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GIS technology has been mostly concerned with handling physical data and modeling physical environment. However, the requirements of GIS for handling socio-economic information in many cases are different from those concerning phenomena in the physical environment. Analysis of capital flow among regions requires the transitions both from economic values to physical landscape and from physical surface to economic explanation. Rapid growth of Chinese economy conies mainly from investment. There are two main ways for obtaining high growth of investment. One is government expenditure which usually invests in regional facility and amenity block, which is regarded as stimulus for attracting investment. The other is the creation of investing center and corresponding capital source areas, both of which need the central city with the highest growth rate of investment among regions. This paper presents the cluster areas of both government revenue and total investment, the potential situation of capital flow betwe  相似文献   

The economic growth of China has led to increasing growth disparities between regions. Such disparities are uncontrolled and are severely negative symptoms in the process of economic development. On the basis of system dynamics (SD) modeling and the rela- tionship between industrial relocation and regional economic growth, we construct a model of the interrelationship between the two aforementioned phenomena. The model is an effective and creative exploration for examining effects of industrial relocation on Chinese regional economic growth disparities. The SD model is employed in this study to build an inter-regional labor migration SD model, an inter-regional capital migration SD model, an intra-industry SD model, an intra-regional population SD model, and an intra-regional SD model which are based on realities in labor and capital flow from the view of industrial relocation. VENSIM software is utilized to per- form a system simulation based on the data of the eastern, middle, and western regions from 2000 to 2010. Results show that indus- trial relocation gradually narrows the relative disparity in GDP among the three regions. Moreover, the absolute one is enlarged con- tinuously. The absolute and relative disparities in per capita GDP among eastern, middle, and western regions generally exhibit de- creasing trends.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate two important issues: what are the determinants of public goods investment and what is the government's investment behavior in mountainous areas. The impacts of natural conditions, target, and demand elements on public goods investment are analyzed with statistical method, and the determinants of public goods investment in the areas are obtained by using population-weighted and stepwise regression models with Eviews6.0 software with survey data in 2008 and calculated data based on GIS of 20 typical villages in mountainous regions in Sichuan, China. The results showed: (1) natural conditions are the important determinants of public investment. Mountainous villages with steep slope have relatively high levels of investment; (2) concentration of population and the educational levels of the village leaders also have important impacts on public goods investment; (3) the government is more concerned with public investment resources particularly in areas characterized by fragile ecological environment and poor agricultural output. These results suggest that the current investment strategy helps to reduce disparities in regional development.  相似文献   

Integrity and disparity are two of the basic characteristics implied in the scientific connotation of the physical environment as a material system. From a dialectical materialistic point of view the physical character of geographical environment of the earth surface is the unity in diversity. It is on such grounds that the two basic characteristics were put forth by the author in his monograph "Physical Structure of South American Geographical Environment" as the underlying theme. This holds true for the hierarchy of physical regions. For instance, the physical environment of the earth surface in unity behaves as a huge whole, yet, in differentiation into continents, it displays disparity; each continent differs from others and becomes an integrity in its own right. The same is true of regions of lower levels. In the case of generality and individuality of regional types and their constituent distributive areas in different continents, the same relationship exists among them. Owing to similar origin ea  相似文献   

Russia is the largest neighboring country of China. Between the two countries, the resources and industry are complemented, the political mutual trust is at a high level, and trade cooperation has a broad prospect. Choosing the best regions and the best industries to strengthen investment in Russia has a major strategic significance in promoting ‘the Belt and Road Initiative' and China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor Construction. However, the related researches are extremely limited. The investment environment is unclear, and the investment risk is unknown, which seriously restrict the investment in Russia and the trade cooperation with Russia. Our research team carried out scientific expedition, government visits and scientific research cooperation in Russia for several years, and obtained a great number of first-hand valuable data. According to the analysis on the data and Russian regional policies, this study constructed an investment environment evaluation model(ESI-PRA model), scientific assessed the investment environment for 83 subjects of federation in Russia, in terms of economic, social, infrastructure, policy, resource and accessibility, classified 4 types of investment regions, chose 3 investment priority regions, revealed the investment priority industries, demonstrated the main investment risks, and proposed the strategic policies. The research results provide direct scientific and technological support for strategic decisions, such as investment in Russia, bilateral economic and trade cooperation, and overseas layout of Chinese-funded enterprises. Moreover, it has an important practical and strategic significance for improving overseas geo-strategic interests of China and ensuring the construction of China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor.  相似文献   

