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Twenty conservative tracer injections were carried out in the same reach of a small woodland stream in order to determine how variation in discharge and leaf accumulation affect stream hydraulic parameters. The injections were made at various discharge rates ranging from 2·6 to 40 l/s. Five of the injections were made during late autumn, when there were large accumulations of leaves in the stream. Estimates of hydraulic parameters were made by fitting a transient storage solute transport model to conservative tracer concentration profiles. Velocity increased almost linearly with increasing discharge, indicating a decline in the Darcy friction factor. Dispersion also increased with increasing discharge, especially for the lower flow injections. The relative size of the storage zone was small (∽0·1). There was no definable relationship between discharge and the relative storage zone size, but the rates of exchange between the storage zone and the main channel increased markedly with increasing discharge. The presence of large accumulations of leaves had a clear effect on the hydraulic characteristics of the stream, producing much higher friction factors, larger storage zone sizes and lower velocity than would have been predicted by discharge alone. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Blocking is one of the important features when a beam dam intercepts debris flow, while self-cleaning is another when managing suspended debris flow. Both features determine the debris flow control benefits of beam dam but the latter often is not considered in practical engineering design. In this paper, a series of specially designed flume experiments were done to simulate blocking and self-cleaning processes. The blocking ratio and deposition features were measured to contrast the blocking and self-cleaning performance before and after artificial self-cleaning. The experimental results reveal that the beam dam net opening, particle diameter of sediment, sediment concentration, and gradient of the channel are the main factors affecting blocking performance. A new criterion of blocking performance of beam dams that considers the interaction of multiple factors and can provide guidance to practical project design is proposed. For all three types of blocking, sediment deposited upstream of a beam dam can be effectively transported downstream by erosion from post-debris-flow floods, Self-cleaning performance is most efficient for temporary blocking, followed by partial-blocking, and total-blocking. The efficiency of self-cleaning largely depends on the change of the sediment deposit due to erosion. Finally, a discussion is given for the optimal design of an open-type check dam and the feasibility of synergistic effects of self-cleaning in combination with artificial cleaning. Some supporting artificial silt-cleaning should be implemented in practice. A beam dam will, thus, have more storage capacity with which to control the next debris flow event.  相似文献   

Hydraulic engineering is usually based on theoretical analysis and/or numerical modelling simulation. As the dynamic behaviour of sediment movement under unsteady flow is still unclear, and field measurement is comparatively difficult during a large flood, prior investigations through flume experiments are required. A series of flume experiments, conducted using different inflow hydrographs without sediment supply from upstream, was carried out to investigate the sediment transport process under unsteady flow conditions. A series of triangular hydrographs were performed in the experiments. The results indicate that a temporal lag was found between the flow hydrograph peak and the sediment hydrograph peak because large size sand dunes lasted for a short period in the falling limb of the flow hydrograph. The temporal lag was found to be about equal to 6–15% of the flow hydrograph duration. Owing to the temporal lag, the total bedload yield in the rising period was less than that in the falling period. Furthermore, the measured total bedload yield in the unsteady flow experiments was larger than the predicted value, which was estimated by using the results obtained from the equivalent steady flow experiment. The peak bedload transport rate for unsteady flow conditions was also larger than the predicted value. The ratios of the measured to the predicted quantities mentioned above were found to be constant values for different shapes of hydrographs. It is, therefore, expected that the analytical results of sediment transport from equivalent steady flow can be a good reference for sediment transport under unsteady flow conditions. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Confluences are important locations for river mixing within drainage networks, yet few studies have examined in detail the dynamics of mixing within confluences. This study examines the influence of momentum flux ratio, the scale of the flow (cross‐sectional area) and the density differences between incoming flows on thermal mixing at a small stream confluence. Results reveal that rates and patterns of thermal mixing depend on event‐specific combinations of the three factors. The mixing interface at this confluence is generally distorted towards the mouth of the lateral tributary by strong helical motion associated with curvature of flow from the lateral tributary as it aligns with the downstream channel. As the momentum flux from the lateral tributary increases, mixing is enhanced because helical motion from the curving tributary flow expands over the width of the downstream channel. The cross‐sectional area of the flow is negatively correlated with mixing rates, suggesting that the amount of mixing over a fixed distance downstream of the confluence is inversely related to the scale of the flow. Density differences are not strongly related to rates of mixing. Results confirm that mixing rates within the region of confluent flow interaction can be highly variable among flow events with different incoming flow conditions, but that, in general, length scales of mixing are short, and rates of mixing are high at this small confluence compared with those typically documented at large‐river confluences. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rock plucking is the vertical removal of chunks of rock along intersection joint planes by flowing water. The plucking of durable jointed rock in a natural stream alters stream morphology and potentially damages a bridge substructure situated on a rock foundation by local erosion. Despite its importance, the mechanics of bedrock erosion by plucking are not well understood. In this study, we conduct laboratory experiments to investigate the threshold of block entrainment through plucking near a flow obstruction under sub-critical conditions. In a laboratory flume, we reproduce a wide range of typical lateral flow contraction scenarios that occur around a large rock or bridge substructure and investigate the process of the vertical entrainment of blocks near the obstruction. Two different modes of block removal process (impulsive plucking and accumulative plucking) are observed near the bluff structure. We find that under severe flow contraction, blocks are more likely to escape quickly via impulsive plucking because higher flow contraction and the resulting strong local turbulence around the structure generate large instantaneous uplift force that removes the block within a short period of time; however, we observe accumulative plucking under weaker flow contraction near the bluff structure. From the experimental results, we develop a formula for the threshold point of block dislocation caused by plucking with respect to the degree of lateral flow contraction. The results indicate that increasing the flow contraction ratio reduces block stability because of higher flow acceleration and the increased turbulence effect near the upstream edge of the obstruction. The results of this study should be useful to those who estimate the rate of rock erosion by plucking in natural open channels around a bluff structure.  相似文献   

