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Predicting sediment flux from fold and thrust belts   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
The rate of sediment influx to a basin exerts a first-order control on stratal architecture. Despite its importance, however, little is known about how sediment flux varies as a function of morphotectonic processes in the source terrain, such as fold and thrust growth, variations in bedrock lithology, drainage pattern changes and temporary sediment storage in intermontane basins. In this study, these factors are explored with a mathematical model of topographic evolution which couples fluvial erosion with fold and thrust kinematics. The model is calibrated by comparing predicted topographic relief with relief measured from a DEM of the Central Zagros Mountains fold belt. The sediment-flux curve produced by the Zagros fold belt simulation shows a delay between the onset of uplift and the ensuing sediment flux response. This delay is a combination of the natural response time of the geomorphic system and a time lag associated with filling, and then subsequently uplifting and re-eroding, the proximal part of the basin. Because deformation typically propagates toward the foreland, the latter time lag may be common to many ancient foreland basins. Model results further suggest that the response time of the bedrock fluvial system is a function of rock resistance, of the width of the region subject to uplift and erosion, and, assuming a nonlinear dependence of fluvial erosion upon channel gradient, of uplift rate. The geomorphic response time for the calibrated Zagros model is on the order of a few million years, which is commensurate with, or somewhat larger than, typical recurrence intervals for episodes of thrusting. However, model experiments also highlight the potential for significant variations in both geomorphic response time and in sediment flux as a function of varying rock resistance. Given a reasonable erodibility contrast between resistant and erodible lithologies, model sediment flux curves show significant sediment flux variations that are related solely to changes in rock resistance as the outcrop pattern changes. An additional control on sediment flux to a basin is drainage diversion in response to folding or thrusting, which can produce major shifts in the location and magnitude of sediment source points. Finally, these models illustrate the potential for a significant mismatch between tectonic events and sediment influx to a basin in cases where sediment is temporarily ponded in an intermontane basin and later remobilized.  相似文献   

Foreland basin systems   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
A foreland basin system is defined as: (a) an elongate region of potential sediment accommodation that forms on continental crust between a contractional orogenic belt and the adjacent craton, mainly in response to geodynamic processes related to subduction and the resulting peripheral or retroarc fold-thrust belt; (b) it consists of four discrete depozones, referred to as the wedge-top, foredeep, forebulge and back-bulge depozones – which of these depozones a sediment particle occupies depends on its location at the time of deposition, rather than its ultimate geometric relationship with the thrust belt; (c) the longitudinal dimension of the foreland basin system is roughly equal to the length of the fold-thrust belt, and does not include sediment that spills into remnant ocean basins or continental rifts (impactogens). The wedge-top depozone is the mass of sediment that accumulates on top of the frontal part of the orogenic wedge, including ‘piggyback’ and ‘thrust top’ basins. Wedge-top sediment tapers toward the hinterland and is characterized by extreme coarseness, numerous tectonic unconformities and progressive deformation. The foredeep depozone consists of the sediment deposited between the structural front of the thrust belt and the proximal flank of the forebulge. This sediment typically thickens rapidly toward the front of the thrust belt, where it joins the distal end of the wedge-top depozone. The forebulge depozone is the broad region of potential flexural uplift between the foredeep and the back-bulge depozones. The back-bulge depozone is the mass of sediment that accumulates in the shallow but broad zone of potential flexural subsidence cratonward of the forebulge. This more inclusive definition of a foreland basin system is more realistic than the popular conception of a foreland basin, which generally ignores large masses of sediment derived from the thrust belt that accumulate on top of the orogenic wedge and cratonward of the forebulge. The generally accepted definition of a foreland basin attributes sediment accommodation solely to flexural subsidence driven by the topographic load of the thrust belt and sediment loads in the foreland basin. Equally or more important in some foreland basin systems are the effects of subduction loads (in peripheral systems) and far-field subsidence in response to viscous coupling between subducted slabs and mantle–wedge material beneath the outboard part of the overlying continent (in retroarc systems). Wedge-top depozones accumulate under the competing influences of uplift due to forward propagation of the orogenic wedge and regional flexural subsidence under the load of the orogenic wedge and/or subsurface loads. Whereas most of the sediment accommodation in the foredeep depozone is a result of flexural subsidence due to topographic, sediment and subduction loads, many back-bulge depozones contain an order of magnitude thicker sediment fill than is predicted from flexure of reasonably rigid continental lithosphere. Sediment accommodation in back-bulge depozones may result mainly from aggradation up to an equilibrium drainage profile (in subaerial systems) or base level (in flooded systems). Forebulge depozones are commonly sites of unconformity development, condensation and stratal thinning, local fault-controlled depocentres, and, in marine systems, carbonate platform growth. Inclusion of the wedge-top depozone in the definition of a foreland basin system requires that stratigraphic models be geometrically parameterized as doubly tapered prisms in transverse cross-sections, rather than the typical ‘doorstop’ wedge shape that is used in most models. For the same reason, sequence stratigraphic models of foreland basin systems need to admit the possible development of type I unconformities on the proximal side of the system. The oft-ignored forebulge and back-bulge depozones contain abundant information about tectonic processes that occur on the scales of orogenic belt and subduction system.  相似文献   

