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文章介绍了几种浮子式波浪能转换装置及其工作原理,总结国内外学者对其中几种装置的优化研究,并对浮子式波浪能转换装置的发展前景进行了分析。  相似文献   

对一种海底铰接摆式波浪能转换装置进行了模型建立及控制优化。分析了装置的水动力特性,考虑黏性阻尼,研究了压载和负载阻尼的控制对装置的波能转换功率和效率的影响。指出对海底铰接摆式波能转换装置而言,由于多数周期附加转动惯量较装置本身的转动惯量大很多,因此压载控制对波能转换功率和效率的影响较小,而负载阻尼的控制则表现出较好的效果和可行性。  相似文献   

对实际工程中的浮力摆式波浪能发电装置进行水动力学研究和优化设计,得到提升波浪能发电能力的方法。首先建立波浪能水动力性能的评估体系,其核心是估算浮力摆波浪能发电装置俘获效率,其中波浪输运能量根据实际海况条件,利用随机波浪理论进行估算,浮力摆俘获能量估算则根据水动力学模型时域计算结果;然后依据建立的水动力性能评估体系,以浮力摆摆板宽度和后端负载为变量进行优化设计,总结了提高波浪能俘获能力的方法,即增大浮力摆宽度,并相应提高匹配负载;最后分析了两套浮力摆的交互作用,计算结果表明,如果将两套设备俘获能量通入同一组蓄能装置中,输入能量更加平稳,即利用浮力摆俘获波浪能的相位差,可以显著提升波浪能发电装置的发电能力。  相似文献   

设计了一种浮力摆式波浪能发电装置,并根据其原理在实验室中开展比例模型试验。介绍了该装置的设计原理、试验原理,试验设计以及数据处理与结果分析,并在实验室模拟波况下,绘制出了波浪能装置的转换效率曲线。试验显示,该波浪能发电装置具有性能稳定,能量转换效率较高,能适应小波浪发电等特点。  相似文献   

王鑫  王兵振  武贺  王静 《海洋通报》2015,34(3):316-319
简述了当前被较多应用于我国近岸波浪能计算的简化公式会带来较大计算误差的事实,指出了这是因不合理假设和化简造成的结果。在此基础上,提出了利用波浪谱计算我国近岸波浪能的计算思路,同时利用波浪谱参量与实测数据比对,间接证明了该思路的合理性。  相似文献   

为了更加切合实际地研究鸭式波浪能转换装置的水动力特性及效率,考虑了鸭式装置可绕定轴转动以及装置的附加质量和附加阻尼,以ANSYS14.0软件为平台建立二维数值波浪水槽,对装置在不同波浪条件作用下的受力情况与运动情况进行了数值模拟与分析。结果表明:(1)在相同波高条件下,随着波浪周期的增大,装置受到的水动力力矩增大,转换效率下降,转换效率最高可达到70%;(2)在相同周期条件下,随着波高的增大,鸭式装置受到的水动力力矩也随之增加,波浪在经过装置后波高会发生衰减;(3)装置转换效率总体可维持在70%左右,但由于波峰到达装置时会有部分波浪从其顶部越过,随着波浪波高增大转换效率缓慢下降。为该装置的实际应用提供理论支持。  相似文献   

海洋波浪能的开发利用对解决当今社会环境压力、能源危机具有重要的现实意义。通过对一种底部铰接摆式波浪能转换装置的实验,研究装置不同能量转换阶段的效率特点。以电阻负载作为摆板波浪能转换的载体,代替常规动力负载阻尼进行能量吸收;以测量传动链条拉力和位移代替常规测量转轴扭矩和角度计算波浪能功率吸收,并给出由电阻负载换算为动力负载阻尼的公式。结果显示,以电阻为波浪能吸收的负载载体简单有效;摆式波浪能转换装置的一次转换效率较高,中间转换效率相对较低,因此总转换效率表现不是太高。  相似文献   

