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Naturally occurring 210Po (half-life 138.4d) is the granddaughter of 210Pb (half-life 22.3a), both are members of 238U decay series and have been inten-sively utilized to study kinetic aspects of material cy-cling in the ocean[1]. Based on radioactive disequilibria in the 226Ra-210Pb-210Po system, oceanographical processes with different timescales have been widely studied. Rama et al.[2] first detected excess 210Pb rela-tive to its precursor 226Ra in surface waters, and considered this exc…  相似文献   

By modelling the observed distribution of210Pb and210Po in surface waters of the Pacific, residence times relative to particulate removal are determined. For the center of the North Pacific gyre these are τPo = 0.6years andτPb = 1.7years. The surface ocean τPb is determined by particulate transport rather than plankton settling. The fact that it is about two orders of magnitude smaller than τPb for the deep ocean implies a sharp change in the adsorptive quality of particles during descent through the water column.  相似文献   

Profiles of226Ra and dissolved210Pb have been measured at several stations in the Red Sea. At one station in the central Red Sea an expanded profile was measured including226Ra and dissolved and particulate210Pb and210Po. These profiles show several distinct features: (1)226Ra displays a mid-depth maximum of about 13 dpm/100 kg at about 500 m; (2) dissolved210Pb concentrations are uniformly low at about 2 dpm/100 kg with little lateral or vertical variation; (3) the surface-water210Pb excess which is commonly observed in low-latitude open ocean regions is entirely lacking; (4)210Pb and210Po activities are essentially identical to each other in both particulate and dissolved phases although210Po activities appear somewhat lower; (5) about 20% of the210Pb and210Po in the water column residues on particulate matter.Assuming the atmospheric210Pb flux to be in the dissolved form and at the lower level of the normal range i.e. 0.5 dpm/cm2 yr, the residence time of the dissolved Pb is about 1.5 years. However, if the same atmospheric flux is entirely in particulate form, then the residence time of the dissolved Pb is about 5 years. The residence time of Pb in the particulate phase is less than 0.4 years if all the Pb is removed only by sinking particles.  相似文献   

The progressive weakening and final disappearance (in 1979) of the long-term meromictic structure of the Dead Sea are clearly reflected in the depth profiles of210Pb and210Po. In 1977/78, prior to overturn, dissolved210Pb (35–50 dpm kg?1) predominated over particulate210Pb (1–2 dpm kg?1) in the oxic upper waters, whereas the reverse was true in the anoxic deep waters (16–20 dpm kg?1 particulate vs. 2–5 dpm kg?1 dissolved). The exact extent of the disequilibrium between210Pb and226Ra is hard to evaluate in the upper oxic layers, because the progressive deepenings resulted in mixing with deep waters. By contrast, one can estimate the residence time of dissolved210Pb in the unperturbed anoxic deepest layers, because these remained isolated, at about 3 years. Following the overturn of 1979, dissolved210Pb exceeded particulate210Pb at all depths. The210Po profiles of the stratified lake resembled in shape those of its grandparent210Pb, but with distinct characteristics of their own in the oxic upper waters where particulate210Po (8–12 dpm kg?1) was greatly in excess over particulate210Pb, while dissolved210Po (25–40 dpm kg?1) was slightly deficient. Immediately following the overturn, dissolved and particulate210Po were similar (about 15 dpm kg?1), at all depths. The destruction of the lake's meromictic structure was accompanied by a reduction of its210Pb inventory, while that of210Po was almost unaffected. Thus, at overturn a transient state was created with the inventory of210Po exceeding that of210Pb.  相似文献   

The temporal variability of 210Po and 210Pb was examined in the overlying water of the Zhubi Coral Reef flat to detect nutrient-like behavior of 210Po. Different mechanisms influencing their geochemical behaviors were observed. Excess 210Po relative to 210Pb revealed an additional input of 210Po other than in situ production from 210Pb. The 210Po input comes from the reef flat sediment through diffusion. The diffusion contributes 62% of the total 210Po. This diffusion of 210Po directly highlights its nutrient-like behavior. No input, but the slight removal, of 210Pb was observed. Fractionation factors indicate that particulate matter prefers to adsorb 210Po rather than 210Pb. In combination with particulate composition, 210Po diffusion was closely related to organic matter. These results reveal that 210Po might be a potential tracer for quantifying nutrient recycling in the Coral Reef system.  相似文献   

