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This article reports on a study performed to understand the geographic and linguistic coverage of web resources, focusing on the example of tourism‐related themes in Switzerland. Search engine queries of web documents were used to gather counts for phrases in four different languages. The study focused on selected populated places and tourist attractions in Switzerland from three gazetteer datasets: topographic gazetteer data from the Swiss national mapping agency (SwissTopo); POI data from a commercial data provider (Tele Atlas) and user generated geographic content (geonames.org). The web counts illustrate the geographic extent and trends of web coverage of tourism for different languages. Results show that coverage for local languages, i.e. German, French and Italian, is more strongly related to the region of the spoken language. Correlation of the web counts to typical tourism indicators, e.g. population and number of hotel nights rented per year, are also computed and compared. 相似文献
Because SQL for querying data from spatial databases is ineffective, the query based on natural or visual language becomes an attractive research field gradually. However, how to define and represent natural languages related to spatial data are still gigantic problems. Because existing models of direction relations can't describe by use of some common concepts. First of all, detailed direction relations are proposed to describe the directions related to the interior of spatial objects, such as “east part of a region”, “east boundary of a region”, and so on. Secondly, by integrating the detailed directions with exterior direction relations and topological relations, several NLSRs are defined, such as “a road goes across the east part of a lake”, “a river goes along the east boundary of a province”, etc. Finally, based on the NLSRs abovementioned, a natural spatial query language (NSQL) is formed to retrieve data from spatial databases. 相似文献
Definitions of Natural-Language Spatial Relations: Combining Topology and Directions 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
DU Shihong WANG Qiao QIN Qiming 《地球空间信息科学学报》2006,9(1):55-64
Introduction Inmanyapplications(CADandgeographical informationsystem,GIS),dataaremanagedby spatialdatabases,whichstorepoint,line,region objectsandspatialrelationsbetweenthem.Spa tialrelations(topologicalrelations,directionre lationsandapproximatedistancer… 相似文献
none 《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(1):70-76
AbstractCartographers have always been concerned about the appearance of maps and how the display marries form with function. An appreciation of map design and the aesthetic underpins our fascination with how each and every mark works to create a display with a specific purpose. Yet debates about what constitutes design and what value it has in map-making persist. This is particularly acute in the modern map-making era as new tools, technology, data and approaches make map-making a simpler process in some respects, yet make designing high-quality maps difficult to master in others. In the first part of a two-part paper, we explore what we mean by map design and how we might evaluate it and apply it in a practical sense. We consider the value of aesthetics and also discuss the role of art in cartography taking account of some recent debates that we feel bring meaning to how we think about design. Our intent here is to reassert some of the key ideas about map design in cartography and to provide a reference for the second part of the paper where we present the results of a survey of cartographers. The survey was used to identify a collection of maps that exhibit excellence in design which we will showcase as examplars. 相似文献
Ivan I. Mueller 《Journal of Geodesy》1985,59(2):181-188
Geodynamics has become the subject of intensive international research during the last decade, involving plate tectonics,
both on the intra-plate and inter-plate scale, i.e., the study of crustal movements, and the study of earth rotation and of
other dynamic phenomena such as the tides. Interrelated are efforts improving our knowledge of the gravity and magnetic fields
of the earth. A common requirement for all these investigations is the necessity for a well-defined reference coordinate system
(or systems) to which all relevant observations can be referred and in which theories or models for the dynamic behavior of
the earth can be formulated. In view of the unprecedented progress in the ability of geodetic observational systems to measure
crustal movements and the rotation of the earth, as well as in theory and model development, there is a great need for the
theoretical definition, practical realization, and international acceptance of suitable coordinate system(s) to facilitate
such work. This article deals with certain aspects of the establishment and maintenance of such a coordinate system. 相似文献
Erik W. Grafarend Ivan I. Mueller Haim B. Papo Burghard Richter 《Journal of Geodesy》1979,53(3):195-213
Modern high accuracy measurements of the non-rigid earth are to be referred to four-dimensional, i.e., time- and space-dependent
reference frames. Geodynamic phenomena derived from these measurements are to be described in a terrestrial reference frame
in which both space- and time-like variations can be monitored. Existing conventional terrestrial reference frames (e.g. CIO,
BIH) are no longer suitable for such purposes.
