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2005年6月到2006年5月,在山西省运城市风陵渡镇河谷地进行了低空10m-60m的风场梯度观测,统计和分析了该地形的低空风场变化规律,得出:④受该区域热力和地形动力的双重影响,实验点主导风向(ESE风和WNW风)与河谷地形走向一致,且出现频率高;②昼夜风速偏大,峡谷效应明显;③高层风速大于低层风速;④不同层次间的风速差值高低层显著大于高中层;⑤受河谷南北两侧山体地形与山、谷风影响,白天11时-17时的主导风向为WNW风和W风,出现频率为13.4%~24.7%;其它时间特别是傍晚和夜间以ESE风和SE风为主导风向,出现频率为17%~33.6%;山风持续时间长,谷风持续时间短。 相似文献
利用实况高空探测和地面观测资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料, 从水汽输送、水汽收支以及水汽含量等方面着手, 对2003年发生在渭河流域的5次致洪暴雨过程进行了对比分析, 结果表明:强降水发生时, 降水区700 hPa上的比湿值均不低于7 g/kg; 在垂直结构上, 强降水地区低层水汽含量在降水前6~12 h出现峰值, 强降水出现在高层比湿的峰值附近; 致洪暴雨过程的水汽通道与西太平洋副热带高压的位置有着明显的相关性; 渭河流域南边界是水汽的主要输入方, 主要的水汽输送层在850~700 hPa, 西边界是水汽的主要输出方。 相似文献
尝试将计算流体力学软件FLUENT用于复杂地形风场的精细模拟研究,进行的一系列数值模拟试验表明:由于采用了中尺度模式较少采用的计算机辅助建模、非结构化网格和有限体积法等技术,FLUENT可以实现复杂地形乃至极度陡峭地形上的风场模拟,完成普通中尺度模式难以完成的任务。相比于普通中尺度模式,FLUENT可以更为精确地描述下垫面的复杂地形特征,因而能够在小尺度范围内得到分辨率更高、且更为准确的复杂地形上的近地层风场模拟结果。 相似文献
山谷地形流场和扩散的数值研究 总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7
运用三维非表力E-ε闭合模式,模拟了山体和山谷地形下的流场、湍流场和不同位置低矮点源扩散的污染物浓度分布。发现在不稳定时湍能的热力产生率并非在任何位置都是主要的。当风速较大时,在山谷底部机械产生率也可能超过热力产生率。对污染扩散的分析表明:在近地面源条件下,稳定层结时如果出现小风,无论源在何处,都人造成一定范围内的严重污染,当污染源位于山前或山顶时,谷底的污染不剧烈。当污染源位于谷底时,无论何种层结、何种来流风速,都会造成山谷地区的严重污染。污染源位于山体沿来流方向的中心线上的谷底时,如果风速大,污染物沿回流输送;如果风速小,则沿来流方向输送。 相似文献
利用乐山市1971~2005年整编风资料对乐山市各区县地面风场进行了全面分析,并对全市风能资源的分布情况进行了研究,旨在对今后乐山市风的预报及其相关服务有较好的帮助。 相似文献
乐山市地面风场特征及风能资源初探 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用乐山市1971~2005年整编风资料对乐山市各区县地面风场进行了全面分析,并对全市风能资源的分布情况进行了研究,旨在对今后乐山市风的预报及其相关服务有较好的帮助。 相似文献
黄河流域旱涝与水资源分析 总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23
本文利用黄河流域1951~1990年期间逐月降水、 径流量及地面气温资料,作该地区蒸发和地下潜流量的估计,提出关于该地区可利用水资源的估计,并定义水资源指标。结果发现可用水资源与降水量有十分密切关系。但是它们也存在一定的差异,该地区降水量存在唯一的2.6年主要周期,而水资源则存在2.3和9 年的主要和次要周期。用相关分析方法比较这两序列和前年夏季、秋季、冬季及当年春季的大气环流场之间的关系,发现水资源与环流有着更为密切的关系。主要表现在与前年秋季和冬季高度场的相关上,与大气环流中高纬西风带系统和副热带系统强弱也有十分密切关系。 相似文献
2006年8月海河流域暴雨过程的成因分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在当前气候日趋变暖的大背景下,极端天气事件频发,为了认识暴雨的形成机理,提高海河流域暴雨的预报能力,利用NCEP 1°×1°的6小时再分析资料和常规观测资料以及FY-2C卫星云图资料,对2006年8月25-26日海河流域的暴雨过程,尤其是河北东部的大暴雨进行了天气学诊断分析.分析结果表明,暴雨是产生在前期大气对流不稳定区域里,25日20时到26日02时6小时雨量超过20mm的站点基本分布在对流层中低层湿位涡的负值区内,低空急流为暴雨区输送大量的不稳定能量、热量以及动量,为暴雨的产生提供了充足的能量条件和水汽条件;流域东部的大暴雨区处在正螺旋度大值中心以西地区,暴雨区上空有较强的旋转上升气流;暴雨期间中低层辐合、高层辐散,高层辐散强于中低层辐合的抽吸作用,有利于加强低层辐合和对流上升运动,为大暴雨的产生提供了动力条件;对流层中高层的水汽对强降水云团的发展起了重要作用. 相似文献
Björn Brötz Rafael Eigenmann Andreas Dörnbrack Thomas Foken Volkmar Wirth 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》2014,152(1):45-63
We investigate the evolution of the early-morning boundary layer in a low-mountain valley in south-western Germany during COPS (convective and orographically induced precipitation study) in summer 2007. The term low-mountain refers to a mountainous region with a relief of gentle slopes and with an absolute altitude that remains under a specified height (usually 1,500 m a.s.l.). A subset of 23 fair weather days from the campaign was selected to study the transition of the boundary-layer flow in the early morning. The typical valley atmosphere in the morning hours was characterized by a stable temperature stratification and a pronounced valley wind system. During the reversal period—called the low wind period—of the valley wind system (duration of 1–2 h), the horizontal flow was very weak and the conditions for free convection were fulfilled close to the ground. Ground-based sodar observations of the vertical wind show enhanced values of upward motion, and the corresponding statistical properties differ from those observed under windless convective conditions over flat terrain. Large-eddy simulations of the boundary-layer transition in the valley were conducted, and statistical properties of the simulated flow agree with the observed quantities. Spatially coherent turbulence structures are present in the temporal as well as in the ensemble mean analysis. Thus, the complex orography induces coherent convective structures at predictable, specific locations during the early-morning low wind situations. These coherent updrafts, found in both the sodar observations and the simulation, lead to a flux counter to the gradient of the stably stratified valley atmosphere and reach up to the heights of the surrounding ridges. Furthermore, the energy balance in the surface layer during the low wind periods is closed. However, it becomes unclosed after the onset of the valley wind. The partition into the sensible and the latent heat fluxes indicates that missing flux components of sensible heat are the main reason for the unclosed energy balance in the considered situations. This result supports previously published investigations on the energy balance closure. 相似文献
