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The location and the stability in the linear sense of the libration points in the restricted problem have been studied when there are perturbations in the potentials between the bodies. It is seen that if the perturbing functions satisfy certain conditions, there are five libration points, two triangular and three collinear. It is further observed that the collinear points are unstable and for the triangular points, the range of stability increases or decreases depending upon whetherP> or <0 wherep depends upon the perturbing functions. The theory is verified in the following four cases:
  1. There are no perturbations in the potentials (classical problem).
  2. Only the bigger primary is an oblate spheroid whose axis of symmetry is perpendicular to the plane of relative motion (circular) of the primaries.
  3. Both the primaries are oblate spheroids whose axes of symmetry are perpendicular to the plane of relative motion (circular) of the primaries.
  4. The primaries are spherical in shape and the bigger is a source of radiation.

In previous publications the author has constructed a long-periodic solution of the problem of the motion of the Trojan asteroids, treated as the case of 1:1 resonance in the restricted problem of three bodies. The recent progress reported here is summarized under three headings:
  1. The nature on the long-periodic family of orbits is re-examined in the light of the results of the numerical integrations carried out by Deprit and Henrard (1970). In the vicinity of the critical divisor $$D_k \equiv \omega _1 - k\omega _2 ,$$ not accessible to our solution, the family is interrupted by bifurcations and shortperiodic bridges. Parametrized by the normalized Jacobi constant α2, our family may, accordingly, be defined as the intersection of admissible intervals, in the form $$L = \mathop \cap \limits_j \left\{ {\left| {\alpha - \alpha _j } \right| > \varepsilon _j } \right\};j = k,k + 1, \ldots \infty .$$ Here, {αj(m)} is the sequence of the critical αj corresponding to the exactj: 1 commensurability between the characteristic frequencies ω1 and ω2 for a given value of the mass parameterm. Inasmuch as the ‘critical’ intervals |α?αj|<εj can be shown to be disjoint, it follows that, despite the clustering of the sequence {αj} at α=1, asj→∞, the family extends into the vicinity of the separatrix α=1, which terminates the ‘tadpole’ branch of the family.
  2. Our analysis of the epicyclic terms of the solution, carrying the critical divisorD k , supports the Deprit and Henrard refutation of the E. W. Brown conjecture (1911) regarding the termination of the tadpole branch at the Lagrangian pointL 3. However, the conjecture may be revived in a refined form. “The separatrix α=1 of the tadpole branch spirals asymptotically toward a limit cycle centered onL 3.”
  3. The periodT(α,m) of the libration in the mean synodic longitude λ in the range $$\lambda _1 \leqslant \lambda \leqslant \lambda _2$$ is given by a hyperelliptic integral. This integral is formally expanded in a power series inm and α2 or \(\beta \equiv \sqrt {1 - \alpha ^2 }\) .
The large amplitude of the libration, peculiar to our solution, is made possible by the mode of the expansion of the disturbing functionR. Rather than expanding about Lagrangian pointL 4, with the coordinatesr=1, θ=π/3, we have expandedR about the circler=1. This procedure is equivalent to analytic continuation, for it replaces the circle of convergence centered atL 4 by an annulus |r?1|<ε with 0≤θ<2π.  相似文献   

Results from the OSO-6 Rutgers Zodiacal Light Analyzer experiment show photometric perturbations above the background in the anti-Sun line of sight. Sixteen successive lunations were examined, and the accumulated perturbations show a maximum value in the direction of the L4 and L5 Earth-Moon libration points. This is interpreted as a counterglow from a cloud of particles at the libration points. The average brightness of these libration clouds is 20 S10 Vis. The average angular size of the libration clouds is approximately 6 degrees. Their position varies from one lunation to the next, within an ellipsoidal zone centered on the libration point direction, with its semi-major axis, of approximately 6 degrees, nominally in the ecliptic and its semi-minor axis, of approximately 2 degrees perpendicular to the ecliptic. The position of these clouds with respect to the Lagrangian L4 and L5 points, is towards the Moon in the northern summer and away from the Moon in the northern winter.  相似文献   

