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磷灰石(U-Th)/He定年方法综述 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
磷灰石He封闭温度是目前已知定年体系中最低的,能够反映低温价段(40~90℃)的热历史信息,该方法现已成为低温热年代学领域研究的重要手段.本文概述了磷灰石(U-Th)/He定年方法的原理、校正、实验流程、应用以及存在的问题.其中,重点介绍了近几年国内外(U-Th)/He定年中辐射损伤研究的进展,主要包括以下几个方面:①辐射损伤的原理:捕获模型的提出及应用;②辐射损伤对磷灰石(U-Th)/He定年的影响;③新模型的提出:辐射损伤累积-退火模型;④辐射损伤的实际应用. 相似文献
本文阐述了磷灰石 (U_Th) /He定年技术的基本原理和方法、影响因素以及该技术在地质研究中的应用。磷灰石 (U_Th) /He定年是近年来发展起来的一种新型低温热年代学技术 ,能够给出地质体在 4 0~ 85℃低温范围内的独特信息。同裂变径迹定年技术一样 ,磷灰石 (U_Th) /He技术可用于年轻地质体的定年 ,也可确定时代较老的地质体最后一次热事件发生的时间。由于磷灰石 (U_Th) /He年龄数据与样品的海拔或埋藏深度密切相关 ,所以能够很好地约束古地形。结合其他同位素技术如裂变径迹定年技术等还可进行系统的热演化分析 ,如盆地的热史演化。与其他同位素定年技术相比 ,磷灰石 (U_Th) /He定年技术具有测量方便、精度高、所需样品数量少等优点。虽然这种技术目前尚处于不断完善之中 ,但仍不失为研究地质体低温热年代信息的一种有效方法 相似文献
榍石富含U和Th,是(U-Th)/He定年的理想矿物之一。本文以Fish Canyon Tuff榍石为例,开展了榍石He扩散行为和榍石(U-Th)/He定年实验方法研究。榍石分步加热扩散实验结果表明He扩散系数ln(D/a2)与温度倒数呈负相关,与期望的热活化扩散过程一致。测试Fish Canyon Tuff榍石(U-Th)/He年龄分布在28.3~24.6 Ma之间,平均值为26.7±1.2 Ma (1σ),Th/U分布在4.6~5.5之间,平均值为5.2±0.2,在误差范围内与国际上已出版数据一致,表明建立的榍石(U-Th)/He定年实验方法可靠。本次测试15粒榍石碎片外表层(~20μm)存在不同程度的磨蚀(即不完整晶体),且榍石表层磨蚀厚度随着等效半径的增加而增大。榍石碎片(U-Th)/He年龄介于完整晶体(U-Th)/He年龄和真实(U-Th)/He年龄之间,且随着榍石等效半径及表层磨蚀厚度(<20μm)的增大,(U-Th)/He年龄更接近真实年龄,这表明榍石(U-Th)/He年龄不确定度与等效半径大小和表层磨蚀厚度有关。 相似文献
国际标样Durango磷灰石(U-Th)/He年龄测定 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
人们认识到可以用放射性成因4He对矿物进行定年已经有一百年的历史,但是利用富含U、Th的矿物进行(U-Th)/He定年是近三十年来快速发展的一种低温(热)年代学方法。由于U-Th-He同位素体系的封闭温度低(磷灰石4He的封闭温度为~75℃),该方法极大的拓展了中低温热年代学研究(如40Ar/39Ar,裂变径迹等)的温度范围下限,已经被广泛应用于浅表地质过程的研究中。Durango磷灰石是国际上广泛使用的磷灰石(U-Th)/He定年的标准样品,准确测定其年龄可以对实验方法及流程的可靠性进行验证。中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所(U-Th)/He定年实验室建立于2013年,经过一年多的实验与摸索,我们建立了完整、可行的化学分析流程和仪器测试流程,并采用Durango国际标样进行了流程验证。重复测定了4批共40个Durango磷灰石颗粒,40个年龄结果分布在28.95~34.11Ma之间,全部年龄的概率分布峰值为31.61±2.7Ma,与国际标定值在误差范围内一致;Th/U比范围为16.43~23.72,与国际报道值一致,表明我们所建立的实验流程准确可行,实验室已经可以稳定运行。 相似文献
磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)和(U-Th)/He(AHe)是目前研究地壳表层(<5 km)中构造演化与气候驱动相互作用且记录超过1 Ma热历史最有效的手段之一。AFT和AHe这两种方法对低温(40 ℃~120 ℃)敏感, 能够较精确地获得地下1~4 km处的构造-热演化信息, 可用于解决地质体定年、盆地热历史、造山带演化、热液矿床及含油气盆地中生排烃与运移时限等诸多地质问题。本文系统归纳了这两种方法的原理、定年影响因素、年龄-高程法及应用中容易混淆的概念等内容, 并以北美西部大盆地卡林型金矿床、美国阿第伦达克山脉东部马西山、塔里木盆地早古生代的热历史演化为例, 详细阐述了它们的应用过程。为有效、合理地将磷灰石低温年代学应用于地学, 在具体的应用过程须注意以下问题: 充分把握研究区的构造背景, 根据研究目的合理设计采用剖面, 综合使用多种测年方法, 以及采用合理的数据处理、分析方法解释磷灰石低温年代学年龄数据。 相似文献
(U-Th)/He年代学及其地质应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
U Th He年代学是近十余年来发展起来的一种新的高精度低温热年代学定年技术。本文在简单介绍这一技术的基本原理、实验室测试方法的基础上 ,介绍了这一方法在古地形演变、造山带抬升剥露时代和速率及年轻样品高精度年龄等方面的几个研究实例。 相似文献
喜马拉雅造山带中部亚东地区位于藏南拆离系与南北向裂谷交汇处,是研究青藏高原南北向伸展和东西向伸展构造体制转换的关键地区,该地区新生代构造变形与冷却剥蚀过程对理解青藏高原的隆升历史和深部- 浅部动力学机制具有重要意义。本文对亚东地区开展两个剖面的磷灰石和锆石(U- Th)/He低温热年代学以及QTQt热史模拟分析,结果显示亚东地区大喜马拉雅结晶岩系剖面的10个磷灰石(U- Th)/He年龄分布范围为11.23~4.87 Ma,亚东- 谷露裂谷剖面的锆石和磷灰石(U- Th)/He年龄分别介于9.02~6.48 Ma和8.63~6.13 Ma。综合区域热年代学资料提出亚东地区大喜马拉雅结晶岩系自中新世以来经历了两期快速冷却事件:第一期为中新世中期(16~11 Ma),由藏南拆离系(哲古拉拆离断层)伸展拆离作用控制的快速冷却,11 Ma前后冷却速率的明显转折变化指示了剥蚀驱动机制的转变,高原伸展体制开始向东西向伸展转换;第二期为中新世晚期到上新世(10~5 Ma),期间存在由于亚东- 谷露裂谷伸展活动而导致的构造剥露,产生了9~6 Ma极快速冷却,平均冷却速率为290 ℃/Ma,约束了亚东- 谷露裂谷的启动时间为10 Ma左右。沿亚东藏南拆离系向南剖面上,磷灰石(U- Th)/He年龄数据总体呈现“老—新—老”的变化趋势,暗示了经历过部分熔融的大喜马拉雅结晶岩系通过中下地壳渠道流侧向挤出。综合已有的大喜马拉雅结晶岩系的结晶、冷却年代数据,提出大喜马拉雅结晶岩系的剥蚀冷却过程呈现多阶段和不等速特征,即存在25~11 Ma、10~5 Ma以及约3 Ma以来三个主要快速冷却阶段,受控于区域构造活动或者气候剧烈变化。 相似文献
U-Th/He年代学方法已经被广泛地应用于地质学研究。特别是由于磷灰石中氦的低封闭温度,该方法对于晚新生代构造、河流和冰川等地表过程非常敏感,具有其他同位素年代学方法无法比拟的优越性。本文回顾了U-Th/He法的发展历史,介绍了U-Th/He法的基本原理、测试方法、α-校正以及U-Th/He法面临的问题,总结了U-Th/He法在新生代构造变形、河流地貌演化、气候变迁和源区示踪4个方面的应用,最后探讨了U-Th/He法未来的研究方向。 相似文献