A two‐dimensional mathematical model considering coupling between a deforming elasto‐visco‐plastic fold–thrust belt, flexural subsidence and diffusional surface processes is solved using the Finite Element Method to investigate how the mechanical behaviour of brittle–ductile wedges influences the development of foreland basins. Results show that, depending mainly on the strength of the basal décollement, two end‐member types of foreland basin are possible. When the basal detachment is relatively strong, the foreland basin system is characterised by: (1) Highly asymmetrical orogen formed by thrusts concentrated in the incoming pro‐wedge. (2) Sedimentation on retro‐side takes place in one major foredeep basin which grows throughout orogen evolution. (3) Deposition on the pro‐side occurs initially in the foredeep, and continues in the wedge‐top before isolated basins are advected towards the orogen core where they become uplifted and exhumed. (4) Most pro‐wedge basins show an upward progression from low altitude, foredeep deposits at the base to high altitude, wedge‐top deposits near the surface. In contrast, when the basal detachment behaves weakly due to the presence of low viscosity material such as salt, the foreland basin system is characterised by (1) Broad, low relief orogen showing little preferential vergence and predominance of folding relative to faulting. (2) Deposition mainly in wedge‐top basins showing growth strata. (3) Many basins are initiated contemporaneously but form discontinuously due to the locus of active deformation jumping back and forth between different structures. Model results successfully reproduce first order observations of deforming brittle–ductile wedges and foreland basins. Moreover, the results support and provide a framework for understanding the existence of two main end‐member foreland basin types, simple and complex, associated with fold–thrust belts whose detachments are relatively strong and weak, respectively.  相似文献   

Changes in sediment flux to continental margins are commonly interpreted in terms of tectonic growth of topography or climatic change. Here, we show that variations in sediment yield from orogenic systems, previously considered as resulting from climate change, drainage reorganisation or mantle processes can be explained by intrinsic mechanisms of mountain belt/foreland basin systems naturally evolving during post-orogenic decay. Numerical modelling indicates an increase of sediment flux leaving the orogenic system synchronous with the cessation of deposition in the foreland basin and the transition from late syn- to post-orogenesis. Experiments highlight the importance of lithospheric flexure that causes the post-orogenic isostatic rebound of the foreland basin. Erosion of the rebounding foreland basin combined with continued sediment flux from the thrust wedge drives an acceleration in sediment outflux towards continental margins. Sediment budget records in natural settings such as the Northern Pyrenees or Western European Alps also indicate accelerated post-orogenic sediment delivery to the Bay of Biscay and Rhône Delta respectively. These intrinsic processes that determine sediment yield to continental margins must be accounted for prior to consideration of additional external tectonic or climatic controls.  相似文献   

黄河中游流域地貌形态对流域产沙量的影响   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:13  
卢金发 《地理研究》2002,21(2):171-178
在黄河中游地区 ,选择了 5 0多个面积约 5 0 0~ 2 5 0 0平方公里的水文测站流域 ,分别代表 6种不同自然地理类型 ,在流域沟壑密度、沟间地坡度小于 15°面积百分比等地貌形态指标量计的基础上 ,进行了流域产沙量与地貌形态指标相关分析。结果表明 ,对于不同类型流域 ,流域产沙量随流域地貌的变化遵循不同的响应规律 ,而且视流域其它下垫面环境条件的均一程度 ,其相关程度和响应速率各不相同。受地面物质、植被、地貌发育阶段等流域其它下垫面环境条件的制约 ,除沟壑密度外 ,流域产沙量与流域地貌形态的关系都没有人们以前所预期的好。  相似文献   

A new compilation of data from 436 drill cores using decompaction and backstripping techniques was used to reconstruct the basin filling history from the Pliocene until the present day in the Palma, Inca and Sa Pobla Basins on the island of Mallorca (Spain). Calcareous rocks dominate the source area and provide a limited amount of clastic input to the basins that has resulted in an average accumulation rate of between 5 and 20 m/Ma during the last 5.3 Ma. Carbonate sediment production dominated the basin filling history during early‐mid Pliocene, but during the Quaternary, the sedimentation processes in the Palma Basin were probably enhanced by an evolution in the drainage network that increased the sediment supply and the accumulated thickness caused by stream capture. However, the maximum sedimentation rate filling the depocentres of the three basins has been decreasing since the Pliocene, showing that not only the catchment transport efficiency but also the relative sea level have been controlling the sediment accumulation in these carbonate basins. The isopach cross‐sections support the idea that a palaeorelief was generated during the Messinian sea level drop and that heterogeneities were filled in from the Pliocene to the Quaternary. We conclude that the central basins of Mallorca were filled heterogeneously due to tectonic and geomorphic processes that controlled sediment transport and production, resulting in different average sedimentation thicknesses that decreased since the Pliocene as the accommodation space became filled and the relative sea level dropped.  相似文献   

