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Minor element abundances in olivines of the Sharps (H-3) chondrite   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Olivine crystals in 21 chondrules from the Sharps (H-3) chondrite were analyzed for CaO, Al2O3, Cr2O3, MnO, TiO2, NiO, and Na2O. The chondrules studied include representatives of all major types found in Sharps, and the mean fayalite contents of their olivine range from 1 to 28 %. Those olivines which contain less than 18 mol.% fayalite typically contain or occur with metallic nickel-iron; the others are metal-free.Na2O is below detectability (0.01 wt.%) in all cases, and the abundances of Al2O3, NiO and TiO2 are also typically very low. MnO varies simply and directly with FeO.Cr2O3 varies widely (0.03–0.21%) and several lines of evidence suggest that Cr is dominantly trivalent. It is concluded that FO 2 was rarely less than 10–11 atm. during the crystallization of the chondrules in Sharps.  相似文献   

We have observed vesicles filled with heavy nitrogen gas and water vapor in three settings in the Bencubbin CB chondrite: in the mesostasis of the silicate clasts, in the mesostasis of the chondrules of an ordinary chondrite (OC) xenolith, and in grains we refer to as bubble grains, and interpret as remelted OC chondrule mesostasis. In our view, these bubbles are a local phenomenon and formed as a consequence of the impact of the OC fragment onto the Bencubbin parent body. The heavy nitrogen in the bubbles came from one or several of its carrier phases in Bencubbin, and the water came from hydrous silicates. As formulated by Meibom et al. (Meibom A., Righter K., Chabot N., Dehn G., Antignano A., McCoy T. J., Krot A. N., Zolensky M. E., Petaev M. I. and Keil K. (2005) Shock melts in QUE 94411, Hammadah al Hamra 237, and Bencubbin: remains of the missing matrix? Meteorit. Planet. Sci.40, 1377-1391) these hydrous phases, similar to the hydrated clasts now found in CH and CBb chondrites, were probably common in the Bencubbin parent body at that time. They were later almost totally destroyed by a large scale shock event, and contributed to form the impact melt that now fills space in between the large clasts of Bencubbin. Our observations indirectly confirm this hypothesis. From our composition measurements, we infer that the silicate part of the impact melt was made in roughly equal proportions of melted phyllosilicates and melted anhydrous silicates. The oxygen isotopic composition of the impact melt is much heavier than that of the silicate clasts, probably reflecting the composition of the water at the origin of the phyllosilicates. The O isotope measurements of the OC inclusion chondrules present some features that seem to be common in OCs: a composition of the chondrule crystals slightly lighter than that of whole chondrules, and one olivine crystal with a very light composition.  相似文献   

New petrologic and geochemical data are presented for a suite of rocks from the Papuan Ultramafic Belt (PUB), Papua New Guinea. Tectonite harzburgites at the base of the ophiolite have extremely refractory, uniform mineralogy, and are exceptionally depleted in lithophile elements. These features are consistent with the proposed origin of these rocks as depleted upper mantle, residual after extraction of a basaltic melt. The tectonite peridotites are overlain by a thick sequence of layered ultramafic and mafic cumulates containing olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and plagioclase as the major cumulus phases. Early cumulates are characterized by magnesian olivine Mg90, orthopyroxene Mg90 and calcic plagioclase An86, and exhibit cryptic variation towards more iron-rich and sodic compositions. Abundances of incompatible elements in the cumulates are extremely low which, together with the nature of the cumulus phases, points to a magnesian olivine-poor tholeiite or magnesian quartz tholeiite parent magma(s) strongly depleted in incompatible elements. Highly fractionated iron-rich products of this parent magma type are represented by the LREE-depleted lavas in the overlying basalt sequence which, although resembling the most depleted mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) in terms of their low abundances of incompatible elements, have higher abundances of transition metals and lower abundances of Ti, HREE and other high valence cations compared to common MORB of similar Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratio.Eocene tonalites intruding the PUB are genetically unrelated to the ophiolites, and appear to be related to the Ti-poor high-Mg andesites of Cape Vogel and similar andesites and dacites at the northern end of the PUB. These rocks are considered to represent the early stages of island-arc magmatism associated with a northeastward-dipping subduction zone in the early Eocene immediately prior to emplacement of the PUB.  相似文献   