A clarification and discussion of the energy changes experienced by cosmic rays in the interplanetary region is presented. It is shown that the mean time rate of change of momentum of cosmic rays reckoned for a fixed volume in a reference frame fixed in the solar system is 〈p〉 =p V·G/3 (p=momentum,V is the solar wind velocity andG=cosmic-ray density gradient). This result is obtained in three ways:
  1. by a rearrangement and reinterpretation of the cosmic-ray continuity equation;
  2. by using a scattering analysis based on that of Gleeson and Axford (1967);
  3. by using a special scattering model in which cosmic-rays are trapped in ‘magnetic boxes’ moving with the solar wind.
The third method also gives the rate of change of momentum of particles within a moving ‘magnetic box’ as 〈pad = ?p ?·V/3, which is the adiabatic deceleration rate of Parker (1965). We conclude that ‘turnaround’ energy change effects previously considered separately are already included in the equation of transport for cosmic rays.  相似文献   

We present a broad range of complementary observations of the onset and impulsive phase of a fairly large (1B, M1.2) but simple two-ribbon flare. The observations consist of hard X-ray flux measured by the SMM HXRBS, high-sensitivity measurements of microwave flux at 22 GHz from Itapetinga Radio Observatory, sequences of spectroheliograms in UV emission lines from Ov (T ≈ 2 × 105 K) and Fexxi (T ≈ 1 × 107 K) from the SMM UVSP, Hα and Hei D3 cine-filtergrams from Big Bear Solar Observatory, and a magnetogram of the flare region from the MSFC Solar Observatory. From these data we conclude:
  1. The overall magnetic field configuration in which the flare occurred was a fairly simple, closed arch containing nonpotential substructure.
  2. The flare occurred spontaneously within the arch; it was not triggered by emerging magnetic flux.
  3. The impulsive energy release occurred in two major spikes. The second spike took place within the flare arch heated in the first spike, but was concentrated on a different subset of field lines. The ratio of Ov emission to hard X-ray emission decreased by at least a factor of 2 from the first spike to the second, probably because the plasma density in the flare arch had increased by chromospheric evaporation.
  4. The impulsive energy release most likely occurred in the upper part of the arch; it had three immediate products:
  1. An increase in the plasma pressure throughout the flare arch of at least a factor of 10. This is required because the Fexxi emission was confined to the feet of the flare arch for at least the first minute of the impulsive phase.
  2. Nonthermal energetic (~ 25 keV) electrons which impacted the feet of the arch to produce the hard X-ray burst and impulsive brightening in Ov and D3. The evidence for this is the simultaneity, within ± 2 s, of the peak Ov and hard X-ray emissions.
  3. Another population of high-energy (~100keV) electrons (decoupled from the population that produced the hard X-rays) that produced the impulsive microwave emission at 22 GHz. This conclusion is drawn because the microwave peak was 6 ± 3 s later than the hard X-ray peak.

In the present paper, the problem of whether the interplanetary matter has a tendency to accumulate around the Lagrangian libration pointsL 4 andL 5, is examined statistically. It is concluded that: (1) If the particles are initially assumed to be distributed uniformly, they keep the uniformity ever after around the libration points. (2) If the particles receive random stochastic perturbations, their distribution tends to become uniform even if initially they have non-uniform distributions. (3) If the particles mutually collide inelastically, they have a tendency to avoid the regions near the libration points. Therefore, the interplanetary matter will not tend to accumulate near the libration points. Even if the observations of the libration cloud so far reported are confirmed, the clouds are likely to be but temporary objects.  相似文献   

Image processing performed on a series of photographs of the superluminal Seyfert galaxy, 3C 120, shows the outer optical disc to consist of fragmented segments generally pointing toward the centre. One long arm of peculiar, separated knots comes off to the W and SW. A peculiar companion is seen along the line of the NW radio jet. In the interior, optical jets are detected which are aligned along the direction of the outer radio jets. A region of the sky 45 ×; 25 degrees around 3C120 is investigated. It is found that:
  1. A nebulous filament about 3/4 degree in length points to 3C 120.
  2. Hydrogen clouds of redshiftz = ?130 and ?210 km s?1 are situated at 3 and 1 degrees on either side of 3C 120.
  3. Eleven low-surface-brightness galaxies with 4500 <z < 5300 km s?1 fall within a radius of 8 degrees.
  4. Seven quasars withz ? 1.35 and radio fluxesS b ? 0.3 fall within a radius of 10 degrees.
It is concluded that the concentration of these objects in the vicinity of this unique, active galaxy has a negligible chance of being accidental and that all those objects of diverse redshift are at the same nearby distance. This smaller distance reduces the supposed superluminal motions in 3C 120 to quite precedented ejection velocities.  相似文献   