波浪能作为一种蕴藏丰富、可再生的清洁能源,在世界上受到了广泛关注。文中提出了一种浮力摆式波浪能发电装置,简要介绍了该装置的工作原理以及基本组成,并对其关键技术进行了研究;建立了装置动力响应特性模型,结合站址海域波浪环境条件对装置进行了水动力特性分析,获取装置对波浪的响应状况,确定了关键设计参数;利用该参数对装置进行了结构设计,并对其关键受力部位进行强度计算与优化。结果表明,装置在规则波条件下具有较高的能量转换效率,同时满足其在极限波况下的强度要求。  相似文献   

为实现海洋浮标持续稳定发电这一目标,本文提出了一种布放于浮标下的主动共振浮力摆式波浪能发电装置。该装置与海洋浮标相结合,调整其配重位置可实现多海况共振高效发电,为海洋浮标提供充足可靠的电力;发电装置主体除摆体外其他运动部件不与海水接触,可避免海水冲击和腐蚀,同时还可有效阻止水生物的附着;摆体工作时淹没在海水中,其吸收波...  相似文献   

波浪能发电系统转换效率实验室测试技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对波浪能发电系统的转换效率的测试技术开展研究,着重探讨波浪能发电系统转换效率的实验室测试方法和技术手段.  相似文献   

基于成本共享理念的波浪能发电装置(WEC)的开发与设计为降低建设成本提供了新的研究思路,应用计算流体力学方法对在透空箱式防波堤前附加垂荡浮子的集成装置进行数值模拟研究,主要研究了流体黏性和非线性PTO系统以及浮子形状对此类集成装置能量转换效率的影响。结果表明,此类集成装置可以获得较高的波能捕获宽度比(CWR),最高可达0.7,可以较好地利用反射波波能。共振区间上受黏性影响较大,相比于线性无黏理论解,CWR下降明显;实现了2种非线性PTO系统的模拟,有待于进一步的优化未获得更高的CWR值;浮子形状优化效果明显,采用圆底形浮子受黏性影响更小,可以获得更大的CWR值。此种集成模型的模拟和研究可以为新型防波堤设计和现有防波堤的改造提供思路和参考。  相似文献   

Experimental studies were conducted on a trapezoidal pendulum wave energy converter in regular waves. To obtain the incident wave height, the analytical method (AM) was used to separate the incident and reflected waves propagating in a wave flume by analysing wave records measured at two locations. The response amplitude operator (RAO), primary conversion efficiency and the total conversion efficiency of the wave energy converter were studied; furthermore, the power take-off damping coefficients corresponding to the load resistances in the experiment were also obtained. The findings demonstrate that the natural period for a pendulum wave energy converter is relatively large. A lower load resistance gives rise to a larger damping coefficient. The model shows relatively higher wave energy conversion efficiency in the range of 1.0?1.2 s for the incident wave period. The maximum primary conversion efficiency achieved was 55.5%, and the maximum overall conversion efficiency was 39.4%.  相似文献   

摆式波力电站中几个重要参数的设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文利用有限差分方法分析了摆式波力电中的摆板工作原理,建立了摆板运动方程的有限差分形式,通过计算机辅助设计,提出了一种最优化设计,包含有波浪力矩的推导,限位边界条件的考虑及最优化方程组。  相似文献   

本文主要论述了摆式波力电站的吸能机制,提出了吸能原理,从力和作功的角度探讨了吸能的实质,分析比较了几种摆板运动方程形式之间的联系和区别。给出了波能转换效率的定义,并进一步分析了波能转换效率的组成和性质。  相似文献   

In this paper, the extreme wave loads on an on-shore wave power device are investigated. First, boundary element method is applied to solve the three dimensional potential problem based on the small amplitude wave assumption. Then the motion of the Oscillating Water Column (OWC) inside the device and its laods on the device are calculated in time domain. Several protective techniques often applied are simulated by changing the constraint of the upper end of the chamber of the device. Numerical results are used to judge the effectiveness of these techniques. The investigation shows that damping can not effectively restrain the motion of OWC when the period of incident wave is long, which may cause dangerous loads on the structure. The shut chamber can effectively restrain the motion of OWC, but alternatively cause high pressure in the chamber. A Contracting opening with a Taper (CT) can exhaust a great amount of kinetic energy of OWC, and significantly decrease the loads. It is a promising protective tec  相似文献   

