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利用深潜器及其搭载光学设备获得重点调查区的高分辨率影像资料是深远海调查的重要内容,对于研究冷泉、热液等特殊海底环境及其生态系统的组成、空间规模、分布特征以及演化规律具有重要意义。主要介绍了搭载于"发现"ROV的4 500m级L1000型图像和激光扫描系统及其应用实例。利用该系统拍摄并带有位置信息的海底高清照片,首次获得了台西南冷泉区的高清全幅海底拼接图像,并根据该拼接图像对台西南冷泉区的海底特征、空间分布规律和规模进行了直观分析和量化研究,有效地提高了我国深远海近海底测绘的能力。  相似文献   

台湾岛西南海域福尔摩沙海脊冷泉区地形地貌特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用水深数据和ROV近海底影像资料,对福尔摩沙海脊冷泉区的海底地形地貌和冷泉系统的海底表征进行了描述和分析,并讨论了二者之间的响应关系。结果表明,相对于船载多波束数据而言,近海底多波束测深系统所获得的数据能更高精度地反映冷泉区海底地形地貌特征,是研究冷泉系统不可或缺的基础资料。基于ROV近海底观测影像资料,福尔摩沙海脊冷泉系统整体表现为局部被化能自养生物群落覆盖并有流体喷口零星分布的巨大自生碳酸盐岩岩丘,海底表征主要包括形态各异的自生碳酸盐岩结壳或岩体、化能自养生物群落、流体喷口、还原性沉积物等几种形式。研究表明,福尔摩沙海脊冷泉区的地形地貌特征与冷泉系统海底表征具有良好的响应关系,并且该区的地形地貌特征主要受控于出露于海底的自生碳酸盐岩的形态特征及规模。首次揭示了福尔摩沙海脊冷泉区地形地貌特征与其海底表征之间的响应关系,以期为后续的冷泉研究提供必要的背景资料支持。  相似文献   

海底冷泉与天然气水合物资源、全球气候变化和极端环境生态系统等重大问题密切相关,具有重要的科学意义.冷泉系统形成演化影响因素众多,其时空分布、活动特征及相关物理、化学和生物作用差异较大.冷泉活动的浅表层响应与深部控制要素的耦合关系、冷泉差异发育的流体动力学过程与控制机理等科学问题有待深入研究.以琼东南盆地为主要研究对象,...  相似文献   

Bathymodiolus属贻贝是广泛分布于全球深海冷泉和热液生态系统的优势种,在深海化能生态系统的物质循环和能量流动中起着重要作用。本文以我国南海北部冷泉的主要优势种平端深海偏顶蛤(Bathymodiolus platifrons)为研究对象,采用常规生化测定方法,研究了其主要生化成分和氨基酸组成的特征,并就特定组织中主要生化成分的含量与生活在热液区的平端深海偏顶蛤和近岸的远东偏顶蛤(Modiolus kurilensis)进行了对比。结果表明,南海冷泉平端深海偏顶蛤软体部含水量84.28%,粗蛋白含量7.18%,粗脂肪含量1.23%,糖类含量2.75%,与已报道的深海贝类组成相近。虽然主要生化成分含量在3种贻贝的鳃、外套膜、闭壳肌和消化腺4个组织中总体差异不大,但是冷泉平端深海偏顶蛤和热液平端深海偏顶蛤的外套膜糖类含量(25.20%、30.66%)显著高于远东偏顶蛤(6.97%,P0.05),这表明平端深海偏顶蛤的主要储存物质为外套膜中的糖类。在氨基酸组成上,冷泉平端深海偏顶蛤鳃中氨基酸总量为44.55%(干质量),外套膜中为34.83%(干质量),其中必需氨基酸分别占比41.73%和40.52%,总体与其他贝类相似。然而,在平端深海偏顶蛤中,与渗透压调节相关的甘氨酸和与硫代谢相关的牛磺酸含量较高,这与其适应深海高盐度高硫化氢浓度的环境相关。综上所述,南海冷泉平端深海偏顶蛤在常规生化组分和氨基酸组成上与近岸常见双壳类具有一定差异,这些差异与其特殊生境的关系还需要更加深入的研究。  相似文献   

