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Following final closure of the Neotethyan Ocean during the late Miocene, deformation in central Turkey has led to crustal thickening and uplift to produce the Anatolian Plateau followed by westward extrusion of terranes by strike–slip. Widespread volcanism has accompanied this latter (neotectonic) phase, and palaeomagnetic study of the volcanism shows a coherent record of differential block rotations, indicating that the Anatolian region is not a plate (or ‘platelet’) sensu stricto but is undergoing distributed internal deformation. To evaluate the scale of neotectonic rotations in the transition zone near the western limit of tectonic escape and the border of the extensional domain in central-west Turkey, we have studied the palaeomagnetism at 82 sites in volcanic suites distributed along a 140-km lineament with north–south trend and ranging in age from 18 to 8 Ma. Comparable deflection of magnetic remanence from the present field direction is identified along the full length of the lineament. A mean clockwise rotation of 12.3±4.2° is determined for this western sector of the Anatolian strike–slip province. Since similar rotations are observed in the youngest and oldest units, this cumulative rotation occurred after the late Miocene. When interpreted together with results elsewhere in Anatolia, it is inferred that the rotation is later than crustal thickening and uplift of the Anatolian Plateau and entirely a facet of the tectonic escape. Inclinations are mostly 10° shallower than the predicted Miocene field and are considered to reflect the presence of a persistent inclination anomaly in the Mediterranean region. Larger rotations departing from the regional trend are also observed within the study region, but are confined to the vicinity of major faults, notably those bounding the Afyon-Ak ehir Graben.The pattern of neotectonic declinations across Anatolia identifies strong anticlockwise rotation in the east near the Arabian pincer with progressive reduction in the amount of rotation towards the west; it becomes zero or slightly clockwise at the western extremity of the accreted terrane collage. Rotations also appear to become generally younger towards the south. Crustal deformation has therefore been distributed, and the net effect of terrane extrusion to the west and south has been to expand the curvature of the Tauride Arc. The westward radial expansion of the extruded terranes is inferred to combine with backroll on the Hellenic Arc to produce the contemporary extensional province in western Turkey.  相似文献   

The problem of assimilating biased and inaccurate observations into inadequate models of the physical systems from which the observations were taken is common in the petroleum and groundwater fields. When large amounts of data are assimilated without accounting for model error and observation bias, predictions tend to be both overconfident and incorrect. In this paper, we propose a workflow for calibration of imperfect models to biased observations that involves model construction, model calibration, model criticism and model improvement. Model criticism is based on computation of model diagnostics which provide an indication of the validity of assumptions. During the model improvement step, we advocate identification of additional physically motivated parameters based on examination of data mismatch after calibration and addition of bias correction terms. If model diagnostics indicates the presence of residual model error after parameters have been added, then we advocate estimation of a “total” observation error covariance matrix, whose purpose is to reduce weighting of observations that cannot be matched because of deficiency of the model. Although the target applications of this methodology are in the subsurface, we illustrate the approach with two simplified examples involving prediction of the future velocity of fall of a sphere from models calibrated to a short-time series of biased measurements with independent additive random noise. The models into which the data are assimilated contain model errors due to neglect of physical processes and neglect of uncertainty in parameters. In every case, the estimated total error covariance is larger than the true observation covariance implying that the observations need not be matched to the accuracy of the measuring instrument. Predictions are much improved when all model improvement steps were taken.  相似文献   

