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渤海海域辽东湾坳陷正断层联接及其转换带特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
渤海辽东湾坳陷发育的大量正断层通过硬联接和软联接的形式发生了相互作用,并形成了丰富的转换带。根据正断层的倾向及其组合特征,将正断层软联接类型分为同向、对向和背向叠覆型三类,其形成的转换带类型相应分为转换斜坡、斜向背斜和地垒。发育在正断层叠置段内的转换带传递了正断层之间的伸展应变量,使其在三维空间里保持应变守恒。辽东湾坳陷转换带的形成演化主要经历了孤立正断层、转换带形成、转换带复杂化和转换带破裂等四个阶段。  相似文献   

为了研究正断层在油气成藏与分布中的作用,通过分析正断层输导与不同运移方向所形成的油气分布之间关系,对正断层输导油气运移输导模式及其对油气分布的控制作用进行了研究,结果表明:正断层输导油气运移模式主要有输导油气垂向运移和输导油气侧向运移2种模式。正断层输导油气垂向运移模式又可分为输导油气以垂向运移为主模式和输导油气先垂后侧运移模式;正断层输导油气侧向运移模式又可分为输导油气侧向连接运移模式和输导油气先侧后垂运移模式。正断层输导油气垂向运移模式对油气分布的控制作用主要表现在2个方面:①正断层输导油气垂向运移模式控制着油气剖面分布特征,输导油气以垂向运移为主模式形成的油气可以在盖层上下分布,输导油气先垂后侧运移模式形成的油气只能在盖层之下分布。②正断层上盘高砂地比地层是其垂向输导油气运移模式形成油气平面分布的主要部位。正断层输导油气侧向运移模式对油气分布的控制作用主要表现在2个方面:①正断层输导油气侧向运移模式控制着油气剖面分布特征,输导油气先侧后垂运移模式形成的油气可以在盖层上下分布,输导油气侧向连接运移模式形成的油气只能在盖层之下分布。②反向正断层下盘是其侧向输导运移模式形成油气平面分布的主要部位。  相似文献   

In the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent landmasses,faults are very complex,and their distribution is closely related to plate tectonics,ocean-land boundary,and former structure.The plane position of the faults can be identified by the maximum characteristic of the vertical derivative of the normalized vertical derivative of the total horizontal derivative(NVDR-THDR)of the Bouguer gravity anomaly.The apparent depth of the faults is inverted by the Bouguer gravity anomaly curvature property.Based on tectonic evolutionary processes and the plane distribution and apparent depth characteristics of the faults,a complete fault system for the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent areas has been established,including 102 faults.The apparent depths of 33 first-class faults are 16-20 km and for 69 second-class faults are 12-16 km.The F1-2and F1-3subduction fault zones are two caused by the subduction of the Cocos Plate into the old Yucatan and Chorti landmasses;F1-11and F1-12fault zones extend westward to the coast of Guatemala and do not extend into the continent;F1-17and F1-20faults,which control the boundary of the oceanic crust,do not extend southward into the continent.The fault system,which radiates in a"fan-shaped"structure as a whole,unfolds to the northeast.Faults of different nature and sizes are distributed in the Cocos Plate subduction zone,Continental,Gulf of Mexico,Yucatan old landmass and Caribbean Plate in NW,NNW,NS,NE and NEE directions.In the Gulf of Mexico region,the fault system is a comprehensive reflection of former tectonic movements,such as plate movement,drift of old landmasses and expansion of oceanic crusts.The first-class faults control the plate and ocean-continental boundaries.The second-class faults are subordinate to the first-class faults or related to the distribution of different sedimentary layers.  相似文献   