Pampa del Infierno, an L6 chondrite, displays strong evidence of impact metamorphism. Rare chondrules and two types of dark-colored clasts occur in a light-colored matrix. Granular clasts are similar in mineralogy and chemistry to the host meteorite, but display shock metamorphic features, produced mainly by deformation, such as mosaicism, undulatory extinction, and fracturing. Partial melting in the granular clasts is manifested by the presence of selvages of mafic glass with troilite-iron eutectic intergrowths around remnants of low-Ca pyroxene and plagioclase glass with skeletal poikilitic inclusions of olivine. Clasts with spinifex texture are believed to have crystallized from a supercooled, impact-generated, ultramafic melt of the host chondrite or a chondritic source of similar composition. The light-colored matrix mainly displays evidence of shock metamorphism under subsolidus conditions as manifested by kinking and deformation twinning in pyroxene; high-pressure phase transitions of olivine and low-Ca pyroxene to ringwoodite and majorite, respectively; and lineation that still preserves the deformation features in the different mineral phases. Pertinent shock-wave data used to interpret the metamorphic history of the Pampa del Infierno chondrite suggest metamorphism by impact at a minimum peak pressure greater than 300 kbar.  相似文献   

Zircons found in mantle-sourced kimberlite provide probes into the isotopic chemistry of the asthenosphere and subcontinental lithospheric mantle. However, little is known about the conditions of formation of these zircons. A suite of 88 zircons found in kimberlites from Africa, Siberia, Brazil, and the United States have been analyzed for their Ti concentration and selected zircons were analyzed for their Rare Earth Element (REE) concentrations by ion microprobe. In addition, precise and accurate laser-fluorination oxygen isotope data were obtained for zircons from Brazil (5.1 ± 0.3‰, 1SD) and the Midwest United States (5.3 ± 0.3‰), yielding mantle-like δ18O values similar to published data for Africa (5.2 ± 0.3‰) and Siberia (5.3 ± 0.2‰). Most megacrysts in this study preserve fine-scale, oscillatory zoning in CL and are generally homogenous in oxygen isotopic composition, consistent with preservation of primary compositions. A few zircons from Brazil show some evidence of chemical zoning due to recrystallization. The Ti content of mantle zircon is in general low with average compositions from each locality of 13 ± 8.4 ppm (1SD, Kaapvaal craton), 12 ± 8.7 ppm (Siberian platform), 18 ± 11 ppm (Brazil), and 4.8 ±4.3 ppm (United States). The recently calibrated Ti in zircon thermometer yields an average temperature of 744 ±62 °C (1SD) for the average of 13 ± 9 ppm Ti, with no correction for pressure, aTiO2, or aSiO2. The Ti content of zircons found within rutile nodules from the Orapa kimberlite (Kaapvaal craton) is almost indistinguishable from those with no constraint on aTiO2, suggesting that reduced aTiO2 is not responsible for lower than expected mantle temperatures. The average temperature in this study corresponds to ∼3 GPa on a 40 mW/m2 cratonic geotherm. If correct, this would suggest that zircon megacrysts from all four cratons formed in the shallow lithospheric mantle. However, there are several possibly confounding effects to this thermometer, including: a pressure correction and disequilibrium zircon growth. Zircons from rutile nodules have REE contents that span the range of mantle zircon REE and are similar to both zircon megacrysts and zircons from metasomatic assemblages.  相似文献   

龙口-土堆金矿大地构造位于胶莱盆地东北缘,胶-辽-吉构造带南段,华北克拉通东南缘,成矿地质条件优越.研究区虽经多年的勘探开采,但其成矿流体和成矿物质来源研究薄弱且存在较大争议,严重制约了成矿机理研究和进一步勘探工作.文章从与成矿密切相关的方解石脉和其他矿物的微量元素与C-H-O-S同位素地球化学特征入手,探讨了龙口-土堆金矿床流体地球化学特征和矿床成因.微量元素分析表明,不同类型方解石具有明显不同的Fe、Mn含量,其中主成矿期含矿方解石具有最高的w(Fe+Mn)(114070×10-6),荆山群大理岩w(Fe+Mn)最低(3971×10-6),而不含矿的方解石的w(Fe+Mn)(5410×10-6)介于前两者之间.不含矿方解石样品δ13CPDB值在?6.90‰~?0.19‰之间,δ18OSMOW值在5.38‰~12.15‰之间;含矿方解石样品δ13CPDB值在?8.56‰~?6.41‰之间,δ18OSMOW值在8.66‰~10.61‰ 之间;荆山群大理岩样品 δ13CPDB值在?3.83‰~?6.73‰ 之间,δ18OSMOW值在14.39‰~16.28‰之间.研究表明:方解石的C-O同位素组成指示含矿碳酸盐脉形成于花岗岩和地幔多相体系;不含矿碳酸盐形成于火成碳酸岩和地幔多相体系;含矿方解石形成于地幔多相体系.石英和方解石流体包裹体氢氧同位素分别为δDwater=?51.5‰~?119.9‰和δ18Owater=0.6‰~7.81‰,表明成矿流体主要为岩浆水,同时可能存在大气降水和地层建造水的参与.矿石硫化物的δ34S值介于8.5‰~12.7‰之间,硫同位素组成呈明显的正态分布,以富集34S为特征,显示了岩浆硫和壳源硫混合的同位素组成特征.结合区域成矿地球动力学背景,文章认为龙口-土堆金矿床为岩浆热液有关的构造蚀变岩型金矿,其流体来源于壳幔混源的多相体系.综合成矿条件分析,文章完善了胶东金矿成矿模式,指出矿区中碳酸盐脉富Fe+Mn的地球化学特征可能指示围岩含矿或近矿.该研究成果可为胶东金矿床的深部及外围找矿勘查提供新的科学依据.  相似文献   

