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The intensity of the wave emission in the 0.1–10 MHz band measured in the ionosphere (the APEX satellite experiment) has been presented. A jump of the plasma density and an increase in the emission intensity at a plasma frequency have been registered at altitudes of ~1300 km in the topside auroral ionosphere. The emission intensity in the whistler-mode band nonmonotonically increased along the satellite trajectory near the plasma jump wall. It has been indicated that waveguides could be formed near the wall during damping of electrostatic oscillations generated by precipitating electron fluxes. A spatially nonmonotonous separation of waveguides from the plasma inhomogeneity stretched along geomagnetic field lines is possible in this case.  相似文献   

The data of measurements of broadband wave radiation in the main ionospheric trough in the subauroral zone of the topside ionosphere in the region of the day-night terminator (APEX satellite experiment) are presented. It is shown that the observed attenuation of electrostatic radiation in a broad frequency band and fluctuations (variations) in the cutoff frequency of the electrostatic mode spectrum at the level of the local plasma or upper hybrid frequency are related to plasma heating by damping electrostatic oscillations in the ionospheric trough. Waveguide channels for propagation of electromagnetic whistler-mode waves observed on the satellite can be generated during the propagation of a gravity-thermal disturbance from the terminator.  相似文献   

Using the data of the topside ionosphere sounding from the Intercosmos-19 satellite, longitudinal variations in foF2 at low latitudes at the daytime hours are considered. It is obtained that these variations in particular days in the majority of cases have a regular wave-like character with periods of about 75°–100° in longitude and amplitudes on the average of 2–4 MHz. In other words, along the valley and crests of the equatorial anomaly, a structure with four maximums and four minimums which have a tendency to be located near certain longitudes (the same in all seasons) is observed. The variations in foF2 along the crests of the equatorial anomaly are usually in anti-phase to variations along its valley. Comparing the characteristics of this wavelike structure at the daytime and nighttime hours, we obtained that the average positions of its extremes at the nighttime hours are shifted eastwards by 10°–50° relative to the daytime extremes. As a cause of formation of such a structure, high harmonics of atmospheric tides are assumed which, uplifting from below to heights of the E region, via the electric currents in this region influence the longitudinal structure of the electrodynamic plasma drift over the equator and by that impact the structure of the entire daytime low-latitude ionosphere.  相似文献   

Quasi-wave disturbances in the topside daytime ionosphere, related to auroral activity, have been detected using the data of radiosounding onboard the Intercosmos-19 satellite on April 28, 1979. A disturbance was caused by an abrupt enhancement of the eastward electrojet, which was not reflected in the variations in the AE and AU indices. According to the estimates, the period of electron density disturbances was about 0.5 h, the velocity was 350 m/s, and the length along the meridian was several hundreds of kilometers, which corresponds to medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs). The disturbance amplitude was only 30 km in the hmF2 variations and 0.20–0.25 MHz in the foF2 variations but increased to 0.25–0.30 MHz in the plasma frequency variations at satellite altitudes of 520–580 km with increasing altitude. It is impossible to register so weak short-period variations during ground-based sounding. The method for detecting disturbance spatial characteristics has been proposed. The disturbance spectrum including three quasiperiodic structures has been revealed using this method. The optimal estimates have been made for the trend, described by the polynomial of the third degree, and for the expansion of the residuals in terms of three harmonics.  相似文献   

We analyze the data obtained using the Arecibo incoherent scatter radar to examine the response of the topside ionosphere to a moderate geomagnetic storm that occurred during the period March 7–11, 2008. During this time period a magnetic storm with a non-monotonic main phase decrease in the Dst index occurred. The recovery phase also exhibited a secondary Dst decrease. During the initial phase of the storm, Te and Ti increased coincident with the arrival of the solar wind. The main phase registered an increase in proton concentration proportional to Ne while temperatures reached the lowest values. Variations in O+ concentration were not significant but a reduction in helium fraction was observed. Soon after the peak of the storm, the transition height between the topside ionosphere and the protonosphere, where H+ ions dominate composition, was lower than would be expected during quiet conditions and this behavior lasted for approximately 12 h.  相似文献   

