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按WMO提供的标准,提出了划分强爆发性增温(Sudden Stratospheric Warming,简称SSW)事件的指标,用NCEP/NCAR 30 hPa层逐日温度、高度资料,确定了1950-2002年1-3月期间的35次强SSW事件。在此基础上,给出了强SSW事件发生的气候及异常特征,并从北半球中高纬臭氧及日照年际变化及其年际异常出发,给出了这些特征的部分成因。 相似文献
平流层爆发性增温及其影响研究进展 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
平流层爆发性增温(stratospheric sudden warming,SSW)是冬季平流层大气环流结构的一种突变现象,在短时间内平流层中高纬度的温度、风和极涡都会发生剧烈变化。因此,SSW也就成为平流层大气环流及其变化研究的重要方面之一。在强SSW期间,高纬地区温度急剧升高,西风被东风取代,极涡几乎全部崩溃。SSW极大地影响着北半球对流层大气,甚至整个中高层大气,包括对平流层乃至中层大气微量气体分布的重要影响。随着临近空间飞行平台的研究应用,以及由此而提出的临近空间环境条件的保障问题,作为临近空间重要组成部分的平流层环流变化将更加引起人们的关注。本文就SSW的特征、发生机制、对上下层相互作用的重要影响,以及SSW与准两年振荡、ENSO等的密切关系和SSW的数值模拟等方面的研究工作,进行了回顾和总结。 相似文献
利用NCEP/NCAR第1套再分析资料,分析过去68 a(1948—2015年)平流层爆发性增温(Stratospheric Sudden Warming,SSW)频次、强度和环流特征的月际差异。统计结果表明:1948—2015年北半球共发生30次SSW,其集中发生在11—3月,而1—2月发生频次尤为集中,且SSW发生频次表现出显著的年代际变化特征。11—12月SSW比1—3月SSW的持续时间长。而3月SSW事件的强度最弱,持续时间最短。1月和3月SSW纬向平均信号下传得较深,而11月、12月和2月的环流信号仅能传到200 hPa。11—3月SSW爆发前1~2周500 hPa均观测到西太平洋遥相关型(Western Pacific,WP)的负位相;太平洋-北美遥相关型(Pacific-North America,PNA)的正位相仅仅出现在11月、12月和3月SSW爆发前。SSW爆发后1~2周,仅有11月、1月和3月的事件对应着负位相的北大西洋涛动(North Atlantic Oscillation,NAO)。 相似文献
平流层爆发性增温期间行星波的活动 总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4
利用逐日的NCEP再分析资料分析了1978~2004年期间发生的18次强爆发性增温时平流层中下层行星波1波和2波的异常以及极涡崩溃的形式.分析表明, 爆发性增温前期1波都异常增幅, 波振幅达到峰值之后的一段时间内发生爆发性增温, 然而在增温过程中行星波2波的变化却有明显不同, 可分为三种情况: (1) 在增温前期, 行星波2波很弱; 在增温期间, 行星波2波异常发展, 伴随着极涡崩溃的形式是由偏心型向偶极型过渡. (2) 在增温前期, 行星波2波较强; 在增温期间, 行星波2波明显减弱, 极涡的变化形式是远离极地, 在极地外围活动, 但不发生分裂.(3) 在增温前期, 行星波2波不太强; 在增温期间, 行星波2波有所发展, 但始终强不过1波, 极涡的变化是先偏离极地, 然后发生不对称的变形.作者还计算和分析了EP通量及其散度, 利用波流相互作用理论对这三种行星波的异常变化及其与爆发性增温的关系进行解释. 相似文献
该文对一个平流层和中间层的全球原始方程模式进行积分,考虑100百帕高度上的行星波强迫作用,平均纬向气流的特征分别取在赤道准两年振荡(QBO)的西风位相和东风位相。在100百帕60°N处取1波最大振幅从100米到400米的各种不同强迫作用下进行积分,对比QBO东西风位相的响应情况。在振幅为100米的弱波情形,QBO的位相对结果影响很小,无增暖产生,但在振幅为400米的强波情形,对结果影响虽也很小,但却可产生强的爆发性增温;在中等振幅(特别是约为250米)的强迫情形,模拟的西风和东风QBO两种情况都可产生大振幅波动和平流层增温。然而在东风位相时,增暖发生较早,并且波的变率大。这些结果与观测定性分析是一致的。 相似文献
2002/2003年与2003/2004年冬季爆发性增温期间的动力特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用ECMWF提供的60层气象场资料诊断分析了2002/2003和2003/2004年两个冬季的爆发性增温(stratospheric sudden warming,SSW)过程,比较了两次SSW期间高纬温度和纬向风的差异,计算了SSW期间的EP通量和剩余环流.结果表明:2003/2004年增温持续时间长、强度大,而2002/2003年则发生了波动;增温都是从平流层上层开始向下传播,但是2003/2004年高层极涡崩溃后迅速恢复,低层极涡恢复得慢,2002/2003年极涡在高层和低层都是缓慢恢复;SSW期间行星渡活动较多,2003/2004年极地EP通量的辐合引起东风长时间持续从而阻止了行星渡再次上传,而2002/2003年行星波则发生多次上传;2002/2003年SSW发生时高纬地区为下沉气流,没有形成环流圈,增温后形成逆时针的环流圈比2003/2004年偏低. 相似文献
青藏高原东北侧臭氧垂直分布与平流层-对流层物质交换 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
利用臭氧和温度探空廓线,结合NCEP/NCAR资料、TOMS臭氧总量卫星观测资料和NOAAHYSPLIT后向轨迹模式资料,通过个例分析探讨了影响青藏高原(下称高原)附近臭氧垂直分布的因子和过程。结果表明,动力过程是影响高原上空臭氧垂直分布的主要因子,特别是中高纬度高臭氧浓度的空气向南入侵会导致高原上空臭氧浓度的升高,影响高原上空臭氧低谷的范围大小和形态;尽管大气化学过程对高原上空的平流层下层臭氧垂直分布的影响并不显著,但是高原上空的平流层臭氧变化与温度变化具有较好的一致性。同时还发现,对流层上层的强反气旋系统,特别是中高纬度阻塞高压的边缘有明显的平流层空气向对流层入侵,从而导致对流层内臭氧浓度的增加。 相似文献
2003~2004年冬季平流层爆发性增温动力诊断分析 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
利用逐日的欧洲中尺度天气预报中心(ECMWF)60层模式资料, 对2003年12月~2004年2月期间发生的一次非典型的爆发性增温中平流层结构的变化过程进行动力学诊断分析。充分利用资料层次高(最高层为0.1 hPa)和垂直分辨率高(垂直方向共60层)的优势, 通过对不同高度等熵面位涡分布的分析, 研究了极涡在平流层爆发性增温(SSW)发生前后的变化发展; 通过对EP通量及其散度的分析, 研究了SSW过程中行星波的变化特点; 通过对剩余环流的分析, 研究了在SSW过程中经圈环流的变化及其对动力过程的影响。得出: (1) 2003/2004年SSW增温过程持续时间长、强度大; (2) 增温最早发生在平流层上层并向下传播, 在10 hPa形成较强东风带后, 上层西风环流迅速恢复, 极涡再度形成, 下层则增温持续; (3) SSW前后行星波活动频繁, 有长时间多次的上传, 且以1波作用为主, 2波对其进行了补充; (4) 在SSW过程前后, 平流层中的剩余环流发生反转, 影响了平流层中、 高纬地区和低纬地区的物质交换以及上下层物质的重新分配。这一系列的工作为今后进一步研究平流层、 对流层交换, 发展完善气候模式打下基础。 相似文献
