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Estimation of internal nutrient release in large shallow Lake Taihu, China   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
Based on field investigation of wave, sediment suspension and the changes in nutrient concentration of the water column in Lake Taihu, China, we proposed two release models to quantify nutrient release under static and dynamic conditions, respectively. Under static conditions, nutrient release from sediments to the overlying water mainly depends on chemical diffusion induced by concentration gradient, in which the nutrient release is controlled by the temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration in the sediment-water interface, oxidation-reduction potential and the concentration difference between porewater and overlying water. Under dynamic condition (or disturbed condition), both dissolved and particulate nutrients in sediments are released into the water column because of wind-induced sediment suspension. The amount of nutrient release under dynamic conditions is larger than that under the static condition. The release of dissolved nutrients, however, does not increase because the wind induced turbulence made oxidation of metallic elements such as Fe (ferric iron), Mn which are capable of precipitating soluble reactive phosphate (SRP). Under dynamic conditions, therefore, the release of total phosphorus (TP) increases dramatically but the release of SRP is close to those under static conditions. In sediments of Lake Taihu, high Fe content leads to a high ratio of Fe to P contents in sediments (Fe:P ratio). Under dynamic conditions, therefore, nutrient release is controlled by the intensity of disturbance, sediment consolidation and nutrient content in sediments. As for dissolved nutrients, especially SRP, the release is also controlled by the intensity of dynamic re-oxidation, Fe content in sediments and nutrient concentration gradient between porewater and overlying water. Based on these two release modes, the release flux in Lake Taihu has been estimated. In the static condition (i.e. laboratory experimental condition), total release of NH4 -N for whole lake is ca. 10,000 ton/a, and PO43--P is ca. 900 ton/a. In the dynamic condition, nutrient release following sediment suspension was estimated according to three different intensities of wind forcing which were defined as "calm" (wind speed is less than 2 m/s), "gentle" (wind speed is greater than 2 m/s and less than 6 m/s) and "gust" (wind speed is greater than 6 m/s). The release rate in the condition of "calm" was estimated in terms of the nutrient release in the laboratory experimental static condition; whereas the release rate in conditions of "gentle" and "gust" was estimated in terms of measurement during sediment resuspension conducted in flume experiments. With the observation of wind velocity and frequency in 2001, each type of wind forcing took the frequency of 12%, 82% and 6% for "calm", "gentle" and "gust", respectively. The yearly release of nitrogen was 81,000 ton and phos- phorus was 21,000 ton, which is about 2-6 folds of annual external loading, respectively.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal variations of P species and adsorption behavior in water column, interstitial water, and sediments were investigated in the large shallow eutrophic Lake Chaohu. Ortho-phosphate (Ortho-P) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations were significantly higher in the western part than in the eastern part of the lake, due to different nutrient inputs from the surrounding rivers. Moreover, paniculate phosphorus (PP) concentration was in a similar spatial pattern to Ortho-P and TP concentrations, and also showed significantly positive correlation with the biomass of Microcystis, indicating more uptake and store of phosphorus by Microcystis than by other algae. Increase of pH and intensive utilization of P by phytoplankton were the main factors promoting P (especially Fe-P) release from the sediment to interstitial water during the cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Chaohu. Spatial dynamics in TP concentration, P species and adsorption behavior of the sediment, coupled with the statistical analyses, suggested that the spatial heterogeneity of P contents in the sediment was influenced by various factors, e.g. human activities, soil geochemistry and mineral composition. In spite of similar TP contents in the sediments, increase in proportion of Fe-P concentration in the sediment may result in a high risk of P release.  相似文献   

