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Recent observations of badland slopes in South Dakota before, during and after a rainstorm revealed the temporary existence of a dense, integrated drainage network of micro-rills, which was completely obliterated by dessication cracks within a few hours after the end of the rains. These additional observations were combined with data from previous studies by Schumm (1956a, 1962) and Smith (1958) to describe in a comprehensive framework the processes of runoff on these slopes and the related micro-morphological forms.  相似文献   

The Castillo de Bellver incident resulted in the loss of between 160 000 and 190 000 t of crude oil. Not only was this the largest spill to date in South Africa, but it occurred near an area of great ecological sensitivity, and in the vicinity of important commercial fishing grounds. Despite this, observations during the spill and on subsequent surveys indicated that environmental damage was minimal. This can only be attributed to the favourable direction of the wind, which caused the slick to move offshore and into the Benguela current, thus allowing for its natural dispersion. Some concern remains over oil still trapped in the sunken stern section.  相似文献   

Aftershock activity following the April 25, 1989 (M S =6.9) earthquake near San Marcos, Guerrero, Mexico, was monitored by a temporary network installed twelve hours after the mainshock and remaining in operation for one week. Of the 350 events recorded by this temporary array, 103 were selected for further analysis in order to determine spatial characteristics of the aftershock activity. An aftershock area of approximately 780 km2 is delimited by the best quality locations. The area of highest aftershock density lies inside an area delimited by the aftershocks of the latest large event in the region in 1957 (M S =7.5) and it partially overlaps the zone of maximum intensity of the earlier 1907 (M S =7.7) shock. Aftershocks also appear to cluster close to the mainshock hypocenter. This clustering agrees with the zone of maximum slip during the mainshock, as previously determined from strong motion records. A low angle Benioff zone is defined by the aftershock hypocenters with a slight tendency for the slab to follow a subhorizontal trajectory after a 110 km distance from the trench axis, a feature which has been observed in the neighboring Guerrero Gap. A composite focal mechanism for events close to the mainshock which also coincides with the zone of largest aftershock density, indicates a thrust fault similar to the mainshock fault plane solution.The San Marcos event took place in an area which could be considered as a mature seismic gap. Due to the manner in which strain release has been observed to previously occur, the occurrence of a major event, overlapping both the neighboring Guerrero Gap and the San Marcos Gap segments of the Mexican thrust, cannot be overlooked.  相似文献   

A compilation of observations of volcanic eruptions since 1870 and ash stratigraphy shows that Katmai National Monument on the Alaska Peninsula has had a long history of volcanic activity. Six of the recently active vents lie in a gently curved arc, but two lie to the north of this arc and show no obvious structural relationship to it. Recent volcanic events have consisted of fumarolic activity, steaming from main vents, ash eruptions, extrusion of viscous lava flows, and pyroclastic eruptions. The observed activity shows no obvious correlation with a compilation of seismic events recorded teleseismically since 1912 and relocated by the authors using a digital computer. The eruption attributed to Mt. Katmai in 1912 has left many unanswered questions including the thickness of the ash flow tuff in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. Seismic refraction results show that this tuff has a compressional velocity of about 0.6 km/sec and that considerable morainal debris may underlie it at the northern end of the Valley.  相似文献   