Two ocean profiles from the Peru Basin from regions with different surface productivities were analyzed for total210Pb and201Po to evaluate the influence of particulates in the water column on their distribution. Comparison with a published226Ra profile for the region was made. The profile closest to the coast, where upwelling and productivity are high, shows depletion of210Pb relative to226Ra at all depths, with particularly marked excursions from radioactive equilibrium at the surface and in the bottom water.210Po appears to be deficient relative to210Pb at depth as well. Mean residence times in the deep water, relative to particulate removal from the water column to the sediments, of about 100 years for210Pb and about two years for210Po are indicated. The profile northwest of the upwelling region shows the226Ra210Pb210Po system close to equilibrium at all depths to 1500 m (except for the effect of atmospheric210Pb input seen at the surface.  相似文献   

The distribution of210Po and210Po in dissolved (<0.4 μm) and particulate (>0.4 μm) phases has been measured at ten stations in the tropical and eastern North Atlantic and at two stations in the Pacific. Both radionuclides occur principally in the dissolved phase. Unsupported210Pb activities, maintained by flux from the atmosphere, are present in the surface mixed layer and penetrate into the thermocline to depths of about 500 m. Dissolved210Po is ordinarily present in the mixed layer at less than equilibrium concentrations, suggesting rapid biological removal of this nuclide. Particulate matter is enriched in210Po, with210Po/210Pb activity ratios greater than 1.0, similar to those reported for phytoplankton. Box-model calculations yield a 2.5-year residence time for210Pb and a 0.6-year residence time for210Po in the mixed layer. These residence times are considerably longer than the time calculated for turnover of particles in the mixed layer (about 0.1 year). At depths of 100–300 m,210Po maxima occur and unsupported210Po is frequently present. Calculations indicate that at least 50% of the210Po removed from the mixed layer is recycled within the thermocline. Similar calculations for210Pb suggest much lower recycling efficiencies.Comparison of the210Pb distribution with the reported distribution of226Ra at nearby GEOSECS stations has confirmed the widespread existence of a210Pb/226Ra disequilibrium in the deep sea. Vertical profiles of particulate210Pb were used to test the hypothesis that210Pb is removed from deep water by in-situ scavenging. With the exception of one profile taken near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, significant vertical gradients in particulate210Pb concentration were not observed, and it is necessary to invoke exceptionally high particle sinking velocities to account for the inferred210Pb flux. It is proposed instead that an additional sink for210Pb in the deep sea must be sought. Estimates of the dissolved210Pb/226Ra activity ratio at depths greater than 1000 m range from 0.2 to 0.8 and reveal a systematic increase, in both vertical and horizontal directions, with increasing distance from the sea floor. This observation implies rapid scavenging of210Pb at the sediment-water interface and is consistent with a horizontal eddy diffusivity of 3?6 × 107 cm2/sec. The more reactive element Po, on the other hand, shows evidence of rapid in-situ scavenging. In filtered seawater,210Po is deficient, on the average, by ca. 10% relative to210Pb; a corresponding enrichment is found in the particulate phase. Total inventories of210Pb and210Po over the entire water column, however, show no significant departure from secular equilibrium.  相似文献   

226Ra,210Pb and210Po were measured in oceanic profiles at two stations near the Bonin and Kurile trenches.210Po is depleted by 50% on average relative to210Pb in the surface water. In the deep water,210Pb is about 25% deficient relative to226Ra. Based on the deficiency,210Pb residence time with respect to removal by particulate matter was estimated to be less than 96 years in the deep water.210Pb deficiency in the bottom water was significantly greater than that of the adjacent deep water, indicating more effective removal near or at the bottom interface.210Pb,210Po and Th appear to have similar overall rate constants of particulate removal throughout the water column.  相似文献   