Evolution of the late Cenozoic Chaco foreland basin, Southern Bolivia   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Eastward Andean orogenic growth since the late Oligocene led to variable crustal loading, flexural subsidence and foreland basin sedimentation in the Chaco basin. To understand the interaction between Andean tectonics and contemporaneous foreland development, we analyse stratigraphic, sedimentologic and seismic data from the Subandean Belt and the Chaco Basin. The structural features provide a mechanism for transferring zones of deposition, subsidence and uplift. These can be reconstructed based on regional distribution of clastic sequences. Isopach maps, combined with sedimentary architecture analysis, establish systematic thickness variations, facies changes and depositional styles. The foreland basin consists of five stratigraphic successions controlled by Andean orogenic episodes and climate: (1) the foreland basin sequence commences between ~27 and 14 Ma with the regionally unconformable, thin, easterly sourced fluvial Petaca strata. It represents a significant time interval of low sediment accumulation in a forebulge‐backbulge depocentre. (2) The overlying ~14–7 Ma‐old Yecua Formation, deposited in marine, fluvial and lacustrine settings, represents increased subsidence rates from thrust‐belt loading outpacing sedimentation rates. It marks the onset of active deformation and the underfilled stage of the foreland basin in a distal foredeep. (3) The overlying ~7–6 Ma‐old, westerly sourced Tariquia Formation indicates a relatively high accommodation and sediment supply concomitant with the onset of deposition of Andean‐derived sediment in the medial‐foredeep depocentre on a distal fluvial megafan. Progradation of syntectonic, wedge‐shaped, westerly sourced, thickening‐ and coarsening‐upward clastics of the (4) ~6–2.1 Ma‐old Guandacay and (5) ~2.1 Ma‐to‐Recent Emborozú Formations represent the propagation of the deformation front in the present Subandean Zone, thereby indicating selective trapping of coarse sediments in the proximal foredeep and wedge‐top depocentres, respectively. Overall, the late Cenozoic stratigraphic intervals record the easterly propagation of the deformation front and foreland depocentre in response to loading and flexure by the growing Intra‐ and Subandean fold‐and‐thrust belt.  相似文献   

Interactions between fold and thrust belt deformation, foreland flexure and surface mass transport are investigated using a newly developed mathematical model incorporating fully dynamic coupling between mechanics and surface processes. The mechanical model is two dimensional (plane strain) and includes an elasto‐visco‐plastic rheology. The evolving model is flexurally compensated using an elastic beam formulation. Erosion and deposition at the surface are treated in a simple manner using a linear diffusion equation. The model is solved with the finite element method using a Lagrangian scheme with marker particles. Because the model is particle based, it enables straightforward tracking of stratigraphy and exhumation paths and it can sustain very large strain. It is thus ideally suited to study deformation, erosion and sedimentation in fold–thrust belts and foreland basins. The model is used to investigate how fold–thrust deformation and foreland basin development is influenced by the non‐dimensional parameter , which can be interpreted as the ratio of the deformation time scale to the time scale for surface processes. Large values of imply that the rate of surface mass transport is significantly greater than the rate of deformation. When , the rates of surface processes are so slow that one observes a classic propagating fold–thrust belt with well‐developed wedge top basins and a largely underfilled foreland flexural depression. Increasing causes (1) deposition to shift progressively from the wedge top into the foredeep, which deepens and may eventually become filled, (2) widespread exhumation of the fold–thrust belt, (3) reduced rates of frontal thrust propagation and possible attainment of a steady‐state orogen width and (4) change in the style and dynamics of deformation. Together, these effects indicate that erosion and sedimentation, rather than passively responding to tectonics, play an active and dynamic role in the development of fold–thrust belts and foreland basins. Results demonstrate that regional differences in the relative rates of surface processes (e.g. because of different climatic settings) may lead to fold–thrust belts and foreland basins with markedly different characteristics. Results also imply that variations in the efficiency of surface processes through time (e.g., because of climate change or the emergence of orogens above sea level) may cause major temporal changes in orogen and basin dynamics.  相似文献   

