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Strong benthic–pelagic coupling is an important characteristic of shallow coastal marine ecosystems. Building upon a rich history of benthic metabolism data, we measured oxygen uptake and nutrient fluxes across the sediment–water interface along a gradient of water column primary production in Narragansett Bay, RI (USA). Despite the strong gradients seen in water column production, sediment oxygen demand (SOD) and benthic nutrient fluxes did not exhibit a clear spatial pattern. Some of our sites had been studied in the 1970s and 1980s and thus allowed historical comparison. At these sites, we found that SOD and benthic fluxes have not changed uniformly throughout Narragansett Bay. In the uppermost portion of the bay, the Providence River Estuary, we observed a significant decrease in dissolved inorganic phosphorus fluxes which we attribute to management interventions. At another upper bay site, we observed significant declines in SOD and dissolved inorganic nitrogen fluxes which may be linked to climate-induced decreases in water column primary production and shifts in bloom phenology. In the 1970s, benthic nutrient regeneration supplied 50% to over 200% of the N and P needed to support primary production by phytoplankton. Summer nutrient regeneration in the Providence River Estuary and Upper bay now may only supply some 5–30% of the N and 3–20% of the P phytoplankton demand.  相似文献   

Benthic and Pelagic Primary Production in Different Nutrient Regimes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Benthic flora can contribute significantly to gross primary production (GPP) of shallow coastal waters where light reaches the sea bottom. We quantified and compared benthic and pelagic GPP along nutrient gradients in time and space in the shallow estuary, Limfjorden, Denmark, based on monitoring data combined with historical information. Limfjorden experienced a shift from a pristine, benthic-dominated clear water regime with high total GPP in the early twentieth century to a eutrophic, plankton-dominated regime still with high total GPP in the 1980s when nutrient loadings peaked. Recent reductions in nutrient loadings reduced pelagic GPP, particularly in spring, but water clarity and benthic GPP did not increase correspondingly, so total GPP declined. The most nutrient-rich basins have remained plankton-dominated, with benthic vegetation constrained to shallow waters. The results support existing evidence that total GPP of shallow coastal areas does not increase systematically with eutrophication. Furthermore, the results suggest that total GPP may decline temporarily during oligotrophication as pelagic GPP declines, while feedback mechanisms delay or prevent restoration to a state with benthic dominance of GPP.  相似文献   

Benthic fluxes of C, N, P and Si have been measured at two sites in Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire. Higher fluxes of reactive phosphate, nitrate and reactive silicate were observed at the site where bioturbation is known to occur and the fluxes of NH4 +, PO4 ?3 and reactive silicate at this location were from 3 to 6 times higher than that calculated by simple pore water diffusion models. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY019 00010  相似文献   

Annual mean salinity, light availability, and sediment depth to bedrock structured the submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) communities in subtropical mangrove-lined estuaries. Three distinct SAV communities (i.e., Chara group, Halodule group, and Low SAV coverage group) were identified along the Everglades–Florida Bay ecotone and related to water quality using a discriminant function model that predicted the type of plant community at a given site from salinity, light availability, and sediment depth to bedrock. Mean salinity alone was able to correctly classify 78% of the sites and reliably separated the Chara group from the Halodule group. The addition of light availability and sediment depth to bedrock increased model accuracy to 90% and further distinguished the Chara group from the Halodule group. Light availability was uniquely valuable in separating the Chara group from the Low SAV coverage group. Regression analyses identified significant relationships between phosphorus concentration, phytoplankton abundance, and light availability and suggest that a decline in water transparency, associated with increasing salinity, may have also contributed to the historical decline of Chara communities in the region. This investigation applies relationships between environmental variables and SAV distribution and provides a case study into the application of these general principals to ecosystem management.  相似文献   