In metropolitan regions, the change in the strength of"flows" between a core city and surrounding cities reflects the range of the core city's influence, while the gravity between core city and other cities reflects the strength of potential relation between them. This article firstly attempts to delimit the boundary of metropolitan regions with the two dimensions measure combining "flows" and gravitation. The former is measured through the flow of people between the core city and surrounding cities, and the latter is measured through both population and gross domestic products (GDP) of the core city and surrounding cities. The hierarchy of the cities within a metropolitan region is classified in order to emphasize the roles of the cities belonging to the metropolitan regions, different from the general way through population scale and administrative level, and is typical in China. This paper uses the Shanghai metropolitan region as a research case, determining boundary of this metropolitan region clearly and classifying hierarchy of the cities within the region. The final results are significantly different to previous work, even overthrowing the traditional system of urban hierarchy partly. It is helpful to highlight the function of cities in organizing the regional economy, the level structure of metropolitan regions, and each city's relative importance in a metropolitan region, which can be taken as scientific basis for planning integrated regions or urban systems.  相似文献   

We use the directional slacks-based measure of efficiency and inverse distance weighting method to analyze the spatial pattern evolution of the industrial green total factor productivity of 108 cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt in 2003–2013.Results show that both the subprime mortgage crisis and ‘the new normal' had significant negative effects on productivity growth,leading to the different spatial patterns between 2003–2008 and 2009–2013.Before 2008,green poles had gathered around some capital cities and formed a tripartite pattern,which was a typical core-periphery pattern.Due to a combination of the polarization and the diffusion effects,capital cities became the growth poles and ‘core' regions,while surrounding areas became the ‘periphery'.This was mainly caused by the innate advantage of capital cities and ‘the rise of central China' strategy.After 2008,the tripartite pattern changed to a multi-poles pattern where green poles continuously and densely spread in the midstream and downstream areas.This is due to the regional difference in the leading effect of green poles.The leading effect of green poles in midstream and downstream areas has changed from polarization to diffusion,while the polarization effect still leads in the upstream area.  相似文献   

The Gongga Mountain of eastern Tibet Plateau is a representative of the alpine regions with high peaks and deep valleys. Climate change over the last thousand years has controlled the dynamics of glacier and debris flow occurrence, which resulted in substantial changes in the mountainous environment. The authors surveyed the community structure of primary forests in Gongga Mountain and forest successign processes in woodland plots. The changing features in the subalpine environment are discussed in this paper. Tree species and sizes between the glacier shrinking areas and debris flow fans in Hailuogou Valley are compared. The pioneer species that settle in debris flow fans and the glacier shrinking areas are Salix spp. and Populus purdomii. Abies fabri and Picea brachytyla are the climax tree species. The succession process of primary vegetation in Hailuogou (2700 ~ 3200 m) can be divided into four stages:  相似文献   

During the rapid industrialization and urbanization of China,urban agglomeration in river basin areas raises the problems of over-use of water resources and pollution of the water environment.Related research in China has mainly focused on the conflicts among economic growth,urban expansion and water resource shortages within admin-istrative boundaries.However,water environments are much more dependent on their physical boundaries than their administrative boundaries.Consistent with the nature of water environment,this study aims at analyzing coordination relationships between urban development and water environment changes within physical river basin boundaries.We chose the Shayinghe River Basin,China,as our case study area which is facing serious challenges related to water en-vironment protection.Then we classified 35 county-level administrative units into upstream,midstream and down-stream regions based on their physical characteristics;analyzed the coordination degree of urban agglomeration using the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method;and constructed cooperative models using the Linear Programming (LP function) to simulate four scenarios of the coordination relationship be-tween urban population increase and water environment protection based on existing water resources and water pollu-tion data.The results show that the present coordinative situation in Shayinghe River Basin is not sustainable.In gen-eral,more than 50% administrative units are in the bad coordinative situation.In particular,the downstream region is under worse condition than the upstream and midstream regions.Cooperative models in scenario analyses indicate that the population scale set in existing urban master plannings is not coordinated with the water environment protection.To reach the goal of regional sustainable development,the total population needs to be controlled such that it will re-main at 4.5×10 7 or below by 2020 given the capacity of water environment.  相似文献   

