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The Canary Islands swell: a coherence analysis of bathymetry and gravity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Canary Archipelago is an intraplate volcanic chain, located near the West African continental margin, emplaced on old oceanic lithosphere of Jurassic age, with an extended volcanic activity since Middle Miocene. The adjacent seafloor does not show the broad oceanic swell usually observed in hotspot-generated oceanic islands. However, the observation of a noticeable depth anomaly in the basement west of the Canaries might indicate that the swell is masked by a thick sedimentary cover and the influence of the Canarian volcanism. We use a spectral approach, based on coherence analysis, to determine the swell and its compensation mechanism. The coherence between gravity and topography indicates that the swell is caused by a subsurface load correlated with the surface volcanic load. The residual gravity/geoid anomaly indicates that the subsurface load extends 600 km SSW and 800 km N and NNE of the islands. We used computed depth anomalies from available deep seismic profiles to constrain the extent and amplitude of the basement uplift caused by a relatively low-density anomaly within the lithospheric mantle, and coherence analysis to constrain the elastic thickness of the lithosphere ( Te ) and the compensation depth of the swell. Depth anomalies and coherence are well simulated with Te =28–36 km, compensation depth of 40–65 km, and a negative density contrast within the lithosphere of ∼33 kg m−3. The density contrast corresponds to a temperature increment of ∼325°C, which we interpret to be partially maintained by a low-viscosity convective layer in the lowermost lithosphere, and which probably involves the shallower parts of the asthenosphere. This interpretation does not require a significant rejuvenation of the mechanical properties of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

The McKenzie model proposed in 1978, which is widely used in calculating the thermal history of rift basins and other extensional basins, incorrectly assumes that all heat passing through the lithosphere originates below the lithosphere. In reality, heat from radiogenic sources within the lithosphere, especially in the upper crust, may represent more than half the heat flow at the top of basement. Thinning of the lithosphere during extension does indeed result in an increase of heat flowing from the asthenosphere, but this thinning also reduces the radiogenic heat from within the lithosphere. Because these two effects cancel to a large degree, the direct effects of lithospheric extension on heat flow at the top of basement are smaller than those predicted by the McKenzie model. Because of permanent loss of radiogenic material by lithospheric thinning, the heat flow at the top of basement long after rifting will be lower than the pre-rift heat flow.The McKenzie model predicts an instantaneous increase in heat flow during rifting. The Morgan model proposed in 1983, however, predicts a substantial time delay in the arrival of the higher heat flow from the asthenosphere at the top of basement or within sediments. Using the Morgan model, heat flow during the early stages of rifting will actually be lower than prior to rifting, because the time delay in the loss of radiogenic heat is less than the time delay in arrival of new heat from the asthenosphere.  相似文献   

Summary. Motion of the lithosphere over a low viscosity asthenosphere concentrates shear and thus energy dissipation in the asthenosphere. This heat source warms the asthenosphere and, in extreme circumstances, may lead to thermal instabilities. The conditions for thermal stability have been investigated by Melosh who supposed that constant stress acted on the plate, and by Yuen & Schubert who assumed constant velocity boundary conditions. In this paper we investigate a simple analytical model which behaves qualitatively like the more complex systems. This model reproduces the results of Melosh for constant stress and of Yuen & Schubert for constant velocity. The velocity—shear stress characteristic curve for this model shows three branches. The stability of solutions on each branch is a function of the boundary conditions, whether constant stress or constant velocity. The simplicity of the model allows us to investigate stability when neither constant stress nor constant velocity apply and to study the structure of the solutions as these limits are approached. A relation between the velocity of a plate and the driving force is constructed. A loading-line analysis specifies the actual stress and velocity of the plate. Although the solutions are unique for many combinations of the loading-line parameters, there is a region of multiple solutions. These solutions exhibit the characteristics of a 'cusp catastrophe' both a low velocity and a high velocity state are stable, while an intermediate state is unstable. Continental lithosphere may lie in this region, leading to epirogenic movements when the plate changes its velocity with respect to the mantle. Oceanic lithosphere almost certainly moves in the low velocity state.  相似文献   