Tectonic subsidence and uplift may be recorded by concomitant sedimentation, not only from decompacted accumulation curves but also from the evolving depositional environment relative to sea level at the time. In thrust belts there are two types of processes capable of generating vertical movements, each with different wavelengths and amplitudes. Regional subsidence is driven by flexural loading by the orogenic hinterland, the thrust belt and accumulated sediments of the underlying foreland lithosphere. Within this flexure, the foreland thrust belt will generate areas of local uplift, notably at the crests of thrust anticlines. In this contribution we examine how these processes have interacted to influence relative sea level as recorded by late Neogene sediments in an array of basins developed above and adjacent to the Maghrebian thrust belt of central Sicily. Two particular periods are addressed, the late Tortonian to early Messinian (Terravecchia Formation) and early to early late Pliocene. The earlier of these is characterized by a deltaic complex that formed prograding depositional geometries, migrating into perched basins. Collectively, however, these units are transgressive and migrate back towards the orogen. A depositional model is presented that links the migration of facies belts to subsidence caused by accentuated tectonic loading in the hinterland and break-back thrust sequences across the basins. We infer that a palaeobathymetric profile of underfilled sub-basins resulted and that this influenced the pattern of evaporite accumulation during Mediterranean desiccation in Messinian times. The Pliocene sediments, accumulated under renewed global sea levels, prograded towards the foreland. A waning tectonic load in the hinterland driving isostatic rebound, uplift and coastal offlap is the proposed explanation. This contribution is a case history for the depositional evolution of dominantly submarine thrust systems and their record of relative sea-level changes.  相似文献   

Foreland basin strata provide an opportunity to review the depositional response of alluvial systems to unsteady tectonic load variations at convergent plate margins. The lower Breathitt Group of the Pocahontas Basin, a sub‐basin of the Central Appalachian Basin, in Virginia preserves an Early Pennsylvanian record of sedimentation during initial foreland basin subsidence of the Alleghanian orogeny. Utilizing fluvial facies distributions and long‐term stacking patterns within the context of an ancient, marginal‐marine foreland basin provides stratigraphic evidence to disentangle a recurring, low‐frequency residual tectonic signature from high‐frequency glacioeustatic events. Results from basin‐wide facies analysis, corroborated with petrography and detrital zircon geochronology, support a two end‐member depositional system of coexisting transverse and longitudinal alluvial systems infilling the foredeep during eustatic lowstands. Provenance data suggest that sediment was derived from low‐grade metamorphic Grenvillian‐Avalonian terranes and recycling of older Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks uplifted as part of the Alleghanian orogen and Archean‐Superior‐Province. Immature sediments, including lithic sandstone bodies, were deposited within a SE‐NW oriented transverse drainage system. Quartzarenites were deposited within a strike‐parallel NE‐SW oriented axial drainage, forming elongate belts along the western basin margin. These mature quartzarenites were deposited within a braided fluvial system that originated from a northerly cratonic source area. Integrating subsurface and sandstone provenance data indicates significant, repeated palaeogeographical shifts in alluvial facies distribution. Distinct wedges comprising composite sequences are bounded by successive shifts in alluvial facies and define three low‐frequency tectonic accommodation cycles. The proposed tectonic accommodation cycles provide an explanation for the recognized low‐frequency composite sequences, defining short‐term episodes of unsteady westward migration of the flexural Appalachian Basin and constrain the relative timing of deformation events during cratonward progression of the Alleghanian orogenic wedge.  相似文献   

Abstract In the Latnjavagge drainage basin (68°21′N, 18°29′E), an arctic‐oceanic periglacial environment in northernmost Swedish Lapland, the fluvial sediment transport and the characteristics and importance of high‐magnitude/low‐frequency fluvial events generated by intense snowmelt or heavy rainfall have been investigated and compared with snowmelt‐ and rainfall‐induced discharge peaks in the Levinson‐Lessing Lake basin (Krasnaya river system) on the Taimyr Peninsula, an arctic periglacial environment in northern Siberia (74°32′N, 98°35′E). In Latnjavagge (9 km2) the intensity of fluvial sediment transport is very low. Most of the total annual sediment load is transported in a few days during snowmelt generated runoff peaks. Due to the continuous and very stable vegetation covering most areas below 1300 m a.s.l. in the Latnjavagge catchment, larger rainfall events are of limited importance for sediment transport in this environment. Compared to that, in the c. 40 times larger Krasnaya riversystem rainfall‐generated runoff peaks cause significant sediment transport. The main sediment sources in the Latnjavagge drainage basin are permanent ice patches, channel debris pavements mobilized during peak discharges and exposing fines, and material mobilized by slush‐flows. In the Krasnaya river system river bank erosion is the main sediment source. In both periglacial environments more than 90% of the annual sediment yield is transported during runoff peaks. The results from both arctic periglacial environments underline the high importance of high‐magnitude/low‐frequency fluvial events for the total fluvial sediment budgets of periglacial fluvial systems. Restricted sediment availability is in both arctic environments the major controlling factor for this behaviour.  相似文献   