针对阵列式振荡浮子波浪能转换设备,提出一种在实验室进行测试研究的实验装置。该实验装置由一组阵列柱形水槽组成,水槽液面在水动力系统的驱动下,按照计算机设定的函数做升降运动;对该装置模型——柱形阵列水槽的假设,依据波浪理论进行了论证;对装置的工作原理、结构设计、技术参数、控制电路和操作运行等做了较详细的说明;对实验装置实际运行和测试情况做了介绍。结果表明:该实验装置设计合理可行,模拟波浪高度,远高于现有的造波水池,构成了一种专用的模拟造波装置;该装置为不同形式振荡浮子式波浪能转换设备的研制提供了一种多功能、大振幅、高效灵活的实验平台。  相似文献   

Investigation on the Oscillating Buoy Wave Power Device   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
SU  Yongling 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(1):141-149
An oscillating buoy wave power device (OD) is a device extracting wave power by an oscillating buoy. Being excited by waves, the buoy heaves up and down to convert wave energy into electricity by means of a mechanical or hydraulic device. Compared with an Oscillating Water Column (OWC) wave power device, the OD has the same capture vvidth ratio as the OWC does, but much higher secondary conversion efficiency. Moreover, the chamber of the OWC, which is the most expensive and difficult part to be built, is not necessary for the OD, so it is easier to construct an OD. In this paper, a nu-merical calculation is conducted for an optimal design of the OD firstly, then a model of the device is built and, a model test is carried out in a wave tank. The results show that the total efficiency of the OD is much higher than that of the OWC and that the OD is a promising wave power device.  相似文献   

Control strategies for the Clam Wave Energy Device   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A promising wave energy device being currently investigated is the ‘clam’. The clam extracts energy by pumping air through a specially designed (Wells) turbine. Although operation of the Wells turbine does not require a rectified air flow, some additional control will be necessary to optimize the phase of the clam motion for good efficiencies. An examination of the equation of motion in the time domain suggests the possibility of phase control by mechanical, power take-off, or pneumatic latching. Latching can be shown to increase the efficiency of the device in the longer wavelengths of the wave spectrum, i.e. those of high incident wave power. Equivalently latching could be used to keep the device efficiency high while reducing its size, possibly resulting in cheaper power extraction.  相似文献   

Huang  Shu-ting  Shi  Hong-da  Dong  Xiao-chen 《中国海洋工程》2019,33(3):288-296
Among the wave energy converters (WECs), oscillating buoy is a promising type for wave energy development in offshore area. Conventional single-freedom oscillating buoy WECs with linear power take-off (PTO) system are less efficient under off-resonance conditions and have a narrow power capture bandwidth. Thus, a multi-freedom WEC with a nonlinear PTO system is proposed. This study examines a multi-freedom WEC with 3 degrees of freedom: surge, heave and pitch. Three different PTO systems (velocity-square, snap through, and constant PTO systems) and a traditional linear PTO system are applied to the WEC. A time-domain model is established using linear potential theory and Cummins equation. The kinematic equation is numerically calculated with the fourth-order Runge–Kutta method. The optimal average output power of the PTO systems in all degrees of freedom are obtained and compared. Other parameters of snap through PTO are also discussed in detail. Results show that according to the power capture performance, the order of the PTO systems from the best to worst is snap through PTO, constant PTO, linear PTO and velocity-square PTO. The resonant frequency of the WEC can be adjusted to the incident wave frequency by choosing specific parameters of the snap through PTO. Adding more DOFs can make the WEC get a better power performance in more wave frequencies. Both the above two methods can raise the WEC’s power capture performance significantly.  相似文献   

利用实验室风浪槽内测得的波面序列资料估计风浪外频谱。通过与实测风浪内频谱的比较,研究实测风浪外频谱的谱形特征,探讨海浪外频谱与内频谱的相似性问题。此外,还检验一种理论海浪外频谱。  相似文献   

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