Based on in situ microprofiles, chamber incubations and eddy covariance measurements, we investigated the benthic carbon mineralization and nutrient regeneration in a ~65-m-deep sedimentation basin of Loch Etive, UK. The sediment hosted a considerable amount of infauna that was dominated by the brittle star A. filiformis. The numerous burrows were intensively irrigated enhancing the benthic in situ O2 uptake by ~50 %, and inducing highly variable redox conditions and O2 distribution in the surface sediment as also documented by complementary laboratory-based planar optode measurements. The average benthic O2 exchange as derived by chamber incubations and the eddy covariance approach were similar (14.9 ± 2.5 and 13.1 ± 9.0 mmol m?2 day?1) providing confidence in the two measuring approaches. Moreover, the non-invasive eddy approach revealed a flow-dependent benthic O2 flux that was partly ascribed to enhanced ventilation of infauna burrows during periods of elevated flow rates. The ratio in exchange rates of ΣCO2 and O2 was close to unity, confirming that the O2 uptake was a good proxy for the benthic carbon mineralization in this setting. The infauna activity resulted in highly dynamic redox conditions that presumably facilitated an efficient degradation of both terrestrial and marine-derived organic material. The complex O2 dynamics of the burrow environment also concurrently stimulated nitrification and coupled denitrification rates making the sediment an efficient sink for bioavailable nitrogen. Furthermore, bioturbation mediated a high efflux of dissolved phosphorus and silicate. The study documents a high spatial and temporal variation in benthic solute exchange with important implications for benthic turnover of organic carbon and nutrients. However, more long-term in situ investigations with like approaches are required to fully understand how environmental events and spatio-temporal variations interrelate to the overall biogeochemical functioning of coastal sediments.  相似文献   

Eutrophication plays a crucial role in coastal systems, driving changes in the composition and abundance of flora and fauna with consequent effects for the entire ecosystem. Sensitive to nutrient levels, micro- and macroalgal blooms serve as valuable indicators of eutrophication. The San Antonio Bay (Northern Argentinean Patagonia, 40° 43′ S, 64° 56′ W) provides an appropriate system to study in situ eutrophication processes on coastal communities. In a multi-scale approach, using two different kind of settlement substrates (micro: polyethylene terephthalate, and macro: ceramic), the present study followed benthic algal dynamics over one year, distinguishing changes in natural succession and seasonality. Strong differences were found in the biofilm assemblages after three days, marked by tube dwelling diatoms and Cocconeis spp. under high nutrient-grazer conditions and needle like diatoms (e.g. Nitzschia spp., Tabularia spp.) under lower nutrient-grazer loads. The succession continued by the colonization of macroalgae, with a higher recruitment rate in the nutrient and grazer rich environment with a concomitant higher diversity. Our results show that under higher nutrient-grazer conditions natural benthic succession not only differs in trajectory but in its final taxa composition promoting higher biodiversity and biomass accumulation. In addition, taxa specific substrate preferences interfere with the observed eutrophication pattern, suggesting substrate dependant interrelations between the bloom forming taxa. These findings provide evidence that nutrient enrichment can not only affect an established assemblage but also affect the early succession stages, changing the succession trajectory and thus the final assemblage.  相似文献   

In situ benthic flux chamber experiments were performed during late austral spring and early summer of 1996 at eleven nearshore locations in the southern Patos Lagoon, Brazil. The Patos Lagoon is the largest lagoonal system in South America and is a very important nursery ground for local fin fish and shell fish fisheries. These are the first benthic flux measurements made in Patos Lagoon and they suggest that remineralizationwithin the sediments may dominate the recycling of organic matter and nutrients in thelagoon. Measured oxygen benthic fluxes (45–160 mmol m-2 d-1) are sufficientto remineralize reported mean water column carbon fixation while phosphate and fixednitrogen benthic fluxes (-0.4–2 and -1.1–4.2 mmol m-2 d-1, respectively)are sufficient to supply 100% and 25% of the required water column nutrient demand,respectively. Although of limited areal and temporal coverage, these initial studiesdemonstrate that sediments play a major role in the metabolism and nutrient cyclingwithin the Patos Lagoon Estuary and that future studies of lagoonal biogeochemistrymust consider exchange with the bottom.  相似文献   

