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The Campanian-Maastrichtian Agbaja Ironstone Formation of the Nupe basin, Nigeria, forms a major part of the about 2 billion tons of iron ore reserves of the Middle Niger Embayment. The ironstone deposits were previously reported to be similar to the Minette-type ironstones because of their depositional patterns, composition and inferred origin. Four rock-types are recognized within the Agbaja Ironstone Formation: ooidal pack-ironstone, pisoidal pack-ironstone, mud-ironstone and bog iron ore. In the ironstones, kaolinite of both the groundmass and the ooids/pisoids is of lateritic origin, whereas the associated quartz, mica and heavy minerals are of detrital origin. Ooids and pisoids were formed by mechanical accretion of platy kaolinite crystals by rolling on the sea floor in a near-shore environment, and were subsequently transported and deposited together with a fine-grained kaolinitic groundmass. Pyrite (mainly framboidal) and siderite (both exclusively occurring as pseudomorphs of goethite and/or hematite) are diagenetic whereas goethite is post-diagenetic in origin, resulting from the ferruginization of the kaolinitic precursor. Crandallite-gorxeicite-goyazite, bolivarite and boehmite are also post-diagenetic in origin. Hematite was formed from the dehydration of goethite, whereas gibbsite (restricted to the upper part of the deposit) is of recent and in situ lateritic origin. The presence of newly formed authigenic pyrite and siderite (now replaced by hematite and goethite) are indicators of a reducing environment during diagenesis. The absence of diagenetic chamositic clay minerals, evidently caused by a low Mg concentration, suggests that fully marine conditions were not established during sedimentation. This is supported by the lack of fossils, brecciated shell materials and bioturbation features in the deposit. Reworking and redeposition of the primary constituents are inferred from broken pisoids, nuclei of pisoidal/ooidal fragments in pisoids and high iron concentrations present in the pisoids and ooids compared to that of the groundmass. These observations indicate that the Agbaja ironstone deposits of the Lokoja study area exhibit some environmental and mineralogical characteristics that are markedly different from other known deposits of Minette-type, where primary chamositic clay minerals generally form the protore for the ironstones. The recognition of kaolinite as the precursor constituent and the occurrence of similar deposits of the same age (Late Cretaceous) in Nigeria, Sudan and Egypt have implications for the paleoenvironmental interpretations of Phanerozoic ironstone deposits. Received: 16 February 1998 / Accepted: 8 July 1998  相似文献   


The present study deals with the geochemistry of Late Quaternary ironstones in the subsurface in Rajshahi and Bogra districts, Bangladesh with the lithological study of the boreholes sediments. Major lithofacies of the studied boreholes are clay, silty clay, sandy clay, fine to coarse grained sand, gravels and sands with (fragmentary) ironstones. The ironstones contain major oxides, Fe2O3* (* total Fe) (avg. 66.6 wt%), SiO2 (avg. 15.3 wt%), Al2O3 (avg. 4.0 wt%), MnO (avg. 7.7 wt%), and CaO (avg. 3.4 wt%). These geochemical data imply that the higher percentage of Fe2O3* along with Al2O3 and MnO indicate the ironstone as goethite and siderite, which is also validated by XRD data. A comparatively higher percentage of SiO2 indicates the presence of relative amounts of clastic quartz and manganese-rich silicate or clay in these rocks. These ironstones also have significant amounts of MnO (avg. 7.7 wt%) suggesting their depositional environments under oxygenated condition. Chemical data of these ironstones suggest that the source rock suffered deep chemical weathering and iron was mostly carried in association with the clay fraction and organic matter. Iron concretion was mostly formed by bacterial build up in swamps and marshes, and was subsequently embedded in clayey mud. Within the coastal environments, the water table fluctuates and goethite and siderite with mud and quartz became dry and compacted to form ironstone.