A Simple Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Flow in Complex Terrain in the Context of Wind Energy Modelling 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A simple temporal and spatial analysisis done on wind speed and direction data from a number ofmeteorological towers separated by distances between roughly 1 and 100 kilometres. The analysis is done in the context of expected model error in wind energy calculations. The study first uses single point statistics to show the evolution of mean values with time. It is shown that strong seasonal signals are present and that stable means are achieved only after averaging periods of a year or more. The study then uses discrete Fourier transforms to show that significant amounts of spectral energy reside in modes with periods of a few days to less than a day. Frequency dependent cross correlation values are then derived and used to show how correlation between towers diminishes with increasing frequency. The mechanism responsible for this diminished correlation is shown through the comparison of cross-correlation phase as a function of frequency and its relationship to distance between towers. Error in wind energy estimates are shown to be strongly related to correlation and therefore distance over which the prediction is made. In summary, much of the inaccuracy in modelling flow in the context of wind energy calculations is due to a lack of scale separation between the deterministic part of the flow, which is well modelled, and that part of the flow that is stochastic at the length and time scales modelled. 相似文献
We measured the surface energy budget of an Alpine grassland in highly complex terrain to explore possibilities and limitations
for application of the eddy-covariance technique, also for CO2 flux measurements, at such non-ideal locations. This paper focuses on the influence of complex terrain on the turbulent energy
measurements of a characteristic high Alpine grassland on Crap Alv (Alp Weissenstein) in the Swiss Alps during the growing
season 2006. Measurements were carried out on a topographic terrace with a slope of 25◦ inclination. Flux data quality is assessed via the closure of the energy budget and the quality flag method used within the
CarboEurope project. During 93% of the time the wind direction was along the main valley axis (43% upvalley and 50% downvalley
directions). During the transition times of the typical twice daily wind direction changes in a mountain valley the fraction
of high and good quality flux data reached a minimum of ≈50%, whereas during the early afternoon ≈70% of all records yielded
good to highest quality (CarboEurope flags 0 and 1). The overall energy budget closure was 74 ± 2%. An angular correction
for the shortwave energy input to the slope improved the energy budget closure slightly to 82 ± 2% for afternoon conditions.
In the daily total, the measured turbulent energy fluxes are only underestimated by around 8% of net radiation. In summary,
our results suggest that it is possible to yield realistic energy flux measurements under such conditions. We thus argue that
the Crap Alv site and similar topographically complex locations with short-statured vegetation should be well suited also
for CO2 flux measurements. 相似文献
利用2005年1月\_2010年2月自动气象站的地面风观测资料, 分析了四川新津机场地面风的平均日变化、 月变化\, 季变化及年际变化等, 讨论了地面瞬时风与机场跑道的关系, 并对≥5 m·s-1地面瞬时风的预报进行了探索。结果表明: 机场主要受偏北风、 偏西南风和偏东南风影响, 且偏北风和偏东南方向风速较大。全年较大风主要出现在春季。各季节均盛行偏北风, 秋\, 冬季偏北风出现的频率远大于春\, 夏季。下午风速大, 早晨和夜间风速小。全年平均风速小, 年际差异小, 微风和静风频率高。持续时间较长的≥5 m·s-1地面瞬时风的预报重点在于天气系统的预报上。 相似文献