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鱼类群落结构和功能群组成是了解水域生态系统的结构和功能的基础,本研究基于2018年4月、6—11月底拖网鱼类资源调查数据,分析了天津近海鱼类群落结构和功能群组成。调查共捕获鱼类23种,隶属于6目14科20属,主要以暖温性底层鱼类和中上层鱼类为主。优势种以矛尾鰕虎鱼(Chaetueichthysstigmatias)、六丝矛尾鰕虎鱼(Chaetueichthyshexanema)、短吻红舌鳎(Cynoglossusjoyneri)等小型鱼类为主,其中矛尾鰕虎鱼为各月共有优势种。根据月间CLUSTER聚类分析结果,可将天津近海鱼类群落分为3个组,其中,4月为一组,6—9月为一组,10—11月为一组。根据各鱼种饵料组成进行聚类分析,天津近海鱼类群落由浮游动物食性功能群、广食性功能群、杂食性功能群、虾/鱼食性功能群、鱼食性功能群和底栖动物食性功能群,其中杂食性功能群、虾/鱼食性功能群和广食性功能群为主要功能群。  相似文献   

In the Strait of Messina (Sicily, Central Mediterranean Sea) strong tidal currents, very irregular hydrological regime and related solid load, and local seismic activity cause sediment instability; this area represents therefore a case‐study of a naturally disturbed soft‐bottom environment. In this paper, mollusc and polychaete assemblages of the northern part of the Strait were described. Composition, community structure, eco‐ethological features, trophic guilds and sediment‐type relationships were studied in 64 stations sampled located between 3.5 and 50 m depth in October 1992 by means of a Van Veen grab. A total of 131 species (65 molluscs and 66 polychaetes) were identified. A dense population of the tubicolous polychaete Ditrupa arietina was recognized, together with the occurrence of other species tied to a high sedimentation rate, such as Corbula gibba and Tellina distorta, as well as widespread, mud‐tolerant species (e.g.Chone spp., Hyalinoecia tubicola). Diversity (H′) showed a peak at intermediate depths (10/20 m) and a clear decrease beyond this depth, corresponding to the Ditrupa core population. Multivariate comparison between sediment features and community composition throughout the bathymetric gradient showed a narrow ecocline between two environments subjected to opposite hydrodynamic constraints. In the shallower zone, a wide typology of trophic‐ethological guilds was related to community patchiness, in contrast to a greater functional uniformity of the deeper assemblage, dominated by sessile, semi‐infaunal suspension feeders. A possible role played by a phase of increased rainfall to increase bottom instability, locally emphasized by a previous human activity, is also discussed.  相似文献   

Mollusc and annelid polychaete macrofaunal assemblages were studied in a sublittoral sandy bottom of 1.8 km2 extension, along the western Calabrian coast (low Tyrrhenian Sea). The strict coupling of the local sedimentary dynamics with the benthic assemblages was investigated on a small spatial scale (patchiness), at the mesoscale depth-related gradients and at the level of functional/trophic habits. Non-metrical correlations (ρ), index of dispersion (Di) and dispersion weighted abundances, averaged per depth level highlighted the response of some characteristic species to the patchiness of sediments as well as to the predominant environmental gradients. Species habits and trophic guilds, that were assessed in terms of biomass (wet weight) and secondary “pseudo-production” (abundance × biomass), clarified the differential functional response of the assemblages at different depth levels. Polychaetes reached 84.86% abundance and showed a highly clumped distribution of sessile species (Ditrupa arietina, Aponuphis brementi, Chone acustica, Spiophanes kroyeri); to a lower extent the motile species (Hyalinoecia tubicola, Marphisa bellii, Phylo foetida) were present. Molluscs reached 15.14% abundance and only some bivalve taxa showed significant aggregated distributions (Corbula gibba, Tellina donacina, Tellina distorta), whereas gastropod species were more evenly distributed. Total biomasses were almost equal between the two taxonomic groups (46.41 g WW on average). Biotic–environmental rank matching highlighted depth, very fine sands (60–200 μm), sorting grade, skewness index and pH as being the most influential factors in the distributions of some species, followed secondarily by coarse silts (40–60 μm) and coarser sands (200–2000 μm). Within the local context of water/sediment oligotrophy, the adaptive strategies of macrofauna to a highly seasonal supply of autochthonous phytoplanktonic seston associated with imported macro debris and terrigenous components were emphasized. Evidence of such a differential nutrient supply was the clear functional differentiation of the shallower levels from the deeper ones, and the presence of an intermediate zone which was selectively dominated, in terms of abundance and biomass, by microphagous filter/suspension feeders. Moreover, the shortage of burrowing deposit feeders as well as the prevalence of motile macrophagous omnivores beyond 20 m depth may be considered as ecologically correlated aspects.  相似文献   