Based on three continuous in situ underwater light field measurement under different wind waves conditions in Longgan Lake, Meiliang Bay of Taihu Lake in July 2003 and littoral zone near TLLER in July 2004, respectively, the effects of sediment resuspension caused by wind waves on PAR diffuse attenuation, absorption coefficients and euphotic depths are analyzed. In Longgan Lake, PAR diffuse attenuation coefficients during small, middle and large wind waves were 1.74, 2.02 and 2.45 m-1, respectively, and the corresponding PAR spectral diffuse attenuations ranged from 0.98 to 2.97, 1.34 to 3.95 and 1.80 to 5.40 m-1, respectively. In Meiliang Bay, PAR diffuse attenuation coefficients were 2.63, 3.72, 4.37 m-1 during small, middle and large wind waves. PAR diffuse attenuation coefficients increased by 41% and 66% from small to middle, large wind waves, respectively. Absorption coefficients integrated over the range of PAR of CDOM, phytoplankton were 0.26, 0.28 m-1; 0.76, 0.49 m-1, respectively during middle and large wind waves. Absorption coefficients integrated over the range of PAR of non-algal particulate matter and total suspended particulate matter increased from 0.94 to 1.73 m-1, and from 1.70 to 2.22 m-1, respectively during middle and large wind waves. Relative contributions of absorption coefficients of non-algal particulate matter to total absorption coefficient integrated over the range of PAR were 44.14%, 65.05%, respectively, during middle and large wind waves. PAR euphotic depths decreased by 0.40, 0.19, 0.20 m from middle to large wind waves in Longganhu Lake, Meliang Bay and littoral zone near TLLER. Significant correlations were found between transparency, PAR diffuse attenuation coefficients, euphotic depths and total suspended paniculate matter, wind velocity, wave height. Most significant correlations were found between transparency, PAR diffuse attenuation coefficients, euphotic depths and inorganic suspended paniculate matter but low correlations for chlorophyll a, dissolved organic carbon. Increase of total suspended paniculate matter, especially inorganic suspended paniculate matter caused by wind waves was the dominant factor affecting underwater light field in shallow lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River based on observations at three stations.  相似文献   

Detailed examination of sedimentary cores retrieved from Sugan Lake in the northern Qaidam Basin of northwest China’s Tibetan Plateau reveal that fine laminated beddings form in the sediments where water depth exceeds 3 m. Seasonal surface sediments trapped at the bottom of the lake suggest that sediments deposited during summer and autumn are mainly light colored monohydrocalcites, while those deposited in winter are dark organic matter, indicating that varve layers form under modern limnological conditions. Continuous varve sediments comprising four types have accumulated in the upper 5.5 m of Core SG03I from the center of the lake. All types exhibit clear seasonality indicative of annual deposition. Varve counts correspondence with 210Pb dates on recent sediments in the upper core suggest the continuous varves of the upper 5.5 m of the core formed in the late Holocene (2670 a BP). The Sugan Lake varve sequence is the first demonstration of annually laminated sediments re-ported in arid western China.  相似文献   

Large fluvial lakes, as part of river corridors, are recognized as spatially heterogeneous ecosystems. Due to their shallowness, the littoral zone of these lakes occupies a large proportion of their surface and is extensively covered by macrophytes that are known to affect their physical, chemical and biological environments in various ways. This study documents the small-scale (5 km) bio-optical variations associated with the longitudinal passage of a water mass through macrophyte beds during their maximal growth season. The utilization of a 2D hydrodynamic model allowed us to establish hydrological connectivity between stations within the beds, and thus to identify longitudinal heterogeneity along the macrophyte beds. Significant changes in the inherent properties of the water were observed along the upstream-downstream gradient. Due to their effects on hydrodynamics, macrophytes were responsible for a decrease in particles and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) resulting in an increasing penetration depth of ultraviolet (UV) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Along the transect, chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) decreased more rapidly than DOC resulting in a decrease of the CDOM to DOC ratio. The observed changes in the DOC pool may be explained by the constant input of non-chromophoric DOC from macrophyte leachates and exudation within the bed and/or the photochemical and microbial degradation of CDOM. The implication of such small-scale heterogeneity on Lake Saint-Pierre productivity is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of phosphorus in phytoplankton growth was studied in Lake Vesijärvi, a large previously eutrophic body of water with a history of flourishing fishery. The study combined different approaches: long-term algal enrichment experiments with natural phytoplankton assemblages were carried out together with observations on nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations, elemental ratios (N:P, C:P, C:N) of particulate matter, and analysis of P uptake using [33P]. None of the approaches revealed periods of P limitation, but some growth experiments as well as elemental ratios indicated slight deficiency in early summer. Concentrations of total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), which were usually 20–30 g l–1, also indicated luxurious P resources. Thermal stratification was weak and the lake mixed twice during the study period; this was reflected in the phytoplankton biomass that increased up to 4-fold. Results of elemental ratios usually suggested the occurrence of nitrogen limitation, and in general these ratios were low for a lake. All size fractions >0.22 m in the experiments with [33P] showed P uptake. In August most of the P was taken up by picoplankton, but when the lake turned over in September, the uptake of P by this fraction was absent. Thus, there was always a plentiful supply of P for phytoplankton, but the shortage of inorganic N may have affected those algae not capable of fixing N2. These conditions should have favoured the growth of heterocystous cyanobacteria, but these prokaryotes never attained high abundances. This may have been due to the weak stability of the water column, or the growth of cyanobacteria may have been limited by trace elements such as molybdenum or iron.  相似文献   