The satellite low-latitude and midlatitude measurements of the disturbed postsunset plasma density and electron temperature at altitudes of ~900 km have been compared with the data of incoherent scattering and high-altitude rocket launching at the corresponding local time. It has been found that plasma density disturbances are independently caused by the turbulent interaction between atmospheric masses of gas and plasma ascending from heated and not yet cooled ionospheric regions and cooling masses descending from protonospheric altitudes. Plasma regions with an energetically nonequilibrium vertical density distribution of the mixture of heavy ion impurity (O+) and major light ions (H+) can simultaneously appear, as a result of which the gradient-drift impurity instability is generated. If this instability is sufficiently developed, there appears an anomalous ion drift with the formation of real plasma regions of decreased density. All these phenomena generate different irregularities in a wide range of scales: from several tens or hundreds of meters to several hundreds of kilometers.  相似文献   

Complicated ionograms of topside sounding on board the Intercosmos-19 satellite, which were registered on November 26, 1980, in the dusk sector (1800 LT) at the latitudes of the equatorward wall (55°–62° ILAT) of the main ionospheric trough (MIT), are analyzed. They are characterized by the presence of two extra traces at distances larger than the main traces. Approaching the MIT minimum, all traces become more scattered, converge, and join into one strongly diffusive trace. An attempt of interpretation of the complicated ionograms on the basis of trajectory calculations performed by the method of characteristics in the “complex” two-dimensional version (in two mutually intersecting planes) is undertaken. The modeling shows that the extra traces could be related to the presence of a large-scale irregularity stretched along the geomagnetic meridian at the equatorward wall of the MIT. The calculations make it possible to estimate the parameters of the irregularity: the intensity is δfoF2 ∼ 30%, the length is several hundred kilometers, the semi-thickness is 50–60 km, and the height is 350 km. The possible formation causes of the irregularity are discussed. The intensification of the diffuseness of all traces is related to the increase in the intensity of small-scale irregularities, which is usually observed when approaching the MIT minimum.  相似文献   

The possibility of registering a plasma bubble at altitudes of the topside ionosphere based on its minor species He+ were studied. The characteristic times of the main aeronomic and electrodynamic processes, in which a bubble and its ion component He+ are involved, were calculated and compared. The recombination processes of helium ions in a bubble, the vertical transfer of a plasma bubble as a whole, and the diffusion transfer of the plasma bubble minor constituent (He+) were considered. The characteristic times of ambipolar and transverse (Bohm) diffusion were calculated when the diffusion transfer was estimated. The effect of the photoionization processes on plasma bubble dissipation were estimated based on the He+ bubble ion component. It was shown that the bubble filling characteristic time with an average He+ depletion to the He+ ambient density is ~24 h. It was concluded that such a prolonged bubble lifetime makes it possible to register a plasma bubble reliably over approximately two days. However, it has been noted that only a residual plasma bubble structure, i.e., its trace visible in He+ ions, will apparently be registered during most prolonged observations.  相似文献   

The results from the numerical calculations of the global distribution of topside ionospheric parameters such as H+ ions and ion and electron temperatures up to 1500 km height are presented for equinoctial conditions at solar minimum. Calculations are carried out using the Global Self-consistent Model of Thermosphere, Ionosphere and Protonosphere (GSM TIP) developed in WD IZMIRAN, and using a new calculation block for electric fields due to dynamo and of magnetospheric origin. A comparison of two sets of calculations of magnetospheric convection electric field for a given potential difference is carried out, one through polar caps and other through field aligned currents of first zone. It is shown that the distribution of the electric potential obtained through field aligned currents of first zone is more self-consistent than that through polar caps. The light ion trough in H+ ions is deeper and occupies larger region for the potential difference through polar cap. For a given potential difference through field aligned current, at 1500 km, the maximum ion temperature is 150 K higher, minimum ion temperature is 200 K lower and maximum electron temperature is 100 K higher than those obtained for the same potential difference through polar caps. It is concluded that for modeling the electric field of magnetospheric origin, it is necessary to use the potential difference through field aligned current of first zone instead of through polar caps.  相似文献   