通过对西太平洋雅浦海沟不同水深沉积物中总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、碳稳定同位素(δ13C)、粒度组成和比表面积(SSA)等参数的分析,探讨了雅浦海沟不同水深沉积颗粒物来源、分布及其影响因素的异同。结果表明,雅浦海沟沉积物TOC含量和δ13C平均值分别为(0.34%±0.14%)和(-20.8‰±0.7‰),其中海洋浮游植物、陆源土壤和维管植物来源有机碳(OC)的贡献分别为(70%±3%)、(22%±3%)和(8%±2%),且不同水深差异不大,海沟内沉积物的横向输运可能是深部沉积OC的重要输入途径。由于水深更深站位沉积颗粒物中具有更强的微生物活动和在水柱中更长的保留时间,导致其TOC和TN含量较低,但δ13C无明显差异。水深较浅站位TN含量、SSA、粒径组成和中值粒径等参数垂向变化波动较更深站位更为显著,表明海沟沟壁水深较浅处物源输入和沉积环境的不稳定。同时,由于低OC含量、低SSA以及高密度的海底火山喷出岩在海沟水深较浅的沟壁坡折处的广泛分布,导致该区域粒径组成与TOC含量无显著相关性,而较深站位中TOC含量与粉砂呈正相关,与砂和黏土含量呈负相关。整体而言,雅浦海沟沉积物中粉砂粒级颗粒物是OC的主要载体,而SSA是影响海沟沉积OC剖面分布的最重要因素。  相似文献   

利用2005年"大洋一号"科学考察船电视抓斗采样器采集的表层沉积物样品,对大西洋洋中脊Logatchev热液场附近7个站位表层沉积物样品中的烷烃组分进行了定量分析,并结合总有机碳(TOC)及C稳定同位素(δ13C值)分析,探讨了表层沉积物中有机质的组成及可能的来源和影响因素.结果表明:表层沉积物中正构烷烃组分以低碳数化...  相似文献   

Origin of sedimentary organic matter in the north-western Adriatic Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to evaluate the origin and the transformation of organic matter on the shallow shelf of the NW Adriatic Sea, organic carbon, total nitrogen and stable isotope ratios of organic carbon were analysed in riverine suspended matter and sediments as well as in marine suspended and sedimentary organic matter, in marine phytoplankton and zooplankton.The deposition of organic matter is influenced by fine sediment concentration. Surface sediments were characterised by highly variable biogeochemical conditions on the sea floor, whereas sub-surface sediments showed a more homogeneous hypoxic/anoxic environment.Low Corg/N ratio and high organic carbon and nitrogen concentrations in riverine suspended organic matter indicate an important contribution of freshwater phytoplankton within rivers, particularly during low flow regimes, which adds to the marine phyto- and zooplankton at shelf locations.In order to evaluate the importance of terrestrial, riverine and marine sources of OM in shelf sediments, a three end-member mixing model was applied to shelf surface sediments using 13C/12C values for organic matter and N/C ratios. The model showed an elevated contribution of terrestrial organic substances at intermediate depths (10–15 m), mostly corresponding to an area of coarser grain-size, whereas the riverine and marine organic fractions were mainly accumulating near the coast and offshore, respectively.  相似文献   

Fluxes of the heavy metals chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) delivered by rivers to the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean Sea) were estimated over a three year study of the River Rhone and its smaller tributaries. Most of the particulate metal fluxes (80–90%) delivered by these rivers occurred within a very short period of time (less than 12%), a typical trend for the Mediterranean environment, where highly contrasting hydrological regimes were observed over the year. Temporal and spatial variations in the fluxes of these particulate metals were driven by the fluxes in both water discharge and suspended particulate matter load. On the shelf, these particulate metal fluxes, largely arising from the Rhone watershed, were two to ten times more important than those resulting from atmospheric deposition. Co, Cr and Ni in the rivers and on the shelf surface sediments were mainly natural and associated with the finest particles. Cd and Phosphorus appeared to be associated with the silt fraction and to be enriched in the prodelta areas. Pb, Zn and Cu were more closely associated with the organic matter content and also showed enrichment in the organic rich prodeltaic sediments. Anthropogenic influences diminished offshore, except for Pb and Zn which could be supplied from the atmosphere by man-made aerosols. Although most of the metals tended to be enriched in the prodelta areas, these did not constitute a permanent sink due to resuspension processes affecting these shallow depths. A resuspension experiment conducted on sediment cores from the Rhone prodelta demonstrated that metal deposited on the surface layer, especially those associated with the organic matter, may be resuspended; this should be taken into account for a complete understanding of the biogeochemical cycle of these metals.  相似文献   

