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Groundwater is the most important natural resource used for drinking by many people around the world, especially in rural areas. In Tunisia, since the quantity and the quality of water available for different uses is variable from one place to another, groundwater quality in El Khairat deep aquifer was evaluated for its suitability for drinking purposes. To this end, an attempt has been made for the first time in order to determine spatial distribution of groundwater quality parameters and to identify places with the best quality for drinking within the study area based on: (1) an integrated analysis of physical?Cchemical parameters, (2) use of Geographical Information System, and (3) Water Quality Index (WQI) calculation. The physical?Cchemical results were compared with the World Health Organization (WHO) standards for drinking and public health, in order to have an overview of the present groundwater quality. According to the overall assessment of the basin, almost all the parameters analyzed are above the desirable limits of WHO. Using GIS contouring methods with Arcview 3.2a, spatial distribution maps of pH, TDS, EC, TH, Cl, HCO3, SO4, NO3, Ca, Mg, Na, and K have been created. The spatial analysis of groundwater quality patterns of the study area shows that the TDS value increases from north-west to south-east following the general trend of the Khairat aquifer flow direction. The spatial distribution map of TH shows that a majority of the groundwater samples falls in the very hard category. WQI was used to assess the suitability of groundwater from the study area for human consumption. From the WQI assessment, over 82% of the water samples fall within the ??Poor?? and ??Very poor?? categories, suggesting that groundwater from the south-eastern of the El Khairat deep aquifer is unsuitable for drinking purposes.  相似文献   

The multilayered Djeffara aquifer system, south-eastern Tunisia, has been intensively used as a primary source to meet the growing needs of the various sectors (drinking, agricultural and industrial purposes). The analysis of groundwater chemical characteristics provides much important information useful in water resources management. Detailed knowledge of the geochemical evolution of groundwater and assessing the water quality status for special use are the main objective of any water monitoring study. An attempt has been made for the first time in this region to characterize aquifer behavior and appreciate the quality and/or the suitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation purposes. In order to attend this objective, a total of 54 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed during January 2008 for the major cations (sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium), anions (chloride, sulfate, bicarbonate), trace elements (boron, strontium and fluoride), and physicochemical parameters (temperature, pH, total dissolved salts and electrical conductivity). The evolution of chemical composition of groundwater from recharge areas to discharge areas is characterized by increasing sodium, chloride and sulfate contents as a result of leaching of evaporite rock. In this study, three distinct chemical trends in groundwater were identified. The major reactions responsible for the chemical evolution of groundwater in the investigated area fall into three categories: (1) calcite precipitation, (2) gypsum and halite dissolution, and (3) ion exchange. Based on the physicochemical analyses, irrigation quality parameters such as sodium absorption ratio (SAR), percentage of sodium, residual sodium carbonate, residual sodium bicarbonate, and permeability index (PI) were calculated. In addition, groundwater quality maps were elabortaed using the geographic information system to delineate spatial variation in physico-chemical characteristics of the groundwater samples. The integration of various dataset indicates that the groundwater of the Djeffara aquifers of the northern Gabes is generally very hard, brackish and high to very high saline and alkaline in nature. The water suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes was evaluated by comparing the values of different water quality parameters with World Health Organization (WHO) guideline values for drinking water. Piper trilinear diagram was constructed to identify groundwater groups where the relative major anionic and cationic concentrations are expressed in percentage of the milliequivalent per liter (meq/l), and it was demonstrated that the majority of the samples belongs to SO4–Cl–Ca–Na, Cl–SO4–Na–Ca and Na–Cl hydrochemical facies. As a whole, all the analyzed waters from this groundwater have revealed that this water is unsuitable for drinking purposes when comparing to the drinking water standards. Salinity, high electric conductivity, sodium adsorption ratio and sodium percentages indicate that most of the groundwater samples are inappropriate for irrigation. The SAR vary from medium (S2) to very high (S4) sodicity. Therefore, the water of the Djeffara aquifers of the northern Gabes is dominantly of the C4–S2 class representing 61.23 % of the total wells followed by C4–S3 and C4–S4 classes at 27.27 and 11.5 % of the wells, respectively. Based on the US Salinity Classification, most of the groundwater is unsuitable for irrigation due to its high salt content, unless certain measures for salinity control are undertaken.  相似文献   