利用一种新的工具,多尺度子空间变换(MWT),以及基于MWT的局地多尺度能量与涡度分析(MS-EVA)与Lorenz循环诊断方法,对2009年1月中下旬平流层发生的一次强爆发性增温(SSW)事件的内在动力学过程进行了研究。首先用MWT将各个场重构于三个尺度子空间,即平均尺度、爆发性增温尺度(或SSW尺度)和天气尺度子空间上。结果表明,极地迅速增长的温度主要是由于SSW尺度子空间上极区内的斜压不稳定引起的正则传输(有效位能从平均尺度子空间传输到SSW尺度子空间)造成的,显著增加的有效位能(APE)转换到了SSW尺度子空间的动能(KE)中,加之快速增温前极区内正压不稳定引起的正则传输(动能从平均尺度子空间传输到SSW尺度子空间)的作用,共同导致了极夜急流的反转。 相似文献
Transient Characteristics of Residual Meridional Circulation during Stratospheric Sudden Warming 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The residual meridional circulation derived from the transformed Eulerian-mean thermodynamic equation and continuity equation can be separated into two parts,the slowly varying diabatic circulation and the transient circulation,as demonstrated by others.We calculated and composite-analyzed the transient and diabatic circulation for 14 stratospheric sudden warming(SSW) events from 1979-2002 by using the daily ECMWF reanalysis data.Specifically,the transient residual meridional circulation was calculated both with and without inclusion of the eddy heat transport term in the transformed Eulerian-mean thermodynamic equation to investigate the importance of the eddy heat transport term.The results showed that calculations of transient residual meridional circulation present rapid variations during SSWs,with or without inclusion of the eddy heat transport term.Although the patterns of transient residual meridional circulation with the eddy heat transport term were similar to that without the eddy heat transport term during SSW,the magnitudes in the upper stratosphere and high-latitude regions differed.As for the diabatic circulation,its daily variations were small during SSW events,and its patterns were in agreement with its monthly average. 相似文献
Middle Stratospheric Polar Vortex Ozone Budget during the Warming Arctic Winter, 2002--2003 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The ozone budget inside the middle stratospheric polar vortex(24-36 km) during the 2002-2003 Arctic winter is studied by analyzing Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding(MIPAS) satellite data.A comprehensive global chemical transport model(Model for Ozone and Related Chemical Tracers,MOZART-3) is used to analyze the observed variation in polar vortex ozone during the stratospheric sudden warming(SSW) events.Both MIPAS measurement and MOZART-3 calculation show that a pronounced increase(26-28 DU) in the polar vortex ozone due to the SSW events.Due to the weakening of the polar vortex,the exchange of ozone mass across the edge of the polar vortex increases substantially and amounts to about 3.0× 107 kg according to MOZART-3 calculation.The enhanced downward transport offsets about 80% of polar vortex ozone mass increase by horizontal transport.A "passive ozone" experiment shows that only ~55% of the vertical ozone mass flux in February and March can be attributed to the variation in vertical transport.It is also shown that the enhanced downward ozone above ~32 km should be attributed to the springtime photochemical ozone production.Due to the increase of air temperature,the NOx reaction rate increases by 40%-80% during the SSW events.As a result,NOx catalytic cycle causes another 44% decrease in polar vortex ozone compared to the net ozone changes due to dynamical transport.It is also shown that the largest change in polar vortex ozone is due to horizontal advection by planetary waves in January 2003. 相似文献