Coal beds of the Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Formation in the San Juan Basin of northwestern New Mexico and southwestern Colorado have significant liquid hydrocarbon generation potential as indicated by typical Rock-Eval Hydrogen Indexes in the range of 200–400 mg hydrocarbon/g organic carbon (type II and III organic matter). Small, non-commercial quantities of oil have been produced from the coal beds at several locations. The oils are characterized by high pristane/phytane (ca 4) and pristane/n-C17 ratios (ca 1.2), abundant C21+ alkanes in the C10+ fraction with a slight predominance of odd carbon-numbered n-alkanes, abundant branched-chain alkanes in the C15+ region, and a predominance of methylcyclohexane in the C4----C10 fraction. The oils are indigenous to the Fruitland Formation coals and probably migrated at thermal maturities corresponding to vitrinite reflectance values in the range 0.7–0.8%. Although the oils found to date are not present in commercial amounts, these findings illustrate the potential of some coals to generate and expel oil under conditions of moderate thermal heating.  相似文献   

Geologic mapping and new K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the southeastern Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO), at its intersection with the northern margin of the Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB), indicate the occurrence of three volcanic groups. The oldest group corresponds to the SMO, and includes 29 to 22 Ma voluminous ignimbrites and 30 Ma andesites and rhyolites. The youngest group includes widespread basaltic-andesitic lava plateaus that yielded ages from 14.6 to 8.8 Ma and are interpreted as the beginning of the MVB. From 22 to 14.6 Ma, volcanic activity in the area was significantly reduced, but did not cease entirely. We refer to the third group as transitional volcanism, which is dominated by andesitic and rhyolitic lava domes but also includes high-grade andesitic ignimbrites. We conclude that the change from volcanism proper of the SMO to that of the MVB was gradual with respect to age and drastic with respect to composition and style, from a voluminous-silicic-ignimbrite domain to a widespread basaltic-andesitic-lava plateau domain. This change may have been related to major plate tectonic reorganizations within the interval from 25 to 12 Ma that involved the waning of subduction of the Farallon plate west of northern Mexico and the associated southward migration of the triple junction of the Pacific-Farallon-North America plates, the subsequent break-up of the Farrallon plate into the Guadalupe and Cocos plates, and the counterclockwise and clockwise rapid rotation of the ridge between them around 16 to 12.5 Ma.  相似文献   

数值模拟探讨青藏高原东部应力应变场及断裂活动性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青藏高原东部是我国活动构造非常强烈的区域,现今的应力应变状态对活动构造研究有重要参考意义。本文依据地质资料和岩石力学性质构建相应的有限元数值模型,以GPS观测为边界约束,计算得到了青藏高原东部应力应变场,在此基础上探讨了主要断裂的活动特征。结果显示,距离印度板块和欧亚大陆板块碰撞带较近的青藏高原,汇聚速度、最大压应变率和最大压应力均较高,而随着远离碰撞带各个数值相应降低;在青藏高原东部,以喜马拉雅东构造结为旋转中心的一系列弧形断裂滑动速率相对较高,如玉树—鲜水河—小江断裂带,巴塘—金沙江断裂带,嘉黎断裂带等,这些走滑断裂带控制着青藏高原东南缘物质旋转挤出的特征,而其它断裂带滑动速率则相对较低,在块体内部则更低;结果同时表明应变速率分配高的断裂达到屈服的时间短,对应的地震复发周期短。  相似文献   

付广  杨敬博 《地球科学》2013,38(4):783-791
为了研究南堡凹陷中浅层油气成藏规律, 采用区域性盖层厚度与断裂断距大小比较和与油气分布关系分析的研究方法, 对断盖配置对沿断裂运移油气的封闭作用进行了研究.结果表明: 断盖配置对沿断裂运移油气有3级封闭作用: (1)当盖层厚度大于断裂断距, 且断接厚度大于一定值时, 盖层与断裂配置对沿断裂运移油气可起完全封闭作用; (2)当盖层厚度大于断裂断距, 但断接厚度小于一定值时, 断盖配置对沿断裂运移油气可起部分封闭作用; (3)当盖层厚度小于断距, 断接厚度小于零时, 断盖配置对沿断裂运移油气无封闭作用.南堡凹陷3套区域性盖层中东二段泥岩和馆三段火山岩2套区域性盖层与断裂配置对沿断裂运移油气均具有完全、部分和无封闭三级作用, 明下段泥岩区域性盖层与断裂配置仅具完全封闭作用.3套区域性盖层与断裂配置的封闭作用之间, 空间不同配置对南堡凹陷中浅层油气聚集分布层位和区域的控制作用主要表现在以下3个方面: (1)南堡2号地区东二段区域性盖层与断裂配置为完全封闭, 油气主要分布在其下; (2)南堡1~5区块东二段区域性盖层与断裂配置为部分或无封闭, 馆三段区域性盖层与断裂配置为完全封闭, 油气主要分布在东一段和馆四段; (3)南堡1号和4号局部地区东二段和馆三段区域性盖层与断裂配置为部分或无封闭, 明下段区域性盖层与断裂配置为完全封闭, 油气从下至上皆有分布.   相似文献   

