succeeded by differential upliftduring garnet growth in magnesian amphibolites. * Present address: Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706  相似文献   

This paper deals with inclusions, megacrysts, and nodules froma group of Stephanian and Permian vents and associated intrusiveson the Fife (Scotland) coast near Elie. The petrography andchemistry of inclusions of spinel Iherzolite, wehrlite, andclinopyroxenite are described. The Elie Ness vent contains coarse-grainedplutonic nodules (Elie type nodules) and megacrysts of pyrope,sub-calcic augite, kaersutite, and anorthoclase. Elie type nodulesare divisible into five groups: (1) kaersutite-olivine-pyroxenite,(2) type 1 +oligoclase, (3) biotite-pyroxenite, (4) sodic amphibole-biotite-albite,(5) biotite-albite. Experimental studies show that sub-calcic augite and pyropephenocrysts could have coprecipitated from an alkali basaltmagma at P > 25 kb, T = 1300–1450 ?C. It is proposedthat the primary alkali basalt liquid was formed by partialmelting of a vapour-free, mica-bearing garnet Iherzolite mantleat a depth of c. 100 km, with subsequent pyrope-augite phenocrystcrystallization at not less than 70 km depth. Geochemical studiesof clinopyroxenes from the Elie type nodules indicate crystallizationwithin the lower crust. It is proposed that types 1 and 2 nodulesare cumulates from the alkaline basaltic liquid, intercumuluskaersutite representing compositions of liquids intermediateon the Fife basalt trend. Type 3 nodules may represent basalticliquids at the basic end of the Fife trend, wholly crystallizedat pressure from 10–15 kb. Experimental data on stabilityof anorthoclase in its host basanite show it to be present inthe basanite melting interval only at P < 9 kb (dry). Itis thought that crystallization of anorthoclase may be associatedwith formation of types 4 and 5 nodules, possibly from a trappedpocket of evolved alkaline liquid at upper crustal levels. TheElie Ness eruption must have been rapid enough to strip theaccumulated pyroxenites from the lower crust and carry unresorbedgarnet megacrysts from depths of over 70 km. Spinel-lherzoliteinclusions are found only in late stage basic sheets whose intrusionmay be unrelated to the initial violent tuff eruptions.  相似文献   

Metapelitic rock samples from the NE Shackleton Range, Antarctica,include garnet with contrasting zonation patterns and two agespectra. Garnet porphyroblasts in K-rich kyanite–sillimanite–staurolite–garnet–muscovite–biotite schistsfrom Lord Nunatak show prograde growth zonation, and give Sm–Ndgarnet, U–Pb monazite and Rb–Sr muscovite ages of518 ± 5, 514 ± 1 and 499 ± 12 Ma, respectively.Geothermobarometry and PT pseudo-section calculationsin the model system CaO–Na2O–K2O– TiO2–MnO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2Oare consistent with garnet growth during prograde heating from540°C/7 kbar to 650°C/7·5 kbar, and partial resorptionduring a subsequent PT decrease to <650°C at <6kbar. All data indicate that rocks from Lord Nunatak were affectedby a single orogenic cycle. In contrast, garnet porphyroblastsin K-poor kyanite–sillimanite– staurolite–garnet–cordierite–biotite-schistsfrom Meade Nunatak show two growth stages and diffusion-controlledzonation. Two distinct age groups were obtained. Laser ablationplasma ionization multicollector mass spectrometry in situ analysesof monazite, completely enclosed by a first garnet generation,yield ages of c. 1700 Ma, whereas monazite grains in open garnetfractures and in most matrix domains give c. 500 Ma. Both agegroups are also obtained by U–Pb thermal ionization massspectrometry analyses of matrix monazite and zircon, which fallon a discordia with lower and upper intercepts at 502 ±1 and 1686 ± 2 Ma, respectively. Sm–Nd garnet datingyields an age of 1571 ± 40 Ma and Rb–Sr biotiteanalyses give an age of 504 ± 1 Ma. Integrated geochronologicaland petrological data provide evidence that rocks from MeadeNunatak underwent a polymetamorphic Barrovian-type metamorphism:(1) garnet 1 growth and subsequent diffusive garnet annealingbetween 1700 and 1570 Ma; (2) garnet 2 growth during the RossOrogeny at c. 500 Ma. During the final orogenic event the rocksexperienced peak PT conditions of about 650°C/7·0kbar and a retrograde stage at c. 575°C/4·0 kbar. KEY WORDS: garnet microtexture; PT pseudosection; geochronology; polymetamorphism; Shackleton Range; Antarctica  相似文献   