铂族元素在地壳、岩石和沉积物中的分布   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
迟清华  鄢明才 《地球化学》2006,35(5):461-471
随着20世纪90年代铂族元素分析测试技术的突破性进展以及大量可靠的岩石和沉积物铂族元素含量分析数据的积累,引用20世纪80年代前发表的有关铂族元素的地壳丰度和岩石、沉积物中的平均含量作为衡量标准已不适宜。根据近15年来获得的大量的有关铂族元素含量的可靠数据,综合给出了铂族元素在地壳、岩石、土壤和沉积物中的丰度。这种对地壳、岩石和沉积物中铂族元素丰度值的新认识,对理论地球化学、勘查地球化学甚至铂族元素矿产勘查工作都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The ion microprobe was used to measure Ti and Mg isotopes as well as rare earth and other trace elements in ten hibonites from the CM carbonaceous chondrites Murchison, Murray, and Cold Bokkeveld and in two hibonites and Ti-rich pyroxene from the CV chondrite Allende. In hibonites from Murchison and Murray fission track densities were also measured, as were Th and U concentrations. Eight of the hibonites, from all four meteorites, exhibit large Ti isotopic anomalies, particularly in 50Ti. Two grains from Murray have 50Ti excesses of ~ 10%. At least four nucleosynthetic components are required to account for all the Ti isotopic data. Neutron-rich nuclear statistical equilibrium nucleosynthesis is the most likely process to account for a 50Ti-rich component (with 50Ti49Ti$̆20). The ion probe Ti isotopic measurements confirm that the solar nebula was isotopically heterogeneous on a small spatial scale and argue for a chemical memory origin of the Ti isotopic anomalies which were probably carried into the solar system in the form of refractory dust grains. However, there is no experimental evidence that such interstellar grains survived the formation of the hibonites. The REE and trace element patterns of the hibonites are similar to those seen in CAIs and can be interpreted in terms of fractionation effects during condensation from a gas of solar composition, thus arguing for a solar system origin of the hibonites. Additional evidence for such an origin is provided by the PuTh ratios, which are ~ 10−4, and by the Mg isotopic compositions which are normal except for 26Mg1 due to 26Al.Only three out of ten hibonites exhibit 26Mg1, consistent with previous studies which demonstrated the paucity of 26Mg1 in hibonites. Because of the refractory nature of hibonite and the presence of large Ti isotopic effects, we conclude that a heterogeneous distribution of 26Al in the early solar system is the most likely reason. In particular, our observations of δ50Ti = 15%. and of an isochron with (26Al27Al)0 = 5 × 10−8 in the FUN inclusion HAL are evidence against both late formation and Mg redistribution to explain the lack of 26Al in hibonites.There are no obvious correlations between the Ti isotopic compositions, the presence of 26Mg1, the presence of 244Pu, and the REE and trace element patterns in individual hibonites. This indicates that the anomalous 50Ti, as well as 26A1 and 244Pu, were not co-produced in a single astrophysical source, and/or that these nuclides were introduced into the solar nebula by different carriers before being incorporated into the hibonites.  相似文献   

