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将实际地震动看作非平稳随机过程,地震动不仅具有时域非平稳性,而且具有频域非平稳性。SMART-1台阵地震记录分析结果已证实,地震时地面上各点在同一时刻的地震动时变自功率谱存在一定的差异。时变自功率谱的差异对地下连续管线的影响还不十分清楚。利用随机振动理论中的虚拟激励法计算了均匀介质中地下连续管线纵向和横向的地震响应,给出了场地局部效应对均匀介质中地下连续管线的影响。分析结果表明,场地局部效应对均匀介质中地下连续管线地震反应的影响很小。因此,实际计算时可忽略场地局部效应。  相似文献   

局部地形下入射波散射效应对场地地震响应的影响是目前众多学者所关注的问题.其影响主要由入射波频率、入射角度、地形几何形状、介质性质等几个因素所制约,所反应出来的散射效应主要体现在地表位移变化上.本文归纳了凹陷地形、凸起地形、沉积谷地以及复合地形这四类局部地形入射波散射效应对场地地震响应的影响,对目前研究成果进行了评述,并针对数学技术、工程应用、模型建立等7个方面指出了现今存在的问题和今后发展的方向.  相似文献   

本文利用二维有限元数值模拟方法,以2011年日本东北Mw9.0级大地震为例,探讨了地形和局部地质构造等物理因素对计算同震形变的影响.计算中使用了双节点技术构成断层滑动面,同时考虑了均质、层状、地形以及俯冲板片等不同构造介质模型.对不同介质模型分别计算并进行比较,以便考察不同物理因素的影响.数值计算结果表明:海沟地形对计算同震形变的影响非常大,局部地质构造的影响也很明显,而同时考虑地形和局部地质构造所产生的影响要比仅考虑地形效应更大,其影响在水平方向和垂直方向上分别达到-1.78~0.8 m和-1.4~0.64 m,相应的百分比分别为34%和92%.这些结果表明起伏较大的地形(特别是海山)及局部地质构造对计算同震形变的影响都不容忽略,它们均能被现代大地测量技术(如GPS、InSAR等)观测到,在计算同震形变或进行断层反演时应该加以考虑.  相似文献   

结构动力分析是工程设计中的重要组成部分,传统结构动力分析不能全面反映结构动力的初值特征,而Gurtin变分原理被认为是目前唯一能全面反映结构动力初值特征的变分原理。本文应用以位移为参变量的Gurtin变分原理,采用复合样条有限元的方法,即在时间域及空间域的y方向采用三次B样条函数,而在空间域的x方向采用多项式逼近广义位移,从而建立了精度较高的计算板动力初值问题的样条有限元模型。数值计算结果表明,本文所建立的方法能有效地求解板的动力初值问题,且计算精度高。  相似文献   

拱桥在竖向地震波输入下的行波共振现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以某大跨公路拱桥为例讨论了行波作用对拱桥地震反应的影响机理.采用有限元程序计算分析了该拱桥在竖向地震动行波输入和一致输入下的动力反应,通过结果对比反映出行波地震反应并不简单随波速单调变化的现象.经过分析进一步提出了行波共振的概念,阐述了行波共振效应的产生机理.数值分析结果表明了考虑行波效应对大跨拱桥地震反应分析的重要性.  相似文献   

结构动力分析中多点激励问题的研究综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
针对结构多点激励问题的研究现状,分别介绍了地震动时空变化性、多点激励分析基本方法、地震动记录校正以及多点激励对结构的影响.首先阐述了地震动时空变化性及主要表现形式,并提出了最不利行波概念;其次介绍了多点激励分析的基本方法,并指出了3种确定性方法的优缺点和适用性;然后论述了多点激励对地震动时程的基本要求:地震动加速度记录的校正问题;接着简要介绍了多点激励对结构的复杂影响,并指出这种影响取决于拟静力反应项和动反应项的相互关系.最后,对结构多点激励分析有关问题提出了展望和建议.  相似文献   