San Miguel de La Palma is the northwestern island in the Canary group. An extensive vertical section through the island can be seen in the deep Caldera de Taburiente in the north of the island. The island in divided into four units: (1) the floor of the Caldera de Taburiente, (2) the remainder of the old volcano Tuburiente (El Time formation), (3) the El Paso tectonic basin, and (4) the Cumbre Vieja mountain land that forms the southern part of the island. The Caldera Floor formation consists of (1) a variety of deformed metamorphosed and metasomatised basaltic and trachytic rocks, (2) metamorphosed pyroclasts, and (3) bodies of gabbro, troctolite, wehrlite, dunite, alkalic gabbro and essexite. These rocks are cut by mafic and bostonitic dykes. The lavas and pyroclasts of the El Time formation overlie the Caldera Floor formation and generally dip outwards and away from the caldera. Alkalic basalts are the main lava type, followed by trachybasalts with lesser amounts of trachyandesite, trachyte and phonolite. The El Paso tectonic basin is a subsided segment of the volcano Tuburiente, and consists mainly of El Time formation rocks. All the major recorded eruptions have issued from the Cumbre Vieja mountain land. The eruptive products found in the mountain land range from alkalic basalt to phonolite. Pyroclasts and phonolitic lavas are more common than in the earlier formations. Tall spires of hauyne phonolite are found in a number of localities. The eruptive products now found on La Palma are believed to have developed from an alkaline basalt magma. Under normal circumstances this magma rose rapidly from the upper mantle, and erupted; however, when the La Palma volcanic edifice was large enough to accommodate a magma chamber differentiation took place; silica was removed, and both ultramafic cumulates, and trachytic and phonolitic differentiates were produced.  相似文献   

Body waveform modeling is used to determine the source processes of three large earthquakes (magnitude 6.8, 6.4, 6.3) occurring between February 9 and 15, 1956 along the San Miguel fault in northern Baja California, Mexico. Results of the modeling suggest that the mainshock on February 9 was responsible for the 20 km of surface faulting observed during the sequence. Although previous researchers have suggested a complex rupture history for the mainshock, uncertainty estimates of source-time function shape indicate single or double source models fit the observed waveforms equally well. The February 15 aftershock, however, appears to have consisted of two events. Locations and focal mechanisms obtained for the three events suggest that the rupture process may have been controlled by cross faults to the main trace of the San Miguel fault. The good correlation between source parameter information and the surficial geology/geometry of the San Miguel fault zone demonstrates the usefulness of waveform modeling studies in unravelling the complexities of historic multi-event earthquake sequences.  相似文献   

Jan Herrmann 《Limnologica》2012,42(4):299-309
A manmade stormwater wetland in Kalmar, SE Sweden, sized 1 ha and receiving water from residential and road areas, was monitored over the first years after inundation with respect to chemistry and biology. Water flow and chemistry was analysed in years 2–4, mainly on a monthly basis, but, in the final year, every second month. This revealed that total nitrogen, according to the Swedish Environmental Quality Criteria (EQC), typically showed moderate or high concentrations, whereas total phosphorous levels were very high or extremely high. Metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn) concentrations were low or moderate in terms of EQC. Yearly average reduction of nitrogen was 173 kg ha?1 y?1, tending to increase over time, and for phosphorous 12.1 kg ha?1 y?1, tending to decrease. Vegetation analysis was performed in years 1–4 by noting all species in 27 consecutive zones around the wetland system. This showed that one year after filling with water, the vegetation was already well established with >30 plant species in the entire pond system, and this increased only slightly. After four years, the shoreline vegetation cover had become denser, especially with larger graminoids such as common reed (Phragmites australis) and sea club-rush (Bolboschoenus maritimus), and submersed vegetation almost disappeared. There was a tendency for common species to become more dominant, and for less common species to become rarer. Using sweep net sampling of benthic invertebrates during years 0–2, ca 50 species/higher taxa were observed during the first year, largely because of the appearance of many beetles, especially dytiscids. However, these decreased the following years. Apart from these animals, in the first few months the invertebrate colonisation was dominated by chironomids and corixids, whereas later prominent increases were noticed for the isopod Asellus aquaticus, the snail Physa fontinalis, and the mayfly nymph Cloeon dipterum. The results are discussed in terms of wetland values for biodiversity and nutrient reduction, suggesting that these objectives seem possible to combine in stormwater wetlands.  相似文献   

