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A model for contact binary systems is presented, which incorporates the following special features: a) The energy exchange between the components is based on the understand-ing that the energy exchange is due to the release of potential, kinetic and thermal energies of the exchanged mass. b) A special form of mass and angular momentum loss occurring in contact binaries is losses via the outer Lagrangian point. c) The effects of spin, orbital rota-tion and tidal action on the stellar structure as well as the effect of meridian circulation on the mixing of the chemical elements are considered. d) The model is valid not only for low-mass contact binaries but also for high-mass contact binaries. For illustration, we used the model to trace the evolution of a massive binary system consisting of one 12M and one 5M star. The result shows that the start and end of the contact stage fall within the semi-detached phase during which the primary continually transfers mass to the secondary. The time span of the contact stage is short and the mass transfer rate is very large. Therefore, the contact stage can be regarded as a special part of the semi-detached phase with a large mass transfer rate. Both mass loss through the outer Lagrangian point and oscillation between contact and semi-contact states can occur during the contact phase, and the effective temperatures of the primary and the secondary are almost equal.  相似文献   

Photometric observations of the W UMa binary NSVS 2569022 are presented. The light curve solution reveals that both components are of F spectral type(temperatures T_1= T_2= 6100 K). NSVS2569022 undergoes a total eclipse of W subtype and the mass ratio is well-determined. Its extremely small value of only 0.077 implies that the target will probably experience instability and a possible merger. This value ranks NSVS 2569022 in sixth place among binaries with the smallest mass ratio.Based on an empirical relation of "period – total mass" for low mass-ratio binaries, we estimate the global parameters of NSVS 2569022: masses M_1= 1.17 M⊙and M_2= 0.09 M⊙; radii R_1= 1.19 R⊙and R_2= 0.38 R⊙; luminosities L_1= 1.73 L⊙and L_2= 0.17 L⊙. An analysis of the characteristics of binaries with extremely low-mass ratios is made. NSVS 2569022 turns out to be a peculiar binary among W UMa stars with extremely small mass ratios due to its unexpectedly small fill-out factor of only 0.014(slightly overcontact configuration).  相似文献   

The mechanism of formation for double-peaked optical outbursts observed in blazar OJ 287 is studied. It is shown that they could be explained in terms of a lighthouse effect for superluminal optical knots ejected from the center of the galaxy that move along helical magnetic fields. It is assumed that the orbital motion of the secondary black hole in the supermassive binary black hole system induces the 12-year quasi-periodicity in major optical outbursts by the interaction with the disk around the primary black hole. This interaction between the secondary black hole and the disk of the primary black hole(e.g. tidal effects or magnetic coupling) excites or injects plasmons(or relativistic plasmas plus magnetic field) into the jet which form superluminal knots. These knots are assumed to move along helical magnetic field lines to produce the optical double-peaked outbursts by the lighthouse effect. The four double-peaked outbursts observed in 1972, 1983, 1995 and 2005 are simulated using this model. It is shown that such lighthouse models are quite plausible and feasible for fitting the double-flaring behavior of the outbursts. The main requirement may be that in OJ 287 there exists a rather long(~40–60 pc) highly collimated zone, where the lighthouse effect occurs.  相似文献   

We present the first photometric analysis of three totally-eclipsing W UMa binaries,NS VS2443858,NSVS 780649 and V1098 Her.The absolute astrophysical parameters of the stellar components were determined by means of Gaia distances and light curve solutions.The results show that:(ⅰ) Two of the systems,NSVS 2443858 and V1098 Her,are of A subtype while the obtained temperature of the secondary component of NSVS 780649 indicates that it is a W-subtype system;(ⅱ) The estimated mass ratios approach the lower limit of the mass ratio assumed by researchers in recent years so our targets could be classified as extreme mass ratio binary(EMRB) systems;(ⅲ) All the systems have deep contact configurations,so they also are deep low mass ratio(DLMR) systems;(ⅳ) The components of our systems are stars of F and G spectral type and undergo total eclipses;(ⅴ) The sum 0.871 M_⊙ of the component masses of NSVS 780649 is below the mass limit of 1.0-1.2 M_⊙ assumed for the known contact binary stars.  相似文献   