This paper gives insight into continental sedimentary deposits that occur at the uppermost part of the stratigraphic succession present in the north-eastern sector of the Farafra Depression (Western Desert, Egypt). Using space imagery to complete the field work, the geology of the area has been mapped and the presence of a N–S oriented fault system is documented. The analysis of the morphotectonic features related to this fault system allows reconstructing the structural and sedimentological evolution of the area. The study indicates that the continental deposits were accumulated in alluvial systems that unconformably overlie shale and evaporitic rocks attributable to the Paleocene–Eocene Esna Formation. The deposits of the Esna Formation show soft-sediment deformation features, which include slump associated to dish and pillar sedimentary structures and provide evidence of syndepositional tectonic activity during the sedimentation of this unit. The outcrops are preserved in two areas on separated fault-bounded blocks. Proximal alluvial fan facies crop out in a dowthrown block close to the depression boundary. The proximal facies are made up mostly by polymictic conglomerates which occasionally contain boulders. The conglomerate clasts are mainly quartz, carbonate, anhydrite satin spar vein, mudrock, ironstone and nummulite fossils. The mid-fan facies consist of trough cross-bedded, rippled and cross-laminated quartzarenites with reworked glauconite grains and carbonate rock fragments, interpreted as deposited by distributary streams. The distal alluvial fan deposits consist of sandy marls that evolve toward the top of the sections into root-bioturbated lacustrine limestone beds that are locally silicified. The limestones are biomicrites containing characea, ostracods and gastropods with fenestral porosity.A number of features, including clast provenance (mainly from marine Paleocene and Eocene rocks), the observed fractural pattern (N–S direction related to the opening of the Red Sea), and the sedimentary relationships, suggests that the continental deposits were accumulated during the Oligocene–Miocene interval.  相似文献   

A widespread, intense hydrothermal alteration zone has developed in the Cretaceous Saplica volcanics as a result of the intrusion of Late Cretaceous-Paleocene granitoids. The propylitic, phyllitic (sericitic), and argillic alteration along with hematite, silica polymorphs, and two types of tourmaline mineralization developed under a wide range of Eh and pH conditions.

Alunite, kaolinite, and silica are abundant in the argillic alteration, whereas sericite dominates in the phyllic alteration. Most of the major alunite deposits are located along the periphery of the Saplica volcanic rocks and in addition contain alunite, kaolinite + quartz ± opal ± cristobalite. Illite and pyrite, barite, and gypsum also occur in small amounts.

Major and trace elements are concentrated in, or were leached from, the volcanic rocks, depending upon the alteration types. In general, Al + K and Mg + Ca + Fe were enriched in the alunitic + sericitic and propylitic alteration types, respectively. On the other hand, Ca, Mg, and Fe were leached during argillic alteration, and Fe was concentrated in hematite formation. Strong leaching of Na was determined for alteration types. Silica generally decreased in argillitic (kaolinitic and alunitic) alteration zones. Most trace elements were mobile during hydrothermal alteration. Y, Sc, Mo, Cr, Co, Ni, and Zn tend to be mobile in acid aqueous systems, and thus are nearly absent in these alunitic alteration zones. In the surrounding kaolinitic envelope, these elements are present at background (average) or slightly higher concentrations. Rb and Sr contents are high in the alunitic and kaolinitic zones. Barium is highest near the alunite zone because of the relative insolubility of barite in acidic solutions. Pb and Cu contents increase in the propylitic zone. Such hydrothermal alteration zones can be used effectively in the exploration and evaluation of mineral resources of the eastern Black Sea region.  相似文献   

The kaolin deposits of the Amazon region of Brazil are of lateritic origin, modified by subsequent reduced lacustrine and/or swamp environment. They are contemporaneous with lateritic bauxites found in the same region, all formed from aluminium silicate rocks. These are principally sedimentary rocks from the Cretaceous period (Itapecuru and Alter do Chão), but also include metamorphic and felsic volcanic rocks. After erosion of the upper part of these profiles they became locally a substratum for swampy and/or lacustrine environments mostly developed over the clayey saprolitic horizon where kaolin occurs. The saprolitic horizon is made up mainly of iron-mottled kaolinite which has been subject to an intense deferrification, which has increased the kaolin brightness and thickness. The kaolins are basically made up of well-crystallized kaolinite, quartz, sometimes illite-muscovite, anatase and hematite. In certain locations, crandallite-goyazite is also present. The deposits studied differ from each other in the mineral content levels, concentration of principal elements and in trace element distribution. The greatest quantity of quartz and, consequently SiO2, is intrinsically related to the type of parent rock. Small sedimentary deposits occur in alluvial flood plains located not very far from the lateritic source.  相似文献   

