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This paper revisits the debate on marriage migration by highlighting the role of governing power and individual response in the process of migration decision‐making and post‐settlement of Vietnamese marriage migrant activist women in South Korea. It contributes to current marriage migration debates by employing the lens of ‘governmobility’ and ‘spatial capability’. The research looks at how female migrant activists maneuver coercion, resistance, and activism, both governed by nation‐state politics, but also actively deciding their fate amidst pressures of the global marriage market. Based on in‐depth interviews with 21 Vietnamese marriage migrant women who have worked in mentoring, counselling and translating for other Vietnamese migrants, our findings demonstrate that marriage migrants are positioned in between two nation‐states whose perspectival focus is on relieving the tensions of their own domestic job and marital markets. At the same time, these women have broken free from the inertia of socio‐familial status quo and state intervention to become self‐governing agents of mobility in various stages of their migration and adaptation. Fueled on by their position as activists, the marriage migrants then expand their spatial capability to place‐making—shifting the notion of freedom from simply taking part in mobility to reshaping their locale.  相似文献   

在韩中国朝鲜族社会网络地理特征对其中国认同的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许多研究表明,人们在流动到其他国家后,其族群认同、国家认同会因为迁入地的社会条件的影响而发生变化。这个结论已经毋庸论证,人们需要知道的是影响这些认同的因素和机制为何。在当今世界中,要破解复杂的国家认同问题,需要将影响国家认同的机制做细致分解。研究组设计了一般性分析框架,将社会网络之地理特性作为影响因素,旅居海外公民的母国认同作为影响结果,再以之分析在韩国的朝鲜族对中国认同的变化趋势,并对这种认同变化做一个基本的评价。分析结论是:在韩朝鲜族社会网络的三个地理特征对他们的中国认同有正向促进作用,其一是近年在韩朝鲜族的业缘网络对中国的覆盖度不断增加;其二是家庭长者作为亲缘网络中的核心人物位于中国;其三是中国的国际地位逐渐提高。地理学视角有助于更清晰地分析国家认同。未来需要分析在韩朝鲜族对哪个国家的认同更强,这对移入国和移出国双方或许更为重要。  相似文献   

韩国海洋资源开发的现状、特征及今后展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国三面临海,海洋资源丰富,通过对韩国海洋资源开发以及主导海洋产业的现状、特征分析,展望海洋世纪初期的海洋开发。文中并提出了韩国在海洋开发中有关的海洋地缘政治问题。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):1163-1191
Although theoretical studies have contended that telecommuting could cause residential relocation to peripheral areas, empirical evidence regarding this argument is scant and inconclusive. Moreover, previous studies have given little consideration to telecommuters' job locations. Using data from the 2006 Seoul Metropolitan Area Household Travel Survey, this study investigates the relationships between telecommuting and residential location, considering job location. Regression results suggest that telecommuter households are indeed more likely to reside in outlying areas, consistent with theory. However, this does not necessarily mean that telecommuting facilitates living in outlying areas, nor, conversely, that long commutes stimulate telecommuting: causality cannot be established with these data. But contrary to both hypotheses, the result partially arises from the fact that firms allowing telecommuting also tend to be located in peripheral areas, with telecommuters having shorter commute distances compared to office workers. Consequently, issues regarding telesprawl need to be discussed considering the distribution of telecommuting-conducive occupations.  相似文献   

江浙地区与韩国城市化水平对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化是我国新世纪的一大战略,江浙地区是我国经济最发达的地区,理应在全国城市化进程中发挥更大的作用。文章分析了江浙地区(包括上海市、江苏省、浙江省)的城市体系现状,通过与韩国城市体系的对比,指出江浙地区的城市化要想走在全国的前列,必须发展大城市、特大城市;建立完善的城市体系,必须大中小城市协调发展,特别是注重大城市、特大城市的发展。本文并根据江浙地区发展的动态变化和潜力分析,勾勒出该地区未来城市体系的蓝图,对于指导地区乃至全国的城市体系建设具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