西藏多龙矿集区是西藏最重要的斑岩-浅成低温热液型矿集区。多龙矿集区经历了多期次的构造抬升-剥蚀事件,成矿后的埋藏-剥蚀历史对矿体的保存至关重要。本文运用磷灰石(U-Th)/He数据对多龙矿集区的低温热年代学进行研究。磷灰石(U-Th)/He年龄平均值分布在85. 1±4. 0Ma到37. 9±2. 5Ma,记录了晚白垩世到古新世、始新世、渐新世的热-构造事件。热历史模拟显示,多龙矿集区主要经历4次冷却事件:Ⅰ) 100~75Ma,冷却速率约为4℃/Myr,剥速率约为0. 16km/Myr,与班公湖-怒江洋的闭合以及拉萨-羌塘地块的碰撞事件有关;Ⅱ) 75~45Ma,冷却速率约为0. 3℃/Myr,剥蚀速率约为0. 01km/Myr,与拉萨-羌塘地块的继续碰撞事件以及由碰撞作用引起的逆冲推覆构造事件有关;Ⅲ) 45~30Ma,冷却速率约为2℃/Myr,剥蚀速率约为0. 08km/Myr,与印度-欧亚大陆的碰撞抬升事件有关;Ⅳ) 30Ma至今,冷却速率约为1℃/Myr,剥蚀速率约为0. 04km/Myr,与渐新世以来印度-欧亚大陆的持续碰撞作用以及渐新世以来青藏高原发育的频繁构造事件有关。多龙矿集区斑岩-浅成低温热液型矿床形成后在强烈的隆升-剥蚀的环境下保存下来,得益于早白垩世美日切错组火山岩的覆盖,由拉萨-羌塘地块碰撞作用引起的逆冲推覆构造引起的上部地层加厚,以及印度-欧亚大陆碰撞事件在多龙矿集区产生的相对较弱的破坏效应。拉萨-羌塘地块碰撞作用引起的地层加厚对多龙矿集区矿床起主要的保护作用。 相似文献
正Objective The East Kunlun Orogenic belt constitutes the first marked change in the topographic reliefs north of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.The Cenozoic tectonic evolution of this orogenic belt is crucial for understanding the remote deformational effects of the Eurasian plate collision and the migration track at the northern margin of the plateau.However,when and how the uplift occurred remains 相似文献
U-Th zonation-dependent alpha-ejection in (U-Th)/He chronometry 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Jeremy K. Hourigan Peter W. Reiners Mark T. Brandon 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2005,69(13):3349-3365
Both theoretical and empirical evidence shows that intracrystalline U-Th heterogeneity in zircon can lead to biases in (U-Th)/He ages if not accurately accounted for in α-ejection corrections. We present a model for age correction for U-Th zoned crystals. We apply this to spherical and prismatic grains with bipyramidal terminations. The spherical calculation is simplistic but allows rapid calculation of the approximate effects of a wide variety of U-Th zoning patterns. The bipyramidal calculation is computationally intensive but permits an more complete estimate of the combined effects of crystal morphology and source zoning as relevant to zircon. Our principle findings are: (1) the assumption of U-Th homogeneity can result in errors of up to ∼30% (in rare cases, higher) for ejection-corrected ages for typical grain sizes and realistic zonation. (2) Tetragonal prisms with bipyramidal terminations, which are typical of most zircons, exhibit bulk retentivities that can differ by several percent from models considering crystals with pinacoidal terminations. When extreme cases, such as dipyramids, are considered, the bias can exceed 10% or more. (3) Morphologic effects can be accounted for to better than 1% precision by using new second-order polynomial parameters that describe retentivity as a function of surface-area-to-volume ratio calculated through more complete analysis of crystal dimensions including the height of pyramidal crystal sections. We illustrate application of our model using U-Th concentration profiles determined from single zircons by laser ablation ICP-MS from zoned Tardree Rhyolite zircons. 相似文献
Apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry using a radiation damage accumulation and annealing model 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
Rebecca M. Flowers Richard A. Ketcham Kenneth A. Farley 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2009,73(8):2347-2365