Ford  Lickorish  & Kusznir 《Basin Research》1999,11(4):315-336
Tertiary foreland sedimentation in SE France occurred along the western sidewall of the Alpine orogen during collision of the Apulian indentor with the European passive margin. A detailed reappraisal of the stratigraphy and structure of the Southern Subalpine Chains (SSC) in SE France shows that Tertiary depocentres of differing character developed progressively toward the foreland during ongoing SW-directed shortening. The geodynamic controls on each of four stages of basin development are evaluated using a flexural isostatic modelling package of thrust sheet emplacement and foreland basin formation. (1) The initial stage (mid to late Eocene) can be explained as a flexural basin that migrated toward the NW, closing off to the SW against the uplifting Maures–Esterel block. This broad, shallow basin can be reproduced in forward modelling by loading a lower lithospheric plate with an effective elastic thickness of 20 km. (2) The end of detectable flexural subsidence in the early Oligocene coincides with the emplacement of the internally derived Embrunais–Ubaye (E-U) nappes, which caused 11 km of SW-directed shortening in the underlying SSC. The lack of Oligocene flexural subsidence dictates that the E-U units were emplaced as gravitational nappes. Within the SSC, Oligocene sedimentation was restricted to small thrust-sheet-top basins recording mainly continental conditions and ongoing folding. Further west, Oligocene to Aquitanian NNW–SSE extension generated the Manosque half-graben as part of the European graben system that affected an area from the Gulf of Lion to the Rhine graben. (3) Following the Burdigalian breakup of the Gulf of Lion rift, a marine transgression migrated northward along the European graben system. Subsequent thermal subsidence allowed 1 km of marine sediments to be deposited across the Valensole and Manosque blocks, west of the active SSC thrust belt. (4) Mio-Pliocene conglomeratic deposits (2 km thick) were trapped within the Valensole basin by the uplifting Vaucluse block to the west and the advancing Alpine thrust sheets to the east. Late Pliocene thrusting of the SSC across the Valensole basin (approx. 10.5 km) can be linked along a Triassic detachment to the hinterland uplift of the Argentera basement massif.  相似文献   

Abstract Low‐angle detachment faults and thrust‐sheet top basins are common features in foreland basins. However, in stratigraphic analysis their influence on sequence architecture is commonly neglected. Usually, only eustatic sea level and changing flexural subsidence are accounted for, and when deformation is considered, the emphasis is on the generation of local thrust‐flank unconformities. This study analyses the effects of detachment angle and repetitive detachment activation on stratigraphic stacking patterns in a large thrust‐sheet top basin by applying a three‐dimensional numerical model. Model experiments show that displacement over low‐angle faults (2–6°) at moderate rates (~5.0 m kyr?1) results in a vertical uplift component sufficient to counteract the background flexural subsidence rate. Consequently, the basin‐wide accommodation space is reduced, fluvio‐deltaic systems carried by the thrust‐sheet prograde and part of the sediment supply is spilled over towards adjacent basins. The intensity of the forced regression and the interconnectedness of fluvial sheet sandstones increases with the dip angle of the detachment fault or rate of displacement. In addition, the delta plain is susceptible to the formation of incised valleys during eustatic falls because these events are less compensated by regional flexural subsidence, than they would be in the absence of fault displacement.  相似文献   

Postcollisional tectonic movements in orogens and their adjacent foreland basins related to intraplate stresses and the presence of a remnant slab are likely to induce significant deformations overprinting the existing patterns of nappe emplacement. In the Carpathian Bend Zone, Romania, vertical motions associated with very limited postorogenic intraplate shortening are of similar magnitude as those generally caused by large orogenic deformations. In the Latest Miocene–Pliocene, up to 6 km of postcollisional sediments of remarkably parallel stratification were deposited in a basin extending over a large part of the present‐day orogen. The Early Quaternary featured a dramatical change as the orogen was uplifted while subsidence continued in the basin, tilting the basin flank adjacent to the orogen to a vertical position. The remnant slab presently below the Bend zone in Vrancea is the prime mechanism to have driven the Pliocene subsidence. The Quaternary changes and the eastwards migration of the pattern of vertical motions can be explained by large‐scale folding, in response to the overall compressive regime that is recorded in the whole Pannonian‐Carpathian area.  相似文献   

