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The rocks of the Nasafjäll Window comprise Proterozoic granitoids with a metasedimentary cover of Late Precambrian to Ordovician age, the Mierkenis Group. The metamorphic grade in the window varies from greenschist facies in the eastern part of the window to amphibolite facies in the western part. The metamorphic maximum is syn- to post-kinematic in relation to the formation of the thrust-related pervasive foliation. This suggests a rapid basement heating in response to the Late Silurian to Early Devonian nappe emplacement. The Caledonian metamorphism terminated in Middle Devonian times and the retrograde phase was characterized by decompression. This implies that the later stage of the thrusting was not associated with an increase in thickness of the nappe pile above the rocks of the Nasafjäll Window.
Zusammenfassung Die Gesteine im Nasafjällfenster in den nördlichen Skandinavischen Kaledoniden bestehen aus proterozoischen Granitoiden mit einer spätpräkambrischen bis ordovicischen Decke, der Mierkenis Gruppe. Im Fenster erhöht sich der Metamorphosengrad von der Grünschieferfazies im Osten zur Amphibolitfazies im Westen. Bezüglich der penetrativen Verschieferung, die während der Überschiebungen entstanden ist, ist das metamorphe Maximum synbis post-kinematisch. Zur Erklärung dieser Beobachtungen ist vorgeschlagen, daß zur Folge der spätsilurischen bis frühdevonischen Überschiebungen sich die Temperatur des Grundgebirges schnell erhöhte. Die kaledonische metamorphe Phase war von Druckentlastung geprägt. Diese Interpretationen schlagen auch vor, daß die späteren Stadien der Überschiebungen nicht mit einer Zunahme der Mächtigkeit von der Überschiebungsdecke verbunden waren.

Résumé Les roches de la fenêtre de Nasafjäll (Calédonides scandinaves) comprennent des granitoïdes protérozoïques et une couverture métasédimentaire d'âge précambrien supérieur à ordovicien. Ces métasédiments font partie du groupe Mierkenis. Le degré métamorphique varie du faciès des schistes verts dans l'est de la fenêtre au faciès des amphibolites dans l'ouest. Le métamorphisme maximal est syn- à post-cinématique; il est lié à la genèse de la schistosité pénétrative, en relation avec le charriage. Cette observation suggère un échauffement rapide du socle consécutif à la mise en place de la nappe au Silurien supérieur et au Dévonien inférieur. Le métamorphisme calédonien a pris fin au Dévonien moyen et sa phase rétrograde a été caractérisée par une baisse de la pression. En conséquence, la dernière phase du charriage n'a pas été associée à une augmentation de l'épaisseur de la nappe sur les roches de la fenêtre de Nasafjäll.

Nasfjäll — Mierkenis. . , , . , . . , .

汤家富  戴圣潜 《地学前缘》2016,23(4):109-128
综合分析已有区域地质资料,结合新的年龄测试数据,将华南地区基底岩系划分为3类5层:新太古-古元古代结晶基底(D1);中元古代变质基底(D2);新元古代青白口系(D3A)、新元古代青白口系至中下泥盆统(D3B)、新元古代青白口系至中下三叠统(D3C)的褶皱基底。自北而南划分出秦岭-大别-苏鲁、扬子、江南、南华、武夷-云开、华夏及康滇等不同构造单元。阐述了华南地区形成演化与全球18亿年的Columbia、10亿年的Rodinia、2.5亿年的Pangea超大陆、裂解、汇聚相吻合过程。提出了陆内造山带形成,一般都经历了裂解成盆、伸展拆离、收缩挤压、热隆成山阶段。形成的主要动力源,可能是在地球旋转所产生地球圈层差速旋转总动力背景前提下,由地幔差速环流所引发的岩石圈及地壳内各分层与界面伸展拆离所产生。总结了中新生代,主要是燕山运动在华南地区形成的新构造格局,及火山岩浆活动的分布广阔性、展布的方向性、时间的迁移性,岩性的分带性,侵位的规律性,显然与“东亚多向汇聚”及太平洋板块向西俯冲无关。将分布于华南地区主要金属矿床,分同生、内生、叠生3类,并就其矿床类型、形成条件、分布规律等作了初步归纳,就其控岩控矿特征及找矿方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