 Ancient deposits of ferricrete (stratified iron oxyhydroxide or clastic sediment cemented by stratified iron oxyhydroxide) are present in headwater streams draining an historic mining district in the Rocky Mountains, USA. These deposits, which form under conditions of low pH and high metal concentrations, are present in streams draining many other mineralized areas. Radiocarbon dating of wood fragments entombed within the ferricrete indicates dates of deposition as old as 8840±50 years before present (b.p.). The ferricrete deposits provide evidence that natural, metal-rich acid rock drainage has been occurring in this mineralized region for thousands of years, due to the weathering and oxidation of exposed or near-surface massive sulfide ore deposits. The dating and chemical composition of the ferricrete deposits have applications to the environmental remediation of historic mining sites and to environmental issues related to natural background chemistry. In addition, the radiocarbon dates of the ferricrete deposits correlate closely with warm–wet periods in the Holocene record, showing that ferricrete deposits may represent a previously untapped source of paleoclimatic information. Received: 6 October 1997 · Accepted: 23 March 1998  相似文献   

Laterite occurs extensively over the crystalline and sedimentary rocks in the midland and lowland areas of south Kerala, India. Two lateritization cycles are identified in this area. Large, good-quality kaolin deposits, composed mostly of kaolinite, are characteristic of the sedimentary sequence in south Kerala. These deposits were formed on deposition of the weathering materials of the khondalites towards the first cycle of lateritization. After deposition and uplift of the sedimentary rocks, another lateritization cycle affected these, as well as the khondalites during pre-Quaternary times with the formation of a planation surface at 25–125 m above sea level having thick laterite profiles. The laterite profiles over the kaolin deposits show higher concentration of Fe-oxides (mostly in the form of hematite) and titania, compared to their concentration in the kaolins. Higher contents of Cr and Ni are also characteristic of the laterite over kaolin deposits. Recrystallization of the kaolinite, appearance of Al, Fe and Si amorphous phases in the kaolin clays and partial removal of Fe and Ti from them are attributed to the second lateritization cycle.  相似文献   

Bauxite deposits in the Usambara Mountains of north eastern Tanzania occur as remnants of residual deposits on two geomorphologically related plateaus of Mabughai-Mlomboza and Kidundai at Magamba in Lushoto, Usambara Mountains. The parent rocks for the deposits are mainly granulites and feldspathic gneisses of Neoproterozoic Mozambique belt. The plateaus represent a preserved Late Cretaceous–Lower Tertiary old land surface (African surface). Other parts of the Usambara Mountains and the neighbouring Pare Mountains are covered mostly by red–brown lateritic soils and impure reddish-brown kaolinitic clays. The bauxite deposits contain mainly Al2O3 (40–69 wt.%), Fe2O3 (3–10 wt.%), SiO2 (0.16–7 wt.%) and other elements occur in quantities not substantial to affect the quality or processing of the bauxite, and are attributed to the presence of relic minerals. Gibbsite makes up to 98 vol.% of the bauxite ore in special cases. Gibbsite is accompanied by goethite in the ore. Boehmite occurs in small amounts and is usually accompanied by hematite. Impurities include goethite, hematite, kaolinite, and minor relic quartz and microcline. Kaolinite is the sole clay mineral encountered in the bauxite ore, suggesting mature soil profiles and a development of the bauxite deposits on a well-drained peneplanation. Ore reserve estimates from the drilling data and surface geological mapping of the deposits yielded bauxite reserves of about 37 million tonnes.  相似文献   

Moderate to poorly sorted immature Parsora sandstones rich in K-feldspar show much of the feldspar during early diagenesis transformed to kaolinite after prolonged interaction with acidic pore solutions. The kaolinitic epimatrix formed and was later partially or wholly converted as an orthomatrix producing chert-phyllosilicate assemblage. Ferric oxide, bleached biotite, kaolinite and quartz cement denote an oxy-acidic early diagenetic environment. Late diagenesis involved neoformation of primary or secondary matrix, illitisation of montmorillonite and muscovite authigenesis. The high pressure-temperature regime required for these transitions resulted from tectonic activity during Triassic-Jurassic times. Carbonate-chlorite appeared late in the sediments denoting an alkaline-reducing condition at the late part of the diagenesis. Finally, the secondary porosity developed through carbonate dissolution was later filled up with allochemical ferric iron cement receiving ions from the percolating meteoric water.  相似文献   