The paper deals with palaeomagnetic chronology as a statistical method. Using R. Fisher's statistics, the author derived the mean virtual pole positions, beginning with the Quaternary up to the Devonian, from data published in different countries and laboratories for the Eurasian continent up to the end of the year of 1966. From the mean pole positions the divergence of palaeomagnetic directions was computed and its value for Central Europe versus time was plotted. — Palaeomagnetic research into biostratigraphically dated rocks and mineral deposits in the Bohemian Massif has reached a stage, where it is possible to study the tectonic development of mineral deposits in relation to tectonic development of various basins, grabens and rock blocks. With respect to tectonic deformations, to the natural scattering of palaeomagnetic directions and to the accuracy in deriving the mean values of palaeomagnetic divergence, it is possible to achieve an accuracy in palaeomagnetic dating within the limits of a geological period, i.e. some tens of millions of years. Some other parameters may be used in special instances to reach a higher degree of accuracy.
Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit behandelt die paläomagnetische Chronologie als statistische Methode im Hinblick auf die Erforschung von Lagerstätten. Mit der statistischen Methode von R. Fisher berechnet der Verfasser die mittleren Lagen der virtuellen Pole vom Quartär bis zum Devon; zur Berechnung wurden die paläomagnetischen Daten ausgenutzt, die für den eurasischen Erdteil bis 1966 veröffentlicht wurden. Von den mittleren Pollagen wurde die Divergenz der paläomagnetischen Richtungen für Mitteleuropa abgeleitet und ihr Wert wurde als Zeitfunktion graphisch dargestellt. Auf diese Weise wurde durch eine objektive Methode eine chronologische Vergleichskala ermittelt, die sich auf ein umfangreiches statistisches Material vom gesamten eurasischen Erdteil stützt. — Die paläomagnetische Erforschung der biostratigraphisch datierten Gesteine und Lagerstätten von Mineralrohstoffen auf dem Gebiet des Böhmischen Massivs ist so weit fortgeschritten, daß es möglich ist, die tektonische Entwicklung der Lagerstätten mit Bezug auf die tektonische Entwicklung verschiedener Becken, Gräben, ganzer Gesteinsblöcke usw. zu untersuchen. Mit Rücksicht auf die tektonischen Deformationen, auf den natürlichen Streubereich der paläomagnetischen Richtungen und auf den Genauigkeitsgrad der Ableitung der mittleren Werte der paläomagnetischen Divergenz besteht die Möglichkeit, bei der paläomagnetischen Datierung die Genauigkeit im Bereich von einigen zehn Millionen Jahren zu erreichen. In speziellen Fällen ist es zweckmäßig, auch andere Parameter zum Erreichen eines höheren Genauigkeitsgrades zu benützen.

南岭中段锡矿床主要类型及找矿模式   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在野外调查和综合研究的基础上,将南岭中段主要锡矿床分为两类五型,即Ⅰ.岩浆期后气成-热液类锡矿床,Ⅱ.构造控制的多源热液类锡矿床;Ⅰ-1.变花岗岩型,Ⅰ-2.云英岩型,Ⅰ-3.矽卡岩型,Ⅰ-4.石英脉型,Ⅱ-1.构造蚀变岩型。初步建立了区内云英岩型、矽卡岩型和构造蚀变岩型锡矿的找矿模式,并就找矿中需要注意的问题以及主攻类型、找矿区位进行了讨论。  相似文献   

South-west Asia including the Middle East is one of the most prone regions to dust storm events. In recent years, there was an increase in the occurrence of these environmental and meteorological phenomena. Remote sensing could serve as an applicable method to detect and also characterise these events. In this study, two dust enhancement algorithms were used to investigate the behaviour of dust events using satellite data, compare with numerical model output and other satellite products and finally validate with in-situ measurements. The results show that the use of thermal infrared algorithm enhances dust more accurately. The aerosol optical depth from MODIS and output of a Dust Regional Atmospheric Model (DREAM8b) are applied for comparing the results. Ground-based observations of synoptic stations and sun photometers are used for validating the satellite products. To find the transport direction and the locations of the dust sources and the synoptic situations during these events, model outputs (HYSPLIT and NCEP/NCAR) are presented. Comparing the results with synoptic maps and the model outputs showed that using enhancement algorithms is a more reliable way than any other MODIS products or model outputs to enhance the dust.  相似文献   