The Baltic Shield of northern Europe is transsected by approximately N-S and NW-SE striking Proterozoic fault and fracture zones that were remobilized during the Late Precambrian opening of the Iapetus ocean and the SE-directed thrusting of the Caledonian nappes in Mid-Paleozoic time. Remobilizations of these older structures account for a distinct subsidence history and sedimentological evolution over each fault-bounded basement segment during opening of the Iapetus and for a distinct metamorphic and structural development found within each block during overthrusting of the Caledonian nappes and the exhumation of the orogen. The two fault sets define basement blocks with rhombus-like plan sections which had individual subsidence histories during Iapetus rifting as is expressed by their Late Precambrian (Riphean and Vendian) to Silurian sedimentary cover of contrasting thickness and facies. This contrasting subsidence history of the various basement blocks may have contributed to differences in thrusting level, thrust excision (nappe size), and tectonic style. Correlative Caledonian nappes from adjacent faultbounded basement blocks were thrust diachronously resulting in transport transverse to the general thrusting direction. Thrusting oblique to the NW-SE fault zones and orogen parallel extension resulted in lateral-ramp folds in the cover and reactivation along the NW-SE faults imbricated the overlying nappes. The extent of basement imbrication and duplex formation is variable in the different segments. Within single segments, the basement imbrication and duplex-formation defined basement highs that roughly align in two parallel zones within the orogen. The site of the basement duplexes is probably controlled by older N-S fracture zones while the pinch- and-swell structure parallel to the orogen is caused by the individual deformation and thrusting behavior of the basement and cover sequences that are bound by the NW-SE fault zones. Thus the Caledonian orogen appears to have inherited the Precambrian structural grain of the underlying, Baltic Shield.
Zusammenfassung Der Baltische Schild Nordeuropas ist von im Proterozoikum angelegten Verwerfungen und Scherzonen mit nördlichem sowie und nordwestlichem Streichen durchzogen, welche während der spätpräkambrischen Öffnung des Iapetus-Ozeanes und der anschließenden, südöstlich gerichteten Überschiebung der kaledonischen Decken im ausgehenden Alt-Paläozoikum reaktiviert worden sind. Die Wiederbelebung dieses ererbten, durch steilstehende Störungen gekennzeichneten, rhombenförmigen Strukturmusters führte zu unterschiedlichen Absenkungsraten der Störungsbegrenzten Grundgebirgsblöcke und steuerte somit die Ablagerungsbedingungen in entstehenden Sedimentationströgen während der Öffnungsphase des Iapetus-Ozeans. Durch diesen Prozeß lassen sich latterale Unterschiede in Mächtigkeit und Fazies der jungpräkambrischen bis altpaläozoischen Deckensedimente entlang dem Nordwestrande des damaligen Kontinentes Baltica, sowie Differenzen in der metamorphen und strukturellen Entwicklung der durch Störungen begrenzten Blöcke während der Überschiebung der kaledonischen Decken und der Hebung des Gebirges erklären. Vertikale Blockverschiebungen und Kippungen von Blöcken relativ zueinander können beobachtete Unterschiede in den Abscherungs- und Überschiebungsniveaus, sowie unterschiedliche tektonische Baustile auf und vor (vor allem) zwischen Blöcken erklären helfen. Untereinander korrelierbare kaledonische Deckensegmente haben, in Bezug auf Transportrichtung und Strecke, voneinander unterschiedliche Wege oberhalb ihrer Untergrundsegmente zurückgelegt. Während dieser Überschiebung auf ein sich simultan veränderndes Relief ist es dabei zu Teilbewegungen schräg zur Hauptüberschiebungsrichtung gekommen, was seinerseits zu seitlichen Verzahnungen benachbarter Deckensegmente geführt hat. Die NWSE streichenden Blockgrenzen haben während lokaler Überschiebungen leicht schräg zu dieser Hauptrichtung als Widerlager und Rampen (lateral ramps) für die darübergleitenden Decken gewirkt, welche sich ihrerseits bei diesem Prozeß in orogentransversale Falten gelegt haben. Je nach ihrer Lage und Neigung sind die verschiedenen Segmente während der Kollisionsphase des kaledonischen Orogens in unterschiedlichem Grade von internen Störungen betroffen worden. Die durch intensive Internscherung hervorgerufenen Krustenverdickungen zeigen eine perlschnurartige Anordnung in zwei orogenparallele zonen, deren Anlage sich auf unterliegende und mitverfrachtete N-S Störungszonen zurückführen lassen kann. Das Anschwellen und Ausdünnen (pinch- and-swell) von tektonischen Einheiten entlang der Längsrichtung des Orogens läßt sich durch unterschiedliche Deformationsverhalten innerhalb der durch NW-SE Störungen begrenzten Segmente erklären. Die Kaledoniden Skandinaviens haben offensichtlich das strukturelle Gepräge ihrer präkaledonischen Unterlage ererbt.

