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断层走滑不均匀性对地面变形的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据塞积群理论导出了走滑断层两端点固定时位移场随位置的不均匀分布解析表示关系,分析和讨论了断层上不同位置的位移场分布特征, 采用新导出的断层滑动不均匀分布公式对地面的水平位移场和垂直位移场进行了数值模拟计算,并与传统的Okada 位错模型在理论和计算结果上进行了对比分析.理论和计算结果分析表明:断层滑动不均匀分布公式是Okada位错模型在一定条件下理论上的扩展,而Okada位错模型是走滑不均匀公式的零阶近似;断层滑动不均匀分布公式与Okada 位错模型计算的地面位移场在走滑方向、垂直于断层走向和垂直于地面方向的近场变形差异最大在50%至65%之间,而最小差异在1%以内.  相似文献   

Introduction Zhuanglang river active fault zone, which located in the western of Zhuanglang river valley, north of Hekou, the Xigu district of Lanzhou city, is composed of several echelon small faults, these faults display not very clear on surface. Predecessors thought that this fault from Yongdeng to Hekou was active in Late Pleistocene and even in Holocene through limited research works, they also believed that these earthquakes with magnitude 641 happened at Yongdeng and magnitude 521 …  相似文献   

Slip rate along the major active fault is an important parameter in the quantitative study of active tectonics. It is the average rate of fault slip during a certain period of time, reflecting the rate of strain energy accumulation on the fault zone. It cannot only be directly applied to evaluate the activity of the fault, the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, but also important basic data for the study of geodynamics. However, due to the nonstandardized process of obtaining fault slip rates for a given strike-slip fault, the results could be diverse based on various methods by different researchers. In this review, we analyzed the main advances in the approaches to obtain fault slip rate. We found that there are four main sources affecting the final results of slip rate: the displacement along the fault, the dating of the corresponding displacement, the fitting of the displacement and corresponding dating results, and paleoslip analysis. The main advances in obtaining fault slip rates are based on improving the reliability of the above four main factors. To obtain a more reasonable and reliable slip rate for a given fault, it is necessary to select a suitable method according to the specific situation.  相似文献   

Aseismio fault slip and block deformation in North China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In North China, the tectonic fault-block system enables us to use the Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (DDA) method to simulate the long-term cross-fault survey and other geodetic data related to aseismic tectonic deformation. By the simulation we have found that: (1) Slips on faults with different orientation are generally in agreement with the ENE-WSW tectonic stress field, but the slip pattern of faulting can vary from nearly orthogonal, to pure shear along the strike of the faults, this pattern cannot be explained by simple geometric relation between the strike of the fault and the direction of the tectonic shortening. This phenomenon has been observed at many sites of cross-fault geodetic surveys, and might be caused by the interactions between different blocks and faults. (2) According to the DDA model, if the average aseismic slip rate along major active faults is at the order of several tenths of millimeter per year as observed by the cross-fault geodetic surveys, the typical strain rate inside a block is at the order of 10–8 year–1 or less, so that the rate of 10–6 year–1, as reported by observations in smaller areas, cannot be the representative deformation rate in this region. (3) Between the slips caused by regional compression and block rotation, there is a possibility that the sense of slip caused by rigid body rotation in two adjacent blocks is opposite to the slip caused by the tectonic compression. But the magnitude of slip resulting from the tectonic compression is much larger than that due to the block rotation. Thus, in general, the slip pattern on faults as a whole agrees with the sense of tectonic compression in this region. That is to say, the slip caused by regional compression dominates the entire slip budget. (4) Based on (3), some observed slips in contradiction to ENE tectonic stress field may be caused by more localized sources, and have no tectonic significance.  相似文献   

