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The initial period of a pulsar is an important factor in our understanding of the formation of neutron stars and of the nature of the equation of state of neutron star matter.Up to now this quantity can only be obtained for a few pulsars for which accurate age and braking index are known.Based on the theory of the offcenter dipole emission,in which pulsars obtain theiry high velocities depending on the initial periods,we calculate the initial period using the proper motion data,Because the orbital velocity of the progenitor and asymmetric kick in the supernova explosion may also contribute to the observed velocity of the pusar,the derived values of initial periods are lower limits.For normal pulsars,the initial periods are in the range of 0.6~2.6ms.For the millisecond pulsars,the initial periods are comparable to their current periods,and the ratio between the initial period and the current period increases with the decrease of the current period.For PSR B1937 21 with the shortest period of 1.56ms,the ratio is 0.77.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the timing observations on 27 radio pulsars, collected at Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory (HartRAO), with time spans ranging between ~ 9 and 14yr. Our results show that the measured pulsar frequency second derivatives are non-stationary. Both the magnitude and the sign of the ■ values depend upon the choice of epoch and data span. A simple statistical analysis of the observed second time derivative of the pulse frequency (■obs) of a large sample of 391 (25 HartRAO and 366 Jodrell Bank Observatory) pulsars reveals that ■ is only marginally correlated with both the pulsar spin-d own rate ( ■) and the characteristic age (τc). We find correlation coefficients of ~ 0.20a nd-0.30 between the measured braking indices and, respectively, ■ and τc. This result reaffirms earlier conclusions that the braking indices of most radio pulsars, obtained through the standard timing technique, are strongly dominated by sustained random fluctuations in the observed pulse phase.  相似文献   

Based on the undisturbed, finite thickness disk gravitational potential, we carried out 3-D Monte Carlo simulations of normal pulsars. We find that their scale height evolves in a similar way for different velocity dispersions (σv): it first increases linearly with time, reaches a peak, then gradually decreases, and finally approaches a stable asymptotic value. The initial velocity dispersion has a very large influence on the scale height. The time evolution of the scale height is studied. When the magnetic decay age is used as the time variable, the observed scale height has a similar trend as the simulated results in the linear stage, from which we derive velocity dispersions in the range 70- 178km s-1, which are near the statistical result of 90 - 270km s-1 for 92 pulsars with known transverse velocities. If the characteristic age is used as the time variable, then the observed and theoretical curves roughly agree for t > 108 yr only if σv < 25km s-1.  相似文献   

It is of great importance to study pulsar beam shape if we are concerned with emission theories and pulsar birth rate.Both observations and the ICS model show that different emission components are emitted from different heights.The relative longitude phase shifts due to different heights of the emission components and the toridal velocity of the electrons are considered in this paper.Several pos-sible observational effects arising from the phase shift are presented.The emission beams may not have circular cross section although the emission region may be symmetric with respect to the magnetic axis.  相似文献   

There are two ways of expressing the precession of orbital plane of a binary pulsar system, given by Barker & O'Connell, Apostolatos et al. and Kidder, respectively. We point out that these two ways actually come from the same Lagrangian under different degrees of freedom. Damour & Schafer and Wex & Kopeikin applied Barker & O'Connell's orbital precession velocity in pulsar timing measurement. This paper applies Apostolatos et al.'s and Kidder's orbital precession velocity. We show that Damour & Schafer's treatment corresponds to negligible Spin-Orbit induced precession of periastron, while Wex & Kopeikin and this paper both found significant (but not equivalent) effects. The observational data of two typical binary pulsars, PSR J2051-0827 and PSR J1713+0747, apparently support a significant Spin-Orbit coupling effect. Specific binary pulsars with orbital plane nearly edge on could discriminate between Wex & Kopeikin and this paper: if the orbital period derivative of the double-pulsar system PSRs J0737-3039 A and B, with orbital inclination angle i = 87.7129 deg, is much larger than that of the gravitational radiation induced one, then the expression in this paper is supported, otherwise Wex & Kopeikin's is supported.  相似文献   

