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Storms of type III solar radio bursts observed from 5.4 ot 0.2 MHz consist of a quasi-continuous production of type III events observable for half a solar rotation but persisting in some cases for well over a complete rotation (Fainberg and Stone, 1970). The observed burst drift rates are a function of the heliographic longitude of the associated active region. This apparent drift rate dependence is a consequence of the radio emission propagation time from source to observer. Based on this dependence, a least squares analysis of 2500 drift rates between frequencies in the 2.8 to 0.7 MHz range yields an average exciter speed of 0.38 c for the height range from approximately 11 to 30 R . In conjunction with the available determinations of exciter speeds of 0.33 c close to the sun, i.e. less than 3 R , and with in situ measurements of 40 keV solar electrons by space probes, the present results suggest that the exciters are electron packets which propagate with little deceleration over distances of at least 1 AU.  相似文献   

Storms of type III solar radio bursts observed from 5.4 to 0.2 MHz, indicate the quasicontinuous production of type III events observable for a half solar rotation but persisting in some cases for well over a complete rotation. The characteristics of these storms, including the dependance of occurrence and apparent drift rates on the disc position of the associated active region are discussed. The drift rate dependance is shown to be a consequence of the propagation time of emission from the source to the observer. The occurrence rate of a burst every 10 sec observed near CMP implies that if this level of activity persists, then about a quarter of a million exciter packets are released into the interplanetary plasma during a complete rotation. Storm bursts are less intense than most isolated type III's and occur over a more limited frequency range. There appears to be a very close relation between these storms and decametric continuum.  相似文献   

The analysis of a storm of type III solar radio bursts observed in August 1968 between 5 and 0.2 MHz by the RAE-1 satellite has yielded the storm morphology, a possible relation to meter and decameter storms, and an average exciter speed of 0.37 c between 10 and 40 R (Fainberg and Stone, 1970a, b). A continuation of the analysis, based on the apparent dependence of burst drift rate on heliographic longitude of the associated active region, now provides a distance scale between plasma levels in the streamer, an upper limit to the scale size of coronal streamer density inhomogeneities, and an estimate of the solar wind speed. By fixing one level the distance scale is utilized to determine the electron density distribution along the streamer between 10 and 40 R . The streamer density is found to be 16 times that expected for the solar minimum quiet solar wind. An upper limit to the scale size of streamer density inhomogeneities is estimated to be of the order of 1 or 2 solar radii over the same height range. From the progressive delay of the central meridian passage (CMP) of the lower frequency emission, a streamer curvature is inferred which in turn implies an average solar wind speed of 380 km/sec between 14 and 36 R within the streamer.  相似文献   

IMP-6 spacecraft observations of low frequency radio emission, fast electrons, and solar wind plasma are used to examine the dynamics of the fast electron streams which generate solar type-III radio bursts. Of twenty solar electron events observed between April, 1971 and August, 1972, four were found to be amenable to detailed analysis. Observations of the direction of arrival of the radio emission at different frequencies were combined with the solar wind density and velocity measurements at 1 AU to define an Archimedean spiral trajectory for the radio burst exciter. The propagation characteristics of the exciter and of the fast electrons observed at 1 AU were then conpared. We find that: (1) the fast electrons excite the radio emission at the second harmonic; (2) the total distance travelled by the electrons was between 30 and 70% longer than the length of the smooth spiral defined by the radio observations; (3) this additional distance travelled is the result of scattering of the electrons in the interplanetary medium; (4) the observations are consistent with negligible true energy loss by the fast electrons.  相似文献   

Observations of low frequency solar type III radio bursts and the associated fast solar electrons show that the total path length traveled by the particles between the Sun and the Earth is significantly greater than the length of the smooth Archimedean spiral trajectory followed by the centroid of the type III exciter (Alvarez et al., 1975). Here we assume that the ratio of electron path length and the spiral length increases approximately as r n, where r is heliocentric distance, and then compute the radio bursts arrival time at 1 AU for different values of n. A comparison with the radio observations indicates that the best fit occurs for n = 1.5 ± 1.0. We interpret these results in terms of the variation of electron scattering with heliocentric distance.  相似文献   

