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Geographically isolated within its own State as well as from the rest of the country, and with the highest percentage of metropolitan primacy of all Australian States, Perth is a city somewhat uncomfortable with its creative and cultural identity. The city is physically peripheral to networks in the arts and creative industries that operate at the national level. And, symbolically, many in Perth’s cultural sector feel a sense of isolation. Yet, in certain cultural sectors, such as music, Perth demonstrably punches above its weight, consistently generating high-quality cultural exports. This paper unpicks this curious juxtaposition. It examines the influence of Perth—as a geographical location and a site of creative inspiration—on the music created and disseminated by local contemporary musicians who write and perform their own indie pop/rock music. I discuss the nuanced relationship between creative clustering and place, drawing on theories regarding the relationship between music and place, the notion of the music scenes and creativity and creative practices. I explore how living in Perth, a geographically isolated city, with a highly concentrated population and associated music sector, influences creative expressions, desires and inspirations, for a select group of local indie pop/rock musicians who achieved national and international notoriety with their music in the late 1990s and 2000s. Navigating isolation but nevertheless energised by strong social connections and scene participation, Perth musicians catalysed creativity in ways that contribute to evolving debates on the links between place, creativity and music.  相似文献   

The Goutte d'Or neighborhood of Paris has long been seen as an impoverished yet colorful quarter of the city. In recent years, it has also developed a reputation as a center for immigrants. Three populations now share the neighborhood: the European French, the Maghrebi immigrant population and their children, and the newest population of migrants from former Francophone colonies. This paper examines how the Goutte d'Or's social and ethnic identity is revealed in the built environment and in its social and economic activity. This neighborhood demonstrates how different communities and place identities coexist. It also shows how global networks of migration, exchange, and visits infuse local places. The Goutte d'Or distills many aspects of French immigrant identities, providing an example for increasing numbers of immigrant neighborhoods in France and across the world.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(6):461-482
We hypothesize that as the "global city" label becomes ever more central to a city's identity, local urban government policy increasingly supports those economic sectors that city leaders see as being congruent with the global and increasingly undermines sectors that serve primarily local markets. Through an in-depth study of small-scale manufacturers in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, in New York City, we examine the extent to which and the ways in which local policy undermines otherwise healthy locally oriented businesses. We find that the City's assumption that urban manufacturing is a dying breed becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, largely via the City's own treatment of its manufacturing businesses. Through a lack of enforcement of zoning codes, zoning variances and rezoning initiatives, and more quotidian policies of harassment over noise and other quality of life complaints, the City is making it more difficult to do business for small-scale manufacturers. These policies then create a conventional wisdom that sees the City as a difficult place to start and grow a business.  相似文献   

In August 2011, many Singaporean citizens grabbed their cooking pots and used the city‐state's national obsession with food to express growing dissatisfaction with immigration and integration trends. The ‘cook and share a pot of curry’ event—a local response to Chinese newcomers complaining about the smell of their Indian Singaporean neighbours’ food—is significant for its use of smell to catalyse a collective citizen reaction and for its reliance on contemporary social media. By analysing this event, we intend to (1) conceptualize the role of smell and viscera in framing citizenship; (2) understand how smells shed light on the city‐state's contemporary ethnic politics and sense of national identity; and (3) reframe the significance of curry day as an expression of visceral citizenship that complements how the state frames Singaporean citizenry. We maintain that curry day sheds light on a specific dimension of Singaporean citizenship, as it uses smell, viscera and embodied activism to mobilize against rationalistic state‐defined distinctions between local and international concerns, economic objectives and social cohesion, inter‐racial harmony and national identity.  相似文献   

刘博  朱竑  袁振杰 《地理研究》2012,31(12):2197-2208
节庆是地理学研究地方认同的一个重要视角。广州“迎春花市”与广府人“年卅晚行 花街”的传统民俗密不可分。一年一度的地方民俗节庆“迎春花市”作为广府地区的特质文 化形式, 在塑造地方认同中具有独特意义。本文基于新文化地理学视角, 采用问卷调查、参 与式观察、深度访谈等方法来搜集数据, 对问卷数据利用SPSS17.0进行频数统计、描述性统 计分析、数据质量分析、因子分析和单因子方差分析, 对访谈记录、网络资料等定性资料进 行文本分析。结果显示:(1)地方认同形成过程包含认知、情感和意向三个心理过程, 迎春 花市在这三个层面上都对地方认同的建构有积极作用。特别是, 政府尊重民意举办花市之举 措有利于促进地方认同的建构;(2)广州世居居民、父辈移居广州者、己辈定居者三类群体 对迎春花市的认同过程存在一定差异。尽管, 节庆能很好地将不同群体整合进更大的社区, 但是新来者要成为“本地人”,建立起地方认同仍需假以时日。这些发现将有助于理解广州不 同文化身份市民的文化融合及地方认同的形成原因  相似文献   

