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Based on oceanic and atmospheric parameters retrieved by satellite remote sensing using a neural network method, air-sea heat fluxes over the western Pacific warm pool area were calculated with the advanced the advanced Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment 3.0 (COARE3.0) bulk algorithm method. Then, the average annual and interannual characteristics of these fluxes were analyzed. The rela- tionship between the fluxes and the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon onset is highlighted. The results indicate that these fluxes have clear temporal and spatial characteristics. The sensible heat flux is at its maximum in the Kuroshio area, while the latent heat flux is at its maximum in the North Equatorial Current and Kuroshio area. The distribution of average annual air-sea heat fluxes shows that both sensible and latent heat fluxes are maximized in winter and minimized in summer. The air-sea heat fluxes have obvious interannual variations. Correlation analysis indicates a close lag-correlation between air-sea heat fluxes in the western Pacific warm pool area and at the SCS summer monsoon onset. The lagcorrelation can therefore predict the SCS summer monsoon onset, providing a reference for the study of precipitation related to the monsoon.  相似文献   

The ozone budget inside the middle stratospheric polar vortex(24-36 km) during the 2002-2003 Arctic winter is studied by analyzing Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding(MIPAS) satellite data.A comprehensive global chemical transport model(Model for Ozone and Related Chemical Tracers,MOZART-3) is used to analyze the observed variation in polar vortex ozone during the stratospheric sudden warming(SSW) events.Both MIPAS measurement and MOZART-3 calculation show that a pronounced increase(26-28 DU) in the polar vortex ozone due to the SSW events.Due to the weakening of the polar vortex,the exchange of ozone mass across the edge of the polar vortex increases substantially and amounts to about 3.0× 107 kg according to MOZART-3 calculation.The enhanced downward transport offsets about 80% of polar vortex ozone mass increase by horizontal transport.A "passive ozone" experiment shows that only ~55% of the vertical ozone mass flux in February and March can be attributed to the variation in vertical transport.It is also shown that the enhanced downward ozone above ~32 km should be attributed to the springtime photochemical ozone production.Due to the increase of air temperature,the NOx reaction rate increases by 40%-80% during the SSW events.As a result,NOx catalytic cycle causes another 44% decrease in polar vortex ozone compared to the net ozone changes due to dynamical transport.It is also shown that the largest change in polar vortex ozone is due to horizontal advection by planetary waves in January 2003.  相似文献   

Using the World Meteorological Organization definition and a threshold-based classification technique,simulations of vortex displacement and split sudden stratospheric warmings(SSWs)are evaluated for four Chinese models(BCC-CSM2-MR,FGOALS-f3-L,FGOALS-g3,and NESM3)from phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6)with the Japanese 55-year reanalysis(JRA-55)as a baseline.Compared with six or seven SSWs in a decade in JRA-55,three models underestimate the SSW frequency by~50%,while NESM3 doubles the SSW frequency.SSWs mainly appear in midwinter in JRA-55,but one-month climate drift is simulated in the models.The composite of splits is stronger than displacements in both the reanalysis and most models due to the longer pulse of positive eddy heat flux before onset of split SSWs.A wavenumber-1-like temperature anomaly pattern(cold Eurasia,warm North America)before onset of displacement SSWs is simulated,but cold anomalies are mainly confined to North America after displacement SSWs.Although the lower tropospheric temperature also displays a wavenumber-1-like pattern before split SSWs,most parts of Eurasia and North America are covered by cold anomalies after split SSWs in JRA-55.The models have different degrees of fidelity for the temperature anomaly pattern before split SSWs,but the wavenumber-2-like temperature anomaly pattern is well simulated after split SSWs.The center of the negative height anomalies in the Pacific sector before SSWs is sensitive to the SSW type in both JRA-55 and the models.A negative North Atlantic Oscillation is simulated after both types of SSWs in the models,although it is only observed for split SSWs.  相似文献   


