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This paper is concerned with the interior structure of Uranus and Neptune. Our approach is three-fold. First, a set of three-layer models for both Uranus and Neptune are constructed using a method similar to that used in the study of the terrestrial planets. The variations of the mass density (s) and flattening e(s) with fractional mean radius s for two representative models of Uranus and Neptune are calculated. The results are tabulated. A comparison of these models shows that these two planets are probably very similar to each other in their basic dynamical features. Such similarity is very seldom seen in our solar system. Secondly, we check the conformance between the theoretical results and observational data for the two planets. And thirdly, the 6th degree Stokes zonal parameters for Uranus and for Neptune are predicted, based on the interior models put forward in this paper.  相似文献   

W.B. Hubbard 《Icarus》1978,35(2):177-181
We extend a Jovian convective-cooling model to Uranus and Neptune. The model assumes that efficient interior convection prevails, so that escape of interior heat is governed by the radiative properties of the atmosphere. A comparison of the thermal evolution of Uranus and Neptune indicates that the larger amount of solar radiation absorbed in Uranus' atmosphere tends to differentially suppress the escape of interior heat. The model is shown to be consistent with recent infrared observations of the thermal balance of Uranus and Neptune, and with the presumed age of these planets.  相似文献   

S.K. Atreya  T.M. Donahue 《Icarus》1975,24(3):358-362
Model ionospheres are calculated for Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Protons are the major ions above 150 km altitude measured from a reference level where the hydrogen density is 1 × 1016 molecules cm?3, while below 150 km quick conversion of protons to H3+ ions by a three-body association mechanism leads to a rapid removal of ionization in dissociative recombination of H3+. Electron density maxima are found at about 260 km for Saturn and Uranus and 200 km for Neptune. Present knowledge of the physical and chemical processes in the atmospheres of these planets suggests that their ionospheres probably will not be Jupiter-like.  相似文献   

M. Podolak  R.T. Reynolds 《Icarus》1984,57(1):102-111
The planetary ratios of ice to rock (IR) abundances expected in Uranus and Neptune are derived on the basis of several cosmogonic theories. For both Uranus and Neptune the value of IR lies between about 1.0 and 3.6. This value is difficult to reconcile with a scenario in which N and C are accreted primarily in the form of N2 and CO. It is consistent with some versions of both giant protoplanet theories and equilibrium accretion theories.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(8-9):1119-1139
Far and extreme ultraviolet observations of Uranus and Neptune, principally by the ultraviolet spectrometer (UVS) on Voyager 2, are reviewed. Occultation observations have characterized the temperature, energy deposition, and major-constituent compositional profiles of these atmospheres above the 0.1–1 mbar level. Observations of airglow, light emitted by these atmospheres, are more complex to interpret but yield insight into atmospheric energy balance and chemistry.  相似文献   

We have obtained 5-μm brightness temperatures and brightness temperature upper limits for Uranus and Neptune which are substantially lower than those of Jupiter and Saturn and which correspond to a geometric albedo of approximately 0.01, in agreement with results reported by F. C. Gillet and G. H. Rieke (1977, Astrophys. J.218, L141–L144). Phospine and CH3D, which are observed at 5 μm on Jupiter and Saturn, are discussed as possible sources of opacity at 5 μm in the atmospheres of Uranus and Neptune.  相似文献   

Observations of tilts of spectral lines in the spectrum of Uranus and Neptune yield the following rotational periods: “Uranus,” 24 ± 3 hr; “Neptune,” 22 ± 4 hr. Neptune is confirmed to rotate in a direct sense. The position angle of the pole of Uranus, projected onto the plane of the sky, is found to be 283 ± 4°. The value for Neptune is 32 ± 11°. These results agree with the direction of the pole of Uranus inferred from the common plane of its four brightest satellites and with the direction of the pole of Neptune as inferred from the precession of Triton's orbit. The rotational period of Uranus is found to be consistent with modern values of its optical and dynamical oblateness and the theory of solid-body rotation with hydrostatic equilibrium. This is barely the case for the period derived for Neptune and we suspect that future observations made under better seeing conditions may lead to a shorter rotation period between 15 and 18 hr. Because of a substantial difference between our results and those of earlier spectroscopic and photometric investigations we include an assessment of several previously published photometric studies and a new reduction of the original Lowell and Slipher spectroscopic plates of Uranus [Lowell Obs. Bull. 2, 17–18, 19–20 (1912)]. The early visual photometry of Campbell (Uranus) and Hall (Neptune) is found to be more satisfactorily accounted for by periods of 21.6 and 23.1 hr, respectively, than by the periods originally suggested by the observers. Our reduction of the Lowell and Slipher Uranus plates yields a period near 33 hr uncorrected for seeing. This value is consistent with the results based on the 4-m echelle date.  相似文献   

