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Information on the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Tasmanides in eastern Australia is limited due to the presence of an extensive younger sedimentary cover. Based on the spatio-temporal distribution of deformation and magmatism, the Tasmanides have traditionally been subdivided into five domains (Delamerian, Thomson, Lachlan, Mossman and New England). To test the relationships between these domains, we compiled over 10000 published detrital-zircon ages from basement rocks of the Tasmanides. We split the dataset spatially to test postulated connectivity between domains, and temporally to isolate corresponding age populations that can highlight subtle variations between domains. Results show that the Delamerian and Thomson domains originated as a single orogenic belt that likely received detritus from an early Paleozoic continental-scale drainage system. We also recognise a remarkably similar pattern of Paleoproterozoic and Archean ages in the Delamerian, Thomson and New England domains. This similarity indicates that the late Paleozoic development of the New England domain involved recycling of rocks from the Delamerian–Thomson domain(s). These findings shed new light on the crustal architecture of eastern Australia, and the nature of Paleozoic drainage and sediment recycling in eastern Gondwana.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2011,19(4):611-631
The Trans-North China Orogen separates the North China Craton into two small continental blocks: the Eastern and Western Blocks. As one of the largest exposure in the central part of the orogen, the Hengshan–Wutai–Fuping Complexes consist of four lithotectonic units: the Wutai, Hengshan and Fuping Complexes and the Hutuo Group. The Hengshan Complex contains high pressure mafic granulites and retrograded eclogites. Structural analysis indicates that most of the rocks in these complexes underwent three distinct episodes of folding (D1 to D3) and two stages of ductile thrust shearing (STZ1 between D1 and D2 and STZ2 after D3). The D1 deformation formed penetrative axial planar foliations (S1), mineral stretching lineations (L1), and rarely-preserved small isoclinal folds (F1) in the Hengshan and Fuping Complexes. In the Wutai Complex, however, large-scale F1 recumbent folds with SW-vergence are displayed by sedimentary compositional layers. Penetrative transposition resulted in stacking of thrust sheets which are separated by ductile shear zones (STZ1). The kinematic indicators of STZ1 in the Hengshan and Wutai Complexes show top-to-the-S230°W thrusting likely related to northeastward, oblique pre-collisional subduction. D1 resulted in crustal thickening with resultant prograde peak metamorphism. The Hutuo Group did not undergo the D1 deformation, either because sedimentation was coeval with the D1 deformation or because it was at a high structural level and was not influenced directly by the early deformation. The D2 deformation produced NW-verging asymmetric and recumbent folds. The D2 deformation is interpreted to have resulted from collision between the Eastern and Western Blocks of the North China Craton. In the Hutuo Group and the Fuping Complex, the development of ESE-verging asymmetric tight folds is associated with D2. The structural pattern resulting from superimposition of D1 and D2 is a composite synform in the Hengshan–Wutai–Fuping Complexes. All four lithotectonic units were superposed during the later D3 deformation. The D3 deformation developed NW-trending open upright folds. Ongoing collision led to development of transpressional ductile shearing (STZ2), forming the transpressional Zhujiafang dextral ductile shear zone between the northern Hengshan Complex and the southern Hengshan Complex, and generating the sinistral Longquanguan ductile shear zone between the Fuping Complex and the Wutai Complex, respectively. The STZ1 and D2 deformation were possibly responsible for fast syn-collisional exhumation of the high pressure mafic granulites and retrograded eclogites. The structural patterns and elucidation of the deformation history of the Hengshan–Wutai–Fuping Complexes places important constraints on the tectonic model suggesting that an oceanic lithosphere between the Eastern and Western Blocks underwent northeastward-directed oblique subduction beneath the western margin of the Eastern Block, and that the final closure of this ocean led to collision between the two blocks to form the coherent basement of the North China Craton.  相似文献   