The Kyffhäuser Crystalline Complex, Central Germany, formspart of the Mid-German Crystalline Rise, which is assumed torepresent the Variscan collision zone between the East Avalonianterrane and the Armorican terrane assemblage. High-precisionU–Pb zircon and monazite dating indicates that sedimentaryrocks of the Kyffhäuser Crystalline Complex are youngerthan c. 470 Ma and were intruded by gabbros and diorites between345 ± 4 and 340 ± 1 Ma. These intrusions had magmatictemperatures between 850 and 900°C, and caused a contactmetamorphic overprint of the sediments at PT conditionsof 690–750°C and 5–7 kbar, corresponding toan intrusion depth of 19–25 km. At 337 ± 1 Ma themagmatic–metamorphic suite was intruded by granites, syenitesand diorites at a shallow crustal level of some 7–11 km.This is inferred from a diorite, and conforms to PT pathsobtained from the metasediments, indicating a nearly isothermaldecompression from 5–7 to 2–4 kbar at 690–750°C.Subsequently, the metamorphic–magmatic sequence underwentaccelerated cooling to below 400°C, as constrained by garnetgeospeedometry and a previously published K–Ar muscoviteage of 333 ± 7 Ma. With respect to PTDtdata from surrounding units, rapid exhumation of the KCC canbe interpreted to result from NW-directed crustal shorteningduring the Viséan. KEY WORDS: contact metamorphism; U–Pb dating; hornblende; garnet; Mid-German Crystalline Rise; PT pseudosection  相似文献   

The bronzite—chromite-anorthite assemblage of the F—unit(Cameron & Emerson, 1959) from the Critical Zone of theBushveld Igneous Complex, was examined with the aid of an electrolyticcell designed after Sato (1971). The resultant fO2-T data reveala last equilibration at an fO2 value of 1011·82 ±·40 atm and at a temperature of 1091 ± 35 °C.These fO2-T data when compared with: (1) a one atmosphere quenching—technique solidus determinationof 1110 ± 5 °C, (2) the Bushveld plagioclase compositional trends (Cameron,1970), (3) Bushveld petrofabric examinations (Cameron, 1969) (4) phase equilibria in the system CaO–MgO–FeO–CaAl2Si2O8–SiO2(Roeder & Osborn, 1966), (5) phase equilibria in the system CaAl2Si2O8–NaAlSi3O8–SiO2–MgO–Fe–O2–H2O–CO2(Eggler, 1974), all support the idea that the Eastern Bushveld magma was notappreciably differentiating in the middle Critical Zone betweenF and the L Horizons, an accumulation of nearly 220 meters.  相似文献   

A combined petrological and geochronological study was carriedout on mafic granulites and associated felsic gneisses fromthe McKaskle Hills, eastern Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica.Garnet-bearing mafic granulites exhibit reaction textures andexsolution textures that indicate two-stage metamorphic evolution.Thermobarometric estimates from matrix and symplectite assemblagesyield peak and retrograde PT conditions of 9·0–9·5kbar and 880–950°C and 6·6–7·2kbar and 700–750°C, respectively. Similar but slightlyscattered peak PT estimates of 7·9–10·1kbar and 820–980°C are obtained from the core compositionsof minerals from felsic para- and orthogneisses. Evidence forthe prograde history is provided by muscovite inclusions ingarnet from a paragneiss. Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobeU–Pb zircon dating reveals an evolutionary history forthe granulites, including a mafic and felsic igneous intrusionat 1174–1019 Ma, sedimentation after 932–916 Ma,and a high-grade metamorphism at 533–529 Ma. In contrast,Sm–Nd mineral–whole-rock dating mainly yields asingle age population at 500 Ma. This suggests that the McKaskleHills form part of the Prydz Belt, and that the relatively highpeak PT conditions and a decompression-dominated PTpath for the rocks resulted from a single Cambrian metamorphiccycle, rather than two distinct metamorphic events as formerlyinferred for the granulites from Prydz Bay. The age data alsoindicate that the Precambrian history of the McKaskle Hillsis not only distinct from that of the early Neoproterozoic terranein the northern Prince Charles Mountains, but also differentfrom that of other parts of the Prydz Belt. The existence ofmultiple basement terranes, together with considerable crustalthickening followed by tectonic uplift and unroofing indicatedby the clockwise PTt evolution, suggests thatthe Prydz Belt may represent a collisional orogen that resultedin the assembly of Gondwana during the Cambrian period. KEY WORDS: Mesoproterozoic basement; Cambrian metamorphism; P–T path; Prydz Belt; East Antarctica  相似文献   