Résumé Le bouclier baltique est traversé par des fractures protérozoïques orientées approximativement N-S et NW-SE. Ces failles furent réactivées d'abord au Précambrien tardif lors de l'extension correspondant à l'ouverture de l'Océan lapétus, ensuite au Protérozoïque moyen lors du charríage des nappes calédoniennes vers le SE. La réactivation de ces vieilles structures explique qu'on observe pour chaque bloc du socle faillé une subsidence et une sédimentation différente pendant la phase d'extension (ouverture du lapétus), ainsi qu'une évolution métamorphique et structurale distincte pendant le charriage des nappes calédoniennes et l'exhumation de l'orogène. Les deux groupes de failles définissent dans le socle des blocs à sections rhombiques qui présentaíent chacun une subsidence particulière pendant l'ouverture du lapétus, comme l'indiquent les variations d'épaisseur et de facies de leur couverture sédimentaire tardi-précambrienne (vendienne) à silurienne. Cette subsidence variable selon les blocs pourrait avoir contribué à induire des différences dans les niveaux de décollement et de charriage des nappes, ainsi que dans le style tectonique. Les unités tectonostratigraphiques des blocs adjacents furent charriées de façon diachronique avec comme résultat un transport transverse par rapport à la direction dominante du charriage. Ce déplacement oblique vers les zones de failles NW-SE et l'extension parallèle de l'orogène ont produit des plis transversaux dans la couverture; la réactivation des failles NW-SE s'est traduite par l'imbrication des nappes surincombantes. L'importance de cette imbrication et de la formation de duplex est variable selon les différents segments du socle. Pour chaque segment particulier, l'imbrication du socle et la formation de duplex ont engendré des culminations de socle alignés selon deux zones parallèles dans l'orogène. La position des duplex est probablement régie par de vieilles failles N-S alors que la structure en «pinch- and-swell» le long de l'orogène est causée par le caractère individuel de la déformation et du charriage du socle et de sa couverture, propre à chaque bloc limité par des failles NW-SE. L'orogenèse calédonienne a été ainsi fortement afffectée par les structures précambriennes du bouclier baltique sous-jacent.

, lapetus - . , , , , , lapetus. - - , , . , , , . , , . , . NW-SE (»side-wall ramps«) , . . , , , ; , , , - . (pinck- and-swell) , , NW-S . , - .

Nappe displacement in the Scandinavian Caledonides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Large areas of the Scandinavian Caledonides are eroded to the level of the basement/cover contact. Relationships between the Precambrian crystalline basement (largely Svecofennian-Dalslandian, 1800-1000 m.y.) and cover sequences are exposed both in transverse profiles through the mountain belt and along the belt in the various windows. These relationships provide an unique opportunity for studying the basement configuration, character of basement involvement and general nappe geometry. Major allochthonous units of the central part of the Scandinavian Caledonides — the Offerdal, Särv and Seve-Köli Nappe Complex — have been shown to wedge out westwards, having been displaced eastwards from environments along and west of the present Norwegian coast. Recent investigations have shown that these units (the Offerdal, Särv and Seve) reappear in western Norway as major pinch-and-swell structures, the lenses reaching thicknesses in the order of 2 km and with long axes of several tens of kilometres. Within the western parts of the Swedish Caledonides the thicker parts of the lenses approximately coincide with the axes of the late synforms which fold basement and cover together. Further west, in Norway, the tensing appears to be unrelated to the geometry of these major folds.This evidence increases estimates of nappe displacement distance (now thought to be in the order of at least 1000 km). At the same time it emphasizes that translation may account for only about half of this amount, the rest being achieved by stretching of the nappes. Apparently, a nappe sequence built up in the west which subsequently collapsed, leading to continued displacement eastwards on to the Baltoscandian Platform. Whereas basement shortening is of the order of several tens to perhaps hundreds of kilometres in the western part of the central Scandes, it is of lesser importance from central Trøndelag eastwards, a distance of about two hundred kilometres, to the Caledonian Front.Biostratigraphic evidence from the late-orogenic intramontane basins, taken in relation to the youngest units involved in the nappes, requires nappe translation into western Norway to have occurred after the Llandoverian (Köli Supergroup) and prior to the (Ludlovian?) Downtonian (Hitra Formation) deposition in the intramontane basins. The nappes contain sequences derived from a variety of probable oceanic and continental margin environments, and this translation may greatly exceed the minimum estimate of five hundred kilometres. Further displacement eastwards occurred during uplift of seaboard Norway and accompanied sedimentation both in the intra- and extramontane basins. The latter were not finally influenced by the décollement tectonics until after the Early Devonian.This evidence suggests that a compressive regime dominated the early phases of orogenesis during basement shortening, build up of the nappe pile and translation of these denser units on to the western margin of the Baltoscandian Platform. This compression subsequently gave way to a gravity regime, collapse and stretching of the nappes dominating the late phases of displacement on to the Baltoscandian Platform.  相似文献   