中国的韩国旅游研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自中韩正式建交以来,两国之间旅游交流的迅速发展促进了中国旅游学界对韩国旅游相关方面的研究.文章以中国知识资源总库的四个主要子数据库为基础检索了1994年以来发表在中国大陆与韩国旅游相关的研究文献,并通过内容分析法对此进行了系统的归纳、分析和总结,认为目前中国旅游学界对韩国旅游相关方面的研究主要集中在三个领域:韩国赴中国旅游市场分析与开发、韩国旅游业成功经验分析与借鉴以及中韩旅游交流与合作;存在三个主要问题:研究动机的行业推动性、研究方法的单一性和研究内容的肤浅性;在此基础上提出了一个中国的韩国旅游研究概念框架.指出了未来应进一步拓宽研究视角、深化研究内容,采取更加科学的方法重点研究韩国旅游者行为、中韩旅游区域合作与竞争等主题.  相似文献   

韩国农业和渔业遗产系统的保护与管理(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业和渔业社区,除食物生产这一基本功能之外,其生物多样性及历史、文化功能正在日益引起人们的兴趣。一直以来,农业遗产系统及韩国重要农业遗产系统的发展都是大韩国民国中央政府的关键目标。在农业遗产系统发展的大前提下,一旦遗产受到损坏,假定其恢复及技术转让变得不可能,则需要开展针对其保护管理的详细研究。作者分析了几个由地方政府上报的韩国重要农业遗产系统实践案例,主要目标是确认每个案例的独特性,同时考量遗产性质、遗产面临的威胁,以及当前保护措施。作者发现,最常见的威胁是,由于农业环境的变化,维护遗产的种群在减少。相应地,每处遗产地都把大力发展当地旅游活动作为解决措施,但当前围绕旅游业制定的管理计划可能导致遗产地受到进一步的损害。作者根据分析,提出未来规划三大重要方面:加深对遗产的理解和认识;要有足够的空间来维护遗产的特性;要有新的产业计划以维持生产活动。这些建议将确保遗产保护和自然环境保护,以及通过生物多样性来确保农业和渔业社区获得有益养护。  相似文献   

In their comment, Park & Ree have raised several points against the interpretation by Park et al. , and argued that the remagnetization in the Jeongseon area was caused by the thermal effects of a Late Cretaceous pluton and/or associated short-range hydrothermal fluids, rather than by long-range fluids advocated by us.
We disagree with most points raised by Park & Ree and we make a case that these are invalid because of what we believe is incorrect geologic evidence. Hence, our model—that the fluids causing the chemical remagnetization might migrate through the fault system within the Ogcheon Fold Belt—is the most plausible scenario. We recognize that our model needs to be tested in a future study and we welcome new interpretations for or against our model based on reliable geologic or geophysical data.  相似文献   

A. J. Christopher 《Area》2002,34(4):401-408
The population of many countries, including South Africa, has been classified into discrete groups from colonial times until the present day, for purposes of census enumeration. A reading of the census results requires an understanding of the subtleties and shifts of the classification system, which were frequently related to a definition of legal and political rights, including place of residence. The national census has tended to reinforce the groups it was initially meant only to observe.  相似文献   

Recent interest has focused on whether South Korea may have undergone variable tectonic rotations since the Cretaceous. In an effort to contribute to the answer to this question, we have completed a palaeomagnetic reconnaissance study of Early Cretaceous sedimentary and igneous rocks from the Kyongsang basin in southeast Korea. Stepwise thermal demagnetization isolated well-defined characteristic magnetization in all samples. The palaeomagnetic directions reveal patterns of increasing amounts of clockwise (CW) rotation with increasing age for Aptian rock units. Palaeomagnetic declinations indicate clockwise vertical-axis rotations of R = 34.3° ± 6.9° for the early Aptian rock unit, R = 24.9° ± 10.6° for the middle Aptian, and R = −0.9° ± 11.8° for the late Aptian relative to eastern Asia. The new Cretaceous palaeomagnetic data from this study are consistent with the hypothesis that Korea and other major parts of eastern Asia occupied the same relative positions in terms of palaeolatitudes in the Cretaceous. An analysis of and comparison with previously reported palaeomagnetic data corroborates this hypothesis and suggests that much of Korea may have been connected to the North China Block since the early Palaeozoic. A plausible cause of the rotation is the westward subduction of the Kula plate underneath the Asian continent, which is inferred to have occurred during the Cretaceous according to several geological and tectonic analyses.  相似文献   

The pesticide 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) is used in New Zealand as the primary means of controlling the Australian brushtail possum, a problem pest. This study identified place and its role in identity as an important mediator of the perspectives of those that either strongly supported or opposed its use. Individuals' differing constructions of place influenced the way they perceived ‘others’ as a threat to their place and their views on control of its management and protection. This study may contribute to a new understanding of the importance of place in this and other similar natural resource disputes.  相似文献   

