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援引批判地缘政治学话语权和地缘政治想象分析方法,在对“民意”“政治性民意”“政治性民意势力”内涵界定的基础上,分析了2010—2015年中东北非地区相关国家政局变动中“政治性民意势力”的形成背景、过程及其影响。结果表明:中东北非国家“政治性民意势力”的形成有着深厚的国内背景和复杂的国际背景;“政治性民意势力”的形成经历了从民意事件客体的呈现,到民众聚集并上升为政治性议题,再到国内外势力借力博弈形成挑动抗议、推动政变的政治力量的过程;“政治性民意势力”形成以后,多行为体借力博弈下,在国别、区域上呈现不同的扩散轨迹和规律;“政治性民意势力”一方面造成了中东北非相关国家的政局变换,另一方面则推动区域地缘政治格局的变迁。这是对民意事件的地缘政治理论解读和分析,是一次较为有意义的尝试。  相似文献   

Many of the controversies about environmental resource use relate to the perceived conflict between economics and conservation. This conflict might have been resolved with general acceptance of the concept of sustainable development, and with a more transparent and honest use of economics terminology. However, interpretation and application of this concept appear to have led to some further conflicts between perceptions of economics and the environment, partly because commerce and development are sometimes portrayed as having the same meaning. Commercial activity resulting from the use of natural resources is often held to promote social good, while conservation of natural resources, many argue, renders the wealth which may be obtained from such resources unavailable. The latter is deemed to be bad for society. However, although in contemporary parlance economics is usually restricted implicitly to issues concerning commerce, finance and profit, economic theory requires the consideration also of intangible values, such as environmental damage. Environmental and other economists have worked hard to stress the importance of non-financial values in economic theory, and to ensure that they are included in economic analysis. However, these latter aspects of economics are not generally known to the wider public, partly because of the tendentious manner in which interested parties often use economics. When positions are argued on the basis of economics, the arguments are frequently expressed in language designed to persuade members of the community that all commercial activity is in the interests of society, while incurring minimal costs. In these circumstances, economics might be viewed as a form of rhetoric. Anyone assessing the merits of such arguments ought to consider carefully what this rhetoric really means. This is especially important in discussions concerning sustainable development, which is understood by some to mean sustainable, or sustained, commerce.  相似文献   

“新经济地理学”与经济地理学的分异与对立   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18  
最近几年来,由于经济全球化的趋势,西方经济学家又开始对经济地理学产生兴趣。“新经济地理学”或“地理经济学”应运而生。首先介绍经济学家克鲁格曼的“新经济地理学”理论框架和方法,综述西方地理学家对所谓“新经济地理学”的评价,最后概述经济地理学最近的发展以及地理学家对新经济地理学理解。  相似文献   

对新经济地理学的起源、发展、遭受的质疑及未来发展趋势做一简要的评述.经济活动的地理因素一直是许多经济学家、地理学家、规划学者以及区域科学家所关注的问题.20世纪80年代以来,以报酬递增、不完全竞争为假设前提,以数学建模为分析工具的新经济地理学的研究有了不断发展,但由于新经济地理学的核心模型在许多方面显得过于简单,受到了来自经济地理学、区域经济学和城市经济学的质疑和批评.有鉴于此,新经济地理学今后的研究除了考虑要素流动性、规模报酬递增、运输成本等关键因素之外,至少有3个可供未来研究的方向:扩展理论研究范围、加强实证研究、探讨新经济地理学的福利和政策涵义.  相似文献   

文章首先提出了一个国内政治性行为主体影响国家政局的分析框架,然后从“民意”“民意政治”“政治性民意”的视角,依据各民意集团的构成主体、利益诉求、行为方式等要素对缅甸国内的政治性民意集团进行梳理和划分,分析了缅甸政治性民意集团形成的时空环境,并对其形成的过程与机制进行探讨。。研究发现,在缅甸特殊的历史和地理环境背景下,形成了基于利益诉求而相互博弈的六大主要的政治性民意集团。各政治性民意集团或采取平等协商签订协议,或软硬兼施诱使妥协,或使用强力打击迫使接受等手段、方式进行权利博弈,成为缅甸国内主要的政治性行为主体。各政治性民意集团的借力博弈对缅甸政局产生了深远的影响,民意集团之间冲突的实质是其集团利益超越国家利益,这是缅甸国内长期冲突的主要致因。从“民意”“民意政治”的视域来研究一国内部的民主问题、民族问题、宗教问题和冲突问题是富有尝试性和探索性的,缅甸的实证研究也为研究特定国家的相关问题提供一个新的视野和参考借鉴。  相似文献   