The absorption of telemetry radiosignals at frequencies of 250 and 75 MHz, transmitted from rockets, was observed in the ARAKS and Zarnitza 2 rocket experiments, respectively, with electron pulses in the ionosphere. The signals were registered with ground receivers. Four cases of complete signal absorption on the propagation path were observed in the ARAKS experiment. The radio absorption at frequencies substantially higher than the plasma and upper hybrid frequencies can be related to wave scattering by plasma inhomogeneities. It has been indicated that plasma inhomogeneities were generated when electrostatic oscillations damped in the region with decreased plasma density at a decrease in the natural oscillation phase volume in the frequency-wave vector space with decreasing plasma density. The observed radio absorption could be related to reflectionless wave scattering in an inhomogeneous plasma structure.  相似文献   

本文利用DMSP F13和F15卫星观测数据,对2001—2005年58个磁暴(-472 nT≤Min.Dst≤-71 nT)期间高纬顶部电离层离子整体上行特征进行了统计研究.观测表明,磁暴期间,顶部电离层离子上行主要发生在极尖区和夜间极光椭圆区.在北半球,磁正午前,高速的离子上行(≥500 m·s-1)多集中在65° MLat以上;午后,高速离子上行区向低纬度扩展,上行速度要略高于午前;在南半球,磁午夜前,DMSP卫星在考察区域内几乎所有的纬度上都观测到了高速上行的离子;午夜后,各纬度上观测到上行离子的速度明显降低.离子上行期间,DMSP卫星在极区顶部电离层高度上也频繁地观测到电子/离子增温,且电子增温发生的频率要远高于离子增温.O+密度变化分析显示,DMSP卫星磁暴期间观测到的上行离子更多地源于顶部电离层高度.这些结果表明电子增温在驱动暴时电离层离子整体上行过程中起着重要作用.  相似文献   

Annual and seasonal variations in the low-latitude topside ionosphere are investigated using observations made by the Hinotori satellite and the Sheffield University Plasmasphere Ionosphere Model (SUPIM). The observed electron densities at 600 km altitude show a strong annual anomaly at all longitudes. The average electron densities of conjugate latitudes within the latitude range ±25° are higher at the December solstice than at the June solstice by about 100% during daytime and 30% during night-time. Model calculations show that the annual variations in the neutral gas densities play important roles. The model values obtained from calculations with inputs for the neutral densities obtained from MSIS86 reproduce the general behaviour of the observed annual anomaly. However, the differences in the modelled electron densities at the two solstices are only about 30% of that seen in the observed values. The model calculations suggest that while the differences between the solstice values of neutral wind, resulting from the coupling of the neutral gas and plasma, may also make a significant contribution to the daytime annual anomaly, the E × B drift velocity may slightly weaken the annual anomaly during daytime and strengthen the anomaly during the post-sunset period. It is suggested that energy sources, other than those arising from the 6% difference in the solar EUV fluxes at the two solstices due to the change in the Sun-Earth distance, may contribute to the annual anomaly. Observations show strong seasonal variations at the solstices, with the electron density at 600 km altitude being higher in the summer hemisphere than in the winter hemisphere, contrary to the behaviour in NmF2. Model calculations confirm that the seasonal behaviour results from effects caused by transequatorial component of the neutral wind in the direction summer hemisphere to winter hemisphere.  相似文献   

It has been indicated that the spectrum of electrostatic waves in the ionospheric plasma depends on the geophysical conditions and solar wind parameters. The wave field measurements in the frequency band 0.1–10 MHz in the topside ionosphere were used to analyze the electrostatic instabilities of the plasma electron content (the APEX satellite experiment). A change of the sign of one magnetic field component at the geomagnetic equator can result in the formation of the large-scale irregular plasma structure with a decay of the natural electrostatic oscillations and vortices in unstable plasma. The plasma particle polarization drift from the region of decay of electrostatic oscillations and vortices can cause large plasma density and temperature gradients across the geomagnetic field. New vortices can originate at these gradients. This mechanism of plasma vortex formation and decay can be important for mass and energy convection in the topside ionosphere.  相似文献   

