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路基地震峰值加速度响应特性振动台试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在采用拟静力法分析公路路基抗震稳定时,需要考虑路基对地震加速度产生动力放大效果的影响。为了研究该放大效果,针对填方路基在强地震动作用下的动力响应,设计并完成了1∶20比尺的路基大型振动台模型试验。通过输入不同类型、幅值、频率的地震波激励,研究地震作用下路基模型边坡地震峰值加速度的放大系数。试验结果表明,路基边坡对输入的水平地震波具有明显的放大作用,而对竖向地震波的放大作用不明显。沿路基高程向上,水平地震波加速度峰值放大系数呈现波动,且坡面的放大系数大于路基内部的放大系数。在不同类型、不同振幅和不同频率的地震波作用下,路基地震峰值加速度放大系数具有明显的差异。试验结果可为确定路基抗震稳定设计的动力荷载提供相应的参考。  相似文献   

目前,广泛应用在地震勘探中的检波器类型主要是速度型检波器和加速度型检波器,分别接收振动的速度信息和加速度信息,不同类型的检波器接收的地震资料具有不同的响应特征.在滩浅海地震勘探中,不同的地表区域使用不同类型的检波器接收,滩上使用速度检波器接收、海中使用加速度检波器和速度检波器组成的"双检"检波器接收,所以存在着两类检波器资料的拼接、融合处理问题.本文在理论上通过速度检波器和加速度检波器机电转化原理不同,跟踪不同物理量说明了两种信号之间的关系,并通过理论分析、实际的地震数据资料分析和证明了速度信号通过微分计算转化为加速度信号的可行性和正确性,并进行了相应的对比和验证.在滩浅海以及浅海地震勘探中应用加速度检波器和速度检波器联合采集后,应用这种转换方法进行资料的拼接处理和融合处理,得到的地震剖面质量得到了很好的提升.  相似文献   

地震计的校准需低频标准振动台系统产生失真度较低的正弦波,速度反馈广泛用于低频标准振动台系统的失真度降低,然而却会提升整个系统的高频共振峰。为了降低该共振峰,文中提出一种不需要传感器就可以提取振动台加速度信号的技术,并将该信号与速度反馈信号叠加从而降低了该共振峰,然后再通过加大电子阻尼的方法来改善振动台的低频特性。仿真结果表明:加速度反馈可以有效降低整个校准系统的高频共振峰,但反馈量过大会增加低频共振峰,选择合适的参数可以避免低频共振峰的产生。通过加大阻尼进一步降低了振动台的低频下限。最后通过实验验证了复合反馈的作用。为进一步改善电动式振动台的低频失真度,研究低频下限与低频失真度的关系打下一定的基础。  相似文献   

马洁美  范晓勇  何闻 《地震学报》2023,(6):1111-1117
对振动台在大行程移动过程中导轨不平顺引起的倾斜效应进行了理论分析,选择0.1 Hz及以下频点开展振动台导轨不平顺引起的台面倾斜对测试结果影响的定量化分析。结果表明,振动台面在移动过程中的不确定倾斜对地震计水平分量灵敏度的影响大于对垂直分量灵敏度的影响。采用高精度水平仪获取水平振动台在不同行程下的运动轨迹起伏变化,并基于倾斜效应的影响机制,用Labview语言实现补偿系统,在地震计的振动测试中对测试结果进行动态补偿。测试结果表明,经过动态补偿,导轨不平顺不再对灵敏度校准结果存在明显制约,可大幅提高地震计的低频测试精度。  相似文献   