  1. The exotic system H 3 ++ (which does not exist without magnetic field) exists in strong magnetic fields:
    1. In triangular configuration for B≈108–1011?G (under specific external conditions)
    2. In linear configuration for B>1010?G
  2. In the linear configuration the positive z-parity states 1σ g , 1π u , 1δ g are bound states
  3. In the linear configuration the negative z-parity states 1σ u , 1π g , 1δ u are repulsive states
  4. The H 3 ++ molecular ion is the most bound one-electron system made from protons at B>3×1013?G
Possible application: The H 3 ++ molecular ion may appear as a component of a neutron star atmosphere under a strong surface magnetic field B=1012–1013?G.  相似文献   

New computations of massive stars follow the evolution up to advanced stages and include:
  • -A large and flexible nuclear network consisting of 174 nuclear species that are linked by 1742 nuclear reactions.
  • -Semiconvection, overshooting and mass loss.
  • -Modern rates for both strong and weak interaction processes as well as the latest rates for the neutrino processes.
  • -Improved grid distribution and a large number of grid points.
  • The nuclear network and the diffusion equation are solved for each time step during the whole evolution. In this way the accuracy of nuclear yields and chemical abundances are mainly limited by uncertainties in the diffusion coefficient found from the convection theories. Several instability mechanisms may affect the mass loss rates of massive stars and thereby the structure and abundances of WR stars. Due to heavy mass loss at the LBV and WR stages, the masses at the pre-SN stage may be less than 5M . Yields and abundances throughout the stars are discussed together with the amount of all elements expelled.  相似文献   

    We have investigated how the gradients of temperature and expansion velocities will change the emergent profiles from an extended medium in spherical symmetry. Variation of the source function and expansion velocities are assumed. The following variations of temperature are employed:
    1. T(r) ; T0 (isothermal case)
    2. T(r) ; T0(r/r0)1/2
    3. T(r) ; T0(r/r0)-1
    4. T(r) ; T0(r/r0)-2
    5. T(r) ; T0(r/r0)-3
    The profiles calculated present an interesting feature of broadening.  相似文献   

    Celebrating the diamond jubilee of the Physics Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad, India, we look back over the last six decades in solar physics and contemplate on the ten outstanding problems (or research foci) in solar physics:
    1. The solar neutrino problem
    2. Structure of the solar interior (helioseismology)
    3. The solar magnetic field (dynamo, solar cycle, corona)
    4. Hydrodynamics of coronal loops
    5. MHD oscillations and waves (coronal seismology)
    6. The coronal heating problem
    7. Self-organized criticality (from nanoflares to giant flares)
    8. Magnetic reconnection processes
    9. Particle acceleration processes
    10. Coronal mass ejections and coronal dimming
    The first two problems have been largely solved recently, while the other eight selected problems are still pending a final solution, and thus remain persistent Challenges for Solar Cycle 24, the theme of this jubilee conference.  相似文献   

    In a previous paper (Stellmacher, 1981, hereafter mentioned as Paper I), we have given an algorithm for the construction of periodic orbits in a rotating frame, for satellites around an oblate planet. In the present paper, we apply this theory to the Mimas-Tethys case; we obtain the following results:
    1. Without resonance, it is possible to find a rotating system in which the solution is a periodic one. The angular velocity of this rotating frame is calculated as function of the masses of the two satellites.
    2. Including the resonant terms and assuming an exact commensurability of the implied frequencies, we demonstrate that the condition for periodic solutions in the rotating system as defined in (a) is: the initial position of the satellites at conjunction lies on an axis defined by (Ω12)/2 or (Ω12)/2 + π/2;Ω1 and Ω2 are the longitudes of the ascending nodes of the satellite's orbits. The solution still is a periodic one, thus all the conjunction occur in either axis.
    3. In the Mimas Tethys case there is only approximately commensurability between these frequencies. The two satellites are considered as oscillators whose amplitudes and phases are functions of time. The equation of the libration can be established; we find the usual form, but for each satellite the generating solution is a periodic solution (as defined in Paper I), but not a Keplerian one. It follows a determination of the masses which slightly differs from that given by Kozai (1957), when the same values of the observed quantities are used for calculations.
    4. The equation of the libration is: $$\ddot z + n_1^2 h^2 \sin z + n_1 q\dot z\sin z = 0$$