Helium diffusion from apatite is a sensitive function of the volume fraction of radiation damage to the crystal, a quantity that varies over the lifetime of the apatite. Using recently published laboratory data we develop and investigate a new kinetic model, the radiation damage accumulation and annealing model (RDAAM), that adopts the effective fission-track density as a proxy for accumulated radiation damage. This proxy incorporates creation of crystal damage proportional to α-production from U and Th decay, and the elimination of that damage governed by the kinetics of fission-track annealing. The RDAAM is a version of the helium trapping model (HeTM; Shuster D. L., Flowers R. M. and Farley K. A. (2006) The influence of natural radiation damage on helium diffusion kinetics in apatite. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.249, 148-161), calibrated by helium diffusion data in natural and partially annealed apatites. The chief limitation of the HeTM, now addressed by RDAAM, is its use of He concentration as the radiation damage proxy for circumstances in which radiation damage and He are not accumulated and lost proportionately from the crystal.By incorporating the RDAAM into the HeFTy computer program, we explore its implications for apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry. We show how (U-Th)/He dates predicted from the model are sensitive to both effective U concentration (eU) and details of the temperature history. The RDAAM predicts an effective He closure temperature of 62 °C for a 28 ppm eU apatite of 60 μm radius that experienced a 10 °C/Ma monotonic cooling rate; this is 8 °C lower than the 70 °C effective closure temperature predicted using commonly assumed Durango diffusion kinetics. Use of the RDAAM is most important for accurate interpretation of (U-Th)/He data for apatite suites that experienced moderate to slow monotonic cooling (1-0.1 °C/Ma), prolonged residence in the helium partial retention zone, or a duration at temperatures appropriate for radiation damage accumulation followed by reheating and partial helium loss. Under common circumstances the RDAAM predicts (U-Th)/He dates that are older, sometimes much older, than corresponding fission-track dates. Nonlinear positive correlations between apatite (U-Th)/He date and eU in apatites subjected to the same temperature history are a diagnostic signature of the RDAAM for many but not all thermal histories.Observed date-eU correlations in four different localities can be explained with the RDAAM using geologically reasonable thermal histories consistent with independent fission-track datasets. The existence of date-eU correlations not only supports a radiation damage based kinetic model, but can significantly limit the range of acceptable time-temperature paths that account for the data. In contrast, these datasets are inexplicable using the Durango diffusion model. The RDAAM helps reconcile enigmatic data in which apatite (U-Th)/He dates are older than expected using the Durango model when compared with thermal histories based on apatite fission-track data or other geological constraints. It also has the potential to explain at least some cases in which (U-Th)/He dates are actually older than the corresponding fission-track dates. 相似文献
