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1.意大利是位于欧洲南部的海洋国度,下列区域哪个不属于意大利?A.西西里岛B.亚平宁半岛C.萨丁岛D.科西嘉岛2.意大利的国土深入地中海,拥有众多欧洲著名的港口城市。请问下列城市中,属于意大利港口城市的是哪个?A.米兰B.巴伦西亚C.热那亚D.波尔图3.意大利是位于欧洲南部的海洋国度,其首都罗马公元1世纪时的人口已经超过百万。  相似文献   

Three specimens of the serranid fish(Serranidae), Plectranthias kamii Randall, 1980 were collected from fish market, Bitung, North Sulawesi on May and June 2010. Some morphological characters P. kamii is closely related to P. sheni, P. megalophthalmus, P. retrofasciatus, P. rubrifasciatus, P. knappi, P. helenae, P. pelicieri, P. jothyi, P.retrofasciatus and P. randalli in sharing of body width, upper jaw length, pelvic spine length and orbit diameter.Meristic count characters of P. kamii differ from P. sheni, P. pilicieri, P. megalophthalmus, P. retrofasciatus and P.rubrifasciatus in having more numerous dorsal spine(18 vs. 15–17) and below lateral line(33–34 vs. 29–33) and differ from P. megalophthalmus and P. rubrifasciatus in having more numerous pored scales in lateral line(13 vs.14–15) and shorter of anal spine. The present anthiine fish collected from Bitung, Indonesia was described as new record and bringing the total number of species of this genus known in Indonesia to seven.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONEuphysorabelongstoChryTnorphidaeofAnthomedusaeofHydromedusae.fofarfourspeciesofEuphysorawererecordedinChina,i.e.,EuphysorabigelowiMaas1905(XuandZhang,1978),E.annulataKramp1928(~,1988),E.furcataKrarnp1948(~,1988)andE.gracilis(Brooks,1882)(JiangandChen,1994).ThroughstudyonEuphysorafromMinnan(SouthZhejiangProvince)--TaiwanBankfishinggroundandtheDatanBayofHongKongfrom1985,wehavefoundthreenewspeciesofEuphysora,i.e.,E.brunnesceatis,E.knidesandE.solidonema.Owingtothethre…  相似文献   

Octopus minor is widely distributed along the northern coast of China. To date, there is little information on the prey selection process of this species. To understand this process, several experiments were carried out. Three types of bivalves, namely, Ruditapes philippinarum , Mactra chinensis , and Mytilus galloprovincialis , were used to observe the prey selection of O . minor and to analyze the potential causes of prey selection from three aspects: prey profi tability, adductor muscle tension and handling time. Under single-prey conditions, we found that the average (±SD) predation rates of O . minor on R . philippinarum , M . chinensis , and M . galloprovincialis were 1.73±0.50, 1.27±0.42, and 0.8±0.2/d, respectively. Under diff erent prey combinations, octopods actively selected one type of prey over the other(s), and the order of prey preference was R . philippinarum , followed by M . chinensis and lastly M. galloprovincialis . Furthermore, the shells of the consumed prey showed that O . minor only consumed bivalves by pulling them apart since there was no evidence of drill holes on the shells. The prey selection of O . minor was related to the prey profi tability and handling time;O . minor appeared to select preys with a higher profi tability and a shorter handling time. However, the diffi culty in opening the bivalve was not consistent with the prey preference of the octopods. These results suggest that O . minor prefers to consume R . philippinarum possibly due to a high profi tability and a short handling time that supports the optimum Foraging Theory.  相似文献   

A few species in the genus Grateloupia (Halymeniaceae,Rhodophyta) have been investigated in detail with respect to morphological observations and molecular analyses.In this study,the authors document the vegetative and reproductive structures of two new species of Grateloupia,G.dalianensis H.W.Wang et D.Zhao,sp.nov.and G.yinggehaiensis H.W.Wang et R.X.Luan,sp.nov.They both have the morphological character that carpogonial ampullae and auxiliary cell ampullae are the simple Grateloupia-type.The two species can be distinguished from other species of the genus by their distinctive morphological features respectively.Based on ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL) gene sequences,the phylogenetic tree obtained in the study indicated that they are both embedded within the Grateloupia clade.G.dalianensis clusters a subclade with G.asiatica,and G.yinggehaiensis forms a single monophyletic subclade with G.hawaiiana.  相似文献   

Through the examination of 377 samples collected from the Taiwan Straits, two new species of Eirenidae, i. e. , Eirene octonemalis n. sp. and Eutima krampi n. sp. are described. All type specimens are deposited at the Department of Oceanography, Xiamen University.  相似文献   