The Rio de la Plata is a large-scale estuary located at 35°S on the Atlantic coast of South America. This system is one of the most important estuarine environments in the continent, being a highly productive area that sustains valuable artisanal and coastal fisheries in Uruguay and Argentina. The main goals of this paper are to summarize recent knowledge on this estuary, integrating physical, chemical and biological studies, and to explore the sources and ecological meaning of estuarine variability associated to the stratification/mixing alternateness in the estuary. We summarized unpublished data and information from several bibliographic sources. From study cases representing different stratification conditions, we draw a holistic view of physical patterns and ecological processes of the stratification/mixing alternateness. This estuary is characterized by strong vertical salinity stratification most of the time (the salt-wedge condition). The head of the estuary is characterized by a well-developed turbidity front. High turbidity constrains their photosynthesis. Immediately offshore the turbidity front, water becomes less turbid and phytoplankton peaks. As a consequence, trophic web in the estuary could be based on two sources of organic matter: phytoplankton and plant detritus. Dense plankton aggregations occur below the halocline and at the tip of the salt wedge. The mysid Neomysis americana, a key prey for juvenile fishes, occurs all along the turbidity front. A similar spatial pattern is shown by one of the most abundant benthic species, the clam Mactra isabelleana. These species could be taken advantage of the particulate organic matter and/or phytoplankton concentrated near the front. Nekton is represented by a rich fish community, with several fishes breeding inside the estuary. The most important species in terms of biomass is Micropogonias furnieri, the main target for the coastal fisheries of Argentina and Uruguay. Two processes have been identified as producing partially stratified conditions: persistent moderate winds (synoptic scale), or low freshwater runoff (interannual scale). Less frequently, total mixing of the salt wedge occurs after several hours of strong winds. The co-dominance of diatoms (which proliferate in highly turbulent environments) and red tides dinoflagellates and other bloom taxa (better adapted to stratified conditions), would indicate great variability in the turbulence strength, probably manifested as pulses. Microplankton and ichthyoplankton assemblages defined for the stratified condition are still recognized during the partially mixed condition, but in this case they occupy the entire water column: vertical structure of the plankton featuring the stratified condition become lost. Bottom fish assemblages, on the contrary, shows persistence under the different stratification conditions, though the dominant species of the groups show some variations. Summarizing, the Río de la Plata Estuary is a highly variable environment, strongly stratified most of the time but that can be mixed in some few hours by strong wind events that occur in an unpredictable manner, generating stratification/partially mixed (less frequently totally mixed) pulses all along the year. At larger temporal scales, the system is under the effects of river discharge variations associated to the ENSO cycle, but their ecological consequences are not fully studied.  相似文献   

Oil refinery wastewater was treated using a coupled treatment process including electrocoagulation (EC) and a fixed film aerobic bioreactor. Different variables were tested to identify the best conditions using this procedure. After EC, the effluent was treated in an aerobic biofilter. EC was capable to remove over 88% of the overall chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the wastewater under the best working conditions (6.5 V, 0.1 M NaCl, 4 electrodes without initial pH adjustment) with total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) removal slightly higher than 80%. Aluminum release from the electrodes to the wastewater was found an important factor for the EC efficiency and closely related with several operational factors. Application of EC allowed to increase the biodegradability of the sample from 0.015, rated as non-biodegradable, up to 0.5 widely considered as biodegradable. The effluent was further treated using an aerobic biofilter inoculated with a bacterial consortium including gram positive and gram negative strains and tested for COD and TPH removal from the EC treated effluent during 30 days. Cell count showed the typical bacteria growth starting at day three and increasing up to a maximum after eight days. After day eight, cell growth showed a plateau which agreed with the highest decrease on contaminant concentration. Final TPHs concentration was found about 600 mgL−1 after 30 days whereas COD concentration after biological treatment was as low as 933 mgL−1. The coupled EC-aerobic biofilter was capable to remove up to 98% of the total TPH amount and over 95% of the COD load in the oil refinery wastewater.  相似文献   