Variability of fish assemblages across habitat structures can depend on spatial scales. A hierarchical sampling design was used to assess the spatial variability of temperate fish assemblages in different habitats and at multiple scales. Underwater visual censuses were carried out along the coasts of Elba Island (NW Mediterranean) on Posidonia oceanica beds, rocky algal reefs and sandy habitat at three spatial scales, namely tens of metres (individual replicates), hundreds of metres (sites) and tens of kilometres (locations). At the assemblage level, there was a clear relationship between fish and habitat type and the observed habitat‐related differences were largely dependent on species identity. Fish assemblages on P. oceanica beds and rocky reefs shared a high number of species, whereas overlap with sandy assemblages was negligible. Multivariate analyses revealed significant differences in fish assemblages among habitats, although there was also a significant habitat × site interaction. These differences relied mainly upon assemblage composition and species richness. Assemblages on rocky reefs and P. oceanica meadows usually harboured a higher number of species and individuals compared with sandy assemblages. Nevertheless, the patterns of habitat‐related differences in species richness and, especially, in the total number of fish, changed significantly from site to site. Eight species showed significant differences over habitats, but they were not consistent due to the interaction of habitat with site. Predictability of fish at both assemblage and population levels decreased with the scale of observation, and the spatial pattern of fish observed at the smallest scale was likely dependent on factors other than habitat type.  相似文献   

黄、渤海沉积物中陆源脂类有机质的组成分布与转化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对黄、渤海表层沉积物中脂类化合物的组成进行了分析研究。结果表明,黄、渤海表层沉积物有机碳的含量为0.03%~1.02%,以黄河口含量最低,黄河口外和双台子河口外,以及北黄海和南黄海中部含量较高。有机质碳稳定同位素δ13C的分布为-21.55‰~-24.28‰,表征其陆海双重来源特征,并且海源特征由河口向海、由近岸向离岸逐渐增强。陆源脂类化合物以河口处略高,河道处略低,由河口向渤海中部和靠近渤海海峡方向迅速降低,表现出显著的河流输入特征;其形态组成由河道的游离态接近100%的绝对优势,迅速转变为渤海中部的以皂化结合态为主(大于50%),仅在渤海中部和渤海海峡附近存在小于5%的矿物结合态,转化程度较低。北黄海中部和南黄海中部泥质区的有机碳和陆源脂类化合物显著富集,但其对总有机碳的相对贡献较小;其中皂化结合态超过50%,矿物结合态小于10%,说明其具有中等偏高的转化程度。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to study the community structure, in terms of species composition, abundance and spatial distribution, of fish larvae in a wide coastal area of Sicily facing the Southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea, extending for 2300 km2 from Cape Cefalù to the west, to Cape Rasocolmo in the east. This study analyses how species are assembled in relation to an inshore–offshore gradient and also how environmental conditions, determined by surface circulation patterns occurring in the Central Mediterranean at the local scale, determine the distribution patterns. Samples from 39 stations were collected using a 60‐cm Bongo net during an ichthyoplanktonic survey carried out in June 2006. In all, 62 taxa, representing 32 families, were identified. Cyclothone braueri (59.6%), Engraulis encrasicolus (9.2%) Lampanyctus crocodilus (4.3%) and Lampanyctus pusillus (4.1%) were the most abundant species. The results showed that the highest abundance value (14830.6 fish larvae per 10 m2 sea surface) was observed in the western part of the study area. MDS, SIMPER and CCA analyses revealed well defined groups of stations and assemblages of larvae in accordance with an inshore–offshore gradient. The results of this study could have implications for the management of marine resources because the investigated area has already been identified as a nursery area for many pelagic and coastal fishes and a natural habitat for many species of high commercial interest.  相似文献   

Larval fish community structure was studied in the northeastern Aegean Sea (NEA) over an area influenced by the advection of Black Sea water (BSW). Sampling was carried out in early summer during a period of 4 years (2003–2006). Taxonomic composition and abundance presented high variability in space that remained relatively constant among years. Tow depth and indicators of trophic conditions in the upper water column (i.e., zooplankton displacement volume, fluorescence) explained significantly the structure of larval assemblages during all surveys. The northern continental shelf (Thracian and Strymonikos shelf), where a large amount of enriched, low salinity BSW is retained, was dominated by larvae of epipelagic species, mainly anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus). Interannual changes in horizontal extension of the BSW seemed to match closely observed changes in the distribution of anchovy larvae. Mesopelagic fish larvae were particularly abundant beyond the continental shelf (over the North Aegean Trough) where a strong frontal structure is created between the low salinity waters of BSW origin and the high salinity waters of the Aegean Sea. Larvae of certain mesopelagic species (e.g., Ceratoscopelus maderensis) may occasionally be transported inshore when the prevailing current meanders towards the coast or feeds anticyclonic gyres over the continental shelf.  相似文献   