Drawing upon theory from the field of urban political ecology, we analyse a major strategic water plan for Melbourne, Australia—the Sustainable water strategy for the Central Region, published in 2006. We assess the extent to which the strategy identified and addressed ecological sustainability in terms of: cultural frames; ecological context; social equity; and engagement processes. We identify that the strategy's framing of water was largely separate from its social and ecological context. This framing resulted in the importance of issues such as environmental flows, social equity and cultural values being diminished, thus avoiding the inevitable confrontation with environmental limits needed to ensure long-term ecological sustainability. Our analysis shows that the discursive dominance of economics limited the response to persuasive scientific arguments for greater ecological consideration in the strategy. Our findings suggest that broadening engagement with the diverse ways in which water is valued is likely to contribute to more equitable and ecologically sustainable water futures.  相似文献   

Raymond L Bryant 《Area》1997,29(1):5-19
Summary In the context of a deepening impasse in Third World environmental research, this paper suggests that researchers should adopt a political ecology perspective to ensure that research addresses the political and economic issues that underlie the Third World's environmental problems. Since an understanding of unequal power relations is central to political ecology, the paper considers how questions of power influence human-environmental interaction, before assessing briefly how research of this kind might contribute to a resolution of the Third World's environmental problems.  相似文献   

The Alta Dam project in Norway is used to illustrate how state control of information may result in environmental injustice through a process of closed decision-making and political marginalization. By closing the decision-making process and related research from stakeholders, a state can attempt to insulate itself from criticism and contrary opinion, even if such practices run contrary to the traditions of inquiry. The exclusionary practices at Alta are examined in relation to the environmental justice literature and history of the Alta dam.  相似文献   


Expanding cities present a sustainability challenge, as the uneven proliferation of hybrid landscape types becomes a major feature of 21st century urbanization. To fully address this challenge, scholars must consider the broad range of land uses that being produced beyond the urban core and how land use patterns in one location may be tied to patterns in other locations. Diverse threads within political ecology provide useful insights into the dynamics that produce uneven urbanization. Specifically, urban political ecology (UPE) details how economic power influences the development decision-making that proliferate urban forms, patterns of uneven access, and modes of decision-making, frequently viewing resource extraction and development through the urban metabolism lens. The political ecology of exurbia, or, perhaps, an exurban political ecology (ExPE), examines the symbolic role nature and the rural have played in conservation and development efforts that produce social, economic, and environmental conflicts. While UPE approaches tend to privilege macroscale dynamics, ExPE emphasizes the role of landowners, managers, and other actors in struggles over the production of exurban space, including through decision-making institutions and within the context of broader political economic forces. Three case studies illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches, demonstrating the benefits for and giving suggestions on how to integrate their insights into urban sustainability research. Integrated political ecology approaches demonstrate how political-economic processes at a variety of scales produce diverse local sustainability responses.  相似文献   

河南省1985—2006年环境库兹涅茨曲线特征分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
自1991年美国经济学家格鲁斯曼(Grossman)和克鲁格(Krueger)利用西蒙*库兹涅茨的"倒U型假说"得出环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)后,国内外许多专家学者利用EKC研究经济增长和环境保护的关系.选取河南省1985-2006年共22年间的经济与环境数据,利用SPSS统计软件,建立河南省经济发展与工业"三废"排放量的计量模型,分析工业"三废"排放量的环境库兹涅茨曲线特征及其成因.结果表明:河南省工业废水排放量的环境库兹涅茨曲线呈正"U"形 倒"U"形曲线左侧,工业废气和固体废弃物排放量的环境库兹涅茨曲线呈倒"U"形左侧曲线,即河南省工业"三废"排放量仍处于上升期,除工业废水排放量与人均GDP的回归曲线已初见转折外,其余尚未达到环境质量趋好的转折点,今后仍必须加强环境保护,从而实现自然、经济和社会协调发展.  相似文献   

Western Australia's Ord River Irrigation Scheme has been controversial since its establishment more than twenty-five years ago. A substantial expansion of the scheme, known as Ord Stage Two, is currently underway as a joint project of the Western Australian and Northern Territory governments. In this study I examine and compare Stages One and Two in the context of the significant social and economic changes that have occurred during this period, focusing on attitudes to, and conceptualisations of, nature and the human place in it. Despite a context in which consideration of both Aboriginal and environmental issues is now integrated into the development process, three colonial themes persist in the rhetoric of Stage Two. These are the empty landscape, the invisible Aborigine, and the idealisation of agricultural land use. When expressed together these three help to naturalise the development process as both inevitable and strategically implemented. The contradictions inherent in this process enhance existing doubts about the social and ecological sustainability of continuing attempts to 'develop' Australia's north.  相似文献   