Reconstructions of the Cambrian–Silurian tectonic evolution of eastern Gondwanaland, when the Australian Tasmanides and Antarctic Ross Orogen developed, rely on correlation between structural elements in SE Australia and Northern Victoria Land (NVL), Antarctica. A variety of published models exist but none completely solve the tectonic puzzle that is the Delamerian–Lachlan transition in the Tasmanides. This paper summarizes the understanding of Cambrian (Delamerian) to Silurian (Lachlan) geological evolution of the eastern Tasmanides, taking into account new deep seismic data that clarifies the geological connection between Victoria and Tasmania — the ‘Selwyn Block’ model. It evaluates previous attempts at correlation between NVL, Tasmania and Victoria, and presents a new scenario that encompasses the most robust correlations. Tasmania together with the Selwyn Block is reinterpreted as an exotic Proterozoic microcontinental block – ‘VanDieland’ – that collided into the east Gondwanaland margin south of western Victoria, and north of NVL in the Late Cambrian, perhaps terminating the Delamerian Orogeny in SE Australia. Subsequent north-east ‘tectonic escape’ of VanDieland in the Early Ordovician explains the present-day outboard position of Tasmania with respect to the rest of the Delamerian orogen, the origin of the hiatus that separates the Delamerian and Lachlan orogenic cycles in Australia, and how western Lachlan oceanic crust developed as a ‘trapped plate-segment’. The model establishes a new structural template for subsequent Lachlan Orogen development and Mesozoic Australia–Antarctica separation.  相似文献   


The unconformity between the Ediacaran and Cambrian and its associated palaeokarst was well preserved within the Aksu area of the northwestern margin of the Tarim Block and provides new insights into the sedimentary evolution of the Tarim Basin during the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition. In this contribution, the typical palaeokarst features in the uppermost Ediacaran dolostones at nine outcrops in the Aksu area were documented, including palaeocaves, cave-sediment infills, solution vugs, and pores. Large-scale collapsed breccia assemblages in palaeocaves indicate that strong karstification had occurred in the south belt from the Xiaoerburak to Kule sections. Karst characterized by small-scale caves and solution vugs at the Chigebrak and Kakebashi sections suggests that the karstification in the north belt was not stronger than that in the south belt. Whereas sparse solution pores and small vugs can only be observed at the Sugetbrak and Yuermeinak sections, demonstrating that the karstification was weak in the middle belt. Combined with the thickness of sediments in the base of the Cambrian which subsequently overlay on the Ediacaran–Cambrian unconformity, it is speculated that the palaeo-upland was probably located in the middle belt from the Sugetbrak to Yuermeinak sections and the slope was developed in the south and north belts during the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition. The palaeokarst documented in the uppermost Ediacaran dolostones in the Aksu area illustrates an important sedimentary hiatus of the Tarim Block during the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition, which might be due to the sea-level fall at the end of the Ediacaran.  相似文献   