    The recent observation of the absorption of radiation belts in the vicinity of Saturn's bright rings and historical observations of the ring system make the following related results apparent:
  • - The gaps in the rings are caused by the presence of at least 6 small, extremely dense and probably electrically charged ‘sweeper’ moons which effectively sweep the ring matter clean from the gaps. This is known due to the fading of the inner ring edges whereas the outer edges are well defined. Their orbital periods will differ from the expected Keplerian periods if the moons and Saturn do possess electric fields.
  • - Absorption of radiation belts near the rings (of Jupiter also) implies that the ring particles themselves are not absorbing the radiation but the small moons are. This is consistent with the observed radiation belt absorption near the outer Saturnian moons.
  • - If electric fields of the sweeper moons cause the ring edge fading as observed (and not simply gravitational), then Saturn itself must maintain an electric field in its vicinity by way of a sizeable proton wind to affect the uneven ring edge fading and will be surrounded by an H+ cloud at least to approximately the A-ring. this is consistent with the detection of an H+ cloud surrounding Saturn (Weiseret al., 1977, p. 755). The other possibility is that these moons are extremely dense and have very large internal magnetic fields.
  • - Because of their location, these moons must be captured and if very dense as believed, may be core remnants of a nova.
  •   相似文献   

    Hot spots similar to those in the radio galaxy Cygnus A can be explained by the strong shock produced by a supersonic but classical jet \(\left( {u_{jet}< c/\sqrt 3 } \right)\) . The high integrated radio luminosity (L?2×1044 erg s?1) and the strength of mean magnetic field (B?2×10?4 G) suggest the hot spots are the downstream flow of a very strong shock which generates the ultrarelativistic electrons of energy ?≥20 MeV. The fully-developed subsonic turbulence amplifies the magnetic field of the jet up to 1.6×10?4 G by the dynamo effect. If we assume that the post-shock pressure is dominated by relativistic particles, the ratio between the magnetic energy density to the energy density in relativistic particles is found to be ?2×10?2, showing that the generally accepted hypothesis of equipartition is not valid for hot spots. The current analysis allows the determination of physical parameters inside hot spots. It is found that:
    1. The velocity of the upstream flow in the frame of reference of the shock isu 1?0.2c. Radio observations indicate that the velocity of separation of hot spots isu sep?0.05c, so that the velocity of the jet isu jet=u 1+u sep?0.25c.
    2. The density of the thermal electrons inside the hot spot isn 2?5×10?3 e ? cm?3 and the mass ejected per year to power the hot spot is ?4M 0yr?1.
    3. The relativistic electron density is less than 20% of the thermal electron density inside the hot spot and the spectrum is a power law which continues to energies as low as 30 MeV.
    4. The energy density of relativistic protons is lower than the energy density of relativistic electrons unlike the situation for cosmic rays in the Galaxy.

    J. J. Aly 《Solar physics》1992,138(1):133-162
    Some useful properties of a finite energy, constant-α, force-free magnetic field B α occupying a half-space D are presented. In particular:
    1. Fourier and Green representations of B α are obtained and used to derive conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a B α having a given normal component B z on the boundary ?D.
    2. The asymptotic behaviour of B α at infinity as well as stability results against changes in the boundary condition on ?D and in the value of α are established.
    3. The energy of B α is shown to be smaller than the energy of the open field having the same B z on ?D, thus confirming an earlier conjecture (Aly, 1984).
    4. B α is proved to not be a Taylor-Heyvaerts-Priest state, in spite of the fact that its relative helicity H is finite and that it is the only solution of the Lagrange-Euler equation associated with the problem of minimizing the energy among all the fields having the same value of H and the same B z on ?D.

