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Three-dimensional modelling of the flow of gas and plasma in a section of the Galaxy has been carried out to study the evolution and formation of Galactic chimneys and worms. It is found that clustered supernovae located on either side of the Galactic plane are sources for the formation of well-collimated chimneys, having widths of ∼     . The thick gas disc may have a role in the collimation of chimneys. Channel maps of disc gas, obtained from the simulations, show the presence of sheet-like structures running perpendicular to the Galactic plane and resembling worms. Worms are believed to result from the break-up of the shells and supershells. However, the simulations show that although some worms correlate well with the debris of broken shells/supershells, others do not. They are cold gas that has been accelerated in the disc and rise on to the thick gas disc.  相似文献   

The results of a three-dimensional model for disc–halo interaction are presented here. The model considers explicitly the input of energy and mass by isolated and correlated supernovae in the disc. Once disrupted by the explosions, the disc never returns to its initial state. Instead it approaches a state where a thin H  i disc is formed in the Galactic plane, overlaid by thick H  i and H  ii gas discs with scaleheights of 500 pc and 1–1.5 kpc, respectively. The upper parts of the thick H  ii disc (the diffuse ionized medium) act as a disc–halo interface, and its formation and stability are directly correlated to the supernova rate per unit area in the simulated disc.  相似文献   

We examine the chemical and dynamical structure in the solar neighbourhood of a model Galaxy that is the endpoint of a simulation of the chemical evolution of the Milky Way in the presence of radial mixing of stars and gas. Although the simulation's star formation rate declines monotonically from its unique peak and no merger or tidal event ever takes place, the model replicates all known properties of a thick disc, as well as matching special features of the local stellar population such as a metal-poor extension of the thin disc that has high rotational velocity. We divide the disc by chemistry and relate this dissection to observationally more convenient kinematic selection criteria. We conclude that the observed chemistry of the Galactic disc does not provide convincing evidence for a violent origin of the thick disc, as has been widely claimed.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamical effects of a molecular cloud complex with a mass ∼ 107 M and a size ∼ a few 100 pc on the vertical distribution of stars and atomic hydrogen gas in a spiral galactic disc. Such massive complexes have now been observed in a number of spiral galaxies. The extended mass distribution in a complex, with an average mass density 6 times higher than the Oort limit, is shown to dominate the local gravitational field. This results in a significant redistribution or clustering of the surrounding disc components towards the mid-plane, with a resulting decrease in their vertical scaleheights.
The modified, self-consistent stellar density distribution is obtained by solving the combined Poisson equation and the force equation along the z -direction for an isothermal stellar disc on which the complex is imposed. The effect of the complex is strongest at its centre, where the stellar mid-plane density increases by a factor of 2.6 and the vertical scaleheight decreases by a factor of 3.4 compared with the undisturbed stellar disc. A surprising result is the large radial distance of ∼ 500 pc from the complex centre over which the complex influences the disc; this is due to the extended mass distribution in a complex. The complex has a comparable effect on the vertical distribution of the atomic hydrogen gas in the galactic disc. This 'pinching' or constraining effect should be detectable in the nearby spiral galaxies, as for example has been done for NGC 2403 by Sicking. Thus the gravitational field of a complex results in local corrugations of the stellar and H  i vertical scaleheights, and the galactic disc potential is highly non-uniform on scales of the intercomplex separation of ∼ 1 kpc.  相似文献   

We present a set of four Gemini-North Multi-Object Spectrograph/integral field unit (IFU) observations of the central disturbed regions of the dwarf irregular starburst galaxy NGC 1569, surrounding the well-known superstar clusters A and B. This continues on directly from a companion paper, in which we describe the data reduction and analysis techniques employed and present the analysis of one of the IFU pointings. By decomposing the emission-line profiles across the IFU fields, we map out the properties of each individual component identified and identify a number of relationships and correlations that allow us to investigate in detail the state of the ionized interstellar medium (ISM). Our observations support and expand on the main findings from the analysis of the first IFU position, where we conclude that a broad (≲400 km s−1) component underlying the bright nebular emission lines is produced in a turbulent mixing layer on the surface of cool gas knots, set up by the impact of the fast-flowing cluster winds. We discuss the kinematic, electron-density and excitation maps of each region in detail and compare our results to previous studies. Our analysis reveals a very complex environment with many overlapping and superimposed components, including dissolving gas knots, rapidly expanding shocked shells and embedded ionizing sources, but no evidence for organized bulk motions. We conclude that the four IFU positions presented here lie well within the starburst region where energy is injected, and, from the lack of substantial ordered gas flows, within the quasi-hydrostatic zone of the wind interior to the sonic point. The net outflow occurs at radii beyond 100–200 pc, but our data imply that mass-loading of the hot ISM is active even at the roots of the wind.  相似文献   

We present MERLIN observations of Galactic 21-cm H  i absorption at an angular resolution of  ∼0.1–0.2  arcsec and a velocity resolution of 0.5 km s−1, in the direction of three moderately low latitude  (−8° < b < −12°)  extragalactic radio sources, 3C 111, 3C 123 and 3C 161, all of which are heavily reddened. H  i absorption is observed against resolved background emission sources up to ∼2 arcsec in extent and we distinguish details of the opacity distribution within 1–1.5 arcsec regions towards 3C 123 and 3C 161. This study is the second MERLIN investigation of small-scale structure in interstellar H  i (earlier work probed Galactic H  i in the directions of the compact sources 3C 138 and 3C 147). The 0.1-arcsec scale is intermediate between H  i absorption studies made with other fixed element interferometers with resolution of 1–10 arcsec and very long baseline interferometry studies with resolutions of 10–20 mas. At a scale of 1 arcsec (about 500 au), prominent changes in Galactic H  i opacity in excess of 1–1.5 are determined in the direction of 3C 161 with a signal-to-noise ratio of at least 10σ. Possible fluctuations in the H  i opacity at the level of about 1 are detected at the  2.5–3σ  level in the direction of 3C 123.  相似文献   