Forward modeled, balanced cross sections that account for the flexural response to thrust loading and erosional unloading can verify and refine the kinematic sequence of deformation in fold‐thrust belts as well as help assess the validity of a balanced cross section. Results from flexural‐kinematic reconstructions that indicate either the cross section, the kinematic order or both are invalid include: (a) a predicted final topography that is dramatically different from the actual topography; (b) large normal fault or thrust fault bounded synorogenic basins that are not present in the mapped geology; and/or (c) an exhumation history that is not consistent with provenance records in the basin or measured thermochronometers. Where detailed measured foreland basin sections exist, flexural‐kinematic modeling of fold‐thrust belt deformation, including out‐of‐sequence (OOS) faults can predict a foreland basin evolution that can be compared to measured data. The modeling process creates a “pseudostratigraphy” in the modeled foreland. The pseudostratigraphy and predicted provenance of each modeled stratigraphic increment can be directly compared to measured stratigraphic sections. We present a case study using two cross sections through the Himalaya of far western Nepal (Api and Simikot) to assess the validity of the section geometries and the resulting kinematic histories, displacement rates, flexural wave response and predicted provenance for both sections. Insights from combining the flexural‐kinematic models with existing stratigraphic data include: (a) Changing the order of proposed OOS and normal faults to earlier in the evolution of the fold‐thrust belt was necessary to reproduce the foreland provenance data. We argue that OOS thrust and normal faults in the Api section occurred between 11 and 4 Ma. (b) Published shortening estimates for the Simikot cross section are too high (>50 km), resulting in unrealistic shortening rates up to 80 mm/yr between 25 and 20 Ma. (c) Flexural forward models with and without an additional sediment loading modeling step indicate that while sediment loading does not have a measurable effect on the magnitude and location of erosion within the fold‐thrust belt, it does have a small effect on accumulation rates and thus the predicted age of stratigraphic boundaries when compared to measured stratigraphic thicknesses and age. Thickness difference range from 0.2 to 0.5 km and can result in predicted age differences of ca. 1 Ma. Accounting for both flexural isostacy and erosion can eliminate unviable kinematic sequences and when combined with provenance data from measured stratigraphic sections, can provide insight into the order, age and rate of deformation.  相似文献   

The Paradox Basin is a large (190 km × 265 km) asymmetric basin that developed along the southwestern flank of the basement‐involved Uncompahgre uplift in Utah and Colorado, USA during the Pennsylvanian–Permian Ancestral Rocky Mountain (ARM) orogenic event. Previously interpreted as a pull‐apart basin, the Paradox Basin more closely resembles intraforeland flexural basins such as those that developed between the basement‐cored uplifts of the Late Cretaceous–Eocene Laramide orogeny in the western interior USA. The shape, subsidence history, facies architecture, and structural relationships of the Uncompahgre–Paradox system are exemplary of typical ‘immobile’ foreland basin systems. Along the southwest‐vergent Uncompahgre thrust, ~5 km of coarse‐grained syntectonic Desmoinesian–Wolfcampian (mid‐Pennsylvanian to early Permian; ~310–260 Ma) sediments were shed from the Uncompahgre uplift by alluvial fans and reworked by aeolian‐modified fluvial megafan deposystems in the proximal Paradox Basin. The coeval rise of an uplift‐parallel barrier ~200 km southwest of the Uncompahgre front restricted reflux from the open ocean south and west of the basin, and promoted deposition of thick evaporite‐shale and biohermal carbonate facies in the medial and distal submarine parts of the basin, respectively. Nearshore carbonate shoal and terrestrial siliciclastic deposystems overtopped the basin during the late stages of subsidence during the Missourian through Wolfcampian (~300–260 Ma) as sediment flux outpaced the rate of generation of accommodation space. Reconstruction of an end‐Permian two‐dimensional basin profile from seismic, borehole, and outcrop data depicts the relationship of these deposystems to the differential accommodation space generated by Pennsylvanian–Permian subsidence, highlighting the similarities between the Paradox basin‐fill and that of other ancient and modern foreland basins. Flexural modeling of the restored basin profile indicates that the Paradox Basin can be described by flexural loading of a fully broken continental crust by a model Uncompahgre uplift and accompanying synorogenic sediments. Other thrust‐bounded basins of the ARM have similar basin profiles and facies architectures to those of the Paradox Basin, suggesting that many ARM basins may share a flexural geodynamic mechanism. Therefore, plate tectonic models that attempt to explain the development of ARM uplifts need to incorporate a mechanism for the widespread generation of flexural basins.  相似文献   