海底天然气水合物藏是天然的巨型碳储藏库,是深部甲烷等烃类气体运移至海底过程中暂时的碳储,是地球碳循环过程的重要一环。冷泉通常与海底天然气水合物藏分解密切相关,是深源或浅层气及水合物分解气在海底发生渗漏的现象。该文根据国内外天然气水合物及冷泉系统勘查的最新动向,综述了与水合物及冷泉流体渗漏相关的羽状流、运移通道、海底微地形地貌等要素的海底原位观测技术,主要包括:走航式及坐底式原位观测、海面及低空渗漏甲烷观测、海底可视化观测、与水合物及冷泉相关的海底观测网络等。综合使用原位观测技术可以更细致、全面地描绘水合物和冷泉系统的时空“景象”,更好地协助厘清海底渗漏甲烷的归趋,拓展人类对深海独特生命绿洲的认知。  相似文献   

海底冷泉从发现到现在已经近40年,主要发生在大陆边缘及边缘海盆地。海底冷泉的地球物理探测、地球化学研究、地质现象等提供了冷泉的寻找标志。在研究海底冷泉的过程中,一般从地球物理探测、海洋原位探测、生物地球化学和生物标志化合物等角度去研究冷泉的形成过程及环境,这些研究巩固并扩展了冷泉的寻找标志。对于沉积物中的元素,采用主成分因子分析法判断物质来源和分布,为分析冷泉的产物时提供了一个宏观背景。重点比较了我国近海的7个冷泉区域,并从冷泉碳酸盐岩和生物群落两方面对全球3种代表性的地质背景下的冷泉区域做了比较。通过比较指出了冷泉研究存在的问题和未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

冷泉碳酸盐岩是指示南海北部可能发育天然气水合物的重要证据之一。对在西沙海槽采集到的冷泉碳酸盐结壳颗粒进行了形貌、稳定同位素等的研究,讨论和揭示了冷泉碳酸盐结壳的形成机理及其与甲烷冷泉活动的关系。结果表明,碳酸盐结壳具有多孔结构,冷泉矿物为文石和重晶石,文石呈针状,含量为39.5%—46.6%,重晶石呈矮柱状,含量为15.6%—21.2%,它们均是从流体中沉淀出来的。重晶石的δ34S值为23.47‰—26.32‰,表明硫同位素发生正漂移,属于与冷泉流体有关的成岩成因重晶石。文石的碳同位素轻度亏损,δ13C值为-13.30‰—-29.59‰,主要来源于热解成因气,但结合了少量正常海水的溶解碳,δ18O值为2.32‰—3.74‰,指示碳酸盐结壳形成时的温度为3.5—9.7℃。研究表明,碳酸盐结壳形成于流体活动缓慢的环境,是深部富含Ba2 的甲烷冷泉流体向上排放和喷溢,在近海底遇到向下渗漏的富含SO42-海水,发生缺氧甲烷氧化反应沉淀出文石,流体中剩余的重34S的SO42-与Ba2 形成重晶石,因此,碳酸盐结壳是西沙海槽存在甲烷冷泉活动的证据。研究结果为进一步开展该海域潜在天然气水合物的调查和研究提供了新证据。  相似文献   

在富含甲烷水合物的海相冷泉沉积物中, 古菌厌氧甲烷氧化作用(anaerobic oxidation of methane, AOM)越来越受到人们的重视。目前普遍认为, AOM是由嗜甲烷古菌和硫酸盐还原菌共同调节的生物地球化学过程。16S rRNA基因分析表明, 包括AEME-1、AEME-2和AEME-3在内的多种甲烷古菌参与了AOM的过程, 它们广泛分布于全球大洋海底缺氧带。AOM过程与全球环境变化密切相关, 从深海底部冷泉区向上渗漏的甲烷气体, 绝大部分在穿透缺氧带沉积层过程中被甲烷氧化古菌所消耗, 有效减少了具有强烈温室效应的甲烷气体向大气的释放。对AOM生物地球化学过程的研究, 在认识冷泉系统碳酸盐的形成机理、控制强温室气体甲烷从海底的渗漏和开发可燃冰新能源等方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