The Litang fault zone (LFZ) is an important active fault within the northwestern Sichuan sub-block. To-gether with the Garzê-Yushu, Xianshuihe, and An-ninghe fault zones on its northern, eastern and south-eastern sides, the LFZ constitutes the lateral extrusion tectonic system in the southeastern part of the Qing-hai-Tibetan Plateau[1,2] (Fig. 1). According to instru-mental records, historical recordings and field investi- gation, an earthquake (Ms7.3) occurred on its middle to south se…  相似文献   


本文利用2013年芦山MS7.0级地震同震GPS数据反演了芦山断层几何与断层滑动分布,结果表明:芦山地震发震断层具有南陡北缓、上陡下缓的特征,低倾角的区域位于发震断层北段且靠近映秀断层的一侧;滑动分布模型的最大滑动量为0.82 m,其深度为13.67 km与小震发生集中平均深度12.5 km接近.我们选取1998-2014年龙门山断裂带区域地壳形变观测数据,拟合获得了龙门山断裂带走向方向上的速度分量,发现在汶川MS8.0地震与芦山MS7.0地震之间宽度约30 km破裂空区,龙门山断裂带西南段与东北段的形变分量以破裂空区为界方向相反.断裂带东北段(汶川地震主要发震断层)的形变分量方向与断层右旋走滑运动方向一致,而在断裂带西南段(芦山地震发震断层)的形变分量方向与断层左旋走滑运动方向一致.芦山地震走滑方向与汶川地震走滑方向相反是因为该断裂带构造运动在特有几何构造下受青藏高原东南向挤压,遇龙门山中段岩石圈楔状构造的阻挡,在汶川MS8.0地震与芦山MS7.0地震间的地震空区,形成了构造运动向其两侧分流的结果.


We invert measurements of coseismic displacements from 139 continuously recorded GPS sites from the 2010, Jiashian, Taiwan earthquake to solve for fault geometry and slip distribution using an elastic uniform stress drop inversion. The earthquake occurred at a depth of ~ 23 km in an area between the Western Foothills fold-and-thrust belt and the crystalline high mountains of the Central Range, providing an opportunity to examine the deep fault structure under Taiwan. The inferred rupture plane is oblique to the prominent orientation of thrust faults and parallel to several previously recognized NW-striking transfer zones that appear to connect stepping thrusts. We find that a fault striking 318°–344° with dip of 26°–41° fits the observations well with oblique reverse-sinistral slip under a low stress drop of about 0.5 MPa. The derived geodetic moment of 2.92 × 1018 N-m is equivalent to a Mw = 6.24 earthquake. Coseismic slip is largely concentrated within a circular patch with a 10-km radius at the depth between 10 and 24 km and maximum slip of 190 mm. We suggest this earthquake ruptured the NW-striking Chishan transfer fault zone, which we interpret as a listric NE-dipping lateral ramp with oblique slip connecting stepping thrust faults (ramps). The inferred slip on the lateral ramp is considerably deeper than the 7–15 km deep detachment identified in previous studies of western Taiwan. We infer an active basal detachment under western Taiwan at a depth of at least ~ 20–23 km based on these inversion results. The earthquake may have nucleated at the base of the lateral ramp near the intersection with the basal detachment. Coulomb stress change calculations suggest that this earthquake moved several NE-striking active thrust faults in western Taiwan nearer to failure.  相似文献   

The El Asnam earthquake of October 10, 1980 (Ms=7.3) produced surface faulting on a northeast-trending thrust fault of 30 km length with displacements of up to 6.5 m, though average displacements were about 3 m. In addition, widespread tensional features were formed, some in clear association with folding above the thrust, and others, in an area beyond the exposure of the thrust at the surface, which may be related to buried reverse faults.The observed thrust fault is split into southern, central and northern segments. Local and teleseismic data are examined to show that the main shock nucleated at the southwest end of the fault, and propagated 12 km northeast where a second rupture of approximately equal moment occurred, continuing the faulting a further 12 km northeast along the central segment. Both ruptures nucleated at about 8–10 km depth. Displacements were largest on the central segment, where they were probably enlarged by aftershocks, including one of mb=6.1 three hours after the main shock. The northern segment was much shorter than the other two, and showed smaller displacement.The junctions between fault segments are marked by distinct geomorphological characteristics and a change in strike of the faulting, as well as a sudden drop in the observed displacement. It appears that the rupture development is influenced by the changes in fault geometry between segments, and that such junctions or barriers have persisted through much of the late Quaternary.  相似文献   