    We investigate the ‘equilibrium’ and stability of spherically-symmetric self-similar isothermal blast waves with a continuous post-shock flow velocity expanding into medium whose density varies asr ahead of the blast wave, and which are powered by a central source (a pulsar) whose power output varies with time ast ω?3. We show that:
    1. for ω<0, no physically acceptable self-similar solution exists;
    2. for ω>3, no solution exists since the mass swept up by the blast wave is infinite;
    3. ? must exceed zero in order that the blast wave expand with time, but ?<2 in order that the central source injects a finite total energy into the blast wave;
    4. for 3>ωmin(?)>ω>ωmax(?)>0, where $$\begin{gathered} \omega _{\min } (\varphi ){\text{ }} = {\text{ }}2[5{\text{ }} - {\text{ }}\varphi {\text{ }} + {\text{ }}(10{\text{ }} + {\text{ 4}}\varphi {\text{ }} - {\text{ 2}}\varphi ^2 )^{1/2} ]^2 [2{\text{ }} + {\text{ (10 }} + {\text{ 4}}\varphi {\text{ }} - {\text{ 2}}\varphi ^2 {\text{)}}^{{\text{1/2}}} ]^{ - 2} , \hfill \\ \omega _{\max } (\varphi ){\text{ }} = {\text{ }}2[5{\text{ }} - {\text{ }}\varphi {\text{ }} - {\text{ }}(10{\text{ }} + {\text{ 4}}\varphi {\text{ }} - {\text{ 2}}\varphi ^2 )^{1/2} ]^2 [2{\text{ }} - {\text{ (10 }} + {\text{ 4}}\varphi {\text{ }} - {\text{ 2}}\varphi ^2 {\text{)}}^{{\text{1/2}}} ]^{ - 2} , \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ two critical points exist in the flow velocity versus position plane. The physically acceptable solution must pass through the origin with zero flow speed and through the blast wave. It must also pass throughboth critical points if \(\varphi > \tfrac{5}{3}\) , while if \(\varphi< \tfrac{5}{3}\) it must by-pass both critical points. It is shown that such a solution exists but a proper connection at the lower critical point (for ?>5/3) (through whichall solutions pass with thesame slope) has not been established;
    5. for 3>ω>ωmin(?) it is shown that the two critical points of (iv) disappear. However a new pair of critical points form. The physically acceptable solution passing with zero flow velocity through the origin and also passing through the blast wave mustby-pass both of the new critical points. It is shown that the solution does indeed do so;
    6. for 3>ωmin(?)>ωmax(?)>ω it is shown that the dependence of the self-similar solution on either ω or ? is non-analytic and therefore, inferences drawn from any solutions obtained in ω>ωmax(?) (where the dependence of the solutionis analytic on ω and ?) are not valid when carried over into the domain 3>ωmin(?)>ωmax(?)>ω;
    7. all of the physically acceptable self-similar solutions obtained in 3>ω>0 are unstable to short wavelength, small amplitude but nonself-similar radial velocity perturbations near the origin, with a growth which is a power law in time;
    8. the physical self-similar solutions are globally unstable in a fully nonlinear sense to radial time-dependent flow patterns. In the limit of long times, the nonlinear growth is a power law in time for 5<ω+2?, logarithmic in time for 5>ω+2?, and the square of the logarithm in time for 5=ω+2?.
    The results of (vii) and (viii) imply that the memory of the system to initial and boundary values does not decay as time progresses and so the system does not tend to a self-similar form. These results strongly suggest that the evolution of supernova remnants is not according to the self-similar form.  相似文献   

    After adding the data observed in the years from 1979 to 1982 to those obtained earlier (Ding et al., 1981), we re-examine the previous results and conclude:
    1. The longitudinal distribution of spiral spots on the solar disc is generally the same as that of sunspot groups with areas of S p ≥ 400, but their active longitudes seem to be more concentrated.
    2. The distribution of spiral patterns in the southern and northern hemispheres shows that the differential rotation may be a fundamental solar dynamo for the formation of the spiral spots.
    3. The statistical directions of the emerging twisted magnetic vectors in the active regions in the southern and northern hemispheres are synchronously inverse with a period of about two years. This period seems to be detected in other solar observations.