This paper reports results from detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology, Hf isotopic geochemistry, sandstone modal analysis, and palaeocurrent analysis of the early Mesozoic strata within the Ningwu basin, China, with the aims of constraining the depositional ages and sedimentary provenances and shedding new light on the Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the northcentral North China Craton (NCC). The zircons from early Mesozoic sandstones are characterized by three major populations: Phanerozoic (late Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic), late Palaeoproterozoic (with a peak at approximately 1.8 Ga), and Neoarchaean (with a peak at approximately 2.5 Ga). Notably, three Phanerozoic zircons in the Early Triassic Liujiagou Formation were found to have positive εHf(t) values and characteristics typical of zircons from the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Therefore, the CAOB began to represent the provenance of sediment in the sedimentary basins in the northern NCC no later than the Early Triassic (261 Ma), implying that the final amalgamation of the NCC and CAOB occurred before the Early Triassic. The U–Pb geochronologic and Hf isotopic results show that the Lower Middle Triassic sediments were mainly sourced from the Yinshan–Yanshan Orogenic Belt (YYOB), and that a sudden change in provenances occurred, shifting from a mixed YYOB and CAOB source in the Middle Jurassic to a primarily YYOB source in the Late Jurassic. The results of the sandstone modal analysis suggest that the majority of the samples from the Lower Middle Jurassic rocks were derived from either Continental Block or Recycled Orogen sources, whereas all the samples from the Upper Jurassic rocks were derived from Mixed sources. The change in source might be ascribed to the southward subduction and closure of the Okhotsk Ocean and the resulting intense uplift of the YYOB during the Late Jurassic. This uplift likely represents the start of the Yanshan Orogeny.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Duaringa Basin in eastern Australia is a Late Cretaceous?–early Cenozoic sedimentary basin that developed simultaneously with the opening of the...  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2016,29(4):1449-1465
We report here in-situ U–Pb and Hf isotopic results of detrital zircons from sixteen Cambrian–Silurian siliciclastic samples across the Nanhua foreland basin, South China. Together with published data from Ediacaran–Silurian sandstones in the region, we establish the temporal and spatial provenance evolution across the basin. Except for samples from northeast Yangtze, all other Ediacaran–Silurian samples exhibit a prominent population of 1100–900 Ma, moderate populations of 850–700 Ma and 650–490 Ma, and minor populations of 2500 Ma and 2000–1300 Ma, grossly matching that of crystalline and sedimentary rocks in northern India. Zircon Hf isotopes further reveal four episodes of juvenile crustal growth at 2.5 Ga, 1.8 Ga, 1.4 Ga and 1.0 Ga in the source regions. Utilizing the basin history and late Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic paleogeography of South China, we conclude that the Ediacaran–Cambrian sediments in the Nanhua foreland basin were mainly sourced from northern India and adjacent orogens, and the Ordovician–Silurian sediments were derived from both locally recycled Ediacaran–Cambrian rocks and eroded Cathaysian basement. The Wuyi–Yunkai late-orogenic magmatic rocks also contributed to the Silurian sediments in the basin. The upper-Ordovician to Silurian samples in northeast Yangtze received higher proportions of local Cryogenian (850–700 Ma) magmatic rocks which were uplifted during late-Ordovician to Silurian time. We speculate that there was an Ediacaran–Cambrian collisional orogen between South China and northern India, shedding sediments to the early Nanhua foreland basin. Far-field stress during the late stage of this collisional orogeny triggered the Ordovician–Silurian intraplate Wuyi–Yunkai orogeny in South China, and erosion of the local Wuyi–Yunkai orogen further provided detritus to the late Nanhua foreland basin.  相似文献   

The ophiolite-bearing Bangong-Nujiang zone (BNZ) traversing central Tibet from east to west separates the Qiangtang block in the north from the Lhasa block in the south. Their stratigraphic development indicates that both blocks once formed a continuous continental platform until the Late Triassic. Following Late Paleozoic-Triassic rifting, ocean crust formed between both blocks during the Late Triassic creating the Dongqiao-Naqu basin (DNB) among other basins (Yu et al. 1991). The analysis of the rift flank sequences reveals that rifting was dominated by transtension. The basin was shortened by post-Mid-Cretaceous transpression. Thus, the overall basin evolution represents a Reading cycle despite some active margin processes which gave this cycle a special imprint. Major basin parts were preserved despite transpressional shortening suggesting that the eastern BNZ represents a remnant basin. Our understanding of the DNB solves the prior problem of viewing the BNZ as a Mid-Late Jurassic collisional suture although typical collision-related deformation, thickening, mountain building, as well as related molasse formation are lacking. Our model also explains the scattered linear ophiolite distribution by local transpression of remnant oceanic basin floor without having to consider problematic long range ophiolite thrusting.  相似文献   