The 2009–10 Arctic stratospheric winter, in comparison with other recent winters, is mainly characterized by a major Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) in late January associated with planetary wavenumber 1. This event led to a large increase in the temperature of the polar stratosphere and to the reversal of the zonal wind. Unlike other major SSW events in recent winters, after the major SSW in January 2010 the westerlies and polar vortex did not recover to their pre-SSW strength until the springtime transition. As a result, the depletion of the ozone layer inside the polar vortex over the entire winter was relatively small over the past 20 years. The other distinguishing feature of the 2010 winter was the splitting of the stratospheric polar vortex into two lobes in December. The vortex splitting was accompanied by an increase in the temperature of the polar stratosphere and a weakening of the westerlies but with no reversal. The splitting occurred when, in addition to the high-pressure system over northeastern Eurasia and the northern Pacific Ocean, the tropospheric anticyclone over Europe amplified and extended to the lower stratosphere. Analysis of wave activity in the extratropical troposphere revealed that two Rossby wave trains propagated eastward to the North Atlantic several days prior to the vortex splitting. The first wave train propagated from the subtropics and mid-latitudes of the eastern Pacific Ocean over North America and the second one propagated from the northern Pacific Ocean. These wave trains contributed to an intensification of the tropospheric anticyclone over Europe and to the splitting of the stratospheric polar vortex.  相似文献   

Using 1958-2002 NCEPNCAR reanalysis data, we investigate stationary and transient planetary wave propagation and its role in wave-mean flow interaction which influences the state of the polar vortex (PV) in the stratosphere in Northern Hemisphere (NH) winter. This is done by analyzing the Eliassen-Palm (E-P) flux and its divergence. We find that the stationary and transient waves propagate upward and equatorward in NH winter, with stronger upward propagation of stationary waves from the troposphere to the stratosphere, and stronger equatorward propagation of transient waves from mid-latitudes to the subtropics in the troposphere. Stationary waves exhibit more upward propagation in the polar stratosphere during the weak polar vortex regime (WVR) than during the strong polar vortex regime (SVR). On the other hand, transient waves have more upward propagation during SVR than during WVR in the subpolar stratosphere, with a domain of low frequency waves. With different paths of upward propagation, both stationary and transient waves contribute to the maintenance of the observed stratospheric PV regimes in NH winter.  相似文献   

平流层爆发性增温期间行星波的活动   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
邓淑梅  陈月娟  陈权亮  毕云 《大气科学》2006,30(6):1236-1248
利用逐日的NCEP再分析资料分析了1978~2004年期间发生的18次强爆发性增温时平流层中下层行星波1波和2波的异常以及极涡崩溃的形式.分析表明, 爆发性增温前期1波都异常增幅, 波振幅达到峰值之后的一段时间内发生爆发性增温, 然而在增温过程中行星波2波的变化却有明显不同, 可分为三种情况: (1) 在增温前期, 行星波2波很弱; 在增温期间, 行星波2波异常发展, 伴随着极涡崩溃的形式是由偏心型向偶极型过渡. (2) 在增温前期, 行星波2波较强; 在增温期间, 行星波2波明显减弱, 极涡的变化形式是远离极地, 在极地外围活动, 但不发生分裂.(3) 在增温前期, 行星波2波不太强; 在增温期间, 行星波2波有所发展, 但始终强不过1波, 极涡的变化是先偏离极地, 然后发生不对称的变形.作者还计算和分析了EP通量及其散度, 利用波流相互作用理论对这三种行星波的异常变化及其与爆发性增温的关系进行解释.  相似文献   

This study applied the modified spatial simi- larity coefficient method to define the seasonal transition (ST) from winter to summer in the extratropical strato- sphere of the Northern Hemisphere. The features of the ST were examined using European Centre for Medium- Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Interim reanalysis data; and the results showed that the time and duration of the ST, which is affected by the activity of planetary waves (PW) in the stratosphere, largely depended on the geophysical locations. This study also investigated the interannual variability of the ST and its relationship with stratospheric sudden warming (SSW) and the qua- si-biennial oscillation (QBO). It was shown that the late-onset SSW events (after 22 January) are close to the start of the ST. An easterly (westerly) QBO hastens (de- lays) the onset of the ST in high and low latitudes, whereas it delays (hastens) the ST in midlatitudes. The duration of the ST is significantly affected by the QBO. The influence of SSW and the QBO have different sig- nificance in different latitudes, so they are both important and irreplaceable factors.  相似文献   