The ultimate goal of this study is the establishment of a reference frame, moving with the earth in some average sense, in
which the geometric and dynamic behavior of the earth can be monitored, and whose motion with respect to inertial space can
also be determined.
The study is conducted in several parts. In the first part problems related to reference directions are investigated, while
subsequent parts deal with positions, i.e., with reference origins and scale. Only the first part is treated in this paper.
The approach is based on the fact that reference directions at an observation point on the earth surface are defined by fundamental
vectors (gravity, earth rotation, etc.), both space and time variant. These reference directions are interrelated by angular
parameters, also derived from the fundamental vectors. The interrelationships between these space- and time-variant angular
parameters are illustrated in a commutative diagram, tower of triads, which makes the derivation of the various relationships
convenient. In order to determine the above parameters from observations using least squares techniques, a model tower of
triads is also presented to allow the formation of linear observation equations. Although the model tower is also space and
time variant, its variations are described by adopted parameters representing our current knowledge of the earth. 相似文献
首次系统全面地介绍了有关数码城市 (CyberCity)的概念、技术支撑和典型应用 ,并结合CCGIS软件的研究开发及其在深圳和上海两个城市的示范应用 ,讨论了建设数码城市所面临的若干关键技术问题 相似文献
This paper provides an empirical framework that applies spatial statistics methods to assess the relation between the change
in the geographical clustering of firms and the emergence of urban form. We contend that where firms locate and eventually
cluster give rise to the way commercial and industrial land uses are organized over space, which in turn defines the shape
of urban form. Accordingly, the objectives of our work are twofold: (1) to identify the extent and shape of firm clustering
and co-location at the intra-metropolitan level, and (2) examine how the change in the geographic clustering of different
industries contributes to decentralization and the evolution of urban form. Spatial statistics methods and tools were vital
and helped to fulfill these objectives.
Dynamic GIS Case Studies: Wildfire Evacuation and Volunteered Geographic Information 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Edward Pultar Martin Raubal Thomas J Cova Michael F Goodchild 《Transactions in GIS》2009,13(S1):85-104
Incorporating the temporal element into traditional GIS is a challenge that has been researched for many years and has many proposed solutions. The implemented system "Extended Dynamic GIS" or EDGIS is based on the "geo-atom" and Space Time Point (STP). EDGIS provides a platform for spatiotemporal data representation, storage, and query in order to address the need for a dynamic GIS to manage complex geographic data types. The system has the capability of executing spatiotemporal object interaction queries (OIQs) such as crossing and coincidence of field-objects and object-fields. In this article existing dynamic GIS analysis techniques are further improved and enhanced through exploration of more in-depth case studies. Further examined here are applications to wildfire evacuation modeling and travel scenarios of urban environments with individuals providing volunteered geographic information (VGI). The EDGIS platform provides a means for interacting with a range of dynamic geographic phenomena. The areas of transportation, location based services (LBS), hazards, and geo-sensor networks provide challenges intertwined with the above applications as well as additional challenges pertinent to the ongoing GIScience research topic of spatiotemporal GIS. Using EDGIS to explore the described case studies of wildfire evacuation as well as VGI provides the advancements described above and demonstrates implemented uses for dynamic GIS. 相似文献
云计算是网格计算及分布式计算、并行计算发展到一定阶段后衍生出来的,是这些计算方法的商业实现。云计算是一种新型的计算模型,其基础体系结构属于云计算的技术层次,主要说明系统属性和设计思想;云计算的服务集合源于服务类型,说明能带给客户什么。云计算的核心技术有数据存储技术、数据管理技术、编程模型和云安全。云计算在地理信息工程和地理空间信息网格计算中有着广泛的应用前景。 相似文献
我国地理信息标准化工作的回顾与思考 总被引:4,自引:11,他引:4
作者从一个研究技术工作者的角度,对20多年来我国地理信息标准化工作所走过的历程,包括地理信息标准的研究、制定与实施,地理信息标准业务学术组织的发展,参与国际合作与交流,宣传、教育与专业书刊出版,以及存在的若干不足与问题作了简要的回顾和分析。同时,从研究和技术的角度,思考了今后一段时期内的发展,并提出了一些看法和建议。 相似文献