长江口及其邻近水域鱼卵、仔鱼的种项组成与分布特征   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
鱼卵、仔鱼作为海洋生物的被捕食者、捕食者,不仅种类多,而且数量大,常是研究海洋生态系统重要的组成部分.通过对鱼卵、仔鱼的调查研究,可了解和掌握鱼类产卵场和产卵期,确定中心渔场的位置和寻找产卵鱼群,鱼卵仔鱼尚决定着资源的补充,从而为资源量的估算提供理论基础.  相似文献   

Benthic mucilaginous aggregates are frequently formed in various parts of the Mediterranean basin, as in the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas. Notwithstanding their wide spatial distribution, the role played by these aggregates in the biogeochemical cycling of organic matter is still largely unknown.The characteristics of the benthic aggregates examined in the present study showed that they are different from other mucilaginous aggregates, such as the “pelagic” ones that can form in the same areas in the water column and subsequently sediment to the seafloor. The aggregates are usually formed of structures of the filamentous macroalgae Acinetospora crinita, Chrysonephos lewisii and Nematochrysopsis marina. The elemental composition of the aggregates showed a marine macrophyte origin on the basis of the bulk organic matter content of the aggregates. Carbohydrates and proteins account for 26.6 to 55.9% of the organic carbon in the mucilage, respectively. Monosaccharide composition of exopolysaccharides in the mucilage aggregates revealed a characteristic pattern, with galactose, xylose or mannose and fucose as the major components. The relatively high content of deoxysugars is another distinctive feature. The abundant sulphate and uronic groups present in the polysaccharides in addition to their macromolecular dimensions and elongation contribute to inter-chain aggregation. Electron microscopic observations suggest that the polysaccharide fraction is the main macromolecular component in the formation of the persistent gel network in the aggregates.  相似文献   

Canyons play a fundamental role in enhancing the abundance and diversity of marine organisms through the transport of organic matter and food resources, the presence of complex physical habitats and the absence of trawl fishing. During four baited lander deployments carried out in the Bari Canyon (Southern Adriatic Sea, Central Mediterranean), at depths of 443–788 m, about 43 h of video records were taken, for a total of 619,200 video frames. A total of 12 benthopelagic fish species (five chondrichthyes and seven osteichthyes) were identified. The blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) was the most often observed fish species. The depth of 787 m represents a new depth record for this fish in the Adriatic Sea. Groups of up to 40 individuals of P. bogaraveo were attracted to the bait and were shown in single frames. The individuals were observed both exploring the area and feeding actively on the bait. The European conger (Conger conger) was recorded at each deployment. Clear scavenger behaviour was also observed in this teleost fish and in the shark Etmopterus spinax. The shark species Centrophorus granulosus and Hexanchus griseus, which are considered ‘vulnerable’ on the published IUCN Mediterranean Regional Red List, were also recorded but, although attracted by the bait, they were never seen feeding on it. Other fish species, harvested on fishing grounds, such as Merluccius merluccius, Helicolenus dactylopterus and Polyprion americanus, were also recorded. This study represents the first in situ documentation, at very low impact, of the fish fauna in the Bari Canyon, providing new insights into its small scale distribution and behaviour, the first in situ direct observation of the variable feeding behaviour of P. bogaraveo and its gregarious habits, as well as indicating that this canyon could act as a refuge area for species that are vulnerable to fishing on the open slope.  相似文献   

Sediment and water column data from four sites in North, Central and South San Francisco Bays were collected monthly from November 1999 through November 2001 to investigate the seasonal variation of benthic organic matter and chlorophyll in channel sediments, the composition and quality of sediment organic matter (SOM), and the relationship between seasonal patterns in benthic organic matter and patterns in water column chlorophyll. Water column chlorophyll peaked in the spring of 2000 and 2001, characteristic of other studies of San Francisco Bay phytoplankton dynamics, however an unusual chlorophyll peak occurred in fall 2000. Cross-correlation analysis revealed that water column chlorophyll at these four channel sites lead sediment parameters by an average of 2 to 3 months. Sediment organic matter levels in the San Francisco Bay channel showed seasonal cycles that followed patterns of water column production: peaks in water column chlorophyll were followed by later peaks in sediment chlorophyll and organic matter. Cyclical, seasonal variations also occurred in sediment organic matter parameters with sediment total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) being highest in spring and lowest in winter, and sediment amino acids being highest in spring and summer and lowest in winter. Sediment chlorophyll, total organic carbon, and nitrogen were generally positively correlated with each other. Sediment organic matter levels were lowest in North Bay, intermediate in Central Bay, and highest in South Bay. C:N ratio and the ratio of enzyme hydrolyzable amino acids to TOC (EHAA:TOC) data suggest that SOM quality is more labile in Central and northern South Bay, and more refractory in North Bay and southern South Bay.  相似文献   

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