马骥  陈文  兰晓青 《大气科学》2020,44(4):726-747
利用1958~2017年逐日的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料对北半球冬季平流层强、弱极涡事件的演变过程进行了对比分析,同时比较了有平流层爆发性增温(SSW)和无SSW发生的两类弱极涡事件的环流演变和动力学特征。结果表明,强极涡的形成存在着缓慢发展和快速增强的过程,而弱极涡事件的建立非常迅速;和强极涡事件相比,弱极涡事件的峰值强度更强,异常中心的位置更高。此外,强、弱极涡事件的产生与波流相互作用的正反馈过程密切相关。对于强极涡事件,发展阶段的太平洋—北美(PNA)型异常削弱了行星波一波;当平流层西风达到一定强度,上传的行星波受到强烈抑制,使得极涡迅速增强达到峰值。而对于弱极涡事件,发展阶段一波型的异常增强了行星波上传,通过对纬向流的拖曳作用使得平流层很快处于弱西风状态,更多行星波进入平流层导致极涡急剧减弱甚至崩溃。针对有、无SSW发生的两类弱极涡事件的对比分析表明,有SSW发生的弱极涡事件发展阶段,平流层出现强的向上的一波Eliassen-Palm(EP)通量异常,通过正反馈过程使得一波和二波上传同时增强而导致极涡崩溃;无SSW发生的弱极涡事件发展阶段,平流层缺乏向上的一波通量,二波活动起到重要作用,其总的行星波上传远弱于有SSW发生的弱极涡事件。对于无SSW发生的弱极涡事件,其发展和成熟阶段对流层上部出现类似欧亚(EU)型的高度异常,伴随着强的向极的EP通量异常,导致对流层有极强的负北极涛动(AO)型异常。而有SSW发生的弱极涡事件发展阶段对流层上部主要表现为北太平洋上空来自低纬的波列异常,其后期的对流层效应更加滞后也不连续,对流层AO异常的强度明显弱于无SSW发生的弱极涡事件。  相似文献   

An unprecedented cold wave intruded into East Asia in early January 2021 and led to record-breaking or historical extreme low temperatures over vast regions.This study shows that a major stratospheric sudden warming(SSW)event at the beginning of January 2021 exerted an important influence on this cold wave.The major SSW event occurred on 2 January 2021 and subsequently led to the displacement of the stratospheric polar vortex to the East Asian side.Moreover,the SSW event induced the stratospheric warming signal to propagate downward to the mid-to-lower troposphere,which not only enhanced the blocking in the Urals-Siberia region and the negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation,but also shifted the tropospheric polar vortex off the pole.The displaced tropospheric polar vortex,Ural blocking,and another downstream blocking ridge over western North America formed a distinct inverted omega-shaped circulation pattern(IOCP)in the East Asia-North Pacific sector.This IOCP was the most direct and impactful atmospheric pattern causing the cold wave in East Asia.The IOCP triggered a meridional cell with an upward branch in East Asia and a downward branch in Siberia.The meridional cell intensified the Siberian high and low-level northerly winds,which also favored the invasion of the cold wave into East Asia.Hence,the SSW event and tropospheric circulations such as the IOCP,negative phase of Arctic Oscillation,Ural blocking,enhanced Siberian high,and eastward propagation of Rossby wave eventually induced the outbreak of an unprecedented cold wave in East Asia in early January 2021.  相似文献   

As the strongest subseasonal atmospheric variability during boreal winter, three remarkable sudden stratospheric major warming(SSW) events in the 2000 s are investigated in terms of the Brewer–Dobson circulation(BDC) response. Our study shows that the changes of cross-isentropic velocity during the SSWs are not only confined to the polar region, but also extend to the whole Northern Hemisphere: enhanced descent in the polar region, as well as enhanced ascent in the tropics. When the acceleration of the deep branch of the BDC descends to the middle stratosphere, its strength rapidly decreases over a period of one to two weeks. The acceleration of the deep branch of the BDC is driven by the enhanced planetary wave activity in the mid-to-high-latitude stratosphere. Different from the rapid response of the deep branch of the BDC, tropical upwelling in the lower stratosphere accelerates up to 20%–40% compared with the climatology, 20–30 days after the onset of the SSWs,and the acceleration lasts for one to three months. The enhancement of tropical upwelling is associated with the large-scale wave-breaking in the subtropics interacting with the midlatitude and tropical Quasi-Biennial Oscillation–related mean flow.  相似文献   