海底冷泉泄漏是全球碳循环过程中重要的一环,该系统分布的广泛性、机制的复杂性、与水合物资源的关联性及相关科学问题的重要性,使之成为海洋科学调查和研究的前沿领域.本研究评述了冷泉泄漏活动涉及到的几个碳循环问题,包括作为甲烷厌氧氧化反应(AOM)产物的碳酸盐在碳循环中的地位、大陆坡深源碳在冷泉泄漏中的贡献以及冷泉泄漏与金属矿产资源的关系等,藉此加深人们对该系统的理解.同时,本研究还介绍了在当前关于碳循环研究过程中,对海底冷泉探测常用的几种重要方法,包括以多波束探测气泡羽流,以坐底式探测器对冷泉泄漏活动进行原位、实时、持续地观测以及一系列近期开展的海底观测网计划.最后讨论了该领域未来发展的趋势及相关的重点问题,以期给相关研究提供一些有益的参考.  相似文献   

热液和冷泉活动是现代深海环境中两个重要的极端系统,它们均是岩石圈与外部圈层之间进行物质、能量转移和交换的重要途径,它们之间既有显著差异,但也存在很多相似点。一系列调查研究表明,在某些特殊构造单元,热液和冷泉活动可能并不是彼此孤立的,而是在构造地质、生物生态和元素循环上存在某种相互作用或耦合关系。冲绳海槽作为西太平洋一个典型的弧后盆地,发育了繁盛的热液和冷泉活动,是研究这两个海底极端系统相互影响机制的天然实验室。在大量文献调研和野外精细探测结果的基础上,分析了冲绳海槽内相互毗邻的冷泉和热液之间的物质扩散过程及生物地球化学作用,初步建立了两个极端系统内两种不同流体相互作用的概念模型,认识到未来如对两个深海极端环境共生区构造发育特征、地层流体演化、生物群落以及矿物元素组成进行系统分析,将有助于建立更加完善的冷泉-热液两个系统在物质和能量上的耦合关系模型,同时也有助于揭示它们在生物生态之间的沟通融合规律,最终可建立盆地尺度上热液-冷泉区相互作用模式,从而加深对西太平洋甚至全球范围内冷泉-热液两个极端环境系统甚至"流体-固体"耦合的规律性认识。  相似文献   

Four specimens of the thyasirid Conchocele bisecta (Conrad) and one small specimen of the vesicomyid Hubertschenckia ezoensis (Yokoyama), each with a drill hole made by a naticid gastropod, were found at a cold‐seep site in the upper Eocene Poronai Formation of Hokkaido. This is apparently the oldest record not only of drill holes, but also of predation scars, in a cold‐seep fauna. In addition, drilled vesicomyids are known from several Miocene cold‐seep sites in Japan. We suggest that the Eocene and Miocene chemoautotrophic bivalves were drilled only in the shallow‐water settings preferred by most naticids. The lack of drill holes in Oligocene chemoautotrophic bivalves in the northwestern USA suggests that this innovation, which allowed naticids to prey upon highly toxic bivalves, first appeared in the western Pacific during the Eocene.  相似文献   

海底甲烷缺氧氧化与冷泉碳酸盐岩沉淀动力学研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
海底缺氧带甲烷氧化作用是一个重要的甲烷生物地球化学过程,已被许多地球化学现象所证实。甲烷缺氧氧化有效地减少了渗漏到海水和大气中的甲烷通量,但目前仅有的数据还不能很好地限定甲烷缺氧氧化在全球甲烷循环和全球碳循环中的作用。甲烷缺氧氧化的机理还存在争议,很可能是一个“反甲烷生成”过程。在许多天然气渗漏发育区域,由于甲烷缺氧氧化作用引起环境碱度的增加而沉淀冷泉碳酸盐岩,在海底表层沉积物中形成块状碳酸盐岩结壳。但冷泉碳酸盐岩生成所需的物理化学和生物地球化学条件在很大程度上还不清楚。数值计算表明,孔隙水中溶解足够量的甲烷、冷泉渗漏强度适中、较小的生物扰动作用有利于冷泉碳酸盐岩的生成,而过高的沉积速率则抑制冷泉碳酸盐岩结壳的生成。因此,海底发育冷泉碳酸盐岩可以指示天然气渗漏系统的演化特征。  相似文献   