In this work, we present results of the hydrogeochemical and isotopic studies on groundwater samples from the El Ma El Abiod Sandstone aquifer, in Tébessa, Algeria. Chemical and environmental isotope data are presented and discussed in order to identify the geochemical processes and their relation with groundwater quality as well as to get an insight into the hydrochemical evaluation, in space and time, of groundwater and of the origin of dissolved species. A combined hydrogeologic and isotopic investigation have been carried out using chemical and isotopic data to deduce a hydrochemical evaluation of the aquifer system based on the ionic constituents, water types, hydrochemical facies, and factors controlling groundwater quality. All of the investigated groundwaters are categorized into two chemical types: low mineralized water type and relatively high mineralized water type. Interpretation of chemical data, based on thermodynamic calculations and geochemical reaction models of selected water groups constructed using PHREEQC, suggest that the chemical evolution of groundwater is primarily controlled by water–rock interactions, involving (1) acidic weathering of aluminosilicates, (2) dissolution of secondary carbonate minerals, and (3) cation exchange of Na+ for Ca2+. However, the original composition of groundwater may have been modified by further secondary processes such as mixing of chemically different water masses. The combined use of SI and mass-balance modeling has shown to be a useful approach in interpreting groundwater hydrochemistry in an area where large uncertainties exist in the understanding of the groundwater flow system. Interpretation of 18O and 2H, suggest that the recharge of the investigated groundwaters may result from different mechanisms.  相似文献   

With the increased demand for groundwater resulting from fast demographic growth, accelerated urbanization, economic and agricultural activity diversification, and the increase of per capita consumption, ground water resources, in particular in coastal regions, remain relatively low, compared to demand. The groundwater quality and piezometric variations result mainly from intensive exploitation, agricultural activities and the intrusion of seawater. This phenomenon is observed mostly in semi-arid areas, such as the oriental Sahel of Tunisia, where an apparent reduction in rainfall in recent years can be seen. Groundwater becomes overexploited especially as its natural recharge by rainwater does not succeed in maintaining the hydrologic balance. The imbalance between water demand and resources induces the degradation of the water quality. In such a case, the artificial recharge of water-table aquifers by water from dams is a credible alternative to improve the hydrodynamic and physicochemical conditions of the groundwater. Like most coastal aquifers, the Teboulba water-table aquifer is threatened by overexploitation for at least three decades. This threat appears by a considerable piezometric level drop and by water salinisation, due to seawater intrusion. Given this alarming situation, since 1971, artificial recharge through wells with surface water from a dam was tested in order to restore the water levels and to improve water quality. The piezometric and chemical surveys of the Teboulba aquifer permitted one to describe the temporal and spatial piezometric and geochemical conditions of the aquifer and to show the effect of the artificial recharge. Indeed, the artificial recharge undertaken since 1971 made the geochemical and piezometric conditions of the Teboulba aquifer improve. This example is a rare, well-documented case-study of the benefits of artificial recharge in a coastal aquifer, over the long term.  相似文献   

A total of twenty-three water samples were collected in winter 2013 to assess groundwater quality in the Oued Rmel aquifer in the Zaghouan governate in Tunisia. These samples were subject to in-field measurements of some physico-chemical parameters (temperature, pH, and salinity), and laboratory analysis of major elements. Several parameters were used to assess the quality of water destined for irrigation, including electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). As part of this work, GIS was used to study spatial distributions of SAR, EC, residual sodium carbonate, sodium percentage (%Na), Doneen’s permeability index, Kelly’s ratio, and magnesium hazard and, therefore, evaluated the water quality of Oued Rmel (good, fair, or poor) regarding irrigation. The major ions most abundantly found in the waters of Oued Rmel were in the following order: Na+?>?Ca2+?>?Mg2+?>?K+ and Cl??>?SO42??>?HCO3. 56% of water samples from the Oued Rmel aquifer showed a low alkalinization risk, where SAR was lower than 10, 39% have a medium soil destabilization risks (10?<?SAR?<?18), and just 5% indicated high alkalinity hazards (SAR?>?26). Samples of water intended for irrigation showed a medium to high sodicity and alkalinization risk. It is expected that output may help in assessing the impacts of water quality of the Oued Rmel aquifer used for irrigation.  相似文献   