This study investigates the spatial and temporal variability of global stratospheric gravity waves (GWs) and the characteristics of GW activity during sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) using the GPS radio occultation measurements from the COSMIC mission during September 2006 to May 2013. Corresponding to the COSMIC RO observational window and analysis method, GW potential energy (Ep) with vertical scales no shorter than ~2 km is resolved. It is found that the distributions of GW Ep over 20-30 km and 30-38 km show similar spatial and seasonal variations. The variations of GW Ep with altitude and latitude along the westerly wind are identified in different seasons over 60°-80°W. In the middle and high latitudes, seasonal cycles are distinct in the time-latitude and time-altitude distributions of GW activities, which show larger Ep in winters when westerly wind dominates and smaller Ep in summers when easterly wind dominates. The influence of quasi-biennial oscillation on GW activity is recognized in the tropics. GW Ep enhances closely following the occurrence of minor SSW events; while during major events, GW Ep may not enhance, and sometimes may even weaken, in the regions where reversals of zonal wind occur, probably caused by the filtering impact of the 0 m s-1 wind level on the GWs. 相似文献
The local features of transient kinetic energy and available potential energy were investigated using ECMWF(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) Interim Reanalysis data for the stratospheric sudden warming(SSW) event of January 2009.The Western Europe high plays important roles in the propagation of the energy from North America to Eurasian.When the Western Europe high appeared and shifted eastward,energy conversions increased and energy propagated from North America to Eurasian as a form of interaction energy flow.The baroclinic conversion between transient-eddy kinetic energy(Ke) and transient-eddy available potential energy(Ae) and the horizontal advection of geopotential height were approximately one order of magnitude less than Ke and Ae generation terms.So,these terms were less important to this SSW event. 相似文献
As the strongest subseasonal atmospheric variability during boreal winter, three remarkable sudden stratospheric major warming(SSW) events in the 2000 s are investigated in terms of the Brewer–Dobson circulation(BDC) response. Our study shows that the changes of cross-isentropic velocity during the SSWs are not only confined to the polar region, but also extend to the whole Northern Hemisphere: enhanced descent in the polar region, as well as enhanced ascent in the tropics. When the acceleration of the deep branch of the BDC descends to the middle stratosphere, its strength rapidly decreases over a period of one to two weeks. The acceleration of the deep branch of the BDC is driven by the enhanced planetary wave activity in the mid-to-high-latitude stratosphere. Different from the rapid response of the deep branch of the BDC, tropical upwelling in the lower stratosphere accelerates up to 20%–40% compared with the climatology, 20–30 days after the onset of the SSWs,and the acceleration lasts for one to three months. The enhancement of tropical upwelling is associated with the large-scale wave-breaking in the subtropics interacting with the midlatitude and tropical Quasi-Biennial Oscillation–related mean flow. 相似文献