The Fish Canyon Tuff is one of the largest currently recognizedash-flow tuffs (> 3000 km3). It is a crystal-rich quartzlatite containing about 40 per cent phenocrysts of plagioclase,sanidine, biotite, hornblende, quartz, magnetite, sphene, andilmenite. Pyrrhotite occurs as inclusions in magnetite, sphene,and hornblende. The consistency of mineralogy and whole rockchemistry confirms that the Fish Canyon tuff is remarkably homogeneous.Most chemical variations can be accounted for by phenocryst-matrixfractionation, probably due to glass winnowing during eruptionand emplacement. The composition of the parent magma, correctedfor such winnowing, is very similar to that of calc-alkalinebatholiths such as the Boulder and the Sierra Nevada batholiths. Fe-Ti oxide geothermometers indicate temperatures of 800 ? 30?C for most of the outflow tuff. No evidence for a regular thermalgradient in the magma chamber could be detected. Two feldsparand Fe-Ti oxide equilibria indicate that the magma developedat depths of 25 to 30 km (about 9 kb pressure), and was eruptedwithout time for phenocryst re-equilibration. The reconstructedcomposition of the liquid in equilibrium with the phenocrystsalso suggests a deep source for this ash flow. A late, upperpackage of flow units have mineralogical characteristics whichmay reflect partial re-equilibration in a shallower environment. Oxygen fugacities are moderately high (log fO2 = — 11.5?0.3) but are similar to those obtained from other continentalcalc-alkaline ash-flow tuffs. The water fugacity is limitedby calculations using biotite equilibria and experimental workrelating to the stability of the phenocryst assemblage. Bestestimates are that water fugacity was 2000 ? 1000 bars. Theactivities of sulphurous gases are estimated at fSO2 = 2 to4 bars, fso2 = 150 to 200 bars, fH2S = 70 to 80 bars. The Fish Canyon Tuff therefore came from a deep, homogeneous,granitic magma body of batholithic proportions. Calculationsof its probable viscosity, density, and size indicate that thesystem should convect with any reasonable thermal gradient.Convective mixing may account for the homogeneity of the parentmagma body.  相似文献   

The Diahot terrane of NE New Caledonia contains an interbeddedsequence of Cretaceous to Eocene metasediments, felsic and maficmetavolcanics that experienced c. 40 Ma high-P/T metamorphism.Metabasaltic assemblages define two prograde events (M1 andM2) and a tectonically disrupted crustal profile that extendsfrom lawsonite–blueschist conditions in the SW to paragonite–eclogiteconditions in the NE. Weakly deformed metabasalts from lowest-gradeparts of the Diahot terrane contain M1 omphacite, chlorite,lawsonite and glaucophane-bearing assemblages that partiallypseudomorph igneous plagioclase and augite, and reflect P =0·7–1·0 GPa and T = 350–400°C.M1 assemblages are enveloped by a steeply SW-dipping S2 foliationthat becomes progressively more intense towards the NE overa distance of c. 15 km. S2 assemblages are divided into fourzones: (1) lawsonite–omphacite; (2) lawsonite–clinozoisite–spessartine;(3) clinozoisite–hornblende–almandine; (4) almandine–omphacite.S2 assemblages reflect a PT gradient that spans the exposed15 km of the Diahot terrane from P = 0·8–1·0GPa and T = 350–400°C (Zone 1) to P = 1·6–1·7GPa and T = 550–600°C (Zone 4). The systematic mineralogicalchanges reflect parts of a PT array between 1·0and 1·7 GPa that was extensively disrupted by tectonicthinning during exhumation. KEY WORDS: blueschist; eclogite; New Caledonia; CNFMASH; pseudosection  相似文献   

