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Although the mid-Cretaceous is considered to be a typical interval of greenhouse climate and high sea level, cooling events associated with regressions were inferred in recent years. We conducted a biostratigraphic, chemostratigraphic, sequence stratigraphic and cyclostratigraphic investigation of upper Turonian–lower Coniacian marine strata in the Tethyan Himalaya zone, to retrace the sea-level variations and to clarify their global correlations. According to the planktonic foraminiferal zonation, the studied interval is part of the late Turonian–early Coniacian Marginoruncana sigali and D. concavata Zones. The carbon isotope curve shows a good correlation to reference curves in the Boreal and western Tethys realms with all major and minor late Turonian δ13C events identified, indicating that the C-isotope curve provides an excellent tool for global stratigraphic correlation in the Turonian. Based on the lithological variations of clastic input and physical and chemical proxies, the succession is divided into two third order and eight fourth order sequences. Spectral analysis indicates that fourth order sea-level changes were linked to the astronomically stable 405-kyr eccentricity cycle. Comparison with classic global sea-level curves, we suggest that late Turonian–early Coniacian sea-level changes along the southeastern Tethyan margin were controlled by eustasy. The significant regressions during ∼90–89.8 Ma and ∼92–91.4 Ma, which are recorded in different continents, may be interpreted as the result of continental ice expansion, giving some support to the notion that ephemeral polar ice sheets existed even in the super-greenhouse world.  相似文献   

Bangpu deposit in Tibet is a large but poorly studied Mo-rich (~ 0.089 wt.%), and Cu-poor (~ 0.32 wt.%) porphyry deposit that formed in a post-collisional tectonic setting. The deposit is located in the Gangdese porphyry copper belt (GPCB), and formed at the same time (~ 15.32 Ma) as other deposits within the belt (12 ~ 18 Ma), although it is located further to the north and has a different ore assemblage (Mo–Pb–Zn–Cu) compared to other porphyry deposits (Cu–Mo) in this belt. Two distinct mineralization events have been identified in the Bangpu deposit which are porphyry Mo–(Cu) and skarn Pb–Zn mineralization. Porphyry Mo–(Cu) mineralization in the deposit is generally associated with a mid-Miocene porphyritic monzogranite rock, whereas skarn Pb–Zn mineralization is hosted by lower Permian limestone–clastic sequences. Coprecipitated pyrite and sphalerite from the Bangpu skarn yield a Rb–Sr isochron age of 13.9 ± 0.9 Ma. In addition, the account of garnet decreases and the account of both calcite and other carbonate minerals increases with distance from the porphyritic monzogranite, suggesting that the two distinct phases of mineralization in this deposit are part of the same metallogenic event.Four main magmatic units are associated with the Bangpu deposit, namely a Paleogene biotite monzogranite, and Miocene porphyritic monzogranite, diabase, and fine-grained diorite units. These units have zircon U–Pb ages of 62.24 ± 0.32, 14.63 ± 0.25, 14.46 ± 0.38, and 13.24 ± 0.04 Ma, respectively. Zircons from porphyritic monzogranite yield εHf(t) values of 2.2–8.7, with an average of 5.4, whereas the associated diabase has a similar εHf(t) value averaging at 4.7. The geochemistry of the Miocene intrusions at Bangpu suggests that they were derived from different sources. The porphyritic monzogranite has relatively higher heavy rare earth element (HREE) concentrations than do other ore-bearing porphyries in the GPCB and plots closer to the amphibolite lithofacies field in Y–Zr/Sm and Y–Sm/Yb diagrams. The Bangpu diabase contains high contents of MgO (> 7.92 wt.%), FeOt (> 8.03 wt.%) but low K2O (< 0.22 wt.%) contents and with little fractionation of the rare earth elements (REEs), yielding shallow slopes on chondrite-normalized variation diagrams. These data indicate that the mineralized porphyritic monzogranite was generated by partial melting of a thickened ancient lower crust with some mantle components, whereas the diabase intrusion was directly derived from melting of upwelling asthenospheric mantle. An ancient lower crustal source for ore-forming porphyritic monzogranite explains why the Bangpu deposit is Mo-rich and Cu-poor rather than the Cu–Mo association in other porphyry deposits in the GPCB because Mo is dominantly from the ancient crust.The Bangpu deposit has alteration zonation, ranging from an inner zone of biotite alteration through silicified and phyllic alteration zones to an outer propylitic alteration zone, similar to typical porphyry deposits. Some distinct differences are also present, for example, K-feldspar alteration at Bangpu is so dispersed that a distinct zone of K-feldspar alteration has not been identified. Hypogene mineralization at Bangpu is characterized by the early-stage precipitation of chalcopyrite during biotite alteration and the late-stage deposition of molybdenite during silicification. Fluid inclusion microthermometry indicates a change in ore-forming fluids from high-temperature (320 °C–550 °C) and high-salinity (17 wt.%–67.2 wt.%) fluids to low-temperature (213 °C–450 °C) and low-salinity (7.3 wt.%–11.6 wt.%) fluids. The deposit has lower δDV-SMOW (− 107.1‰ to − 185.8‰) values compared with other porphyry deposits in the GPCB, suggesting that the Bangpu deposit formed in a shallower setting and is associated with a more open system than is the case for other deposits in this belt. Sulfides at Bangpu yield δ34SV-CDT values of − 2.3‰ to 0.3‰, indicative of mantle-derived S implying that coeval mantle-derived mafic magma (e.g., diabase) simultaneously supplied S and Cu to the porphyry system at Bangpu. In comparison, the Pb isotopic compositions (206Pb/204Pb = 18.79–19.28, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.64–15.93, 208Pb/204Pb = 39.16–40.45) of sulfides show that other metals (e.g., Mo, Pb, Zn) were likely derived mainly from an ancient crustal source. Therefore, the formation of the Bangpu deposit can be explained by a two-stage model involving (1) the partial melting of an ancient lower crust triggered by invasion of asthenospheric mantle-derived mafic melts that provide heat and metal Cu and (2) the formation of the Bangpu porphyry Mo–Cu system, formed by magmatic differentiation in the overriding crust in a post-collisional setting.  相似文献   

Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous transitional successions are widely distributed in the Tethyan Himalaya, southeast of Yangzuoyong Co Lake, southern Tibet. In ascending order, these include the Weimei (J3, Tithonian), Sangxiu/Jiabula formations (K1, Berriasian). The J/K boundary is located between the Weimei Formation and Sangxiu/Jiabula Formations. Ammonites found in J/K boundary sections in the research area have been classified into three assemblages: Valanginites–Phyllopachyceras assemblage zone (Valanginian), Spiticeras–Thurmanniceras assemblage zone (Berriasian) and Haplophylloceras–Blanfordiceras–Himalayites assemblage zone (Tithonian). Six nannofossil zones: Calcicalathina oblongata assemblage zone, Speetonia colligate zone, N. st. steinmannii zone, N. st. minor zone, P. beckmanni–N. st. minor interval zone, Conusphaera–Polycostella–Nannoconus–Watznaueria assemblage zone were recognized as well.On the basis of lithology, biostratigraphy and geochronology of the J/K transitional deposition succession, this study suggests that the J/K boundary, in southern Tibet, is located on the bottom of P. beckmanni–N. st. minor interval zone, which is further definited as and disappear of Polycostella beckmanni. To address the paucity of previously reported reliable ages for the J/K boundary, this study reports four U–Pb zircon ages (140–142 Ma) obtained with Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) from the volcanic rocks interbedded in the lower Sangxiu Formation, which is expected to provides a direct date reference for the J/K boundary in the Tethyan Himalaya, southern Tibet. From integration of our new (SIMS) U–Pb zircon ages with calcareous nannofossils and ammonites, the age of the N. st. minor zone (NK-D) directly above the P. beckmanni-N. st. minor interval zone (NJK-C) of the basal Berriasian in the Tethyan realm is estimated to be 141–142 Ma. This research is not only helpful to improve the isotopic determination of absolute age for the J/K boundary, but also implies that the Tethyan Himalaya of southern Tibet may be an ideal location in which to explore the J/K boundary in both biostratigraphy and geochronology in future.  相似文献   