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is now recognized as an important source of nutrients and freshwater to some coastal environments. We studied a shallow coastal lagoon (Little Lagoon, AL, USA) in the northern Gulf of Mexico that lacks riverine inputs but has been suspected to receive significant SGD. We observed persistent salinity gradients between the east and west ends of the lagoon and the pass connecting it to the Gulf of Mexico. Covariance between salinity in the lagoon and the groundwater tracer 222Rn indicated that SGD was responsible for the salinity gradients and is the primary source of freshwater to the lagoon. Cluster analysis of 246 biweekly samples based on temperature, salinity, and two proxies of SGD revealed two hydrographic regimes with different drivers for nutrient inputs. In samples characterized by high discharge and low temperatures (generally December–April), total nitrogen (TN) was negatively correlated with salinity, while total phosphorus (TP) was positively correlated with temperature. Total nitrogen in the groundwater was very high (0.36–4.80 mM) while total phosphorus was relatively low (0.3–2.3 μM), consistent with SGD as the source of TN during the high-discharge periods. In periods with low discharge and higher temperatures (approx. May–November), TN and TP had strong positive correlations with temperature and are inferred to originate from benthic efflux. Seasonal changes in nutrient stoichiometry in the lagoon water column also indicate an alternation between low TN/TP sediments and high TN/TP groundwater as the primary sources of nitrogen in this system.  相似文献   

The applicability of the natural abundance of nitrogen gas isotope ratios was used to indicate the spatial distribution of nitrogen transformations in the water column and sediment pore waters of Lake Ngapouri, a small (area 0.19 km2), monomictic, eutrophic lake in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, North Island, New Zealand. Samples were collected from the epilimnion, hypolimnion, benthic boundary layer and at 5-cm intervals from the sediment pore waters at monthly intervals for 1 year. Values of δ15N [N2] ranged from −1 to 0.28‰ in the epilimnion, −1.5 to 1.25‰ in the hypolimnion, −1.8 to 12.2‰ in the benthic boundary layer and −0.7 to 3.5‰ in sediment pore waters. Values of δ15N [N2] showed a strong seasonal pattern that was related to the loss of dissolved oxygen in the hypolimnion during seasonal stratification. Increases in 15N-enriched dinitrogen take place in the benthic boundary layer during the periods of anoxia (taken to be dissolved oxygen concentrations <6.3 μM) and may be related to abundant ammonium substrate (up to 275 μM) to support denitrification. Nitrate concentrations increased up to 36 μM with increasing duration of anoxia. We hypothesise that an alternative electron acceptor besides oxygen is required to support the nitrification needed for the production of nitrate. Iron and manganese hydroxides and oxides from material sedimenting out of the water column may have induced chemo-nitrification sufficient to oxidise ammonium in the anoxic benthic boundary layer. The nitrate formed would mostly be rapidly denitrified so that the δ15N [N2] would continue to become enriched during the presence of anoxia, as observed in hypolimnion and benthic boundary layer of Lake Ngapouri. The changes in δ15N [N2] values indicate the potential use of isotope ratios to identify and quantify potential chemo-nitrification/denitrification in the water column and sediment pore waters of lakes.  相似文献   

In summer 2009, the effects of 6 years of landscape-level experimental nutrient enrichment on the eastern mudsnail, Nassarius obsoletus (formerly Ilyanassa obsoleta), were examined. The experiment was conducted in five tidal creeks (two nutrient-enriched, three reference creeks) in the Plum Island Estuary, Massachusetts, USA. (42°44′ N, 70°52′ W). After 6 years of enrichment, N. obsoletus size structure differed between treatment creeks with adult snails on average 14 % larger in enriched creeks. N. obsoletus densities (in individuals per square meter) and biomass (in grams dry weight per square meter) were four times higher in nutrient-enriched versus reference creeks. Nutrient enrichment did not significantly affect the biomass of benthic microalgae (a N. obsoletus food resource), but snail density was significantly correlated with benthic microalgal biomass, suggesting bottom–up control of snails. N. obsoletus is abundant on the east and west coast of North America; thus, N. obsoletus density and biomass may be useful variables for monitoring eutrophication effects on North American estuaries.  相似文献   

地下水的资源功能与易遭污染脆弱性空间关系研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本文以滹滏平原为研究区,从地下水资源功能和地下水易遭污染脆弱性内在联系为切入点,采用统计分析的方法,探讨地下水的资源功能与易遭污染脆弱性关系.结果表明,当地下水资源功能为一般时,地下水易遭污染脆弱性为一般或较低;地下水资源功能强或较弱时,地下水易遭污染脆弱性较高;地下水资源功能较强和弱时,地下水易遭污染脆弱性较低.当地下水易遭污染脆弱性一般时,地下水资源功能为一般或较强;地下水易遭污染脆弱性高或低时,地下水资源功能较弱;地下水易遭污染脆弱性较高或较低时,地下水资源功能强或较弱.然后从地下水补给和含水层状况等二者之间共有的评价指标分析了地下水资源功能较低和脆弱性低时形成多种对应关系的机理.  相似文献   