在石油勘探中,动圈式速度型检波器以及MEMS加速度型检波器是当前野外采集施工中应用最为广泛的两类检波器.两类检波器采集数据的信噪比存在差异,往往前者较后者稍高.作者在分析了两种典型检波器工作原理、野外采集阶段有效信号与噪声的比较特征以及不同信噪比计算方法的基础上,模拟、分析了两种典型检波器数据信噪比存在较大差异的表现以及原因.认为地震数据用加速度表征后,时域的视觉信噪比降低了,但是数据所代表机械振动中信号与噪声的物理能量对比并没有随着表征量纲的差异而改变;也就是说,数据背后的“物理信噪比”并没有改变-无论采用何种量纲进行表征.加速度表征地震数据的视觉信噪比降低是由于地震信号的低频端较高频端具有更高的“物理信噪比”导致的.速度、加速度两种类型检波器的信噪比比较应该在同一个域内进行.  相似文献   

陆上地震勘探中多采用速度型检波器接收,随着单点高密度地震勘探的开展,加速度型检波器也被日趋广泛的应用.这两种检波器接收的地震信号具有不同的响应特征,在地震勘探中经常会遇到这样的情况:两个相邻区块分别应用速度型检波器和加速度型检波器接收,需要将这两个区块的地震资料进行连片处理,两类检波器接收资料如何处理拼接?本文在理论上...  相似文献   

地震计灵敏度的对比测量法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林湛  薛兵  朱小毅  陈阳  李江  彭朝勇  刘洋君 《地震》2013,33(1):22-28
本文提出一种地震计灵敏度的对比测量法, 该方法将被测地震计和一台校准过的地震计比邻、 平行摆放, 共同记录地振动数据, 通过对比分析两台地震计的输出信号, 计算被测地震计的灵敏度。 与振动台测量法相比, 该方法成本低, 与电测法相比, 不需已知地震计的标定常数, 是一种简单易行、 精度高的地震计灵敏度测量方法。  相似文献   

以浙江省测震台网部分台站地震计为研究对象,选取一定时间窗口对阶跃标定波形进行计算,得出地震计在该时段内的周期和阻尼变化情况。结合台网台站运行维护工作,经过统计分析,表明利用此方法能够在一定程度上反映出台站地震计运行的异常状态。  相似文献   

文中以某一实际工程为例,讨论工程场地地震安全性评价中加速度反应谱规准化对工程场地地震位移时程所带来的影响。数值结果表明,根据规准化加速度反应谱得出的位移时程存在很大的误差。建议在工程场地地震安全性评价工作中,不宜进行加速度反应谱的标定工作。  相似文献   

从导出的地震定标律和地震破裂过程的断裂力学模式出发,得到了震源平均位移、速度和加速度谱的表达式,进而又推导出震源的峰值位移d_m,速度v_m和加速度a_m的表达式:d_m=k_dM_0~2/~3τ_0~(2/3),v=k_vM_0~(1/3)τ_0~(4/3),a_m=k_aτ_0~2式中M_0是地震矩,τ_0是环境剪应力值,k_d,k_v,k_a为适当的常数.我们选用了66个地震的观测资料,这些地震的矩震级范围包括了从1级左右的极微震,3—5级的小震,直到6—7级的大震;地震矩从10~9—10~(20)Nm,跨越了10个数量级,并用这些地震检验了上述公式. 令所有地震的平均应力为5MPa,定出常数k_d,k_v,k_a,进而由速度和加速度观测资料求得66个地震的环境剪应力τ_0值,这些数值相当稳定.多数极微震的τ_0值在2—4MPa之间;小震的τ_0值多数在4—8MPa左右;大震的τ_0值为10MPa左右。τ_0值对震源深度和断层类型有明显的依赖性.一般深度很浅的小震和极微震,τ_0值很低;正断层地震的τ_0值相对较低;逆断层地震的τ_0值较高;走滑断层地震的τ_0值则居中.  相似文献   