Radiogenic heat production (RHP) represents a significant fraction of surface heat flow, both on cratons and in sedimentary basins. RHP within continental crust—especially the upper crust—is high. RHP at any depth within the crust can be estimated as a function of crustal age. Mantle RHP, in contrast, is always low, contributing at most 1 to 2 mW/m2 to total heat flow. Radiogenic heat from any noncrystalline basement that may be present also contributes to total heat flow. RHP from metamorphic rocks is similar to or slightly lower than that from their precursor sedimentary rocks. When extension of the lithosphere occurs—as for example during rifting—the radiogenic contribution of each layer of the lithosphere and noncrystalline basement diminishes in direct proportion to the degree of extension of that layer. Lithospheric RHP today is somewhat less than in the distant past, as a result of radioactive decay. In modeling, RHP can be varied through time by considering the half lives of uranium, thorium, and potassium, and the proportional contribution of each of those elements to total RHP from basement. RHP from sedimentary rocks ranges from low for most evaporites to high for some shales, especially those rich in organic matter. The contribution to total heat flow of radiogenic heat from sediments depends strongly on total sediment thickness, and thus differs through time as subsidence and basin filling occur. RHP can be high for thick clastic sections. RHP in sediments can be calculated using ordinary or spectral gamma-ray logs, or it can be estimated from the lithology.  相似文献   

In Paper I (Breuer & Wolf 1995), a preliminary interpretation of the postglacial land emergence observed at a restricted set of six locations in the Svalbard Archipelago was given. The study was based on a simple model of the Barents Sea ice sheet and suggested increases in lithosphere thickness and asthenosphere viscosity with increasing distance from the continental margin.
In the present paper, the newly developed high-resolution load model. BARENTS-2, and land-uplift observations from an extended set of 25 locations are used to study further the possibility of resolving lateral heterogeneity in the upper mantle below the northern Barents Sea. A comparison of the calculated and observed uplift values shows that the lithosphere thickness is not well resolved by the observations, although values above 110 km are most common for this parameter. In contrast to this, there are indications of a lateral variation of asthenosphere viscosity. Whereas values in the range 1018-1020Pas are inferred for locations close to the continental margin, 1020-1021 Pa s are suggested further away from the margin.
A study of the sensitivity of the values found for lithosphere thickness and asthenosphere viscosity to modifications of load model BARENTS-2 shows that such modifications can be largely accommodated by appropriate changes in lithosphere thickness, whereas the suggested lateral variation of asthenosphere viscosity is essentially unaffected. An estimate of the influence of the Fennoscandian. ice sheet leads to the conclusion that its neglect results in an underestimation of the thickness of the Barents Sea ice sheet by about 10 per cent.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of the spinel-garnet phase transition on subsidence of extensional sedimentary basins. For a constant positive Clapeyron slope ( dP/dT ), the phase boundary moves downwards in the syn-rift and upwards in the post-rift phase. For a non-linear Clapeyron curve ( dP/dT > 0 above 900°C and dP/dT < 0 below 900°C), theory predicts for the reaction of the spinel-garnet phase transition, the direction of phase boundary movement is dependent on the stretching factor, the position of the Clapeyron curve and the lithospheric thickness. A smaller syn-rift and larger post-rift subsidence are predicted for a deeper phase boundary and a thicker lithosphere. The model with a non-linear Clapeyron curve is applied to the subsidence histories of a young extensional basin (Gulf of Lion) and an old continental margin (eastern Canada). The observed syn-rift uplift and the larger post-rift subsidence can be reasonably explained by this model, where the optimum depth of the phase boundary for eastern Canada (˜90 km) is consistent with the estimate from seismic observations and is larger than that for the Gulf of Lion (˜ 50 km). The depth of the spinel-garnet phase boundary is sensitive to the composition of mantle rocks and increases with the extraction of basaltic components from the lithosphere, compatible with our result that the phase boundary is deeper for an older and thicker lithosphere. Thus the surface movement associated with the rifting for these areas may reflect the chemical evolution of the continental lithosphere.  相似文献   