刘玉镇  任荣彩  何编 《大气科学》2012,36(6):1191-1206
基于与NCEP再分析资料的比较, 本文利用大气环流模式SAMIL和北京气候中心大气环流模式BCC_AGCM的1950~1999年的AMIP试验模拟数据, 对北半球冬季环流及平流层极涡振荡的模拟性能进行了评估分析。结果表明两个模式都可以再现北半球环流基本型以及环流振荡的主导模态。对冬季气候平均态的模拟, 两个模式模拟的热带—热带外温度梯度均偏大, 极夜急流偏强, 极涡偏冷偏强;100~20 hPa平均位势高度场谐波分析表明两个模式模 拟的行星波偏弱;气候平均的10 hPa极夜急流均存在1个月的季节漂移, 200 hPa副热带西风急流较NCEP偏弱。两个模式模拟的环流变化的主导模态均代表极涡振荡, SAMIL极涡振荡的强度大于BCC_AGCM, BCC_AGCM极涡振荡的频率要高于SAMIL。连续功率谱分析表明, NCEP资料中极涡振荡存在4.6个月的显著周期, 相应地, SAMIL中为5.5个月的显著周期, BCC_AGCM中为4.8个月。NCEP资料中的极涡振荡主要发生在12~3月, SAMIL模拟的极涡振荡主要发生在2~3月, BCC_AGCM模拟的极涡振荡主要发生在2~4月。  相似文献   

涡动在南北半球平流层极涡崩溃过程中作用的比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
魏科  陈文  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2008,32(2):206-219
比较了南北半球春季平流层极涡的崩溃过程以及涡动在此崩溃过程中的作用。极涡的崩溃时间以平流层极夜急流核区最后一次西风转换为东风的时间来确定。结果表明南北半球平流层极涡的崩溃过程有着共同的特点,涡动和非绝热加热过程都对极涡的崩溃起着重要的作用,在极涡崩溃前平流层行星尺度波动活动明显,极涡崩溃以后,这种波动活动便迅速减弱。其中从对流层上传的行星波决定着极涡的具体崩溃时间。两个半球的差别主要表现在南半球极涡崩溃过程一般始于平流层高层,然后逐渐下传,而北半球这种下传不是很明显。其次,北半球平流层极涡崩溃偏晚年,极涡的减弱有两次过程,第一次为快速变化过程,第二次变化比较缓慢,而南半球平流层极涡崩溃无论早晚年只有一次减弱过程。长期的变化趋势分析表明南北半球平流层极涡的崩溃时间逐渐推迟,特别是20世纪90年代中后期以来,这种推迟更加明显。进一步的研究还发现,伴随着平流层极涡的崩溃过程平流层和对流层存在强烈的动力耦合,南北半球极涡迅速减弱前,各自半球的环状模指数也由负指数增加为正指数,表明低层环流对于平流层极涡的崩溃起到重要的作用;同时极涡不同强度所对应的低层环状模指数也不同,这可能与不同强度平流层极涡对于上传的行星波的反射有关。  相似文献   