伸展盆地的大地热流值可以认为是由地幔热流,地壳内部和盆地沉积物生热效应以及岩石圈和沉积物导热性质等多个因素综合叠加的结果。本文根据传热学理论,分析了纯剪切模式条件下伸展盆地内的地表热流值贡献的分布规律及其与伸展因子的理想关系,认为深部热源的能量,伸展因子大小,地壳浅层的生热性质以及盆地构造位置是控制盆地热流高低和展布的关键因素。结合沉积地层的导热性质,放射性元素的生热效应,岩浆区的现今地表热流分布,得到了与正演模拟相接近的结果,验证了该方法思路的有效性。同时对该地区幕式伸展裂陷过程中的地表热流值变化趋势进行了模拟,认为在不同的伸展裂陷幕地表热流值表现为阶段式的升高,在末期达到最大值。  相似文献   


The early and middle Miocene andesitic lavas of the Sierra de Angangueo (MALSA) represent one of the most prominent landforms of intermediate magmatism in Central Mexico. In this paper, we present new petrological, geochemical, thermobarometric, and geochronological data in order to discuss the conditions of MALSA’s emplacement in the lithosphere.

MALSA comprises a voluminous eroded early Miocene andesitic structure, emplaced on a Mesozoic basement. MALSA shows a wide variety of textures, from glassy and aphanitic to porphyritic, mainly composed of plagioclase (An10-55), clinopyroxene (Wo60-65; En35-40), amphibole (Mg-hornblende/edenite), and rarely olivine (Fo75–86) or orthopyroxene (En72-80). Major and trace elements plots follow a typical calc-alkaline trend with relatively increasing fractionation.

The 87Sr/86Sr isotopic signatures range between 0.703343 and 0.704459 and εNd values from +1.37 to +4.84; apparently without a significant contribution of an old, thick, or highly radiogenic continental crust. Lead isotope values 206Pb/204Pb vary between 18.68 and 18.83, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.57 to 15.65, and 208Pb/204Pb from 38.39 to 38.67, suggesting contamination of magmas by juvenile crust. Thermodynamic calculations indicate equilibrium conditions at ≤900°C and ~2 kbar and an average log ?O2 ≈ ?10.

Ar–Ar and K–Ar dating carried out on whole rock, matrix, amphibole, and plagioclase phenocrysts yielded ages between 13.0 ± 0.5 and 23.9 ± 0.3 Ma. These dates indicate a series of pulses with maximum magmatic activity between 24 and 18 Ma.

The geochemical and petrologic data suggest partial melting processes in the lower or middle crust associated with possible magma mixing during its ascent; such a mechanism could explain a hybrid mantle-lower crust origin of this large volume of andesites. The MALSA, as well as the early to middle Miocene magmatism from Western Mexico, could represent two coeval and independent magmatic arcs prior to the present Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) in Central Mexico.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine two central concepts of urban metabolism (‘system boundaries’ and ‘flows’), and explore how to approach them as a means to politicise urban metabolism research. We present empirical findings from two case studies of waste management, in Mexico City and Santiago de Chile, looking at: the materiality of waste flows, the actors involved in them, and how waste flows relate to issues of environmental justice. We argue that urban metabolism, as a methodology to understand urban sustainability, has the potential to produce knowledge to trigger urban transformations, and to analyse the social, political and environmental aspects of waste management in urban areas.  相似文献   