We compile a sample of 11 Fanaroff-Riley type I Radio Galaxies(FR-I RGs)with multi-wavelength observations to address the dynamic behavior of jets in these objects.Optical images acquired by the Hubble Space Telescope(HST)are carefully analyzed.The method and reduction procedure are described in detail. Unresolved optical cores emerge after having properly removed starlight from the host galaxies in eight of the FR-I RGs,of which five are new identifications.Broad band spectral properties of these newly identified compact cores are compared with that previously found in FR-I RGs,as well as the low-energy-peaked BL Lac objects. The similarity between them argues for the same non-thermal synchrotron origin. Well-resolved optical jets with knotty morphologies are found in three FR-I RGs in our sample,namely 3C 15,3C 66B and B20755 37.The optical counterparts to the inner radio/X-ray jets are identified and a clear one-to-one correspondence between the optical,radio and X-ray knots is found.The structure and information on the optical jets are discussed.Physical parameters such as the knots position,flux and size are also presented.Detailed comparison between the multi-wavelength data and radiative and dynamic models of jet will be made in a forthcoming paper.  相似文献   

Designing a statistical solar flare forecasting technique can benefit greatly from knowledge of the flare frequency of occurrence with respect to sunspot groups. This study analyzed sunspot groups and Hα and X-ray flares reported for the period 1997 – 2007. Annual catalogs were constructed, listing the days that numbered sunspot groups were observed (designated sunspot group-days, SSG-Ds) and for each day a record for each associated Hα flare of importance category one or greater and normal or bright brightness and for each X-ray flare of intensity C 5 or higher. The catalogs were then analyzed to produce frequency distributions of SSG-Ds by year, sunspot group class, likelihood of producing at least one flare overall and by sunspot group class, and frequency of occurrence of numbers of flares per day and flare intensity category. Only 3% of SSG-Ds produced a substantial Hα flare and 7% had a significant X-ray flare. We found that mature, complex sunspot groups were more likely than simple sunspot groups to produce a flare, but the latter were more prevalent than the former. More than half of the SSG-Ds with flares had a maximum intensity flare greater than the lowest category (C-class of intensity five and higher). The fact that certain sunspot group classes had flaring probabilities significantly higher than the combined probabilities of the intensity categories when all SSG-Ds were considered suggest that it might be best to first predict the flaring probability. For sunspot groups found likely to flare, a separate diagnosis of maximum flare intensity category appears feasible.  相似文献   

Using high signal-to-noise ratio spectra of extrasolar planet-hosting stars, we obtained the atmospheric parameters, accurate metallicities and the differential abundance for 15 elements (C, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Ni and Ba). In a search for possible signatures of metal-rich material accreting onto the parent stars, we found that , for a given element, there is no significant trend of increasing [X/H] with increasing condensation temperature Tc. In our sample of planet-harboring stars, the volatile and refractory elements behave similarly, and we can not confirm if there exists any significant dependence on the condensation temperature Tc.  相似文献   

The X-ray and γ-ray flux densities of 18 γ-loud BL Lac objects as well as their average spectral indices of X-ray wave band (1 keV) and γ-ray wave band (>100 MeV) are collected, and the correlations among the various quantities are examined. The results indicate: (1) The X-ray flux density and the γ-ray flux density exhibit rather strong correlations in all the states, high, low or mediate. (2) Between the mean spectral indices in X-ray and γ-ray wave bands there is a comparatively intense anti-correlation. (3) Between the average spectral indices and the X-ray and γ- flux densities there is no evident correlation either in the high or the mediate state. (4) Between the average spectral index of γ-ray wave band and the flux density of X-rays in low state there is a rather strong anticorrelation. Between the mean spectral index of X-ray wave band and the γ-flux density in low state there also exists a weak correlation. The results of our analysis support the viewpoint that both the X-ray and γ-ray emissions of BL Lac objects come from the synchrotron radiation and synchrotron self Compton (SSC) radiation with one and the same distribution of relativistic electrons.  相似文献   

We investigate properties of the internal structure of HR2021, better known as Hydri, a G2 IV subgiant with mass close to solar and for which observations by Bedding et al. (2001) have shown the presence of solar-like oscillations.We have computed models of Hydri,based on updated global parameters,and compared the computed frequencies for the models with the observed oscillation spectrum.  相似文献   

Average pulse profiles of pulsar signals are analyzed using the bispectrum tech-nique. The result shows that there are nonlinear phase couplings between the two frequency axes of the bispectrum charts, which indicate nonlinear factors in the generation and prop-agation of pulsar signals. Bispectra can be used as feature vectors of pulsar signals because of their being translation invariant. A one-dimension selected line spectrum algorithm for ex-tracting pulsar signal characteristic is proposed. Compared with selected bispectra, the pro-posed selected line spectra have the maximum interclass separability measurements from the point of view of the whole one-dimension feature vector. Recognition experiments on several pulsar signals received at several frequency bands are carried out. The result shows that the selected line spectrum algorithm is suitable for extracting pulsar signal characteristics and has a good classification performance.  相似文献   