中国煤系高岭岩(土)资源成矿机理与开发利用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中国含煤地层中高岭岩(土)分布广泛,成矿时代多,成因复杂,储量丰富,质地优良,是一种重要的自然资源和非金属矿产,具有极高的开发利用价值,在全世界独具特色。本文研究了中国煤系高岭岩(土)资源概况、研究简史;根据成分、结构、地质产状等特征,提出了中国煤系高岭岩(土)的成因类型;对生物和有机质在其形成中的作用进行了分析和探讨,并结合有机酸溶解矿物模拟实验对其成矿作用做了初步探索;最后对煤系高岭岩的某些关键性加工技术进行了简述。  相似文献   

Two types of ooidal ironstone deposits, all of Late Cretaceous age, were recognised in an area trending from Nigeria in a northeasterly direction via Sudan to Egypt. The two types of ironstones are of the kaolinite-type deposits (Agbaja area, Bida area, Sokoto and Potiskum, Nigeria; Shendi and Wadi Haifa, Sudan; and Kalabscha, Egypt) and of the chamosite-type deposits (Aswan, Egypt and Okigwe, Nigeria). Post-diagenetic ferruginisation of these deposits is reflected in only small variations in the chemical composition of the two types. Obvious differences include the varying MgO concentrations, which are considerably higher in the chamosite-type (in the range from ∼0.5–6.75 wt%). In the kaolinite-type, MgO varies from 0.0 to ∼0.4 wt%.One of the principal characteristics of the chamosite-type deposits is the occurrence of fossils, especially of brecciated shell material and bioturbation. These features are unknown in the kaolinite-type. In both types, pyrite and siderite are common constituents. These minerals are of diagenetic origin and were formed under reducing conditions in the presence of either chamositic clay minerals or kaolinite. The protoliths of both the kaolinite and the chamositic types were lateritic weathered rocks of the hinterland, transported via fluvial drainage systems and deposited in marine basins. The differences of the two types have been explained by the attendant environmental conditions. The environment of the chamosite-type is compatible with fully marine conditions and normal salinity, resulting in the availability of Mg leading to the formation of chamositic clay during diagenesis. The environment of the kaolinite-type is thought to be a marginal basin with high river discharge and thus lower salinity with zero or negligibly low Mg concentration. In this environment, a diagenetic transformation of the sedimentary kaolinite precorsur into chamositic clay failed to occur. The model is supported by the distribution patterns of the two ironstone types. Within the study area, the chamositic-types are located at the extreme positions and are thus closest to the open sea where fully marine conditions are most likely to have occurred.  相似文献   

安徽庐枞盆地酸性蚀变岩帽地质地球化学特征研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
酸性蚀变岩帽是浅成低温热液系统演化的产物,形成于酸性高氧化性流体的化学条件下;在高硫化型浅成低温热液金矿床中广泛发育,是该类矿床的显著识别特征。通过对酸性蚀变岩帽的野外地质特征、矿物共生组合和地球化学特征研究,能较好阐明浅成低温成矿热液系统的特征、性质、发生和发展演化及成矿作用过程。庐枞矿集区是长江中下游成矿带重要的矿集区之一,盆地内广泛发育以明矾石为特征蚀变矿物的酸性蚀变岩帽,面积超过30km~2,指示盆地内高硫化浅成低温热液系统的存在。目前为止,前期工作主要针对明矾石矿床地质特征和明矾石资源储量进行,该酸性蚀变岩帽的地质地球化学特征研究尚未开展。本次工作通过对酸性蚀变岩帽系统的野外采样、全岩地球化学分析和短波红外光谱测试分析技术(PNIRS测试)分析,确定其主要赋存在砖桥组火山岩中,组成矿物为石英、明矾石、高岭石、地开石,此外有少量绢云母、伊利石、珍珠陶土、叶蜡石、褐铁矿,极少数的叶腊石和黄钾铁矾等,在钻孔深部存在浸染状和半自形粒状黄铁矿。由于受到地表风化剥蚀和不同热热中心的影响,水平方向从矾山明矾石矿床向外围发育石英+明矾石带、石英+高岭石/地开石+明矾石带、石英+高岭石/地开石带、硅化带以及最外围的泥质带即高岭石±绢云母±伊利石带。根据酸性蚀变岩帽的矿物组合和主量元素特征,可将其分为三类:硅质蚀变岩、明矾石蚀变岩和粘土蚀变岩。硅质蚀变岩中SiO_2含量发生明显的富集作用,其余主量元素(K_2O、Na_2O、Al_2O_3、Fe_2O_3、P_2O5)含量显著降低;明矾石蚀变岩和粘土蚀变岩具有相似的地球化学特征,SiO_2、Al_2O_3、Fe_2O_3、P_2O_5元素含量范围变大,K_2O和Na_2O含量降低,且Na_2O降低更加明显;而钛为不活泼元素,在岩石发生蚀变过程中TiO_2含量变化很小。矾山地区的酸性蚀变岩帽的产状、蚀变类型、地球化学特征受构造和地层的双重控制。  相似文献   