Urbanization is a comprehensive concept, a trinity process that population urbanization, economic urbanization and space urbanization, is based on the interactions and mutual influences among the in which, people are the central and leading players in this process, while economic activities serve as the driving force and space is the carrier-the physical or material setting as well as the product. So the coordination among these processes is crucial for a country or region's sustainable development. China is experiencing rapid growth of cities and a surge in urban population, with the basic national condition of many people and little land, which calls for a systematic study of the issue of coordinated urbanization from theoretical, methodological and practical perspectives. Based on the concept of urbanization and non-coordination of urbanization, this article built a quantitative method to identify and evaluate the urbanization and non-coordination of urbanization, and made an empirical analysis in China between 2000 and 2008. The results show that the non-coordination overall level of China's urbanization declined during the study period, because population urbanization, economic urbanization, and space urbanization exhibited different trajectories of change. This study also reveals that performance assessment system, household registration system, and urban land expropriation system, etc., are the main affecting factors. At the end, we put forward some suggestions to achieve sustainable development of China's urbanization from the aspects of improving the local government's obiective function, imolementing the urban plalming svstem, enforcing public particination asnects and so on.  相似文献   

The Pearl River (Zhujiang) Delta (PRD) has been a focal point in reform era academic circles not only for its dramatic industrial growth but also the simultaneous agricultural development. Unlike most of existing research on the PRD economic development and transformation from the whole region level, this paper explored this question from the perspective of a township using Beijiao in Shunde City as a case study. Unlike the conclusions of existing studies which attribute the regional economic transition to the macro factors, particularly the influence of external investment, this research reveals that at the level of township, the local government, the town-village owned enterprises and the individuals have been playing remarkable roles in local economic transformation. In the early stage since the economic reform, Beijiao township government, replacing the central and provincial governments before, began to manipulate the development of town-village owned enterprises and lead the local economic transformation from agricultural to industrial dominated. As the town-village owned enterprises grew during the later years, they gradually acted as the main dominant player leading the local agricultural and industrial growth. At the same time the individuals in Beijiao were playing more independent role to gain their most profits. While the local government changed to be the real manager of local economies. So the local economic transition was not entirely externally driven. In another word, the “driven from outside” model can not totally explain the economic fact in this specific region. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49801006) and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Project Biography: XUE De-sheng (1969 — ), male, a native of Shanxi Province, Ph. D. of Zhongshan University, Post-Ph. D. of the University of British Columbia and the University of Montreal, associate professor of the Center for Urban and Regional Studies, the Center for Transport Research, Zhongshan University. His Research interests include industrial geography, urban geography and urban planning.  相似文献   

在社会经济统计GIS建设过程中,如何组织、访问和分析大量的社会经济统计指标,从中提取有用信息,是其难点之一。以往的社会经济统计GIS应用层直接访问数据库的形式,虽然在访问速度上存在一定优势,但是使用过程出现如下问题:(1)缺乏可管理性和适应性;(2)不能够适应数据层中数据结构和内容的变化。本文剖析了社会经济统计数据的组成和特点,提出采用元数据来组织社会经济统计GIS中海量的社会经济数据。在应用层与底层数据库之间加入元数据层,通过元数据解析引擎完成应用层到关系数据库,关系数据库到应用层的映射的系统数据组织方法。并以包头市青山区社会经济统计信息系统为例,说明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

Local governments have long been ardently pursuing the industrial specialization effect (MAR externalities) and industrial diversification effect (Jacobs externalities). Such a pursuit has resulted in severe distortion of resource allocation and negative effect on sustainability of local economic development. Regarding the effect from both MAR and Jacobs externalities on local economic development existing literature records notable disputes. Therefore, for local economic development, one important issue is which externality (MAR or Jacobs) can better bring the effect into play. By studying a panel data of 283 Chinese cities from 2003 to 2012 and applying dynamic plane data GMM method, this paper conducted a regression analysis of the relationship among industrial agglomeration externalities, city size, and regional economic development. The result indicates that with regard to the whole nation, MAR externalities are conducive to regional economy development whereas Jacobs externalities will, to an extent, restrain regional economic development. As regards eastern, middle, and western regions, MAR externalities are conducive only to the economic development of the eastern region; their effects on middle and western regions are insignificant. Moreover, the interaction item between MAR externalities and city size has a significant negative synergistic effect on national economic development and a certain acceleration effect on eastern region as well as a strong negative synergistic effect on the middle region and an insignificant effect on the western region. The interaction item between Jacobs externalities and city size has a positive synergistic effect on only the middle region and has an insignificant synergistic effect on both eastern and western regions. Capital stock and labor input have significant accelerating effects on GDP growth per capita of Chinese cities, whereas material capital and labor input remain primary driving forces for Chinese local economic development. Furthermore, human capital contributes to accelerating urban economic development, whereas government intervention restrains urban economic development.  相似文献   