杨燕 《测绘与空间地理信息》2016,(6):158-160
介绍了新疆维吾尔自治区安全生产监管地理信息平台中的重大危险源监管地理信息系统,详述了系统构架、系统组成、系统功能及主要作用。阐述了重大危险源监管地理信息系统是基于空间信息的安监专题信息处理、信息综合、信息分析、统一处置的地理信息系统。说明了重大危险源监管系统是一个高效的综合管理系统,体现地理信息系统与安全生产监督管理的高度结合,实现了重大危险源等各类监管对象的动态管理和重大事故应急指挥智能化。能够加强新疆安全生产的监管能力,提高事故的应急救援指挥和救援行为的效率,从而形成"信息畅通、反应快捷、指挥有力",集信息监管、救援、指挥于一体的新疆维吾尔自治区安全生产监管体系。 相似文献
Helen Couclelis 《Transactions in GIS》2003,7(2):165-175
Considerable effort has been devoted over the years to fighting uncertainty in geographic information in its different manifestations. Thus far, research on handling inaccuracy, fuzziness, error and related issues has focused for the most part on problems with spatial data and their direct products, typically representations of spatial objects or fields. This paper seeks to broaden the discussion of uncertainty in the geospatial domain by shifting the focus from information to knowledge. It turns out that there is a surprising number of things that we cannot know (or questions we cannot answer) that are not the result of imperfect information. Forms of not knowing are pervasive in domains as diverse as mathematics, logic, physics, and linguistics, and are apparently irreducible. This being the case it may help to explore how these realms of ignorance may affect our efforts. The paper distinguishes three different modes or forms of geospatial knowledge production, and argues that each of them has built–in imperfections, for reasons of logical principle and not just empirical fact. While much can and needs to be done to manage and resolve uncertainties where possible, I argue for accepting that uncertainty is an intrinsic property of complex knowledge and not just a flaw that needs to be excised. 相似文献
This paper explains the performance of a map-reading task that required subjects to locate a state on a map of the United States after being given the state's name. Response times and accuracy were hypothesized to be a function of differences among the decision makers and among the states. The cognitive science literature suggests that variation in performance can be explained by the interaction of biological and environmental variables. Individual differences in gender, working memory capacity, and brain lateralization were hypothesized to affect performance of the spatial task. Results indicated gender could be a more informative variable than sex. Subjects, who identified with both feminine and masculine characteristics, had the fastest mean response times. Subjects, who did not identify with feminine or masculine characteristics, had the most accurate responses. Subjects who combined higher verbal and spatial working memory capacities had both the fastest and most accurate performances. The results supported other studies indicating a non-linear relationship relating sex, brain lateralization, and accuracy. Covariates related to gravity model variables were also significantly related to performance. 相似文献
Alan Glennon 《Transactions in GIS》2010,14(1):23-42
Object-oriented geographic data models provide an organizational scheme to associate domain specific meaning to primitive GIS elements like points, polylines, and polygons. Although use of data models is widespread in the GIS community, the design process is not necessarily obvious and often ad hoc. This article outlines a procedure for the creation and validation of geographic data models through the examination and distillation of use cases. As an example, the article follows the development of a data model for the spatial concept of flow. Flow, the collective movements of people, materials, or ideas, is a common driver of geographic change, not generally supported by functionality within contemporary GIS, and an abstract dynamic entity that would presumably be difficult to model. Model design was facilitated through the distillation of flow cases of tabular human migration data, Minard's map of Napoleon's march on Moscow, and stream channel routes in a karst watershed. Unified Modeling Language diagrams are created for each case and the models' commonalities combined to yield a generic data model. As a means of validation, each use case was instantiated with the generic model and tested to re-create the fundamental components of flow and address predefined typical queries. 相似文献