The interest in shake tables stems from a need to simulate earthquake behavior in laboratory settings. However, the inherent properties and nonlinearities associated with electromechanical and servohydraulic shake tables, combined with issues of table-structure interaction, make accurate reproduction of earthquake acceleration time histories a challenging problem. The classical approach to control shake tables has been the Transfer Function Iteration (TFI) method. The tuning of the TFI controller is an offline iterative process, conducted using small amplitude ground motions. Effective compensation is not achievable for system nonlinearities that are not projected in the iterative tuning process. To address this problem, researchers have developed online compensation techniques, which can maintain tracking performance for the earthquake signals more effectively. Model-based controllers (MBC) are a class of online controllers which use an identified model of the shake table-structure for compensation. The MBC employs feedforward and feedback controllers to ensure that the shake table tracks a specified earthquake ground motion despite the presence of table and structural nonlinearities. However, the feedback controllers in MBC do not always maintain tracking accuracy and can result in loss of robustness when changes occur in the shake table and structure dynamics. This paper introduces a modified model-based controller (mMBC) for acceleration tracking as an improvement on the existing MBC architecture. A stability condition is introduced to assess the robustness of the new modified control architecture. Through numerical and experimental studies, the improved tracking robustness of the mMBC architecture is demonstrated.  相似文献   

为了更好满足地震计的振动测试需求,对振动台的波形失真度、横向运动比、台面不均匀度及稳定性等主要性能指标进行了测试分析.测试结果表明:该振动台具有较好的低频振动特性.利用低频标准套组对该振动台和中国计量科学研究院标准振动台进行比对分析,测试结果存在较小偏差.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a simple conceptual mathematical model for the mechanical components of the NEES‐UCSD large high‐performance outdoor shaking table and focuses on the identification of the parameters of the model by using an extensive set of experimental data. An identification approach based on the measured hysteresis response is used to determine the fundamental model parameters including the effective horizontal mass, effective horizontal stiffness of the table, and the coefficients of the classical Coulomb friction and viscous damping elements representing the various dissipative forces in the system. The effectiveness of the proposed conceptual model is verified through a comparison of analytical predictions with experimental results for various tests conducted on the system. The resulting mathematical model will be used in future studies to model the mechanical components of the shake table in a comprehensive physics‐based model of the entire mechanical, hydraulic, and electronic system. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A high-fidelity PC-based control system has been developed to improve the tracking characteristics of a small-scale seismic motion simulator used for testing structural control designs. This work outlines the development and testing of the control system. First, the simulator hardware is described in detail. The process of constructing a mechanistic model of the system and identifying model parameters is then described. Next, a closed-loop feedback/feed-forward control algorithm, based on an optimal receding horizon formulation, is developed. The control design was tested and the results indicate that the seismic shake table precisely tracked reference seismic motions. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large‐scale, servo‐hydraulic shake tables are a central fixture of many earthquake engineering and structural dynamics laboratories. Wear and component failure from frequent use may lead to control problems resulting in reduced motion fidelity, necessitating repairs and replacement of major components. This paper presents a methodology to evaluate shake table performance pre‐ and post‐repair, including the definition of important performance metrics. The strategy suggested is presented in the context of the rebuilding of a 4.9 × 3.1 m, 350‐kN‐capacity uniaxial shake table. In this case, the rebuild consisted of characterization of wear to table components, replacement of worn bearing surfaces, and replacement of hydraulic accumulators. To assess the effectiveness of the repair actions, sinusoidal and triangular waves, white noise, and earthquake histories were run on the table before and after the rebuild. The repair actions were successful in reducing the position and velocity dependence of friction, improving the ability of control algorithms to accurately reproduce earthquake motions. The maximum and average response spectral misfits in the period range of 0.1–2 seconds were reduced from approximately 50% to 15%, and from 5% to less than 2.5%, respectively.  相似文献   