Crustal and upper-mantle seismic discontinuities beneath eastern Turkey are imaged using teleseismic S -to- P converted phases. Three crustal phases are observed: the Moho with depth ranging between 30 and 55 km, indicating variable tectonic regimes within this continental collision zone; an upper-crustal discontinuity at approximately 10 km depth; and various crustal low-velocity zones, possibly associated with recent Quaternary volcanism. Imaging of the upper mantle is complicated by the 3-D geometry of the region, in particular due to the Bitlis–Zagros suture zone. However, several upper-mantle S -to- P converted phase are identified as being the signature of the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB). The inferred LAB for the Eastern Anatolian Accretionary Complex indicates that eastern Turkey has an anomalously thin (between ∼60 and 80 km) lithosphere which is consistent with an oceanic slab detachment model. The observed LAB phases for the Arabian shield and Iranian plateau indicate that lithospheric thickness for these stable regions is on the order of 100 to 125 km thick, which is typical of continental margins.  相似文献   

In zones of continental collision, three methods can be used to calculate the strength of the underthrust lithosphere: (1) a forward model approach to the Bouguer gravity field, (2) an inverse model of the gravity and topography using admittance techniques, or (3) a forward model of the stratigraphic infill of the foreland basin to estimate the cross-sectional profile of the downflexed plate. The use of reconstructed stratigraphy has the potential to yield values for the equivalent elastic thickness (Te) of the cratonic lithosphere at varying slices in geological time, and hence enable an insight into the longer term (10–50 Myr) mechanical behaviour of the continental lithosphere. Calculations of Te based on isopachs of foreland basin stratigraphy use sea level as a reference line to estimate the basement deflection, and therefore are limited to using stratigraphy which records shallow marine or coastal sedimentation. A new empirical approach is applied to evaluating ancient Te values using the reconstructed palaeocurvature of the basin in plan view. The radius of curvature of 12 curvilinear foreland basins is plotted against their documented Te values and shows a linear relationship. The maximum Te value for a given radius of curvature can also be plotted as a straight line. The palaeocurvature of reconstructed basins can then be compared with the plots, and estimates of likely maximum Te values may be obtained. During Eocene times, the underfilled foreland basin of the Alps was characterized on its cratonic edge by the deposition of Nummulite-rich limestones. Palaeogeographical reconstructions of the Nummulitic Limestones enable estimates of the palaeocurvature of the cratonic margin of the Alpine foreland basin during the Eocene. By comparing this value with the curvature of documented basins, it is possible to suggest that the European lithosphere underlying the western Alps had an effective elastic thickness of no greater than 17 km during the Eocene. It has been suggested that the transition in the depositional state of the Alpine foreland basin from an underfilled to a filled state during middle Oligocene times was linked to a thickening of the continental lithosphere associated with the effective ramp of the Tethyan passive margin. The Te value of less than 17 km during the underfilled stage combined with a value of 10±5 km for the later filled stage at 17 Ma does not lend support to this hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for determining Moho depth, lithosphere thinning factor (γ= 1 − 1/β) and the location of the ocean–continent transition at rifted continental margins using 3-D gravity inversion which includes a correction for the large negative lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly within continental margin lithosphere. The lateral density changes caused by the elevated geotherm in thinned continental margin and adjacent ocean basin lithosphere produce a significant lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly which may be in excess of −100 mGal, and for which a correction must be made in order to determine Moho depth accurately from gravity inversion. We describe a method of iteratively calculating the lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly using a lithosphere thermal model to give the present-day temperature field from which we calculate the lithosphere thermal density and gravity anomalies. For continental margin lithosphere, the lithosphere thermal perturbation is calculated from the lithosphere thinning factor (γ= 1 − 1/β) obtained from crustal thinning determined by gravity inversion and breakup age for thermal re-equilibration time. For oceanic lithosphere, the lithosphere thermal model used to predict the lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly may be conditioned using ocean isochrons from plate reconstruction models to provide the age and location of oceanic lithosphere. A correction is made for crustal melt addition due to decompression melting during continental breakup and seafloor spreading. We investigate the sensitivity of the lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly and the predicted Moho depth from gravity inversion at continental rifted margins to the methods used to calculate and condition the lithosphere thermal model using both synthetic models and examples from the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