The four, currently best constrained, independent thermobarometersfor garnet peridotites, namely Taylor’s (Neues Jahrbuchfür Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 172, 381–408, 1998)pyroxene solvus and Krogh’s (Contributions to Mineralogyand Petrology 99, 44–48, 1988) clinopyroxene–garnetFe–Mg exchange thermometers, and Taylor’s (1998)Al-in-orthopyroxene and Nimis & Taylor’s (Contributionsto Mineralogy and Petrology, 139, 541–544, 2000) Cr-in-clinopyroxenebarometers, have been applied to garnet lherzolites from theCentral Alps. Analyses from the literature, as well as new in-houseanalyses, all pertaining to core compositions of first-generation,garnet lherzolite minerals, have been selected for thermobarometriccalculations. The P–T data obtained for the three knowngarnet lherzolite occurrences in the Central Alps are tightlyconstrained, consistent with one another, and summarized asfollows: Alpe Arami, 3·2 GPa and 840°C; Monte Duria,3·0 GPa and 830°C; Cima di Gagnone, 3·0 GPaand 740°C. These values are consistent with experimentaldata on pargasite stability and composition in peridotitic systems.Our P–T estimates, along with microstructural and fieldgeological observations, indicate that the garnet lherzoliteparageneses form part of the prograde, Alpine, high-pressuremetamorphic sequence of the Adula–Cima Lunga unit. Thermobarometryshows that the garnet lherzolites reached a maximum depth ofsubduction of  相似文献   

We present elemental and isotopic (Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf–Os–He)data on primitive alkalic lavas from the Prinsen af Wales Bjerge,East Greenland. Stratigraphical, compositional and 40Ar–39Ardata indicate that this inland alkalic activity was contemporaneouswith the upper parts of the main tholeiitic plateau basaltsand also post-dated them. The alkalic rocks show a marked crustalinfluence, indicating establishment of new magmatic plumbingsystems distinct from the long-lived coastal systems that fedthe relatively uncontaminated plateau basalts. The least contaminatedlavas have high 3He/4He isotope ratios (R/RA 12·4–18·5),sub-chondritic 187Os/188Osi (0·120–0·126),low  相似文献   

SAJEEV  K.; OSANAI  Y. 《Journal of Petrology》2004,45(9):1821-1844
Mg- and Al-rich granulites of the central Highland Complex,Sri Lanka preserve a range of reaction textures indicative ofa multistage PT history following an ultrahigh-temperaturemetamorphic peak. The granulites contain a near-peak assemblageof sapphirine–garnet–orthopyroxene–sillimanite–quartz–K-feldspar,which was later overprinted by intergrowth, symplectite andcorona textures involving orthopyroxene, sapphirine, cordieriteand spinel. Biotite-rims, kornerupine and orthopyroxene-rimson biotite are considered to be late assemblages. Thermobarometriccalculations yield an estimated PT of at least 1100°Cand 12 kbar for the near-peak metamorphism. Isopleths of Al2O3in orthopyroxene are consistent with a peak temperature above1150°C. The PT path consists of four segments. Initialisobaric cooling after peak metamorphism (Segment A), whichproduced the garnet–sapphirine–quartz assemblage,was followed by near-isothermal decompression at ultrahigh temperature(Segment B), which produced the multiphase symplectites. Furtherisobaric cooling (Segment C) resulted in the formation of biotiteand kornerupine, and late isothermal decompression (SegmentD) formed orthopyroxene rims on biotite. This evolution canbe correlated with similar PT paths elsewhere, but thereare not yet sufficient geochronological and structural dataavailable from the Highland Complex to allow the tectonic implicationsto be fully assessed. KEY WORDS: central Highland Complex; granulites; multistage evolution; Sri Lanka; UHT metamorphism  相似文献   