In this paper we present Quaternary stratigraphy of the area around Chennai based on archaeological findings on the ferricrete surface, geomorphological observations supplemented by radiocarbon dating. The coastal landscape around Chennai, Tamil Nadu, has preserved ferruginised boulder gravel deposits, ferricretes and fluvial deposits of varying thickness. The area studied is approximately 150 km east to west and 180 km north to south with a broad continental shelf towards the seaward. Several rivers enter the Bay of Bengal along its shores like the Koratallaiyar, Cooum and the Adyar. Precambrian charnockite and Upper Gondwana sandstone and shale bedrock rim the shelf margin. For the most part, the Upper Pleistocene-Holocene fluvial sediments overlie an erosion surface that has cut into older Pleistocene sediments and ferricrete surface. Incised valleys that cut into this erosion surface are up to 5–6 km wide and have a relief of at least 30 m. The largest valley is that cut by the Koratallaiyar River. Holocene sediments deposited in the incised valleys include fluvial gravels, early transgressive channel sands and floodplain silts. Older Pleistocene sediments are deposited before and during the 120-ka high stand (Marine isotope stage 5). They consist of ferricretes and ferricrete gravel formed in nearshore humid environments. Muddy and sandy clastic sediments dated to the ca. 5 ka highstand suggest that the climate was semi arid at this time with less fluvial transport. The coarsening up sequence indicates deposition by high intensity channel processes. Pedogenic mottled, clayey silt unit represents an important tectonic event when the channel was temporarily drained and sediment were sub aerially exposed. Uplift of the region has caused the local rivers to incise into the landscape, forming degradation terraces.  相似文献   

The intra- and epicontinental basins in north-east Africa (Egypt, Sudan) bear ample evidence of weathering processes repeatedly having contributed to the formation of mineral deposits throughout the Phanerozoic.The relict primary weathering mantle of Pan-African basement rocks consists of kaolinitic saprolite, laterite (in places bauxitic) and iron oxide crust. On the continent, the reaccumulation of eroded weathering-derived clay minerals (mainly kaolinite) occurred predominantly in fluvio-lacustrine environments, and floodplain and coastal plain deposits. Iron oxides, delivered from ferricretes, accumulated as oolitic ironstones in continental and marine sediments. Elements leached from weathering profiles accumulated in continental basins forming silcrete and alunite or in the marine environment contributing to the formation of attapulgite/saprolite and phosphorites.The Early Paleozoic Tawiga bauxitic laterite of northern Sudan gives a unique testimony of high latitude lateritic weathering under global greenhouse conditions. It formed in close spatial and temporal vicinity to the Late Ordovician glaciation in north Africa. The record of weathering products is essentially complete for the Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary. From the continental sources in the south to the marine sinks in the north, an almost complete line of lateritic and laterite-derived deposits of bauxitic kaolin, kaolin, iron oxides and phosphates is well documented.  相似文献   