Summary. We present evidence for a seismic discontinuity near 200km depth (the Lehmann Discontinuity) under the passive continental margin of northwest Australia, where continental lithosphere merges into oceanic lithosphere. The velocity contrast across the discontinuity is 0.2–0.3 km s-1, and is similar to the contrast across discontinuities at similar depths in seismic models for purely continental paths to the east under central Australia. The discontinuity has been shown to be present under continents, oceans and now at continental margins, and is probably a worldwide feature.  相似文献   

The blanketing effect in sedimentary basins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Summary. The thermal effect of a rapid injection of hot magmas into the lower part of the lithosphere is modelled as an increase in heat production through the invaded region. The change in surface heat flow and the uplift resulting from the thermal expansion are determined in three-dimensional axially symmetric geometry: they are expressed as the space time convolutions of a Green's function with the anomalous heat production.
The anomalies with shorter wavelength (compared to the lithospheric thickness) are attenuated. This filtering affects the surface uplift more than the heat flow anomaly; the attenuation effect is larger when only the lower part of the lithosphere is invaded.
The uplift time constant is of the same order as the heat conduction time if the lower lithosphere is invaded by magmas at a moderate rate (i.e. the rate of injection does not exceed the equivalent of 0.1 per cent of the lithospheric volume in 106yr). Fifty per cent of the total uplift takes place in about 80 × 106yr for a lithosphere 100 km thick. The uplift is slightly faster when the whole lithosphere is invaded. The heat flow anomaly is delayed when the lower part of the lithosphere is invaded.
The spatial extent and the timing of the uplift and heat flow anomalies are critical in determining the mechanism's feasibility. Magma injections explain rapid uplifts [> 100 m (106 yr)−1] only if the magma is supplied at a very high rate (i.e. at least 10 per cent of the lithosphere volume per 106yr). It is a feasible mechanism for uplifts that occur over longer periods of time (≊ 30 × 106yr) such as those that seem to have occurred when the African plate came to rest with respect to the mantle.  相似文献   

Summary. Models of shallow, global mantle circulation due to the accretion and subduction of lithospheric plates are formulated as potential theory problems on a sphere. Subducting and accreting plate boundaries represent sources and sinks respectively for the sublithospheric flow. Solutions, which are obtained by finite difference approximations, give the instantaneous flow velocities within the asthenosphere compatible with plate boundaries and relative plate motions. Results are presented for present-day plate boundaries and relative plate motions for the case of a uniform viscosity asthenosphere and for that of a low viscosity zone at the base of the lithosphere. These results are discussed in terms of available geophysical data. Some of the implications of a shallow, mantle-wide circulation are also considered.  相似文献   

Analytical approach for the toroidal relaxation of viscoelastic earth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is concerned with post-seismic toroidal deformation in a spherically symmetric, non-rotating, linear-viscoelastic, isotropic Maxwell earth model. Analytical expressions for characteristic relaxation times and relaxation strengths are found for viscoelastic toroidal deformation, associated with surface tangential stress, when there are two to five layers between the core–mantle boundary and Earth's surface. The multilayered models can include lithosphere, asthenosphere, upper and lower mantles and even low-viscosity ductile layer in the lithosphere. The analytical approach is self-consistent in that the Heaviside isostatic solution agrees with fluid limit. The analytical solution can be used for high-precision simulation of the toroidal relaxation in five-layer earths and the results can also be considered as a benchmark for numerical methods. Analytical solution gives only stable decaying modes—unstable mode, conjugate complex mode and modes of relevant poles with orders larger than 1, are all excluded, and the total number of modes is found to be just the number of viscoelastic layers between the core–mantle boundary and Earth's surface—however, any elastic layer between two viscoelastic layers is also counted. This confirms previous finding where numerical method (i.e. propagator matrix method) is used. We have studied the relaxation times of a lot of models and found the propagator matrix method to agree very well with those from analytical results. In addition, the asthenosphere and lithospheric ductile layer are found to have large effects on the amplitude of post-seismic deformation. This also confirms the findings of previous works.  相似文献   