After 11·5 ka of quiescence (24·5–13 ka),the Nevado de Toluca volcano started a 2500 year period of activity.This period was characterized by a dome destruction event at13 ka, a small Plinian event at 12·1 ka, and a largePlinian eruption at 10·5 ka. About 10 km3 of magma waserupted that was homogeneous in composition (63·3–65·7SiO2 wt % whole-rock) and in mineralogy. Pumice consists ofplagioclase (An30–59) > orthopyroxene (En56–59)> hornblende >> Fe–Ti oxides + rare apatite (inopx) + biotite, set in a rhyolitic matrix (72–76 SiO2wt %). 40Ar/39Ar analysis of single biotite crystals yieldedages (0·81–4·7 Ma), that do not correspondto eruption ages. The biotite represents partially assimilatedxenocrysts, which could have resided in the magma for only ashort period of time. Mineral chemical data, coupled with hydrothermalexperiments, indicate that prior to eruption the dacitic magmastagnated at a depth of 4·5–6 km below the summitat water pressures of 160–210 MPa and a temperature of824 ± 12°C on the basis of Fe–Ti oxide thermometry,and under water-saturated conditions. To stabilize a homogeneousmagma body of >10 km3 at 824°C in the upper crust, wepropose that reheating of the dacitic reservoir by hotter magmabatches was able to maintain the equilibrium between the temperatureof the magma and the assimilation of wall-rock over a periodof 2500 years. Based on similarities among the juvenile products,we suggest that the three eruptions were fed from the same magmabody. KEY WORDS: explosive volcanism; xenocrystic contamination; Nevado de Toluca, Mexico  相似文献   

长期以来牵引构造被视为油气勘探的重点领域,随着构造沉积学的发展,同沉积逆牵引构造已经取得了大量的进展,但是对正牵引构造的研究还比较少,使其成为了研究热点。关于克-百断裂带的构造成因机制尚还存在争论,与正牵引构造相关的物理模拟在国内尚未见报道。本文通过地震解释资料描述了准噶尔盆地西北缘克-百断裂带正牵引构造的变形特征,结合应力场分析,讨论了正牵引构造的成因机制;并设计物理模型对正牵引构造的形成演化进行了模拟,给出了克-百断裂带为挤压成因的新论据。研究认为,克-百断裂带的正牵引构造是在印支期、燕山期挤压推覆过程中形成的,属于同生逆断层体系;塑性地层的发育是正牵引构造产生的前提;随着前冲断层倾角变大,断层活动性减弱,为断层上盘地层收缩形成正牵引构造创造了条件。此次研究提出正牵引构造的形成演化模式分为三个阶段:第一阶段为褶皱轴面紧贴断层面的雏形阶段;第二阶段为褶皱轴面旋转,规模扩展阶段;第三阶段为继承性同沉积阶段。结合前人研究成果,认为同生逆断层可作为油气运移通道,但是正牵引构造的高部位并不一定是有利的油气聚集区;正牵引构造第一阶段形成的底形控制了砂体的展布,在第二阶段,构造低部位能形成岩性油气藏;而正牵引构造发育的第三阶段,可在构造高部位形成构造或地层圈闭油气藏。  相似文献   

Timing, Displacement and Growth Pattern of the Altyn Tagh Fault: A Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Altyn Tagh Fault (ATF) is the longest, lithospheric scale and strike-slip fault in East Asia. In the last three decades, multidisciplinary studies focusing on the timing, displacement of strike-slip and growth mechanics of the ATF have made great progresses. Most studies revealed that the ATF is a sinistral strike-slip and thrust fault, which underwent multiple episodes of activation. The fault is oriented NEE with a length of 1600 km, but the direction, timing of activity and magnitude of its extension eastward are still unclear. The AFT was predominately active during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, in relation to the Mesozoic collision of the Cimmerian continent (Qiangtang and Lhasa block) and Cenozoic collision of India with Asia. The AFT strike-slipped with a left-lateral displacement of ca. 400 km during the Cenozoic and the displacement were bigger in the western segment and stronger in the early stage of fault activation. The slip-rates in the Quaternary were bigger in the middle segment than in the western and eastern segment. We roughly estimated the Mesozoic displacement as ca. 150-300 km. The latest paleomagnetic data showed that the clockwise vertical-axis rotation did not take place in the huge basins (the Tarim and Qaidam) at both side of ATF during the Cenozoic, but the rotation happened in the small basins along the ATF. This rotation may play an important role on accommodating the tectonic deformation and displacement of the ATF. Even if we have achieved consensus for many issues related to the ATF, some issues still need to be study deeply; such as: (a) the temporal and spatial coupling relationship between the collision of Cimmerian continent with Asia and the history of AFT in the Mesozoic and (b) the tectonic deformation history which records by the sediments of the basins within and at both side of AFT and was constrained by a high-resolution and accurate chronology such as magnetostratigraphy and paleomagnetic data.  相似文献   