Stephen R. Kane 《Icarus》2011,214(1):327-333
With more than 15 years since the first radial velocity discovery of a planet orbiting a Sun-like star, the time baseline for radial velocity surveys is now extending out beyond the orbit of Jupiter analogs. The sensitivity to exoplanet orbital periods beyond that of Saturn orbital radii however is still beyond our reach such that very few clues regarding the prevalence of ice giants orbiting solar analogs are available to us. Here we simulate the radial velocity, transit, and photometric phase amplitude signatures of the Solar System giant planets, in particular Uranus and Neptune, and assess their detectability. We scale these results for application to monitoring low-mass stars and compare the relative detection prospects with other potential methods, such as astrometry and imaging. These results quantitatively show how many of the existing techniques are suitable for the detection of ice giants beyond the snow line for late-type stars and the challenges that lie ahead for the detection true Uranus/Neptune analogs around solar-type stars.  相似文献   

Both Uranus and Neptune are thought to have strong zonal winds with velocities of several 100 m s−1. These wind velocities, however, assume solid-body rotation periods based on Voyager 2 measurements of periodic variations in the planets’ radio signals and of fits to the planets’ magnetic fields; 17.24 h and 16.11 h for Uranus and Neptune, respectively. The realization that the radio period of Saturn does not represent the planet’s deep interior rotation and the complexity of the magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune raise the possibility that the Voyager 2 radio and magnetic periods might not represent the deep interior rotation periods of the ice giants. Moreover, if there is deep differential rotation within Uranus and Neptune no single solid-body rotation period could characterize the bulk rotation of the planets. We use wind and shape data to investigate the rotation of Uranus and Neptune. The shapes (flattening) of the ice giants are not measured, but only inferred from atmospheric wind speeds and radio occultation measurements at a single latitude. The inferred oblateness values of Uranus and Neptune do not correspond to bodies rotating with the Voyager rotation periods. Minimization of wind velocities or dynamic heights of the 1 bar isosurfaces, constrained by the single occultation radii and gravitational coefficients of the planets, leads to solid-body rotation periods of ∼16.58 h for Uranus and ∼17.46 h for Neptune. Uranus might be rotating faster and Neptune slower than Voyager rotation speeds. We derive shapes for the planets based on these rotation rates. Wind velocities with respect to these rotation periods are essentially identical on Uranus and Neptune and wind speeds are slower than previously thought. Alternatively, if we interpret wind measurements in terms of differential rotation on cylinders there are essentially no residual atmospheric winds.  相似文献   

H.B. Hammel  G.W. Lockwood 《Icarus》2007,186(1):291-301
Long-term photometric measurements of Uranus and Neptune through 2005 show variations in brightness. For Uranus, much of the variation can be interpreted as seasonal, i.e., caused by viewing angle changes of an oblate planet. The photometry suggests that if seasonal variations on Uranus are north-south symmetric, then the northern pole should begin to brighten in 2006. However, seasonal “aspect” changes cannot explain all the variation; the Uranus observations require intrinsic atmospheric change. Furthermore, Uranus observations spanning many scale heights in the atmosphere may show similar change. For Neptune, variations in sub-solar latitude may explain the general shape of the long-term light curve, but significant deviations occur that have no explanation at present. Observations are needed over a longer temporal baseline than currently exists to fully characterize both atmospheres.  相似文献   

Charge-coupled device images of Uranus and Neptune taken in the 8900-Å absorption band of methane are presented. The images have been digitally processed by means of nonlinear deconvolution techniques to partially remove the effects of atmospheric seeing. The restored Uranus images show strong limb brightening consistent with previous observations and theoretical models of the planet's atmosphere. The computer-processed images of Neptune show discreted cloud features similar to those reported previously by B. A. Smith, H. J. Reitsema and S. M. Larson (1979 Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc.11, 570). A time series of the restored Neptune images shows a continuous variation which may be due to the planet's rotation.  相似文献   

A number of charged-particle radiation belt models for Uranus and Neptune are postulated, and the synchrotron emission spectrum for each is calculated over the frequency range 18.75 to 2400 MHz. Although no radio observations of these planets exist at frequencies below 1400MHz, available observations are used in conjunction with the synchrotron calculations to establish a rough upper limit to the size and strength of the planets' magnetic field strength and radiation belt intensity. The magnitude of synchrotron radio emission expected in many of the models is within the detection range of several existing ground-based telescopes, at decimetric and metric wavelengths.  相似文献   

We have made narrowband photometric measurements of Uranus and Neptune covering the wavelength range from 0.35 to 3.3 mm. The observations provide accurate comparative radiometry of these planets. Absolute calibration was referenced to Mars, and to Jupiter as a secondary standard. The results establish Uranus and Neptune as reliable secondary calibrators in their own right. We have combined our observations with other measurements made in the period 1978 through 1984 in the spectral range of 17 μm through 3 mm to form models for atmospheric temperature structure in the vertical range from 100 mbar to 8 bar. The simplest models imply that the tropospheres of both planets are consistent with “frozen” equilibrium H2 and a mixing ratio of CH4 of about 2% by volume in the deep atmosphere. There is some evidence in the Uranus data which implies the presence of discrete spectral lines. These could be due to CH4 pure rotational or dimer transitions or to minor constituents such as CO, which remain uncondensed even at the cold temperatures in the atmosphere of Uranus.  相似文献   