Bardsir plain is located in the central part of Kerman Province of Iran. The relative prevalence of arsenic-related cancers, the high concentration of arsenic in nearby plains, as well as the recharge of this aquifer through the mountains composed of high-sulfide volcanic rocks have been motivations of the authors to study the concentration of this element in Bardsir plain. Arsenic concentration was measured in 63 groundwater samples using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry method. The results were evaluated through iso-concentration maps, correlation diagrams, and multivariate statistical methods. Accordingly, the concentration of arsenic ranges from 1.3 to 464.5 μg/l with an average value of 134.2 μg/l. So, the groundwaters are enriched with arsenic to much higher levels than permitted for than drinking water acceptable level (10 μg/l). The high arsenic levels in groundwaters of Bardsir plain are ascribed to joint influence of decomposition of sulfides present in mountainous volcanic rocks and the mixing with hydrothermal waters in some locations. Supposedly, the prevalence of higher than 8 pH values has enhanced the release of arsenic from Fe-hydroxides generated during sulfide weathering process.  相似文献   

The El Jadida landfill is one among many uncontrolled dumping sites in Morocco with no bottom liner. About 150 tons/day of solid wastes from mixed urban and industrial origins are placed directly on the ground. At the site of this landfill, the groundwaters circulate deeply (10–15 m) in the Cenomanian rock (calcareous–marl), which is characterised by an important permeability from cracks. The soil is sand–clay characterized by a weak coefficient of retention.The phreatic water ascends to the bottom of three quarries, which are located within the landfill. These circumstances, along with the lack of a leachate collection system, worsen the risks for a potential deterioration of the aquifer.To evaluate groundwater pollution due to this urban landfill, piezometric level and geochemical analyses have been monitored since 1999 on 60 wells. The landfill leachate has been collected from the three quarries that are located within the landfill. The average results of geochemical analyses show an important polluant charge vehiculed by landfill leachate (chloride = 5680 mg l−1, chemical oxygen demand = 1000 mg l−1, iron = 23 000 μg l−1). They show also an important qualitative degradation of the groundwater, especially in the parts situated in the down gradient area and in direct proximity to the landfill. In these polluted zones, we have observed the following values: higher than 4.5 mS cm−1 in electric conductivity, 1620 and 1000 mg l−1 respectively in chlorides and sulfate (), 15–25 μg l−1 in cadmium, and 60–100 μg l−1 in chromium. These concentrations widely exceed the standard values for potable water.Several determining factors in the evolution of groundwater contamination have been highlighted, such as (1) depth of the water table, (2) permeability of soil and unsaturated zone, (3) effective infiltration, (4) humidity and (5) absence of a system for leachate drainage. So, to reduce the pollution risks of the groundwater, it is necessary to set a system of collection, drainage and treatment of landfill leachates and to emplace an impermeable surface at the site of landfill, in order to limit the infiltration of leachate.  相似文献   

This study is meant to provide an insight into how discharge playas, which are strongly influenced by a regional salty groundwater flow regime, such as the discharge playa of Sidi El Hani, would respond to the climatic variability and to the materials coming from the subsurface of the Sahel area. In order to choose the appropriate method, a special care was given in this paper to different methods of investigation of the groundwater contribution in water and salt budgets of saline systems. The hydrogeological map of the surrounding aquifers proved their convergence toward Sidi El Hani discharge playa. As consequence of the dominance of a salty groundwater contribution, the climate variability may be considered minor. Accordingly, the model proposed by this study showed the dominance of the salty water coming from the hydrogeology at the expense of the fresh water coming from the climatic contribution. Moreover, according to the adopted model, the effect of the human-induced activity on the hydrogeological contribution such as the installation of dams in the Tunisian center and the overexploitation of the phreatic aquifer of Kairouan was judged increasing the convergence of Kairouan aquifer towards Sidi El Hani discharge playa. On the other hand, the consumption of salt reserves from the discharge playa tends to decrease its salinization.  相似文献   