A 3-D physical and biological model is used to study the seasonal dynamics of physical and biological processes in the central California Current System. Comparisons of model results with remote sensing and in situ observations along CalCOFI Line 67 indicate our model can capture the spatial variations of key variables (temperature, nutrients, chlorophyll, and so on) on annual mean and seasonal cycle. In the coastal upwelling system, it is the alongshore wind stress that upwells high nutrients to surface from 60 m and stimulates enhanced plankton biomass and productivity in the upwelling season. As a result, coastal species peak in the late upwelling period (May–July), and oceanic species reach the annual maxima in the oceanic period (August–October). The annual maximum occurs in the late upwelling period for new production and in the oceanic period for regenerated production. From the late upwelling period to the oceanic period, stratification is intensified while coastal upwelling becomes weaker. Correspondingly, the coastal ecosystem retreats from ~300 to ~100 km offshore with significant decline in chlorophyll and primary production, and the oceanic ecosystem moves onshore. During this transition, the decline in phytoplankton biomass is due to the grazing pressure by mesozooplankton in the 0–150 km domain, but is regulated by low growth rates in the 150–500 km offshore domain. Meanwhile, the growth rates of phytoplankton increase in the coastal waters due to deeper light penetration, while the decrease in offshore growth rates is caused by lower nitrate concentrations.  相似文献   

Brackish groundwater (BGW) is increasingly used for water supplies where fresh water is scarce, but the distribution and availability of such resources have not been characterized at the national scale in the United States since the 1960s. Apart from its distribution and accessibility, BGW usability is a function of the chemical requirements of the intended use, chemical characteristics of the resource, and treatment options to make the resource compatible with the use. Here, we discuss relations between these three chemical factors using national‐scale examples and local case studies. In a preliminary compilation of BGW data in the United States, five water types accounted for the major‐ion composition of 70% of samples. PHREEQC calculations indicate that 57–77% of samples were oversaturated with respect to barite, calcite, or chalcedony. In the study, 5–14% of samples had concentrations of arsenic, fluoride, nitrate, or uranium that exceeded drinking‐water standards. In case studies of the potential use of BGW for drinking water, irrigation, and hydraulic fracturing, PHREEQC simulations of a hypothetical treatment process resembling reverse osmosis (RO) showed that BGW had the potential to form various assemblages of mineral deposits (scale) during treatment that could adversely affect RO membranes. Speciation calculations showed that most boron in the irrigation example occurred as boric acid, which has relatively low removal efficiency by RO. Results of this preliminary study indicate that effective national or regional assessments of BGW resources should include geochemical characterizations that are guided in part by specific use and treatment requirements.  相似文献   

Studies of the geology, geochemistry of thermal waters, and of one exploratory geothermal well show that two related hot spring systems discharge in Canõn de San Diego at Soda Dam (48°C) and Jemez Springs (72°C). The hot springs discharge from separate strands of the Jemez fault zone which trends northeastward towards the center of Valles Caldera. Exploration drilling to Precambrian basement beneath Jemez Springs encountered a hot aquifer (68°C) at the top of Paleozoic limestone of appropriate temperature and composition to be the local source of the fluids in the surface hot springs at Jemez Springs. Comparisons of the soluble elements Na, Li, Cl, and B, arguments based on isotopic evidence, and chemical geothermometry indicate that the hot spring fluids are derivatives of the deep geothermal fluid within Valles Caldera. No hot aquifer was discovered in or on top of Precambrian basement. It appears that low- to moderate-temperature geothermal reservoirs (< 100°C) of small volume are localized along the Jemez fault zone between Jemez Springs and the margin of Valles Caldera.  相似文献   

A total of 200 measurements of SeIV and total Se have been made in two areas of the northeast Atlantic Ocean. The similarity of the profiles with those of dissolved silicate and phosphate indicates that the distribution of this element is probably dominated by biological processes.The difference between the fractions total Se and SeIV reflects mainly SeVI. in accordance with thermodynamic predictions. SeIV while thermodynamically not favoured is found in deep water where probably due to kinetic stability it persists as the product of the vertical transport and biological reduction of SeVI.  相似文献   