The evolution of major mineral compositions and trace element abundances during fractional crystallization of a model lunar magma ocean have been calculated. A lunar bulk composition consistent with petrological constraints has been selected. Major mineral compositions have been calculated using published studies of olivine-melt, plagioclase-melt, and pyroxene-olivine equilibria. Trace element abundances have been calculated using experimentally-determined partition coefficients where possible. In the absence of experimental determinations, published partition coefficients obtained by analyzing phase separates from porphyritic volcanic rocks have been used. Trace elements studied are La, Sm, Eu, Lu, Rb, Sr( Eu2+), Ni, Co, and Cr.The first mineral to crystallize is olivine, which varies in composition from Fo98 at the liquidus to Fo95 at 50% solidification. Orthopyroxene crystallizes from 50 to 60% solidification with a restricted composition range of En95-En93. Plagioclase and Ca-rich clinopyroxene (XWo arbitrarily set equal to 0.5) co-crystallize during the final 40% solidification. Plagioclase changes in composition from An97 to approximately An93, while clinopyroxene evolves from En46 to approximately En40. The concomitant evolution of major element abundances in the melt is also discussed.The concentration of Ni in the melt decreases rapidly because solid-melt partition coefficients are significantly greater than unity at all stages of crystallization. The concentration of Cr in the melt increases slowly during olivine crystallization, then drops precipitously during the crystallization of orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene. The concentration of Co in the melt decreases slowly during olivine and orthopyroxene crystallization, after which it returns slowly to its initial concentration. Rubidium and Sr are not fractionated relative to one another until the onset of plagioclase crystallization. Ratios of Rb/Sr, normalized to their initial concentrations in the magma, do not rise above 10 until 95% of the magma has solidified. The ratios of Eu/Sm and La/Lu, normalized to their initial concentrations in the magma, remain essentially unfractionated until the onset of crystallization of clinopyroxene plus plagioclase, at which point the normalized La/Lu ratio increases to approximately 1.3 at 100% solidification and the normalized Eu/Sm ratio decreases to approximately 0.2 at 100% solidification.The model calculations are used to place approximate constraints on the bulk composition of the primitive Moon. Consideration of the effect on plagioclase composition of the activities of NaO0.5 and SiO2 in the melt suggests that the primitive Moon contained less than 0.4 wt % NaO0.5 and approximately 42–43 wt % SiO2. Concentrations of the REE in model lunar anorthosites are consistent with the returned samples. Concentrations of the REE in several model ‘highland basalts’ (considered to be representative of the average lunar terrae) are too low when compared with returned samples. Several possible explanations of this discrepancy are considered. The possible role of spinel in a twostage geochemical evolution of mare basalt liquids is discussed.  相似文献   

Experimental and analytical procedures devised for measurement of rare earth element (REE) abundances using a secondary ion mass spectrometer (ion microprobe) are described. This approach is more versatile than the conventional techniques such as neutron activation analysis and isotope dilution mass spectrometry by virtue of its high spatial resolution that allows determination of REE abundances in small domains (10-20 micron) within individual mineral phases. The ion microprobe measurements are performed at a low mass-resolving power adopting the energy-filtering technique (Zinner and Crozaz 1986) for removal and suppression of unresolved complex molecular interferences in the REE masses of interest. Synthetic standards are used for determining various instrument specific parameters needed in the data deconvolution procedure adopted for obtaining REE abundances. Results obtained from analysis of standards show that our ion microprobe may be used for determining REE abundances down to ppm range with uncertainties of ∼ 10 to 15%. Abundances of rare earth and several other refractory trace elements in a set of early solar system objects isolated from two primitive carbonaceous chondrites were determined using the procedures devised by us. The results suggest that some of these objects could be high temperature nebular condensates, while others are products of melting and recrystallization of precursor nebular solids in a high temperature environment.  相似文献   