<正>1印度洋中有一个从事宝石开发已经2000多年的宝石之国。请问这个宝石之国是哪里?A.斯里兰卡B.马尔代夫C.新加坡D.印度尼西亚2印度的重要城市加尔各答毗邻哪个海湾?A.维多利亚湾B.阿曼湾C.孟加拉湾D.亚丁湾3历史上,曾经远渡重洋来到东南亚的菲律宾,并且在那里建立了长达300多年殖民统治的殖民者来自哪个国家?A.英国B.西班牙C.荷兰D.意大利  相似文献   

One new species of free-living marine nematode Cephalanticoma brevicaudata sp. nov. from the South China Sea is described. Cephalanticoma brevicaudata sp. nov. is characterized by spindle body with relatively short tail; head with cephalic capsule; three teeth at anterior of pharynx; excretory pore opens posterior to cervical setae; three cervical setae per file; spicules arcuate, cephalate and ventrally bent proximally, and blunt distally, 1.8 a.b.d. long, without ventral ala; gubernaculun slender, simple rod, without apophyses; tubular supplement 34 μm long, 2.3 a.b.d. in front of cloaca.  相似文献   

利用生物压片技术,通过形态学和解剖学方法,对采自我国沿岸海洋的仙菜科红藻(Ceramiaceae,Rhodophyta)进行了分类学研究,发现了我国仙菜科新记录属——盖氏藻属(新拟名)Gayliella T.O.Cho,L.McIvor et S.M.Boo。该属目前在我国共有5个种,即短毛盖氏藻(新拟名)Gayliella pmbriatum (Setchell et N. L. Gardner). T. O. Cho et S. M. Boo、优美盖氏藻(新拟名) Gayliella βaccidum (Kützing) T. O. Cho et L. McIvor、泰式盖氏藻(新拟名) Gayliella taylorii (E. Y. Dawson) T. O.Cho et S. M. Boo、马沙盖氏藻(新拟名) Gayliella mazoyerae T. O. Cho, Fredericq et Hommersand和横轴盖氏藻(新拟名) Gayliella transversalis (Collins et Hervey) T. O. Cho et Fredericq,其中前3个种为由仙菜属Ceramium归并的物种,后2个为我国的新记录种。本文对此2个新记录种进行了详细的形态学描述,并讨论了它们与中国已报道的横列仙菜Ceramium gracillimum间的关系。该研究结果丰富了我国海洋仙菜科的物种多样性。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheSMSRPSisstalledontheshipnavigatingovertheseaandreceivessatellitecloudmapsatanytimetoprovidereliablereal-timedataofmeteorologyandocean.Itisanimportantequipmentforsafeguardofshipnavigation.Chinahasthousandsofoceanicships.Butalmostallships,withonlyveryfewexception,arenotstalledbySMSRPS.Thecausesareasfollows:1.Thetechniqueisverycomplicated.2.Thedevelopmentcostisveryhigh.3.Ifweintroduceforeignequipment,thecostistooexpensive.4.Foreignequipmentanditssoftwarearecompletelyclo…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheChl.adistributionintheseawaterreflectstheabundanceanddistributionofphytoplankton,andthehighChl.aareasareusuallythedistributionareasofcentralfishingground.Intheearly1960s,Steelein1960andAndersonin1969concludedthatthereweresubsurfaceChl.amaximainthehomogeneouslystratifiedocean.Inthepast10a,ChinesescholarsmademanyinvestigationsonChl.aintheEastChinaSeacontinentalshelfareaanditsadjacentseaarealstudiedthegeneraldistributionofChl.aandtheformationmechanismofitsverticalmaxima,an…  相似文献   

Blepharipoda liberate Shen is a commercially valuable seafood species that has important ecological signi?cance in Shandong Province, China. Although B. liberate is crustacean, its external characteristics are not entirely those of shrimps or crabs. The question of whether B. liberate is a shrimp or a crab has been debated in recent years. We studied the karyotype of B. liberate by light microscopy using air-drying and spreading methods. We obtained mitotic chromosomal plates from B. liberate larvae, and from adult B. liberate females subsequent to egg-laying. The results revealed that B. liberate has 53 pairs of chromosomes(i.e., n =53 and 2 n =106), a characteristic shared with four species of crab. The karyogram of B. liberate consists of 25 metacentric, 14 submetacentric, 11 subtelocentric and 3 telocentric pairs. We did not ?nd any heteromorphosis sex chromosomes. Tissue from larvae, gills and ovaries can be used for chromosomal investigations, and we found similar lampbrush chromosomes in ovary cells. Comparatively speaking, larvae tissue is more practical, and ovary tissue is more suitable for the preparation of lampbrush chromosomes. B. liberate is more closely related to crabs than to shrimps, based on the numbers of chromosomes. The B. liberate karyotype reported here provides a basis for further comparative cytogenetic studies of species populations.  相似文献   