The Precambrian basement complex in the southernmost part of North-Central Nigeria is underlain by migmatitic banded gneisses, granitic intrusions and dykes of dolerite, rhyolite porphyry and pegmatite. The rocks are generally felsic, containing modal and normative hypersthene, as well as normative corundum. The basement complex has experienced high-grade regional metamorphism as indicated by the presence of hypersthene and plagioclase of andesine composition. Anatectic melting is suggested by the occurrence of ptygmatic folds, folded gneissose foliation, numerous quartzo-feldspathic veins and lenses of dark-colured, micaceous schistose rocks. Geochemically, the rocks have magnesian, calc-alkalic and strongly peraluminous characteristics. Their overall characteristics suggest derivation from progressive (fractional) partial melting of pelitic rocks during high-grade regional metamorphism, possibly associated with intense hydrothermal activities. The magnesian characteristics reflect close affinity to relatively hydrous, oxidizing melts and source regions in settings broadly related to subduction.  相似文献   

Near 68° N the Scandinavian Caledonides are composed of 3 tectonic domains each of which has a different tectonostratigraphy. The lower 2 domains can be related stratigraphically to Scandinavia prior to Caledonian deformation, whereas the highest domain, the Middle Köli Nappe Complex (MKNC) represents a fore-arc accretionary complex that was accreted to Scandinavia during Caledonian deformation. Subsequent to accretion, the flyschoid sediments that dominate the MKNC were metamorphosed to the amphibolite facies. In the area covered by this study, the MKNC is composed of two nappes, a lower Langvatn nappe and an upper Marko nappe, each of which has a unique early metamorphic history. Pelitic mineral assemblages in the Marko nappe constrain the peak P-T to be: 625°<T<775° C and P>7.0 kbars whereas ultramafic mineral assemblages in the lower Langvatn nappe constrain its peak temperature to be <580° C. P-T estimates from garnet-biotite and garnet-plagioclase geothermobarometry for both nappes overlap; ranging from 528° C and 6.6 kbars to 620° C and 8.8 kbars, with an average of 567±32° C and 8.0±0.9 kbar.Analysis of garnet zonation profiles from low variance pelitic assemblages from the Marko nappe using the Gibbs method of Spear and Selverstone (1983) suggests that P-T paths showing cooling (37–125° C) and decompression (20–1700 bars) were followed during the development of the outer part of garnet zonation profiles. The slope of these retrograde P-T paths is approximately 15 bars/° C. Because of the high variance of pelitic assemblages from the Langvatn nappe P-T paths have not been determined.The retrograde cooling rate of the Marko nappe has been estimated by numerical modeling of garnet zonation profiles that are interpreted to have formed by volume diffusion during retrograde cooling. This modeling suggests that the Marko nappe cooled very rapidly (25–100° C/m.y.) between the metamorphic peak and the temperature at which cation-exchange reactions closed. The form of Langvatn nappe garnet zonation profiles suggests that it did not undergo this rapid cooling.The cooling rate estimated for the Marko nappe is probably too high to be produced by unroofing alone and may be the result of late metamorphic thrusting and imbrication within the MKNC during which the cooler Langvatn nappe was underthrust beneath the warmer Marko nappe. The metamorphic peak of the Marko nappe therefore predates the peak of the Langvatn nappe. The peak P-T of the Langvatn nappe and the P-T recorded by geothermobarometry (570° C, 8.0 kbar) approximates the conditions under which the two nappes were juxtaposed.  相似文献   