It is very interesting and meaningful to investigate the rainfall-groundwater recharge process under the humid climatic condition of Japan, where mean annual precipitation is about 1600 mm. The present study has investigated soil water movement in the unsaturated zones of a volcanic ash layer, called the ‘Kanto Loam formation’, using environmental tritium as a tracer. The site selected is a flat ground surface on a terraced upland which has a deep unsaturated zone (about 20 m) with a relatively high water content (about 70 per cent) consisting of nearly uniform Kanto Loam formation. The tritium concentrations in groundwater, soil waters having different matric potentials, precipitation, and the seepage water moving through the formation into a man-made cave were measured to characterize the rainfall-groundwater recharge process and the effect of large pore spaces in the formation mentioned by previous studies. Because of the humid climate of Japan, there appears to be a unique soil water flow characteristic which may involve percolation through large pore spaces during heavy rainfall. However, in a fine grained and high water content soil like the Kanto Loam formation, the existence of this flow through large pore spaces does not have a significant effect upon the whole recharge process. The recharge model of displacement flow with dispersion is useful in estimating the tritium concentration profile of soil water. The calculated result shows a recharge rate of 2.5 mm/day. The value obtained reflects the hydrological characteristics of the uplands covered with volcanic ash.  相似文献   


Flow regimes play an important role in sustaining biodiversity in river ecosystems. However, the effects of flow regimes on riverine fish have not been clearly described. Therefore, we propose a new methodology to quantitatively link habitat conditions (such as flow indices and physical habitat conditions) to the occurrence probability (OP) of fish species. We developed a basin-scale fish distribution model by integrating the concept of habitat suitability assessment with a distributed hydrological model in order to estimate the OP of fish, with particular attention to flow regime. A generalized linear model was used to evaluate the relationship between the probabilities of fish occurrence and major environmental factors in river sections. A geomorphology-based hydrological model was adopted to simulate river discharge, which was used to calculate 10 flow indices. The occurrence probabilities of 50 fish species in the Sagami River in Japan were modelled. For the prediction accuracy, field survey results that included at least five observations of both the presence and the absence of each species were required to obtain relatively reliable prediction (accuracy > 60%). Using the developed model, important habitat conditions for each species were identified, which showed the importance of low-flow events for more than 10 species, including Hypomesus nipponensis and Rhinogobius fluviatilis. The model also confirmed the positive effects of natural flow and the negative effect of river-crossing structures, such as dams and weirs, on the OP of most species. The suggested approach enables us to evaluate and project the ecological consequences of water resource management policy. The results demonstrate the applicability of the fish distribution model to provide quantitative information on the flow required to maintain fish communities.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Sui, P., Iwasaki, A., Saavedra, V.O.C., and Yoshimura, C., 2013. Modelling basin-scale distribution of fish occurrence probability for assessment of flow and habitat conditions in rivers. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 618–628.