Disequilibrium between210Po and210Pb and between210Pb and226Ra has been mapped in the eastern and central Indian Ocean based on stations from Legs 3 and 4 of the GEOSECS Indian Ocean expedition.210Po/210Pb activity ratios are less than 1.0 in the surface mixed layer and indicate a residence time for Po of 0.6 years.210Po and210Pb are generally in radioactive equilibrium elsewhere in the water column except at depths of 100–500 m, where Po may be returned to solution after removal from the surface water, and in samples taken near the bottom at a few stations.210Pb excesses relative to226Ra are observed in the surface water but these excesses are not as pronounced as in the North Pacific and North Atlantic. The difference is attributable to a lower flux of210Pb from the atmosphere to the Indian Ocean. Below the main thermocline,210Pb activities increase with depth to a broad maximum before decreasing to lower values near the bottom. Departures from this pattern are especially evident at stations taken in the Bay of Bengal (where210Pb/226Ra activity ratios as low as 0.16 are observed) and near the Mid-Indian Ridge. The data suggest that removal of210Pb at oceanic boundaries, coupled with eddy diffusion along isopycnals, can explain gradients in210Pb near the boundary. Application of a simple model including isopycnal diffusion, chemical removal, production and radioactive decay produces fits the observed210Pb/226Ra gradients for eddy diffusion coeffients of ~ 107 cm2/s. High productivity in surface waters of the Bay of Bengal makes this region a sink for reactive nuclides in the northern Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

南极阿德雷岛湖泊沉积210Pb、137Cs定年及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测试了南极阿德雷岛两个湖泊 (Y2和G)沉积物的2 10 Pb和137Cs比度 .根据2 10 Pb和137Cs比度垂向变化特征 ,采用CRS模式对G湖进行了定年 ,年龄跨度大约为 134± 43年 ,并据此计算了G湖的沉积速率 .近大约 10 0年来G湖呈增长变化的沉积速率以及沉积物2 10 Pb ,137Cs蓄积量和沉降通量远大于大气直接沉降 ,可能是温度升高引起该地区大量冰雪 (盖 )融水携带补充的结果 .  相似文献   

湖泊沉积记录研究对了解流域侵蚀、揭示区域气候环境变化及人类活动影响、建立外生地球化学循环模式等均具有重要意义.放射性同位素~(210)Pb和~(137)Cs组合定年法是百年尺度湖泊沉积记录研究的首选方法,在过去几十年中得到了广泛应用,大力推动了湖泊沉积记录的高分辨率气候环境变化研究的开展.然而,如何理解和选择适用的计算模式来尽可能地提高定年准确度目前仍存在争议,这在一定程度上限制了该方法的应用.鉴于上述问题,本文基于本实验室近年来从青藏高原获取的若干支代表性湖芯的定年结果,从样品前处理、仪器及测试、数据分析及计算等全过程对~(210)Pb、~(137)Cs定年原理和方法进行了较为系统的阐述;在此基础上,提出了~(210)Pb定年样品封装原则,探讨了高纯锗γ谱仪在放射性活度测量中的影响因素,并建立了准确有效的比活度校正方法;明确指出了恒定初始浓度模式(constant initial concentration,CIC)可用于计算沉积物每层的年龄,而不是部分研究中认为的平均沉积速率,这对于深刻理解该定年模式并提供准确的定年结果具有重要的参考意义.同时,通过对比两种放射性核素的分布特征发现,相对于~(210)Pb而言,~(137)Cs更容易发生垂向迁移进而影响其时标准确性,这需引起研究者的充分重视,因此,当二者定年结果出现明显差异时,建议以~(210)Pb定年结果为准.  相似文献   

The radionuclides 210Po and 210Pb were examined to trace the cycling of particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate organic nitrogen (PON) in the Zhubi coral reef lagoon. The net export flux of POC to the open sea is 14 mgC m−2 d−1. However, the net exchange of PON has not yet been observed. On average, the vertical export fluxes in the lagoon of POC and PON, as derived from 210Po/210Pb disequilibria, are 43 mgC m−2 d−1 and 13.8 mgN m−2 d−1, respectively. The deficit of 210Po relative to 210Pb in particulate matter provides evidence for the degradation of particulate organic matter. According to the mass balance budgets, 310 mgC m−2 d−1 and 121 mgN m−2 d−1 were recycled into dissolved fractions. Based on a first-order kinetics model, the degradation rate constants of POC and PON are 0.28 and 0.30 m−1, respectively. Thus, 210Po and 210Pb can quantify the cycling of carbon and nitrogen in this coral lagoon.  相似文献   