Marginal short-period contact binaries are important to understand as they pose a different physical scenario than the predicted theoretical model based on the thermal relaxation oscillation mechanism due to their shallow degree of contact.Here we present the optical and X-ray studies of a contact binary source RW Dor using the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite(TESS) and XMM-Newton telescopes.For the first time we report the varying O’Connell effect and explain the asymmetry with a spot mode...  相似文献   

About 786.4 thousand stars were observed by LAMOST twice or more during the first stage of its spectroscopic survey. The radial velocity differences for about 256 thousand targets are larger than10 km s-1 and they are possible spectroscopic binary or variable candidates(SBVCs). It is shown that most SBVCs are slightly metal poorer than the Sun. There are two peaks in the temperature distribution of SBVCs around 5760 K and 4870 K, while there are three peaks in the distribution of the gravitational acceleration at 2.461, 4.171 and 4.621 cm s-2. The locations of SBVCs on the [Fe/H]-T, [Fe/H]-log g, log g-T and H-R diagrams are investigated. It is found that the detected SBVCs could be classified into four groups. The first group has higher log g~4.621 and lower T ~ 4870 K which are mainly cool red dwarf binaries. The second group of SBVCs has logg around 4.171 cm s-2 that includes binaries and pulsating stars such as δSet and γ Dor variables. The gravitational accelerations of the third group of SBVCs are higher and some of them are below the zero-age main sequence. They may be contact binaries in which the primary components are losing energy to the secondaries in the common envelopes and are at a special stellar evolutionary stage.The last group is composed of giants or supergiants with log g around 2.461 cm s-2 that may be evolved pulsating stars. One target(C134624.29+333921.2) is confirmed as an eclipsing binary with a period of 0.65 days. A preliminary analysis suggests that it is a detached binary with a mass ratio of 0.46. The primary fills its critical Roche lobe by about 89%, indicating that mass transfer will occur between the two components.  相似文献   

By analyzing two sets of complete BV Rc Ic light curves for V342 UMa and three sets of complete BV Rc Ic light curves for V509 Cam, we determined that the two systems are both W-subtype contact binaries and that V342 UMa manifests a shallow contact configuration, while V509 Cam exhibits a medium contact configuration. Given that both of them are totally eclipsing binaries, the physical parameters derived only by the photometric light curves are reliable. Meanwhile, the period changes of the two targets were analyzed based on all available eclipsing times. We discovered that V342 UMa shows long-term period decrease with a rate of-1.02(±0.54) × 10~(-7) d yr~(-1) and that V509 Cam displays long-term period increase with a rate of 3.96(±0.90) × 10~(-8) d yr~(-1). Both the conservative mass transfer and angular momentum loss via magnetic stellar winds can be used to interpret the long-term period decrease of V342 UMa. The longterm period increase of V509 Cam can be explained by mass transfer from the less massive star to the more massive one. The absolute parameters of the two binaries were estimated according to their Gaia distances and our derived photometric solution results. This method can be extended to other contact binaries without radial velocities but with reliable photometric solutions. Their evolutionary states were investigated and we found that they reveal properties that are identical to other W-subtype contact systems.  相似文献   

The light curve solutions of two W UMa binary systems in the intermediate open cluster NGC 7789 are presented in this paper. These variables were observed using the 2 m telescope of the IUCAA-Girawali Observatory. The V passband photo-metric solutions of the two W UMa binaries were obtained using the latest version of the W–D program. The result shows that both systems are H-subtype W UMa binaries with high mass ratios.  相似文献   

Photometric observations in Sloan g′and i′ bands of W UMa binaries NSVS 4340949,T-Dra0–00959,GSC 03950–00707,NSVS 4665041,NSVS 4803568,MM Peg,MM Com and NSVS4751449 are presented.The light curve solutions revealed that the components of each target are of G and K spectral types.The binaries of the sample have middle-contact configurations whose fillout factors are within the range 0.2–0.4.The only exception is NSVS 4751449 which is in deeper contact(fillout factor of 0.55).It precisely obeys the relation between mass ratio and fillout factor for deep,low mass ratio overcontact binaries.One of the eclipses of almost all targets(except MM Peg)is an occultation and their photometric mass ratios and solutions could be accepted with confidence.We found that the target components have almost equal temperatures but differ considerably in size and mass.The components of the partially-eclipsed MM Peg have close parameters.Our solutions reveal that NSVS 4340949,T-Dra0–00959,NSVS 4803568 and MM Com are of W subtype while GSC 03950–00707,NSVS 4665041,MM Peg and NSVS 4751449 are of A subtype.This subclassification is well-determined for all totallyeclipsed binaries.The targets confirm the trends in which W-subtype systems have smaller periods and lower temperatures than A subtype binaries.  相似文献   