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel platform to study the dampening of water and solute transport in an experimental channel under unsteady flow conditions, where literature data are scarce. We address the question about what could be the smallest size of experimental platform that is useful for research, project studies, and teaching activities and that allows to do rational experiments characterized by small space occupation, short experimental duration, high measurement precision, high quality and reproducible experimental curves, low water and energy consumption, and the possibility to test a large variety of hydrograph scenarios. Whereas large scale hydraulic laboratories have focused their studies on sediment transport, our platform deals with solute transport. The objectives of our study are (a) building a platform that allows to do rational experiments, (b) enriching the lack of experimental data concerning water and solute transport under unsteady state conditions, and (c) studying the dampening of water and solute transport. We studied solute transport in a channel with lateral gain and lateral loss under different experimental configurations, and we show how the same lateral loss flow event can lead to different lateral loss mass repartitions under different configurations. In order to characterize water and solute dampening between the input and the output of the channel, we calculate dampening ratios based on peak coordinates of time flow curves and time mass curves and that express the decrease of peak amplitude and the increase of peak occurrence time between the input and output curves. Finally, we use a solute transport model coupling the diffusive wave equation for water transfer and the advection–diffusion equation for solute transport in order to simulate the experimental data. The simulations are quite good with a Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency NSE > 0.98 for water transfer and 0.84 < NSE < 0.97 for solute transport. This platform could serve hydrological modellers because it offers a variety of measured parameters (flow, water height, and solute concentration), at a fine time step under unsteady flow conditions.  相似文献   

Watershed structure influences the timing, magnitude, and spatial location of water and solute entry to stream networks. In turn, stream reach transport velocities and stream network geometry (travel distances) further influence the timing of export from watersheds. Here, we examine how watershed and stream network organization can affect travel times of water from delivery to the stream network to arrival at the watershed outlet. We analysed watershed structure and network geometry and quantified the relationship between stream discharge and solute velocity across six study watersheds (11.4 to 62.8 km2) located in the Sawtooth Mountains of central Idaho, USA. Based on these analyses, we developed stream network travel time functions for each watershed. We found that watershed structure, stream network geometry, and the variable magnitude of inputs across the network can have a pronounced affect on water travel distances and velocities within a stream network. Accordingly, a sample taken at the watershed outlet is composed of water and solutes sourced from across the watershed that experienced a range of travel times in the stream network. We suggest that understanding and quantifying stream network travel time distributions are valuable for deconvolving signals observed at watershed outlets into their spatial and temporal sources, and separating terrestrial and in‐channel hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological influences on in‐stream observations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of chemical dispersants (Corexit 9500 and SPC 1000) on heavy fuel oil (IFO180 as test oil) has been evaluated under different wave conditions in a flow-through wave tank. The dispersant effectiveness was determined by measuring oil concentrations and droplet size distributions. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) model indicated that wave type and temperature significantly (p < 0.05) affected the dynamic dispersant effectiveness (DDE). At higher temperatures (16 °C), the test IFO180 was effectively dispersed under breaking waves with a DDE of 90% and 50% for Corexit 9500 and SPC 1000, respectively. The dispersion was ineffective under breaking waves at lower temperature (10 °C), and under regular wave conditions at all temperatures (10-17 °C), with DDE < 15%. Effective chemical dispersion was associated with formation of smaller droplets (with volumetric mean diameters or VMD ? 200 μm), whereas ineffective dispersion produced large oil droplets (with VMD ? 400 μm).  相似文献   

辉石(pyroxene)是地壳中重要的造岩矿物,同时也是上地幔中除橄榄石以外含量最多的矿物,对其弹性及相变的研究有助于更好的理解壳幔的物质组成、地震波速异常及动力学过程等.高温高压实验和理论模拟计算是目前探测地球深部物质物性的两种最有效的间接方法,因此本文在介绍了辉石矿物学特征的基础上,从实验和计算两个方面论述了近十几年来国内外学者对辉石的弹性及相变的研究进展,然后探讨了辉石相变与上地幔X不连续面的关系,最后指出了目前的研究存在的问题以及未来的研究展望.  相似文献   