A meshless method, Moving-Particle Semi-hnplicit Method (MPS) is presented in this paper to simulate the rolling of different 2D ship sections. Sections S. S. 0.5, S.S. 5.0 and S. S. 7.0 of series 60 with CB = 0.6 are chosen for the simulation. It shows that the result of MPS is very close to results of experiments or mesh-numerical simulations. In the simulation of MPS, vortices are found periodically in bilges of ship sections. In section S. S. 5.0 and section S. S. 7.0, which are close to the middle ship, two little vortices are found at different bilges of the section, in section S. S. 0.5, which is close to the bow, only one big vortex is found at the bottom of the section, these vortices patterns are consistent with the theory of Ikeda. The distribution of shear stress and pressure on the rolling hull of ship section is calculated. When vortices are in bilges of the section, the sign clmnge of pressure can be found, but in section S. S. 0.5, there is no sign change of pressure because only one vortex in the bottom of the section. With shear stress distribution, it can be found the shear stress in bilges is bigger than that at other part of the ship section. As the free surface is considered, the shear stress of both sides near the free surface is close to zero and even sign changed.  相似文献   

基于16S rRNA序列初步探讨贻贝属的系统发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过比较贻贝属5个物种包括中国的两种贻贝的线粒体16S rRNA基因部分序列,来初步确定它们的系统发育关系和了解中国沿海两种贻贝的遗传多样性情况.以Perna viridis为外群,采用NJ法和MP法构建分子系统树.系统发育分析表明,5种贻贝(Mytilus californianus, M. corcuscus, M. galloprovincialis, M. edulis, M. trossulus)在系统树上依次进行分叉,呈放射状.M. californianus最为原始,M. corcuscus次之.每一个贻贝物种都形成单系.其中,M. edulis和M. trossulus是非常相似的,M. corcuscus和M. californianus的亲缘关系近.同时发现,我国沿海分布的紫贻贝(M. galloprovincialis)和厚壳贻贝(M. corcuscus)的遗传多样性都较高,但厚壳贻贝的遗传多样性要低于紫贻贝,可能是由于厚壳贻贝过度被渔民开采等导致厚壳贻贝群体大小降低的缘故.这里系统发育分析为将来进行物种进化、迁移和育种方面的比较研究提供理论基础.  相似文献   

通过对2002年南海南部春季水体和表层沉积物中浮游有孔虫的δ18O和δ13C分析,初步探讨该区有孔虫氧碳同位素的海洋环境指示意义及其与沉降过程的关系. 结果表明,南海南部春季表层水体中Globigerinoides ruber (G. ruber)与Globigerinoides sacculifer(G. sacculifer)的δ18O均值基本相似,相对它们在表层沉积物中的δ18O明显要小;但在表层沉积物中G. ruber 的δ18O则比G. sacculifer相对要小0.34‰.这种差异可能与G. sacculifer的配子生殖二次钙化以及2个种属的季节性差异有关.Pulleniatina obliquiloculata(P. obliquiloculata)的δ18O在沉积物和水体中均较G. ruber和G. sacculifer明显偏大,表现出较大的种间差异.P. obliquiloculata的δ18O在春季水体中比其在沉积物中平均约小0.7‰,差值较大,可能是因为P. obliquiloculata为冬季种,主要出现在冬季低温水体中.3种浮游有孔虫的δ13C以G. sacculifer最大,G. ruber次之,P. obliquiloculata最低,这种差异可能主要由属种间的生命效应所引起.表层沉积物中G. ruber和G. sacculifer的δ18O从区域的西北往东南有逐渐变小的趋势,可能受区域年均表层水温西北低东南高的影响.在上升流发育区,P. obliquiloculata的δ18O和δ13C均明显偏高,其δ13C与水体营养的关系与南海北部的明显相反,有待进一步深入研究.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to investigate toxic effects of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium species,on cladocera Moina mongolica in the laboratory.Ten strains of Alexandrium species,including Alexandrium tamarense(AT-6,ATHK,ATCI02,ATCI03 and AT5-1),A.catenella(ACDH),A.affine(AC-1 and AS-1),A.lusitanicum and A.minutum were tested.The results showed that A.tamarense(ATHK,ATCI02 and AT5-1) and A.affine(AC-1 and AS-1),but not A.tamarense(AT-6 and ATCI02),A.catenella(ACDH),A.lusitanicum and A.minutum had significantly negative effects on the survival of M.mongolica;when exposed to these ten strains of Alexandrium species in densities of 3 000 cells/cm 3 for 7 d,respecyively.M.mongolica could feed on A.tamarense(AT-6,ATHK,ATCI02,ATCI03 and AT5-1),A.catenella,A.lusitanicum and A.minutum,but exhibited little or no grazing on A.affine(AC-1 and AS-1),based on the changes in gut pigment after exposure to alga for 1 and 12 h.A.affine AC-1,which had the strongest toxicity on the survival of M.mongolica,was chosen to further study the negative effects on M.mongolica.The results showed that the effect of A.affine AC-1 on the survival of M.mongolica was density-dependent,and its lethal effects on one-day,two-day and three-day old M.mongolica were exacerbated with increasing age;The whole algal culture,re-suspended algal cells,cell fragments and cell contents all had adverse impacts on the survival of M.mongolica.Moreover,both juvenile numbers and life-span time of M.mongolica were decreased significantly when they were cultured in A.affine AC-1 of 10 and 50 cells/cm 3 ,combined with 3 × 10 6 cells/cm 3 of Chlorella spp.,respectively.As a non-PSP producer,A.affine may produce other toxins,responsible for the strong negative effects on M.mongolica.  相似文献   