The study shows that the regional differentiation of Hong Kong direct investment (HKDI) in China was enlarged in the 1980s and has been reducing since 1991. The concentration of HKDI in the southern China and the coast has been replaced by the trend of moving northwards and inlandwards after 1989. But in terms of manufacturing sectors this trend has not clearly appeared until now. Those changing patterns are clearly related to the behaviour of Hong Kong industrial investors. The survey results suggest that “enjoying lower production cost” is the most important motive for their investment in China. In consequence, “close to Hong Kong”, “cheaper labour” and “favourable policy” are major factors for determining the investment locations. This behaviour, together with the lack of comparison study in location selection among most investors, explains that Guangdong absorbed most Hong Kong investment in the 1980s. As the production costs have been increasing in Guangdong, some companies have started to invest in non-Guangdong locations since the end of the 1980s. From the mental map of Hong Kong investors, however, only some of the non-Guangdong locations are practically attractive. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China and the University Graduates Association (Hong Kong). The author gratefully acknowledges the help from Professors Kam-hon Lee and Yue-man Yeung and Dr. David Chu at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Mr. Chai-ming Mak at Electricity Advisory Services Limited (HK) during the early stage of the study.  相似文献   

Chinaˊs urban reforms have brought social progress and development,but a comprehensive national system of social welfare(for example,unemployment insurance,pensions,medical care and public housing)for new migrants from rural areas is lacking.One of the most remarkable changes in Chinese cities in the last decade was a change in so-cial“equality“,with the rise of new poverty both in individual communities and some social groups in urban society.Howev-er,there is little social assistance and public infrastructure for the migrants.Governments or communities or individual should pay attention to the control of new urban poverty and new slums.This paper consider that it is necessary to launch a successful policy,which include mainly:1)accommodating urban growth through low-cost investment projects;2)ur-ban economy depends heavily on successful macroeconomic policy;3)to broaden the three channels linking adjustment to the incidence of urban poverty;4)to restructure urban economic based on the high or new technology;5)to coordi-nate relationship between urban economic growth and environment management for sustainable development of Beijingˊs metropolitan fringe.  相似文献   

Based on comparative studies on four regional floras from northwest,west south and southeast of Yunnan respectively,the formerly suggested two biogeographical lines,i.e.the “Tanaka Line”and the “Ecogeographical Diago-nal Line”,both going from northwest to southeast of Yunnan,and their significance are discussed.In family and generic levels,similarity coefficients among the four compared floras are more than 93% and 60% separately,which indicate the close floristic affinities among them.The highest similarity coefficient,i.e.98.7% in family level and 78.6% in gener-ic level separately,is found between the regional flora of northwest Yunnan and the flora of southeast Yunnan although these two regions are the most distant away each other among the compared regional floras.The flora of northwest Yun-nan is also the most similar to the flora of southeast Yunnan in floristic composition.These support the idea of “Ecogeographical Diagonal Line“.In specific level,the relatively high similarity coefficient is between the regional flora of west Yunnan and the one of south Yunnan.The floristic affinities among these regional floras and some distribution patterns could be explained by the geological history and tectonic theory of Yunnan.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAfter2decades'opendoorpractice,Chinahasnotonlybeenabigplayerasanimportanthostnationtoforeigndirectinvestment(FDI),butalsothelargestFDIhomenationamongthedevelopingcountries(SUN,1998;ZHANG,1995;WorldInvestmentReport,1998).Infact,sincethelate1980s,theChinesegovernmenthasnotsimplyputitseffortintoexportingmade-in-China"productstoearnforeigncurrencyorintoencouragingforeigninwardcapital.Ithasactivelyencourageditsmanufacturerstoinvestoverseas,andhasdeliberatelyandstrategical…  相似文献   

The steps forward of GIS in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 HISTORICALSTEPS—ATEMPORALANA LYSISResearchesofGISinChinacandatebacktotheearly 1980s .Atthattime ,aremotesensingapplica tionprojectwascarriedoutinSouthwestChinausingGISmethodintegratedwithremotesensingdatatosolvetheareameasurementautomatically .Afterthefir…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheworld’sshrimpcultureindustryhasbeensufferingfromviralepidemicdiseasesandfellintoadif ficultpositionforyears.Itisgenerallyacceptedtodaythatthediseaseswerecausedmainlybywaterpollu tioncreatedbyshrimpcultureitself,bothinshrimppondsandincoas…  相似文献   

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