Tectonic evolution of the internal sector of the Central Apennines, Italy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A wide sector of the internal portion of the Central Apennines, which comprises the southern Lepini Mtns up to the northern Simbruini Mtns has been investigated through detailed field mapping and integrated with structural analyses. A few small productive oil fields and a large number of hydrocarbon seeps and oil impregnations are located in this sector. This area offers good opportunities for testing the use of structural fieldwork methodologies in order to highlight oil migrating paths, from Triassic source rocks, and prospecting chances for oil field exploitation.The main stages of the structural evolution of the area took place after deposition of the foredeep sediments (Frosinone Fm.), i.e. after Late Tortonian, under a stress field characterised by a NE–SW trending σ1, which was responsible for the early emplacement of major thrust faults present in the area. The Messinian-Early Pliocene thrust-top basin deposits allowed the reconstruction of an in-sequence evolution of the thrust system. The development of out-of-sequence thrusting post-dates these structures leading to a further strong shortening phase in the area during the Pliocene. This phase is characterised by a roughly NNE–SSW trending σ1. Some peculiar tectonic features evidenced by thrust faults with younger-over-older relationships and an inversion of the original stacking of thrust sheets developed during this phase.Successively, a block-faulting tectonic, mainly with NE–SW extension stress field, occurred and dismembered the compressive tectonic edifice.Later on up to the Middle Pleistocene, N–S to NNE–SSW trending dextral strike-slip faults also acted in the area. Associated to the strike-slip tectonics are local volcanic centres as well as necks, whose compositions show a mantle origin, thus indicating deep seating and a possible lithospheric significance of these structures.In the light of this study, the reduced extension of the productive oil area as well as the spotting of oil seeps, may indicate that the migration conditions are not tied to well defined structures but that likely the cross-cutting points among structures facilitate the conditions for an upwards rising of oil. These conditions in particular are achieved at least in two cases: (1) where the Late Triassic source rocks do not have great depth due to normal or reverse faults, or (2) at a major depth when encountered by transcurrent-oblique roughly N–S trending faults—in both cases oil can easily migrate along the damage zone associated to the fault plane.  相似文献   

The San Clemente cold seep lies within 100–200 km of other reducing habitats in the NE Pacific, offering an opportunity to compare diversity and species overlap among reducing habitats (i.e. whale‐, kelp‐, and wood‐falls) at similar depths within a single region. Video observations from the research submersible Alvin at the San Clemente seep (1800 m depth) indicated clumps (‘thickets’) of vestimentiferans distributed as meter‐scale patches interspersed with vesicomyid clam beds and black sediments. Sediment‐core samples were collected at distances of 0 to 80–200 m along randomly oriented transects radiating outward from vestimentiferan thickets to evaluate changes in macrofaunal community structure from thickets into the background community. Macrofaunal abundance was elevated at distances of 0–1 m compared to 80–200 m (i.e. the ‘background’ community). The tube‐building frenulate worms Siboglinum spp., along with peracarid crustaceans, dominated sediments within 1 m of vestimentiferan thickets. Species diversity was depressed within 1 m of thickets but with high rates of species accumulation, suggesting that seep sites greatly increase sediment heterogeneity and facilitate colonization by non‐background macrofaunal species. Stable isotope data indicate chemosynthetic nutrition for some dominant macrofaunal species within 1 m of tubeworm thickets. The macrofaunal community near vestimentiferan thickets in San Clemente seep contains intermediate levels of species richness and diversity compared to other deep‐sea seep areas in the northeast Pacific. There was low species overlap between the San Clemente seep macrofauna and communities in reducing habitats near wood‐, whale‐, and kelp‐falls at similar depths within the region, suggesting that seeps harbor a distinct infaunal community.  相似文献   

从鄂霍次克海沉积物样品中提取总基因组DNA,进行核糖体rRNA基因内转录间隔区(ITS)的扩增,构建克隆文库并进行测序,对该环境下真核生物的多样性进行了初步研究。结果发现,该环境下的真核生物具有较高的多样性,主要为3大类,真核藻类、真菌和微型浮游动物。藻类和微型浮游动物的组成与前人在该海域浮游生物生态学的研究相吻合,而真菌群落具有较高的多样性,这为该区域真核生物多样性、所参与的生物地球化学过程及生态学意义的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Life in the Slow Lane: Growth and Longevity of Cold-seep Vestimentiferans   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract. Yearly, in situ growth of two species of cold-seep vestimentiferan tubeworms was measured using a combination of banding and video analysis. A total of 53 animals from 15 different aggregations were included in the study, which was conducted over a Cyear period. The most common species, Lamellibrachia sp., grows very slowly (averaging 0.77 cm. a-1) and yet commonly reaches lengths over 2 m. Based on conservative calculations we conclude that individuals in mature aggregations are a minimum of 100 a old and are likely to be much older. Smaller numbers of a second species of vestimentiferan (related to escarpids) were also monitored over this period. We consider it likely that the individuals of the second species banded for this study were already on the plateau of their growth curve, and that the very low average growth rates recorded here would lead to an overestimate of the ages of the individuals used in this study. However, life history considerations combined with the extremely low measured growth rates of this species suggest it is also long-lived.  相似文献   