樊杰  庞效民 《地理科学》1999,19(1):28-34
基于对山东半岛韩国投资企业进行典型企业访问调查的数据和认识,力图从企业角度认识我国外资和发展国际产业联系之间的关系,了解和分析韩国投资者的具体投资动机及其对当地投资环境的评价,深入认识我国山东半岛地区和韩国之间资金流动以及经济技术联系的主要机制和动态格局。通过对韩国投资企业产业联系基本特征的解剖分析,论证韩国投资对我国发展国际产业联系,推动我国地方经济参与国际劳动地域分工的作用。从而为进一步加强中  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):213-227

This article suggests how teachers can approach the Internet conceptually and use it practically as they teach about the American South. Because of its information, communication, and cultural dimensions, the Internet represents a “place” where students and teachers can appraise the South from multiple, alternative perspectives. The article offers lesson strategies and resources for both on-computer and off-computer classroom settings. By finding the southern part of cyberspace, the authors illustrate that regions can and do have a place in a medium often represented as spaceless and devoid of geographic boundaries.  相似文献   

曾迪  朱金  何深静 《热带地理》2021,41(3):449-460
选取新加坡和深圳的3个城中村作为实证研究对象,从文化身份的理论视角切入,剖析移民城市的城中村更新的文化塑造过程;指出要理解文化身份的内涵与本质,需要理解地方蕴含的全球性与在地性、过去与现在这两组关系.在解读宏观文化政策的内在政治和经济推动力的基础上,基于参与式观察和半结构化访谈资料,运用质性分析方法,比较探讨典型移民城...  相似文献   


As a tribute to the massive contribution of our friend and colleague Graeme Hugo to the population and settlement geography of Australian rural areas, this paper presents a longitudinal study from his home State. It forms part of a wider study of the long-term demographic relationships between Australia’s rapidly growing regional cities and their surrounding functional regions. Of particular interest is the question of what effect the accelerating concentration of population and economic activity into a given regional city will have for the longer term demographic sustainability of its functional region as a whole. Taking the case of Port Lincoln, regional capital of most of South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula, it examines the nature of change in the functional region over the period 1947–2011, and investigates the forces feeding, and partly counteracting, the population concentration process, informed by concepts of evolutionary economic geography. In particular it traces the demographic impact (particularly differential migration and ageing trends) of exogenous shocks to the region’s essentially primary productive economic base during the period of major change from 1981 to 2011.  相似文献   

文化遗产景区安全标识系统作为传播信息和规范观赏行为的有效方式,已成为影响游客旅游体验和衡量景区服务水准的重要因素。借助实地考察与随机抽样问卷调查,以青城山-都江堰世界文化遗产景区为例,综合利用文献分析和数理统计验证,拟定11项安全标识测量指标以调查游客对景区安全标识系统的认同感,研究结果表明:游客普遍认同遗产景区安全标识系统的重要性,但多是从利己角度的直观考虑;游客对青城山-都江堰文化遗产景区安全标识系统认同度低,安全标识系统各构成要素急需改进,尤其是安全标识的设计和功能;游客对文化遗产景区安全标识系统的认同度并不完全受人口统计特征影响;游客对文化遗产景区安全标识系统的认同度受游客出游频率和旅游形式影响。建议文化遗产景区从完善安全标识布局和基本功能、强调景观感设计、规范安全标识系统文字和色彩、改进标识的视觉尺寸和开展定期检查维护方面实施优化。  相似文献   

Crime inequality in neighborhoods by race is blamed on social inequalities borne out of segregation and economic discrimination. South Africa is a country synonymous with racial-spatial segregation and discrimination as a result of legislatively enforced policies of the former apartheid government. This study examines whether urban crime inequalities by race exist in the city of Tshwane, South Africa and identifies the empirical causes of these crime inequalities. Violent and sexual crime was found to concentrate in Black African neighborhoods, while property crime was concentrated in neighborhoods classified as “Mixed”. The causes of crime in neighborhoods were found to vary across racial groups with results suggesting non-uniformity in the extent to which the various constructs impact crime based on race. The results challenge the notion that segregation and economic discrimination uniformly impacts affected communities. Explanations for the findings are provided in the context of an increasingly eclectic post-apartheid South African city.  相似文献   

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