Ion microprobe U-Th-Pb analyses of residual cores and metamorphic mantles of zircons from three high grade paragneisses from the Seve Nappe Complex, north-western Sweden, show that: 1) The sediments comprising the protolith of the Seve Nappes gneisses over a distance of 250 km were probably derived from similarly-aged source terranes. 2) Those source terranes were dominated by rocks with ages in the range 1400 to 1730 Ma, with minor components at least as young as 1000 Ma. The oldest component identified is 1730±12 Ma old. 3) Those rocks had U and Th contents normal for felsic igneous rocks. 4) The gneiss protolith was metamorphosed to granulite grade during the Caledonian. There is evidence to suggest that the peak of metamorphism may not have been synchronous throughout the Nappes. 5) The metamorphism probably included a reduction of about a factor of ten in the gneisses' Th/U.  相似文献   

Although the Phanerozoic geology of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt is extensively studied, there is still much to reveal about the initiation and early stages of tectonism. The Gargan block of the Tuva-Mongolia terranes at the Mongolian-Russian border is one of the Archean-Proterozoic continental crustal fragments that record the earliest evolutionary history of the belt. To better constrain the age of its basement, extent, and provenance in regional tectonic framework, we present new zircon UPb geochronologic data from previously undated basement gneisses and the overlying Neoproterozoic meta-sedimentary rocks of southern part of the Gargan block. Comparison of available basement ages and Precambrian detrital zircon spectra from nearby Archean-Proterozoic continental crustal fragments show complex relationship amongst them. We propose that the Gargan block travelled by itself in most of the Proterozoic or was derived from an unknown continental block. Obtained age confirms the existence of Neoarchean-Neoproterozoic basement in the region; however, for the first time, the 2749–814 Ma Salig Complex reveals multiple stages of Neoproterozoic metamorphic events within the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Older of which, at ∼1 Ga, may relate to an assembly of several of the pre-existing continental crustal fragments in Mongolia.  相似文献   

东昆仑前寒武纪基底变质岩系的锆石SHRIMP年龄及其构造意义   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
东昆仑地区有一系列前寒武纪变质基底岩系出露 ,这些基底岩块可以划分为两类 :北部基底以太古宙—古元古代的白沙河岩群和中元古代的小庙岩群为代表 ,南部基底以古、中元古代苦海杂岩为代表。对北部基底岩系小庙岩群变质碎屑岩系的锆石U PbSHRIMP年龄分析结果显示小庙岩群(Pt2 x)碎屑物源区是年龄大于 2 4亿年的岩石 ,2 4~ 2 5亿年的碎屑锆石的群组年龄很可能反映了小庙岩群源区的一期变质作用时间。个别 32亿年的碎屑锆石年龄指示源区存在古太古代的陆核。变质锆石及深熔成因的锆石给出的 10 35~ 10 74Ma群组年龄是小庙岩群的主期构造热事件时间 ,反映以清水泉蛇绿岩为代表的中元古代洋盆的闭合和南北不同基底块体的愈合 ,是Rodinia大陆聚合事件在东昆仑地区的表现。  相似文献   

贺振宇  张泽明  宗克清  王伟  于飞 《岩石学报》2012,28(6):1857-1874
天山造山带是中亚造山带(CAOB)的主要组成部分,对于其前寒武纪古老基底的起源、古生代构造单元划分和造山作用过程的认识还存在很大分歧。本文对分布在星星峡镇西的石英闪长质片麻岩开展了系统地岩相学观察和锆石U-Pb年龄、Hf同位素及全岩地球化学分析。根据矿物组成推测它们的原岩为石英闪长岩,两个样品中的锆石具有基本一致的内部结构特征,均发育黑色、均一的边部和具震荡环带的核部,部分保留有更早的继承锆石核。分析结果表明,它们的原岩形成于~425Ma,变质作用年龄为约320~360Ma,继承锆石的年龄为1381~1743Ma。原岩结晶锆石具有正的且变化较大的εHf(t)值(0.9~17.8),继承锆石的tDM2模式年龄变化于1.54~2.44Ga。在全岩地球化学组成上,石英闪长质片麻岩具有明显富集Rb、Ba、Th、K等大离子亲石元素和Pb、U元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素的特点。结合区域上已有的前寒武纪基底、高级变质岩、蛇绿混杂岩、岩浆岩的研究资料,获得以下认识:中天山地块的前寒武纪基底的起源与塔里木板块没有明显的相关性,可能是中元古代时期,由东欧板块边缘的弧增生造山作用形成;中天山地块东部在早古生代为大陆边缘弧的构造环境,可能形成于南天山洋向中天山板块的俯冲作用;南天山洋在天山造山带的东部和西部可能具有一致的闭合时间。  相似文献   