梁友嘉  徐中民 《冰川冻土》2013,35(1):249-354
尽管近年来统计数据的生成技术有了很大提高, 但可用的详细GDP空间分布数据始终难以得到满足. 以夜间灯光辐射数据、 官方统计数据和已有空间化人口分布数据构建了一种GDP空间化建模方法, 得到张掖市甘州区2000年的GDP空间分布. 首先, 分析基于乡镇单元的GDP与对应的夜间灯光辐射数据DN值之间的关系, 得到GDP模拟模型; 然后结合人口空间分布数据和三次产业的比例, 得到基于500 m×500 m栅格的GDP空间分布图. 各乡镇的GDP平均值为372×104元, 标准差为34×104元.  相似文献   

胶东是中国探明金资源量最多的地区,其中焦家金矿带已探明金资源量>1000t。金矿床(体)严格受焦家主断裂及其下盘次级断裂/裂隙系统控制,构建断裂构造控矿模式长期以来都是胶东金成矿系统理论与勘查系统实践亟待突破的关键问题。本文通过典型剖面构造-蚀变-矿化岩相填图、露头尺度构造解析、三维结构模型及有限元数值模拟,剖析典型金矿床(体)分布与不同级别、序次和型式的控矿构造的关系,初步总结焦家金矿带控矿规律,构建断裂带三维结构模型及其控矿模式,并应用有限元数值模拟取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

On the basis of field observations of the structures of three profiles from the Linshu region, deformation characteristics and the tectonic background of the Yishu fault belt in the Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic have been discussed in detail.Three structural profiles, whose deformations consist mainly of earlier transpressional faults and later normal faults, were developed for the Mengtuan Formation of the Lower Cretaceous Dasheng Group.Typical positive flower structures, duplex structures, and break-through faults were found in these profiles.On the basis of analyses of the structural deformation and previous geochronological studies, it was concluded that the earlier transpressional faults of the profiles were triggered by the sinistral transpression of the Yishu fault belt in the Late Cretaceous–Early Paleogene, and that the later normal faults, formed during the Late Paleogene–Neogene extension, truncated the earlier transpressional faults.With consideration of the tectonic evolution of the Tan-Lu fault belt and the different drift directions of the Pacific plate since the Cretaceous, we suggest that the major tectonic events of the Late Cretaceous–Neogene in eastern China were mainly controlled by the subduction of the Pacific plate.  相似文献   