FERRY  JOHN M. 《Journal of Petrology》1995,36(4):1039-1053
Contact-mctamorphic assemblages in ophicarbonate from the Bergellaureole correspond either to model isobaric invariant T-XCO2points [Atg-Cal-Di-Tr-Fo (6 samples) and Atg-Cal-Tr-Fo-Dol (2)]or to isobaric univariant T-XCO2, curves [Tr-Cal-Di-Atg (18),Tr-Dol-Atg-Cal (1), Atg-Cal-Fo-Di (1), and Atg-Cal-Tr-Fo (1)].Calcite-dolomite thermometry and mineral-fluid equilibria inthe invariant assemblages record T=440–540C at P=3•5kbar. Equilibrium metamorphic fluids were very H2O rich withX CO2,=0•001–0•027. In the invariant assemblagesTr + Fo were produced by prograde decarbonation-dehydrationreactions. In contrast, measured modes and reaction texturesin samples with univariant assemblages indicate thai Tr wasproduced by carbonation reactions. The apparent paradox of simultaneousdecarbonation reactions in the model isobaric invariant assemblagesand carbonation reactions in univariant assemblages is resolvedby local mineral-fluid equilibrium and fluid flow through ophicarbohatesin the direction of decreasing temperature as the aureole heated.Time-integrated flux (q) was computed from measured reactionprogress in 28 samples for models of both horizontal and verticaldown-temperature flow. Results are similar, with q decreasingrapidly from (0•2–5•1) 105 cm3 fluid/cm2 rock1•3–1•7 km from the intrusion to 0–0•6105cm3/cm2 at 1•8–4•0 km. The decrease in q ismore consistent with vertical than horizontal flow. Variationsin time-integrated flux of more than an order of magnitude arerecorded by samples from the same outcrop. The absence of carbonatein adjacent metaperidotite indicates that flow was confinedto the ophicarbonate. Channelized, spatially heterogeneous,vertical flow can be explained by the brecciation and strongvertical foliation of the ophicarbonate relative to surroundingmassive metaperidotite. Generation of metamorphicfluids by decarbonation-dehydrationreactions within the ophicarbonates explains larger averageflux 1–2 km from the intrusion compared with more distalpoints. KEY WORDS: Bergell; contact metamorphism; fluid flow; ophicarbonate *Telephone: (410) 516-8121. Fax: (410) 516-7933  相似文献   

We present major and trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf–Osisotopic data for the 76–58 Ma Western Cape melilititeprovince, an age-progressive magmatic lineation in which primitiveolivine melilitite intrusives and alkali basalt lavas have beenemplaced on the southwestern margin of South Africa. The magmasrange from alkali basalts with strong HIMU isotopic and traceelement affinities on the continental shelf to melilitites withkimberlite-like incompatible element compositions and EM 1 isotopicaffinities on thick Proterozoic lithosphere (i.e. 87Sr/86Sri= 0·7029–0·7043,  相似文献   

Locally, voluminous andesitic volcanism both preceded and followedlarge eruptions of silicic ash-flow tuff from many calderasin the San Juan volcanic field. The most voluminous post-collapselava suite of the central San Juan caldera cluster is the 28Ma Huerto Andesite, a diverse assemblage erupted from at least5–6 volcanic centres that were active around the southernmargins of the La Garita caldera shortly after eruption of theFish Canyon Tuff. These andesitic centres are inferred, in part,to represent eruptions of magma that ponded and differentiatedwithin the crust below the La Garita caldera, thereby providingthe thermal energy necessary for rejuvenation and remobilizationof the Fish Canyon magma body. The multiple Huerto eruptivecentres produced two magmatic series that differ in phenocrystmineralogy (hydrous vs anhydrous assemblages), whole-rock majorand trace element chemistry and isotopic compositions. Hornblende-bearinglavas from three volcanic centres located close to the southeasternmargin of the La Garita caldera (Eagle Mountain–FourmileCreek, West Fork of the San Juan River, Table Mountain) definea high-K calc-alkaline series (57–65 wt % SiO2) that isoxidized, hydrous and sulphur rich. Trachyandesitic lavas fromwidely separated centres at Baldy Mountain–Red Lake (westernmargin), Sugarloaf Mountain (southern margin) and Ribbon Mesa(20 km east of the La Garita caldera) are mutually indistinguishable(55–61 wt % SiO2); they are characterized by higher andmore variable concentrations of alkalis and many incompatibletrace elements (e.g. Zr, Nb, heavy rare earth elements), andthey contain anhydrous phenocryst assemblages (including olivine).These mildly alkaline magmas were less water rich and oxidizedthan the hornblende-bearing calc-alkaline suite. The same distinctionscharacterize the voluminous precaldera andesitic lavas of theConejos Formation, indicating that these contrasting suitesare long-term manifestations of San Juan volcanism. The favouredmodel for their origin involves contrasting ascent paths anddifferentiation histories through crustal columns with differentthermal and density gradients. Magmas ascending into the mainfocus of the La Garita caldera were impeded, and they evolvedat greater depths, retaining more of their primary volatileload. This model is supported by systematic differences in isotopiccompositions suggestive of crust–magma interactions withcontrasting lithologies. KEY WORDS: alkaline; calc-alkaline; petrogenesis; episodic magmatism; Fish Canyon system  相似文献   