During a series of flights in the winters 1991/92 to 1994/95 total stratospheric NO2 was measured by means of the DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) technique on board a C160 (Transall) aircraft. In an area covering 60°W to 60°E, and 16°N to 86°N, the total stratospheric NO2 was observed to vary markedly with latitude and season (winter and spring). In the mid-winter Arctic vortex extremely low total stratospheric NO2 (< 3.1014/cm2) was always found, generally larger amounts of NO2 occurred outside the vortex in winter and towards the spring both inside and outside the vortex. This behaviour of stratospheric NO2 can be explained by the denoxification of the wintertime polar stratosphere. Ambient to the vortex in mid-winter however, sudden increases of total stratospheric NO2 by about a factor of 3 were observed. These sudden increases in stratospheric NO2 coincide with a change in the wavenumber 2 of the geopotential height at 60°N, which indicates that most likely the events are caused by planetary waves efficiently transporting air masses rich in NOx from lower to higher latitudes. The monitoring of stratospheric NO2, during latitudinal traverses ranging from the Arctic (80°N) to the Subtropics (18°N) in spring also unexpectedly showed a large variability in total stratospheric NO2 at mid-latitudes. Since photochemistry almost certainly can be excluded, it is proposed that the observed variability may be due to the planetary wave activity of the stratospheric surf zone, known to dynamically connect the tropical and the polar stratosphere.  相似文献   

北半球10 hPa极地涡旋环流指数定义及分析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析值10 hPa月平均高度场资料定义和计算了1948-2007年北半球10 hPa极地涡旋的强度指数(P)、 面积指数(S)和中心位置指数(λc, φc)。用它们分析了北半球10 hPa极地涡旋的季节变化和年际异常规律, 研究了它们与全球增暖、 臭氧(O3)异常和极地涛动(AO)的关系。结果表明: (1)北半球10 hPa层高纬6~8月为反气旋(A)控制; 9月~3月为气旋(C)控制。春季环流转型(C→A)缓慢; 秋季转型(A→C)迅速。(2)P、 S异常的年际变化具有同步性, 故异常分析仅取P进行。隆冬(1月)P的异常主要表现为年际尺度(10年以下周期)振荡, 不存在明显的年代际变化; 盛夏(7月)极地反气旋强度年代际变化显著。(3)隆冬极地气旋中心位置的异常明显大于盛夏反气旋。(4)极区中平流层平均气温的演变1、 7月迥异, 但它们与P的演变同步; 与全球增暖趋势无显著相关, 但7月P与O3异常有显著正相关。(5)隆冬(1月)10 hPa气旋强度指数P与极地涛动指数AO存在显著正相关, 故可用10 hPa ′表示AO。  相似文献   

本文综述了近年来关于平流层大气动力学及其与对流层大气相互作用动力过程的研究进展,特别是回顾了近年来关于平流层大气环流和行星波动力学、热带平流层大气波动及其与基本气流相互作用、平流层大气环流变异对对流层环流和气候变异的影响及其动力过程、平流层大气数值模拟以及在全球变暖背景下平流层大气的长期演变趋势预估等的研究进展。最近的研究揭示了大气准定常行星波传播波导的振荡现象、重力波在热带平流层准两年振荡和全球物质输送中的作用、平流层长期的变冷趋势变化、平流层在对流层天气和气候变化中的作用等现象,表明了平流层大气动力学研究的重要性。平流层大气动力学的深入研究,以及对数值模式中平流层模拟性能的提高,最终都会推动整个大气科学和气候变化研究的进一步发展。  相似文献   

Recent advances in studies of the middle and upper atmosphere and their coupling with the lower atmosphere in China are briefly reviewed. This review emphasizes four aspects: (1) Development of instrumentation for middle and upper atmosphere observation; (2) Analyses and observation of middle and upper atmosphere; (3) Theoretical and modeling studies of planetary wave and gravity wave activities in the middle atmosphere and their relation to lower atmospheric processes; (4) Study on the coupling between the stratosphere and the troposphere.  相似文献   

杨蕾  陈文  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2005,29(5):682-696
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和大气环流模式(CCSR/NIES AGCM Ver.5.6), 对北半球冬季准定常行星波活动的年际变化进行了分析和模拟.基于以前对EP通量散度的遥相关分析, 作者将EP通量散度的EOF第一分量时间序列T1定义为年际变化指数.对应于T1的高指数, 在对流层和平流层低层, 准定常行星波更多地折向赤道传播, 从而在对流层出现一个EP通量散度的偶极子型异常, 这一形势主要来自2波和3波的贡献; 而折向高纬度经极地波导向上传播的行星波活动减弱了, 在高纬度产生异常辐散, 这一形势主要来自1波和2波的贡献.相关和回归分析发现, 准定常行星波的年际变化与北极涛动有密切联系, 与T1对应的纬向平均流场以及位势高度场的异常分布都与北极涛动下的异常形势非常相似.利用大气环流模式模拟的结果显示, 模式在对流层可以很好地模拟准定常行星波的年际变化以及北极涛动形势, 并且二者同样密切相关.但是模式还不能很好地模拟行星波经极地波导向平流层传播的年际变化, 对可能的成因也进行了探讨.  相似文献   