Sedimentary processes in the paleocoastal part of the Bengal basin that occured in the Tertiary and Quaternary have been addressed. Three indicators were used: sedimentary bedding forms, microstructure of the sediment, and trace fossils. Various forms of sedimentary structures developed under the influence of dynamic geomorphic processes in the study area in the Quaternary. The microstructure analysis of the sedimentary materials was made by two methods: microphotography and Digital Color Analysis (DCA). The microstructure analysis shows that the geomorphic process remained very dynamic in the Quaternary, influencing the form, thickness, and mineral composition of the sediment strata. The enrichment of the sediments in heavy minerals evidences either oscillating or combined flow sedimentation, while under stable conditions light-mineral deposition took place. The digital data of microfabric study by the DCA method also show that larger particles deposited in the oscillating or high-flow environment and evidence a greater amount of heavy minerals like ferruginous materials. Trace fossils found in the sediments of this area also strongly support the concept that the environment remained dynamic during the Tertiary and Quaternary. The Late Tertiary deposition shows that, during these periods, the sediments were transported from tide-dominated marine coast with low flow energy, which is typical of hot and humid conditions. From Late Tertiary to Early Quaternary, the macrotidal coast became mesotidal (wave-dominated). The second phase is the Middle Pleistocene, when the environment was stable, favoring the continuous deposition of finer particles under low- to medium-flow energy conditions. The third phase, the Recent, is marked by the shoreline shift and modification of the environment. In the Early–Middle Holocene, the shoreline started to shift, which modified the geomorphic conditions of this place from coastal to estuarine and, finally, inland fluvial.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3-4):1038-1050
The New England Orogen of easternmost Australia is dominated by suites of Palaeozoic to earliest Mesozoic rocks that formed in supra-subduction zone settings at Gondwana's eastern margin. On the northern New South Wales coast at Rocky Beach, Port Macquarie, a serpentinite mélange carries rare tectonic blocks of low-grade, high-pressure, metamorphic rocks derived from sedimentary and igneous protoliths. Dominant assemblages are glaucophane + phengite ± garnet ± lawsonite ± calcite ± albite blueschists and lawsonite-bearing retrogressed garnet + omphacite eclogites. In some blocks with sedimentary protoliths, eclogite forms folded layers within the blueschists, which is interpreted as Mn/(Mn + Fe) compositional control on the development of blueschist versus eclogite assemblages. Review of previous studies indicates pressure–temperature conditions of 0.7–0.5 GPa and ≤ 450 °C. Three samples of high-pressure metasedimentary rocks contain Archaean to 251 ± 6 Ma (Permo-Triassic) zircons, with the majority of the grains being Middle Devonian to Middle Carboniferous in age (380–340 Ma). Regardless of age, all grains show pitting and variable rounding of their exteriors. This morphology is attributed to abrasion in sedimentary systems, suggesting that they are all detrital grains. New in situ metamorphic zircon growth did not develop because of the low temperature (≤ 450 °C) of metamorphism. The Permo-Triassic, Devonian and Carboniferous zircons show strong heavy rare earth element enrichment and negative europium anomalies, indicating that they grew in low pressure igneous systems, not in a garnet-rich plagioclase-absent high pressure metamorphic environment. Therefore the youngest of these detrital zircons provides the maximum age of the metamorphism. A titanite + rutile porphyroblast within an eclogite has a U–Pb age of 332 ± 140 Ma (poor precision due to very low U abundances of mostly < 1 p.p.m.) and provides an imprecise direct age for metamorphism. In the south of the Port Macquarie area, the Lorne Basin ≥ 220 Ma Triassic sedimentary and volcanic rocks unconformably overlie serpentinite mélange, and provide the minimum age of the high-pressure metamorphism. Our preferred interpretation is that the 251 Ma zircons are detrital and thus the Port Macquarie high-pressure metamorphism is constrained to the end of the Permian–Early Triassic. Emplacement of the serpentinite mélange carrying the Rocky Beach high-pressure rocks might have been due to docking of a Permian oceanic island arc (represented by the Gympie terrane in southern Queensland?) and an Andean-style arc at the eastern Australian margin (expressed in the New England Orogen by 260–230 Ma north-south orientated magmatic belts). Alternatively, if the 251 Ma grains are regarded as having grown in thin pegmatites, then the dominant Devonian–Carboniferous detrital population still indicates a maximum age for the high pressure metamorphism of ca. 340 Ma. A ≤ 340 Ma age of metamorphism would still be much younger than the previously suggested ca. 470 Ma (Ordovician) age, which was based on Ar–Ar dating of phengites.  相似文献   