The southern foreland basin of the Pyrenees (Ebro basin) is an exorheic drainage basin since Late Miocene times. Remnants of an early exorheic Ebro drainage system are not preserved, but morphology provides evidence for the Pliocene–Quaternary drainage development. The incision history of the Ebro system is denoted by (i) extensive, low gradient pedimentation surfaces which are associated with the denudation of the southern Pyrenean piedmont around the Pliocene–Quaternary transition and (ii) deeply entrenched Quaternary river valleys. Presumably since the Middle Pleistocene fluvial incision intensified involving the formation of extensive terrace staircase in the Ebro basin. Terrace exposure dating in major Ebro tributary rivers indicates climate‐triggered terrace formation in response to glacial–interglacial climate and glacier fluctuations in the Pyrenean headwaters. The overall (semi)parallel longitudinal terrace profiles argue for progressive base level lowering for the whole Ebro drainage network. The landscape evolution model, TISC, is used to evaluate climatic, tectonic and base level scenarios for terrace staircase formation in the Ebro drainage system. Model simulations are compared with morpho‐climatic, tectonic and chronologic data. Results show that climatic fluctuations cause terrace formation, but the incision magnitudes and convergent terrace profiles predicted by this climate model scenario are not consistent with the (semi)parallel terraces in the Ebro basin. A model including previous (late Pliocene) uplift of the lower Ebro basin results in rapid base‐level lowering and erosion along the drainage network, small late stage incision magnitudes and terrace convergence, which are not in agreement with observations. Instead, continuous Quaternary uplift of both the Pyrenees and the Ebro foreland basin triggers (semi)parallel terrace staircase formation in southern Pyrenean tributary rivers in consistency with the observed longitudinal terrace profiles and Middle–Late Pleistocene incision magnitudes. Forward model simulations indicate that the present Ebro drainage system is actively incising, providing further evidence for uplift.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Fluvial megafans chronicle the evolution of large mountainous drainage networks, providing a record of erosional denudation in adjacent mountain belts. An actualistic investigation of the development of fluvial megafans is presented here by comparing active fluvial megafans in the proximal foreland basin of the central Andes to Tertiary foreland‐basin deposits exposed in the interior of the mountain belt. Modern fluvial megafans of the Chaco Plain of southern Bolivia are large (5800–22 600 km2), fan‐shaped masses of dominantly sand and mud deposited by major transverse rivers (Rio Grande, Rio Parapeti, and Rio Pilcomayo) emanating from the central Andes. The rivers exit the mountain belt and debouch onto the low‐relief Chaco Plain at fixed points along the mountain front. On each fluvial megafan, the presently active channel is straight in plan view and dominated by deposition of mid‐channel and bank‐attached sand bars. Overbank areas are characterized by crevasse‐splay and paludal deposition with minor soil development. However, overbank areas also contain numerous relicts of recently abandoned divergent channels, suggesting a long‐term distributary drainage pattern and frequent channel avulsions. The position of the primary channel on each megafan is highly unstable over short time scales. Fluvial megafans of the Chaco Plain provide a modern analogue for a coarsening‐upward, > 2‐km‐thick succession of Tertiary strata exposed along the Camargo syncline in the Eastern Cordillera of the central Andean fold‐thrust belt, about 200 km west of the modern megafans. Lithofacies of the mid‐Tertiary Camargo Formation include: (1) large channel and small channel deposits interpreted, respectively, as the main river stem on the proximal megafan and distributary channels on the distal megafan; and (2) crevasse‐splay, paludal and palaeosol deposits attributed to sedimentation in overbank areas. A reversal in palaeocurrents in the lowermost Camargo succession and an overall upward coarsening and thickening trend are best explained by progradation of a fluvial megafan during eastward advance of the fold‐thrust belt. In addition, the present‐day drainage network in this area of the Eastern Cordillera is focused into a single outlet point that coincides with the location of the coarsest and thickest strata of the Camargo succession. Thus, the modern drainage network may be inherited from an ancestral mid‐Tertiary drainage network. Persistence and expansion of Andean drainage networks provides the basis for a geometric model of the evolution of drainage networks in advancing fold‐thrust belts and the origin and development of fluvial megafans. The model suggests that fluvial megafans may only develop once a drainage network has reached a particular size, roughly 104 km2– a value based on a review of active fluvial megafans that would be affected by the tectonic, climatic and geomorphologic processes operating in a given mountain belt. Furthermore, once a drainage network has achieved this critical size, the river may have sufficient stream power to prove relatively insensitive to possible geometric changes imparted by growing frontal structures in the fold‐thrust belt.  相似文献   