利用1999—2007期GPS水平速度场数据,采用Defnode负位错反演程序估算了龙门山断裂在汶川地震前的闭锁程度和滑动亏损分布,结合龙门山断裂带附近地表水平应变率场结果,综合分析了震前地壳变形特征.反演结果表明,震前龙门山断裂中北段处于完全闭锁状态,闭锁深度达到21 km(闭锁比例0.99)左右,垂直断层方向的挤压滑动亏损速率约为2.2 mm/a,平行断层方向的右旋滑动亏损速率约为4.6 mm/a.龙门山断裂南段只有地表以下12 km闭锁程度较高(闭锁比例0.99),垂直断层方向滑动亏损速率约为1.4 mm/a,平行断层方向滑动亏损速率约为4.6 mm/a;在12~16 km处闭锁比例约为0.83,垂直断层方向滑动亏损速率约为1.2 mm/a,平行断层方向滑动亏损速率约为3.8 mm/a;在16~21 km处闭锁比例约为0.75,垂直断层方向滑动亏损速率约为1.1 mm/a,平行断层方向滑动亏损速率约为3.5 mm/a.在21~24 km处整条断裂均逐步转变为蠕滑.上述反演结果与区域应变计算获得的龙门山断裂带中北段整体应变积累速率较低、南段应变积累速率较高相一致,均表明中北段闭锁程度高、南段闭锁程度稍低,该特征可以较好地解释汶川地震时从震中向北东向单向破裂现象.  相似文献   

利用1999—2007期GPS水平速度场数据,采用Defnode负位错反演程序估算了龙门山断裂在汶川地震前的闭锁程度和滑动亏损分布,结合龙门山断裂带附近地表水平应变率场结果,综合分析了震前地壳变形特征.反演结果表明,震前龙门山断裂中北段处于完全闭锁状态,闭锁深度达到21 km(闭锁比例0.99)左右,垂直断层方向的挤压滑动亏损速率约为2.2 mm/a,平行断层方向的右旋滑动亏损速率约为4.6 mm/a.龙门山断裂南段只有地表以下12 km闭锁程度较高(闭锁比例0.99),垂直断层方向滑动亏损速率约为1.4 mm/a,平行断层方向滑动亏损速率约为4.6 mm/a;在12~16 km处闭锁比例约为0.83,垂直断层方向滑动亏损速率约为1.2 mm/a,平行断层方向滑动亏损速率约为3.8 mm/a;在16~21 km处闭锁比例约为0.75,垂直断层方向滑动亏损速率约为1.1 mm/a,平行断层方向滑动亏损速率约为3.5 mm/a.在21~24 km处整条断裂均逐步转变为蠕滑.上述反演结果与区域应变计算获得的龙门山断裂带中北段整体应变积累速率较低、南段应变积累速率较高相一致,均表明中北段闭锁程度高、南段闭锁程度稍低,该特征可以较好地解释汶川地震时从震中向北东向单向破裂现象.  相似文献   