Groundwater geochemical data from the northern portion of the Tepalcingo-Axochiapan Valley, in the state of Morelos, Mexico, are analyzed to improve the conceptual hydrogeologic model of the region. The geochemical data suggest that the chemical composition of groundwater is the result of a mixing process between two end-members represented by groundwater from an upper aquifer composed of volcanic-sedimentary rocks and groundwater from a lower aquifer composed of carbonate rocks. Analysis of published data demonstrates that the chemical composition of at least one of the end-members varies significantly in time. Mixing ratios are computed, taking into account the uncertainty in identifying end-members and the time variability in their chemical composition, using published methods. Computed mixing ratios suggest there is a significant contribution from the lower aquifer to the water pumped by the wells in the area, which should be taken into account in the conceptual hydrogeologic model of the region.  相似文献   

Hydrochemistry of groundwater is largely determined by both natural processes, such as dissolution, cation exchange, mixing, evaporation; and anthropogenic activities, which can affect the aquifer systems by contaminating them or by modifying their hydrological cycle. Both natural and anthropogenic processes vary in time and space; which is reflected in groundwater hydrochemistry variation. The objective of this study is the determination of the main hydrogeochemical processes that affect the quality of shallow groundwaters in the Grombalia basin, located in the Cap Bon Peninsula, north-eastern Tunisia. In this area, the chemical composition of groundwater is mostly characterized by Na–Cl–NO3–Ca water type which reveals the implication of natural and anthropogenic major factors. Natural factors are dissolution of evaporatic minerals, i.e. halite and gypsum and cation exchange with clays, while anthropogenic factors are pollution with industrial Sr-rich waste water and return flow of irrigation water, highly contaminated by MgSO4 and methyl-bromide fertilizers.  相似文献   

Kang  Ziqian  Wang  Shuo  Xu  Ling  Yang  Fenglin  Zhang  Shushen 《Natural Hazards》2021,106(1):913-936
Natural Hazards - The suitability assessment of land use is crucial to avoid wasting land resources. However, the traditional methods with subjective weights are prone to reduce the reasonability...  相似文献   


Tamborine Mountain, Queensland (Australia), is a prime example of a basalt fractured-rock aquifer. Yet very little is known about the hydrochemistry of this groundwater system. Both analytical (major ions and stable isotopes) and multivariate (hierarchical cluster analysis, principal component analysis and factor analysis) analyses were used in this study to investigate the factors that interact within this aquifer system, in order to determine groundwater hydrogeochemistry. A new approach was applied to the data by classifying hydrographs by water type to clearly identify differing aquifer zones. Three distinct groundwater chemistry types were identified, and they were differentiated by variations in depth. Shallow bores were dominated by Na–Cl waters, deep bores were dominated by Na–HCO3 and Ca–HCO3 waters, and the two deepest bores were dominated by mixed water types. The evaluation of hydrogeochemical data has determined that both mineral weathering processes and groundwater/surface-water interaction had a strong influence on the hydrogeochemistry. Seasonal effects were minimal in the study area based on physicochemical parameters and ion chemistry. However, stable isotopic data show temporal trends. Increased rainfall events during the wet season produced a depletion in δ18O and increased d-excess values. The opposite is found during the dry season as a result of higher evaporation rates that are not hindered by intense rainfall events.


深层含水层储热是一种利用深度>500 m的深层含水层作为储热介质的储热技术,储热对象通常为50~150 ℃的热水。它通过地下水井从深层含水层中抽取和灌入地下水,实现热能储存和回收。深层含水层储热技术是弥补能源供需时空分布的不平衡,综合利用多种可再生能源,实现节能减排的有效途径,是国内外研究的前沿和热点。文中首先阐述了深层含水层储热系统在世界范围内的历史发展,归纳储热系统的热工性能,在总结前人研究工作的基础上分析影响其热回收效率的关键参数,并对各个参数对热回收效率的敏感性做了综述。在此基础上,本文还讨论了限制深层含水层储热系统发展的技术瓶颈,并针对系统的经济效益和市场潜力做了预测和展望。  相似文献   