This article describes laboratory batch sorption and column transport experiments that were conducted using heterogeneous alluvial sediments with a wide physical characteristic from wells, located between Lake Mogan and Lake Eymir, Gölbaşı, Ankara. The batch sorption experiment was conducted in two separate systems, that is, single and multicomponents. Single batch experiment was performed to determine equilibrium condition between the heavy metal ions and the soil adsorption sites. The sorption isotherms data from multibatch experiments were used to calculate the sorption parameters. Single batch experiment indicated that equilibrium was attained within 9 days from the start of the sorption test. As a result of multicomponents batch experiments, for Zn and Mn, the sorption process was well described by the Freundlich or Langmuir isotherm model, whereas sorption of Cu was better described by the linear isotherm model. The Kd of Cu were found to be highest in soil 1 (32550.350 L kg−1) and lowest in soil 5 (18170.76 L kg−1). The maximum and minimum sorption capacity values for Zn were found to be in soil 1 (10985.148 mg kg−1) and in soil 2 (8597.14 mg kg−1) units, respectively. [Correction added after online publication 15 July, 2010: In the preceding sentence, the words “minimum” and “maximum” were initially switched.] Similarly, soil 1 (7587.391 mg kg−1) and soil 5 (4908.695 mg kg−1) units provided the maximum and minimum values for Mn. In the column experiments, flow and tracer transport was studied under saturated conditions using conservative tracer to determine the transport parameters. Transport parameter values were obtained by curve-fitting using the nonlinear least-squares optimization code CXTFIT. Results of the column experiments indicated that the dispersivity values obtained for soil samples were in the range of 0.024 to 1.13 cm.  相似文献   

Unlike other lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, Lake Vida has a thick (~ 19 m) ice cover sealing a liquid brine body of unusually high salinity (~ 245 g/L) from the atmosphere. To constrain the conditions under which the atypical Lake Vida ice cover formed and evolved, 19 ice samples were collected down to a depth of ~ 14 m, together with three brine samples trapped in the ice at ~ 16 m for analysis of helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon concentrations. The broad pattern of noble gas concentrations for Lake Vida samples is fundamentally different from that of air saturated water (ASW) at 0 °C and an elevation of 340 m for salinities of 0 (ice) and 245 g/L (brine). Overall, ice samples are enriched in He and depleted in Ne with saturation relative to ASW averages of 1.38 and 0.82, respectively, and strongly depleted in Ar, Kr, and Xe with relative saturations of 0.10, 0.06, and 0.05, respectively. By contrast, brine samples are generally depleted in He and Ne (relative saturation averages of 0.33 and 0.27, respectively) but enriched in Ar, Kr, and Xe, with relative saturation averages of 1.45, 3.15, and 8.86, respectively. A three-phase freezing partitioning model generating brine, ice and bubble concentrations for all stable noble gases was tested and compared with our data. Measured brine values are best reproduced for a salinity value of 175 g/L, a pressure of 1.1 atm, and a bubble volume of 20 cm3 kg?1. Sensitivity tests for ice + bubble samples show an ideal fit for bubble volumes of ~ 1–2 cm3 kg?1. Our results show that the conditions under which ice and brine formed and evolved at Lake Vida are significantly different from other ice-covered lakes in the area. Our brine data suggest that Lake Vida may be transitioning from a wet to a dry-based lake, while the ice + bubble data suggest at least partial re-equilibration of residual liquid with the atmosphere as ice forms at the top of Lake Vida ice cover.  相似文献   

Since Schlanger and Jenkyns (1976)[1] first ad-vanced the ?oceanic anoxic events ?(OAEs) model to explain the origin of the worldwide distributed Early Cretaceous Aptian-Albian (115—103 MaBP) and Late Cretaceous Cenomanian-Turonian (95—88 MaBP) black shales, the OAEs and responses to them have been one of the 揾ot spots?in geological circles. Up till now, researchers at home and abroad have exten-sively studied the sedimentary and geochemical re-sponses to the two anoxic events, espe…  相似文献   