Peak flux spectra of solar radio bursts in a wide frequency band have been statistically determined for different morphological types of bursts, for various ranges of magnetic field of the burst-associated sunspots and also for the bursts occurring in the central and limb region of the solar disk. Important results obtained are: (i) The generalised spectra have two peaks, one near to meter-wave and the other in the centimeter-wave region, the former peak being more pronounced than the latter; (ii) identical spectral shape is observed for the great and impulsive types and also for GRF and PBI types of bursts; (iii) the radio emission intensity is relatively higher in the central part than that in the limb part of the solar disk for frequencies 1–10 GHz, while the reverse is true for frequencies 0.245–1 GHz and 10–35 GHz; (iv) the optical depth of the absorbing layer above the source of a burst is found to be the same for meter to centimeter-wavelength bursts, implying that the radio sources in this wide band have uniform characteristics with respect to optical thickness; (v) in case of simultaneous emission in the dekameter to X-ray band, most of the decimetric bursts are seen to be very prompt and coincident with the associated flare's starting time. The interpretations of the obtained spectra give an insight into the possible generation mechanisms, pointing to the location of the source region in the solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

Wang  S.J.  Yan  Y.H.  Fu  Q.J. 《Solar physics》2002,209(1):185-193
Many solar microwave bursts presenting fine structures were recorded at high temporal resolution (8 ms) by the 2.6–3.8 GHz spectrometer of National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC). Here we present data that were recorded on 15 April 1998. After data processing, more than one hundred spikes were detected in the interval 07:59:29.622–07:59:50.362 UT. Some of the spikes were single, while others were grouped in clusters. We report the observational characteristics including lifetime, frequency bandwidth, drift rate and polarization degree, as well as duration of spike clusters. Afterwards we discuss the difference between the lifetime of the spikes presented here (near 3 GHz) and those reported formerly at frequency up to 1 GHz, the probable source density and dimension, the brightness temperature and some other characteristics.  相似文献   

The polarization distribution of 17 GHz bursts is studied observed within a period of 1 yr after maximum solar activity. The typical variation of polarization with time of impulsive bursts leads to the conclusion of a thermalization of the emission region in the post-burst phase. The fine structure of the polarization curve of complex bursts is shown and two possible interpretations of the observed inversion of the polarization at 17 GHz during a complex event are given.  相似文献   

Flux density spectra have been determined for ninety-one simple type III solar bursts observed by the Goddard Space Flight Center radio astronomy experiment on the IMP-6 spacecraft during 1971 and 1972. Spectral peaks were found to occur at frequencies ranging from 44 kHz up to 2500 kHz. Half of the bursts peaked between 250 kHz and 900 kHz, corresponding to emission at solar distances of about 0.3 to 0.1 AU. Maximum burst flux density sometimes exceeds 10–14 W m–2 Hz–1. The primary factor controlling the spectral peak frequency of these bursts appears to be variation in intrinsic power radiated by the source as the exciter moves outward from the Sun, rather than radio propagation effects between the source and IMP-6. Thus, a burst spectrum strongly reflects the evolution of the properties of the exciting electron beam, and according to current theory, beam deceleration could help account for the observations.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method of estimating the spatial directivity (in the form of center-to-limb variation) of microwave burst emission is proposed and derived. Estimations of radioemission directivity values vs observation frequency are obtained. Results are compared to the radio source model using an inhomogeneous magnetic field, source size and particle density, and show a high degree of agreement. Values of model parameters from earlier estimations are confirmed.  相似文献   

The occurrence rate of type III solar bursts in the frequency range 4.9 MHz to 30 kHz is analyzed as a function of burst intensity and burst arrival direction. We find that (a) the occurrence rate of bursts falls off with increasing flux, S, according to the power law S –1.5, and (b) the distribution of burst arrival directions at each frequency shows a significantly larger number of bursts observed west of the Earth-Sun line than east of it. This western excess in occurrence rate appears to be correlated with the direction of the average interplanetary magnetic field, and is interpreted as beaming of the observed burst radiation along the magnetic field direction.Presently at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.  相似文献   