汶川Ms8.0地震前InSAR垂直形变场变化特征研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用D-InSAR技术,选用汶川地震前日本ALOS/PALSAR数据,提取了汶川地震前4个条带的形变场,形变场覆盖了映秀镇、茂县、北川县、平武和青川县.结果显示,汶川地震前形变场沿断层呈“凸”状对称形变分布特征,沿发震断层附近出现隆起形变,而远离发震断层两盘均出现下沉,且随着远离断层距离的增加,沉降幅度逐步增加.在断层两侧附近的平武、北川、安县、江油一带出现了大面积形变隆起,幅度为5~10 cm,且断层西侧抬升范围大于东侧.在映秀镇和汶川地震震中附近,沿断层两侧呈现出小范围斑块状隆起,范围在10~15 cm.该隆起区域与汶川震中位置和破裂最强烈段落基本一致.在远离断层的两盘区域出现沉降,绵阳至成都一带沉降范围在0~ -10 cm之间,松潘至文县一带沉降范围在-5~ -10 cm之间.研究表明对于处于闭锁阶段的逆冲断层,震前的垂直变形可能是其主要变形特征.虽然获得的震前形变变化可能存在5 cm的DEM和对流层大气延迟造成的误差,但这种震前垂直形变场变化趋势仍然存在,可能为地震监测预报提供科学依据.  相似文献   

通过对SPOT卫星影像上地表破裂的目视解译,以及对ALOS PALSAR卫星数据进行D-InSAR形变提取和分析,结合地震活动性、震源机制、活动构造等资料,确定了发震断层空间分布、断层性质和同震形变场分布特征.结果显示,玉树地震发生在甘孜—玉树断裂带上,总体走向约为300°,断层近乎直立.根据相干性强弱将Ⅰ区地表破裂划分为三段:北段长22 km,中段长5 km,南段长6 km,破裂带总长度约33 km.Ⅱ区内非相干带长约10 km.同震形变场分布在78 km×55 km范围内,主震所在的形变Ⅰ区断层两侧视线向相对位错约为0.78 m,转换成水平位错约为1.5 m;余震所在的Ⅱ区形变相对较小.  相似文献   

(环文林,汪素云,宋昭仪)Thecharacteristicsoftectonicstressfieldaboutstrikeslipearthquake-generatingstructureintheChinesemainland¥Wen-Lin...  相似文献   

通过对SPOT卫星影像上地表破裂的目视解译,以及对ALOS PALSAR卫星数据进行D-InSAR形变提取和分析,结合地震活动性、震源机制、活动构造等资料,确定了发震断层空间分布、断层性质和同震形变场分布特征.结果显示,玉树地震发生在甘孜—玉树断裂带上,总体走向约为300°,断层近乎直立.根据相干性强弱将Ⅰ区地表破裂划分为三段:北段长22 km,中段长5 km,南段长6 km,破裂带总长度约33 km.Ⅱ区内非相干带长约10 km.同震形变场分布在78 km×55 km范围内,主震所在的形变Ⅰ区断层两侧视线向相对位错约为0.78 m,转换成水平位错约为1.5 m;余震所在的Ⅱ区形变相对较小.  相似文献   

通过对2008年5月12日发生的汶川8.0级地震的发震构造--中央断裂映秀-南坝段地震地表破裂、地表形变及断裂上余震迁移等特征的详细调查和分析,结果表明:(1)白映秀至南坝,断层活动方式表现为由逆冲逐渐过渡为逆冲-右旋走滑、再到走滑分量与逆冲分量大致相当,同时断层两盘滑动伴有相对弱旋转活动;(2)在断层总体走向NE向、逆冲为主兼右旋走滑活动方式下,局部表现为走向NW向、逆冲为主兼左旋走滑活动方式;(3)地震裂缝与单侧破裂面关系,以及地表重叠缩短形变特征表明,断层活动、应变能释放是在近EW向区域构造应力及NE向局部构造应力综合作用下的结果.依据断层沿线地表裂缝产状的变化,粗略推出映秀至南坝段主应力方向由SEE向NEE方向变化,与前人使用CAP(Cut and Pasate)方法求出的主余震源机制方向基本一致.  相似文献   

华北地区断层形变异常与地震活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据断层形变求解的华北地区异常参数和应变累积率, 研究了华北主要断裂带的断层形变异常及其应震特征。 同一断裂带上的形变异常与该带上的地震有较好的对应性。 河套—张家口—蓬莱活动构造带上发生的强震, 北京地区的断层形变异常参数在总体上几乎都有明显的前兆性异常。 山西带北部的断层形变异常参数对山西断陷带及其延伸部位上的强震同样有较好的反映。 断层应变累积率反映了应力的积累程度, 其值相对较大时, 测点所在地区的地震较活跃, 反之亦然。  相似文献   