The Wittichen Co–Ag–Bi–U mining area (Schwarzwald ore district, SW Germany) hosts several unconformity-related vein-type mineralizations within Variscan leucogranite and Permian to Triassic redbeds. The multistage mineralization formed at the intersection of two fault systems in the last 250 Ma. A Permo-Triassic ore stage I with minor U–Bi–quartz–fluorite mineralization is followed by a Jurassic to Cretaceous ore stage II with the main Ag and Co mineralization consisting of several generations of gangue minerals that host the sub-stages of U–Bi, Bi–Ag, Ni–As–Bi and Co–As–Bi. Important ore minerals are native elements, Co and Ni arsenides, and pitchblende; sulphides are absent. The Miocene ore stage III comprises barite with the Cu–Bi sulfosalts emplectite, wittichenite and aikinite, and the sulphides anilite and djurleite besides native Bi, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and tennantite. The mineral-forming fluid system changed from low salinity (<5 wt.% NaCl) at high temperature (around 300°C) in Permian to highly saline (around 25 wt.% NaCl + CaCl2) at lower temperatures (50–150°C) in Triassic to Cretaceous times. Thermodynamic calculations and comparison with similar mineralizations worldwide show that the Mesozoic ore-forming fluid was alkaline with redox conditions above the hematite–magnetite buffer. We suggest that the precipitation mechanism for native elements, pitchblende and arsenides is a decrease in pH during fluid mixing processes. REE patterns in fluorite and the occurrence of Bi in all stages suggest a granitic source of some ore-forming elements, whereas, e.g. Ag, Co and Ni probably have been leached from the redbeds. The greater importance of Cu and isotope data indicates that the Miocene ore stage III is more influenced by fluids from the overlying redbeds and limestones than the earlier mineralization stages.  相似文献   

In this study, stochastic finite fault modeling is used to simulate Uttarkashi (1991) and Chamoli (1999) earthquakes using all available source, path, and site parameters available for the region. These two moderate earthquakes are recorded at number of stations of a strong motion network. The predicted peak ground accelerations at these stations are compared with the observed data and the ground motion parameters are constrained. The stress drop of Uttarkashi and Chamoli earthquakes is constrained at 77 and 65?bars, respectively, whereas the quality factor Q C is 112 $ f^{0.97} $ and 149 $ f^{0.95} $ for these two regions. The high-frequency attenuation parameter Kappa is in the range 0.04?C0.05. The constrained ground motion parameters are then used to simulate Mw 8.5 earthquake in central seismic gap region of Himalaya. Two scenarios are considered with epicenter of future great earthquake at locations of Uttarkashi and Chamoli earthquakes using above constrained parameters. The most vulnerable towns are the towns of Dehradun and Almora where expected PGA is in excess of 600?cm/s2 at VS30 520?m/s when the epicenter of the great earthquake is at the location of Uttarkashi (1991) earthquake. The towns of Shimla and Chandigarh can expect PGA close to 200?cm/s2. Whereas when the epicenter of the great earthquake is at the location of Chamoli (1999) earthquake, the towns of Dehradun and Almora can expect PGA of around 500 and 400?cm/s2, respectively, at VS30 620?m/s. The National Capital Region, Delhi can expect accelerations of around 80?cm/s2 in both the cases. The PGA contour maps obtained in this study can be used to assess the seismic hazard of the region and identify vulnerable areas in and around central Himalaya from a future great earthquake.  相似文献   

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