The pulsar timing residuals induced by gravitational waves from non- evolving single binary sources are affected by many parameters related to the relative positions of the pulsar and the gravitational wave sources. We will analyze the various effects due to different parameters. The standard deviations of the timing residuals will be calculated with a variable parameter fixing a set of other parameters. The or- bits of the binary sources will be generally assumed to be elliptical. The influences of different eccentricities on the pulsar timing residuals will also be studied in detail. We find that the effects of the related parameters are quite different, and some of them display certain regularities.  相似文献   

Photometric observations are presented in V and I bands of six eclipsing binaries at the lower limit of the orbital periods for W UMa stars. Three of them are newly discovered eclipsing systems. The light curve solutions reveal that all shortperiod targets are contact or overcontact binaries and six new binaries are added to the family of short-period systems with estimated parameters. Four binaries have components that are equal in size and a mass ratio near 1. The phase variability shown by the V-I colors of all targets may be explained by lower temperatures on their back surfaces than those on their side surfaces. Five systems exhibit the O'Connell effect that can be modeled by cool spots on the side surfaces of their primary components.The light curves of V1067 Her in 2011 and 2012 are fitted by diametrically opposite spots. Applying the criteria for subdivision of W UMa stars to our targets leads to ambiguous results.  相似文献   

Orbital period changes of ten contact binary systems (S Ant, ε CrA, EF Dra, UZ Leo, XZ Leo, TY Men, V566 Oph, TY Pup, RZ Tau and AG Vir) are studied based on the analysis of their     curves. It is discovered that the periods of the six systems, S Ant, ε CrA, EF Dra, XZ Leo, TY Men and TY Pup, show secular increases. For UZ Leo, its secular period increase rate is revised. For the three systems, V566 Oph, RZ Tau and AG Vir, weak evidence is presented that a periodic oscillation (with periods of 20.4, 28.5 and 40.9 yr respectively) is superimposed on a secular period increase. The cyclic period changes can be explained by the presence of an unseen third body in the three systems. All the sample stars studied are contact binaries with     .
Furthermore, orbital period changes of 27 hot contact binaries have been checked. It is found that, apart from AW UMa with the lowest mass ratio     , none shows an orbital period decrease. The relatively weak magnetic activity in the hotter contact binaries means little angular momentum loss (AML) from the systems via magnetic stellar winds. The period increases of these W UMa binaries can be explained by mass transfer from the secondary to the primary components, which is in agreement with the prediction of the thermal relaxation oscillation (TRO) models. This suggests that the evolution of a hotter W UMa star is mainly controlled by TRO. On the other hand, for a cooler W UMa star     , its evolution may be TRO plus AML, which coincides with the recent results of Qian.  相似文献   

Photometric solutions of four new discovered W UMa-type binaries were carried out for the first time by using the 2003 version of the W-D program. It is discovered that all of the four systems are over-contact binaries. Two binaries, GSC 0804-0118 and GSC 2936-0478, are of A-subtype, while two other binaries, GSC 1848-1264 and GSC 0619-0232, are of W-subtype. From our solutions, the fundamental orbital and physical parameters were determined. For GSC 0619-0232 and GSC 2936-0478, the asymmetries of the light curves (i.e., the O'Connell effect) were explained by the presence of dark spots on the more massive components. Our photometric results reveal that GSC 0619-0232 is an important and interesting system. It is a W-type over-contact binary with a low mass ratio of q = 0.100 and a high over-contact degree of f = 93.4%, which suggests that GSC 0619-0232 may be evolved into a single rapid-rotating star.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, using Eggleton's stellar evolution code, we have discussed the structure and evolution of low-mass W Ursae Majoris (W UMa) type contact binaries with angular momentum loss owing to gravitational radiation or magnetic braking. We find that gravitational radiation is almost insignificant for cyclic evolution of low-mass W UMa type systems, and it is possible for angular momentum to be lost from W UMa systems in a magnetic stellar wind. The weaker magnetic activity shown by observations in W UMa systems is likely caused by the lower mass of the convective envelopes in these systems than in similar but non-contact binaries. The spin angular momentum cannot be neglected at any time for W UMa type systems, especially for those with extreme mass ratios. The spin angular momenta of both components are included in this paper and they are found to have a significant influence on the cyclic evolution of W UMa systems. We investigate the influence of the energy transfer on the common convective envelopes of both components in detail. We find that the mass of the convective envelope of the primary in contact evolution is slightly more than that in poor thermal contact evolution, and that the mass of the convective envelope of the secondary in contact evolution is much less than that in poor thermal contact evolution. Meanwhile, the rate of angular momentum loss of W UMa type systems is much lower than that of poor thermal contact systems. This is indeed caused by the lower masses of the convective envelopes of the components in W UMa type systems. Although the models with angular momentum loss for W UMa systems exhibit cyclic evolution, they seem to show that a W UMa system cannot continue this type of cyclic evolution indefinitely, and it might coalesce into a fast-rotating star after about 1200 cycles of evolution (about  7.0 × 109 yr  ).  相似文献   