In order to find the impact of regional tectonic evolution of Tarim basin on the inside distribution of sedimentary facies and reservoir development, this paper, based on the research of plate-tectonic evolution of Tarim basin, conducts an in-depth analysis on the basin’s inside sedimentary response to the Eopaleozoic regional geodynamic reversion from extension to convergence around Tarim plate, and concludes that the regional geodynamic environment of surrounding areas closely contributes to the formation and evolution of paleo-uplifts, differentiation of sedimentary facies in platform, distribution of high-energy reef and bank facies belts, conversion of sedimentary base level from fall to rise, obvious change of lithology from dolomite to limestone, and formation of several unconformity surfaces in Ordovician system in the basin. A series of sedimentary responses in the basin are controlled by regional dynamic setting, which not only controls the distribution of reservoirs in reef and bank facies but also restricts the development and distribution of karst reservoirs controlled by the unconformity surfaces. This offers the macro geological evidences for us to further analyze and evaluate the distribution of favorable reservoirs.  相似文献   

Vast parts of the Australian continent are prospective for precious and base metal mineralisation, but exploration is hindered by extensive cover of often deeply reaching regolith. New operational exploration methods are required that can help to characterise the cover and provide information about bedrock signatures. This paper shows how mineral mapping information from a combination of satellite multispectral Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) imagery and drill core hyperspectral profiling data (HyLogging™) can be used to unravel the regolith stratigraphy and to describe regional variations of regolith landforms, delivering important information for mineral exploration.The case study is located in the Neale tenements in the northeastern Albany–Fraser Orogen (Western Australia), which is prospective for Tropicana-style gold mineralisation. By interpretation of indicator minerals from hyperspectral drill hole logging data the regolith stratigraphy atop a metamorphic basement, comprising saprock, ferrugineous saprolite, kaolinitic saprolite, silcrete and transported cover, is recorded in cm-detail. Important mineralogical parameters extracted from the hyperspectral subsurface data and validated by XRD and FTIR, are 1) the abundance and type of iron oxides, 2) the abundance and crystallinity of kaolinite, 3) the abundance and composition of primary minerals, such as white mica, and 4) the abundance of quartz.The HyLogging™ data served as ground control points for mineral mapping information provided by CSIRO's ASTER Geoscience Products, which are a collection of mineral maps that highlight variations in the abundance, type or chemistry of selected mineral groups. Key ASTER Geoscience Products for regolith characterisation were the Ferric Oxide and AlOH abundance and composition images. The comparison of the surface with the subsurface data suggests three major different regolith landforms, including erosional, depositional and relict areas, which were used to generate a map showing transported versus relict and erosional areas. Erosional domains were mapped out in great detail, providing important information for exploration in saprolite dominated areas. Furthermore, source areas of transported material could be identified, which may help to understand the distribution of geochemical signatures collected during, for example, geochemical soil sampling projects.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3-4):1051-1066
The Early Palaeozoic Ross–Delamerian orogenic belt is considered to have formed as an active margin facing the palaeo-Pacific Ocean with some island arc collisions, as in Tasmania (Australia) and Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica), followed by terminal deformation and cessation of active convergence. On the Cambrian eastern margin of Australia adjacent to the Delamerian Fold Belt, island arc and backarc basin crust was formed and is now preserved in the Lachlan Fold Belt and is consistent with a spatial link between the Delamerian and Lachlan orogens. The Delamerian–Lachlan connection is tested with new zircon data. Metamorphic zircons from a basic eclogite sample from the Franklin Metamorphic Complex in the Tyennan region of central Tasmania have rare earth element signatures showing that eclogite metamorphism occurred at ~ 510 Ma, consistent with island arc–passive margin collision during the Delamerian(− Tyennan) Orogeny. U–Pb ages of detrital zircons have been determined from two samples of Ordovician sandstones in the Lachlan Fold Belt at Melville Point (south coast of New South Wales) and the Howqua River (western Tabberabbera Zone of eastern Victoria). These rocks were chosen because they are the first major clastic influx at the base of the Ordovician ‘Bengal-fan’ scale turbidite pile. The samples show the same prominent peaks as previously found elsewhere (600–500 Ma Pacific-Gondwana and the 1300–1000 Ma Grenville–Gondwana signatures) reflecting supercontinent formation. We highlight the presence of ~ 500 Ma non-rounded, simple zircons indicating clastic input most likely from igneous rocks formed during the Delamerian and Ross Orogenies. We consider that the most probable source of the Ordovician turbidites was in East Antarctica adjacent to the Ross Orogen rather than reflecting long distance transport from the Transgondwanan Supermountain (i.e. East African Orogen). Together with other provenance indicators such as detrital mica ages, this is a confirmation of the Delamerian–Lachlan connection.  相似文献   