生态服务付费(PES)的理论源于新古典福利经济学,隐含了对生态服务定价、市场将自动演变出生态服务买家和卖家的假设。由于缺少生态服务的现实市场,这种假设很难奏效,需要重新审视大多数生态服务付费项目有关福利经济学的基本理论假设,需要创新生态补偿的新方式。同时,坚持生态惠民、生态利民、生态为民,是绿水青山就是金山银山发展理念的核心内涵,是对以人为中心的环境保护与经济发展的生动诠释。特别是对于重要的生态脆弱区来讲,生态环境保护工程的实施更应关注域内原住民的发展。通过回顾PES的理论演变和总结国内外典型PES案例实践,分析了PES在理论假设与实践方面存在的脱节问题,并发现通过PES项目实施中创建的社会网络和就业为当地参与者增加了新的创收机会。在此基础上,通过引导当地住民参与生态保护与修复,探讨了生态保护、经济发展和民生改善的协调联动良性生态工人机制的形成。  相似文献   

环境伦理与区域可持续发展(英文)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The scientific environmental ethics plays a key role in the recognition of the human-environment interactions. Modern environmental ethics is the philosophical re-thinking of modern human race environmental behavior. The development of environmental ethics theory, as well as its application in reality, determines the viewpoints of environmental ethics. Sustainable development implies harmony on human-environment interactions and inter-generation responsibility, with emphasis on a harmonious relationship among population, resources, environment and development, so as to lay a sustainable and healthy foundation of resources and environment for future generations. The harmonious society construction in China that is raised by the Chinese central government should be covered by environmental ethics. The connotation of open environmental ethics includes a respect for nature, care for the individual human race, and respect for the development of future generations, which means giving consideration to natural values, individual and human race benefits and welfare across generations. The role of environmental ethics in regional development consists of cognition, criticism, education, inspiration, adjusting, legislation and promoting environmental regulations. The major problems in regional development are extensive resource exploration, fast population growth, irrational industrial structure, unfair welfare distribution and the twofold effects of science and technology development. The formulation of environmental ethics that aims at regional sustainable development, can not only harmonize the relationship of population, resource, environment and economic development, but also guide behavior selection, push social and political system transformation, strengthen the legal system, and raise environmental awareness of the public.  相似文献   

ZHENG Du  DAI Erfu 《地理学报》2012,22(1):86-92
The scientific environmental ethics plays a key role in the recognition of the human- environment interactions. Modern environmental ethics is the philosophical re-thinking of modern human race environmental behavior. The development of environmental ethics theory, as well as its application in reality, determines the viewpoints of environmental ethics. Sustainable development implies harmony on human-environment interactions and inter- generation responsibility, with emphasis on a harmonious relationship among population, resources, environment and development, so as to lay a sustainable and healthy foundation of resources and environment for future generations. The harmonious society construction in China that is raised by the Chinese central government should be covered by environmental ethics. The connotation of open environmental ethics includes a respect for nature, care for the individual human race, and respect for the development of future generations, which means giving consideration to natural values, individual and human race benefits and welfare across generations. The role of environmental ethics in regional development consists of cognition, criticism, education, inspiration, adjusting, legislation and promoting environmental regulations. The major problems in regional development are extensive resource exploration, fast population growth, irrational industrial structure, unfair welfare distribution and the twofold effects of science and technology development. The formulation of environmental ethics that aims at regional sustainable development, can not only harmonize the relationship of population, resource, environment and economic development, but also guide behavior selection, push social and political system transformation, strengthen the legal system, and raise environmental awareness of the public.  相似文献   

At the core of land use and governance debates in the United States are purported dualities: economy vs. environment, public goods vs. private rights, and the merits and demerits of regulation. While such dichotomies are inevitably partial, they offer a heuristic to interrogate the deeper nuances of a problem or process. I investigate these dichotomies in one site (Calaveras County, California) along the rural-urban interface (RUI). The RUI is home of some of the most valued places in contemporary society as well as some of the most challenged in terms of planning and management. Land management decisions along the RUI are complicated by social and ecological heterogeneity as well as ongoing, dynamic cultural and environmental change. Differing perspectives and shifting conditions in place influence stakeholders' views on the value and utility of a variety of resources, both environmental and social. This paper investigates how political and environmental ideologies and environmental management preferences are related in order to consider the implications of such divergent perspectives for policy and governance. Using a mixed method approach, I examine varying viewpoints related to the environment/economy dichotomy and conclude that increasing polarization of political and environmental ideals and preferences along the RUI impacts land use planning and policy as well as social, environmental, and economic outcomes. I argue that the physical and cultural landscape of the RUI is transforming and, as such, we must also (re)configure pathways for cooperation and problem solving to effectively address the challenges and contradictions of these social and ecological changes.  相似文献   