以拉萨为案例,对古城区居民地方依恋及其影响因素进行解读。研究发现:居民地方依恋水平整体较高,居民对古城的情感性依恋要大于功能性依恋;但由于依赖类型、居住时间、文化背景、宗教信仰以及"家"的归属感不同,原住居民的地方依恋水平要高于非原住居民;从地方因素来看,宗教信仰、环境状况、活动参与和社交关系是影响居民地方依恋的关键因素,原住居民排在第一位的影响因素是环境状况,而非原住居民排在第一位的则是宗教信仰,这为提升拉萨古城居民地方依恋水平提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

在"认知-情感-行为意向"范式下,基于中国农民工流入地典型代表广州市的抽样调查数据,采用差异显著性检验和结构方程模型分析方法,探讨农民工留城意愿和地方依恋特征,并实证检验休闲涉入、地方依恋对农民工留城意愿影响的理论模型.结果表明:1)广州市农民工的留城意愿和地方依恋倾向较为强烈;2)不同个体特征的农民工群体在留城意愿和...  相似文献   

蔡晓梅  朱竑 《地理学报》2012,67(8):1057-1068
全球化是当今世界最重要的特征之一。有关跨国移民对城市景观的感知和跨文化认同研究也得到越来越多的关注。在文献回顾的基础上, 以广州高星级酒店外籍管理者作为研究对象, 通过定性研究进行数据的收集和分析, 构建了外籍管理者对城市地方景观感知和跨文化认同的形成演变机制, 并得出以下结论:① 在职业影响下, 外籍管理者对迁入城市产生了被动的地方认同, 进而形成了被迫同化的跨文化认同模式;② 外籍管理者基于身份构建对城市地方景观进行感知, 对反映“他者”、“我者”和“世界人”身份的景观感知度较高, 反映出他们对故乡和迁入城市的地方认同, 从而产生了同时具有整合和边缘特征的跨文化认同模式;③ 外籍管理者通过迁入城市的地方景观感知而产生地方意义的解读, 基于对迁入城市正面的地方意义解读, 对城市产生了地方认同和整合的跨文化认同模式, 基于对迁入城市负面的地方意义解读, 对城市产生了地方不认同和分隔的跨文化模式。研究结论丰富了城市景观研究和跨文化认同研究的相关理论成果, 并为中国跨国移民政策和国际化城市建设提供了可供借鉴的实践参考。  相似文献   

郑衡泌 《地理研究》2012,31(12):2209-2219
以国内外地方认同及其相关研究理论为依据, 通过宁波广德湖田区历史空间结构演变 中地方祠神为象征的地方认同分析, 探讨地方认同的形成和结构, 进而提出一个地方认同的 结构框架, 包括空间、象征和集体记忆三个要素, 它们互相依存, 共同组成地方认同整体。 其中, 空间是地方认同的指向和发生容器, 集体记忆是地方认同得以区别于他者的唯一性和 特征, 而象征标志则使得记忆凝缩、人群凝聚、记忆凭依, 并使地方概念得以升华和延续。  相似文献   

The Country Women's Association of NSW (CWA) is the main voice of rural women in the state. It has been the biggest women's organisation in NSW until very recently. Its significant contribution to rural community development has been overlooked. After its foundation in 1922, the CWA established a widespread women's network, as well as many facilities for women and children. The necessary fund‐raising activities required the organisation of regular social activities in country towns. The CWA has always affirmed women's traditional gender roles, and it has never challenged the male hegemony typical of rural Australia. By contributing to the improvement of rural conditions, to the stability of family life and to local social activities, the CWA has helped to develop the rural economy as well as local and national identity. It has helped women put down roots in country areas. Its future role needs to be defined in the context of the difficult economic situation, and of the changes in gender roles, in rural NSW.  相似文献   