Upper crustal abundances of trace elements: A revision and update   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Zhaochu Hu  Shan Gao   《Chemical Geology》2008,253(3-4):205-221
We report new estimates of abundances of rarely analyzed elements (As, B, Be, Bi, Cd, Ge, In, Mo, Sb, Sn, Te, Tl, W) in the upper continental crust based on precise ICP-MS analyses of well-characterized upper crustal samples (shales, pelites, loess, graywackes, granitoids and their composites) from Australia, China, Europe, New Zealand and North American. Obtaining a better understanding of the upper crustal abundance and associated uncertainties of these elements is important in placing better constraints on bulk crust composition and, from that, whole Earth models of element cycling and crust generation. We also present revised abundance estimates of some more commonly analyzed trace elements (Li, Cr, Ni, and Tm) that vary by > 20% compared to previous estimates. The new estimates are mainly based on significant (r2 > 0.6) inter-element correlations observed in clastic sediments and sedimentary rocks, which yield upper continental crust elemental ratios that are used in conjunction with well-determined abundances for certain key elements to place constraints on the concentrations of the rarely analyzed elements. Using the well-established upper crustal abundances of La (31 ppm), Th (10.5 ppm), Al2O3 (15.40%), K2O (2.80%) and Fe2O3 (5.92%), these ratios lead to revised upper crustal abundances of B = 47 ppm, Bi = 0.23 ppm, Cr = 73 ppm, Li = 41 ppm, Ni = 34 ppm, Sb = 0.075, Te = 0.027 ppm, Tl = 0.53 ppm and W = 1.4 ppm. No significant correlations exist between Mo and Cd and other elements in the clastic sediments and sedimentary rocks, probably due to their enrichment in organic carbon. We thus calculate abundances of these elements by assuming the upper continental crust consists of 65% granitoid rocks plus 35% clastic sedimentary rocks. The validity of this approach is supported by the similarity of SiO2, Al2O3, La and Th abundances calculated in this way with their upper crustal abundances given in Rudnick and Gao [Rudnick, R., Gao, S., 2003. Composition of the continental crust. In: Rudnick, R.L. (Ed.), The Crust. In: Holland, H.D., Turekian, K.K. (Eds.), Treatise on Geochemistry, vol. 3. Elsevier–Pergamon, Oxford, pp. 1–64.]. The upper crustal abundances thus obtained are Mo = 0.6 ppm and Cd = 0.06 ppm. Our data also suggest a  20% increase of the Tm, Yb and Lu abundances reported in Rudnick and Gao [Rudnick, R., Gao, S., 2003. Composition of the continental crust. In: Rudnick, R.L. (Ed.), The Crust. In: Holland, H.D., Turekian, K.K. (Eds.), Treatise on Geochemistry, vol. 3. Elsevier–Pergamon, Oxford, pp. 1–64.].  相似文献   

Shergottites sampled two distinct geochemical reservoirs on Mars. Basaltic and olivine-phyric shergottites individually sampled both geochemically enriched and depleted reservoirs, whereas lherzolitic shergottites are previously known only to exhibit a relatively limited intermediate geochemical signature that may have resulted from the mixing of the two geochemical end-member reservoirs. Here we show that recently discovered shergottites Robert Massif (RBT) 04261 and RBT 04262 are the first examples of lherzolitic shergottites originating from the enriched reservoir.RBT 04261 and RBT 04262, initially identified as olivine-phyric shergottites, are actually lherzolitic shergottites. Both meteorites exhibit nearly identical textures and mineral compositions, suggesting that they should be paired. Each consists of two distinct textures: poikilitic and non-poikilitic. The poikilitic areas are composed of pyroxene oikocrysts enclosing olivine grains; all pyroxene oikocrysts have pigeonite cores mantled by augite. The non-poikilitic areas are composed of olivine, pyroxene, maskelynite and minor amounts of merrillite, chromite and ilmenite. Olivine and pyroxene show the lowest Mg-number, and maskelynite has the lowest anorthite component among the lherzolitic shergottites. Moreover, the modal abundances of maskelynite in these two meteorites are distinctly higher than the other lherzolitic shergottites.The rare earth element (REE) budgets of RBT 04261 and RBT 04262 are dominated by merrillite. The slightly light rare earth element (LREE)-enriched pattern of this mineral is similar to that of merrillite in the geochemically enriched basaltic shergottites Shergotty and Zagami, and unlike the LREE-depleted pattern of merrillite in the other lherzolitic shergottites. The REE patterns of both high- and low-Ca pyroxenes are also similar to those in Shergotty and Zagami. The REE pattern of a melt calculated to be in equilibrium with the core of a pyroxene oikocryst is parallel to that of the RBT 04262 whole-rock as well as whole-rock compositions of other geochemically enriched basaltic shergottites. These observations imply that RBT 04262 sampled an enriched and oxidized reservoir similar to that sampled by some of the basaltic shergottites and are consistent with an oxidizing condition for the formation of RBT 04262 (log fO2 = QFM-1.6).The petrographic and geochemical observations presented here suggest that RBT 04261 and RBT 04262 represent the most evolved magma among the lherzolitic shergottites and that this magma originated from a geochemically enriched reservoir on Mars. Based on an evaluation of the relationship between petrographic, geochemical and chronological signatures for shergottites including RBT 04261 and RBT 04262, we propose that both geochemically enriched and depleted shergottites were ejected from the same launch site on Mars.  相似文献   