We summarize chemical characteristics of chromian spinels from ultramafic to mafic plutonic rocks (lherzolites, harzburgites, dunites, wehrlites, troctolites, olivine gabbros) with regard to three tectonic settings (mid‐ocean ridge, arc, oceanic hotspot). The chemical range of spinels is distinguishable between the three settings in terms of Cr# (= Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio) and Ti content. The relationships are almost parallel with those of chromian spinels in volcanic rocks, but the Ti content is slightly lower in plutonics than in volcanics at a given tectonic environment. The Cr# of spinels in plutonic rocks is highly diverse; its ranges overlap between the three settings, but extend to higher values (up to 0.8) in arc and oceanic hotspot environments. The Ti content of spinels in plutonics increases, for a given lithology, from the arc to oceanic hotspot settings by mid‐ocean ridge on average. This chemical diversity is consistent with that of erupted magmas from the three settings. If we systematically know the chemistry of chromian spinels from a series of plutonic rocks, we can estimate their tectonic environments of formation. The spinel chemistry is especially useful in dunitic rocks, in which chromian spinel is the only discriminating mineral. Applying this, discordant dunites cutting mantle peridotites were possibly precipitated from arc‐related magmas in the Oman ophiolite, and from an intraplate tholeiite in the Lizard ophiolite, Cornwall.  相似文献   

We present new detailed analyses of samples of pulverized Tejon Lookout granite collected from sections adjacent to the San Andreas and Garlock faults in southern California. The Tejon Lookout granite is pulverized in all exposures within about 100 m from both faults. Chemical analyses indicate no or little weathering in the collected samples, although XRD analysis shows the presence of smectite, illite, and minor kaolinite in the clay-size fraction. Weathering products may dominate in the less than 1 micron fraction. The average grain size in all samples of pulverized Tejon Lookout granite ranges between 26 and 208 microns (silt to fine sand), with the particle size distribution in part a function of proximity to the primary slip zone. The San Andreas fault samples that we studied are generally finer grained than those collected from adjacent to the Garlock fault. The particle size distribution for each studied sample from both faults follows a pseudo-power law with a continuously changing exponent, which suggests that pulverization is not simply a consequence of direct shear. The average particle size that we determined for our samples is considerably coarser than reported in previous investigations, which we attribute to possible measurement errors in the prior work. Our data and observations suggest that dynamic fracturing in the wall rock of the San Andreas and Garlock faults only accounts for about 1% or less of the earthquake energy budget.  相似文献   

The chemical speciation of dissolved copper was investigated in waters from the limno-corrals of the MELIMEX project and compared with speciation data from other Swiss lakes. Copper is complexed primarily by organic ligands having molecular sizes between 104 and 103 daltons. The mean concentration of the ligands is approximately 5×10−7 mole/mg DOC. The conditional stability constants (pH=8.8) are about 1011. An increased metal load did not induce an increase of binding ligands. A comparison of calculated Cu2+ concentration with corresponding copper contents in the biomass leads to the conclusion that organic ligands and pH are the most important factors in deciding the biological availability of copper. However the sorption capacity of the biomass depends as well on the variety of plankton species.  相似文献   

Multi-year instrumental records for input, throughflow and output waters of the Lilburn Cave system provide control on denudation rates as they respond to seasonal and spatial variability. Data suggest that maximum denudation is in the late fall and early winter. This is when non-snowmelt discharge is at its maximum. At lower discharge rates the volume of water moving through the cave system is the limiting control on the volume of denudation. During periods of snowmelt the limiting control is the rate at which the calcite dissolves. This is probably the result of water flowing through wider channels during these times. Based on instrumental measurements, there is considerable variation in terms of where denudation occurs inside the cave. The loci of dissolution change from year to year. This is to be expected in the dynamic environment of the cave where materials shift routinely. This variability should be studied over longer periods of time in order to more fully understand its extent. The relatively small area of carbonate exposure relative to the area of the drainage basin gives rise to relatively high denudation rates. The carbonate is being removed at a rate of about 5000 metric tons per year, or at about 830 mm/y. This is about five times the rate reported in the humid karst regions of Malaysia. This information indicates that the relative proportion of carbonate in the drainage basin needs to be considered when trying to estimate denudation in other areas.  相似文献   

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