Provenance studies have been performed utilising major and trace elements, Nd systematics, whole rock Pb–Pb isotopes and zircon U/Pb SHRIMP data on metasedimentary rocks of the Sierra de San Luis (Nogolí Metamorphic Complex, Pringles Metamorphic Complex, Conlara Metamorphic Complex and San Luis Formation) and the Puncoviscana Formation of the Cordillera Oriental. The goal was the characterisation of the different domains in the study area and to give insights to the location of the source rocks. An active continental margin setting with typical composition of the upper continental crust is depicted for all the complexes using major and trace elements. The Pringles Metamorphic Complex shows indications for crustal recycling, pointing to a bimodal provenance. Major volcanic input has to be rejected due to Th/Sc, Y/Ni and Cr/V ratios for all units. The εNd(540 Ma) data is lower for the San Luis Formation and higher for the Conlara Metamorphic Complex, as compared to the other units, in which a good consistency is given. This is similar to the TDM ages, where the metapsammitic samples of the San Luis Formation are slightly older. The spread of data is largest for the Pringles Metamorphic Complex, again implying two different sources. The whole rock 207Pb/206Pb isotopic data lies in between the South American and African sources, excluding Laurentian provenances. The whole rock Pb–Pb data is almost indistinguishable in the different investigated domains. Only the PMC shows slightly elevated 208Pb/204Pb values. Possible source rocks for the different domains could be the Quebrada Choja in the Central Arequipa–Antofalla domain, the Southern domain of the Arequipa–Antofalla basement, the Brazilian shield or southern Africa. Zircon SHRIMP data point to a connection between the Puncoviscana Formation and the Conlara Metamorphic Complex. Two maxima around 600 Ma and around 1000 Ma have been determined. The Nogolí Metamorphic Complex and the Pringles Metamorphic Complex show one peak of detrital zircons around 550 Ma, and only a few grains are older than 700 Ma. The detrital zircon ages for the San Luis Formation show age ranges between 590 and 550 Ma. A common basin can be assumed for the Conlara Metamorphic Complex and the Puncoviscana Formation, but the available data support different sources for the rest of the Complexes of the Sierra de San Luis. These share the diminished importance or the lack of the Grenvillian detrital peak, a common feature for the late Cambrian–early Ordovician basins of the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas, in contrast to the Sierras de Córdoba, the PVF and the Conlara Metamorphic Complex.  相似文献   

Compressional or extensional troughs occupied by at least two sedimentary fills of dissimilar age, origin, facies, internal structure, and deformation pattern are herein termed superimposed basins. The lower and older fill of such basins is inherited from the latest compressional paleotectonic regime, and therefore is highly deformed (folded to thrust faulted). In contrast, the upper fill (neotectonic fill) is nearly flat, or undeformed, resting on the erosional surface of the lower fill with an angular unconformity. Superimposed basins occur mostly in or adjacent to recently active extensional terrains and recent strike-slip fault zones cutting across suture zones.

Within the framework of neotectonics, recent geologic studies such as field geologic mapping, measured stratigraphic sections, aerial photography, and remote-sensing studies conducted in Turkey have shown that a number of well-developed and preserved superimposed basins occur along and adjacent to the North Anatolian transform fault (NATF), obliquely crossing the late Tertiary Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture zone (IAESZ). One such superimposed basin is the Refahiye, previously and erroneously interpreted to be a strike-slip basin of Pliocene age. In contrast, this study demonstrates that it is a well-preserved superimposed basin consisting of a combination of both an early-formed, early-middle Miocene piggy-back basin (the older Refahiye basin) and a newly developing strike-slip basin (the Kova basin). The Refahiye basin, located on the southern block of the Niksar-Erzincan segment of the Northern Anatolian fault master strand (NAFMS), contains two fills: (1) lower-middle Miocene latest paleotectonic fill (lower fill), and (2) Plio-Quaternary neotectonic fill (upper fill). The lower fill consists mostly of fluvial red clastics approximately 1 km thick with intercalations of gypsum lenses and shallow-marine reefal limestone of early-middle Miocene age. It is intensely folded, thrust-faulted, and not confined the present-day configuration of the Refahiye basin. The lower fill and its deformational structures, such as folds and thrust faults, are crossed and displaced dextrally by an active strike-slip fault system, the NATE In contrast, the upper fill, which rests on the erosional surface of the lower fill with an angular unconformity, consists of Plio-Quaternary terrace conglomerates, Quaternary imbricated gravels, and fine-grained Quaternary plain sediments (mostly silt and clay); these were deposited within a newly developing strike-slip basin—the Kova pull-apart basin—superimposed on the lower fill of the Refahiye basin. The upper fill is undeformed and nearly flat-lying. All these characteristics reveal that the present configuration of the Refahiye basin is a superimposed basin, herein termed the Refahiye superimposed basin.  相似文献   

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