Rapid economic development in East Asian countries has inevitably resulted in environmental degradation in the surrounding seas, and concern for the environment and its protection against pollutants is increasing. Identification of sources of contaminants and evaluation of current environmental status are essential to environmental pollution management, but relatively little has been done in the South China Sea (SCS). In order to investigate the abundance, distribution, and sources of Pb within the SCS, stable Pb isotopes and their ratios were employed to assess the contamination status and to differentiate between natural and anthropogenic origins of Pb in the surface sediments. The total Pb concentrations in sediments varied from 4.18 to 58.7 mg kg−1, with an average concentration of 23.6 ± 8.9 mg kg−1. The observed Pb isotope ratios varied from 18.039 to 19.211 for 206Pb/204Pb, 15.228 to 16.080 for 207Pb/204Pb, 37.786 to 39.951 for 208Pb/204Pb, 1.176 to 1.235 for 206Pb/207Pb, and 2.468 to 2.521 for 208Pb/207Pb. The majority of these ratios are similar to those reported for natural detrital materials. Combined with Pb enrichment factor values, our results show that Pb found within most of the SCS sediments was mainly derived from natural sources, and that there was not significant Pb pollution from anthropogenic sources before 1998. Further studies are needed to reconstruct deposition history and for trend analysis.  相似文献   

226Ra and210Pb were measured in sections and profiles collected in the Weddell Sea during the International Weddell Sea Oceanographic Expedition in 1973. The results can be correlated with the circulation and mixing schemes deduced from hydrographic observations. Along the surface cyclonic gyre the Ra activities are fairly uniform at about 17 dpm/100 kg, quite similar to those of the Circumpolar surface water south of the Antarctic Convergence. The210Pb activities in the northern flank of the gyre, probably influenced by the high210Pb-bearing Circumpolar Deep Water in the north, are as high as 12 dpm/100 kg. At the central gyre and its southern flank, the surface water210Pb activities are about 7 dpm/100 kg. The warmer surface water at the central gyre has a Ra activity of about 19 dpm/100 kg, slightly higher than the colder surface water at the flanks. Thus lower210Pb/226Ra activity ratios are observed in the central gyre, and higher ratios in its flanks. Similar relationships between Ra and Pb are noted in the Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW): lower Pb associated with higher Ra in the center; higher Pb with slightly lower Ra in the flanks.Vertical profiles along the cyclonic gyre show lower Ra and Pb activities in the southwestern Weddell Basin where lower temperature and lower silicate are observed. Similar to Ba, both Ra and Si are non-conservative in the Weddell Sea, with significant input from the bottom sediments and particulate dissolution during subsurface mixing.Each water mass or type in the Weddell Sea is well characterized by its Ra content, but not well by its Pb content. Ra and Si are crudely correlated with a slope of about 7 × 10?4 dpm Ra per μmole of Si. The fact that the WSBW values fall on the slope suggests that the net input rate for Ra (corrected for the decay rate) is proportional to that of Si. The linear extrapolation to zero Si gives a Ra value of 13 dpm/100 kg. These relationships are quite similar to those observed in the Circumpolar waters.  相似文献   

210Pb and226Ra profiles have been measured at five GEOSECS stations in the Circumpolar region. These profiles show that226Ra is quite uniformly distributed throughout the Circumpolar region, with slightly lower activities in surface waters, while210Pb varies with depth as well as location or area. There is a subsurface210Pb maximum which matches the oxygen minimum in depth and roughly correlates with the temperature and salinity maxima. This210Pb maximum has its highest concentrations in the Atlantic sector and appears to originate near the South Sandwich Islands northeast of the Weddell Sea. Concentrations in this maximum decrease toward the Indian Ocean sector and then become fairly constant along the easterly Circumpolar Current.Relative to226Ra, the activity of210Pb is deficient in the entire water column of the Circumpolar waters. The deficiency increases from the depth of the210Pb maximum toward the bottom, and the210Pb/226Ra activity ratio is lowest in the Antarctic Bottom Water, indicating a rapid removal of Pb by particulate scavenging in the bottom layer and/or a short mean residence time of the Antarctic Bottom Water in the Circumpolar region.226Ra is essentially linearly correlated with silica and barium in the Circumpolar waters. However, close examination of the vertical profiles reveals that Ba and Si are more variable than226Ra in this region.  相似文献   

云南省泸沽湖,洱海^210Pbex的垂直分布受Fe,Mn循环下^210P;o和^210Pb沉积后再迁移的影响,分别表现为三种不同的剖面分布特征,^210Pbex计年的没积物堆积速率分别为0.050-0.051g.cm^-2a^-1和0.044-0.046g.cm^-2a^-1,反映百年时间尺度上的堆积结果,泸沽湖,洱海^137Cs的垂直剖面分布虽然受分子扩散作用的影响,并没有改变其峰值位置。  相似文献   