刘博  朱竑 《地理科学进展》2014,33(4):574-583
“广府庙会”是广府文化记忆与北方“庙会”文化符号杂糅的产物,一经举办即备受争议。采用参与式观察、深度访谈、文本分析等方法,深入剖析在广府庙会中不同社会群体(包括政府、媒体、专家、普通民众等)如何利用其拥有的文化表征权力,基于其文化记忆与地方认同,以话语与实践来表达自己对地方以及广府文化的理解,从而最大程度将自身地方认同在新创节庆中得以表征的协商过程。研究认为,城市内部存在多元文化认同,文化不断被争议与协商,本质上是“政治的”;新创民俗节庆成为地方认同建构的场域,地方认同在很大程度上取决于谁能成功地获取更大的文化表征权力。首届广府庙会由政府主导,媒体为多个群体话语提供沟通渠道,广州世居居民,特别是反对派的话语受到格外重视,代表广府地方文化认同的话语占据主导地位,政府采取积极倾听的态度,从而第二届广府庙会开始充满“广府味”,广州世居居民的地方认同得以表征。而新来者由于缺少文化表征权力,其话语未受重视,甚至部分新来者有被边缘化的感觉,不利于增强其地方认同。研究理论上有助于对新创节庆地方认同建构的理解,实践上则对利用节庆增进城市不同群体的文化融合与地方认同有积极指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the conflict that arose as the result of opening a McDonald's restaurant adjacent to a national shrine in Israel. This conflict transformed Golani Junction, previously associated with the meanings assigned to the Golani memorial, into a contested place and a controversial issue. The paper outlines the conflict and the attempts to reach a compromise solution. The main argument is that the conflict reflects the notion prevalent among those dedicated to the memorial site and to the values it enshrines that the restaurant defies the sacred character of the place and marginalized the memorial in the local landscape. The conflict of meaning is also associated with McDonald's being construed as a prominent symbol of the alleged Americanization of Israeli society and culture. With this, the controversial character of the Golani Junction is also an aspect of a wider debate concerning cultural identity in Israel. Beyond the local context and specific issues involved, the controversies that transform the Golani Junction into a contested place demonstrate how conflicting interpretations of place and the politics of its meaning are formulated in terms of landscape features and architectural details.  相似文献   

马凌  张媛媛  朱竑  陈晓亮 《地理研究》2019,38(8):2044-2057
快速城市化带来了行政区划的调整及城市土地、空间和边界的改变,也重构了传统的地方与地方认同。以广州市番禺小龙村为例,分析城市扩张和地方重构下影响地方认同的因素、机制与过程。研究发现:① 城市扩张过程中,居民户籍身份上的改变最为突出,农民对于其市民身份及新的行政地方的认同度不高,最终产生了一定程度的身份与区域的隔离;② 认同是多维度影响、深层次和动态变化的过程,地方认同需要从身份和地方双重维度进行分析,居民多元的自我身份感知与对地方的认知及其切实的个体需求共同影响其最终的身份归属和地方认同。因此,城市行政区划调整过程中需了解、重视区划调整变化后城郊居民的生产生活,同时注重社会基础福利的提升,以促进居民对于新的地方和身份的认同,进而促进城乡融合。  相似文献   

蔡晓梅  朱竑  刘晨 《地理学报》2012,67(2):239-252
地方感的研究为探讨人地关系提供了新的视角。情境主题餐厅作为能提供特殊体验的一种微观文化空间,为员工构造了一个“异位(heterotopias)”的超现实空间(hyperreality)。本文通过对广州味道云南食府这一典型情境主题餐厅员工的体验式观察和深度访谈,探讨了情境主题餐厅员工对不同尺度空间产生的不同地方感特征及其原因,得出以下结论:① 员工对情境主题餐厅及其所处城市的地方感存在差异。他们对餐厅具有强烈的地方认同和地方依赖,对餐厅所处城市具有地方依赖,但对餐厅以外的其他城市空间不存在地方认同;② 员工对情境主题餐厅地方感特征产生的原因是餐厅融洽的社交环境、良好的工作和生活环境以及较高认同的情境(文化);③ 员工对情境主题餐厅所处城市地方感特征产生的原因是城市所提供的良好工作条件、较差的自然环境、低熟悉的城市空间、对家乡的依恋和对“异乡人”的身份认同;④ 员工对情境主题餐厅及其所处城市的熟悉程度、环境和文化认同程度和归属/依恋程度的差异是员工对两者地方感存在差异的原因。结论对于丰富地方感在微观空间层面的理论与实证研究有重要的价值,能够为城市中其他微观文化空间的地方感研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在旅游业发展影响下,丽江古城传统纳西古乐的主体地位迅速地被现代民谣音乐所取代。音乐是地方文化的重要组成部分,地方音乐的变化折射出地方文化的整体变迁。本文利用观察法、文本分析法对丽江古城的地方音乐形式、表达内容及展演场所进行调查,采用访谈法对音乐表演者、经营者与游客进行了深入的采访。研究发现:在旅游影响下,原本作为本地居民精神伴侣、融入在地方社会生活中的传统古乐转变为服务于游客的各类商业演艺活动,在场所和游客认同方面表现出“不得其所”的特征;而以现代民谣音乐为代表的流行音乐成为丽江古城的主流音乐形式,在丽江古城中“安适其位”。传统古乐建构了丽江古城的独特感,激发了游客的异乡感,现代民谣音乐更加渲染了丽江古城的“小资情调”,两种音乐均在游客的情感建构中起到了重要作用。研究旨在丰富旅游地文化变迁的研究视角,反思旅游与地方传统文化的关系,亦是对音乐与地方人地关系研究成果的有益拓展与补充。  相似文献   