An intraplate earthquake doublet, with 11-min delay between the events, devastated the city of Varzeghan in northwestern Iran on August 11, 2012. The first Mw 6.5 strike-slip earthquake, which occurred after more than 200 years of low seismicity, was followed by an Mw 6.4 oblique thrust event at an epicentral separation of about 6 km. While the first event can be associated with a distinct surface rupture, the absence of a surface fault trace and no clear aftershock signature makes it challenging to identify the fault plane of the second event. We use teleseismic body wave inversion to deduce the slip distribution in the first event. Using both P and SH waves stabilize the inversion and we further constrain the result with the surface rupture extent and the aftershock distribution. The obtained slip pattern shows two distinct slip patches with dissimilar slip directions where aftershocks avoid high-slip areas. Using the estimated slip for the first event, we calculate the induced Coulomb stress change on the nodal planes of the second event and find a preference for higher Coulomb stress on the N-S nodal plane. Assuming a simple slip model for the second event, we estimate the combined Coulomb stress changes from the two events on the focal planes of the largest aftershocks. We find that 90% of the aftershocks show increased Coulomb stress on one of their nodal planes when the N-S plane of the second event is assumed to be the correct fault plane.  相似文献   

强震发生后,在相距较远(远大于强震破裂尺度)的地区出现小地震活动增强现象,且明显高于区域背景地震活动水平,称为动态地震触发现象.此现象于1992年兰德斯7.3级地震后首次发现,随后在全球范围内得到验证.  相似文献   

2011年3月24日缅甸东北部发生Mw6.8级地震.本文利用覆盖该地区的升降轨ALOS PALSAR数据,获取了该次地震的同震形变场,并采用灰度配准技术获取了其地表破裂位移.针对影像中因轨道不精确造成的非线性长波长误差,本文采用二次多项式曲面法予以去除,获取了更为精确的同震形变场.最后,基于弹性半空间形变模型反演了该地震的断层滑动分布.结果表明,该地震断层滑动以左旋走滑为主,兼具少许的倾滑运动分量,断层滑动主要集中分布在断层面0~10 km深度范围,最大滑动量达5 m,位于地表以下5 km深处.反演获得的地震标量矩为2.49×1019N·m,震级约为Mw6.8级.  相似文献   

We use interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) observations to investigate the coseismic deformation and slip distribution of the 1997 Mw7.5 Manyi earthquake, a left-lateral strike-slip earthquake occurred on the west portion of the Kunlun fault in the northern Tibet, China. The fault trace is constrained by the combination of interferometric coherence image and azimuth offset image. The total length of the identified fault is about 170 km. We estimate the source parameters using a seven-segment fault model in a homogeneous elastic half-space. We first use a uniform slip model to estimate the slip, width, dip and rake for each segment, resulting in a maximum slip of 5.5 m with a depth of 11 km on the fourth segment. The average dip of the uniform slip model is about 93° northward and the average rake is about −2°. We then use a distributed slip model to estimate the pure strike-slip and oblique slip distribution, respectively. In the distributed slip model, the fault plane is discretized into 225 patches, each of them 4 km × 4 km. We fix the optimal geometric parameters and solve for the slip distribution using a bounded variable least-squares (BVLS) method. We find a geodetic moment of 1.91 × 1020 Nm (Mw7.5), of which almost 68% released in the uppermost 8 km and 82% in the uppermost 12 km. For all the models used in this study, the synthetic profiles along strike show asymmetric displacements on the opposite sides of the fault, which are in agreement with the observations. This suggests that a linear elastic model with variable and non-vertical dips is also reasonable for the mechanism of the Manyi earthquake.  相似文献   

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