北半球冬半年平流层大气低频振荡特征的研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
程胜  李崇银 《大气科学》2006,30(4):660-670
利用NCEP/NCAR(1970~1999年)位势高度场和风场再分析资料,通过小波分析的方法,研究并揭示了北半球冬半年平流层大气低频振荡的周期,然后通过滤波等方法,揭示了冬半年平流层大气低频振荡的空间结构、传播规律、地域分布特征及北半球低频遥相关的一些分布特征,并且与对流层大气低频振荡作比较.作者对北半球平流层大气低频振荡进行的系统分析研究结果表明:在北半球冬半年平流层,大气低频振荡十分显著,其振荡周期以60天最为显著,在垂直方向上表现出正压结构特征,在水平方向上表现为一致西传,并且以北极涛动(the arctic oscillation)占据主导地位.北半球冬半年平流层大气低频振荡主要活动区域为北极地区,并且在45°N附近还存在3个活动中心,即欧亚大陆、北太平洋和北大西洋中心.  相似文献   

北半球冬季行星波的传播及其输运作用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
利用变换欧拉平均方程讨论了行星波动力学。观测和模拟结果都表明,在北半球冬季准定常行星波的经向传播存在两支波导。一支为高纬度波导,另一支则为低纬度波导。这些结果与理论分析相当一致。通过对EP通量进一步的研究表明,平流层爆发性增温是沿高纬度波导传播的异常行星波与平均气流相互作用的结果。而热带风场的准两年周期振荡(QBO)是低纬度平流层下层大气纬向平均流的一个重要年际变化,它可以影响行星波沿低纬度波导的传播;此外,由一个行星波一平均流耦合模式模拟的结果表明,这个热带风场的变化还可以通过波流相互作用调制行星波沿高纬度波导的传播。 行星波对臭氧的输运作用在文中也进行了分析。行星波强迫出的剩余平均环流表明,耗散的行星波有强的输运作用;向北的涡动热量输送可以强迫出一个正的输运环流,其在低纬度上升并在高纬度下沉。同时研究还表明,热带风场的QBO对行星波传播的调制对输运环流也有重要影响,模式结果表明,在QBO的东风位相期间行星波引起的输运作用明显增强,其结果可用于解释平流层高纬度臭氧的年际变化。  相似文献   

胡永云  姜天宇 《大气科学》2009,33(5):1058-1070
观测表明北极平流层自20世纪70年代末以来在冬季早期 (11~12月) 存在变暖的趋势。为了验证该趋势是否是由于海面温度 (SST) 升高造成的, 我们使用观测的全球SST强迫一个全球大气环流模式 (AGCM)。集合模拟的结果表明, 在SST强迫下, 北极平流层呈现统计显著的变暖趋势, 极地对流层也有相对较弱的变暖趋势, 但统计显著性较低。通过对模拟的位势高度进行经验正交函数 (EOF) 分析, 我们发现北半球位势高度第一模态 (EOF1) 的空间结构非常类似于北极涛动 (AO) 或北半球环状模 (NAM), 其平流层主分量时间序列在冬季早期呈现统计显著的负趋势。与负的AO趋势相对应的是, 对流层高纬度和平流层中高纬度波动增强, 说明极区变暖是由于波动增强产生的极区绝热加热增强造成的。另外, 模拟的结果还表明北极平流层不仅在冬季早期出现变暖的趋势, 在冬季晚期 (2~3月) 北极平流层低层也出现弱的变暖趋势。SST强迫导致北极平流层冬季变暖不利于异相臭氧化学反应的发生, 这对极地平流层臭氧恢复有着重要意义。  相似文献   

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