Water samples from 72 wells tapping the Jilh aquifer were collected and analyzed for 10 different water quality parameters. Using these data, a regional irrigation water quality was assessed using three techniques: (i) United States Department of Agriculture method (USDA), (ii) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) guidelines for water quality assessment, and (iii) Water-Types approach. The USDA method revealed that the aquifer water salinity, as represented by electrical conductivity, ECw, ranges from high salinity (C3: ECw > 0.75–2.25 dS/m) to a very high salinity (C4: ECw > 2.25 dS/m). The sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) varied from low (S1) to very high (S4) sodicity. Therefore, the water of the Jilh aquifer is dominantly of the C4–S2 class representing 56% of the total wells followed by C4–S1, C4–S3, C3–S1 and C4–S4 classes at 19%, 14%, 8%, and 3% of the wells respectively. The FAO system indicated moderate to severe restriction on the use for irrigation and slight to moderate ion toxicities for Na+, Cl, B+, NO3 and HCO3. It is clear that, both USDA and FAO systems condemn the Jilh groundwater as hazardous for irrigation due to its high salt content, unless certain measures for salinity control are undertaken. The dominant salt constituents in the water are Mg–Cl2, Na–Cl and Ca–Cl2 as per the Water-Types method. However, due to the complexity in classifying the aquifer groundwater for irrigation, a simplified approach acknowledging three class groups (I-suitable water, II-conditionally suitable water and III-unsuitable water) adopted from the three methods, is suggested in this paper. The simplified approach combines C–S classes of the USDA method among these three groups according to the lowest ratings. The salinity of the FAO method has been split arbitrarily into slight and moderate subclasses with values of 0.7–2.25 and >2.25 dS/m, respectively; to match with the C3-class of the USDA system. The Water-Types were classified assuming that Ca–Cl2 is the least hazardous salt, followed by Mg–Cl2 and Na–Cl. Using this integrated hydrochemical method, the majority of the wells (92%) contain unsuitable water for irrigation (Group III) while the remaining wells (8%) are in Group II with water considered conditionally suitable for irrigation.  相似文献   

 This paper describes the origins and distribution of saline groundwaters in the coastal area of Rhodope, Greece. The aquifer system includes two aquifers within coarse-grained alluvial sediments in the coastal part of the study area. Two major water-quality groups occur in the study area, namely Ca2+-rich saline groundwater and Ca2+-poor, almost fresh groundwater. The main process controlling the groundwater chemistry is the exchange of calcium and sodium between the aquifer matrix and intruding seawater. The natural salt water in the study area is probably residual water that infiltrated the aquifer system during repeated marine transgressions in late Pleistocene time. Seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifer system occurs as a result of overpumping in two seawater wedges separated vertically by a low-permeability layer. The rate of intrusion averages 0.8 m/d and is less than expected due to a decline of the aquifer's permeability at the interface with the seawater. The application of several hydrochemical techniques (Piper and Durov diagrams; Na+/Cl, Ca2+/Cl, Mg2+/Cl, and Br/Cl molar ratios; Ca2+/Mg2+ weight ratio; and chloride concentrations), combined with field observations, may lead to a better explanation of the origin of the saline groundwater. Received, May 1997 / Revised, May 1998, December 1998 / Accepted, February 1999  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to study the geochemistry of Akra Kaur Dam (AKD) water, north of Gwadar city, southern Balochistan. Representative water samples were collected from AKD reservoir to assess the suitability of water for drinking and agriculture purposes. The major ionic composition is suggestive for freshwater. The average ionic composition demonstrate SO4 > Ca > Na > Cl > HCO3 > Mg > K. The plots on Piper diagram reflected Ca–Mg–SO4 type of water facies. High Ca/SO4 and Ca/Mg ratios revealed that the water has influence of gypsum dissolution. The negative ratio of chloro-alkaline indices indicated reverse exchange between Ca and Mg in water occurred with Na and K in rocks. The pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved salts, Ca, Mg, Na, K, HCO3, Cl and SO4 concentrations in the dam water were below the permissible limit, however, Na and SO4 were above the desirable limit, set by the World Health Organization. Important parameters such as residue sodium carbonate, sodium percent, sodium adsorption ratio, permeability index, magnesium content and Kelley’s ratio were calculated to evaluate the suitability of water for irrigation purpose. The result were compared with standard permissible limits and found satisfactory. The health and agriculture hazards of sulphate-bearing water were also discussed.  相似文献   