肖玲玲  刘福来  谢玉玲  吴春明 《岩石学报》2014,30(10):2925-2940
左权变质杂岩构造上位于华北中部带中南段,向东紧邻赞皇变质杂岩。研究区广泛发育长英质黑云斜长片麻岩和斜长角闪岩,无典型变泥质岩石出露,斜长角闪岩多以似层状或透镜状方式产于似层状的片麻岩中,二者在局部地区侵入接触关系明显。该地区可识别出三期变形作用和三期变质作用,区域片麻理所代表的第二期变形作用(D2)与峰期变质作用(M2)事件相对应。杂岩区含榴黑云斜长片麻岩和含榴斜长角闪岩中较好地保留了多个阶段的变质作用信息,本文重点研究其变质演化过程。含榴黑云斜长片麻岩中仅保留峰期阶段矿物组合,变质条件为730℃/8.5kbar。含榴斜长角闪岩记录了3个阶段的变质矿物组合,第一阶段矿物组合(M1)为进变质矿物组合,以石榴石变斑晶内部的早期包裹体及其临近的石榴石核部为代表,即Grt1+Pl1+Amp1+Qtz±Bt1±Chl1±Ilm±Ap,该阶段的温度和压力范围分别为:608~643℃/5.2~5.5kbar;第二阶段矿物组合(M2)为变质峰期矿物组合,主要由石榴石XMn最低的"边部"和基质矿物(Grt2+Amp2+Pl2+Qtz±Cpx2±Bt2±Ep2±Ilm±Ap)组成。最高变质温度大于670℃,最高变质压力大于9.4kbar。第三阶段矿物组合(M3)为退变质减压矿物组合,其典型代表是石榴石边部发育的Pl3+Hbl3+Cum3+Qtz±Bt3后成合晶矿物组合,呈细粒交生状结构特征,该阶段温压估算范围为:611~627℃/5.1~5.9kbar。左权变质杂岩区岩石变质程度虽明显低于赞皇变质杂岩区(Tmax812℃,Pmax12.5kbar),但两杂岩区岩石拥有类似的变质演化特征,均记录了包含近等温降压型(ITD)退变质片段的顺时针P-T轨迹,指示碰撞造山环境。结合中部带其它杂岩区的变质演化特征,推测左权变质杂岩卷入了晚太古代-早元古代末期华北克拉通东、西部陆块之间的碰撞造山过程。  相似文献   

华北克拉通南部早前寒武纪基底形成与演化   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
张瑞英  孙勇 《岩石学报》2017,33(10):3027-3041
简要总结了华北克拉通南部鲁山地区、小秦岭地区、登封及中条山地区的早前寒武纪地质事件序列及其地质意义,并对各地区地质特征和变质演化特点进行对比。结合前人研究工作,初步探讨了华北克拉通南部早前寒武纪基底的演化特点、陆壳形成的主要时期和华北南部基底的构造区划等问题,提出几点认识:1)华北克拉通南部鲁山、中条山、小秦岭等地区均有2.7~2.9Ga岩石记录,以英云闪长质-奥长花岗质-花岗闪长质(TTG)岩石为主,它们共同构成华北南缘的古老结晶基底,并经历了新太古代晚期~2.5Ga构造-热事件,标志着华北克拉通南部在新太古代末期可能已经形成统一基底;2)华北克拉通南部主要的陆壳形成时期为中太古代晚期-新太古代,与全球其他主要克拉通一致,而古元古代早-中期则以地壳再循环为主;3)综合地质、地球化学等特点,将华北南部鲁山-小秦岭地区和中条山等地区划归为"南部古陆块",并提出该陆块呈现为一个大型的倾伏向斜构造,可能在新太古代晚期已经形成,其枢纽向南东倾斜。"南部古陆块"在新太古代末期与其它微陆块拼合,并发生了变质作用和陆壳的活化与再循环,共同指示新太古代晚期华北克拉通统一基底的形成。  相似文献   