In situ eclogitic schist lenses occur in the coherent low-gradeepidote-zone Ward Creek metabasite unit of the Central Franciscanbelt. They contain almandine garnet, clinopyroxene, and rutile.They have slightly higher Mn content (0–5–1–0wt.%) than the coexisting Type III metabasites (0–12–0–25wt%) which contain epidote + glaucophane + actinolite + chlorite+ omphacite + quartz + sphene ? aragonite? lawsonite ? pumpellyite+ albite. The in situ eclogitic schists (130–140 Ma) canbe distinguished from older tectonic eclogites (150–160Ma) in Ward Creek as follows: (1) they are medium grained, whereasType IV tectonic eclogites are coarse grained; (2) they haveunaltered spessartine-rich idioblastic (0–4–10 mm)garnets, whereas Type IV tectonic eclogites have larger xenoblasticto hypidiomorphic spessartine-poor garnets which were corrodedand chloritized along the rim during retrograde metamorphism;(3) clinopyroxenes are chloromelanite in in situ eclogitic schistsbut omphacite in Type IV tectonic eclogites; (4) barroisiticamphiboles occur both as inclusions in garnets and as matrixminerals in Type IV tectonic eclogites but not in in situ eclogiticschists; (5) albite is present in in situ eclogitic schistsbut not in Type IV tectonic eclogites; and (6) the estimatedP-T condition of in situ eclogitic schists is 290 ?C < T<350 ?C, P = 8–9 kb, whereas that of Ward Creek Type IVtectonic eclogites is 500?C< r<540?C, P< 10–11–5kb. Medium-grained eclogites occur as individual blocks in WardCreek; they are different from Type IV tectonic eclogites butare very similar to in situ eclogitic schists. They have unalteredidioblastic garnet with high almandine and spessartine content(Alm47Sp23Gr20Py10), and they have chloromel-anitic clinopyroxeneand quartz but no barroisite. Paragonite is also stable in theseeclogites. The blocks formed at 380 ?C< r<400?C, and 9–5kb<P< 14 kb. They are presumably in situ eclogites formedat the highest-temperature part of the Ward Creek metabasiteunit and may be younger than Type IV tectonic eclogites. Such low-temperature occurrences of eclogitic assemblages aredue to the compositional effect on reactions between blueschistand eclogite that are insensitive to pressure and shift towardslower temperatures as bulk-rock MnO content and XFe/(Fe+Mg)increase. The Mn/(Mn + Fe) ratio of bulk rock is an importantfactor in controlling the P-T positions of these reactions attemperatures below 450 ?C, whereas the Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratio ofbulk-rock becomes important at temperatures higher than 450?C.  相似文献   