The occurrence of very faintly polarized, or unpolarized impulsive bursts observed at 7 GHz is discussed. It appears that some of them show a peculiar spectral peak somewhere between 5 GHz and 7 GHz. Possible interpretations are suggested, emphasizing the need to associate to the burst the state of polarization of the S-component in which it occurred.  相似文献   

We present preliminary results on the apparent angular size of the sources of four type III bursts observed between 3500 and 50 kHz from the IMP-6 spacecraft. The observations were made with a dipole rotating in the plane of the ecliptic where the sources are assumed to be. The apparent angular sizes obtained are unexpectedly large. We discuss different explanations for the results. It seems that the scattering of radio waves by electron density inhomogeneities is the most likely cause.We report a temporal increase of the apparent angular size of the source during the burst lifetime for some bursts. From its characteristics it apears to be a real effect.  相似文献   

The RAE (Radio Astronomy Explorer) satellite observed enormous numbers of type III radio bursts at hectometric wavelengths from 13 to 25 August in 1968. The drift rate of these bursts reached a maximum around the middle of 20 August. This means that the source responsible for these bursts gradually moved on the solar disk in association with the rotation of the sun. During this period, there were two large active sunspot groups, MacMath Nos. 9593 and 9597, which were located in the southern hemisphere and adjacent to each other. By examining the observational data on solar flares, type I noise storm activity and energetic electron flux increases, it is shown that the active region, MacMath No. 9597 is responsible for the generation of these type III radio bursts. The relation between type III bursts producing electron beams and type I noise activity is briefly discussed and a model of this active region is qualitatively described.NAS-NRC Associate with NASA.  相似文献   

The multibeam propagation of radio waves in the solar plasma is analyzed, because the emission from a solar flare passes through an inhomogeneous solar atmosphere on its way to the observer. A formula (a mathematical model) for calculating the structure of the dynamic spectrum for flare radio bursts has been obtained. Comparison of the calculated spectra with the observed ones shows that the results of interference explain the formation of a zebra structure and the separation of its stripes into individual spikes, describe the time profile of the spikes, and explain the properties of fibers, ropes of fibers, and chains of “point” bursts. The similarity of the dynamic spectra testifies that the fine structure of the spectra is formed not in the emission source but as a result of the propagation of waves through the solar corona and interplanetary space.  相似文献   

Two dimensional source brightness distributions at 26.4 MHz for solar bursts of spectral type II, III, IV, and V are derived from observations with a multiple-baseline, time-sharing interferometer system. It was designed explicitly to study the large angle (40 halo) component of low frequency solar bursts first reported by Weiss and Sheridan (1962). Thirty-two bursts occurring in the interval of June–August, 1975, were fit with a circular gaussian core and an elliptical gaussian halo component. Half-power halo diameters (E-W×N-S) averaged 30×28 for type III bursts and 42×27, 28×37, 30×25 for type V, II and IV bursts respectively. Typical core sizes fell in the range of 10±4 giving 31 halo to core size ratio. All burst types were found to have some large angle structure: the specific intensity was 10% compared to the core but the total power in each component was comparable. Two processes for producing the core-halo structure of type III bursts are compared: scattering and refraction of a point source and refraction from many sources over an extended region. It is concluded that the core can be explained by either model but the halo is more consistent with emission from an extended source region of 40° in longitude.  相似文献   