Summary. We give the analytical formulation for calculating the transient displacement of fields produced by earthquakes in a stratified, selfgravitating, incompressible, viscoelastic earth. We have evaluated the potential of viscous creep in the asthenosphere in exciting the Chandler wobble by a four-layer model consisting of an elastic lithosphere, a two-layer Maxwell viscoelastic mantle, and an inviscid core. The seismic source is modelled as an inhomogeneous boundary condition, which involves a jump condition of the displacement fields across the fault in the lithosphere. The response fields are derived from the solution of a two-point boundary value problem, using analytical propagator matrices in the Laplace-transformed domain. Transient flows produced by post-seismic rebound are found to be confined within the asthenosphere for local viscosity values less than 1020P. The viscosity of the mantle below the low-viscosity channel is kept at 1022P. For low-viscosity zones with widths greater than about 100 km and asthenospheric viscosities less than 1018P, we find that viscoelasticity can amplify the perturbations in the moment of inertia by a factor of 4–5 above the elastic contribution within the time span of the wobble period. We have carried out a comparative study on the changes of the inertia tensor from forcings due to surface loading and to faulting. In general the global responses from faulting are found to be much more sensitive to the viscosity structure of the asthenosphere than those produced from surface loading.  相似文献   

Summary. Czechoslovak deep seismic reflection profiles across the West Carpathians, the first in the Alpine-Himalayan belt, and surface geological data, suggest that the passive margin of the Eurasian plate was obliquely overriden by the upper Carpatho-Pannonian plate during the end of the Krosno sea subduction some 17-14 Ma ago. The following period was dominated by slight oblique continental collision (transpression and transtension) of the West Carpathian-East Alpine continental material escaping from the East Alpine collision zone and Eurasian Brunovistulic passive margin. Crustal shortening in the North was accommodated by significant northerly dipping backthrusting and crustal thickening. Backthrusting is clearly observable on deep seismic lines 2T and 3T. Different subsidence features are present on the deep seismic line 3T. There are active pull-apart graben in the Vienna basin, mid-Miocene (16–10 Ma) low-angle normal faulting in the Danube basin, and there is a normal simple shear zone offsetting the Moho boundary beneath the Danube basin.  相似文献   

Summary. Erosion of continental crust has two effects on surface heat flow: a decrease due to the removal of heat-producing elements, and an increase due to the movement of hot rock towards the surface. In an orogenic belt, where erosion may remove tens of kilometres of material, these effects are important over time-spans comparable with the life of the belt as an elevated region.
An expression is derived which relates surface heat flow to time, heat flow through the deep lithosphere, the distribution of heat sources and the amount and time constant of erosion. The variability of crustal processes permits wide ranges of values for these parameters and geologically reasonable parametral combinations can readily be found which satisfy the surface heat flow observations. These combinations can account for the long time-scale of surface heat flow decay, and the influence of erosion on 'reduced' heat flow has important consequences. This approach predicts a relationship between reduced heat flow and age which is close to that observed, and a linear relation between surface heat flow and reduced heat flow similar to that reported by Pollack & Chapman. The intercept on q 0– A 0 plots (the reduced heat flow) has a physical meaning which changes with time and should not be interpreted as, for example, the heat flux across the Moho.
We conclude that an important part of the observed variation of surface heat flow with age may be explained by the effects of erosion and the variability of crustal processes. In its range of greatest variation surface heat flow mainly reflects these crustal processes and should not be used to infer directly the thermal development of the subcrustal lithosphere.  相似文献   