RATAN-600 observations of a microwave source located above the active region NOAA 10105 obtained on September 7–20, 2002 with a frequency resolution of ~10% have revealed a spectral feature near 3.04 cm that can be interpreted as a neutral hydrogen line. This feature was observed September 11, 2002, in both absorption and emission, and was detected in the spectra of various portions of the source (sunspot, flocculus, and background). The maximum line depth of (35 ± 5)% of the source brightness was observed at the start of the observations (9.2h UT) in the flocculus in absorption. The line intensity decreased rapidly with time, becoming less than the measurement errors by 9.7h UT. It is most likely that the 3.04 cm emission is related to a 2B chromospheric flare (M2.2 X-ray burst) observed at ~7.5h UT in the floccular field, near the main sunspot of NOAA 10105. In this case, the total duration of the event was about two hours. These observations are consistent with earlier statistical studies, and refines these based on data with higher spatial resolution. Recommendations for further observational studies of the solar 3.04-cm hydrogen line are presented; requirements for theories of the 3.04 cm line taking into account nonequilibrium states of the active-region plasma are indicated.  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing provides important observational constraints for monitoring dust life cycle and improving the understanding of its effects on local to global scales. The present work analyzes the dust aerosol patterns over the arid environment of the Sistan region in southeastern Iran, by means of multiple satellite platforms aiming to reveal the spatio-temporal distribution and trends. The dataset includes records of Aerosol Index (AI) from Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) (1978–2001) and 6-year AI records from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) aboard Aura. Moreover, the aerosol optical depth is analyzed through 11-year records from Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) aboard Terra (2000–2010) and from Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard Terra (2000–2007) and Aqua (2002–2011). The main focus is to determine the similarities and differences in dust variability over southwest Asia, in general, and the Sistan region, in particular. The results show a marked seasonal cycle with high aerosol loading during summer and lower in winter, while MISR, MODIS, and TOMS/OMI observations agree in both terms of monthly and seasonally mean spatial and temporal patterns. The higher aerosol concentrations during summer are interpreted as a result of the combined effect of the seasonal drying of the Hamoun lakes and the strong northerly Levar winds favoring dust erosion from the alluvial deposits in Sistan. After prolonged drought period, the dust aerosol load over the area has increased in the beginning of the 2000 s and decreased after 2004, thereby leading to an overall declining trend during the last decade. Such a trend is absent during the winter period when dust emission over the region is minimal.  相似文献   

This paper points out certain discrepancies when the incoherent scatter radar observations at Jicamarca and the electron density models, (the Bent andiri) were compared. In all cases the bottomside semi-thickness of the observed profile was significantly greater than that of both Bent andiri models. The decay constants associated with the topside ionosphere for the observed profiles were generally greater than that of the two models, the difference being more pronounced in theiri model. The results call for a revision of the models so that they accurately represent the electron density distribution at the equator.  相似文献   

A new palaeomagnetic investigation of Mesozoic igneous rocks in Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Palaeomagnetic results have been obtained from four Australian igneous rock formations ranging in age from Early Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. These new sampling localities cover a much larger area than previously represented by Australian data. It is demonstrated that the pole positions yielded by the Kangaroo Island basalt (viz. 39° S 183° E, A95 = 11°) dated at 170 m.y. and the Early Jurassic western Victoria basalts (viz. 47° S 18 6° E, A 95 = 4°) agree with results from other continents in the context of Gondwanaland. The pole position for the Bendigo dykes (47° S 135° E, A95 = 39°) confirm the ‘anomalous’ results previously obtained from southeastern Australia. The fourth pole position, obtained from the Bunbury basalt of Western Australia (dated at around 90 m.y.) is in good agreement with other Cretaceous data for Australia, implying that pole positions for the Jurrassic and Cretaceous periods should now be considered separately.  相似文献   

We present the results of VLA observations of a maser candidate in the low-mass star formation region L1157 in the 70-61 A + transition at 44 GHz. The line is emitted by a compact, undoubtedly maser source associated with clump B0a, which is seen in maps of L1157 in thermal lines of methanol and other molecules. A much weaker compact source is associated with clump B1a, which is brighter than B0a in thermal methanol lines. The newly detected masers may form in thin layers of turbulent post-shock gas. In this case, the maser emission may be beamed, so that only an observer located in or near the planes of the layers can observe strong masers. On the other hand, the maser lines are double with a “red” asymmetry, indicating that the masers may form in collapsing clumps. A detailed analysis of collapsing-cloud maser models and their applicability to the masers in L1157 will be developed in subsequent papers.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to define the Vp and Vp/Vs structure of the fault zone ruptured by the ML 5.1 earthquake of October 15, 1996 which occurred near Reggio Emilia (central-northern Italy). A 1-month-long seismic sequence followed the mainshock and occurred in a small region along the outer border of the northern Apenninic belt, at depth ranging between 10 and 17 km. P- and S-wave arrival times from 304 aftershocks recorded by two local dense seismic arrays installed in the epicentral region have been inverted to obtain one- and three-dimensional velocity models by using state of the art local earthquake tomographic techniques. Velocity models and aftershock relocation help us to infer the seismotectonic of the region. Earthquakes originated along a NW-dipping backthrust of a NE-trending main thrust, composing the western part of the broad Ferrara Arc. A main high Vp and high Vp/Vs region delineates a pop-up structure in the center of the area. The high Vp/Vs within the pop-up structure supports the presence of a zone with increased pore pressure. The hypocentral depth of both mainshock and aftershocks is greater than those usually found for the main seismogenic regions of the Apenninic belt. P-wave velocity values in the seismogenic area, obtained by tomography, are compatible with rocks of the Mesozoic cover and suggest that seismicity occurred within the Mesozoic units stack at present by compressional tectonics.  相似文献   