Groundwater in the Cambrian–Vendian aquifer system has a strongly depleted stable isotope composition (δ18O values of about −22‰) and a low radiocarbon concentration, which suggests that the water is of glacial origin from the last Ice Age. The aim of this paper was to elucidate the timing of infiltration of glacial waters and to understand the geochemical evolution of this groundwater. The composition of the dissolved inorganic C (DIC) in Cambrian–Vendian groundwater is influenced by complex reactions and isotope exchange processes between water, organic materials and rock matrix. The δ13C composition of dissolved inorganic C in Cambrian–Vendian water also indicates a bacterial modification of the isotope system. The corrected radiocarbon ages of groundwater are between 14,000 and 27,000 radiocarbon years, which is coeval with the advance of the Weichselian Glacier in the area.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - This article presents the results of U–Pb geochronological study of gneiss-granites of the Mamskaya zone. The age estimate of 1874 ± 9 Ma (SIMS method) obtained...  相似文献   

The Grove Mountains are the inland exposures of the Prydz Belt in East Antarctica. Although the 550–500 Ma orogenic event was recognized as the latest major magmatic–metamorphic activity in the Prydz Belt, its subduction–collision origin was not confirmed until the discovery of high-pressure (HP) mafic granulite erratic boulders in the glacial moraines from the Grove Mountains. Because no HP metamorphic bedrock is exposed in this area, an understanding the regional geology required a thorough study of the morainal debris mineralogy and detrital zircon U–Pb chronology. Detrital zircon U–Pb age histograms show 550–450 Ma, 900–800 Ma, and 1100–1000 Ma modes from three morainal deposits and one paleosol samples. The oldest ages were 2300 to 2420 Ma. Detailed electron probe microanalyses (EPMA) for the detrital mineral grains were compared with the minerals from the nearby exposed bedrock. The mineral chemistry indicates that the exposed bedrock in the Grove Mountains was not the sole source for morainal materials. This new U–Pb zircon geochronology and microprobe mineral data support the previous interpretation that the 550–500 Ma tectonic activity was the final collisional event that formed the Prydz Belt and amalgamated East Antarctica.  相似文献   

The shallowly buried marginal part of the Cambrian–Vendian confined aquifer system of the Baltic Basin is characterised by fresh and low δ18O composition water, whereas the deeply settled parts of the aquifer are characterized by typical Na–Ca–Cl basinal brines. Spatial variation in water geochemistry and stable isotope composition suggests mixing origin of the diluted water of three end-members—glacial melt water of the Weichselian Ice Age (115 000–10 000 BP), Na–Ca–Cl composition basin brine and modern meteoric water. The mixing has occurred in two stages. First, the intrusion and mixing of isotopically depleted glacial waters with basinal brines occurred during the Pleistocene glacial periods when the subglacial melt-water with high hydraulic gradient penetrated into the aquifer. The second stage of mixing takes place nowadays by intrusion of meteoric waters. The freshened water at the northern margin of the basin has acquired a partial equilibrium with the weakly cemented rock matrix of the aquifer.  相似文献   