Ordovician faunal data from the Scandinavian Caledonides is tested with new geochemical information from zircons to give U/Pb ages and source origins of volcanic arc and ophiolite sequences. Early Ordovician (Arenig-Llanvirn), low latitude, Toquima-Table Head faunas from the upper Upper Allochthon are associated with an island arc system formed adjacent to Laurentia. Contemporaneous mafic magmas were contaminated by crustal material during subduction and associated granites contain inherited zircons of Archaean age. The nearest source for such rocks is on the Laurentian rather than the Baltic side. Higher latitude Celtic province faunas from the upper Upper Allochthon are from one insular site accessible to forms from both Laurentia and Baltica.
The late Ordovician low-latitude Holorhynchus and subtropical Hirnantia faunas occur in overstep sequences above deeply eroded early Ordovician arc complexes. The transgression appears to be coeval with a second generation of spreading-related complexes. Single detrital zircons from sediments show sources from Archaean, Proterozoic and early Ordovician terranes. This suggests that deposition was in a basin situated along the same continental margin (Laurentia) to which the early Ordovician ophiolite/arc sequences had already become accreted. The late Ordovician faunas link both Laurentia and Baltica at a time of narrowing of lapetus.
The new geochemical data together with the faunal information is supported by recent palaeomagnetic studies.  相似文献   

The main objective of this work was to define directions and principal features of the evolution of volcanism and sedimentation in Early Precambrian active volcanic zones. Analysis of reconstructed type sections of intensely metamorphosed and greenstone (sedimentary-volcanic) complexes revealed a general similarity of their structure and universal presence of two principal (contrast and differentiated) volcanic associations that replace each other from the bottom to top (Lazur, 2006). Volcanic complexes are crowned with significantly sedimentary sequences and the manifestation of bimodal (basalt-rhyolite) or acid (dacite-rhyolite) volcanism (Luchitskii et al., 1982). Our work is based on specific rock complexes, for which the primary nature of intensely metamorphosed Early Precambrian rocks has been reconstructed by geological, mineralogical, geochemical, and other methods (Lazur, 1986; Rosen et al., 2005).  相似文献   

The Precambrian formations of the Singhbhum and Chotanagpur region of the Indian Peninsular Shield are tectonically classified and their implications in the context of plate tectonics are reviewed on the basis of the stratigraphic, structural, petrologic, geochemical, geophysical and geochronologic data that have accumulated through extensive research in the region in recent years. It is shown that the essential elements in tectonic settings, geological facies and structural and metamorphic characters of the Singhbhum orogenic belt and the reactivated Chotanagpur plateau are elegantly interpretable in terms of interaction of two converging microplates, named here as the Singhbhum and Chotanagpur plates. A detailed correlation of the tectonic evolution with the different stages of a proposed model of plate motions is attempted in the paper.The study reveals three cycles of plate motions with intervening periods of “quiescence”. During the first cycle (2000-1600 Ma), the Singhbhum plate moved northward and collided with the Chotanagpur plate: this led to the tectonic emplacement of the Dalma ophiolite belt and development of the F1 folds and thrusts and M1 metamorphism. During the second cycle (1550-1170 Ma), a clockwise rotation of the Singhbhum plate towards the NE generated the F2 folds and a transcurrent sinistral shear zone. Obduction of the continental lithosphere of this plate occurred during the third cycle (1000-850 Ma) as a result of its continued impingement on the Chotanagpur plate in the NNW direction; this is documented by the evolution of the F3 folds, M3 metamorphism and the Singhbhum thrust zone. The “quiescence” periods allowed time for isostatic readjustments, viz., uplifts, intrusions of basic dyke swarms, erosion and paralic sedimentation.  相似文献   

The presence of a first-order unconformity in the central part of the Scandinavian Caledonides, linking together early Ordovician/late Cambrian outboard oceanic ternes and the continental margin of Baltic, is of considerable importance for interpreting the geodynamic framework of the orogen. This and other criteria for terne linkage are described, together with implications for the regional tectonostratigraphic development in this segment of the Caledonides.  相似文献   