Three vulnerability index models were applied to assess the pollution potential of Nabeul-Hammamet shallow aquifer, Tunisia: DRASTIC, Pesticide DRASTIC and the Susceptibility Index (SI). An output map layer of each one was obtained using a geographic information system (GIS). The SI layer was overlain with DRASTIC and Pesticide DRASTIC and the percentage areas of agreement and divergence in vulnerability categories were extracted. DRASTIC results suggest the aquifer has mostly low vulnerability. Pesticide DRASTIC and SI identify three vulnerability categories (low, moderate, high) in the aquifer. Published data on current chemical groundwater composition indicate that parts of the aquifer are highly contaminated, revealing that DRASTIC underestimates the risk of pollution; Pesticide DRASTIC and SI reflect this risk better. Agreement in vulnerability categories between the two last models is found for 64 % of the aquifer area. To help manage land-use allocation and prevent Nabeul-Hammamet-aquifer contamination, DRASTIC is not recommended. Pesticide DRASTIC and SI are recommended but for slightly different applications. SI helps in the monitoring of current vulnerable areas and, thus, in contamination prevention. Pesticide DRASTIC could better intervene as a criterion in a multi-criteria analysis to select the best sites for specific on-the-ground practice or future land use.  相似文献   

El Shalal-Kema area is located east of Aswan town and Nile River. The Quaternary sediments (unconsolidated material of sands, gravels, and clays intercalation) represent the main aquifer in the studied area. Its water is under unconfined condition, and the water table is shallow (vary from 7.5 to 16.3 m). The concerned aquifer is recharged mainly from Aswan Dam Lake, from the excess irrigation water and from septic tanks, where the area is not served by sewage system. The direction of the groundwater movement is generally from south to north. The transmissivity values of the Quaternary aquifer (from three pumping tests) are relatively high (vary from 1,996 to 3,029 m2/day). The exploitation of groundwater is carried out where there is continuous withdrawal for industrial and domestic uses with a total average quantity of groundwater of 71,304 m3 per day (25.67 million m3 per year). The hydrochemical characteristics of the Quaternary aquifer is studied based on the chemical analysis of 29 groundwater and four surface water samples collected from different sites. The chemical composition of the groundwater is dominated by calcium Ca2+ from the cations and bicarbonate (HCO 3 ? ) from the anions, and the order of cation abundance is Ca2+ > Na+ > Mg2+ > K+ and HCO 3 ? > SO 4 2? > Cl? among the anions. The groundwater types are normal chloride water, normal sulfate water, and normal carbonate water. The hypothetical salt combination revealed the presence of different salts arranged in terms of their predominant as Ca(HCO3)2, Mg(HCO3)2, NaCl, Na2SO4, MgSO4, KCL, NaHCO3, MgCl2, CaSO4, and K2SO4. The analytical measurements to the NO2 and NH3 reveal that their values decrease in summer and increase in winter due to the stoppage of pumping which leads to the increase of the wastewater quantities that reach the groundwater. The chemical and microbiological analyses show that the aquifer in this area is contaminated with fecal and disease-causing bacteria. The main cause of this contamination is the outflow from the septic tanks; therefore, the construction of sewage network is a vital solution. Chlorination is important to disinfect the groundwater at the tanks before its distribution to the houses.  相似文献   

In this study, it is determined physicochemical properties of the groundwater and the spatial variability of physicochemical properties of the groundwater in the Amik plain and as well as assess its suitability for drinking and irrigation. A total 92 groundwater samples were collected from drilled well in June 2012. In addition, the 42 of 92 drilled wells were also sampled in September 2012 to evaluate the changes of groundwater properties. According to t test values, the mean Ca2+, SO4 2?, Mg2+ and TH values in the June period were significantly lower than those of the September period. On the other hand, the mean (CO 3 2?  + HCO3 ?) and RSC and MR values in the June period were significantly higher than those of the September period. The order of relative abundance of major cations in the groundwater (in mg L?1) is in order Na> Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+. The order of the anions abundance (mg L?1) is SO4 2? > Cl? > HCO3 ? > CO3 2? in this research. Log and square-root transformation were carried out for the most of the water properties before the calculation of semivariance. The nugget ratio showed all the variables were strongly spatial dependent except for K+ and Mg2+ and (CO3 2? + HCO3 ?) which showed moderate spatial dependence (ratio ranging from 28 to 49.9 %). Spatial distribution analysis of groundwater quality indicated that The EC, TDS values and Na and Cl? contents which is important water quality parameters increase from northern towards southern. The total hardness values increase also from northwestern towards southwestern.  相似文献   

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