Hilbert-Huang Transform(HHT)是一种新的适用于非线性、非平稳信号,且具有自适应性的数据处理方法.本文简要介绍了一座45层钢筋混凝土框架结构及其振动台试验模型概况. 利用HHT分析了模型结构在不同烈度地震中的反应记录,得到了Hilbert时频幅值三维分布和Hilbert边际谱.Hilbert谱得到记录能量集中分布的频段与时间范围,捕捉到信号变化的主要特征. Hilbert边际谱曲线形状和峰值频率值随着地震烈度的升级而发生了相应变化,而且所有的结果图形体现出相同的规律性,预示着Hilbert边际谱在土木工程结构安全评价中的应用前景.   相似文献   

Among several different experimental techniques, used to test the response of structures and to verify their seismic performance, the shake table testing allows to reproduce the conditions of true effects of earthquake ground motions in order to challenge complex model structures and systems. However, the reproduction of dynamic signals, due to the dynamics of the shake table and of the specimen, is usually imperfect even though closed‐loop control in a shake table system is used to reduce these errors and obtain the best fidelity reproduction. Furthermore, because of the dynamic amplifications in the specimen, the signal recorded at desired locations could be completely different from the expected effect of shake table motion. This paper focuses on the development of practical shake table simulations using additional ‘open loop’ feedforward compensation in form of inverse transfer functions (i.e. the ratio of the output structural response to an input base motion in the frequency domain) in order to obtain an acceptable reproduction of desired acceleration histories at specific locations in the specimen. As the first step, a well‐known global feedforward procedure is reformulated for the compensation of the table motion distortions due to the servo‐hydraulic system. Subsequently, the same concept is extended to the table‐structure system to adjust the shake table input in order to achieve a desired response spectrum at any floor of the specimen. Implementations show how such a method can be used in any experimental facility. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of hospital building equipment is presented. Dynamic properties and seismic performance of typical ambulatory freestanding cabinets are assessed by unidirectional and bidirectional shake table tests, also considering the presence of internal partitions and cabinet contents. Vulnerability analysis is performed according to the most recent and reliable assessment methods, evaluating the influence of different parameters of the sample cabinets. The performance criteria referred within this research are the limit states reached by the specimens (ie, rocking and overturning) and by their contents (ie, overturning and breaking). Fragility curves are evaluated for the components and the contents, considering both acceleration and velocity intensity measures, and also using dimensionless intensity measures developed in recent studies. The outcomes of the present study confirm the findings of previous laboratory tests and numerical simulations carried out by the same authors and provide a further insight for the reliable seismic performance assessment of hospital cabinets and their contents.  相似文献   

The performance of nonstructural components has attracted attention, and previous large earthquakes have resulted in widespread damage to expansion joints. In contrast to the main structural components, for which ductility beyond the design tolerance is ensured, the safety margin of nonstructural components classified as the product of mechanical engineering, such as expansion joints, is uncertain. This paper investigates the damage sequence and safety margin of expansion joints through shake table testing. The expansion joints were installed to connect 2 rigid steel frames with short and long natural periods. Four commonly used types, high-performance and standard-performance floor and wall expansion joints, were tested. Seven damage patterns of the 4 expansion joints were observed, and most of the damage patterns were considered displacement dependent. The damage mechanisms and relative displacements at the moment of damage were identified by using strain gauges attached near collision and damage locations. The high-performance expansion joints showed only minor damage beyond the design motion range, whereas the standard-performance expansion joints exhibited minor damage below the design motion range and failure at the design motion range or slightly beyond. For each damage state, repair information was obtained through a questionnaire to an expansion joint manufacturer, and the sum of the initial cost and repair cost for high-performance and standard-performance expansion joints was compared. The results will be useful for the selection of expansion joints in the design process.  相似文献   

为满足台阵地震计标定要求,通过对程控化标定测控仪和标定测控软件的研究,采用一种适用于台阵地震计的程控化正弦标定方法,对中国地震局地球物理勘探中心负责管理的台阵地震计进行标定。台阵地震计标定实验结果显示,采用程控化正弦标定方法,在缩短标定时长、提高标定效率方面具有显著效果。  相似文献   

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