Plasma inhomogeneities extending along geomagnetic field lines in the ionosphere and magnetosphere can have a vortex structure. Electromagnetic waves can propagate in plasma inhomogeneities in the waveguide channel mode. It has been indicated that energy and particle fluxes related to the development of small-scale electrostatic turbulence in a magnetized plasma with an unstable electron component promotes an increase in plasma density gradients in the walls of waveguide channels and an enhancement in plasma vortices. At low L shells in the region of the geomagnetic equator, the development of plasma electrostatic instability and the damping of drifting plasma vortices in the inhomogeneous geomagnetic field in the topside ionosphere can be the main mechanism by which large-scale (∼1000 km) regions with a decreased plasma density are formed.  相似文献   

Additional strongly remote (up to 2000 km) radio-signal reflection traces on Intercosmos-19 ionograms obtained in the equatorial ionosphere have been considered. These traces, as a rule, begin at frequencies slightly lower than the main trace cutoff frequencies, which indicates that an irregularity with a decreased plasma density exists here. The waveguide stretched along the magnetic-field line is such an inhomogeneity in the equatorial ionosphere. The ray tracing confirm that radio waves propagate in a waveguide and make it possible to determine the typical waveguide parameters: ?δN e ≥ 10%, with a diameter of 15–20 km. Since the waveguide walls are smooth, an additional trace is always recorded distinctly even in the case in which main traces were completely eroded by strong diffusivity. Only one additional trace (of the radio signal X mode) is usually observed one more multiple trace is rarely recorded. Waveguides can be observed at all altitudes of the equatorial ionosphere at geomagnetic latitudes of ±40°. The formation of waveguides is usually related to the formation of different-scale irregularities in the nighttime equatorial ionosphere, which result in the appearance of other additional traces and spread F.  相似文献   

Summary On the dayside of the Earth, a huge current system, the so-called equatorial electrojet, flows along the magnetic dip equator in the ionosphere, mainly in easterly direction. At the surface of the Earth it generates strong variations of the geomagnetic field which severely impair marine geomagnetic measurements. Independent of its changing intensity, the position of the current system is remarkably constant.For marine geomagnetic measurements in the South China Sea and the Sulu Sea the latitude dependence of the variations was determined from the data themselves, using an appropriate functional relation. By a digital filter it was taken into consideration that the slowly changing parts are less latitude-dependent. Thus, with one recording station, it was possible to reduce the variations to only 15% of their original size for distances up to 500 km.Using the comprehensive data set of two research cruises into the Dangerous Grounds area of the South China Sea, it is shown which statements on the structure of the crust are possible with the corrected data.
Die Reduktion erdmagnetischer Messungen auf See in der Nähe des magnetischen Äquators
Zusammenfassung Entlang des magnetischen Inklinations-Äquators fließt auf der Tagseite der Erde in der Ionosphäre ein riesiges Stromsystem, der sogenannte Äquatoriale Elektroje. Es erzeugt an der Erdoberfläche starke zeitliche Veränderungen des erdmagnetischen Feldes, die seemagnetische Vermessungen erheblich beeinträchtigen. Die Lage des Stromsystems ist auch bei wechselnden Stromstärken bemerkenswert konstant. Für seemagnetische Messungen im Südchinesischen Meer wurde die Breitenabhängigkeit der Variationen unter Benutzung eines geeigneten Funktionsansatzes aus den Daten selbst bestimmt. Durch eine Filterung wurde berücksichtigt, daß langsam veränderliche Anteile weniger stark breitenabhängig sind. Dadurch gelang es, die Variationen unter Benutzung einer einzigen Registrierstation in Entfernungen bis 500 km auf nur 15% zu reduzieren.An Hand des umfangreichen Meßdatensatzes zweier Forschungsfahrten in das Gebiet der Dangerous Grounds im Südchinesischen Meer wird gezeigt, welche geowissenschaftlichen Aussagen über den Aufbau der Erdkruste nach der Verbesserung möglich werden.