The northern margin of the Inland Branch of the Pan-AfricanDamara Orogen in Namibia shows dramatic along-strike variationin metamorphic character during convergence between the Congoand Kalahari Cratons (M3 metamorphic cycle). Low-P contact metamorphismwith anticlockwise PT paths dominates in the westerndomains (Ugab Zone and western Northern Zone), and high-P Barrovianmetamorphism with a clockwise PT path is documented fromthe easternmost domain (eastern Northern Zone). The sequenceof M3 mineral growth in contact aureoles shows early growthof cordierite porphyroblasts that were pseudomorphed to biotite–chlorite–muscoviteat the same time as an andalusite–biotite–muscovitetransposed foliation was developed in the matrix. The peak-Tmetamorphic assemblages and fabrics were overprinted by crenulationsand retrograde chlorite–muscovite. The KFMASH PTpseudosection for metapelites in the Ugab Zone and western NorthernZone contact aureoles indicates tight anticlockwise PTloops through peak metamorphic conditions of 540–570°Cand 2·5–3·2 kbar. These semi-quantitativePT loops are consistent with average PT calculationsusing THERMOCALC, which give a pooled mean of 556 ± 26°Cand 3·2 ± 0·6 kbar, indicating a high averagethermal gradient of 50°C/km. In contrast, the eastern NorthernZone experienced deep burial, high-P/moderate-T Barrovian M3metamorphism with an average thermal gradient of 21°C/kmand peak metamorphic conditions of c. 635°C and 8·7kbar. The calculated PT pseudosection and garnet compositionalisopleths in KFMASH, appropriate for the metapelite sample fromthis region, document a clockwise PT path. Early plagioclase–kyanite–biotiteparageneses evolved by plagioclase consumption and the growthof garnet to increasing XFe, XMg and XCa and decreasing XMncompositions, indicating steep burial with heating. The developedkyanite–garnet–biotite peak metamorphic parageneseswere followed by the resorption of garnet and formation of plagioclasemoats, indicating decompression, which was followed by retrogressivecooling and chlorite–muscovite growth. The clockwise PTloop is consistent with the foreland vergent fold–thrustbelt geometry in this part of the northern margin. Earlier formed(580–570 Ma) pervasive matrix foliations (M2) were overprintedby contact metamorphic parageneses (M3) in the aureoles of 530± 3 Ma granites in the Ugab Zone and 553–514 Magranites in the western Northern Zone. Available geochronologicaldata suggest that convergence between the Congo and KalahariCratons was essentially coeval in all parts of the northernmargin, with similar ages of 535–530 Ma for the main phaseof deformation in the eastern Northern Zone and Northern Platformand 538–505 Ma high-grade metamorphism of the CentralZone immediately to the south. Consequently, NNE–SSW-directedconvergent deformation and associated M3 metamorphism of contrastingstyles are interpreted to be broadly contemporaneous along thelength of the northern margin of the Inland Branch. In the westheat transfer was dominated by conduction and externally drivenby granites, whereas in the east heat transfer was dominatedby advection and internally driven radiogenic heat production.The ultimate cause was along-orogen variation in crustal architecture,including thickness of the passive margin lithosphere and thicknessof the overlying sedimentary succession. KEY WORDS: Pan-African Orogeny; PT paths; pseudosections; low-P metamorphism; contact metamorphism; Barrovian metamorphism  相似文献   

A light-coloured, fine-grained eclogite sample from near thevillage of Hammerunterwiesenthal in the Erzgebirge (NW BohemianMassif) preserves the low-variance mineral assemblage of garnet,omphacite, phengite, talc, amphibole, clinozoisite, quartz,rutile, and accessory phases. Porphyroblasts of amphibole, clinozoisite,and phengite formed during a late stage (III) of metamorphism.Paragonite joined the assemblage late in this stage (IIIb).The chemical zonation of the minerals was carefully studied.Various geothermobarometric methods were applied, especiallyinvolving phengite and talc. The constrained PT pathfor the eclogite starts at about 480°C and 25 kbar (stageIb), followed by a significant temperature rise (stage II) atslightly increasing pressure. At the peak PT conditionsof 720°C and 27 kbar, blastesis of amphibole, clinozoisite,and phengite was caused by infiltrating hydrous fluids. Theresulting density reduction may have allowed buoyant upliftof the eclogite. Subsequently, significant cooling occurredat high pressures. Stage IIIb is characterized by PTconditions around 520°C and 18 kbar at reduced water activities.This unusual late PT evolution might explain the freshnessof the eclogite, including the preservation of chemical zonationon the micrometre scale. KEY WORDS: eclogite; Saxonian Erzgebirge; PT evolution; talc; phengite  相似文献   

A simple thermodynamic model is developed for silicate meltsin the system CaO–Na2O–K2O–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O(CNKASH). The Holland & Powell (Journal of Metamorphic Geology,16, 289–302, 1998) internally consistent thermodynamicdataset is extended via the incorporation of the experimentallydetermined melting relationships in unary and binary subsystemsof CNKASH. The predictive capability of the model is evaluatedvia the experimental data in ternary and quaternary subsystems.The resulting dataset, with the software THERMOCALC, is thenused to calculate melting relationships for haplogranitic compositions.Predictions of the P–T stabilities of assemblages in water-saturatedand -undersaturated bulk compositions are illustrated. It isnow possible to make useful calculations of the melting behaviourof appropriate composition rocks under crustal conditions. KEY WORDS: thermodynamics; melts; granite; dataset  相似文献   

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