A theoretical framework is presented that allows direct identification of a single point-source pollution location and time in heterogeneous multidimensional systems under known flow field conditions. Based on the concept of the transfer function theory, it is shown that an observed pollution plume contains all the necessary information to predict the concentration at the unknown pollution source when a reversed flow field transport simulation is performed. This target concentration C0 is obtained from a quadratic integral of the observed pollution plume itself. Backwards simulation of the pollution plume leads to shrinkage of the C0-contour due to dispersion. When the C0-contour reduces to a singular point, i.e. becomes a concentration maximum, the position of the pollution source is identified and the backward simulation time indicates the time elapsed since the contaminant release. The theoretical basis of the method is first developed for the ideal case that the pollution plume is entirely known and is illustrated using a synthetic heterogeneous 2D example where all the hydro-dispersive parameters are known. The same example is then used to illustrate the procedure for a more realistic case, i.e. where only few observation points exist.  相似文献   

为了研究含气地层对地震波传播的影响,在地层温压条件下,用超声波测试了长庆油田苏里格气田砂岩样品在不同饱和度下的纵、横波速度和衰减Q值.实验表明砂岩样品的物性和流体含量对纵波的速度和衰减的影响均大于横波,含气饱和度大于60%时纵波Q值变化明显;物性越好,含气饱和度越高,纵波Q值越小,吸收越大.分析实验结果和相应的影响机理,给出了利用纵波的吸收衰减预测砂岩含气性的应用实例.  相似文献   

利用不同温、压条件下的花岗岩变形实验数据,研究声发射(AE)事件应变释放特征,探讨加速模型参数m值与温压环境的关系.常温条件下,声发射应变显示一定的加速释放特征,但m值随围压增加未显示出趋势性的变化,表明常温条件下m值与岩石强度关系不密切.围压固定时,m值随温度升高逐渐变大,声发射应变从加速释放逐渐过渡到匀速释放,这意味着不同温度条件下岩石变形过程中内部微破裂形式的差异,可能导致应变释放类型的较大差异(即m值的较大差异).在浅表地层的温压条件下,岩石破坏前显示一定的加速释放特征,m小于1;在渐进式破坏区段,应变释放呈逐渐减弱的减速释放态势,m明显大于1;在深部温压条件下,应变释放加速特征明显,m值明显较低.此外,完整岩样破裂前声发射应变加速释放特征显著,而宏观剪裂面的黏滑之前,声发射应变基本上匀速释放.  相似文献   

考虑到桥梁地震易损性分析中场地条件影响的不确定性,本文主要针对流水冲刷环境、可液化场地、近断层场地、氯盐侵蚀环境和冻土场地等特殊复杂场地条件对桥梁结构地震易损性的影响特征和机理进行了总结归纳,并提出了尚待进一步研究的关键问题.结果 表明:特殊场地地震响应的复杂性和桥梁结构的特殊性相叠加,给复杂场地条件下桥梁的抗震性能评...  相似文献   

Multiphase suspension systems are used extensively in hydrology, biochemistry, and the food industry. Ultrasonic spectroscopy is a rapid, on‐line, non‐invasive measurement technique for suspension characterization over different particle sizes and a wide range of concentration. Although the properties of kaolin suspensions have been investigated extensively, kaolin ultrasonic attenuation properties at different temperatures and concentrations have not yet been reported. Through experimental validation in the laboratory, this study provides results from a series of measurements of kaolin ultrasonic attenuation over a wide range of concentrations (0–300 000 ppm) and practical temperatures (5–25 °C). The ultrasonic measurement of attenuation of sediment sampled from the Shihmen reservoir in Taiwan is also investigated. Results show that variations in ultrasonic attenuation are driven by concentration and temperature. Two regression functions are established to quantitatively relate attenuation to kaolin concentration and the Shihmen reservoir sample at a given temperature. An ultrasonic system is designed and manufactured for real‐time sediment concentration monitoring in the Shihmen reservoir based on these experimental ultrasonic attenuation measurements. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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