A catalog of W UMa type eclipsing binary systems with tertiary components based on eclipse timing diagrams is presented listing the physical and orbital parameters (including third body parameters) of 150 W UMa type eclipsing binaries.In this study, the (O–C) diagrams of nine sample W UMa type eclipsing binary systems, based on the most reliable timings of minima in the literature, are analyzed to obtain the third-body parameters and significant statistical results are presented from the data in the catalog.  相似文献   

We present photometric analysis of 8 short-period eclipsing binaries discovered and observed at Astronomical Observatory at Kolonica Saddle between 2007 and 2010 with different instruments. We determined their orbital periods and performed photometric analysis of their light curves. We found that 3 systems are detached binaries, 4 systems are over-contact binaries of W UMa type and one system is semi-detached with the secondary component filling its Roche lobe. Light curves of 2 systems exhibit asymmetries, explained by spot(s) on the surface of the components.  相似文献   

根据作者提出的确定食双星基本参量的一个新方法,由光变极小时刻求出了相接双星大熊座AW的基本参量。证实了Rensing等人为了矫正相接双星邻近效应引起的谱线轮廓畸变所提出的模型对该双星的适用性;同时也证实了Mochnaski提出的计算相接双星质量的理论模型对该双星的适用性。另外还确认了大熊座AW是一个已演化的零龄相接双星。  相似文献   

We report the results of a search for variable stars in the open cluster NGC 2141. Ten variable stars are detected, among which nine are new variable stars and they are classified as three short-period W UMa-type eclipsing binaries, two EAtype eclipsing binaries, one EB-type eclipsing binary, one very short-period RS CVntype eclipsing binary, one d-type RR Lyrae variable star, and one unknown type of variable star. The membership and physical properties are discussed, based on their light curves, positions in the color magnitude diagrams, spatial locations and periods.A known EB-type eclipsing binary is also identified as a blue straggler candidate in the cluster. Furthermore, we find that all eclipsing contact binaries have prominent asymmetric eclipses and display the O'Connell effect, which increases with a decrease in orbital periods. This suggests that the O'Connell effect is probably related to the evolution of the orbital period in short period eclipsing binary systems.  相似文献   

Theoretical study indicates that a contact binary system would merge into a rapidly rotating single star due to tidal instability when the spin angular momentum of the system is more than a third of its orbital angular momentum. Assuming that W Ursae Majoris (W UMa) contact binary systems rigorously comply with the Roche geometry and the dynamical stability limit is at a contact degree of about 70 per cent, we obtain that W UMa systems might suffer Darwin's instability when their mass ratios are in a region of about 0.076–0.078 and merge into the fast-rotating stars. This suggests that the W UMa systems with mass ratio   q ≤ 0.076  cannot be observed. Meanwhile, we find that the observed W UMa systems with a mass ratio of about 0.077, corresponding to a contact degree of about 86 per cent would suffer tidal instability and merge into the single fast-rotating stars. This suggests that the dynamical stability limit for the observed W UMa systems is higher than the theoretical value, implying that the observed systems have probably suffered the loss of angular momentum due to gravitational wave radiation (GR) or magnetic stellar wind (MSW).  相似文献   

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