A large chondrule from Semarkona, the most primitive ordinary chondrite known, has been discovered to contain a record of mass transport during its formation. In most respects, it is a normal Type I, group A1, low-FeO chondrule that was produced by reduction and mass-loss during the unidentified flash-heating event that produced the chondrules, the most abundant structural component in primitive meteorites. We have previously measured elemental abundances and abundance profiles in this chondrule. We here report oxygen isotope ratio abundances and ratio abundance profiles. We have found that the mesostasis is zoned in oxygen isotope ratio, with the center of the chondrule containing isotopically heavier oxygen than the outer regions, the outer regions being volatile rich from the diffusion of volatiles into the chondrule during cooling. The δ17O values range from −2.0‰ to 9.9‰, while δ18O range from −1.9‰ to 9.6‰. More importantly, a plot of δ17O against δ18O has a slope of 1.1 ± 0.2 (1σ) and 0.88 ± 0.10 (1σ) when measured by two independent methods. Co-variation of δ17O with δ18O that does not follow mass-dependent fractionation has often been seen in primitive solar system materials and is usually ascribed to the mixing of different oxygen reservoirs. We argue that petrographic and compositional data indicate that this chondrule was completely melted at the time of its formation so that relic grains could not have survived. Furthermore, there is petrographic and compositional evidence that there was no aqueous alteration of this chondrule subsequent to its formation. Although it is possible to formulate a series of exchanges between the chondrule and external 16O-rich and 16O-poor reservoirs that may explain the detailed oxygen isotope systematics of this chondrule, such a sequence of events looks very contrived. We therefore hypothesize that reduction, devolatilization, and crystallization of the chondrule melt may have produced 16O-rich olivines and 16O-poor mesostasis plotting on a slope-one line as part of the chondrule-forming process in an analogous fashion to known chemical mass-independent isotopic fractionation mechanisms. During cooling, volatiles and oxygen near the terrestrial line in oxygen isotope composition produced the outer zone of volatile rich and 16O-rich mesostasis. The chondrule therefore not only retains a record of considerable mass transport accompanying formation, but also may indicate that the isotopes of oxygen underwent mass-independent fractionation during the process.  相似文献   

分析生物礁灰岩中C,O,Sr同位素及微量元素组成有助于研究生物礁体的形成环境.研究表明:δ 13C值的变化与生物埋藏量、埋藏速率、海平面的变化有着很密切的关系;海平面上升,δ 13C值增大,同时表明造礁生物大量繁殖;δ 18O值的变化反映古环境的温度变化,δ 18O升高,温度降低; 87Sr/ 86Sr的比值与海平面的升降变化表现一种负相关性,海平面上升, 87Sr/ 86Sr的比值降低.Sr, Mn等微量元素可以间接指示礁体环境变化,并且验证了所采集的样品数据的准确性.环境变化是决定生物礁发育的重要影响因素.  相似文献   

为进一步探讨楠木树铅锌矿床的成矿物质来源,文章对矿床中的25件岩矿石样品进行了系统的微量元素分析,并对矿床中不同阶段的热液脉石矿物进行了包裹体测温和氢、氧同位素测试。结果表明,Pb、Zn等成矿元素在郭家坝组地层中明显富集,而基底变质岩中Pb、Zn元素的丰度明显低于地壳岩石圈丰度;与成矿元素密切相关的元素Ag、Cd、Ge、In在寒武系郭家坝组地层中富集,在基底岩石中亏损;矿石中Ag、Cd、Ge、In等元素的含量明显高于未矿化的围岩。元素迁移分析表明流体运移过程中成矿热液萃取了Zn、Pb及其密切相关的Ag、Cd、Ge、In等组分,使Zn、Pb等成矿组分进一步富集。氢、氧同位素组成显示,与铅锌矿密切相关的石英样品落入变质水范围内,且靠近有机水范围,晚期方解石样品向雨水线漂移,表明早期成矿流体可能来自于深部的盆地卤水,在向上运移的过程中流经富含有机质的地层或有有机流体的加入,晚期有大气降水和海水的加入。  相似文献   

杨甫  陈刚  侯斌  张甲明  胡延旭  黄得顺 《地质学报》2014,88(6):1068-1080
采用LA-ICP-MS手段,对准噶尔盆地陆梁隆起中北部Db1井和Y1井巴塔玛依内山组火山碎屑岩中的锆石进行了U-Pb定年、微量元素以及Lu-Hf同位素分析。锆石内部结构、Th/U比值、稀土配分模式显示,所有锆石属岩浆成因。结果显示:①Db1井和Y1井锆石样品最小年龄分别为303Ma和306Ma,可代表巴塔玛依内山组的形成时代;②锆石U-Pb年龄显示有中、晚元古代的1447~1410Ma、885~559Ma的年龄记录,为准噶尔盆地中北部存在前寒武纪古老结晶基底提供了依据,以及古生代早中期536~420Ma、401~360Ma、359~303Ma的年龄记录,指示准噶尔盆地中北部前二叠纪基底经历了多阶段复杂陆壳演化过程;③锆石微量元素分析表明,盆地中北部前二叠纪基底主体属于由花岗岩、正长岩、玄武岩和辉绿岩组成的花岗岩和中基性岩侵入型活动陆壳基底;④锆石Hf同位素分析显示,锆石年龄都具有正的εHf(t)值(+4.6~+19.0),推测锆石母岩主要来源于软流圈地幔或亏损岩石圈地幔熔融作用,岩浆上升-侵位过程中混染了古老基底物质组分。  相似文献   