南海北部冷泉碳酸盐岩层状结构及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对南海北部冷泉碳酸盐岩的结构进行研究,发现了3种不同的层状结构:结核状碳酸盐岩的微纹层和烟囱状碳酸盐岩平行及垂直烟囱壁的层。不同层的微结构、化学成分、矿物等方面的研究结果表明:结核状碳酸盐岩层的各个微纹层在结晶程度、矿物形态、孔隙度等方面不同,但化学成分变化不大;对于烟囱状碳酸盐岩,与烟囱壁平行的内外层之间矿物、成岩程度等不同,垂直烟囱壁的不同层之间碳酸盐矿物含量不同。碳酸盐岩不同的层状结构是其形成时地质、物理、化学和生物等信息的反映,对于恢复其形成时的古环境具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文对2018年利用“海龙Ⅲ”ROV在南海东北部陆坡采集到的多金属结核样品进行了矿物学和地球化学分析。结果表明研究区结核以棒状为主,具有2层结构。结核外层的矿物学和元素组成特征与水成型多金属结核较为相似。结核内层多发育孔洞,以针铁矿为主,有黄铁矿残余,Fe、As元素含量高,Mn、REE等元素含量低。NH-2结核样品内部的碳酸盐组分的全岩δ13C为-30.91‰。所研究结核样品的早期形成过程与冷泉活动密切相关,结核生长后期冷泉活动停止或是减弱,在等深流作用下结核黄铁矿被氧化成针铁矿,之后锰铁氧化物继续在结核外部生长。  相似文献   

Following the discovery of asphalt volcanism in the Campeche Knolls a research cruise was carried out in 2006 to unravel the nature of the asphalt deposits at Chapopote. The novel results support the concept that the asphalt deposits at the seafloor in 3000 m of water depth originate from the seepage of heavy petroleum with a density slightly greater than water. The released petroleum forms characteristic flow structures at the seafloor with surfaces that are ‘ropy’ or ‘rough’ similar to magmatic lava flows. The surface structures indicate that the viscosity of the heavy petroleum rapidly increases after extrusion due to loss of volatiles. Consequently, the heavy petroleum forms the observed asphalt deposit and solidifies. Detailed survey with a remotely operated vehicle revealed that the asphalts are subject to sequential alterations: e.g. volume reduction leading to the formation of visible cracks in the asphalt surface, followed by fragmentation of the entire deposit. While relatively fresh asphalt samples were gooey and sticky, older, fragmented pieces were found to be brittle without residual stickiness. Furthermore, there is evidence for petroleum seepage from below the asphalt deposits, leading to local up-doming and, sometimes, to whip-shaped extrusions. Extensive mapping by TV-guided tools of Chapopote Asphalt Volcano indicates that the main asphalt deposits occur at the south-western rim that borders a central, crater-like depression. The most recent asphalt deposit at Chapopote is the main asphalt field covering an area of ∼2000 m2. Asphalt volcanism is distinct from oil and gas seepage previously described in the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere because it is characterized by episodic intrusions of semi-solid hydrocarbons that spread laterally over a substantial area and produce structures with significant vertical relief. As Chapopote occurs at the crest of a salt structure it is inferred that asphalt volcanism is a secondary result of salt tectonism.  相似文献   

神狐海域是我国天然气水合物勘探试采的重点区域,在甲烷渗漏过程中会形成黄铁矿和蓝铁矿等具有指示意义的矿物,这些矿物和Fe、P、S等元素密切相关,通过Fe-P-S等元素地球化学特征来研究该区域的甲烷渗漏对进一步了解南海水合物的成藏状况有重要意义.本研究选取南海北部神狐海域Site 2A柱状沉积物为研究对象,通过对其主微量元...  相似文献   

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