    The paper briefly describes the purpose and features of the Japanese project ILOM (In-situ Lunar Orientation Measurement) in which it is planned to install the zenith telescope with a CCD lens on one of the poles of the Moon for the observation of stars in order to determine the physical libration of the Moon (PhLM). The studies presented in this paper are the result of the first stage of the theoretical support of the project:
    1. The compilation of the list of stars within the field of view of the telescope during the precessional motion of the lunar pole.
    2. Modeling and analysis of the behavior of stellar tracks during the observation period.
    3. Simulation and testing of the sensitivity of the measured selenographic star coordinates to changes in the parameters of the dynamic model of the Moon and the elastic parameters of the lunar body.
    Direct and inverse PhLM problems are discussed. Within the scope of the direct problem visible “daily parallels” and one-year star tracks are calculated. Their behavioral features when observed from the lunar surface are shown. At this stage of the simulation selenographic star coordinates for the four models of the gravitational field of the Moon have been compared, i.e., the model constructed on the basis of the lunar laser ranging (LLR), GLGM-2, LP150Q, and SGM100h. It is shown that even when comparing modern models LP150Q and SGM100h stellar tracks differ from the arc by more than 10 ms of arc. At the stage of the inverse problem, the manifestation of viscoelastic properties of the Moon in selenographic coordinates has been studied. In the spectrum of the simulated residual differences harmonics have been identified which can serve as indicators to refine parameters, Love number k 2 and the delay time characterizing the viscous properties of the lunar body.  相似文献   

    The jet/grain model proposed by Ramatyet al. (1984, hereafter abbreviated as RKL) for production of the narrow gamma-ray lines reported from SS433 is examined and shown to be untenable on numerous grounds. Most importantly:
    1. The huge Coulomb collisional losses (W c?2×1041 erg s?1) from the jet, which would necessarily accompany non-thermal production of the gamma rays, demands a jet acceleration/collimation process acting over a very long range and with a power at least 102 times the Eddington limit for any stellar object.
    2. There is a collisional thick target limit (irrespective of jet mass) to the gamma ray yield per interstellar proton. Consequently, the gamma-ray data demand an improbably high interstellar density (?109 cm?3).
    3. For the grains to be kept cool enough (?3000 K) to survive the heating rateW c either by radiation or jet expansion would demand a ‘jet’ wider than its length and so inconsistent with narrow lines. In the case of radiative cooling, the resultant IR flux would exceed the observed values by a factor ?104.
    4. Light scattered on the jet grain mass required would be highly polarized, contrary to observations, unless the jet was optically thick to grains, again precluding their radiative cooling.
    5. To avoid unacceptable precessional broadening of the gamma-ray lines demands an emitting jet length ?0.5 days atv=0.26c. This increases the necessary mass loss rate by a factor ?10 over the values obtained by RKL who assumed a 4-day ‘flare’.
    6. The model also predicts rest energy gamma-ray lines which are not observed.

    We examine the propagation of Alfvén waves in the solar atmosphere. The principal theoretical virtues of this work are: (i) The full wave equation is solved without recourse to the small-wavelength eikonal approximation (ii) The background solar atmosphere is realistic, consisting of an HSRA/VAL representation of the photosphere and chromosphere, a 200 km thick transition region, a model for the upper transition region below a coronal hole (provided by R. Munro), and the Munro-Jackson model of a polar coronal hole. The principal results are:
    1. If the wave source is taken to be near the top of the convection zone, where n H = 5.2 × 1016 cm?3, and if B = 10.5 G, then the wave Poynting flux exhibits a series of strong resonant peaks at periods downwards from 1.6 hr. The resonant frequencies are in the ratios of the zeroes of J 0, but depend on B , and on the density and scale height at the wave source. The longest period peaks may be the most important, because they are nearest to the supergranular periods and to the observed periods near 1 AU, and because they are the broadest in frequency.
    2. The Poynting flux in the resonant peaks can be large enough, i.e. P ≈ 104–105 erg cm?2s?1, to strongly affect the solar wind.
    3. ¦δv¦ and ¦δB¦ also display resonant peaks.
    4. In the chromosphere and low corona, ¦δv ≈ 7–25 kms?1 and ¦δB¦ ≈0.3–1.0 G if P ≈104-105 erg cm?2s?1.
    5. The dependences of ¦δv¦ and ¦δB¦ on height are reduced by finite wavelength effects, except near the wave source where they are enhanced.
    6. Near the base, ¦δB¦ ≈ 350–1200 G if P ~- 104–105. This means that nonlinear effects may be important, and that some density and vertical velocity fluctuations may be associated with the Alfvén waves.
    7. Below the low corona most wave energy is kinetic, except near the base where it becomes mostly magnetic at the resonances.
    8. ?0 < δv 2 > v A or < δB 2 > v A/4π are not good estimators of the energy flux.
    9. The Alfvén wave pressure tensor will be important in the transition region only if the magnetic field diverges rapidly. But the Alfvén wave pressure can be important in the coronal hole.

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