Réduction des mesures de magnétisme à la mer effectuées au voisinage de l'équateur géomagnétique
Résumé Du côté jour de la terre, un flux plasmatique puissant appelé électrojet équatorial s'écoule le long de l'équateur magnétique (champ total et composante horizontale identiques) dans l'ionosphère, principalement en direction de l'Est. Ce flux engendre à la surface du globe de fortes variations du champ géomagnétique, qui ont pour effet de perturber sévèrement les mesures de magnétisme à la mer. La position de ce courant est d'une constance remarquable, et indépendante de ses variations d'intensité.Pour les mesures de magnétisme effectuées dans les mers de Chine Sud et de Sulu, les variations en fonction de la latitude ont été déterminées à partir des données elles-mêmes, au moyen de relations fonctionelles appropriées. L'emploi d'un filtre digital a permis de tenir compte du fait que les éléments variables lentement sont moins dépendants de la latitude. C'est ainsi qu'avec une station d'enregistrement, il a été possible de réduire les variations à 15% seulement de leur valeur originale jusqu'à des distances de 500 km.En s'appuyant sur la collection très complète de données recueillies au cours de deux campagnes de recherche effectuées dans la zone des Hauts-fonds dangereux, au Sud de la mer de Chine, on montre les hypothèses qu'il est possible de formuler quant à la structure de la croûte, à partir des données corrigées.

基于2014年至2017年SWARM三颗卫星四年的磁场观测数据,我们挑选出Pc3压缩波事件,研究了顶部电离层Pc3压缩波活动强度的磁纬-磁地方时分布、随磁地方时变化的季节特征以及地理经纬度分布,并进一步分析了Pc3压缩波发生频次的分布特征.结果表明,中高纬和低纬的Pc3压缩波可能存在不同的激发机制.中高纬地区的扰动强度随高度衰减,且高纬地区几乎所有地方时都可以观测到Pc3压缩波,可能主要是由入射的阿尔芬波与电离层相互作用产生;而低纬地区扰动强度没有明显的高度依赖性且主要发生日侧,可能主要是上游波以快模波的形式直接传播到电离层所致.同时,该研究结果给出了入射阿尔芬波和电离层相互作用耦合产生Pc3压缩波理论模型的观测证据.  相似文献   

The statistical characteristics of the intensity of VLF-LF radio signals transmitted from the midlatitude radio stations and recorded by the receiver at the Mikhnevo geophysical observatory (54.94°N, 37.73°E; Institute of Geosphere Dynamics, Russian Academy of Sciences) in 2007–2010 are analyzed. The experiments revealed strong variations in the intensity of radio signals during the deep solar minimum conditions, when the medium does not experience impacts from above associated with solar and geomagnetic activity. We relate the observed variations to the disturbances from below, which are caused by the meteorological and wave processes occurring in the lower atmosphere.  相似文献   

The density and temperature of the plasma electron component and wave emission intensity in the topside ionosphere were measured by the INTERCOSMOS-19 satellite. In the subauroral ionosphere, a decrease in the plasma density correlates with an increase in the plasma electron component temperature. In this case, the additional increase in the electron component temperature was measured in regions with increased plasma density gradients during the substorm recovery phase. In a linear approximation, the electromagnetic wave growth increments are small on electron fluxes precipitating in the auroral zone. It has been indicated that Bernstein electromagnetic waves propagating in the subauroral topside ionosphere can intensify in regions with increased plasma density gradients on electron fluxes orthogonal to the geomagnetic field, which are formed when plasma is heated by decaying electrostatic oscillations of the plasma electron component. This can be one of the most important factors responsible for the intensification of auroral kilometric radiation.  相似文献   

The deviations in the hourly values of the F-region critical frequency from the monthly median for the ionospheric Huancayo station located near the magnetic equator during periods of quiet geomagnetic conditions are analyzed for 1957–1987. Ionospheric data for five days prior, one day after, and directly for the days of 33 strong (with a magnitude M ≥ 5.5) earthquakes with epicenters in the American longitudinal sector were used. It is revealed that, in 24 cases 1–5 days prior to the considered earthquakes, a decrease in the critical frequencies by more than 20% with a duration from one to six hours was observed mainly in the nighttime. One can assume that these effects (at least, part of them) are related to the processes of earthquake preparation. Disturbances were mainly detected in cases when the radius of the earthquake preparation zone exceeded the distance between the epicenter and the observation station. The need for a further study of the characteristics of different kinds of coupling “from below” on electrodynamical processes in the low-latitude ionosphere for successful recognition of disturbances of the seismogenic nature is noted.  相似文献   

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