This paper analyses the composition of surface water and shallow groundwater in the Grande River basin, North-Central Chile, using this information to characterize water interactions. Chemical and isotopic data for surface water and groundwater (7 and 6 sampling locations, respectively) were obtained from three sampling campaigns performed in March–April (autumn), August–September (late winter) and December (early summer) 2012. Precipitation samples were also collected. Data was processed using spatial distribution charts, Piper and Stiff diagrams, and multivariate analysis. In general, the results for each method converge on a high degree of connectivity between surface water and shallow groundwater in the study area. Furthermore, approximately a 10% of groundwater contribution to the surface flow discharge was estimated for a particular reach. This multi-method approach was useful for the characterization of surface water–groundwater interactions in the Grande River basin, and may become a suitable and replicable scheme for studies in arid and semi-arid basins facing similar water management challenges.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor B. Dewals  相似文献   

Based on the former workers study results such as numerical simulation of fluid mechanics,seismic tomography of the whole earth and igneous rocks,the basic characteristics of mantle plumes are summarized in detail,namely the mantle plume,from the D″layer near the core-mantle bouundary(CMB)of 2900 km deep,is characterized by the spape of large head and thin narrow conduit,by the physical property of high temperature and low viscosity.The LIP(large igneous province)is the best exhibition when the mantle plume ascends to the surface.According to the basic characteristics of the mantle plumes and the LIP,as well as the temporal-spatial relationships between the mantle plume and continental breakup,the detailed research on petrology,geochemistry,temporal-spatial distribution,tectonic background of the Cenozoic-Mesozoic igneous rocks and gravity anomaly distribution in East China has been done.As a result,the Mesozoic igneous rocks in Southeast China should not be regarded as an example of typical LIP related to mantle plumes.for their related characteristics are not consitent with those of the typical LIPs related to mantle plumes.The Cenozoic igneous rocks in Northeast China have no the typical characteristics of mantle plumes and hotspots,so the Cenozoic volcanism in Northeast China might have no the direct relationships with the activity of mantle plumes.  相似文献   

The wave-induced velocity and pressure fields beneath a large amplitude internal solitary wave of depression propagating over a smooth, flat, horizontal, and rigid boundary in a shallow two-layer fluid are computed numerically. A numerical ocean model is utilised, the set-up of which is designed and tuned to replicate the previously published experimental results of Carr and Davies (Phys Fluids 18(1):016,601–1–016,601–10, 2006). Excellent agreement is found between the two data sets and, in particular, the numerical simulation replicates the finding of a reverse flow along the bed aft of the wave. The numerically computed velocity and pressure gradients confirm that the occurrence of the reverse flow is a consequence of boundary layer separation in the adverse pressure gradient region. In addition, vortices associated with the reverse flow are seen to form near the bed.  相似文献   

A network of interconnected stations was established in the entire area of the Karymskii Volcanic Center and near the active Karymskii Volcano, Kamchatka in 1971–1988 for the purpose of studying ground deformation. Multiple observations by this network yielded quantitative characteristics of the ground deformation related to the following phenomena: the eruption of Karymskii Volcano during the periods 1976–1982 and January 1, 1996, to 2005 (still continuing, written in February 2008); the discharge of basalt on January 2, 1996, in the bottom of Lake Karymskii situated in the caldera of Akademii Nauk Volcano (this volcano had previously been thought to be extinct) and the subsequent phreatomagmatic eruption lasting approximately 24 hours; and the large (M 6.9) earthquake of January 1, 1996, occurring at 21 h 57 min local time in the Karymskii Volcanic Center at a depth of ~10 km. This paper discusses the relationships of ground deformation to volcanic activity and to the abovementioned unique natural occurrences, and their mechanism as deduced from geodetic data.  相似文献   

The present study investigated direct and indirect methods using optical and acoustic instruments for the acquisition of information required to estimate the concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in Vitória Bay, a shallow estuarine system in SE Brazil. The aim was to calibrate and compare the use of different instruments (OBS, ADP, and ADV) to estimate SPM concentration in the water column and near the bed. Concentration was determined by correlating filtered water samples with the optical and acoustic measurements. In general, the methodology proved tenable for the chosen shallow estuarine environment with low SPM concentration (<60?mg/L). Pearson’s coefficient ranged from 0.75 to 0.85, when correlating measurements taken at three sampled depths. Differences in the correlation coefficient values showed that calibration at three depths (near the bed, mid-water column, and near the surface) was more effective than for surface samples alone, even in shallow (???m deep) water. When calibration was attempted for concentration in the entire water column with samples at just one elevation, the correlation value was very low, thus increasing the error in estimating the SPM concentration.  相似文献   