We present a series of models of Uranus and Neptune in which the relative amounts of (1) rock, (2) ices, and (3) hydrogen and helium are allowed to vary. By fitting the density and the gravitational quadruppole moment, the model composition can be determined. Because of the ambiguity in the rotation periods of these planets, several possible models are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Plausible models for the atmospheres of Uranus and Neptune are reviewed. Current ideas favor the presence of massive atmospheres above solid cores. Observations of Uranus imply the presence of a visible cloud layer (probably composed of solid methane) beneath about 100 km amagats of hydrogen. A number of other cloud layers far below this upper layer are also possible. However, before any of these conclusions can be considered firm, a number of further crucial observations are required.  相似文献   

G.W. Lockwood 《Icarus》1978,35(1):79-92
Photoelectric photometry of Uranus and Neptune, obtained between 1953 and 1976, has been analyzed for evidence of planetary variability on various time scales. There is no evidence for either periodic or secular variability at a level of 0.003 mag or greater over intervals of a few months or less, but slow variations of several hundredths of a magnitude have occured for both planets over many years. Variations at the 0.001 mag level may be present on shorter time scales. Solar phase coefficients for both planets are much larger than predicted for clear molecular atmospheres, and the coefficient for Neptune is significantly variable. The lightcurve of Uranus is consistent with a geometrical oblateness of about 0.03, or polar brightening. While the annual mean magnitudes of the planets are highly correlated with one another, no direct correlation with cyclical solar activity is demonstrated.  相似文献   

We present and discuss observations of Titan (photometry and spectroscopy) and Uranus and Neptune (spectroscopy only) obtained using off-the-shelf equipment, affordable and available to many amateur astronomers and small colleges. Spectral observations compare well with published results from front-line observatories, and some evidence of seasonal change is evident in both spectra and narrowband photometry. Scattered Saturn light presents a significant problem for Titan observations, in particular, for slitless spectroscopy, and our attempts to reproduce Titan's lightcurve have so far been unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Photoelectric intermediate-band b and y photometry of Uranus and Neptune obtained at each apparition since 1972, combined with broadband B and V photometry from 1950 to 1966, provide a record of planetary variability covering 2/3 of Uranus' 84-year orbital period and 1/3 of Neptune's 165-year orbital period. Almost all of the data were obtained with a dedicated 21-inch photometric telescope at Lowell Observatory. The data are quite homogeneous, with yearly uncertainties typically smaller than 0.01 mag (1%). The lightcurve of Uranus is sinusoidal with peaks at the solstices. The b amplitude slightly exceeds the expected 0.025 mag purely geometrical variation caused by oblateness as the planetary aspect changes, seen from Earth. The y amplitude is several times larger, indicating a strong equator-to-pole albedo gradient. The lightcurve is asymmetrical with respect to southern solstice, evidence of a temporal albedo variation. Neptune's post-1972 lightcurve exhibits a generally rising trend since 1972 interpreted by Sromovsky et al. [Sromovsky, L.A., Fry, P.M., Limaye, S.S., Baines, K.H., 2003. Icarus 163, 256-261] as a lagged sinusoidal seasonal variation. However, the 1950-1966 lightcurve segments are much fainter than expected, missing the proposed seasonal sinusoid by 0.1-0.2 mag. A major unknown component is therefore needed to explain Neptune's long-term variation. The apparent relationship between Neptune's brightness variation and the 11-year solar cycle seen in cycles 21-22 (1972-1996) has apparently now faded away. Further interpretation of the data in this paper will be found in a companion paper by Hammel and Lockwood [Hammel, H.B., Lockwood, G.W., 2005. Icarus. Submitted for publication].  相似文献   

We present 20-μm photometry of Uranus and Neptune which confirms the presence of a temperature inversion in the lower stratospheres in both planets. We find the brightness temperature difference between 17.8 and 19.6 μm to be 0.8 ± 0.5°K for Uranus and 1.8 ± 0.6°K for Neptune. These results indicate that the temperature inversions on both planets are weaker than previously thought. Comparison to model atmospheres by J. Appleby [Ph.D. thesis, SUNY at Stony Brook 1980] indicates that the temperature inversions can be understood as arising from heating by the absorption of sunlight by CH4 and aerosols. However, the stratospheric CH4 mixing ratio on Neptune must be higher than that at the temperature minimum.  相似文献   

M. Podolak  R. Young  R. Reynolds 《Icarus》1985,63(2):266-271
The difference between the interior structures of Uranus and Neptune is presented, based on models which fit the observed mass, radius, and gravitational moments for the assumed rotation periods of these planets. If Uranus and Neptune are assumed to be as similar in internal structure as they are in mass and radius, the rotation period for Neptune must be shorter than that for Uranus. It is suggested that the true rotation period is given by Neptune's oblateness, while the photometric period corresponds to the motion of Rossby waves in the upper atmosphere.  相似文献   

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