Climate change public opinion research has identified conservative political ideology as the primary predictor of skepticism about climate change’s anthropogenic causes. Most farmers in Idaho are politically conservative, but they are also a unique group for whom observing their environment is part of daily life and work. We use data from in-depth interviews with 30 Idaho farmers to examine the relationship between observations of specific environmental changes and climate concern. We find that while most farmers report noticing changes in precipitation patterns, growing season length, and winter temperatures, few farmers connect these with long-term global climate change. These findings have two important implications: 1) direct experience, even in the form of disruption to an individual’s economic security, is not enough to overcome the influence of political ideology on climate change beliefs, and 2) acknowledging climate variation is not sufficient to convince individuals that the changes are produced by human activities.  相似文献   

中国政治地理与地缘政治理论研究展望:青年学者笔谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国政治地理学和地缘政治学的发展相对滞后,目前仍未形成系统、有共识的学科理论框架。为此,基于2019年先后在上海和广州举办的多次研讨会,国内15位青年地理学者结合自身的研究基础和中国政治地理学和地缘政治学科建设和理论发展的需要,提出了一系列未来值得深入研究的中国政治地理学和地缘政治研究方向。这些研究方向具体包括:多尺度的地缘环境、科技地缘政治、批判地缘政治、环境政治、能源地缘政治、国别区域研究、通权论、民意政治、都市政治、劳工政治地理、区域一体化的政治地理、城市政治地理学、中西权地秩序比较、新技术革命催生的新人地关系、尺度政治、马克思主义政治地理学、历史政治地理和基于福柯治理术的空间-权力关系理论等。此外,各位青年学者一致认为,中国政治地理学和地缘政治研究应该具有多尺度特征、加强原创性理论研究、回归“地理空间-权力关系”的主线。希望本文抛砖引玉,引发更多关于中国政治地理学和地缘政治学科建设和理论发展的讨论和成果。  相似文献   

黄逸恒  朱竑  尹铎 《地理科学进展》2021,40(12):2153-2162
随着全球生态环境问题的日益凸显,政治生态学以关注造成环境问题的政治因素为研究内核,成为不同学科共同探索的研究领域。地理学以人地关系为立足点,深化政治生态学研究的空间性和政治性。论文首先通过对西方政治生态学理论脉络进行梳理,发现政治生态学根源于早期环境批判思想、西方马克思主义、后结构主义以及后人类主义理论,并与地理学的发展相辅相成。其次,对近30年西方地理学与政治生态学的相关研究成果进行分析发现,现有的研究议题主要聚焦于生态经济与绿色发展、生态治理与环境保育、生态身份与微观政治及生态客体与能动性4个方面。在此基础上,论文总结了相关研究对中国地理学进行政治生态学研究的借鉴意义,并进一步提出立足中国本土进行政治生态学研究未来需要关注的方向。  相似文献   

自21世纪初以来,有关全球城市区域的研究在西方快速崛起,掀起了一股治理与政策的“区域转向”浪潮。新经济地理学与政治经济学派最先开创了城市区域的理论研究,但其理论解释偏重城市区域的经济发展与资本再地域化过程,忽视了政治与政策对城市区域的重要影响。近年来,政治地理学从城市区域的建构属性、战略属性和矛盾属性3个方面切入,旨在揭示现实中城市区域的实际形成过程与机制。本文认为西方政治地理视角有助于揭示城市区域形成过程中的权力关系及其政治工具性。特别是通过解析城市区域政策的话语建构过程、分析城市区域发展所折射出的国家地缘战略选择以及剖析城市区域发展过程中的公共资源分配等议题,可帮助研究者跳出就政策谈政策的讨论陷阱,更能从整体格局上审视不同利益主体在城市区域发展过程中的诉求与冲突,进而为解读和反思我国城市区域形成过程与治理机制提供新的研究思路。  相似文献   

The Home Insulation Program (HIP) in Australia is an outstanding example of a contemporary attempt to intervene in a socio-technical regime. The program, implemented in 2009 under the then Australian Labor Party government led by Kevin Rudd, was targeted at stimulating the retrofit insulation industry. The objective was to both improve the energy efficiency of homes and thereby contribute to Australia’s emissions reduction targets by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to stimulate the Australian economy at the time of the global financial crisis. The program ended early following a number of economic issues and health and safety concerns. Despite previous investigation into the HIP reviewing its design and implementation, the focus has been on economic issues and health and safety concerns. To date there has been no investigation of the HIP as a sustainability transition. This article integrates socio-technical transition theory (STTT) and political ecology (PE) approaches to analyse the HIP and identify lessons for future sustainability transition initiatives. This is achieved by illustrating the effect of regime management (RM) on the orientation of niche governance (NG) which highlights the importance of considering the RM and NG aspects of STTT with a PE approach in symmetry, in order to adequately account for political and economic contest and power relations, which are ubiquitous in environmental management governance.  相似文献   

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