A 1200 m-long river segment of Carmel River (California) was constructed to bypass trapped reservoir sediment when San Clemente Dam was removed from the Carmel River in 2015. Hundreds of large boulders were used to construct 53 steps in an 800 m-long reach of the project. Nearly all the boulders were scattered to new locations in high flows of 2017, and have been relatively stable since that time. We analysed the causes of incipient motion and distance travelled for 226 randomly selected large boulders (0.5–1.8 m) impacted by a flood event in winter of 2019. Channel width, water depth, and isolation from neighbouring boulders were the main variables controlling individual large boulder incipient motion during a 10-year peak flow event in the ‘auto-naturalized’ constructed step-pool river in 2019. There is weak statistical evidence that a combination of shear stress and the presence of boulders located laterally downstream of the subject boulder controlled the distance the boulder moved. Frequentist statistics and Akaike information criterion model comparison determined that boulder size, boulder shape, boulder roundness, and local thalweg slope were not good predictors of large boulder incipient motion or distance transported. Average dimensionless critical shear value for the four largest mobilized boulders (1.5–1.6 m) was 0.014. We describe the geomorphic history of the site and use our results to discuss potential causes of unanticipated large boulder transport at the site that occurred in a <2-year peak flow of winter 2016 soon after step construction. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The composition of fluid inclusions(FI)often represents the initial geochemical characteristics of palaeo-fluid in reservoir rock.Influence on composition and carbon isotopic composition of gas during primary migration,reservoir-forming and subsequent secondary alterations are discussed through comparing fluid inclusion gas with coal-formed gas and natural gas in present gas reservoirs in the Ordos Basin.The results show that primary migration of gas has significant effect on the molecular but not on the carbon isotopic composition of methane.Migration and diffusion fractionation took place during the secondary migration of gas in Upper Paleozoic gas reservoir according to carbon isotopic composition of methane in FIs.Composition and carbon isotopic composition of natural gas were nearly unchanged after the gas reservoir forming through comparing the FI gases with the natural gas in present gas reservoir.  相似文献   

The composition of fluid inclusions (FI) often represents the initial geochemical characteristics of palaeo-fluid in reservoir rock. Influence on composition and carbon isotopic composition of gas during primary migration, reservoir-forming and subsequent secondary alterations are discussed through comparing fluid inclusion gas with coal-formed gas and natural gas in present gas reservoirs in the Ordos Basin. The results show that primary migration of gas has significant effect on the molecular but not on the carbon isotopic composition of methane. Migration and diffusion fractionation took place during the secondary migration of gas in Upper Paleozoic gas reservoir according to carbon isotopic composition of methane in Fls. Composition and carbon isotopic composition of natural gas were nearly unchanged after the gas reservoir forming through comparing the FI gases with the natural gas in present gas reservoir.  相似文献   

The state of the water area in the Bays of Koz’mina and Lake Vtoroe (Nakhodka Gulf is evaluated. The data given include water temperature and salinity, biochemical oxygen demand, pH, alkalinity, chlorophyll a, organic matter, biogenic elements, oil products, detergents, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, and organochlorine pesticides in water and bottom sediments. Pollutants may enter the system of bights from both onshore sources and the open part of the bay. The water and bottom sediments in this part of the bay show higher values of BOD5 and the concentrations of oil products, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, and organochlorine pesticides. The anthropogenic load on the water body is shown to increase because of the new industrial construction on its shore.  相似文献   

Exchanges between oceanic and coastal waters are fundamental in setting the hydrography of arctic shelves and fjords. In West Spitsbergen, Atlantic Water from the West Spitsbergen Current exchanges with the seasonally ice-covered waters of the coast and fjords causing a major annual shift in hydrographic conditions. The extent to which Atlantic Water dominates the fjord systems shows significant interannual variability. Hydrographic sections taken between 1999 and 2005 from Isfjorden and the adjacent shelf have been analyzed to identify the causes of the variability in Atlantic Water occupation of the fjord system. By treating the fjord system as a coastal polynya and running a polynya model to quantify the salt release each winter, we conclude that the critical parameter controlling fjord–shelf exchange is the density difference between the fjord water masses and the Atlantic Water. We provide a full dynamical mechanism for the interaction between water masses at the fjord entrance to rationalize the interannual variability.  相似文献   

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