The ironstone succession at El Gedida-Ghorabi-Naser area of El Bahariya depression is subdivided into lagoonal manganiferous mud and fossiliferous ironstone consisting mainly of hematite and goethite-hydrogoethite. The application of the ASD field spectroradiometer measurements (spectral range) in the ASTER data led to the interpretation of the presence of ferruginous units as quartzitic sandstone, gluconitic sandy clay, and pink marly limestone. The existing iron ore minerals in the iron ore localities were also classified into high Mn hematite, low Mn hematite, goethite, hydrogoethite as well as low- and high-grade Hematite and Barite. Quartz, feldspars, rutile, and clay minerals (e.g., kaolinite and illite) are mainly associated with the iron ore. Accessory minerals of manganese, e.g., psilomelane and pyrolusite, were also present. The Barite mineral is recorded as a common mineral association with the iron ore deposits at El Gedida and Ghorabi localities. The stratigraphical units investigated in the study area include the oldest gravely clayey sandstones of the Bahariya Formation overlain by the fossiliferous and oolitic limestones of the El-Hamra, Qazzun, and Naqb Formations. Quartztic sandstones and clayey sandstones of the Radwan Formation and youngest Quaternary sediments of sandy-clayey materials were often found as intermittent cover and overburden in unconformity surfaces over the iron ore bands.  相似文献   

The Kristineberg massive sulfide deposit is hosted by metamorphosed volcanic and subvolcanic rocks of the Palaeoproterozoic Skellefte Group. The deposit consists of: (1) two main massive sulfide horizons, the A-ores and B-ores, which dip steeply southwards and are separated by 100–150 m; and (2) the Einarsson Zone, a complex interval of Cu–Au-rich ‘stockwork‘ sulfides and small massive sulfide lenses in altered and deformed rocks near the 1,000 m level. The Einarsson Zone occurs some 20–100 m south of the B-ores. There are no definite younging indicators in the mine sequence. In many areas of the mine, the original host rocks are impossible to identify petrographically due to the abundance of secondary minerals such as quartz, chlorite, muscovite, cordierite, andalusite, phlogopite, pyrite and talc, combined with variably schistose fabrics. Application of immobile-element methods to 600 recent whole-rock chemical analyses has, however, allowed the original rock types to be identified and correlated. Rhyolite X lies immediately north of the A-ore, while andesitic to dacitic to rhyodacitic rocks make up the 100–150 m interval between the A-ore and B-ore, and massive rhyolite A lies immediately south of the B-ore. The felsic rocks are mostly of calc-alkaline affinity, excluding rhyolite X, which is transitional. The mine porphyry, which lies north of the A-ore and forms the marginal phase of the synvolcanic Viterliden Intrusive Complex, is compositionally similar to dacite and rhyodacite. Mass changes calculated for all rock types indicate that most of the volcanic rocks in the mine area are strongly depleted in Na and Ca, and have gained variable amounts of Mg and Fe, whereas Si changes range from negative to positive. Gains in Fe and changes in Si are largest within 5–10 m of the massive sulfide lenses. Cordierite-bearing schists of andesitic to felsic compositions that lie between massive sulfide lenses A and B are not as altered. The Einarsson Zone commonly shows large gains in Fe and Mg, while Si shows large gains to large losses. Immobile-element ratios indicate that very different secondary assemblages in the mine, e.g. andalusite–quartz–muscovite and cordierite–chlorite–talc, can be produced from the same precursor volcanic unit, e.g., rhyolite. Conversely, the same secondary mineral assemblage can be produced from different rocks, e.g. weakly altered andesite and strongly altered rhyolite. The common presence of cordierite + andalusite in the mine area, without anthophyllite, is unusual in the alteration systems of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits, and is proposed to have formed by the metamorphic reaction of the synvolcanic alteration minerals kaolinite and chlorite to produce cordierite. Where kaolinite was in excess of chlorite, andalusite was also formed. We propose that highly acidic alteration fluids locally produced high-Al minerals such as kaolinite that either overprinted, or occurred in place of, a more typical sericite–chlorite–quartz alteration assemblage that otherwise formed near the massive sulfide lenses. Application of lithogeochemical methods to the altered, deformed and metamorphosed Kristineberg rocks has identified specific volcanic contacts with massive sulfide potential, and quantified the effects of synvolcanic hydrothermal alteration. Such an approach can increase the effectiveness of mineral exploration in metamorphosed terrains.  相似文献   