Baxter  Cooper  Hill  & O'Brien 《Basin Research》1999,11(2):97-111
The Vulcan Sub-basin, located in the Timor Sea, north-west Australia, developed during the Late Jurassic extension which ultimately led to Gondwanan plate breakup and the development of the present-day passive continental margin. This paper describes the evolution of upper crustal extension and the development of Late Jurassic depocentres in this subbasin, via the use of forward modelling techniques. The results suggest that a lateral variation in structural style exists. The south of the basin is characterized by relatively large, discrete normal faults which have generated deep sub-basins, whereas more distributed, small-scale faulting further north reflects a collapse of the early basin margin, with the development of a broader, 'sagged' basin geometry. By combining forward and reverse modelling techniques, the degree of associated lithosphere stretching can be quantified. Upper crustal faulting, which represents up to 10% extension, is not balanced by extension in the deeper, ductile lithosphere; the magnitude of this deeper extension is evidenced by the amount of post-Valanginian thermal subsidence. Reverse modelling shows that the lithosphere stretching
factor has a magnitude of up to β=1.55 in the southern Vulcan Sub-basin, decreasing to β=1.2 in the northern Vulcan Sub-basin. It is proposed that during plate breakup, deformation in the Vulcan Sub-basin consisted of depth-dependent lithosphere extension. This additional component of lower crustal and lithosphere stretching is considered to reflect long-wavelength partitioning of strain associated with continental breakup, which may have extended 300–500 km landward of the continent–ocean boundary.  相似文献   

A high surface heat-flow anomaly on the northern Taranaki Peninsula in the Taranaki Basin (New Zealand) coincides spatially with Quaternary volcanic edifices, but the temporal aspects of heating of the sedimentary column associated with volcanism and any related plutonism have been unclear. A combined analysis of fission track age and vitrinite reflectance data, in particular comparing data from within the high heat-flow anomaly to calibration wells elsewhere in the Taranaki Basin, provides important new constraints. Within the high heat-flow region, apatite fission track (AFT) ages are older and vitrinite reflectance ( R o) values are lower than in samples from elsewhere in the basin that have undergone similar burial histories. Modelled AFT ages and R o values suggest gradual heating to within about 20  °C of maximum temperature followed by rapid heating of sedimentary strata in the last 1 Myr, perhaps as recently as the last 0.1 Myr. The inferred age of this heating event is younger than the age of the volcanic edifice on which it is centred, suggesting that volcanism precedes heating that may be related to plutonism under the northern peninsula. These results suggest that, if the heating is caused by intrusion, then the intrusion is probably in the upper crust.

We develop a method for spatio-spectral localization of harmonic data on a sphere and use it to interpret recent high-resolution global estimates of the gravity and topography of Venus in the context of geodynamical models. Our approach applies equally to the simple spatial windowing of harmonic data and to variable-length-scale analyses, which are analogous to a wavelet transform in the Cartesian domain. Using the variable-length-scale approach, we calculate the localized RMS amplitudes of gravity and topography, as well as the spectral admittance between the two fields, as functions of position and wavelength. The observed admittances over 10 per cent of the surface of Venus (highland plateaus and tessera regions) are consistent with isostatic compensation of topography by variations in crustal thickness, while admittances over the remaining 90 per cent of the surface (rises, plains and lowlands) indicate that long-wavelength topography is dominantly the result of vertical convective tractions at the base of the lithosphere. The global average crustal thickness is less than 30 km, but can reach values as large as 40 km beneath tesserae and highland plateaus. We also note that an Earth-like radial viscosity structure cannot be rejected by the gravity and topography data and that, without a mechanical model of the lithosphere, admittance values cannot constrain the thickness of the thermal boundary layer of Venus. Modelling the lithosphere as a thin elastic plate indicates that at the time of formation of relief in highland plateaus and tesserae, the effective elastic plate thickness, Te , was less than 20 km. Estimates of Te at highland rises are consistently less than 30 km. Our inability to find regions with Te > 30 km is inconsistent with predictions made by a class of catastrophic resurfacing models.  相似文献   

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