Here we present the results of U–Pb LA–ICP–MS dating of detrital zircons from the Ediacaran–Early Cambrian deposits of the eastern part of the Baltic monoclise (Leningrad Region). The obtained age spectra of the detrital zircons suggest that, in the Ediacaran–Early Cambrian, the main clastic material source to the northwest of the Russian Platform was the Baltic Shield. Then in the Early Cambrian along with the Baltic Shield provenance, a clastic source from the Timanian margin of Baltica (northeast in modern coordinates) contributed to the deposits. The obtained data either somewhat set limits of the Timanian orogen formation as older than the previously suggested Middle Cambrian (about 510 Ma), based on the “absence of a Proto–Uralian–Timanian provenance signal” in the Sablino Formation rocks in the south Ladoga, or suggest another rearrangement of detritus transportation paths at the end of Stage 3 (Atdabanian).  相似文献   

The numerical results of thermal modeling studies indicate that the lithosphere is cold and strong beneath the Black Sea basin.The thermal lithospheric thickness increases southward from the eastern Pontides orogenic belt(49.4 km) to Black Sea basin(152.2 km).The Moho temperature increases from 367℃in the trench to 978℃in the arc region.The heat flow values for the Moho surface change between 16.4 mW m-2 in the Black Sea basin and 56.9 mW m-2 in the eastern Pontides orogenic belt. Along the southern Black Sea coast,the trench region has a relatively low geothermal potential with respect to the arc and back-arc region.The numerical studies support the existence of southward subduction beneath the Pontides during the late Mesozoic-Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Lower to upper Middle Ordovician quartz-rich turbidites form the bedrock of the Lachlan Orogen in the southern Tasmanides of eastern Australia and occupy a present-day deformed volume of ~2–3 million km3. We have used U–Pb and Hf-isotope analyses of detrital zircons in biostratigraphically constrained turbiditic sandstones from three separate terranes of the Lachlan Orogen to investigate possible source regions and to compare similarities and differences in zircon populations. Comparison with shallow-water Lower Ordovician sandstones deposited on the subsiding margin of the Gondwana craton suggests different source regions, with Grenvillian zircons in shelf sandstones derived from the Musgrave Province in central Australia, and Panafrican sources in shelf sandstones possibly locally derived. All Ordovician turbiditic sandstone samples in the Lachlan Orogen are dominated by ca 490–620 Ma (late Panafrican) and ca 950–1120 Ma (late Grenvillian) zircons that are sourced mainly from East Antarctica. Subtle differences between samples point to different sources. In particular, the age consistency of late Panafrican zircon data from the most inboard of our terranes (Castlemaine Group, Bendigo Terrane) suggests they may have emanated directly from late Grenvillian East Antarctic belts, such as in Dronning Maud Land and subglacial extensions that were reworked in the late Panafrican. Changes in zircon data in the more outboard Hermidale and Albury-Bega terranes are more consistent with derivation from the youngest of four sedimentary sequences of the Ross Orogen of Antarctica (Cambrian–Ordovician upper Byrd Group, Liv Group and correlatives referred to here as sequence 4) and/or from the same mixture of sources that supplied that sequence. These sources include uncommon ca 650 Ma rift volcanics, late Panafrican Ross arc volcanics, now largely eroded, and some <545 Ma Granite Harbour Intrusives, representing the roots of the Ross Orogen continental-margin arc. Unlike farther north, Granite Harbour Intrusives between the Queen Maud and Pensacola mountains of the southern Ross Orogen contain late Grenvillian zircon xenocrysts (derived from underlying relatively juvenile basement), as well as late Panafrican magmatic zircons, and are thus able to supply sequence 4 and the Lachlan Ordovician turbidites with both these populations. Other zircons and detrital muscovites in the Lachlan Ordovician turbidites were derived from relatively juvenile inland Antarctic sources external to the orogen (e.g. Dronning Maud Land, Sør Rondane and a possible extension of the Pinjarra Orogen) either directly or recycled through older sedimentary sequences 2 (Beardmore and Skelton groups) and 3 (e.g. Hannah Ridge Formation) in the Ross Orogen. Shallow-water, forearc basin sequence 4 sediments (or their sources) fed turbidity currents into outboard, deeper-water parts of the forearc basin and led to deposition of the Ordovician turbidites ~2500–3400 km to the north in backarc-basin settings of the Lachlan Orogen.  相似文献   

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