Coastal wetlands, well recognized for their ecosystem services, have faced many threats throughout the USA and elsewhere. While managers require good information on the net impact of these combined stressors on wetlands, little such information exists. We conducted a 4-month mesocosm study to analyze the multiple stressor effects of precipitation changes, sea level rise, and eutrophication on the salt marsh plant Spartina alterniflora. Pots containing plants in an organic soil matrix were positioned in tanks and received Narragansett Bay (RI, USA) water. The study simulated three precipitation levels (ambient daily rain, biweekly storm, and drought), three levels of tidal inundations (high (15 cm below mean high water (MHW)), mean (MHW), and low (15 cm above MHW)), and two nutrient enrichment levels (unenriched and nutrient-enriched bay water). Our results demonstrate that storm and drought stressors led to significantly less above- and belowground biomass than those in ambient rain conditions. Plants that were flooded at high inundation had less belowground biomass, fine roots, and shoots. Nutrients had no detectable effect on aboveground biomass, but the enriched pots had higher stem counts and more fine roots than unenriched pots, in addition to greater CO2 emission rates; however, the unenriched pots had significantly more coarse roots and rhizomes, which help to build peat in organogenic marshes. These results suggest that multiple stressors of altered precipitation, sea level rise, and nutrient enrichment would lead to reduced marsh sustainability.  相似文献   

P.F. Williams 《Tectonophysics》1976,30(3-4):181-196
The relationship between various types of axial-plane foliation, strain history and finite strain are considered from a theoretical point of view. It is concluded that foliations (including slaty cleavage and schistosity) will not be precisely parallel to a principal plane of finite strain in the general case. There are however, a number of special cases that are geologically feasible and these are discussed.  相似文献   

滇池湖滨带叶绿素a与营养盐空间分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凌祯 《水文》2020,40(1):76-80
为探讨滇池湖滨带叶绿素a与营养盐空间分布特征及其对滇池水体富营养化的影响,在滇池湖滨带设置21个采样点进行水质调查,采集滇池水样,分析测定总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、化学需氧量(CODCr)、叶绿素a(Chla)和悬浮固体(SS)。结果表明:滇池湖滨带水体TN、TP、CODCr、Chla、SS浓度均值的空间分布存在差异,叶绿素a空间分布呈现北高南低,西高东低的趋势。滇池湖滨带的北部和东部水体Chla与TN极显著相关,TN具有强变异性。南部和西部TN与CODCr、TP显著相关,南部Chla与营养盐空间变异性较小,污染风险相对较小。按照"一区一策"的原则,滇池北部和东部湖滨带富营养化以控制TN的水平为主,南部、西部的富营养化防控则需要控制整体营养盐元素浓度。  相似文献   

设计模式被认为是面向对象技术的“刀刃”部分,是针对在特定场景下,特定问题的可重复、可表达的解决方案。论文正是本着设计模式“关注场景,包容变化”和嵌入式GIS“服务特定应用”的原则,针对每一种模式的设计意图和特点,着重分析讨论抽象工厂、适配器、模板等方法在嵌入式GIS空间数据管理中的应用和设计过程。  相似文献   