The escape rate of atmospheric molecules on the Moon is calculated. Based on the assumption that the rates of emission and escape of gases attain equilibrium, the ratio of molecular number densities during day and night, n0d/n0n, can be explained. The plausible emission rate of helium and radioactive elements present in the Moon has also been calculated.  相似文献   

We study the active region NOAA 9591 using observations at 1.92–10.17 cm obtained on two large Russian radio instruments: the RATAN-600 radio telescope and the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope. The active region was associated with an isolated spot at the photospheric level, whose magnetic field had a well-defined Delta configuration. The radio observations show that the structure of the coronal source located above the spot cannot be described in a simple (unipolar) cyclotron model. A comparison with X-ray observations indicates that the three-dimensional structure of the corona above the spot can be represented as a strongly elongated loop whose apex resembles a cusp brightening (a qualitative model for the structure is presented). Unexpectedly, radiation with a high degree of polarization (~25%) was detected far (~100 000 km) from the photosphere. The need for a quantitative model for coronal sources above the strong Delta-configuration magnetic fields, which are known to play an important role in active solar processes (flares, phenomena such as coronal-mass ejections) is outlined. Thanks to its simple morphology, which enabled the identification of a pure Delta configuration, the active region NOAA 9591 provides high-quality observational material for the creation of such a model.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2006,144(3-4):213-238
We report new palaeomagnetic results from a ca. 1300 to 800 Ma continental shelf succession on the southern margin of the North China Block. A total of 386 oriented core samples were subjected to stepwise demagnetisation. Two overprint components (‘A’ and ‘B’) were identified, with ‘A’ being a Recent geomagnetic field component and ‘B’ a likely Mesozoic remagnetisation related to collision of the North and South China Blocks. An interpreted primary remanence was isolated from six rock units. The most reliable results are as follow, in the order of stratigraphic ascendance. (1) Purple mudstone, muddy sandstone and andesite of the lower Yunmenshan Formation (Rb–Sr age ca. 1270 Ma) yields a high-temperature component that passes both reversal and fold tests and gives a palaeopole at (60.6°S, 87.0°E, A95 = 3.7°). (2) Mudstone in the overlying Baicaoping Formation yields a high-temperature component with a palaeopole at (43.0°S, 143.8°E, A95 = 11.1°). (3) Purple sandstone of the earliest Neoproterozoic Cuizhuang and Sanjiaotang Formations exhibits a high-temperature component that provides a palaeopole at (41.0°S, 44.8°E, A95 = 11.3°). Based on both our new results and a critical selection of available palaeomagnetic data, we construct a preliminary apparent polar wander path (APWP) for the North China Block between 1300 and 510 Ma. Regardless of alternative polarity options applicable to these poles, North China was located within equatorial latitudes for much of this interval. Comparing the North China poles with coeval poles from Laurentia suggests that the two continents were situated on the same plate between 1200 and 700 Ma. North China was thus likely part of the supercontinent Rodinia. Separation of North China and Laurentia occurred between 650 and 615 Ma.  相似文献   

浙赣边区晚奥陶世地层之新见   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
浙赣两省交界的三山地区(江山、常山、玉山)晚奥陶世Ashgill中期的海相沉积主要包括3种岩相:碳酸盐岩相的三衢山组、碎屑岩相的长坞组以及碳酸盐岩和碎屑岩交互相的下镇组;这3种类型的地层在研究区内的横向分布存在一定规律,即从西南至东北大致为下镇组、三衢山组和长坞组。经详细的生物地层和岩石地层研究,建议取消“大桥灰岩”一名,用“下镇组”代替;整合于三衢山组之上的“文昌组”不宜归为Ashgill晚期,仍属Ashgill中期的沉积。通过系统的生态地层分析,对研究区内各种岩相地层之间的对比也提出了新的意见。  相似文献   