南黄海南部与东海北部之间的深部构造   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
针对南黄海南部与东海之间的深部构造,根据前一段地球物理研究的结果,与有关文献进行对比探讨,发现其差异.在重力和三维地震层析成像结果基础上,探讨分析了该海域的深部构造,给出分布在南黄海南部与东海北部之间的苏浙-济州岛构造带的分布位置、形态特征,并讨论了该构造带的性质、与周边构造体系和构造演化的关系.并指出这一构造由于朝鲜半岛西缘断裂带的存在而并未延伸进入朝鲜半岛.  相似文献   

南海夏季风爆发与南大洋海温变化之间的联系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用1979-2009年NCEP第二套大气再分析资料和ERSST海温资料,分析南海夏季风爆发时间的年际和年代际变化特征,考察南海夏季风爆发早晚与南大洋海温之间的联系.主要结果为:(1)南海夏季风爆发时间年际和年代际变化明显,1979-1993年与1994-2009年前后两个阶段爆发时间存在阶段性突变;(2)南海夏季风爆发时间与前期冬季(12-1月)印度洋-南大洋(0-80°E,75°S-50°S)海温、春季(2-3月)太平洋-南大洋(170°E -80°W,75°S-50°S)海温都存在正相关关系,当前期冬、春季南大洋海温偏低(高)时,南海夏季风爆发偏早(晚).南大洋海温信号,无论是年际还是年代际变化,都对南海夏季风爆发具有一定的预测指示作用;(3)南大洋海温异常通过海气相互作用和大气遥相关影响南海夏季风爆发的迟早.当南大洋海温异常偏低(偏高)时,冬季南极涛动偏强(偏弱),同时通过遥相关作用使热带印度洋-西太平洋地区位势高度偏低(偏高)、纬向风加强(减弱),热带大气这种环流异常一直维持到春季4、5月份,位势高度和纬向风异常范围逐步向北扩展并伴随索马里越赤道气流的加强(减弱),从而为南海夏季风爆发偏早(偏晚)提供有利的环流条件.初步分析认为,热带大气环流对南大洋海气相互作用的遥响应与半球际大气质量重新分布引起的南北涛动有关.  相似文献   

利用210Pb、137Cs和241Am计年法测算云南抚仙湖现代沉积速率   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对云南抚仙湖沉积物柱芯样品的210Pb、137Cs和241Am测试表明,柱芯剖面上有明显的1963年和1986年137Cs蓄积峰,验证了1975年次级蓄积峰存在的可能性,这些峰形完好的蓄积峰对抚仙湖的现代沉积环境有明显的时标意义。利用137Cs计年法得到抚仙湖沉积物自1963年、1975年及1986年以来到2007年的平均沉积速率分别为0.063g/(cm2·a)、0.052g/(cm2·a)和0.039g/(cm2·a),说明了过去近五十年抚仙湖沉积速率整体上经历了一个由快到慢的过程。借助于241Am 的1963年蓄积峰可以提高137Cs计年的准确性。根据210PbCRS计年模式,计算出每个样品深度所对应的年代,与137Cs计年法比较存在一定的偏差,分析了两种计年方法存在差异性的原因。通过质量深度和年代分析,抚仙湖的沉积速率变化幅度比较大,表明抚仙湖近129年来的沉积环境不稳定,可能与相应历史时期的人类活动有密切的关系。  相似文献   

南海南部深部结构的复杂构造地震成像   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
南海南部海底崎岖、地下构造复杂、二维地震资料中多次波非常发育,在地震数据处理中很难获得令人满意的成像效果,为此本文采用了预测反褶积后F-K域滤波及叠前时间偏移后Radon变换去除多次波的组合方案,有效地衰减了多次波,突出了有效信号能量;采用速度分析点加密法获取了更为准确的速度,实现了陡倾角构造与海山的准确成像;采用百分比扫描弯曲射线克希霍夫叠前时间偏移法,有效地保证了处理结果的准确性和有效性,获得了清晰的地震成像,并最终形成了对南海南部海域地震数据具有针对性的处理流程.  相似文献   

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