The Precambrian Aksu blueschist is located in the northwestern margin of the Tarim Block, NW China. In recent decades, many studies were carried out with focus on the metamorphic age. However, a complete understanding of the evolution of the Tarim Block requires the cooling history of the Precambrian metamorphic rocks and the time–temperature paths as determined by low-temperature thermochronometry. Therefore, apatite fission track (AFT) technique was applied on the Precambrian Aksu blueschist to reveal the thermo–tectonic evolution of the north Tarim basement. All of the six blueschist samples analysed in this study yielded AFT ages spanning 107.5–62.5 Ma, much younger than the blueschist facies metamorphic age of Neoproterozoic, and confined track lengths are between 10.46 and 12.12 µm. Based on regional stratigraphic sequences, the AFT thermal history modeling as well as previous chronological results, the thermo–tectonic evolution of the Aksu blueschist can be roughly reconstructed with four stages: (1) the Precambrain Aksu blueschist exhumed to the surface soon after its formation. Erosion during the Early Sinian is indicated by the lack of sedimentation until the Late Sinian; (2) the Late Sinian strata are continuous, while the Middle–Upper Silurian and the Lower–Middle Carboniferous strata are absent. The total thickness of the Late Sinian and Paleozoic strata probably reached 10,000 m and resulted in the total annealing and thermal resetting of AFT ages; (3) the AFT ages in the Cretaceous are related with the widespread uplift in Tian Shan and its adjacent regions that restarted the AFT clock during the Late Mesozoic. These reflect a distant effect of the collision of the Lhasa terrane with Eurasia in the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous; and (4) sediments of Cenozoic are documented in the Aksu area. The Aksu blueschist was heated to partial annealing zone with the overlying Cenozoic sediments. During Miocene time, the Aksu blueschist was re-exhumed which was probably a distant response to the ongoing India–Eurasia convergence.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic poles derived from Precambrian formations can be valuable for determining relative, and sometimes absolute, ages of the formations. In this paper palaeomagnetic results are presented from a variety of these formations in Tanzania and Zambia. The Ikorongo Group sediments of Tanzania give a pole at 80° E, 25° S commensurate with an age of 900–1000 m.y. The lower Buanji Series of southern Tanzania yields a pole at 263°E,87°N indicating an age of either Late Precambrian (c. 650 m.y.) or Early Cambrian. The Plateau Series outcrop at the southern end of Lake Tanganyika gives several poles falling on the Late Precambrian to Ordovician apparent polar wander loop recognized by McElhinny et al. (1974), and a small amount of evidence from the Abercorn Sandstone and southern part of the Plateau Series outcrop suggests an age of c. 900 m.y. for these rocks. Dating of formations at the southern end of the Lake Tanganyika depression gives an estimate of 1500 m for the minimum amount of downthrow at this end of the rift system. Five sites from the Mbozi gabbro—syenite complex of southern Tanzania give a pole at 68° E, 72° N and two sites from Mbala dolerites of Zambia yield a pole close to one from the Bukoban dolerites of Tanzania and a similar age (c. 806 m.y.) is suggested.Some palaeomagnetic information is now available from all the Proterozoic platform sediments margining the Tanganyika craton and a correlation scheme is given which incorporates this information together with geochronological data. These formations postdate geosynclinal sequences involved in the Kibaran (c. 1300 m.y.) and Irumide (c. 1100 m.y.) mobile belts, and geological environment and situation demonstrate that the Tanganyika craton was subject to intermittent uplift between about 1000 m.y. and Cambrian times.  相似文献   

熊耳盆地发育华北克拉通最齐全的晚前寒武纪地层,是认识华北克拉通晚前寒武纪沉积和构造演化历史的理想地区.依据收集和自测的38个碎屑岩和23个岩浆岩样品的锆石年代学数据,结合岩相区域对比、沉积古地理格局继承关系等,细化年代地层格架和分析盆地构造属性,重塑熊耳盆地晚前寒武纪构造演化历史及沉积古地理格局.重新厘定的晚前寒武纪年代地层格架将熊耳盆地演化划分为六个阶段:早长城世裂陷、晚长城世断陷、蓟县纪坳陷、待建纪早期坳陷、青白口纪坳陷及晚震旦世冰期坳陷,以及早长城世末期、待建纪中晚期和南华纪—早震旦世三期重要的沉积间断.熊耳盆地存在晚长城世和青白口纪两期碰撞型—伸展型的盆地属性转换,支持北秦岭地体与华北克拉通多期拼贴—裂解的演化模式.中元古代早长城世—待建纪早期的火山-沉积岩系及1.64~1.47 Ga非造山岩浆事件是Columbia超大陆裂解的地质响应,青白口纪早期碰撞型沉积岩系和晚期伸展型火山-沉积岩系分别是Rodinia超大陆汇聚和裂解的地质响应.  相似文献   

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