Integrated aeromagnetic and field-based structural analysis provides a method for establishing a constrained regional-scale tectonic model where insufficient outcrop, remoteness or restricted access precludes widespread structural mapping. In this method the different scales of observation lead to uncertainty in integrating the observations. An integrated analysis of the Deering Hills region of the Musgrave Province shows that this uncertainty is largely dependent on the magnetic data resolution, the scale of deformation, and mineralogy. In the Deering Hills, four deformation events are defined, each with different structural character. These differences in character result in different levels of uncertainty in integrating these observations with aeromagnetic data. D1 was only evident at small scales in outcrop, and therefore any correlation with aeromagnetic data is inherently uncertain. However, well-defined relative timing to D2, and the parallel nature of an S1 foliation and regional D1 structures identified in the aeromagnetic data permitted the derivation of a moderately reliable regional model indicating northwest to southeast directed shortening at a deep crustal level during the Musgravian Orogeny. This resulted in a pervasive gneissic foliation, and a regional array of northeast-trending reverse-shear zones and tight to isoclinal upright folds. A higher confidence regional model was derived for the second deformation event (D2), which was identified at the regional scale in outcrop and could be directly correlated with features in the aeromagnetic data. North–south-directed crustal shortening, either in the late Musgravian Orogeny or during deformation ca 1060 Ma resulting in east-southeast- and southeast-trending reverse- and dextral-reverse shear zones and southeast-trending recumbent isoclinal nappes. For the third and fourth deformation events, links could not be made between field observations and aeromagnetic data, and the regional models for these events are low in confidence. The regional setting of D3 is not defined, and D4 is interpreted to represent the development of shear zones during north–south compression in the Petermann Orogeny.  相似文献   

黄瑞华 《矿床地质》1988,7(2):65-72
在大地构造上,浙江地区锡矿(化)主要形成于中、新生代以来的地洼阶段。以江山-绍兴深断裂为界,可以划分为浙东洼陷和浙西洼隆。从地质条件、矿床成因、岩石类型和物质组分等特征,将浙江锡矿(化)划分为斑岩型、矽卡岩型、云英岩型、锡石-石英脉型,锡石-石硫化物型和砂矿型六种类型。亲石型锡矿建造主要分布于陈蔡—龙泉地穹内;亲铁型和亲硫型锡矿建造主要分布于富阳—开化地洼陷带。从锡矿(化)受控于构造、沉积建造的特点,结合锡的赋存状态,提出乌岙—洋滨一带是浙江找锡最有利的部位。  相似文献   

In the Fennoscandian Shield (Baltica) there are seven major rapakivi plutons and fifteen minor ones ranging in age from ca 1.66 to 1.50 Ga. These plutons are distributed in a broad WNW zone and if the most eastern pluton is excluded there is a westward trend of decreasing age of the intrusions. A palaeomagnetic study has been performed on 4 minor plutons (Rödö, Mårdsjö, Norsjö and Mullnäset) and associated dykes in central Sweden. The results were combined with palaeomagnetic data from other rapakivi complexes in Fennoscandia in order to test if a stationary hot spot may be the origin of these anorogenic intrusions. Plotting the pole positions of this study together with poles of other complexes, poles calculated from rapakivi rocks and related dykes in Finland are located at somewhat lower latitudes and more eastern longitudes than poles of corresponding rocks in Sweden, probably reflecting an APW related to the general age differences between the plutons. The palaeolatitudes for the Fennoscandian Shield at the time of the rapakivi intrusions are restricted to a latitudinal range between ca 16° south and 27° north and there is a weak trend of increasing palaeolatitude with decreasing age of the rocks. A trend of gradually changing palaeolatitudinal positions has also been observed for the intrusion of Proterozoic anorthosite-rapakivi plutons in the Ukranian Shield. Such differences in palaeolatitudes is not expected in case of a single stationary hot spot being the source of the rapakivi intrusions, as the rock then should carry a magnetization reflecting the same latitudinal position.  相似文献   

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