Evidence of Thermal Evolution History of Northeast Sichuan Basin--(U-Th)/He Low Temperature Thermochronometry of Apatite and Zircon 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
(U-Th)/He dating is a newly developed low temperature thermochronometry,and it elaborately reflects cooling history of geologic body under low temperature.It can be applied to analyze thermal evolution of the sedimentary basin,combining with vitrinite reflectance and fission track.(U-Th)/He dating of apatite and zircon from drilling cores in Puguang (普光)-Maoba (毛坝) area and outcrops in Tongjiang (通江) area indicates that the Northeast Sichuan (四川) basin underwent great uplift and denudation during the Tertiary and the Quaternary.During the period,denudation rates changed from 74.8 to 172.5 m/Ma and denudation thickness was between 2 800 and 3 000 m,geotemperature gradually declined into the current temperature,passing through helium closure temperature of apatite.The uplift and denudation relate to new tectonic movement response in the Sichuan basin aroused by the Qinghai (青海)-Tibet plateau.Drilling samples above 4 000 m did not undergo closure temperature of zircon,but the samples nearly 4 000 m might approach closure temperature of zircon and all the samples underwent closure temperature of apatite.According to (U-Th)/He ages of zircon,it is concluded that the Northeast Sichuan basin began to uplift in the Late Jurassic.From the Late Jurassic to the Paleogene,Northeast Sichuan basin was in slow uplift and denudation,but the denudation of Puguang-Maoba area was earlier than that of Tongjiang area.(U-Th)/He ages of zircon indicate the denudation time of provenance areas.On the basis of paleodrainage characteristics,provenance transport and other related data,provenance areas of the clastic rocks are decided,which is worthy to be investigated further. 相似文献
Cenozoic Exhumation of Larsemann Hills,East Antarctica: Evidence from Apatite Fission-track Thermochronology 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
<正>Does Cenozoic exhumation occur in the Larsemann Hills,East Antarctica? In the present paper,we conducted an apatite fission-track thermochronologic study across the Larsemann Hills of East Antarctica.Our work reveals a Cenozoic exhumation event at 49.8±12 Ma,which we interpret to be a result of exhumation caused by crustal extension.Within the uncertainty of our age determination, the timing of extension in East Antarctica determined by our study is coeval with the onset time of rifting in West Antarctica at c.55 Ma.The apatite fission-track cooling ages vary systematically in space, indicating a coherent block rotation of the Larsemann Hills region from c.50 Ma to c.10 Ma.This pattern of block tilting was locally disrupted by normal faulting along the Larsemann Hills detachment fault at c.5.4 Ma.The regional extension in the Larsemann Hills,East Antarctica was the result of tectonic evolution in this area,and may be related to the global extension.Through the discussion of Pan-Gondwanaland movement,and Mesozoic and Cenozoic extensions in West and East Antarctica and adjacent areas,we suggest that the protracted Cenozoic cooling over the Larsemann Hills area was caused by extensional tectonics related to separation and formation of the India Ocean at the time of Gondwanaland breakup. 相似文献