Using the World Meteorological Organization definition and a threshold-based classification technique,simulations of vortex displacement and split sudden stratospheric warmings(SSWs)are evaluated for four Chinese models(BCC-CSM2-MR,FGOALS-f3-L,FGOALS-g3,and NESM3)from phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6)with the Japanese 55-year reanalysis(JRA-55)as a baseline.Compared with six or seven SSWs in a decade in JRA-55,three models underestimate the SSW frequency by~50%,while NESM3 doubles the SSW frequency.SSWs mainly appear in midwinter in JRA-55,but one-month climate drift is simulated in the models.The composite of splits is stronger than displacements in both the reanalysis and most models due to the longer pulse of positive eddy heat flux before onset of split SSWs.A wavenumber-1-like temperature anomaly pattern(cold Eurasia,warm North America)before onset of displacement SSWs is simulated,but cold anomalies are mainly confined to North America after displacement SSWs.Although the lower tropospheric temperature also displays a wavenumber-1-like pattern before split SSWs,most parts of Eurasia and North America are covered by cold anomalies after split SSWs in JRA-55.The models have different degrees of fidelity for the temperature anomaly pattern before split SSWs,but the wavenumber-2-like temperature anomaly pattern is well simulated after split SSWs.The center of the negative height anomalies in the Pacific sector before SSWs is sensitive to the SSW type in both JRA-55 and the models.A negative North Atlantic Oscillation is simulated after both types of SSWs in the models,although it is only observed for split SSWs. 相似文献
YANG Jingmei 《大气和海洋科学快报》2009,2(1):51-56
Based on the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) II and the Halogen Occultation Ex-periment (HALOE) ozone profiles and the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) total ozone data sets,the characteristics and variations of the vertical distribution of stratospheric ozone covering the latitude bands of 50oN±5oN,40oN±5oN,30oN±5oN,and 20oN±5oN and the longitude range of 75-135oE are investigated.The results indicate that the ozone distribution pattern over China not only has general behaviors,but also has particular char-acteristics.In view of the situation that ozone distribu-tions have substantial deviation from zonal symmetry in northern China,the differences of the vertical ozone dis-tribution between the east and the west part of northern China are studied.The results indicate that during winter,spring,and autumn,in the latitude bands of 50oN±5oN,40oN±5oN,ozone concentrations in the eastern part (105 -135oE) are obviously higher than those of the west (75-105oE) at the altitudes of ozone density maximum and below;during summer,in the latitude band of 50oN±5oN,the east-west ozone profile difference is small,but in the latitude band of 40oN±5oN,the east-west total ozone difference becomes as large as 14.0 DU,and the east-west ozone profile difference mainly exists in the lowermost stratosphere and troposphere. 相似文献