The Mistastin Lake meteorite crater lies completely within a batholith composed of mangerite and adamellite with lenses of anorthosite and is located in central Labrador. The multivariate statistical technique of correspondence analysis was used to summarize the relationships between the different rock units for the trace elements Nb, Zr, Y, Sr, Rb, Th, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni. The samples of impact melt form a linear array of points on a factor plot joining the anorthosite samples to the mangerite and adamellite samples. This indicates that the various melt samples can be formed as a result of the complete fusion of different proportions of anorthosite and granitic rocks. A least-squares mixing model utilizing the average trace element composition of the four rock types indicates that an average melt rock can be formed by mixing 60% anorthosite, 38% mangerite and 2% adamellite. An isochron obtained on the combined mangerite and adamellite units of the batholith gives an age of 1347 ±15 m.y. (1σ) with an initial ratio of 0.7082 ± 0.0003. The anorthosite samples plot below the isochron and the melt rocks fall along a mixing line joining the locus of anorthosite points to an average granite sample on the isochron. This is a further indication that the melt was formed by melting of anorthosite and granitic rocks that form the local geological environment.  相似文献   

The abundances of the highly siderophile elements (HSE) Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, Rh, Pd and Au, and 187Os/188Os isotope ratios have been determined for a set of carbonaceous, ordinary, enstatite and Rumuruti chondrites, using an analytical technique that permits the precise and accurate measurement of all HSE from the same digestion aliquot. Concentrations of Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd were determined by isotope dilution ICP-MS and N-TIMS analysis. The monoisotopic elements Rh and Au were quantified relative to the abundance of Ir.Differences in HSE abundances and ratios such as Re/Os, 187Os/188Os, Pd/Ir and Au/Ir between different chondrite classes are further substantiated with new data, and additional Rh and Au data, including new data for CI chondrites. Systematically different relative abundances of Rh between different chondrite classes are reminiscent of the behaviour of Re. Carbonaceous chondrites are characterized by low average Rh/Ir of 0.27 ± 0.03 (1s) which is about 20% lower than the ratio for ordinary (0.34 ± 0.02) and enstatite chondrites (EH: 0.33 ± 0.01; EL: 0.32 ± 0.01). R chondrites show higher and somewhat variable Rh/Ir of 0.37 ± 0.07.Well-defined linear correlations of HSE, in particular for bulk samples of ordinary and EL chondrites, are explained by binary mixing and/or dilution by silicates. The HSE carriers responsible for these correlations have a uniform chemical composition, indicating efficient homogenization of local nebular heterogeneities during or prior to the formation of the host minerals in chondrite components. Excepting Rumuruti chondrites and Au in carbonaceous chondrites, these correlations also suggest that metamorphism, alteration and igneous processes had negligible influence on the HSE distribution on the bulk sample scale.Depletion patterns for Rh, Pd and Au in carbonaceous chondrites other than CI are smoothly related to condensation temperatures and therefore consistent with the general depletion of moderately volatile elements in carbonaceous chondrites. Fractionated HSE abundance patterns of ordinary, enstatite and Rumuruti chondrites, however, are more difficult to explain. Fractional condensation combined with the removal of metal phases at various times, and later mixing of early and late formed metal phases may provide a viable explanation. Planetary fractionation processes that may have affected precursor material of chondrite components cannot explain the HSE abundance patterns of chondrite groups. HSE abundances of some, but not all Rumuruti chondrites may be consistent with solid sulphide-liquid sulphide fractionation processes during impact induced melting.  相似文献   