The Antarctic Continent has become the largest natural preservatory of meteorites in the world because of its unique geographical position and climatic conditions. Mt. Grove is located in the inland area of the Antarctic Continent where the conditions are favorable for the preservation of meteorites. During China's 15th, 16th and 19th Antarctic Scientific Explorations a large number of meteorites were recovered in the Mt. Grove region. Especially during the 19th Exploration in 2002/03 a total of 4448 meteorites were recovered, which at one stroke put China among countries that have recovered most numbers of meteorites. Here, we report mainly the results of microscope and electron microprobe studies of 28 meteorites recovered during the 16th Exploration. The meteorites are chemically classified based on their mean Fa contents of olivine, mean Fs contents of low-Ca pyroxene and abundances of Fe-Ni metal. We also give a brief account of the meteorite recovery during the three Explorations and of some preli  相似文献   

The abundances of the wide binary pair HD 219175 A and B are determined and compared using a line-by-line differential analysis. No evidence for difference has been found in the abundances of Fe, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu and Ba. Our results support a physical relation between the two components of HD 219175.  相似文献   

A detailed theoretical analysis on the orbital lifetime and orbital inclination of a Low Moon-Orbiting satellite (LMOs) and the 'stable areas' of long orbital lifetime are given. Numerical simulations under the real force model were carried out, which not only validate the theoretical analysis and also give some valuable results for the orbit design of the LMOs.  相似文献   

The continuous stream of data available from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) telescopes onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft has allowed a deeper understanding of the Sun. However, the sheer volume of data has necessitated the development of automated techniques to identify and analyse various phenomena. In this article, we describe the Coronal Pulse Identification and Tracking Algorithm (CorPITA) for the identification and analysis of coronal “EIT waves”. CorPITA uses an intensity-profile technique to identify the propagating pulse, tracking it throughout its evolution before returning estimates of its kinematics. The algorithm is applied here to a data set from February 2011, allowing its capabilities to be examined and critiqued. This algorithm forms part of the SDO Feature Finding Team initiative and will be implemented as part of the Heliophysics Event Knowledgebase (HEK). This is the first fully automated algorithm to identify and track the propagating “EIT wave” rather than any associated phenomenon and will allow a deeper understanding of this controversial phenomenon.  相似文献   

A performance study of several CCD cameras of the Chinese Joint Laboratory of Optical Astronomy (CJLOA) is presented. The main results are: 1) We propose a modified classical method to analyse the linearity of CCD cameras. This method is more sensitive and accurate as well as more intuitive, especially in measuring around the 0.1%-0.2% range of nonlinearity. 2) To illustrate the advantage of the method, the linearity performance of the CCD cameras at CJLOA has been measured and analysed. 3) For the CCD systems tested, there is no unique formula to represent the correlation over the entire CCD frame between the deviation from linearity and the pixel value, i.e., different pixel has different correction even though their pixel values are the same. 4) For the BFOSC (BAO Faint Object Spectrograph Camera) Loral CCD camera and the Tek CCD camera at the 1.56-m reflector, blooming (bleeding) happens long before saturation, and we suspect whether it could have resulted from the charge transfer efficiency (CTE) n  相似文献   

A Periodicity Analysis of the Light Curve of 3C 454.3   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We analyzed the radio light curves of 3C 454.3 at frequencies 22 and 37 GHz taken from the database of Metsahovi Radio Observatory, and found evidence of quasi-periodic activity. The light curves show great activity with very complicated non-sinusoidal variations. Two possible periods, a very weak one of 1.57±0.12 yr and a very strong one of 6.15±0.50 yr were consistently identified by two methods, the Jurkevich method and power spectrum estimation. The period of 6.15±0.50 yr is consistent with results previously reported by Ciaramella et al. and Webb et al. Applying the binary black hole model to the central structure we found black hole masses of 1.53×109M⊙and 1.86×108M⊙, and predicted that the next radio outburst is to take place in 2006 March and April.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONHerbig-Haro objects are a kind of semi-sta]c, semi-nebuIa objects associated with star fOrm-ing regions. Although such objects were noticed by Burnham as early as l890s, they did notattract much attention until the late 1940s until their independent rediscovery by Herbig andHaro in NGC 1999. A few years later, these objects were named Herbig-Haro objects fOr thefirst time by Ambartsumian (Reipurth 1997). In the fOllowing half century, the observationand theoretical res…  相似文献   

A documentary and biographical study is presented of the life and scientific work of Boris Semeykin, an astronomer and planetologist from Kharkiv, Ukraine, who died tragically in NKVD torture chambers in the 1930s.  相似文献   

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