Solar noise storms (NS) are analyzed by an algorithm which separates a random signal into pulses. The burst duration distribution is shown to be inversely proportional to the squared duration of bursts. The distribution ordinates are proportional to the average pulse repetition frequency, and the distribution maximum corresponds to the limiting pulse duration equal to 0.4–0.6 s. The aggregate lifetime of all short-lasting bursts is approximately equal to the aggregate lifetime of bursts of any other duration. The energy of short-lasting bursts with a duration of 0.2–0.4 s is five times smaller than the energy of longer bursts, and it constitutes only 2–5 percent of the energy of the NS burst component. The power of bursts increases as their duration changes from 0.2 to 1.2 s until it reaches some limit at a duration of 1.2–1.4 s. The power of longer bursts remains almost unchanged up to the end of the investigated duration interval (up to durations of 300 s). Solar burst chains can be some superposition of short-lasting bursts on one longer burst. Thus, the burst energy measurements do not support the widespread point of view that solar noise storms consist of short-lasting type I bursts.  相似文献   

It is well known that the oscillating MHD waves drive periodic variations in the magnetic field. But how the MHD waves can be triggered in the flaring loops is not yet well known. It seems to us that this problem should be connected with the physical processes occurring in the flare loop during a solar flare. A peculiar solar flare event at 04:00–04:51 UT on May 23, 1990 was observed simultaneously with time resolutions 1 s and 10 ms by Nanjing University Observatory and Beijing Normal University Observatory, which are about 1000 km apart, at 3.2 cm and 2 cm wavelengths, respectively. Two kinds of pulsations with quasi-periods 1.5 s and 40 s were found in radio bursts at the two short centimeter waves; however, the shorter quasi-periodic pulsations were superimposed upon the longer ones. From the data analysis of the above-mentioned quasi-periodic pulsations and associated phenomena in radio and soft X-ray emissions during this flare event published in Solar Geophysical Data (SGD), the authors suggest that the sudden increase in plasma pressure inside (or underlying) the flare kernel due to the upward moving chromospheric evaporated gas, which is caused by the explosive collision heating of strong non-thermal electrons injected downwards from the microwave burst source, plays the important role of triggering agents for MHD oscillations (fast magneto-acoustic mode and Alfvén mode) of the flare loop. These physical processes occurring in the flare loop during the impulsive phase of the solar flare may be used to account for the origin and observational characteristics of quasi-periodic pulsations in solar radio bursts at the two short centimeter wavelengths during the flare event of 1990 May 23. In addition, the average physical parameters N, T, B inside or underlying the flare kernel can be also evaluated.  相似文献   

One recent discovery that provides a strong constraint on the mechanisms of astrophysical activities is the correlation between the flux and the root-mean-squared (rms) variability of X-ray emission. In this work we study the flux-rms relation of solar radio bursts. Four flares observed by the Solar Radio Broadband Spectrometer (SRBS) of China are analyzed. In these flares, fine structures (FSs) emerge at least in one frequency band of SRBS. We find that the flux-rms relation consists of two components. One relates to the non-FS emission and the other to the FS emission. The flux-rms relationship for the non-FS part of the radio bursts is clearly different from that for the FS part. The former shows a curve-like behavior, while the latter shows a dramatic variation. We propose a model to describe the flux-rms relation of the non-FS part. Our results imply that the non-FS part emission could be triggered by some multiplicative processes. On the contrary, multiplicative mechanisms should be excluded from the explanations of FSs in the radio bursts.  相似文献   

The relationship between solar radio emissions and transient interplanetary phenomena is reviewed. It is believed that the most significant advance in recent years has come from coordinated studies of coronal mass ejections and moving type IV bursts, where the evidence appears to favour the Langmuir wave hypothesis as the emission mechanism. Type II bursts are not generally a signature of the main energetic particle acceleration in flares. They do, however, occasionally propagate to 1 AU, and beyond, where they are normally accompanied by protons in the 20 MeV region. Apart from the impulsive microwave burst, there is no reliable radio signature associated with energetic particle acceleration in flares, although many phenomena have high correlations with radio emissions. The exceptions suggest that such correlations may be incidental. Therefore, it is concluded that attention should also be given to events with a positive absence of radio emission in order to make progress in understanding solar processes.Proceedings of the Workshop on Radio Continua during Solar Flares, held at Duino (Trieste), Italy, 27–31 May, 1985.  相似文献   

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