陈浩然  安宁  朱竑 《地理科学》2020,40(10):1627-1635
流动性重塑了人地关系,地的再领域化过程可以视为一种跨阶层的垂直流动。20世纪80年代起,中国开始了撤县设区的行政区划调整,重塑了原有的城市行政结构体系。撤县设区是典型的城市的垂直流动过程。在这过程中,县城本地居民的身份政治,以及他们与县城、新城之间的关系亦随之改变。以广州为例,通过研究撤县设区中本地居民与领域空间的关系重构,进而探讨流动性背景下的人地关系变化。研究发现:对于本地居民而言,其身份政治在再领域化的过程中,从旧领域的多数群体转变为新领域的少数群体。这种转变导致本地居民排他策略的形成,并由此形成了新领域中的一个抵抗空间,重构了本地居民、旧领域和新领域之间的人地关系。研究城市的再领域化过程是对地理学探讨流动性的有效补充,有利于从地的视角更深入理解流动性的影响及意义。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Since the foundation of the Turkish Republic in 1923, when the Turkish nation was defined as ethnically Turkish and Muslim, the issue of ethnic minorities has been at the root of a deep insecurity concerning cultural identity and what it means to be Turkish. The movement to “recover” ethnic minority in history and in place is most visible in Istanbul, the city identified as the location of European culture in Turkey and Turkey's most culturally pluralistic city. The movement has gained pace since the formal acceptance of Turkey as a candidate for membership in the European Union and the push for reforms in human rights. It is promoted by a very small cultural and economic elite and works together with gentrification to produce elite spaces in the city, as exemplified by two neighborhoods: Kuzguncuk, a historic minority neighborhood on the Asian shore of the Bosporus; and “French Street,” a new commercial development in Beyoǧlu, on the European side of the city west of the Bosporus. These landscapes articulate a European, cosmopolitan, and multicultural place identity for Istanbul and reflect a particular notion of Turkey as modern and European, providing insight into the contemporary debate in Turkey concerning the tensions embedded at the core of Turkish cultural identity.  相似文献   

Montana's craft brewing industry has grown astronomically in the last few decades and has spawned many breweries with local names and themes. Using Montana's craft breweries as a case study, this paper demonstrates that craft breweries play a significant role in contemporary place‐making. First, brewery and beer names are analyzed to extract several place‐based themes, and it is argued that these perpetuate a particular New West identity for the state. Then, through the lens of tourism and the quest for “authenticity,” surveys of brewery visitors are used to identify the various attractions that drinking craft beer and visiting breweries offer their patrons. Besides the taste of the beer, the local nature of breweries and their community focus prove to be an important draw for brewery visitors and provide the chance to experience the community in a more authentic way, and thus, offer an opportunity to make a meaningful connection with place. This research proves that craft breweries have become an important venue for place‐making, not only in Montana, but in other cities and states with a significant craft‐brewing industry  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):380-405
This paper examines place portrayals of an inner-city neighborhood by investigating the interrelationships among the representations of the neighborhood in major mainstream newspapers, the alternative neighborhood press, and local institutions. I argue that the everyday, lived experiences of neighborhood residents are represented through a series of discourses and counter-discourses between the mainstream and local newspapers. Using newspaper articles about vice in the Frogtown neighborhood of St. Paul, Minnesota, I demonstrate that the negative imagery of Frogtown in the mainstream press is contested and challenged in the local neighborhood newspaper, and by activists in the neighborhood. I conclude that while the major press has a dominant role in defining the neighborhood, locally based contestations over the place identity undermine and offer challenges to the hegemony of the popular media. Both local and dominant media discourses contribute to a neighborhood place identity. [Key words: media hegemony, newspapers, neighborhood, place representation.]  相似文献   

吴偲  朱竑  李军 《地理科学》2021,41(4):645-655
采用Beerli和Martin等编制的旅游体验及地方感研究量表,以问卷调查数据为基础,通过构建多群组结构方程模型对粤港澳大学生游客的美展感知与地方感影响进行了研究。结果表明:① 大学生游客对美展的感知及粤港澳地方感的产生受到5个变量维度的影响:认知形象、旅游涉入、社会联系、地方认同与地方依恋;② 大学生游客对美展的认知形象、旅游涉入和社会联系都对粤港澳地方认同具有显著影响;大学生游客对美展的旅游涉入、社会联系及粤港澳地方认同都对粤港澳地方依恋也具有显著影响,而认知形象对粤港澳地方依恋具有显著影响的研究假设未获支持;③ 粤港澳与非粤港澳两个大学生群体在旅游涉入与粤港澳地方依恋、地方认同与粤港澳地方依恋的关系中都存在显著差异。研究结果为验证艺术旅游地在提升游客地方感中发挥作用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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