We study, through 2D hydrodynamical simulations, the feedback of a starburst on the ISM of typical gas-rich dwarf galaxies. The main goal is to address the circulation of the ISM and metals following the starburst. We assume a single-phase rotating ISM in equilibrium in the galactic potential generated by a stellar disc and a spherical dark halo. The starburst is assumed to occur in a small volume in the centre of the galaxy, and it generates a mechanical power of 3.8×1039 or 3.8×1040 erg s−1 for 30 Myr. We find, in accordance with previous investigations, that the galactic wind is not very effective in removing the ISM. The metal-rich stellar ejecta, however, can be efficiently expelled from the galaxy and dispersed in the intergalactic medium.
Moreover, we find that the central region of the galaxy is always replenished with cold and dense gas a few 100 million years after the starburst, achieving the requisite for a new star formation event in ≈0.5–1 Gyr. The hydrodynamical evolution of galactic winds is thus consistent with the episodic star formation regime suggested by many chemical evolution studies.
We also discuss the X-ray emission of these galaxies and find that the observable (emission-averaged) abundance of the hot gas underestimates the real one if thermal conduction is effective. This could explain the very low hot-gas metallicities estimated in starburst galaxies.  相似文献   

We examine the proposal that the H  i 'high-velocity' clouds (HVCs) surrounding the Milky Way and other disc galaxies form by condensation of the hot galactic corona via thermal instability. Under the assumption that the galactic corona is well represented by a non-rotating, stratified atmosphere, we find that for this formation mechanism to work the corona must have an almost perfectly flat entropy profile. In all other cases, the growth of thermal perturbations is suppressed by a combination of buoyancy and thermal conduction. Even if the entropy profile were nearly flat, cold clouds with sizes smaller than  10 kpc  could form in the corona of the Milky Way only at radii larger than  100 kpc  , in contradiction with the determined distances of the largest HVC complexes. Clouds with sizes of a few kpc can form in the inner halo only in low-mass systems. We conclude that unless even slow rotation qualitatively changes the dynamics of a corona, thermal instability is unlikely to be a viable mechanism for formation of cold clouds around disc galaxies.  相似文献   

Motivated by the observations on the intracluster light and intergalactic stellar populations, N -body simulations are used to model the galactic merging events as a goal to investigate the production and distribution of gravitational unbound populations (GUPs). Both the parabolic and hyperbolic mergers are considered, and each category includes six models with different relative orientations between two galaxies. Our results show that there are more (about a factor of 2) GUPs after a hyperbolic merging event than after a parabolic one. In general, depending on the relative orientation and also on the relative velocity of the two galaxies in a merging pair, a head-on collision of a galaxy pair would only make a tiny fraction (less than 1 per cent) of the initial stellar mass luminous GUP, but a considerable fraction (8–14 per cent) of the dark matter becomes dark GUP.  相似文献   

Hydrostatic equilibrium of the multiphase interstellar medium in the solar vicinity is reconsidered, with the regular and turbulent magnetic fields treated separately. The regular magnetic field strength required to support the gas is consistent with independent estimates, provided that energy equipartition is maintained between turbulence and random magnetic fields. Our results indicate that a mid-plane value of B 0=4 μG for the regular magnetic field near the Sun leads to more attractive models than B 0=2 μG . The vertical profiles of both the regular and random magnetic fields contain disc and halo components, the parameters of which we have determined. The layer at 1≲| z |≲4 kpc can be overpressured and an outflow at a speed of about 50 km s−1 may occur there, presumably associated with a Galactic fountain flow, if B 0≃2 μG .
We show that hydrostatic equilibrium in a warped disc must produce asymmetric density distributions in z , in rough agreement with H  i observations in the outer Galaxy. This asymmetry may be a useful diagnostic of the details of the warping mechanism in the Milky Way and other galaxies. We find indications that gas and magnetic field pressures are different above and below the warped midplane in the outer Galaxy, and quantify the difference in terms of turbulent velocity and/or magnetic field strength.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between the star formation rate per unit area and the surface density of the interstellar medium (ISM; the local Kennicutt–Schmitt law) using a simplified model of the ISM and a simple estimate of the star formation rate based on the mass of gas in bound clumps, the local dynamical time-scales of the clumps and an efficiency parameter of around  ε≈ 5  per cent. Despite the simplicity of the approach, we are able to reproduce the observed linear relation between star formation rate and surface density of dense (molecular) gas. We use a simple model for the dependence of H2 fraction on total surface density to argue why neither total surface density nor the H  i surface density is a good local indicator of star formation rate. We also investigate the dependence of the star formation rate on the depth of the spiral potential. Our model indicates that the mean star formation rate does not depend significantly on the strength of the spiral potential, but that a stronger spiral potential, for a given mean surface density, does result in more of the star formation occurring close to the spiral arms. This agrees with the observation that grand design galaxies do not appear to show a larger degree of star formation compared to their flocculent counterparts.  相似文献   

When a supermassive black hole exists in the centre of a galaxy, an additional inner Lindblad resonance (ILR) exists inside the usual ILRs. We study gas dynamics in a weakly barred potential with a central supermassive black hole by using 2D numerical simulations, and we investigate the effect of the additional ILR on the fuelling of gas into nuclear starburst regions or active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Our numerical results show that strong trailing spiral shocks are formed at the resonance region, and that the gas in the shock region is rapidly fuelled into a central region and makes a nuclear gas ring. As a result, a large amount of gas is concentrated in the nuclear region beyond the ILR in a dynamical time-scale.  相似文献   

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