In the Pötürge (Malatya, Turkey) area pyrophyllite occurrences are common in the shear zones, mostly in the form of lenses along faults. Mineralogical investigations (XRD, FTIR and SEM) revealed that pyrophyllite, kaolinite (dickite) and quartz are present in the form of major phases and muscovite (sericite), kyanite, chlorite, and alunite are only present in the form of minor phases. This study revealed that the existence of the kyanite phase points out to high pressure and temperature conditions which the rocks were underwent. On the other hand, the minerals such as pyrophyllite, kaolinite, and alunite are products of a low degree metamorphism (retrograde). The mineral paragenesis in the pyrophyllite deposits suggests that the formation of minerals took place in two ways: (1) the transformation of kyanite into pyrophyllite and quartz through retrograde metamorphism by a high degree temperature, (2) then pyrophyllite and probably muscovite were transformed into kaolinite and alunite through reactions with relatively low temperature hydrothermal fluids. The geochemical data indicate that during the retrograde metamorphism the elements K, Rb, Sr, Ba, S, and Fe were mobile, the elements Si, Al, P moderately mobile to immobile and the HPS elements (Zr, Ti, and Nb) were immobile. It was shown that the formation of pyrophyllite, kaolinite and alunite was associated with depletion in alkalis, Mg, Fe and enrichment of elements including Sr, Ba, and S. Mineralogical and geochemical data suggest that parent rocks (pre-metamorphism) of the Pötürge pyrophyllite were probably kaolinite, Al-rich clays or bauxites.  相似文献   

藏北羌塘小盆湖-拉雄错砂金矿带地质特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以小盆湖砂金矿床为典型的一系列砂金矿床。矿点在藏北羌 塘中部构成一个呈东西向的砂金矿带,笔者1999年首次将其命名为“藏北羌塘小盆湖-拉雄错砂金矿带”。通过对小盆湖砂金矿床基岩地质,地貌,第四纪地质,矿床类型,成因类型,矿体特征,砂金特征的全面介绍及与该带其它砂金矿床,矿点的对比,结合区域地质背景,认为前泥盆系阿木岗群和石炭系中的火山岩层位是主要矿源层,此后若干不同时期的沉积不整合界面,都表征着其下古风化壳,其上底部碎屑岩的含金物聚源区可以直接或经改造就近形成金矿矿床,羌塘中央隆起带及其两侧和东西方向石炭系分布区具有广阔的金矿找矿前景。  相似文献   

四川锦屏山地区金矿床的成矿机理和成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在对研究区典型金矿床的矿化地质特征、围岩蚀变特征分析的基础上,讨论了四川锦屏山地区金矿床的成矿机理和矿床成因。锦屏山地区金矿床的含矿围岩以浅变质的三叠系粉砂质片岩为主,金矿床围岩中广泛发育碳酸岩化(早期)和硅化(后期),前者以铁白云石化为特征,后者以黄铁绢英岩化、绿泥石化和石英脉发育为特征。碳酸岩化主要发生在碳酸岩脉与泥质粉砂岩的接触带上的粉砂岩一侧,由碳酸岩脉侵入时的热液交代岩石中的泥质矿物而形成。金矿体的走向与碳酸岩化带的产状基本一致,金主要富集于硅化强烈、黄铁绢英岩化发育地段。碳酸岩化地层中具有较高的含金背景,指示成矿物质金来源于地幔,而矿化主要发生在黄铁绢英岩化和硅化带及石英硫化物脉中。结合矿床的同位素地球化学特征,认为研究区金矿的成矿作用主要是后期热液的改造作用中金元素发生再次富集的结果。金矿的形成经历了碳酸岩脉侵入、地层发生铁白云石化并初步富集形成矿源层(岩)阶段和以硫化物石英脉为代表的热液期的大规模富集成矿两个阶段,矿床的成因类型因属于改造型金矿床。  相似文献   

鄂西仁和坪向斜煤系高岭岩的矿石特征及应用前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对鄂西仁和坪向斜二叠系梁山组煤系高岭岩成矿地质特征及矿石组分的研究表明,该地区高岭岩矿床属碎屑沉积型,以硬质高岭岩为主,矿层层位稳定,矿石中高岭石多呈隐晶至微晶片状结构,且纯度高(高岭石含量90%~95%),具有低Mn(<30×10-6)高Ti(>0.5%)的特点,矿石中Fe、Mg、Ca、Na、K、Mn、S、As及重金属元素Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Tl等有害组分含量普遍较低。综合分析认为本区高岭岩属功能化极强的优质高岭石原料,在橡胶、塑料、涂料、药用包装等领域有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

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