Seabed Classification Using BP Neural Network Based on GA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
INTRODUCTIONUnderwaterremotesensingtools,suchasmulti beam ,sidescansonar,sub bottom pro file ,video ,etc .,arenormalmeanstoexploreseabed .Foreaseofnotation ,sidescansonarim ageisusedtodemonstrateseabedimage .Sidescansonarisakindofhigh resolutionimagingandcancontinuouslymonitorthechangesofseafloor.Inordertorelievetechniciansfromhardhandwork ,theautomaticclassificationbycomputerisneeded .Differentfromthespatialremotesensingimage ,underwatersonarimageistheformernon multi spectralimage .Theo…  相似文献   

Dinoflagellate cysts in recent marine sediment from Guangxi, China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Total of 33 species of dinoflagellate cysts were discovered from surface sediment in the searegion of Guangxi, among them 12 cyst types (Diplopsalopsis sp.1, D. sp. 2, D. sp. 3, Cochlodinium sp., Protoperidinium sp. 1, P. sp. 2, P. compressum , Scrippsiella sp. 1, S. sp. 2, Alexandrium sp. 1, A. sp. 2, A. sp. 3) were first reported from the South China Sea. And one cyst type (Cochlodinium sp.) was first reported in the world. Scrippsiella trochoidea is the dominant species in this area, accounting for 45% of all the cysts. There are 2 cysts of toxic dinoflagellate (Alexandrium tamarensis and Gymnodinium catenatum). But there is no relationship between cyst number and grain size distribution.  相似文献   

According to the morphology, wall structure, color, ornamentation, etc. , 25 speciesbelonging to 9 genera are identified and described from 144 sediment samples of the Xiamen Harbor, the mouth of the Minjiang River and the Sansha Bay. Among them there are 2 toxic species: Alexandrium minutun, A. tamarenes, 4 harmful species: Alexandrium affine, Lingulodinium polyedrum , Scrippsiella trochoide, Gonyaulax spinifera. It shows that 11 species of dinoflagellate cysts (Alexandrium affine, A. minutum , Diplopelta cf. parva , Polykrikos cf. schwartzii, protoceratium reticulatum ,Protoperidinium minutum ,P. cf. minutum,P. cf americanum and Alexandrium sp. , Protoperidinium sp. 1, P . sp. 2) are first recorded along the coast of Fujian Province, China. These newly discovered species might be transported to the coastal sea of Fujian Province by ballast water of international trade vessels.  相似文献   

西沙群岛马尾藻种类较多,我们已在本刊12集上发表了“西沙群岛马尾藻科研究Ⅰ”,报道了五个种。在此基础上,本文将继续报道以下六种(其中包括四新种和两新记录),即:叶囊马尾藻S. phyllocystum sp. nov.,细囊马尾藻S. parvivesiculosum sp. nov.,西沙马尾藻S. xishaense sp. nov.,陀螺叶马尾藻S. turbinatifolium sp. nov.,粉叶马尾藻S. glaucescens J.Ag.,厚叶马尾藻S. crassifolium J. Ag.。新种的模式标本均保存于中国科学院海洋研究所植物标本室。  相似文献   

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