In this paper a procedure for analysing the seismic response of seabed anchored floating tunnels is presented. The first step of the research was the development of an ‘ad hoc’ finite element for modelling the behaviour of anchor elements, with particular reference to the problem of transverse oscillations under time varying axial loads. The element was subsequently inserted in a step‐by‐step procedure for the numerical analysis of non‐linear response to multiple‐support seismic input; the procedure encompasses simplified modelling of fluid–structure and soil–structure interaction effects. An example of an application is given concerning two 4680 m long floating tunnels with different seabed profiles. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Condition assessment of structures under unknown support excitation   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
A new method is proposed to assess the condition of structures under unknown support excitation by simultaneously detecting local damage and identifying the support excitation from several structural dynamic responses. The support excitation acting on a structure is modeled by orthogonal polynomial approximations, and the sensitivities of structural dynamic response with respect to its physical parameters and orthogonal coeffi cients are derived. The identifi cation equation is based on Taylor’s fi rst orde...  相似文献   

基于动力特征参数的板类结构损伤诊断   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以两对边固定、两对边简支方形弹性薄板为研究对象,通过数值计算得到板损伤前后的多阶模态参数,以此定义位移特征参数及转角特征参数并用于板的损伤诊断研究。结果表明这两类参数均可用于结构损伤的探测与定位,并能大致判断损伤的程度,其中又以后者的精度为优。  相似文献   

Design recommendations for steel plate shear wall (SPSW) systems have recently been introduced into seismic provisions for steel buildings. Response modification (R), overstrength (Ωo), and displacement amplification (Cd) factors for SPSW systems presented in design codes were based on professional experience and judgment. A numerical study has been undertaken to evaluate these factors for SPSW systems. Forty‐four unstiffened SPSW possessing different geometrical characteristics were designed based on the recommendations given in the AISC Seismic Provisions. Bay width, number of stories, story mass, and steel plate thickness were considered as the prime variables that influence the response. Twenty records were selected to include the variability in ground motion characteristics. In order to provide a detailed analysis of the post‐buckling response, three‐dimensional finite element analyses were conducted for the 44 structures subjected to the selected suite of earthquake records. For each structure and earthquake record, two analyses were conducted in which the first includes geometrical nonlinearities and the other includes both geometrical and material nonlinearities, resulting in a total of 1760 time history analyses. In this paper, the details of the design and analysis methodology are given. Based on the analysis results, response modification (R), overstrength (Ωo), and displacement amplification (Cd) factors for SPSW systems are evaluated. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

浅埋地下结构顶板在竖向地震作用下的动力响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用结构动力学的方法研究了浅埋地下箱形结构在竖向地震作用下的动力响应。鉴于土与结构动力相互作用分析的复杂性,为了简化分析,整个分析过程分为2步。第1步把结构看作是刚体,利用刚体与地基的相互作用分析求得刚体在竖向地震分量作用下的动力响应;第2步首先考虑到了侧墙对于顶板的抗弯约束作用,求得了顶板的固有频率及振型,并把第1步刚体的动力响应作为输入求解顶板梁的受迫振动,进而求得了顶板弯矩。  相似文献   

复合式多层无孔和开孔矩形薄板是桥梁结构和建筑等结构中的最重要的组成部分。当研究它们的振动问题时,用解析法求解自振频率十分困难,而采用通用的有限元法求解自由度数目多,收敛也比较慢。本文利用三角形薄板广义协调元分析了复合式多层四边简支、四边固定无孔和开孔矩形薄板的自由振动,求出了前几阶频率系数,其结果与用ANSYS软件算出的结果基本接近,当为单层无孔和开孔板时,与文献[8]的结果完全相同,且与文献[10]的解析解吻合较好,证明了本文理论推导及程序编制的正确性,表明广义协调元与有限元相比具有自由度少、精度高、程序简便以及收敛快等优点。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Since the 1971 San Fernando earthquake, a signi?cant amount of research has been conducted on the ductility capacity of reinforced concrete bridge columns, resulting in signi?cant advances in the seismic design of bridges. Since most tests have been done in static or quasistatic conditions and unidirectional loading conditions, however, no method that properly evaluates the effect of multidirectional dynamic loading has been developed, and design recommendations on this effect a…  相似文献   

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