The peridotite bodies of the Ulten Zone (Upper Austroalpine, Italian Eastern Alps) are enclosed in Variscan migmatites and derive from a mantle wedge environment. They display the progressive transformation of porphyroclastic spinel peridotites (T=1,200°C; P=1.5 GPa) into fine-grained garnet–amphibole peridotites (T=850°C; P=3 GPa). Detailed bulk-rock and mineral trace element analyses of a sample suite documenting the entire metamorphic evolution of the peridotites revealed several stages of metasomatism. The spinel peridotites derive from a depleted mantle that became enriched in some large ion lithophile element (LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE). The same signature pertains to clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene, indicating that this metasomatic signature was acquired at the recorded temperature of 1,200°C. Such a temperature is considerably above the wet peridotite solidus and hence the metasomatic agent must have been a hydrous melt. Moreover, the Li-enrichment of the spinel-facies pyroxenes (up to 24 ppm Li) reflects disequilibrium distribution after exchange with a presumably mafic melt. cpx/opx D Li=3–7 and cpx/ol D Li=2.7–8 indicate that the spinel-facies clinopyroxene hosts higher Li amounts than the coexisting minerals. LREE fractionation, variable LREE enrichment, LILE enrichment with respect to HFSE (average clinopyroxene Pb N /Nb N =16–90) in spinel lherzolites can be related to chromatographic effects of porous melt flow. The significant enrichment of pyroxenes from the spinel lherzolites in Pb, U and Li indicates that the metasomatic melt was subduction-related. All these features suggest that the spinel lherzolites formed a mantle wedge layer percolated by melts carrying recycled crustal components and rising from a deeper source of subduction magmas. The garnet + amphibole peridotites equilibrated at temperatures well below the wet solidus in the presence of an aqueous fluid. Bulk-rock trace element patterns display pronounced positive anomalies in Cs, Ba, Pb and U and moderate enrichment in Li, indicating addition of a crustal component to the mantle rocks. Amphibole hosts most of these trace elements. Clinopyroxene displays high LILE/HFSE (Pb N /Nb N =300–600), low Ce/Pb (1.4–2.7 in garnet-facies clinopyroxene compared with 2.6–24.5 in the spinel-facies one) and variable LILE and LREE enrichments. The coupled increase of modal amphibole, Sr and Pb, together with positive Pb–Sr and Pb–U correlations, further indicate that incompatible element influx in these samples was fluid-mediated. In the garnet-facies samples, amphibole and, interestingly, olivine have similarly high Li concentrations as clinopyroxene, leading to cpx/amph D Li=0.7 and cpx/ol D Li=0.7–0.8, the latter being up to ten times lower than in the spinel-facies rocks. Due to its high modal abundance, olivine is the main host of Li in the garnet–amphibole peridotites. The observed metasomatic features provide evidence for the infiltration of an aqueous fluid in the mantle wedge above a subducting slab. This fluid most likely derived from subducted crustal rocks that underwent partial melting. Successive retrograde re-equilibration during exhumation of the garnet peridotite is accompanied by garnet and clinopyroxene breakdown and amphibole formation. This process produced minor changes, such as an increase of HREE and Li in amphibole, and an increase of Li in olivine. The general trace element signature remains essentially unchanged during retrogression and further hydration, indicating that fluids with a similar composition to the one present at the garnet–amphibole peridotite formation, were responsible for increased amphibole formation. The combined evidence from the metamorphic and metasomatic evolution indicates that the peridotites experienced first corner flow in a mantle wedge, followed by subduction and finally entrapment and exhumation within a crustal slab. During their entire history the Ulten peridotites were percolated first by melts and then by aqueous fluids, which added recycled crustal components to the mantle wedge.  相似文献   

Zoned calcites were found in the phragmacone chambers of three Sonniniid ammonites from marine Middle Jurassic sandstones (Isle of Skye, U.K.). Each ammonite has a unique sequence of up to nine zones of calcite which fill or partially fill the chambers. Zones are defined by changes in the density of minute opaque inclusions and variation in trace-element composition. Proximal (early) calcites have undulose extinction and some exhibit the specific fabrics of fascicular-optic and radiaxial fibrous calcites. Microdolomite inclusions are found in one specimen. Early calcites, interpreted as replacements after a single isopachous fringe of acicular carbonate (probably high magnesium calcite), are succeeded by blocky ferroan calcite cement. In one specimen there are two distinct generations of calcite, in the others there is a continuous mosaic incorporating both early calcites and late cement. Isotopic composition of the early calcite zones demonstrates the initial importance of organic derived carbon (δ13C =— 26‰, δ18O ‰ O). Further cementation and mineralogical stabilization took place at increased temperatures and probably after modification of the pore water isotopic composition (calcites with δ13C =— O‰, δ18O~— 10‰). The distinctive fabrics and zonal patterns probably developed during the replacement of the precursor cement and are not primary growth features. Reversals in isotopic and trace element trends are believed to be related to the rate of neomorphic crystal growth and hence to the degree of exchange with external pore waters. Further increase in temperature, probably during Tertiary igneous activity, gave rise to the extremely light δ18O values of the late cements in the ammonite which had previously had least contact with external waters (cements with δ13C ~ O, δ18O ~— 20‰).  相似文献   

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