In the northwestern sector of the Zagros foreland basin, axial fluvial systems initially delivered fine-grained sediments from northwestern source regions into a contiguous basin, and later transverse fluvial systems delivered coarse-grained sediments from northeastern sources into a structurally partitioned basin by fold-thrust deformation. Here we integrate sedimentologic, stratigraphic, palaeomagnetic and geochronologic data from the northwestern Zagros foreland basin to define the Neogene history of deposition and sediment routing in response to progressive advance of the Zagros fold-thrust belt. This study constrains the depositional environments, timing of deposition and provenance of nonmarine clastic deposits of the Injana (Upper Fars), Mukdadiya (Lower Bakhtiari) and Bai-Hasan (Upper Bakhtiari) Formations in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. Sediments of the Injana Formation (~12.4–7.75 Ma) were transported axially (orogen-parallel) from northwest to southeast by meandering and low-sinuosity channel belt system. In contrast, during deposition of the Mukdadiya Formation (~7.75–5 Ma), sediments were delivered transversely (orogen-perpendicular) from northeast to southwest by braided and low-sinuosity channel belt system in distributive fluvial megafans. By ~5 Ma, the northwestern Zagros foreland basin became partitioned by growth of the Mountain Front Flexure and considerable gravel was introduced in localized alluvial fans derived from growing topographic highs. Foredeep accumulation rates during deposition of the Injana, Mukdadiya and Bai-Hasan Formations averaged 350, 400 and 600 m/Myr respectively, suggesting accelerated accommodation generation in a rapidly subsiding basin governed by flexural subsidence. Detrital zircon U-Pb age spectra show that in addition to sources of Mesozoic-Cenozoic cover strata, the Injana Formation was derived chiefly from Palaeozoic-Precambrian (including Carboniferous and latest Neoproterozoic) strata in an axial position to the northwest, likely from the Bitlis-Puturge Massif and broader Eastern Anatolia. In contrast, the Mukdadiya and Bai-Hasan Formations yield distinctive Palaeogene U-Pb age peaks, particularly in the southeastern sector of the study region, consistent with transverse delivery from the arc-related terranes of the Walash and Naopurdan volcano-sedimentary groups (Gaveh-Rud domain?) and Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc to the northeast. These temporal and spatial variations in stratigraphic framework, depositional environments, sediment routing and compositional provenance reveal a major drainage reorganization during Neogene shortening in the Zagros fold-thrust belt. Whereas axial fluvial systems initially dominated the foreland basin during early orogenesis in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, transverse fluvial systems were subsequently established and delivered major sediment volumes to the foreland as a consequence of the abrupt deformation advance and associated topographic growth in the Zagros.  相似文献   

Late- to post-orogenic basins formed on both sides of the Pan-African – Brasiliano orogen when the Congo and Kalahari Cratons collided with the Rio de la Plata Craton during the formation of western Gondwana. Trace fossil evidence and radiometric age dating indicate that deposits on both sides are coeval and span the Cambrian–Precambrian boundary. A peripheral foreland basin, the Nama Basin, developed on the subducting southern African plate. Lower, craton-derived fluviomarine clastics are overlain by marine platform carbonates and deltaic flysch derived in part from the rising subduction complex along the northern (Damara Belt) and western (Gariep Belt) orogenic margins. Rare, thin volcanic ash layers (tuffs and cherts) are present. Upper sediments consist of unconformable red molasse related to collisional orogenesis. Orogenic loading from the north and west led to crustal flexure and the formation of a remnant ocean that drained to the south and closed progressively from north to south. During final collision SE-, E- and NE-verging nappes overrode the active basin margins. Although younger than most of the post-orogenic magmatism, its setting on the cratonic edge of the subducting plate precluded marked volcanism or granitic intrusion, the only exception being the youngest intrusions of the Kuboos-Bremen Suite dated at 521±6 Ma to 491±8 Ma. Two foreland-type basins, perhaps faulted remnants of a much larger NE–SW elongated retroarc foreland basin, are found west of the Dom Feliciano Belt on the edge of the Rio de la Plata Craton in southern Brazil. In the southern Camaqua Basin, basal fluvial deposits are followed by cyclical marine and coarsening-up deltaic deposits with a notable volcanic and volcaniclastic component. This lower deformed succession, comprising mainly red beds, contain stratabound Cu and Pb–Zn deposits and is overlain unconformably by a fluviodeltaic to aeolian succession of sandstones and conglomerates (with minor andesitic volcanics), derived primarily from an eastern orogenic source and showing southerly longitudinal transport. In the northern Itajaí Basin, sediments range from basal fluvial and platform sediments to fining-up submarine fan and turbidite deposits with intercalated acid tuffs. The Brazilian basins had faulted margins off which alluvial fans were shed. They also overlie parts of the Ribeira Belt. Thrust deformation along the orogenic margin bordering the Dom Feliciano Belt was directed westward in the Camaqua and Itajaí basins, but reactivated strike-slip and normal faults are also present. Late- to post-orogenic granitoids and volcanics of the Dom Feliciano Belt, ranging in age from 568±6 Ma to 529±4 Ma, occur in the foreland basins and are geochemically related to some of the synsedimentary volcanics.  相似文献   

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