Many Gulf of Mexico estuaries have low ratios of water volume to bottom surface area, and benthic processes in these systems likely have a major influence on system structure and function. The purpose of this study was to determine the spatiotemporal distribution of biomass and community composition of subtidal benthic microalgal (BMA) communities in Galveston Bay, TX, USA, compare BMA community composition and biomass to phytoplankton in overlying waters, and estimate the potential contribution of BMA to the trophodynamics in this shallow, turbid, subtropical estuary. The estimates of BMA biomass (mean = 4.21 mg Chl a m−2) for Galveston Bay were within the range of the reported values for similar Gulf of Mexico estuaries. BMA biomass in the central part of the bay was essentially homogeneous, whereas biomass at the seaward and upper bay ends of the transect were significantly lower. Peridinin, fucoxanthin, and alloxanthin were the three carotenoids with the highest concentrations, with fucoxanthin having the highest mean concentration (1.82 mg m−2). The seaward and landward ends of the transect differed from the central region of the bay with respect to the relative abundances of chlorophytes, cyanobacteria, and photosynthetic bacteria. Benthic microalgal community composition also showed a gradual shift over time due to changes in the relative abundances of photosynthetic bacteria, cryptophytes, dinoflagellates, and cyanobacteria. Major changes in community composition occurred in the spring months (March to April). On an areal basis, BMA biomass in Galveston Bay occurred at minor concentrations (16.5%) relative to phytoplankton. Furthermore, the concentrations of carotenoid pigments for phytoplankton and BMA (fucoxanthin, alloxanthin, and zeaxanthin) were correlated (r = 0.48 to 0.61), suggesting a close linkage between microalgae in the water column and sediments. The contribution of BMA to the primary productivity of the deeper waters (>2 m) of Galveston Bay is probably very small in comparison to shallower waters along the bay margins. The significant similarities in the community composition of phytoplankton and BMA illustrate the potential importance of deposition and resuspension processes in this turbid, shallow estuary.  相似文献   

里德尔剪切的组合型式与走滑盆地组合型式的相似性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
走滑断裂体系中经常发育里德尔剪切的断裂组合,世界上不同构造背景下与走滑断裂相关的盆地(走滑盆地)也很多见。因此里德尔剪切是地质构造研究中的重要方面。我们从三个方面对里德尔剪切的节理构造组合及盆地组合进行了对比:(1)里德尔剪切构造组合与比例尺无关。里德尔剪切带的(转换)拉张区与沉积盆地的分布区是相似的;(2)断裂的最大位移区与断陷盆地的沉积中心是一致的,断陷盆地长轴平行于断裂走向;(3)物理模拟试验及数学模拟试验都证实了走滑盆地的演化。基于上述认识,我们通过厘米级岩芯标本的观察,结合已发表的盆地资料,提出了6类与里德尔剪切有关的构造组合及断陷盆地组合。(1)雁列状构造及盆地组合:许多盆地发育雁列状构造。同时,与里德尔剪切相关的雁列状盆地的宽度与主剪切断裂的剪切位移呈正相关。(2)帚状或马尾状构造及盆地组合:二者在形态上相似,所以归为一类。成因上,马尾状构造及盆地主要发育在走滑断裂的拉张端部,而帚状构造或盆地反映走滑断裂的旋扭作用,可以在走滑断裂影响区域的任何部位。(3)串珠状构造及盆地组合:该类型的盆地主要是指释压盆地的组合,拉分盆地也可以形成串珠状盆地。(4)S状或Z状构造或盆地组合:左行走滑形成Z状构造或盆地,而右行走划形成S状构造或盆地。(5)多字型构造及盆地组合:是拉分盆地的典型组合,可以过渡到串珠状盆地。(6)复杂的网状构造及盆地组合:通常是由于分布型简单剪切的作用结果。以上盆地组合类型包括大型盆地内次级单元(次级盆地或更次级盆地)的组合,但不包括多成因、多期活动的构造及盆地。  相似文献   

Three types of enrichment processes may be distinguished inspinel peridotite mantle xenoliths from the West Eifel (Germany):
  1. Enrichmentof light rare earth elements (LREE) occurs in wholerocks andclinopyroxenes in conjunction with the formation ofTi-pooramphiboles (<0•5%) in a low-tempetature suite(900C).
  2. Enrichment in high field strength elements (HFSE; Ti and Hf)is associated with strong zoning of TiO2 in amphibole adjacentto mica hornblendite veins. A reheating from 900 to 1050C associatedwith this vein formation is reflected by the zoning profilesin orthopyroxenes with Ca, Al, and Cr increasing from core torim.
  3. Moderate enrichment of LREE without amphibole formationin ahigh-temperature suite (1125C) is observed at the contactofperidotites to pyroxenite veins yielding the same temperature.
  4. Based on geochemical and isotopic evidence, enrichment process(1) is inferred to be due to interaction of peridotites fromthe subcrustal lithosphere with low-density fluids. Process(2) represents a subsequent interaction of amphibole-bearingperidotites formed during the first process with basic meltsmoving through a system of cross-cutting dykes and veins. Processes(2) and (3) are linked to the Quaternary West Eifel volcanism.Geothermobarometry of the xenoliths shows that these processesare related to different depth regimes of the lower lithosphere.

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